inputResource() публичный статический Метод

Create input array info for putObject() with a resource
public static inputResource ( string &$resource, integer $bufferSize = false, string $md5sum = '' ) : array | false
$resource string Input resource to read from
$bufferSize integer Input byte size
$md5sum string MD5 hash to send (optional)
Результат array | false | false
Пример #1
  * Загружает файл в S3.
 public static function moveFileToS3($fileName, $mimeType = null, $baseName = null)
     self::checkEnv($ctx = Context::last());
     $conf = $ctx->config->get('modules/s3');
     $s3 = new S3($conf['accesskey'], $conf['secretkey']);
     if (!($bucketName = trim($ctx->config->get('modules/s3/bucket', 'files'), '/'))) {
         throw new RuntimeException(t('Модуль s3 не настроен (bucket).'));
     if ($folderName = $ctx->config->get('module/s3/folder', 'files')) {
         $folderName .= '/';
     if (!in_array($bucketName, $s3->listBuckets()))
       throw new RuntimeException(t('Нет такой папки: ' . $bucketName));
     if ($f = fopen($fileName, 'rb')) {
         if (null === $baseName) {
             $baseName = basename($fileName);
         if (!($r = S3::inputResource($f, filesize($fileName)))) {
             throw new RuntimeException(t('Не удалось создать ресурс из файла %filename.', array('%filename' => $fileName)));
         if (!($response = S3::putObject($r, $bucketName, $folderName . $baseName, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ))) {
             throw new RuntimeException(t('Не удалось загрузить файл %filename в папку %bucket.', array('%filename' => $fileName, '%bucket' => $bucketName)));
         $url = 'http://' . $bucketName . '' . $folderName . $baseName;
         Logger::log('S3: ' . $url);
         return $url;
Пример #2
 static function createSquareFile($filename, $readPath, $writePath, $writeSize = 300, $upload = true)
     # make sure all inputs are clean
     if (!self::areClean(array($filename, $readPath, $writePath, $writeSize))) {
         return false;
     if (!self::imageMagickInstalled()) {
         return false;
     if (!($size = getimagesize($readPath))) {
         return false;
     $savePath = sfConfig::get('sf_image_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $writePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
     if ($size[0] > $size[1] * 2 || $size[1] > $size[0] * 2) {
         # pad to square if one dimension is more than twice the other dimension
         exec(sfConfig::get('app_imagemagick_binary_path') . " {$readPath} -virtual-pixel background -background white -set option:distort:viewport \"%[fx:max(w,h)]x%[fx:max(w,h)]-%[fx:max((h-w)/2,0)]-%[fx:max((w-h)/2,0)]\" -filter point -distort SRT 0 +repage {$savePath}");
     } else {
         # otherwise, crop to square
         exec(sfConfig::get('app_imagemagick_binary_path') . " {$readPath} -virtual-pixel edge -set option:distort:viewport \"%[fx:min(w,h)]x%[fx:min(w,h)]+%[fx:max((w-h)/2,0)]+%[fx:max((h-w)/2,0)]\" -filter point -distort SRT 0 +repage {$savePath}");
     # resize
     exec(sfConfig::get('app_imagemagick_binary_path') . " {$savePath} -resize {$writeSize}x{$writeSize} {$savePath}");
     # if s3 enabled, save to s3
     if ($upload && sfConfig::get('app_amazon_enable_s3')) {
         $s3 = new S3(sfConfig::get('app_amazon_access_key'), sfConfig::get('app_amazon_secret_key'));
         $input = $s3->inputResource($f = fopen($savePath, "rb"), $s = filesize($savePath));
         $uri = self::generateS3path($writePath, $filename);
         if (!S3::putObject($input, sfConfig::get('app_amazon_s3_bucket'), $uri, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ)) {
             return false;
     return $savePath;
Пример #3
  * Uploads a file to S3 storage bucket
  * @param $media_file_or_id entity or integer
  * @param $filepath string
  * @param $custom_filename string (optional name of file to be stored)
  * @param $media_work entity
  * @param $extra_dir string
  * @return mixed location of where it was stored or false. (ex: ' of path'
 public static function store_media($media_file_or_id, $filepath, $custom_filename = '', $media_work = null, $extra_dir = '')
     $client = self::_get_client();
     if ($client) {
         if (!$custom_filename) {
             $filename = basename($filepath);
         } else {
             $filename = $custom_filename;
         if ($storage_path = parent::get_path($media_file_or_id, $filename, $media_work, $extra_dir)) {
             // specify the custom filename instead of the one generated by get_path()
             if ($custom_filename) {
                 $storage_path = str_replace(basename($storage_path), $custom_filename, $storage_path);
             if (strpos($filepath, "http") === 0) {
                 return S3_BASE_URL . S3_BUCKET_NAME . '/' . $storage_path;
             } else {
                 $fp = fopen($filepath, 'r');
                 $filesize = filesize($filepath);
                 $input = S3::inputResource($fp, $filesize);
                 if ($client->putObject($input, S3_BUCKET_NAME, $storage_path, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ, array(), self::_get_content_type($media_file_or_id, $filename))) {
                     return S3_BASE_URL . S3_BUCKET_NAME . '/' . $storage_path;
                 } else {
                     trigger_error('Upload to S3 failed.');
         } else {
             trigger_error('An invalid storage path was created.');
     } else {
         trigger_error('Could not create client object for interacting with S3 service.');
     return false;
Пример #4
  * Method to upload file to S3.
  * This method also deletes the old files from S3.
  * @param object $model Object of current model
  * @return boolean
 function __uploadToS3(&$model)
     App::import('Vendor', 'S3', array('file' => 'S3.php'));
     // Run a loop on all files to be uploaded to S3
     foreach ($this->files as $field => $file) {
         $accessKey = $this->__accessKey;
         $secretKey = $this->__secretKey;
         // If we have S3 credentials for this field/file
         if (!empty($this->settings[$model->name][$field]['s3_access_key']) && !empty($this->settings[$model->name][$field]['s3_secret_key'])) {
             $accessKey = $this->settings[$model->name][$field]['s3_access_key'];
             $secretKey = $this->settings[$model->name][$field]['s3_secret_key'];
         // Instantiate the class
         $aws = new S3($accessKey, $secretKey);
         // If there is an old file to be removed
         if (!empty($file['old_filename'])) {
             $aws->deleteObject($this->settings[$model->name][$field]['s3_bucket'], $file['old_filename']);
         // Put the object on S3
         $isUploaded = $aws->putObject($aws->inputResource(fopen($file['tmp_name'], 'rb'), filesize($file['tmp_name'])), $this->settings[$model->name][$field]['s3_bucket'], $file['name'], $this->settings[$model->name][$field]['s3_acl'], $this->settings[$model->name][$field]['s3_meta_headers'], $this->settings[$model->name][$field]['s3_request_headers']);
         // If S3 upload failed then set the model error
         if ($isUploaded == false) {
             $model->invalidate($this->settings[$model->name][$field]['formfield'], 's3_upload_error');
             return false;
         // Set the field values to be saved in table
         $model->data[$model->name][$field] = $file['name'];
     return true;
Пример #5
 public static function putObjectFile1($file, $bucket, $uri, $acl = self::ACL_PRIVATE, $metaHeaders = array(), $contentType = null)
     return self::putObject(S3::inputResource(fopen($file, "rb"), filesize($file)), $bucket, $uri, $acl);