group() публичный статический Метод

Create a route group with shared attributes.
public static group ( array $attributes, Closure $callback ) : void
$attributes array
$callback Closure
Результат void
 public static function returnRoutes()
     $class = __CLASS__;
     Route::group(array('before' => 'auth', 'prefix' => 'admin'), function () use($class) {
         Route::resource('questions', $class, array('except' => array('show'), 'names' => array('index' => 'questions.index', 'create' => 'questions.create', 'store' => '', 'edit' => 'questions.edit', 'update' => 'questions.update', 'destroy' => 'questions.destroy')));
Пример #2
  * Enable REST routes to expose a resource.
  * Example:
  * <code>
  *   // Create a new '/bucket' route group.
  *   REST::expose('bucket',[
  *     'create'  => function(){      echo "New bucket"; },
  *     'read'    => function($id){   echo "SHOW bucket($id)"; },
  *     'update'  => function($id){   echo "MODIFY bucket($id)"; },
  *     'delete'  => function($id){   echo "DELETE bucket($id)"; },
  *     'list'    => function(){      echo "All buckets"; },
  *     'clear'   => function(){      echo "Cleared all buckets"; },
  *   ]);
  *   Route::group('/non_conventional_/route/base',function(){
  *     // Create directly the REST routes (for use inside another parent group).
  *     REST::expose([
  *       'create'  => function(){      echo "New bucket"; },
  *       'read'    => function($id){   echo "SHOW bucket($id)"; },
  *       'update'  => function($id){   echo "MODIFY bucket($id)"; },
  *       'delete'  => function($id){   echo "DELETE bucket($id)"; },
  *       'list'    => function(){      echo "All buckets"; },
  *       'clear'   => function(){      echo "Cleared all buckets"; },
  *     ]);
  *   });
  * </code>
  * @param  string $element The resource name.
  * @param  array  $maps A map of actions callbacks for different CRUD actions.
 public static function expose($element, array $maps = null)
     if (null === $maps && is_array($element)) {
         $maps = $element;
         $collection = '';
     } else {
         $collection = '/' . $element;
     return Route::group($collection, function () use($maps) {
         $actions = [];
         if (isset($maps['list'])) {
             $actions['get'] = $maps['list'];
         if (isset($maps['create'])) {
             $actions['post'] = $maps['create'];
         if (isset($maps['clear'])) {
             $actions['delete'] = $maps['clear'];
         Route::map('/', $actions);
         $actions = [];
         if (isset($maps['read'])) {
             $actions['get'] = $maps['read'];
         if (isset($maps['update'])) {
             $actions['put'] = $maps['update'];
         if (isset($maps['delete'])) {
             $actions['delete'] = $maps['delete'];
         Route::map("/:id", $actions);
Пример #3
 public static function returnRoutes($prefix = null)
     $dics_for_cache = ['projects', 'types'];
     foreach ($dics_for_cache as $dic_name) {
         ## Refresh dics cache
         #Cache::forget('dic_' . $dic_name);
         $dic_[$dic_name] = Cache::get('dic_' . $dic_name);
         if (!$dic_[$dic_name]) {
             Cache::forget('dic_' . $dic_name);
             $dic_[$dic_name] = Dic::valuesBySlug($dic_name, function ($query) {
                 $query->orderBy('lft', 'ASC');
             }, ['allfields', 'alltextfields'], true, true, true);
             #Helper::d($dic_name); Helper::ta($dic_{$dic_name}); #die;
             $dic_[$dic_name] = DicLib::loadImages($dic_[$dic_name], ['avatar', 'image', 'logo', 'photo', 'header_img']);
             #Helper::d($dic_name); Helper::ta($dic_{$dic_name}); #die;
             Cache::add('dic_' . $dic_name, $dic_[$dic_name], self::$global_cache_min);
         View::share('dic_' . $dic_name, $dic_[$dic_name]);
         #Helper::d($dic_name); Helper::ta($dic_{$dic_name});
     Route::group(array('prefix' => '{lang}'), function () {
         Route::any('/project/{slug}', array('as' => 'app.project', 'uses' => __CLASS__ . '@appProject'));
         #Route::any('/ajax/send-message', array('as' => 'ajax.send-message', 'uses' => __CLASS__.'@postSendMessage'));
         #Route::any('/ajax/some-action', array('as' => 'ajax.some-action', 'uses' => __CLASS__.'@postSomeAction'));
     Route::group(array(), function () {
         #Route::any('/ajax/send-message', array('as' => 'ajax.send-message', 'uses' => __CLASS__.'@postSendMessage'));
         #Route::any('/ajax/some-action', array('as' => 'ajax.some-action', 'uses' => __CLASS__.'@postSomeAction'));
Пример #4
 public static function returnRoutes()
     $class = __CLASS__;
     Route::group(array('prefix' => 'api'), function () use($class) {
         Route::any('debug/{method}', array('uses' => $class . '@debug'));
Пример #5
 public static function returnRoutes()
     $class = __CLASS__;
     Route::group(array('before' => 'guest', 'prefix' => ''), function () use($class) {
         Route::post('social-signin', array('as' => 'signin.ulogin', 'uses' => $class . '@postUlogin'));
Пример #6
function routes($config)
    // only mess with the cms
    Route::group(['prefix' => $config['cms_path'], 'middleware' => ['cms.language', 'cms.view']], function () use($config) {
        Route::group(['namespace' => '\\Thorazine\\Cms\\Http\\Controllers'], function () use($config) {
            // pickup on first contact
            Route::get('/', ['as' => 'cms.auth.first', 'uses' => 'AuthController@first']);
            Route::post('/', ['as' => 'cms.auth.first.create', 'uses' => 'AuthController@create']);
            // auth
            Route::post('/login/submit', ['as' => 'cms.auth.check', 'before' => 'csrf', 'uses' => 'AuthController@check']);
            Route::get('/login', ['as' => 'cms.auth.login', 'uses' => 'AuthController@index']);
            // All routes that do require auth
            Route::group(['middleware' => ['cms.auth']], function () use($config) {
                // logout
                Route::get('/logout', ['as' => 'cms.auth.logout', 'uses' => 'AuthController@destroy']);
                // cms home
                Route::get('/base', ['as' => 'cms.base', 'uses' => 'CmsController@index']);
                // flexible auth routes
                Route::group(['middleware' => ['cms.model']], function () use($config) {
                    // flexible restfull routes
                    Route::get('/{module}/{model}/index', ['as' => 'module.model.index', 'uses' => 'PreController@index']);
                    Route::get('/{module}/{model}/create', ['as' => 'module.model.create', 'uses' => 'PreController@create']);
                    Route::post('/{module}/{model}/store', ['as' => '', 'uses' => 'PreController@store']);
                    Route::get('/{module}/{model}/show/{id}', ['as' => '', 'uses' => 'PreController@show']);
                    Route::get('/{module}/{model}/edit/{id}', ['as' => 'module.model.edit', 'uses' => 'PreController@edit']);
                    Route::put('/{module}/{model}/update/{id}', ['as' => 'module.model.update', 'uses' => 'PreController@update']);
                    Route::delete('/{module}/{model}/destroy/{id}', ['as' => 'module.model.destroy', 'uses' => 'PreController@destroy']);
                    Route::post('/{module}/{model}/order', ['as' => 'module.model.order', 'uses' => 'PreController@order']);
                    Route::get('/{module}/{model}/{action}', ['as' => 'module.model.action', 'uses' => 'PreController@custom']);
Пример #7
  * Bootstrap the application events.
  * @return void
 public function boot()
     \Route::get('blog', '\\Kkstudio\\Blog\\Controllers\\BlogController@index');
     \Route::get('blog/category/{slug}', '\\Kkstudio\\Blog\\Controllers\\BlogController@fromCategory');
     \Route::get('blog/{slug}', '\\Kkstudio\\Blog\\Controllers\\BlogController@show');
     \Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin', 'before' => 'admin'], function () {
         \Route::get('blog', '\\Kkstudio\\Blog\\Controllers\\BlogController@admin');
         \Route::get('blog/create', '\\Kkstudio\\Blog\\Controllers\\BlogController@create');
         \Route::post('blog/create', '\\Kkstudio\\Blog\\Controllers\\BlogController@postCreate');
         \Route::get('blog/{slug}/edit', '\\Kkstudio\\Blog\\Controllers\\BlogController@edit');
         \Route::post('blog/{slug}/edit', '\\Kkstudio\\Blog\\Controllers\\BlogController@postEdit');
         \Route::get('blog/{slug}/delete', '\\Kkstudio\\Blog\\Controllers\\BlogController@delete');
         \Route::post('blog/{slug}/delete', '\\Kkstudio\\Blog\\Controllers\\BlogController@postDelete');
         // Categories
         \Route::get('blog/categories', '\\Kkstudio\\Blog\\Controllers\\BlogController@categories');
         \Route::get('blog/categories/create', '\\Kkstudio\\Blog\\Controllers\\BlogController@category_create');
         \Route::post('blog/categories/create', '\\Kkstudio\\Blog\\Controllers\\BlogController@category_postCreate');
         \Route::get('blog/categories/{slug}/edit', '\\Kkstudio\\Blog\\Controllers\\BlogController@category_edit');
         \Route::post('blog/categories/{slug}/edit', '\\Kkstudio\\Blog\\Controllers\\BlogController@category_postEdit');
         \Route::get('blog/categories/{slug}/delete', '\\Kkstudio\\Blog\\Controllers\\BlogController@category_delete');
         \Route::post('blog/categories/{slug}/delete', '\\Kkstudio\\Blog\\Controllers\\BlogController@category_postDelete');
         \Route::post('blog/categories/swap', '\\Kkstudio\\Blog\\Controllers\\BlogController@category_swap');
Пример #8
  * 初始化应用
 public static function init()
     if (IS_GROUP) {
         is_file(COMMON_CONFIG_PATH . 'config.php') and C(require COMMON_CONFIG_PATH . 'config.php');
         is_file(COMMON_CONFIG_PATH . 'event.php') and C('GROUP_EVENT', require COMMON_CONFIG_PATH . 'event.php');
         is_file(COMMON_CONFIG_PATH . 'alias.php') and alias_import(COMMON_CONFIG_PATH . 'alias.php');
         is_file(COMMON_LANGUAGE_PATH . C('LANGUAGE') . '.php') and L(require COMMON_LANGUAGE_PATH . C('LANGUAGE') . '.php');
     IS_GROUP and Route::group();
     defined('GROUP_NAME') or define('GROUP_NAME', isset($_GET[C('VAR_GROUP')]) && !empty($_GET[C('VAR_GROUP')]) ? $_GET[C('VAR_GROUP')] : C('DEFAULT_GROUP'));
     defined('APP') or define('APP', ucfirst(IS_GROUP ? $_GET[C('VAR_APP')] : basename(substr(APP_PATH, 0, -1))));
     IS_GROUP and define('APP_PATH', GROUP_PATH . GROUP_NAME . '/' . APP . '/');
     defined('CONTROL_PATH') or define('CONTROL_PATH', APP_PATH . 'Control/');
     defined('MODEL_PATH') or define('MODEL_PATH', APP_PATH . 'Model/');
     defined('CONFIG_PATH') or define('CONFIG_PATH', APP_PATH . 'Config/');
     defined('EVENT_PATH') or define('EVENT_PATH', APP_PATH . 'Event/');
     defined('LANGUAGE_PATH') or define('LANGUAGE_PATH', APP_PATH . 'Language/');
     defined('TAG_PATH') or define('TAG_PATH', APP_PATH . 'Tag/');
     defined('LIB_PATH') or define('LIB_PATH', APP_PATH . 'Lib/');
     defined('COMPILE_PATH') or define('COMPILE_PATH', TEMP_PATH . (IS_GROUP ? GROUP_NAME . '/' . APP . '/Compile/' : 'Compile/'));
     defined('CACHE_PATH') or define('CACHE_PATH', TEMP_PATH . (IS_GROUP ? GROUP_NAME . '/' . APP . '/Cache/' : 'Cache/'));
     defined('TABLE_PATH') or define('TABLE_PATH', TEMP_PATH . (IS_GROUP ? GROUP_NAME . '/' . APP . '/Table/' : 'Table/'));
     defined('LOG_PATH') or define('LOG_PATH', TEMP_PATH . 'Log/');
     is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'config.php') and C(require CONFIG_PATH . 'config.php');
     is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'event.php') and C('APP_EVENT', require CONFIG_PATH . 'event.php');
     is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'alias.php') and alias_import(CONFIG_PATH . 'alias.php');
     is_file(LANGUAGE_PATH . C('LANGUAGE') . '.php') and L(require LANGUAGE_PATH . C('LANGUAGE') . '.php');
     $tpl_style = C('TPL_STYLE');
     if ($tpl_style and substr($tpl_style, -1) != '/') {
         $tpl_style .= '/';
     defined('TPL_PATH') or define('TPL_PATH', (C('TPL_PATH') ? C('TPL_PATH') : APP_PATH . 'Tpl/') . $tpl_style);
     defined('PUBLIC_PATH') or define('PUBLIC_PATH', TPL_PATH . 'Public/');
     @ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');
     @ini_set('register_globals', 'off');
     @ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 0);
     define('NOW', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']);
     define('NOW_MICROTIME', microtime(true));
     define('IS_GET', REQUEST_METHOD == 'GET' ? true : false);
     define('IS_POST', REQUEST_METHOD == 'POST' ? true : false);
     define('IS_PUT', REQUEST_METHOD == 'PUT' ? true : false);
     define('IS_AJAX', ajax_request());
     define('IS_DELETE', REQUEST_METHOD == 'DELETE' ? true : false);
     define('HTTP_REFERER', isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : null);
     spl_autoload_register(array(__CLASS__, 'autoload'));
     set_error_handler(array(__CLASS__, 'error'), E_ALL);
     set_exception_handler(array(__CLASS__, 'exception'));
     register_shutdown_function(array(__CLASS__, 'fatalError'));
Пример #9
  * Bootstrap the application events.
  * @return void
 public function boot()
     \Route::group(['before' => 'admin'], function () {
         \Route::get('admin/info', '\\Kkstudio\\Info\\Controllers\\InfoController@admin');
         \Route::post('admin/info', '\\Kkstudio\\Info\\Controllers\\InfoController@edit');
Пример #10
 protected function createRouteAdmin()
     Route::group(['middleware' => ['web', 'auth']], function () {
         Route::get('/admin/test', function () {
             return 'Admin Test!';
Пример #11
 public static function returnRoutes($prefix = null)
     $class = __CLASS__;
     Route::group(array('before' => 'auth', 'prefix' => $prefix), function () use($class) {
         $entity = $class::$entity;
         Route::resource($class::$group, $class, array('except' => array('show'), 'names' => array('index' => $entity . '.index', 'create' => $entity . '.create', 'store' => $entity . '.store', 'edit' => $entity . '.edit', 'update' => $entity . '.update', 'destroy' => $entity . '.destroy')));
Пример #12
 protected function createRoute()
     Route::group(['middleware' => ['web']], function () {
         Route::get('/email/registration', function () {
             return view('email.registration', ['username' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => '123456']);
Пример #13
  * Load Easel specific routes.
 private function defineRoutes()
     if (!$this->app->routesAreCached()) {
         \Route::group(['namespace' => 'Easel\\Http\\Controllers'], function ($router) {
             require EASEL_BASE_PATH . '/src/Http/routes.php';
Пример #14
 public function createApplication()
     $app = parent::createApplication();
     Route::group(['namespace' => 'AblaFahita\\Http\\Controllers'], function () {
         require app_path() . '/Http/routes/api.php';
     return $app;
 public static function returnRoutes()
     $class = __CLASS__;
     if (Auth::check() && Auth::user()->group_id == 3) {
         Route::group(array('before' => '', 'prefix' => 'admin'), function () use($class) {
             Route::resource('participant-groups', $class, array('except' => array('show'), 'names' => array('index' => 'participant_group.index', 'create' => 'participant_group.create', 'store' => '', 'edit' => 'participant_group.edit', 'update' => 'participant_group.update', 'destroy' => 'participant_group.destroy')));
Пример #16
 public function routes()
     R::group(['namespace' => 'Controllers'], function () {
         R::controller('thanks/{ref}', 'Thanks');
         R::controller('webhooks', 'Webhooks');
         R::controller('other', 'Other');
         R::controller('/', 'Root');
 public static function returnRoutes($prefix = null)
     $class = __CLASS__;
     $name = self::$name;
     $group = self::$group;
     Route::group(array('before' => 'auth', 'prefix' => 'admin'), function () use($class, $name, $group) {
         Route::get('collector-js', array('as' => 'collector-js', 'uses' => $class . '@getCollectorScripts'));
Пример #18
 public static function returnRoutes()
     $class = __CLASS__;
     Route::group(array('before' => 'user.auth', 'prefix' => 'participant'), function () use($class) {
         Route::get('profile', array('as' => 'profile.edit', 'uses' => $class . '@profileEdit'));
         Route::get('tell-story', array('as' => 'profile.tell-story', 'uses' => $class . '@tellStory'));
         Route::post('profile', array('as' => '', 'uses' => $class . '@profileSave'));
 public static function returnRoutes($prefix = null)
     $class = __CLASS__;
     Route::group(array('before' => 'auth', 'prefix' => $prefix), function () use($class) {
         Route::get($class::$group . '/phpinfo', array('as' => 'system.phpinfo', 'uses' => $class . '@getPhpInfo'));
Пример #20
 public static function returnRoutes($prefix = null)
     $class = __CLASS__;
     Route::post('admin/gallery/ajax-order-save', array('as' => 'gallery.order', 'uses' => $class . "@postAjaxOrderSave"));
     Route::group(array('before' => 'auth', 'prefix' => $prefix), function () use($class) {
         Route::get($class::$group . '/manage', array('uses' => $class . '@getIndex'));
         Route::controller($class::$group, $class);
Пример #21
 protected function createRoute($methodAnnot, $refMethod)
     $group = !is_null($this->classAnnotation) ? $this->classAnnotation->group : [];
     \Route::group($group, function () use($methodAnnot, $refMethod) {
         $method = $methodAnnot->method;
         $action = ['uses' => $refMethod->class . '@' . $refMethod->name, 'before' => $methodAnnot->before, 'after' => $methodAnnot->after, 'as' => $methodAnnot->name];
         \Route::$method($methodAnnot->path, $action)->where($methodAnnot->where);
Пример #22
 public static function returnRoutes($prefix = null)
     $class = __CLASS__;
     Route::group(array('before' => 'auth', 'prefix' => $prefix), function () use($class) {
         #Route::get($class::$group.'/manage', array('uses' => $class.'@getIndex'));
         #Route::controller($class::$group, $class);
         Route::resource('uploads', $class, array('except' => array('show'), 'names' => array('index' => 'uploads.index', 'create' => 'uploads.create', 'store' => '', 'edit' => 'uploads.edit', 'update' => 'uploads.update', 'destroy' => 'uploads.destroy')));
 public static function returnRoutes($prefix = null)
     $class = __CLASS__;
     $name = self::$name;
     $group = self::$group;
     Route::group(array('before' => 'auth', 'prefix' => 'admin'), function () use($class, $name, $group) {
         Route::controller($group . '/' . $name, $class);
Пример #24
 public static function init()
     if (IS_GROUP) {
         if (is_file(COMMON_PATH . 'Config/config.php')) {
             C(require COMMON_PATH . 'Config/config.php');
     define("APP", ucfirst(IS_GROUP ? $_GET[C('VAR_APP')] : basename(substr(APP_PATH, 0, -1))));
     IS_GROUP and define("APP_PATH", GROUP_PATH . 'App/' . APP . '/');
     defined("CONTROL_PATH") or define("CONTROL_PATH", APP_PATH . 'Control/');
     defined("MODEL_PATH") or define("MODEL_PATH", APP_PATH . 'Model/');
     defined("CONFIG_PATH") or define("CONFIG_PATH", APP_PATH . 'Config/');
     defined("EXTEND_PATH") or define("EXTEND_PATH", APP_PATH . 'Extend/');
     defined("EVENT_PATH") or define("EVENT_PATH", EXTEND_PATH . 'Event/');
     defined("LANGUAGE_PATH") or define("LANGUAGE_PATH", EXTEND_PATH . 'Language/');
     defined("TAG_PATH") or define("TAG_PATH", EXTEND_PATH . 'Tag/');
     defined("LIB_PATH") or define("LIB_PATH", EXTEND_PATH . 'Lib/');
     defined("COMPILE_PATH") or define("COMPILE_PATH", TEMP_PATH . (IS_GROUP ? APP . '/Compile/' : 'Compile/'));
     defined("CACHE_PATH") or define("CACHE_PATH", TEMP_PATH . (IS_GROUP ? APP . '/Cache/' : 'Cache/'));
     defined("TABLE_PATH") or define("TABLE_PATH", TEMP_PATH . (IS_GROUP ? APP . '/Table/' : 'Table/'));
     defined("LOG_PATH") or define("LOG_PATH", TEMP_PATH . 'Log/');
     $app_config = CONFIG_PATH . 'config.php';
     if (is_file($app_config)) {
         C(require $app_config);
     $tpl = rtrim(C("TPL_DIR"), '/');
     $tpl_style = rtrim(C("TPL_STYLE"), '/');
     define("TPL_PATH", (strstr($tpl, '/') ? $tpl . '/' : APP_PATH . $tpl . '/') . ($tpl_style ? $tpl_style . '/' : $tpl_style));
     define("PUBLIC_PATH", TPL_PATH . 'Public/');
     @ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');
     @ini_set("register_globals", "off");
     @ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 0);
     define('NOW', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']);
     define("NOW_MICROTIME", microtime(true));
     define("MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC", @get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? true : false);
     define('IS_GET', REQUEST_METHOD == 'GET' ? true : false);
     define('IS_POST', REQUEST_METHOD == 'POST' ? true : false);
     define('IS_PUT', REQUEST_METHOD == 'PUT' ? true : false);
     define("IS_AJAX", ajax_request());
     define('IS_DELETE', REQUEST_METHOD == 'DELETE' ? true : false);
     spl_autoload_register(array(__CLASS__, "autoload"));
     set_error_handler(array(__CLASS__, "error"), E_ALL);
     set_exception_handler(array(__CLASS__, "exception"));
     O("Session" . ucwords(C("SESSION_ENGINE")), "run");
     !ini_get("session.auto_start") and C("SESSION_AUTO") and session_start();
     is_file(COMMON_LANGUAGE_PATH . C('LANGUAGE') . '.php') and L(require COMMON_LANGUAGE_PATH . C('LANGUAGE') . '.php');
     is_file(LANGUAGE_PATH . C('LANGUAGE') . '.php') and L(require LANGUAGE_PATH . C('LANGUAGE') . '.php');
     C("CORE_EVENT", require HDPHP_CONFIG_PATH . "event.php");
     IS_GROUP and is_file(COMMON_CONFIG_PATH . 'event.php') and C("GROUP_EVENT", require COMMON_CONFIG_PATH . 'event.php');
     is_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'event.php') and C("APP_EVENT", require CONFIG_PATH . 'event.php');
     IS_GROUP and is_file(COMMON_LIB_PATH . 'Alias.php') and alias_import(COMMON_LIB_PATH . 'Alias.php');
     is_file(LIB_PATH . 'Alias.php') and alias_import(LIB_PATH . 'Alias.php');
Пример #25
 public static function returnRoutes()
     $class = __CLASS__;
     Route::group(array('prefix' => 'api'), function () use($class) {
         Route::get('help', array('uses' => $class . '@help'));
         Route::get('help/{method}', array('uses' => $class . '@helpMethod'));
         Route::any('register', array('uses' => $class . '@register'));
         Route::any('questions', array('uses' => $class . '@getQuestions'));
         Route::any('finish', array('uses' => $class . '@setRightAnswers'));
 public static function returnRoutes($prefix = null)
     $class = __CLASS__;
     $name = self::$name;
     $group = self::$group;
     Route::group(array('before' => 'auth', 'prefix' => 'admin'), function () use($class, $name, $group) {
         Route::post($group . '/' . $name, array('as' => 'modules.change', 'uses' => $class . '@postModule'));
         Route::post($name . '/ajax-order-save', array('as' => 'modules.order', 'uses' => $class . "@postAjaxOrderSave"));
         Route::controller($group . '/' . $name, $class);
Пример #27
 public static function returnRoutes($prefix = null)
     $class = __CLASS__;
     $name = self::$name;
     $group = self::$group;
     Route::group(array('before' => 'auth', 'prefix' => $prefix), function () use($class, $name, $group) {
         #Route::controller($group . '/' . $name, $class);
         Route::get($group . '/' . $name . '/{menu_id}/manage', array('as' => $name . '.manage', 'uses' => $class . '@manage'));
         Route::resource($group . '/' . $name, $class, array('except' => array('show'), 'names' => array('index' => $name . '.index', 'create' => $name . '.create', 'store' => $name . '.store', 'edit' => $name . '.edit', 'update' => $name . '.update', 'destroy' => $name . '.destroy')));
Пример #28
 public static function returnRoutes()
     $class = __CLASS__;
     Route::group(array('before' => 'user.auth', 'prefix' => 'promo'), function () use($class) {
         Route::post('/first/register', array('as' => 'promo.first.register', 'uses' => $class . '@firstRegister'));
         Route::post('/second/register', array('as' => 'promo.second.register', 'uses' => $class . '@secondRegister'));
         Route::post('/second/register/certificates', array('as' => 'promo.second.register.certificates', 'uses' => $class . '@secondRegisterCertificates'));
         Route::post('/third/register', array('before' => 'csrf', 'as' => 'promo.third.register', 'uses' => $class . '@thirdRegister'));
     Route::get('/participant/{url}', array('as' => 'show.participant.writing', 'uses' => $class . '@showWriting'));
Пример #29
 public static function returnRoutes()
     $class = __CLASS__;
     Route::group(array('before' => 'user.auth', 'prefix' => 'participant'), function () use($class) {
         Route::get('profile', array('as' => 'profile.edit', 'uses' => $class . '@profileEdit'));
         Route::post('profile', array('as' => '', 'uses' => $class . '@profileSave'));
         Route::post('profile/video/upload', array('as' => '', 'uses' => $class . '@profileVideoUpdate'));
     Route::post('video/youtube', array('as' => '', 'uses' => $class . '@setYoutubeVideo'));
     Route::get('video/youtube', array('as' => '', 'uses' => $class . '@getYoutubeVideo'));
     Route::post('participant/{user_id}/set-like', array('as' => '', 'uses' => $class . '@setLike'));
Пример #30
 protected function createRoute($methodAnnot, $refMethod)
     $group = !is_null($this->classAnnotation) ? $this->classAnnotation->group : [];
     \Route::group($group, function () use($methodAnnot, $refMethod) {
         $method = $methodAnnot->method;
         $action = ['uses' => $refMethod->class . '@' . $refMethod->name, 'middleware' => $methodAnnot->middleware, 'as' => $methodAnnot->name];
         if ($methodAnnot->middleware == null) {
         \Route::$method($methodAnnot->path, $action)->where($methodAnnot->where);