Пример #1

 * Index page for the Login in the Troll Air Tours Admin interface. 
 * To be able to init the AreLoggedIn variable and restricting access to only the Login controller.
 * If a login is successfull, the user will be redirected to the main index file of the project. 
//Creates a new Session with the client
//Init of the AreLoggedIn Session variable, default false
$_SESSION["AreLoggedIn"] = false;
//Gets all config data
require_once "admin/config.php";
//Gets PDO connection and models for the entire project
require_once "admin/model/db.php";
//Gets all controllers
require_once "admin/controller/controllers.php";
//Gets router
require_once "admin/controller/Router.php";
//Creates a new Router
$router = new Router();
//Gets the logincontroller
$controller = $router->getLoginController();
//Calls the show function of the logincontroller
//Check if the user are logged in, if true the user will be redirected to the main index file.
if ($_SESSION["AreLoggedIn"] == true) {