Пример #1
 * Update the information of a viewing observer, or player.
function update_activity_info()
    $sql = new DBAccess();
    // ******************** Usage Information of the browser *********************
    $remoteAddress = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : NULL;
    $userAgent = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : NULL;
    $referer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : NULL;
    // ************** Setting anonymous and player usage information
    if (!SESSION::is_set('online')) {
        // *** Completely new session, update latest activity log.
        if ($remoteAddress) {
            // *** Delete prior to trying to re-insert into the people online.
            $sql->query("DELETE FROM ppl_online WHERE ip_address='" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "'\n\t\t\t\t or session_id = '" . session_id() . "'");
        // Update viewer data.
        $sql->query("INSERT INTO ppl_online (session_id, activity, ip_address, refurl, user_agent) " . "VALUES ('" . session_id() . "', now(), '{$remoteAddress}', '{$referer}', '{$userAgent}')");
        SESSION::set('online', true);
    } else {
        // An already existing session.
        if (is_logged_in()) {
            // A logged in player, update their activity time
            $sql->query("UPDATE ppl_online SET activity=now(), member='y' WHERE session_id='" . session_id() . "'");
        } else {
            // Un-logged-in observer, as login has not yet occurred.
            $sql->query("UPDATE ppl_online SET activity=now() WHERE session_id='" . session_id() . "'");
Пример #2
function getHealth($who)
    global $sql;
    $health = $sql->QueryItem("SELECT health FROM players WHERE uname = '{$who}'");
    if ($who == SESSION::get('username')) {
        SESSION::set('health', $health);
    return $health;
Пример #3
 * Actual login!  Performs the login of a user using pre-vetted info!
 * Creates the cookie and session stuff for the login process.
function _login_user($p_username, $p_player_id, $p_account_id)
    if (!$p_username || !$p_player_id || !$p_account_id) {
        throw new Exception('Request made to _login_user without all of username, player_id, and account_id being set.');
    // Start a session on a successful login.
    $_COOKIE['username'] = $p_username;
    // May want to keep this for relogin easing purposes.
    SESSION::set('username', $p_username);
    // Actually char name
    SESSION::set('player_id', $p_player_id);
    // Actually char id.
    SESSION::set('account_id', $p_account_id);
    $up = "UPDATE players SET active = 1 WHERE player_id = :char_id";
    query($up, array(':char_id' => array($p_player_id, PDO::PARAM_INT)));
Пример #4
$quickstat = "player";
include SERVER_ROOT . "interface/header.php";
$recent_attack = null;
$start_of_attack = microtime(true);
$attack_spacing = 0.2;
// fraction of a second
if (SESSION::is_set('recent_attack')) {
    $recent_attack = SESSION::get('recent_attack');
if ($recent_attack && $recent_attack > $start_of_attack - $attack_spacing) {
    echo "<p>Even the best of ninjas cannot attack that quickly.</p>";
    echo "<a href='attack_player.php'>Return to combat</a>";
    SESSION::set('recent_attack', $start_of_attack);
} else {
    SESSION::set('recent_attack', $start_of_attack);

<span class="brownHeading">Battle Status</span>


// TODO: Turn this page/system into an object to be run.
// *** ********* GET VARS FROM POST - OR GET ************* ***
$attacked = in('attacked');
// boolean for attacking again
$target = $attackee = either(in('target'), in('attackee'));
$username = get_username();
// Pulls from an internal source.
Пример #5
function put_player_info_in_session($player_stats)
    assert(count($player_stats) > 0);
    foreach ($player_stats as $name => $val) {
        if (is_string($name)) {
            SESSION::set($name, $val);
        } else {
            if (DEBUG) {
                throw new Exception('player stat not a string');
Пример #6
 protected function restoreContext(&$cookie, &$session)
     if ($session) {
         $_COOKIE = array();
         foreach ($session as $k => &$v) {
             s::set($k, $v);
         s::regenerateId(false, false);
     $_COOKIE =& $cookie;
Пример #7
$player = get_player_info();
$confirm_delete = false;
$profile_changed = false;
$profile_max_length = 500;
// Should match the limit in limitStatChars.js
$delete_attempts = SESSION::is_set('delete_attempts') ? SESSION::get('delete_attempts') : null;
if ($deleteAccount) {
    $verify = false;
    $verify = is_authentic($username, $passW);
    if ($verify == true && !$delete_attempts) {
        // *** Username&password matched, on the first attempt.
        // This may redirect and stuff?
    } else {
        if ($deleteAccount == 2) {
            SESSION::set('delete_attempts', 1);
            $error = 'Deleting of account failed, please email ' . SUPPORT_EMAIL;
        } else {
            $confirm_delete = true;
} else {
    if ($changeprofile == 1) {
        // Limit the profile length.
        if ($newprofile != "") {
            $sql->Update("UPDATE players SET messages = '" . sql($newprofile) . "' WHERE uname = '" . sql($username) . "'");
            $affected_rows = $sql->a_rows;
            $profile_changed = true;
        } else {
            $error = "Can not enter a blank profile.";
Пример #8
 } else {
     if ($victim == "thief") {
         // Check the counter to see whether they've attacked a thief multiple times in a row.
         if (SESSION::is_set('counter')) {
             $counter = SESSION::get('counter');
         } else {
             $counter = 1;
         $counter = $counter + 1;
         SESSION::set('counter', $counter);
         // Save the current state of the counter.
         if ($counter > 20 && rand(1, 3) == 3) {
             // Only after many attacks do you have the chance to be attacked back by the group of theives.
             SESSION::set('counter', 0);
             // Reset the counter to zero.
             echo "<img src='images/scenes/KunitsunaTrainingWithTengu.jpg' alt='' style='width:1000px'>";
             echo "<p>A group of tengu thieves is waiting for you. They seem to be angered by your attacks on their brethren.</p>";
             $group_attack = rand(50, 150);
             if (!subtractHealth($username, $group_attack)) {
                 // If the den of theives killed the attacker.
                 echo "<p>The group of theives does {$group_attack} damage to you!</p>";
                 echo "<p>The group of thieves have avenged their brotherhood and beaten you to a bloody pulp.</p>";
                 echo "<p>Go to the <a href=\"shrine.php\">shrine</a> to resurrect.</p>";
             } else {
                 // The den of thieves didn't accomplish their goal
                 $group_gold = rand(100, 300);
                 if ($group_attack > 120) {
                     // Powerful attack gives an additional disadvantage
                     echo "<p>You overpowered the swine, but the blow to the head they gave you before they ran made you lose some of your memories!</p>";
Пример #9
include "codeheader.php";
include $incdir . "db_verbinden.php";
include $incdir . "session.php";
$user = '';
$userlevel = 99;
// keine Berechtigung
$userfolder = "";
if (NULL === SESSION::get('user')) {
    if (isset($post_vars['user'])) {
        if (login($post_vars['user'], $post_vars['pass'], $userlevel, $userfolder, $plain)) {
            // Erfolgreich eingeloggt
            SESSION::set('user', $post_vars['user']);
            SESSION::set('userlevel', $userlevel);
            SESSION::set('userfolder', $userfolder);
            SESSION::set('plain', $plain);
            $gherdazu = 'adabei';
            // 1x Umleitung, damit beim browser-back nicht die Meldung "bla erneut senden bla" kommt
            header("Location: {$php_selbst}");
        } else {
            // gescheiterter Einloggversuch
            $gherdazu = 'tatigern';
    } else {
        // Noch nicht eingeloggt (erster Aufruf der Seite)
        $gherdazu = 'sonet';
} else {
Пример #10
  *	Is Test
  *	Whilst running unit tests, this will be true.
  *	@return BOOL
 public static function isTest()
     if (isset($_GET['isTest']) && Auth::isAuthenticated() && Auth::currentUser()->can("runTestingTools")) {
         SESSION::set("isTest", $_GET['isTest']);
     return !static::isDev() && (SESSION::get("isTest") || TOUCHBASE_ENV == 'test' || in_array(@$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], static::config()->get("servers")->get("testing", [])));
Пример #11
 $hide_setting = !$searched && SESSION::is_set('hide_dead') ? SESSION::get('hide_dead') : 'dead';
 // Defaults to hiding dead via session.
 $hide = $searched ? 'none' : in('hide', $hide_setting);
 // search override > get setting > session setting
 $alive_only = $hide == 'dead';
 $page = in('page', 1);
 // Page will get changed down below.
 $alive_count = 0;
 $record_limit = 20;
 // *** The number of players that gets shown per page.
 $view_type = in('view_type');
 $rank = get_rank($char_id);
 $dead_count = query_item("SELECT count(player_id) FROM rankings WHERE alive = false");
 $page = in('page');
 if (!$searched && $hide_setting != $hide) {
     SESSION::set('hide_dead', $hide);
 // Save the toggled state for later.
 // Display the clear search and create the where clause for searching.
 // If a search was made, specify letter or word-based search.
 // If unless showing dead, check that health is > 0, or alive = true from the ranking.
 // Otherwise, no searching was done, so the score
 $where_clauses = array();
 // Array to add where clauses to.
 // Select some players from the ranking.
 $queryParams = array();
 if ($searched) {
     $view_type = 'searched';
     if (strlen($searched) == 1) {
         $where_clauses[] = " (rankings.uname ilike :param" . count($queryParams) . " || '%') ";
         $queryParams[] = $searched;
Пример #12
 public function login($login, $password)
     $login = trim($login);
     $password = trim($password);
     if ($login != '' && $password != '') {
         if ($this->CheckLogin($login) && $this->CheckPassword($password)) {
             $DB = \DB::init();
             if ($DB->connected()) {
                 $sth = $DB->dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM `n-users` WHERE LOWER(`usr-login`) = LOWER(?) LIMIT 1;");
                 \CORE::msg('debug', 'User login check');
                 $sth->bindParam(1, $login, \PDO::PARAM_STR);
                 if ($sth->rowCount() == 1) {
                     $r = $sth->fetch();
                     $salt = $r['usr-salt'];
                     $hashpass = md5(md5($password) . $salt);
                     $sth = $DB->dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM `n-users` WHERE LOWER(`usr-login`)=LOWER(:login) AND `usr-pwd`=:hashpass LIMIT 1;");
                     $sth->execute(array(':login' => $login, ':hashpass' => $hashpass));
                     \CORE::msg('debug', 'User login and password check');
                     if ($sth->rowCount() == 1) {
                         if ($r['usr-status'] > 0) {
                             $r = $sth->fetch();
                             // here will be additional checking via profile data, if needed
                             // here may be some additional records, like when login, which ip, etc
                             $uid = (int) $r['usr-uid'];
                             $gid = (int) $r['usr-gid'];
                             \SESSION::set('uid', $uid);
                             \SESSION::set('gid', $gid);
                             \SESSION::set('user', $login);
                             if (isset($r['usr-pid'])) {
                                 $pid = (int) $r['usr-pid'];
                                 \SESSION::set('pid', $pid);
                             // setcookie(PREFX.'st',1,time()+3600); // 1 hour
                             if (isset($_POST['cookie'])) {
                                 //// $time=86400; // 24 hours
                                 //// setcookie(PREFIX."ul", base64_encode($login), time()+$time, "/");
                             $sth = $DB->dbh->prepare("UPDATE `n-users` SET `usr-lastlogin`=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() WHERE `usr-uid`=?;");
                             \CORE::msg('debug', 'User is logged in');
                             header('Location: ./');
                         } else {
                             \CORE::msg('error', 'Account is currently locked');
                     } else {
                         \CORE::msg('error', 'Incorrect username or password');
                 } else {
                     \CORE::msg('error', 'Incorrect username or password');
             } else {
                 \CORE::msg('debug', 'DB is not connected');
             // ?? move to db class
         } else {
             \CORE::msg('error', 'Username or password is not valid');
     } else {
         \CORE::msg('error', 'Empty username or password');
Пример #13
 * Update the information of a viewing observer, or player.
function update_activity_info()
    // ******************** Usage Information of the browser *********************
    $request = Request::createFromGlobals();
    $remoteAddress = $request->getClientIp();
    $userAgent = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 0, 250) : NULL;
    // Truncated at 250 char.
    $referer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? substr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 0, 250) : '';
    // Truncated at 250 char.
    // ************** Setting anonymous and player usage information
    $dbconn = DatabaseConnection::getInstance();
    if (!SESSION::is_set('online')) {
        // *** Completely new session, update latest activity log. ***
        if ($remoteAddress) {
            // *** Delete prior to trying to re-insert into the people online. ***
            $statement = DatabaseConnection::$pdo->prepare('DELETE FROM ppl_online WHERE ip_address = :ip OR session_id = :sessionID');
            $statement->bindValue(':ip', $remoteAddress);
            $statement->bindValue(':sessionID', session_id());
        // *** Update viewer data. ***
        $statement = DatabaseConnection::$pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO ppl_online (session_id, activity, ip_address, refurl, user_agent) VALUES (:sessionID, now(), :ip, :referer, :userAgent)');
        $statement->bindValue(':sessionID', session_id());
        $statement->bindValue(':ip', $remoteAddress);
        $statement->bindValue(':referer', $referer);
        $statement->bindValue(':userAgent', $userAgent);
        SESSION::set('online', true);
    } else {
        // *** An already existing session. ***
        $statement = DatabaseConnection::$pdo->prepare('UPDATE ppl_online SET activity = now(), member = :member WHERE session_id = :sessionID');
        $statement->bindValue(':sessionID', session_id());
        $statement->bindValue(':member', is_logged_in(), PDO::PARAM_BOOL);