Пример #1
  * Set the plugin property to point to the primary plugin object.
  * Returns false if we can't get to the main plugin object.
  * @global wpCSL_plugin__slplus $slplus_plugin
  * @return boolean true if plugin property is valid
 function setPlugin()
     if (!isset($this->plugin) || $this->plugin == null) {
         global $slplus_plugin;
         $this->plugin = $slplus_plugin;
         $this->plugin->register_module($this->name, $this);
     return isset($this->plugin) && $this->plugin != null;
  * Do not use, deprecated.
  * @deprecated 4.0
 function createSettingsGroup()
     if (!$this->depnotice_createSettingsGroup) {
         $this->plugin->notifications->add_notice(9, $this->plugin->createstring_Deprecated(__FUNCTION__));
         $this->depnotice_createSettingsGroup = true;
  * Do not use, deprecated.
  * @deprecated 4.0
 function getCompoundOption()
     if (!$this->depnotice_getCompoundOption) {
         $this->slplus->notifications->add_notice(9, $this->slplus->createstring_Deprecated(__FUNCTION__));
         $this->depnotice_getCompoundOption = true;
  * Do not use, deprecated.
  * @deprecated 4.2.63
 function loadPluginData()
     if (!$this->depnotice_loadPluginData) {
         $this->slplus->notifications->add_notice(9, $this->slplus->createstring_Deprecated(__FUNCTION__));
         $this->depnotice_loadPluginData = true;
  * Do not use, deprecated.
  * @deprecated 4.0
 function create_InputElement()
     if (!$this->depnotice_create_InputElement) {
         $this->slplus->notifications->add_notice(9, $this->slplus->createstring_Deprecated(__FUNCTION__));
         $this->depnotice_create_InputElement = true;
Пример #6
  * Do not use, deprecated.
  * @deprecated 4.0
 function slp_render_search_form_tag_list()
     if (!$this->depnotice_setResultsString) {
         $this->slplus->notifications->add_notice(9, $this->slplus->createstring_Deprecated(__FUNCTION__));
         $this->depnotice_setResultsString = true;
  * Theme constructor.
  * @param mixed[] $params named array of properties
 function __construct($params)
     // Properties with default values
     $this->css_dir = 'css/';
     foreach ($params as $name => $value) {
         $this->{$name} = $value;
     // Remember the base directory path, then
     // Append plugin path to the directories
     $this->css_url = $this->plugin_url . '/' . $this->css_dir;
     $this->css_dir = $this->plugin_path . $this->css_dir;
     // Load Up Admin Class As Needed
     if ($this->slplus->check_IsOurAdminPage()) {
         require_once 'class.themes.admin.php';
         $this->admin = new PluginThemeAdmin(array_merge($params, array('css_dir' => $this->css_dir, 'css_url' => $this->css_url)));
  * Build the admin settings panel.
 function build_AdminSettingsPanel()
     $panel_name = __('Admin', 'csa-slplus');
     $section_name = __('Settings', 'csa-slplus');
     $this->settings->add_section(array('name' => $panel_name));
     $this->settings->add_ItemToGroup(array('section' => $panel_name, 'group' => $section_name, 'label' => __('Turn off rate notification', 'csa-slplus'), 'setting' => 'thisbox', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'description' => __('This will disable the notification asking you to rate our product.', 'csa-slplus')));
     $this->settings->add_ItemToGroup(array('section' => $panel_name, 'group' => $section_name, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'use_prefix' => false, 'label' => __('Extended Admin Messages', 'csa-slplus'), 'setting' => 'extended_admin_messages', 'value' => $this->plugin->is_CheckTrue($this->plugin->options_nojs['extended_admin_messages']), 'description' => __('Show extended messages on the admin panel.', 'csa-slplus')));
     // ACTION: slp_generalsettings_modify_adminpanel
     //    params: settings object, section name
     do_action('slp_generalsettings_modify_adminpanel', $this->settings, $panel_name);
  * Build an HTML string to show under the theme selection box.
  * @return string
 private function createstring_ThemeDetails()
     $HTML = "<div id='{$this->current_slug}_details' class='theme_details'>";
     // Description
     $HTML .= $this->slplus->helper->create_SubheadingLabel(__('About This Theme', 'csa-slplus'));
     if (empty($this->themeDetails[$this->current_slug]['description'])) {
         $HTML .= __('No description has been set for this theme.', 'csa-slplus');
     } else {
         $HTML .= $this->themeDetails[$this->current_slug]['description'];
     $HTML .= '<p>' . __('Learn more about changing the Store Locator Plus interface via the ', 'csa-slplus') . sprintf('<a href="%s" target="csa">%s</a>', $this->support_url . 'user-experience/view/themes-custom-css/', __('Custom Themes documentation.', 'csa-slplus')) . '</p>';
     // Add On Packs
     if (!empty($this->themeDetails[$this->current_slug]['add-ons'])) {
         // List The Add On Packs Wanted
         $HTML .= $this->slplus->helper->create_SubheadingLabel(__('Add On Packs', 'csa-slplus'));
         $active_HTML = '';
         $inactive_HTML = '';
         $addon_list = explode(',', $this->themeDetails[$this->current_slug]['add-ons']);
         foreach ($addon_list as $slug) {
             $slug = trim(strtolower($slug));
             if (isset($this->slplus->add_ons->available[$slug])) {
                 // Show Active Add Ons
                 if ($this->slplus->add_ons->is_active($slug)) {
                     $active_HTML .= "<li class='product active'>" . $this->slplus->add_ons->get_product_url($slug) . '</li>';
                     // Add to inactive HTML string
                 } else {
                     $inactive_HTML .= "<li class='product inactive'>" . $this->slplus->add_ons->get_product_url($slug) . '</li>';
         $HTML .= '</ul>';
         // Add active add on pack list
         if (!empty($active_HTML)) {
             $HTML .= __('This theme will make use of these add-on packs:', 'csa-slplus') . '<ul>' . $active_HTML . '</ul>';
         // Add inactive add on pack list
         if (!empty($inactive_HTML)) {
             $HTML .= __('This theme works best if you activate the following add-on packs:', 'csa-slplus') . '<ul>' . $inactive_HTML . '</ul>';
         // Add the options section
         $HTML .= $this->createstring_ThemeOptions();
     $HTML .= '</div>';
     return $HTML;
Пример #10
  * Tell people if the extended data contains a field identified by slug.
  * @param string $slug the field slug
  * @return boolean true if the field exists, false if not.
 function has_field($slug)
     if (!isset($this->metatable['records'][$slug])) {
         $slug_data = $this->slplus->database->get_Record(array('select_all_from_extendo', 'where_slugis'), $slug, 0, OBJECT);
         if (is_object($slug_data) && $slug_data->slug == $slug) {
             $this->metatable['records'][$slug] = $slug_data;
     $this->slplus->debugMP('slp.main', 'pr', 'SLPlus_Data_Extension::' . __FUNCTION__ . ' ' . $slug, $this->metatable);
     return isset($this->metatable['records'][$slug]);
  * Build the User Settings Panel
 function build_UserSettingsPanel()
     $sectName = __('User Interface', 'csa-slplus');
     $this->settings->add_section(array('name' => $sectName));
     $groupName = __('JavaScript', 'csa-slplus');
     $this->settings->add_ItemToGroup(array('section' => $sectName, 'group' => $groupName, 'label' => '', 'type' => 'subheader', 'show_label' => false, 'description' => __('These settings change how JavaScript behaves on your site. ', 'csa-slplus') . ($this->slplus->javascript_is_forced ? '<br/><em>*' . sprintf(__('You have <a href="%s" target="csa">Force Load JavaScript</a> ON. ', 'csa-slplus'), $this->slplus->support_url . 'general-settings/user-interface/javascript/') . __('Themes that follow WordPress best practices and employ wp_footer() properly do not need this. ', 'csa-slplus') . __('Leaving it on slows down your site and disables a lot of extra features with the plugin and add-on packs. ', 'csa-slplus') . '</em>' : '')));
     $this->settings->add_ItemToGroup(array('section' => $sectName, 'group' => $groupName, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'use_prefix' => false, 'label' => __('Force Load JavaScript', 'csa-slplus'), 'setting' => 'force_load_js', 'value' => $this->slplus->is_CheckTrue($this->slplus->options_nojs['force_load_js']), 'description' => __('Force the JavaScript for Store Locator Plus to load on every page with early loading. ', 'csa-slplus') . __('This can slow down your site, but is compatible with more themes and plugins. ', 'csa-slplus') . __('If you need to do this to make SLP work you should ask your theme author to add proper wp_footer() support to their code. ', 'csa-slplus')));
     // Map Interface
     $groupName = __('Map Interface', 'csa-slplus');
     $this->settings->add_ItemToGroup(array('section' => $sectName, 'group' => $groupName, 'label' => __('Turn Off SLP Maps', 'csa-slplus'), 'setting' => 'no_google_js', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'description' => __('Check this box if your Theme or another plugin is providing Google Maps and generating warning messages. ' . 'THIS MAY BREAK THIS PLUGIN.', 'csa-slplus')));
     // ACTION: slp_generalsettings_modify_userpanel
     //    params: settings object, section name
     do_action('slp_generalsettings_modify_userpanel', $this->settings, $sectName);
Пример #12
  * The Constructor
 function __construct($params = null)
     $this->name = 'AjaxHandler';
     // Set slplus property
     if (!isset($this->slplus) || $this->slplus == null) {
         global $slplus_plugin;
         $this->slplus = $slplus_plugin;
         $this->slplus->register_module($this->name, $this);
         $this->plugin = $this->slplus;
     $this->slplus->notifications->enabled = false;
     // Set incoming params
  * Render the manage locations admin page.
 function render_adminpage()
     $this->slplus->debugMP('slp.managelocs', 'msg', __FUNCTION__);
     // Changing Updater
     if (isset($_GET['changeUpdater']) && $_GET['changeUpdater'] == 1) {
         if (get_option('sl_location_updater_type') == "Tagging") {
             update_option('sl_location_updater_type', 'Multiple Fields');
             $updaterTypeText = "Multiple Fields";
         } else {
             update_option('sl_location_updater_type', 'Tagging');
             $updaterTypeText = "Tagging";
         $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = preg_replace('/&changeUpdater=1/', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         print "<script>location.replace('" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "');</script>";
     // Reload Variables - anything that my have changed
     $this->slplus->helper->getData('sl_admin_locations_per_page', 'get_option', null, '10', true, true);
     // Setup the Location panel navigation
     $subtabs = apply_filters('slp_locations_subtabs', array(__('Manage', 'csa-slplus'), __('Add', 'csa-slplus')));
     // Create Location Panels
     add_action('slp_build_locations_panels', array($this, 'create_settings_section_Manage'), 10);
     add_action('slp_build_locations_panels', array($this, 'create_settings_section_Add'), 20);
     // Setup Navigation Bar
     $this->settings->add_section(array('name' => 'Navigation', 'div_id' => 'navbar_wrapper', 'description' => $this->slplus->AdminUI->create_Navbar(), 'innerdiv' => false, 'is_topmenu' => true, 'auto' => false, 'headerbar' => false));
     // Render It
  * Format the result data into a named array.
  * We will later use this to build our JSONP response.
  * @param null mixed[] $row
  * @return mixed[]
 function slp_add_marker($row = null)
     if ($row == null) {
         return '';
     $marker = array('name' => esc_attr($row['sl_store']), 'address' => esc_attr($row['sl_address']), 'address2' => esc_attr($row['sl_address2']), 'city' => esc_attr($row['sl_city']), 'state' => esc_attr($row['sl_state']), 'zip' => esc_attr($row['sl_zip']), 'country' => esc_attr($row['sl_country']), 'lat' => $row['sl_latitude'], 'lng' => $row['sl_longitude'], 'description' => html_entity_decode($row['sl_description']), 'url' => esc_url($row['sl_url']), 'sl_pages_url' => esc_url($row['sl_pages_url']), 'email' => esc_attr($row['sl_email']), 'email_link' => esc_attr($row['sl_email']), 'hours' => esc_attr($row['sl_hours']), 'phone' => esc_attr($row['sl_phone']), 'fax' => esc_attr($row['sl_fax']), 'image' => esc_attr($row['sl_image']), 'distance' => $row['sl_distance'], 'tags' => esc_attr($row['sl_tags']), 'option_value' => esc_js($row['sl_option_value']), 'attributes' => maybe_unserialize($row['sl_option_value']), 'id' => $row['sl_id'], 'linked_postid' => $row['sl_linked_postid'], 'neat_title' => esc_attr($row['sl_neat_title']));
     $web_link = isset($this->slplus->options['use_pages_links']) && $this->slplus->is_CheckTrue($this->slplus->options['use_pages_links']) ? $marker['sl_pages_url'] : $marker['url'];
     if (!empty($web_link)) {
         $marker['web_link'] = sprintf("<a href='%s' target='%s' class='storelocatorlink'><nobr>%s</nobr></a><br/>", $web_link, isset($this->slplus->options['use_same_window']) && $this->slplus->is_CheckTrue($this->slplus->options['use_same_window']) ? '_self' : '_blank', $this->slplus->options['label_website']);
     } else {
         $marker['web_link'] = '';
     // FILTER: slp_results_marker_data
     // Modify the map marker object that is sent back to the UI in the JSONP response.
     $marker = apply_filters('slp_results_marker_data', $marker);
     return $marker;
Пример #15
  * Do not use, deprecated.
  * @deprecated 4.0
 function ShortcodeOrSettingEnabled($a = null, $b = null, $c = null, $d = null, $e = null, $f = null)
  * Add the left column to the add/edit locations form.
  * @return string HTML of the form inputs
 function filter_EditLocationLeft_Address()
     $HTML = $this->createstring_InputElement('store', __('Name', 'store-locator-le'), $this->slplus->currentLocation->store) . $this->createstring_InputElement('address', __('Street - Line 1', 'store-locator-le'), $this->slplus->currentLocation->address) . $this->createstring_InputElement('address2', __('Street - Line 2', 'store-locator-le'), $this->slplus->currentLocation->address2) . $this->createstring_InputElement('city', __('City', 'store-locator-le'), $this->slplus->currentLocation->city) . $this->createstring_InputElement('state', __('State', 'store-locator-le'), $this->slplus->currentLocation->state) . $this->createstring_InputElement('zip', __('ZIP / Postal Code', 'store-locator-le'), $this->slplus->currentLocation->zip) . $this->createstring_InputElement('country', __('Country', 'store-locator-le'), $this->slplus->currentLocation->country) . $this->createstring_InputElement('latitude', __('Latitude (N/S)', 'store-locator-le'), $this->slplus->currentLocation->latitude, '', false, 'input', __('Leave blank to have Google look up the latitude.', 'store-locator-le')) . $this->createstring_InputElement('longitude', __('Longitude (E/W)', 'store-locator-le'), $this->slplus->currentLocation->longitude, '', false, 'input', __('Leave blank to have Google look up the longitude.', 'store-locator-le'));
     $HTML .= $this->slplus->helper->CreateCheckboxDiv("private-{$this->slplus->currentLocation->id}", __('Private Entry', 'store-locator-le'), __('If checked the listing will not show up in location search results.', 'store-locator-le'), '', false, 0, $this->slplus->is_CheckTrue($this->slplus->currentLocation->private));
     return $HTML;
Пример #17
  * Invoke the CSV Import object using a named array to configure behavior parameters.
  * Parameters:
  * - firstline_has_fieldname <boolean> true if first line has field names for the columns
  * - parent <object> pointer to the invoked add-on object
  * - plugin <object> pointer to the invoked base plugin (\SLPlus) object
  * - skip_firstline <boolean> true if the first line does not have data to process
  * - strip_prefix <string> prefix to strip out of field names if first line has field names
  * Example: 
  * $this->importer = new CSVImport(array('parent'=>$this,'plugin'=>$this->plugin));
  * @param mixed[] $params
 function __construct($params)
     foreach ($params as $property => $value) {
         if (property_exists($this, $property)) {
             $this->{$property} = $value;
     if (isset($this->plugin) && !isset($this->slplus)) {
         $this->slplus = $this->plugin;
     if (isset($this->parent) && !isset($this->addon)) {
         $this->addon = $this->parent;
     if ($this->firstline_has_fieldname) {
         $this->skip_firstline = true;
Пример #18
  * Things to do once SLP is alive.
 function slp_init()
     global $slplus_plugin;
     $this->addon = $this;
     $this->slplus = $slplus_plugin;
     // Check the base plugin minimum version requirement.
     $this->slplus->VersionCheck(array('addon_name' => $this->name, 'addon_slug' => $this->slug, 'min_required_version' => $this->min_slp_version));
     // Tell SLP we are here
     $this->slplus->register_addon($this->slug, $this);
     // Initialize The Options
     // Add Hooks and Filters
     // Admin Interface?
     if (!empty($this->admin_class_name)) {
         add_filter('slp_menu_items', array($this, 'filter_AddMenuItems'));
         add_action('slp_admin_menu_starting', array($this, 'admin_menu'));
     // User Interface?
     if (!empty($this->userinterface_class_name)) {
         add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'userinterface_init'));
     // AJAX Processing
     if (defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX && !empty($this->ajax_class_name)) {
  * Call parent DebugMP only if parent has been set.
  * @param string $panel - panel name
  * @param string $type - what type of debugging (msg = simple string, pr = print_r of variable)
  * @param string $header - the header
  * @param string $message - what you want to say
  * @param string $file - file of the call (__FILE__)
  * @param int $line - line number of the call (__LINE__)
  * @param boolean $notime - show time? default true = yes.
  * @return null
 function debugMP($panel = 'main', $type = 'msg', $header = 'wpCSL DMP', $message = '', $file = null, $line = null, $notime = false)
     if (is_object($this->parent)) {
         $this->parent->debugMP($panel, $type, $header, $message, $file, $line, $notime);
  * Register an add-on pack.
  * @param string $slug
  * @param object $object
 private function register_addon($slug, $object)
     $this->slplus->add_ons->register($slug, $object);
     // TODO: remove this when all add-on packs reference $this->slplus->add_ons->instances vs. $this->slplus->addons (GFI, MMap)
     $this->slplus->addons[$slug] = $object;
Пример #21
// Main Plugin Configuration
 * @var SLPlus $slplus_plugin
global $slplus_plugin;
if (defined('SLPLUS_PLUGINDIR') && !is_a($slplus_plugin, 'SLPlus')) {
    if (class_exists('SLPlus') == false) {
        require_once SLPLUS_PLUGINDIR . 'include/class.slplus.php';
    $slplus_plugin = new SLPlus();
// Add Required Libraries
// Errors?
if ($error != '') {
    $slplus_plugin->notifications->add_notice(4, $error);
// General WP Action Interface
require_once SLPLUS_PLUGINDIR . 'include/class.actions.php';
$slplus_plugin->Actions = new SLPlus_Actions(array('uses_slplus' => true));
require_once SLPLUS_PLUGINDIR . 'include/class.activation.php';
  * Simplify the plugin debugMP interface.
  * @param string $type
  * @param string $hdr
  * @param string $msg
 function debugMP($type, $hdr, $msg = '')
     $this->slplus->debugMP('slp.location', $type, $hdr, $msg, NULL, NULL, true);