Пример #1

// any new page must start with the page_header, it will include the correct files
// so that the rezgo parser classes and functions will be available to your templates
require 'rezgo/include/page_header.php';
// start a new instance of RezgoSite
$site = new RezgoSite();
// save the current search to a cookie so we can return to it
if ($_REQUEST['search'] != 'restore') {
// some code to handle the pagination
if (!$_REQUEST['pg']) {
    $_REQUEST['pg'] = 1;
$start = ($_REQUEST['pg'] - 1) * REZGO_RESULTS_PER_PAGE;
// we only want 11 responses, starting at our page number times item number
$site->setTourLimit(REZGO_RESULTS_PER_PAGE + 1, $start);
echo $site->getTemplate('index_ajax');