function load_state(AssignmentState $state) { if ($state->mark_type("review", ["pid", "cid"])) { ReviewAssigner::load_review_state($state); } }
private function result_html() { global $Conf, $Me, $Qreq, $SSel, $pcsel; $assignments = $this->autoassigner->assignments(); ReviewAssigner::$prefinfo = $this->autoassigner->prefinfo; ob_start(); if (!$assignments) { $Conf->warnMsg("Nothing to assign."); return ob_get_clean(); } $assignset = new AssignmentSet($Me, true); $assignset->parse(join("\n", $assignments)); list($atypes, $apids) = $assignset->types_and_papers(true); $badpairs_inputs = $badpairs_arg = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 20; ++$i) { if ($Qreq["bpa{$i}"] && $Qreq["bpb{$i}"]) { array_push($badpairs_inputs, Ht::hidden("bpa{$i}", $Qreq["bpa{$i}"]), Ht::hidden("bpb{$i}", $Qreq["bpb{$i}"])); $badpairs_arg[] = $Qreq["bpa{$i}"] . "-" . $Qreq["bpb{$i}"]; } } echo Ht::form_div(hoturl_post("autoassign", ["saveassignment" => 1, "assigntypes" => join(" ", $atypes), "assignpids" => join(" ", $apids), "xbadpairs" => count($badpairs_arg) ? join(" ", $badpairs_arg) : null, "profile" => $Qreq->profile, "XDEBUG_PROFILE" => $Qreq->XDEBUG_PROFILE, "seed" => $Qreq->seed])); $atype = $assignset->type_description(); echo "<h3>Proposed " . ($atype ? $atype . " " : "") . "assignment</h3>"; Conf::msg_info("Select “Apply changes” if this looks OK. (You can always alter the assignment afterwards.) Reviewer preferences, if any, are shown as “P#”."); $assignset->report_errors(); $assignset->echo_unparse_display(); // print preference unhappiness if ($Qreq->profile && $this->atype_review) { $umap = $this->autoassigner->pc_unhappiness(); sort($umap); echo '<p style="font-size:65%">Preference unhappiness: '; $usum = 0; foreach ($umap as $u) { $usum += $u; } if (count($umap) % 2 == 0) { $umedian = ($umap[count($umap) / 2 - 1] + $umap[count($umap) / 2]) / 2; } else { $umedian = $umap[(count($umap) - 1) / 2]; } echo 'mean ', sprintf("%.2f", $usum / count($umap)), ', min ', $umap[0], ', 10% ', $umap[(int) (count($umap) * 0.1)], ', 25% ', $umap[(int) (count($umap) * 0.25)], ', median ', $umedian, ', 75% ', $umap[(int) (count($umap) * 0.75)], ', 90% ', $umap[(int) (count($umap) * 0.9)], ', max ', $umap[count($umap) - 1], '<br/>Time: ', sprintf("%.6f", microtime(true) - $this->start_at); foreach ($this->autoassigner->profile as $name => $time) { echo ', ', sprintf("%s %.6f", htmlspecialchars($name), $time); } echo '</p>'; } echo "<div class='g'></div>", "<div class='aahc'><div class='aa'>\n", Ht::submit("submit", "Apply changes"), "\n ", Ht::submit("download", "Download assignment file"), "\n ", Ht::submit("cancel", "Cancel"), "\n"; foreach (array("t", "q", "a", "revtype", "revaddtype", "revpctype", "cleartype", "revct", "revaddct", "revpcct", "pctyp", "balance", "badpairs", "rev_roundtag", "method", "haspap") as $t) { if (isset($Qreq[$t])) { echo Ht::hidden($t, $Qreq[$t]); } } echo Ht::hidden("pcs", join(" ", array_keys($pcsel))), join("", $badpairs_inputs), Ht::hidden("p", join(" ", $SSel->selection())), "\n"; // save the assignment echo Ht::hidden("assignment", join("\n", $assignments)), "\n"; echo "</div></div></div></form>"; return ob_get_clean(); }