/** * * import slider from multipart form */ public function importSliderFromPost($updateAnim = true, $updateStatic = true, $exactfilepath = false, $is_template = false, $single_slide = false) { try { $sliderID = RevSliderFunctions::getPostVariable("sliderid"); $sliderExists = !empty($sliderID); if ($sliderExists) { $this->initByID($sliderID); } if ($exactfilepath !== false) { $filepath = $exactfilepath; } else { switch ($_FILES['import_file']['error']) { case UPLOAD_ERR_OK: break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: RevSliderFunctions::throwError(__('No file sent.', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN)); case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: RevSliderFunctions::throwError(__('Exceeded filesize limit.', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN)); default: break; } $filepath = $_FILES["import_file"]["tmp_name"]; } if (file_exists($filepath) == false) { RevSliderFunctions::throwError("Import file not found!!!"); } //check if zip file or fallback to old, if zip, check if all files exist if (!class_exists("ZipArchive")) { $importZip = false; } else { $zip = new ZipArchive(); $importZip = $zip->open($filepath, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE); } // Added by ThemeFuzz ( Stefan ) if ($importZip === 0 || !$zip->getStream('slider_export.txt')) { if (!$zip->getStream('slider_export.txt')) { $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $new_path = $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/' . $_FILES['import_file']['name']; move_uploaded_file($_FILES["import_file"]["tmp_name"], $new_path); $importZip = $zip->open($new_path, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE); } } if ($is_template !== false && $importZip !== true) { return array("success" => false, "error" => __('Please select the correct zip file', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN)); } if ($importZip === true) { //true or integer. If integer, its not a correct zip file //check if files all exist in zip $slider_export = $zip->getStream('slider_export.txt'); $custom_animations = $zip->getStream('custom_animations.txt'); $dynamic_captions = $zip->getStream('dynamic-captions.css'); $static_captions = $zip->getStream('static-captions.css'); $uid_file = $zip->getStream('info.cfg'); $uid_check = ''; if ($uid_file) { while (!feof($uid_file)) { $uid_check .= fread($uid_file, 1024); } } if ($is_template !== false) { if ($uid_check != $is_template) { return array("success" => false, "error" => __('Please select the correct zip file, checksum failed!', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN)); } } else { //someone imported a template base Slider, check if it is existing in Base Sliders, if yes, check if it was imported if ($uid_check !== '') { $tmpl = new RevSliderTemplate(); $tmpl_slider = $tmpl->getThemePunchTemplateSliders(); foreach ($tmpl_slider as $tp_slider) { if (!isset($tp_slider['installed'])) { continue; } if ($tp_slider['uid'] == $uid_check) { $is_template = $uid_check; break; } } } } if (!$slider_export) { RevSliderFunctions::throwError("slider_export.txt does not exist!"); } $content = ''; $animations = ''; $dynamic = ''; $static = ''; while (!feof($slider_export)) { $content .= fread($slider_export, 1024); } if ($custom_animations) { while (!feof($custom_animations)) { $animations .= fread($custom_animations, 1024); } } if ($dynamic_captions) { while (!feof($dynamic_captions)) { $dynamic .= fread($dynamic_captions, 1024); } } if ($static_captions) { while (!feof($static_captions)) { $static .= fread($static_captions, 1024); } } fclose($slider_export); if ($custom_animations) { fclose($custom_animations); } if ($dynamic_captions) { fclose($dynamic_captions); } if ($static_captions) { fclose($static_captions); } //check for images! } else { //check if fallback //get content array $content = @file_get_contents($filepath); } if ($importZip === true) { //we have a zip $db = new RevSliderDB(); //update/insert custom animations $animations = @unserialize($animations); if (!empty($animations)) { foreach ($animations as $key => $animation) { //$animation['id'], $animation['handle'], $animation['params'] $exist = $db->fetch(RevSliderGlobals::$table_layer_anims, "handle = '" . $animation['handle'] . "'"); if (!empty($exist)) { //update the animation, get the ID if ($updateAnim == "true") { //overwrite animation if exists $arrUpdate = array(); $arrUpdate['params'] = stripslashes(json_encode(str_replace("'", '"', $animation['params']))); $db->update(RevSliderGlobals::$table_layer_anims, $arrUpdate, array('handle' => $animation['handle'])); $anim_id = $exist['0']['id']; } else { //insert with new handle $arrInsert = array(); $arrInsert["handle"] = 'copy_' . $animation['handle']; $arrInsert["params"] = stripslashes(json_encode(str_replace("'", '"', $animation['params']))); $anim_id = $db->insert(RevSliderGlobals::$table_layer_anims, $arrInsert); } } else { //insert the animation, get the ID $arrInsert = array(); $arrInsert["handle"] = $animation['handle']; $arrInsert["params"] = stripslashes(json_encode(str_replace("'", '"', $animation['params']))); $anim_id = $db->insert(RevSliderGlobals::$table_layer_anims, $arrInsert); } //and set the current customin-oldID and customout-oldID in slider params to new ID from $id $content = str_replace(array('customin-' . $animation['id'] . '"', 'customout-' . $animation['id'] . '"'), array('customin-' . $anim_id . '"', 'customout-' . $anim_id . '"'), $content); } dmp(__("animations imported!", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN)); } else { dmp(__("no custom animations found, if slider uses custom animations, the provided export may be broken...", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN)); } //overwrite/append static-captions.css if (!empty($static)) { if ($updateStatic == "true") { //overwrite file RevSliderOperations::updateStaticCss($static); } elseif ($updateStatic == 'none') { //do nothing } else { //append $static_cur = RevSliderOperations::getStaticCss(); $static = $static_cur . "\n" . $static; RevSliderOperations::updateStaticCss($static); } } //overwrite/create dynamic-captions.css //parse css to classes $dynamicCss = RevSliderCssParser::parseCssToArray($dynamic); if (is_array($dynamicCss) && $dynamicCss !== false && count($dynamicCss) > 0) { foreach ($dynamicCss as $class => $styles) { //check if static style or dynamic style $class = trim($class); if (strpos($class, ',') !== false && strpos($class, '.tp-caption') !== false) { //we have something like .tp-caption.redclass, .redclass $class_t = explode(',', $class); foreach ($class_t as $k => $cl) { if (strpos($cl, '.tp-caption') !== false) { $class = $cl; } } } if (strpos($class, ':hover') === false && strpos($class, ':') !== false || strpos($class, " ") !== false || strpos($class, ".tp-caption") === false || (strpos($class, ".") === false || strpos($class, "#") !== false) || strpos($class, ">") !== false) { //.tp-caption>.imageclass or .tp-caption.imageclass>img or .tp-caption.imageclass .img continue; } //is a dynamic style if (strpos($class, ':hover') !== false) { $class = trim(str_replace(':hover', '', $class)); $arrInsert = array(); $arrInsert["hover"] = json_encode($styles); $arrInsert["settings"] = json_encode(array('hover' => 'true')); } else { $arrInsert = array(); $arrInsert["params"] = json_encode($styles); $arrInsert["settings"] = ''; } //check if class exists $result = $db->fetch(RevSliderGlobals::$table_css, "handle = '" . $class . "'"); if (!empty($result)) { //update $db->update(RevSliderGlobals::$table_css, $arrInsert, array('handle' => $class)); } else { //insert $arrInsert["handle"] = $class; $db->insert(RevSliderGlobals::$table_css, $arrInsert); } } dmp(__("dynamic styles imported!", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN)); } else { dmp(__("no dynamic styles found, if slider uses dynamic styles, the provided export may be broken...", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN)); } } //$content = preg_replace('!s:(\d+):"(.*?)";!e', "'s:'.strlen('$2').':\"$2\";'", $content); //clear errors in string //deprecated in newest php version $content = preg_replace_callback('!s:(\\d+):"(.*?)";!', array('RevSlider', 'clear_error_in_string'), $content); //clear errors in string $arrSlider = @unserialize($content); if (empty($arrSlider)) { RevSliderFunctions::throwError("Wrong export slider file format! This could be caused because the ZipArchive extension is not enabled."); } //update slider params $sliderParams = $arrSlider["params"]; if ($sliderExists) { $sliderParams["title"] = $this->arrParams["title"]; $sliderParams["alias"] = $this->arrParams["alias"]; $sliderParams["shortcode"] = $this->arrParams["shortcode"]; } if (isset($sliderParams["background_image"])) { $sliderParams["background_image"] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath($sliderParams["background_image"]); } $import_statics = true; if (isset($sliderParams['enable_static_layers'])) { if ($sliderParams['enable_static_layers'] == 'off') { $import_statics = false; } unset($sliderParams['enable_static_layers']); } $json_params = json_encode($sliderParams); //update slider or create new if ($sliderExists) { $arrUpdate = array("params" => $json_params); $this->db->update(RevSliderGlobals::$table_sliders, $arrUpdate, array("id" => $sliderID)); } else { //new slider $arrInsert = array(); $arrInsert['params'] = $json_params; //check if Slider with title and/or alias exists, if yes change both to stay unique $arrInsert['title'] = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($sliderParams, 'title', 'Slider1'); $arrInsert['alias'] = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($sliderParams, 'alias', 'slider1'); if ($is_template === false) { //we want to stay at the given alias if we are a template $talias = $arrInsert['alias']; $ti = 1; while ($this->isAliasExistsInDB($talias)) { //set a new alias and title if its existing in database $talias = $arrInsert['alias'] . $ti; $ti++; } if ($talias !== $arrInsert['alias']) { $arrInsert['title'] = $talias; $arrInsert['alias'] = $talias; } } if ($is_template !== false) { //add that we are an template $arrInsert['type'] = 'template'; } $sliderID = $this->db->insert(RevSliderGlobals::$table_sliders, $arrInsert); } //-------- Slides Handle ----------- //delete current slides if ($sliderExists) { $this->deleteAllSlides(); } //create all slides $arrSlides = $arrSlider["slides"]; $alreadyImported = array(); //wpml compatibility $slider_map = array(); foreach ($arrSlides as $sl_key => $slide) { $params = $slide["params"]; $layers = $slide["layers"]; $settings = @$slide["settings"]; //convert params images: if ($importZip === true) { //we have a zip, check if exists if (isset($params["image"])) { $params["image"] = RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($zip, $params["image"], $filepath, $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported); $params["image"] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath($params["image"]); } if (isset($params["background_image"])) { $params["background_image"] = RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($zip, $params["background_image"], $filepath, $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported); $params["background_image"] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath($params["background_image"]); } if (isset($params["slide_thumb"])) { $params["slide_thumb"] = RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($zip, $params["slide_thumb"], $filepath, $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported); $params["slide_thumb"] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath($params["slide_thumb"]); } if (isset($params["show_alternate_image"])) { $params["show_alternate_image"] = RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($zip, $params["show_alternate_image"], $filepath, $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported); $params["show_alternate_image"] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath($params["show_alternate_image"]); } if (isset($params['background_type']) && $params['background_type'] == 'html5') { if (isset($params['slide_bg_html_mpeg']) && $params['slide_bg_html_mpeg'] != '') { $params['slide_bg_html_mpeg'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($zip, $params["slide_bg_html_mpeg"], $filepath, $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported, true)); } if (isset($params['slide_bg_html_webm']) && $params['slide_bg_html_webm'] != '') { $params['slide_bg_html_webm'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($zip, $params["slide_bg_html_webm"], $filepath, $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported, true)); } if (isset($params['slide_bg_html_ogv']) && $params['slide_bg_html_ogv'] != '') { $params['slide_bg_html_ogv'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($zip, $params["slide_bg_html_ogv"], $filepath, $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported, true)); } } } //convert layers images: foreach ($layers as $key => $layer) { //import if exists in zip folder if ($importZip === true) { //we have a zip, check if exists if (isset($layer["image_url"])) { $layer["image_url"] = RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($zip, $layer["image_url"], $filepath, $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported); $layer["image_url"] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath($layer["image_url"]); } if (isset($layer['type']) && $layer['type'] == 'video') { $video_data = isset($layer['video_data']) ? (array) $layer['video_data'] : array(); if (!empty($video_data) && isset($video_data['video_type']) && $video_data['video_type'] == 'html5') { if (isset($video_data['urlPoster']) && $video_data['urlPoster'] != '') { $video_data['urlPoster'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($zip, $video_data["urlPoster"], $filepath, $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported)); } if (isset($video_data['urlMp4']) && $video_data['urlMp4'] != '') { $video_data['urlMp4'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($zip, $video_data["urlMp4"], $filepath, $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported, true)); } if (isset($video_data['urlWebm']) && $video_data['urlWebm'] != '') { $video_data['urlWebm'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($zip, $video_data["urlWebm"], $filepath, $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported, true)); } if (isset($video_data['urlOgv']) && $video_data['urlOgv'] != '') { $video_data['urlOgv'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($zip, $video_data["urlOgv"], $filepath, $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported, true)); } } elseif (!empty($video_data) && isset($video_data['video_type']) && $video_data['video_type'] != 'html5') { //video cover image if (isset($video_data['previewimage']) && $video_data['previewimage'] != '') { $video_data['previewimage'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($zip, $video_data["previewimage"], $filepath, $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported)); } } $layer['video_data'] = $video_data; } } $layer['text'] = stripslashes($layer['text']); $layers[$key] = $layer; } $arrSlides[$sl_key]['layers'] = $layers; //create new slide $arrCreate = array(); $arrCreate["slider_id"] = $sliderID; $arrCreate["slide_order"] = $slide["slide_order"]; $my_layers = json_encode($layers); if (empty($my_layers)) { $my_layers = stripslashes(json_encode($layers)); } $my_params = json_encode($params); if (empty($my_params)) { $my_params = stripslashes(json_encode($params)); } $my_settings = json_encode($settings); if (empty($my_settings)) { $my_settings = stripslashes(json_encode($settings)); } $arrCreate["layers"] = $my_layers; $arrCreate["params"] = $my_params; $arrCreate["settings"] = $my_settings; $last_id = $this->db->insert(RevSliderGlobals::$table_slides, $arrCreate); if (isset($slide['id'])) { $slider_map[$slide['id']] = $last_id; } } //change for WPML the parent IDs if necessary if (!empty($slider_map)) { foreach ($arrSlides as $sl_key => $slide) { if (isset($slide['params']['parentid']) && isset($slider_map[$slide['params']['parentid']])) { $update_id = $slider_map[$slide['id']]; $parent_id = $slider_map[$slide['params']['parentid']]; $arrCreate = array(); $arrCreate["params"] = $slide['params']; $arrCreate["params"]['parentid'] = $parent_id; $my_params = json_encode($arrCreate["params"]); if (empty($my_params)) { $my_params = stripslashes(json_encode($arrCreate["params"])); } $arrCreate["params"] = $my_params; $this->db->update(RevSliderGlobals::$table_slides, $arrCreate, array("id" => $update_id)); } $did_change = false; foreach ($slide['layers'] as $key => $value) { if (isset($value['layer_action'])) { if (isset($value['layer_action']->jump_to_slide) && !empty($value['layer_action']->jump_to_slide)) { $value['layer_action']->jump_to_slide = (array) $value['layer_action']->jump_to_slide; foreach ($value['layer_action']->jump_to_slide as $jtsk => $jtsval) { if (isset($slider_map[$jtsval])) { $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->jump_to_slide[$jtsk] = $slider_map[$jtsval]; $did_change = true; } } } } $link_slide = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($value, 'link_slide', false); if ($link_slide != false && $link_slide !== 'nothing') { //link to slide/scrollunder is set, move it to actions if (!isset($slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action'])) { $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action'] = new stdClass(); } switch ($link_slide) { case 'link': $link = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($value, 'link'); $link_open_in = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($value, 'link_open_in'); $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->action = array('a' => 'link'); $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->link_type = array('a' => 'a'); $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->image_link = array('a' => $link); $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->link_open_in = array('a' => $link_open_in); unset($slide['layers'][$key]['link']); unset($slide['layers'][$key]['link_open_in']); case 'next': $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->action = array('a' => 'next'); break; case 'prev': $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->action = array('a' => 'prev'); break; case 'scroll_under': $scrollunder_offset = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($value, 'scrollunder_offset'); $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->action = array('a' => 'scroll_under'); $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->scrollunder_offset = array('a' => $scrollunder_offset); unset($slide['layers'][$key]['scrollunder_offset']); break; default: //its an ID, so its a slide ID $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->action = array('a' => 'jumpto'); $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->jump_to_slide = array('a' => $slider_map[$link_slide]); break; } $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->tooltip_event = array('a' => 'click'); unset($slide['layers'][$key]['link_slide']); $did_change = true; } if ($did_change === true) { $arrCreate = array(); $my_layers = json_encode($slide['layers']); if (empty($my_layers)) { $my_layers = stripslashes(json_encode($layers)); } $arrCreate['layers'] = $my_layers; $this->db->update(RevSliderGlobals::$table_slides, $arrCreate, array("id" => $slider_map[$slide['id']])); } } } } //check if static slide exists and import if (isset($arrSlider['static_slides']) && !empty($arrSlider['static_slides']) && $import_statics) { $static_slide = $arrSlider['static_slides']; foreach ($static_slide as $slide) { $params = $slide["params"]; $layers = $slide["layers"]; $settings = @$slide["settings"]; //convert params images: if (isset($params["image"])) { //import if exists in zip folder if (strpos($params["image"], 'http') !== false) { } else { if (trim($params["image"]) !== '') { if ($importZip === true) { //we have a zip, check if exists $image = $zip->getStream('images/' . $params["image"]); if (!$image) { echo $params["image"] . __(' not found!<br>', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); } else { if (!isset($alreadyImported['zip://' . $filepath . "#" . 'images/' . $params["image"]])) { $importImage = RevSliderFunctionsWP::import_media('zip://' . $filepath . "#" . 'images/' . $params["image"], $sliderParams["alias"] . '/'); if ($importImage !== false) { $alreadyImported['zip://' . $filepath . "#" . 'images/' . $params["image"]] = $importImage['path']; $params["image"] = $importImage['path']; } } else { $params["image"] = $alreadyImported['zip://' . $filepath . "#" . 'images/' . $params["image"]]; } } } } $params["image"] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath($params["image"]); } } //convert layers images: foreach ($layers as $key => $layer) { if (isset($layer["image_url"])) { //import if exists in zip folder if (trim($layer["image_url"]) !== '') { if (strpos($layer["image_url"], 'http') !== false) { } else { if ($importZip === true) { //we have a zip, check if exists $image_url = $zip->getStream('images/' . $layer["image_url"]); if (!$image_url) { echo $layer["image_url"] . __(' not found!<br>'); } else { if (!isset($alreadyImported['zip://' . $filepath . "#" . 'images/' . $layer["image_url"]])) { $importImage = RevSliderFunctionsWP::import_media('zip://' . $filepath . "#" . 'images/' . $layer["image_url"], $sliderParams["alias"] . '/'); if ($importImage !== false) { $alreadyImported['zip://' . $filepath . "#" . 'images/' . $layer["image_url"]] = $importImage['path']; $layer["image_url"] = $importImage['path']; } } else { $layer["image_url"] = $alreadyImported['zip://' . $filepath . "#" . 'images/' . $layer["image_url"]]; } } } } } $layer["image_url"] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath($layer["image_url"]); $layer['text'] = stripslashes($layer['text']); } if (isset($layer['layer_action'])) { if (isset($layer['layer_action']->jump_to_slide) && !empty($layer['layer_action']->jump_to_slide)) { foreach ($layer['layer_action']->jump_to_slide as $jtsk => $jtsval) { if (isset($slider_map[$jtsval])) { $layer['layer_action']->jump_to_slide[$jtsk] = $slider_map[$jtsval]; } } } } $link_slide = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($value, 'link_slide', false); if ($link_slide != false && $link_slide !== 'nothing') { //link to slide/scrollunder is set, move it to actions if (!isset($layer['layer_action'])) { $layer['layer_action'] = new stdClass(); } switch ($link_slide) { case 'link': $link = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($value, 'link'); $link_open_in = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($value, 'link_open_in'); $layer['layer_action']->action = array('a' => 'link'); $layer['layer_action']->link_type = array('a' => 'a'); $layer['layer_action']->image_link = array('a' => $link); $layer['layer_action']->link_open_in = array('a' => $link_open_in); unset($layer['link']); unset($layer['link_open_in']); case 'next': $layer['layer_action']->action = array('a' => 'next'); break; case 'prev': $layer['layer_action']->action = array('a' => 'prev'); break; case 'scroll_under': $scrollunder_offset = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($value, 'scrollunder_offset'); $layer['layer_action']->action = array('a' => 'scroll_under'); $layer['layer_action']->scrollunder_offset = array('a' => $scrollunder_offset); unset($layer['scrollunder_offset']); break; default: //its an ID, so its a slide ID $layer['layer_action']->action = array('a' => 'jumpto'); $layer['layer_action']->jump_to_slide = array('a' => $slider_map[$link_slide]); break; } $layer['layer_action']->tooltip_event = array('a' => 'click'); unset($layer['link_slide']); $did_change = true; } $layers[$key] = $layer; } //create new slide $arrCreate = array(); $arrCreate["slider_id"] = $sliderID; $my_layers = json_encode($layers); if (empty($my_layers)) { $my_layers = stripslashes(json_encode($layers)); } $my_params = json_encode($params); if (empty($my_params)) { $my_params = stripslashes(json_encode($params)); } $my_settings = json_encode($settings); if (empty($my_settings)) { $my_settings = stripslashes(json_encode($settings)); } $arrCreate["layers"] = $my_layers; $arrCreate["params"] = $my_params; $arrCreate["settings"] = $my_settings; if ($sliderExists) { unset($arrCreate["slider_id"]); $this->db->update(RevSliderGlobals::$table_static_slides, $arrCreate, array("slider_id" => $sliderID)); } else { $this->db->insert(RevSliderGlobals::$table_static_slides, $arrCreate); } } } $c_slider = new RevSliderSlider(); $c_slider->initByID($sliderID); //check to convert styles to latest versions RevSliderPluginUpdate::update_css_styles(); //set to version 5 RevSliderPluginUpdate::add_animation_settings_to_layer($c_slider); //set to version 5 RevSliderPluginUpdate::add_style_settings_to_layer($c_slider); //set to version 5 RevSliderPluginUpdate::change_settings_on_layers($c_slider); //set to version 5 RevSliderPluginUpdate::add_general_settings($c_slider); //set to version 5 $cus_js = $c_slider->getParam('custom_javascript', ''); if (strpos($cus_js, 'revapi') !== false) { if (preg_match_all('/revapi[0-9]*./', $cus_js, $results)) { if (isset($results[0]) && !empty($results[0])) { foreach ($results[0] as $replace) { $cus_js = str_replace($replace, 'revapi' . $sliderID . '.', $cus_js); } } $c_slider->updateParam(array('custom_javascript' => $cus_js)); } } if ($is_template !== false) { //duplicate the slider now, as we just imported the "template" if ($single_slide !== false) { //add now one Slide to the current Slider $mslider = new RevSlider(); //change slide_id to correct, as it currently is just a number beginning from 0 as we did not have a correct slide ID yet. $i = 0; $changed = false; foreach ($slider_map as $value) { if ($i == $single_slide['slide_id']) { $single_slide['slide_id'] = $value; $changed = true; break; } $i++; } if ($changed) { $return = $mslider->copySlideToSlider($single_slide); } else { return array("success" => false, "error" => __('could not find correct Slide to copy, please try again.', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN), "sliderID" => $sliderID); } } else { $mslider = new RevSlider(); $title = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($sliderParams, 'title', 'slider1'); $talias = $title; $ti = 1; while ($this->isAliasExistsInDB($talias)) { //set a new alias and title if its existing in database $talias = $title . $ti; $ti++; } $mslider->duplicateSliderFromData(array('sliderid' => $sliderID, 'title' => $talias)); } } } catch (Exception $e) { $errorMessage = $e->getMessage(); return array("success" => false, "error" => $errorMessage, "sliderID" => $sliderID); } return array("success" => true, "sliderID" => $sliderID); }
/** * view the estimated speed of the Slider * @since: 5.0 */ public static function get_slider_speed($sliderID) { //$data = wp_get_attachment_metadata($cur_img_id); ob_start(); $total_size = 0; $do_ssl = is_ssl() ? 'http:' : 'https:'; $slider = new RevSliderSlider(); $slider->initByID($sliderID); $slides = $slider->getSlidesForExport(); $static_slides = $slider->getStaticSlideForExport(); if (!empty($static_slides) && is_array($static_slides)) { foreach ($static_slides as $s_slide) { $slides[] = $s_slide; } } $used_images = array(); $used_videos = array(); $used_captions = array(); $using_kenburns = false; $using_parallax = false; $using_carousel = false; $using_navigation = false; $using_videos = false; $using_actions = false; $using_layeranim = false; $img_size = 0; $video_size = 0; $slide_counter = 0; $firstslide_size = 0; $smartslide_size = 0; if ($slider->getParam("use_parallax", "off") == 'on') { $using_parallax = true; } if ($slider->getParam("slider-type", "standard") == 'carousel') { $using_carousel = true; } $enable_arrows = $slider->getParam('enable_arrows', 'off'); $enable_bullets = $slider->getParam('enable_bullets', 'off'); $enable_tabs = $slider->getParam('enable_tabs', 'off'); $enable_thumbnails = $slider->getParam('enable_thumbnails', 'off'); if ($enable_arrows == 'on' || $enable_bullets == 'on' || $enable_tabs == 'on' || $enable_thumbnails == 'on') { $using_navigation = true; } if (!empty($slides) && count($slides) > 0) { foreach ($slides as $key => $slide) { if (isset($slide['params']['state']) && $slide['params']['state'] != 'published') { continue; } if (!isset($slide['id'])) { continue; } $slide_counter++; $slide_id = $slide['id']; if (isset($slide['params']['kenburn_effect']) && $slide['params']['kenburn_effect'] == 'on') { $using_kenburns = true; } if (!isset($slide['params']['image_source_type'])) { $slide['params']['image_source_type'] = 'full'; } if (isset($slide['params']['image']) && $slide['params']['image'] != '') { //add infos of image to an array $infos = array(); $urlImage = false; switch ($slide['params']['background_type']) { case 'streamyoutube': case 'streaminstagram': case 'streamvimeo': case 'youtube': case 'vimeo': $using_videos = true; break; } if (isset($slide['params']['image_id'])) { $cur_img_id = $slide['params']['image_id']; //get image sizes by ID $urlImage = wp_get_attachment_image_src($slide['params']['image_id'], $slide['params']['image_source_type']); } if ($urlImage === false) { $cur_img_id = RevSliderFunctionsWP::get_image_id_by_url($slide['params']['image']); if ($cur_img_id !== false) { $urlImage = wp_get_attachment_image_src($cur_img_id, $slide['params']['image_source_type']); } } if ($urlImage !== false) { $infos['id'] = $cur_img_id; $file = get_attached_file($cur_img_id); $infos['info'] = pathinfo($file); if (file_exists($file)) { $infos['size'] = filesize($file); $infos['size-format'] = size_format($infos['size'], 2); $img_size += $infos['size']; if ($slide_counter == 1) { $firstslide_size += $infos['size']; } if ($slide_counter == 1 || $slide_counter == 2 || $slide_counter == count($slides)) { $smartslide_size += $infos['size']; } } else { $infos['id'] = false; } } else { $infos['id'] = 'external'; } if (strpos($slide_id, 'static_') !== false) { $infos['url'] = RevSliderBaseAdmin::getViewUrl(RevSliderAdmin::VIEW_SLIDE, 'id=static_' . $sliderID); } else { $infos['url'] = RevSliderBaseAdmin::getViewUrl(RevSliderAdmin::VIEW_SLIDE, 'id=' . $slide_id); } $used_images[$slide['params']['image']] = $infos; } if (isset($slide['layers']) && !empty($slide['layers']) && count($slide['layers']) > 0) { $using_layeranim = true; foreach ($slide['layers'] as $lKey => $layer) { switch ($layer['type']) { case 'image': $infos = array(); if (isset($layer['image_url']) && trim($layer['image_url']) != '') { $cur_img_id = RevSliderFunctionsWP::get_image_id_by_url($layer['image_url']); if ($cur_img_id !== false) { if (!isset($layer['layer-image-size']) || $layer['layer-image-size'] == 'auto') { $layer['layer-image-size'] = $slide['params']['image_source_type']; } $urlImage = wp_get_attachment_image_src($cur_img_id, $layer['layer-image-size']); if ($urlImage !== false) { $infos['id'] = $cur_img_id; $file = get_attached_file($cur_img_id); $infos['info'] = pathinfo($file); if (file_exists($file)) { $infos['size'] = filesize($file); $infos['size-format'] = size_format($infos['size'], 2); $img_size += $infos['size']; if ($slide_counter == 1) { $firstslide_size += $infos['size']; } if ($slide_counter == 1 || $slide_counter == 2 || $slide_counter == count($slides)) { $smartslide_size += $infos['size']; } } else { $infos['id'] = false; } } else { $infos['id'] = 'external'; } } else { $infos['id'] = 'external'; } if (strpos($slide_id, 'static_') !== false) { $infos['url'] = RevSliderBaseAdmin::getViewUrl(RevSliderAdmin::VIEW_SLIDE, 'id=static_' . $sliderID); } else { $infos['url'] = RevSliderBaseAdmin::getViewUrl(RevSliderAdmin::VIEW_SLIDE, 'id=' . $slide_id); } $used_images[$layer['image_url']] = $infos; //image_url if image caption } break; case 'video': $using_videos = true; //get cover image if existing $infos = array(); $poster_img = array(); if (isset($layer['video_data']) && isset($layer['video_data']->urlPoster)) { $poster_img[] = $layer['video_data']->urlPoster; } if (isset($layer['video_image_url']) && isset($layer['video_image_url'])) { $poster_img[] = $layer['video_image_url']; } if (!empty($poster_img)) { foreach ($poster_img as $img) { if (trim($img) == '') { continue; } $cur_img_id = RevSliderFunctionsWP::get_image_id_by_url($img); if ($cur_img_id !== false) { if (!isset($layer['layer-image-size']) || $layer['layer-image-size'] == 'auto') { $layer['layer-image-size'] = $slide['params']['image_source_type']; } $urlImage = wp_get_attachment_image_src($cur_img_id, $layer['layer-image-size']); if ($urlImage !== false) { $infos['id'] = $cur_img_id; $file = get_attached_file($cur_img_id); $infos['info'] = pathinfo($file); if (file_exists($file)) { $infos['size'] = filesize($file); $infos['size-format'] = size_format($infos['size'], 2); $img_size += $infos['size']; if ($slide_counter == 1) { $firstslide_size += $infos['size']; } if ($slide_counter == 1 || $slide_counter == 2 || $slide_counter == count($slides)) { $smartslide_size += $infos['size']; } } else { $infos['id'] = false; } } else { $infos['id'] = 'external'; } } else { $infos['id'] = 'external'; } if (strpos($slide_id, 'static_') !== false) { $infos['url'] = RevSliderBaseAdmin::getViewUrl(RevSliderAdmin::VIEW_SLIDE, 'id=static_' . $sliderID); } else { $infos['url'] = RevSliderBaseAdmin::getViewUrl(RevSliderAdmin::VIEW_SLIDE, 'id=' . $slide_id); } $used_images[$img] = $infos; //image_url if image caption } } $infos = array(); if (isset($layer['video_type'])) { //add videos and try to get video size if (isset($layer['video_data'])) { $video_arr = array(); $max_video_size = 0; if (strpos($slide_id, 'static_') !== false) { $infos['url'] = RevSliderBaseAdmin::getViewUrl(RevSliderAdmin::VIEW_SLIDE, 'id=static_' . $sliderID); } else { $infos['url'] = RevSliderBaseAdmin::getViewUrl(RevSliderAdmin::VIEW_SLIDE, 'id=' . $slide_id); } switch ($layer['video_type']) { case 'html5': if (isset($layer['video_data']->urlMp4) && !empty($layer['video_data']->urlMp4)) { $video_arr['mp4'] = $layer['video_data']->urlMp4; } if (isset($layer['video_data']->urlWebm) && !empty($layer['video_data']->urlWebm)) { $video_arr['webm'] = $layer['video_data']->urlWebm; } if (isset($layer['video_data']->urlOgv) && !empty($layer['video_data']->urlOgv)) { $video_arr['mp4'] = $layer['video_data']->urlOgv; } if (!empty($video_arr)) { foreach ($video_arr as $type => $url) { $cur_id = RevSliderFunctionsWP::get_image_id_by_url($url); if ($cur_id !== false) { $infos['id'] = $cur_id; $file = get_attached_file($cur_id); $infos['info'] = pathinfo($file); if (file_exists($file)) { $infos['size'] = filesize($file); $infos['size-format'] = size_format($infos['size'], 2); if ($infos['size'] > $max_video_size) { $max_video_size = $infos['size']; } //add only the largest video of the three here as each browser loads only one file and we can add here the biggest } else { $infos['id'] = 'external'; } } else { $infos['id'] = 'external'; } $used_videos[$url] = $infos; } $video_size += $max_video_size; } break; case 'youtube': $infos['id'] = 'external'; if (!isset($layer['video_data']->id) || empty($layer['video_data']->id)) { continue; } $used_videos[$do_ssl . '//www.youtube.com/watch?v=' . $layer['video_data']->id] = $infos; break; case 'vimeo': if (!isset($layer['video_data']->id) || empty($layer['video_data']->id)) { continue; } $infos['id'] = 'external'; $used_videos[$do_ssl . '//vimeo.com/' . $layer['video_data']->id] = $infos; break; } } } break; } //check captions for actions if (isset($layer['layer_action']) && !empty($layer['layer_action'])) { $a_action = RevSliderFunctions::cleanStdClassToArray(RevSliderFunctions::getVal($layer['layer_action'], 'action', array())); $a_link_type = RevSliderFunctions::cleanStdClassToArray(RevSliderFunctions::getVal($layer['layer_action'], 'link_type', array())); if (!empty($a_action)) { foreach ($a_action as $num => $action) { if ($using_actions == true) { break; } if ($action !== 'link') { $using_actions = true; } else { //check if jQuery or a tag if ($a_link_type[$num] == 'jquery') { $using_actions = true; } } } } } if (isset($layer['style']) && $layer['style'] != '') { $used_captions[$layer['style']] = true; } } } } } $total_size += $img_size; $img_counter = 0; $issues = ""; //$total_size += $video_size; ?> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:15px"></span> <hr> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:25px"></span> <!-- HEADER OF MONITORING --> <span class="tp-monitor-performance-title"><?php echo __("Overall Slider Performance", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-performace-wrap"> <span id="image-performace-bar" style="width: %overall_performance%%" class="tp-monitor-performance-bar mo-%overall_color%-col"></span> <span class="tp-monitor-slow"><?php echo __("Slow", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-ok"><?php echo __("Ok", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-fast"><?php echo __("Fast", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> </span> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:50px"></span> <span class="tp-monitor-speed-table tp-monitor-single-speed"> <span class="tp-monitor-speed-cell"> <span class="tp-monitor-smalllabel"><?php echo __("Load Speed UMTS:", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-total-subsize" id="umts-speed">%umtsspeed-single%</span> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-speed-cell"> <span class="tp-monitor-smalllabel"><?php echo __("Load Speed DSL:", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-total-subsize" id="dsl-speed">%dslspeed-single%</span> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-speed-cell"> <span class="tp-monitor-smalllabel"><?php echo __("Load Speed T1:", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-total-subsize" id="t1-speed">%t1speed-single%</span> </span> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-speed-table tp-monitor-smart-speed"> <span class="tp-monitor-speed-cell"> <span class="tp-monitor-smalllabel"><?php echo __("Load Speed UMTS:", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-total-subsize" id="umts-speed">%umtsspeed-smart%</span> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-speed-cell"> <span class="tp-monitor-smalllabel"><?php echo __("Load Speed DSL:", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-total-subsize" id="dsl-speed">%dslspeed-smart%</span> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-speed-cell"> <span class="tp-monitor-smalllabel"><?php echo __("Load Speed T1:", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-total-subsize" id="t1-speed">%t1speed-smart%</span> </span> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-speed-table tp-monitor-all-speed"> <span class="tp-monitor-speed-cell"> <span class="tp-monitor-smalllabel"><?php echo __("Load Speed UMTS:", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-total-subsize" id="umts-speed">%umtsspeed-all%</span> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-speed-cell"> <span class="tp-monitor-smalllabel"><?php echo __("Load Speed DSL:", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-total-subsize" id="dsl-speed">%dslspeed-all%</span> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-speed-cell"> <span class="tp-monitor-smalllabel"><?php echo __("Load Speed T1:", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-total-subsize" id="t1-speed">%t1speed-all%</span> </span> </span> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:25px"></span> <span style="float:left;width:165px"> <span class="tp-monitor-smalllabel"><?php echo __("Total Slider Size:", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-fullsize">%overall_size%</span> <a class="button-primary revblue tp-monitor-showdetails" data-target="#performance_overall_details" style="float:right; width:160px;vertical-align:top"><i class="eg-icon-chart-bar"></i>Show Full Statistics</a> </span> <span style="float:right; width:165px"> <span class="tp-monitor-smalllabel"><?php echo __("Preloaded Slides Size:", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-fullsize tp-monitor-single-speed">%firstslide_size%</span> <span class="tp-monitor-fullsize tp-monitor-smart-speed">%smartslide_size%</span> <span class="tp-monitor-fullsize tp-monitor-all-speed">%allslide_size%</span> <a class="button-primary revred tp-monitor-showdetails" data-target="#monitor-problems" style="float:right; width:160px;vertical-align:top;"><i class="eg-icon-info"></i>Show All Issues</a> </span> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:15px"></span> <hr> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:25px"></span> <!-- THE IMAGE PERFORMANCE MESSING --> <div id="monitor-problems" style="display:none"> <span class="tp-monitor-performance-title"><?php echo __("Need Some Attention", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:25px"></span> <ul class="tp-monitor-list" id="monitor-problem-details" style="margin-bottom:15px;"> %issues% </ul> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:15px"></span> <hr> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:25px"></span> </div> <div id="performance_overall_details" style="display:none"> <!-- IMAGE LIST --> <?php if (!empty($used_images)) { ?> <!-- THE IMAGE PERFORMANCE MESSING --> <span class="tp-monitor-performance-title"><?php echo __("Image Performance", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-performace-wrap"> <span id="image-performace-bar" style="width: %image_performance%%" class="tp-monitor-performance-bar mo-%image_color%-col"></span> <span class="tp-monitor-slow"><?php echo __("Slow", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-ok"><?php echo __("Ok", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-fast"><?php echo __("Fast", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> </span> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:35px"></span> <!-- FULL SIZE OF SUBCATEGORY && SHOW/HIDE LIST --> <span style="float:left;width:40%"> <span class="tp-monitor-smalllabel"><?php echo __("Images Loaded:", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-imageicon"></span> <span id="image_sub_size" class="tp-monitor-total-subsize"><?php echo size_format($img_size, 2); ?> </span> </span> <span style="float:left;width:60%; text-align:right;"> <span class="tp-monitor-showdetails" data-target="#monitor-image-details" data-open="</span><?php echo __("Hide Details", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> " data-close="</span><?php echo __("Show Details", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> "><span class="tp-monitor-openclose"></span><span class="tp-show-inner-btn"><?php echo __("Show Details", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span></span> </span> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:15px"></span> <!-- THE IMAGE LIST --> <ul class="tp-monitor-list" id="monitor-image-details" style="display:none;margin-bottom:15px;"> <?php foreach ($used_images as $path => $image) { $_li = '<li class="tp-monitor-listli">'; if (isset($image['size'])) { $img_counter++; if ($image['size'] < 200000) { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-good"></span>'; } else { if ($image['size'] < 400000) { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-well"></span>'; } else { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-warning"></span>'; } } if ($image['size'] > 1000000) { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-size">' . size_format($image['size'], 2) . '</span>'; } else { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-size">' . size_format($image['size'], 0) . '</span>'; } } else { if ($image['id'] == 'external') { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-neutral"></span><span class="tp-monitor-size">' . __('extern', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN) . '</span>'; } else { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-warning"></span><span class="tp-monitor-size">' . __('missing', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN) . '</span>'; } } $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-file">'; if (!isset($image['info']['basename']) || empty($image['info']['basename'])) { $_li .= '...' . substr($path, -20); } else { $_li .= substr($image['info']['basename'], -20); } $_li .= '</span>'; if (isset($image['url'])) { //$_li .= ' <a href="'.$image['url'].'" target="_blank" class="tp-monitor-showimage"></a>'; $_li .= ' <a href="' . $image['url'] . '" target="_blank" class="tp-monitor-linktoslide"></a>'; } $_li .= '</li>'; echo $_li; if (isset($image['size']) && $image['size'] > 199999 || !isset($image['size']) && !$image['id'] == 'external') { $issues .= $_li; } } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> <!-- VIDEO LIST --> <?php if (!empty($used_videos)) { ?> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:15px"></span> <hr> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:25px"></span> <!-- THE VIDEO PERFORMANCE MESSING --> <span class="tp-monitor-performance-title"><?php echo __("Video Performance", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-performace-wrap"> <span id="video-performace-bar" style="width:50%" class="tp-monitor-performance-bar mo-neutral-col"></span> <span class="tp-monitor-slow"><?php echo __("Slow", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-ok"><?php echo __("Ok", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-fast"><?php echo __("Fast", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> </span> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:35px"></span> <!-- FULL SIZE OF SUBCATEGORY && SHOW/HIDE LIST --> <span style="float:left;width:40%; display:block"> <span class="tp-monitor-smalllabel"><?php echo __("Videos Loaded (max):", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <?php if ($video_size > 0) { ?> <span class="tp-monitor-imageicon"></span> <span id="video_sub_size" class="tp-monitor-total-subsize"><?php echo size_format($video_size, 2); ?> </span> <?php } else { ?> <span class="tp-monitor-imageicon"></span> <span class="tp-monitor-total-subsize"><?php echo __("Unknown", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <?php } ?> </span> <span style="float:left;width:60%; text-align:right;"> <span class="tp-monitor-showdetails" data-target="#monitor-video-details" data-open="</span><?php echo __("Hide Details", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> " data-close="</span><?php echo __("Show Details", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> "><span class="tp-monitor-openclose"></span><span class="tp-show-inner-btn"><?php echo __("Show Details", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span></span> </span> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:15px"></span> <ul class="tp-monitor-list" id="monitor-video-details" style="margin-bottom:15px;display:none;"> <?php foreach ($used_videos as $path => $video) { $_li = '<li class="tp-monitor-listli">'; if (isset($video['size'])) { $_li .= ' <span class="tp-monitor-neutral"></span>'; if ($video['size'] > 1000000) { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-size">' . size_format($video['size'], 2) . '</span>'; } else { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-size">' . size_format($video['size'], 0) . '</span>'; } } else { if ($video['id'] == 'external') { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-neutral"></span><span class="tp-monitor-size">' . __('extern', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN) . '</span>'; } else { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-warning"></span><span class="tp-monitor-size">' . __('missing', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN) . '</span>'; } } $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-file">'; if (!isset($video['info']['basename']) || empty($video['info']['basename'])) { $_li .= '...' . substr($path, -20); } else { $_li .= substr($video['info']['basename'], -20); } $_li .= '</span>'; if (isset($image['url'])) { $_li .= ' <a href="' . $video['url'] . '" target="_blank" class="tp-monitor-linktoslide"></a>'; } $_li .= '</li>'; if (!isset($video['size']) && !$video['id'] == 'external') { $issues .= $_li; } echo $_li; } ?> </ul> <?php } $css_size = 0; ?> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:15px"></span> <hr> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:25px"></span> <!-- THE IMAGE PERFORMANCE MESSING --> <span class="tp-monitor-performance-title"><?php echo __("CSS Performance", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-performace-wrap"> <span id="image-performace-bar" style="width:%css_performance%%" class="tp-monitor-performance-bar mo-%css_color%-col"></span> <span class="tp-monitor-slow"><?php echo __("Slow", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-ok"><?php echo __("Ok", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-fast"><?php echo __("Fast", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> </span> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:35px"></span> <!-- FULL SIZE OF SUBCATEGORY && SHOW/HIDE LIST --> <span style="float:left;width:40%"> <span class="tp-monitor-smalllabel"><?php echo __("CSS Loaded:", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-cssicon"></span><span id="css_sub_size" class="tp-monitor-total-subsize">%css_size%</span> </span> <span style="float:left;width:60%; text-align:right;"> <span class="tp-monitor-showdetails" data-target="#monitor-CSS-details" data-open="</span><?php echo __("Hide Details", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> " data-close="</span><?php echo __("Show Details", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> "><span class="tp-monitor-openclose"></span><span class="tp-show-inner-btn"><?php echo __("Show Details", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span></span> </span> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:15px"></span> <?php //get css files echo '<ul class="tp-monitor-list" id="monitor-CSS-details" style="margin-bottom:15px;display:none;">'; if (file_exists(RS_PLUGIN_PATH . '/public/assets/css/settings.css')) { $fs = filesize(RS_PLUGIN_PATH . '/public/assets/css/settings.css'); $_li = '<li class="tp-monitor-listli">'; if ($fs < 60000) { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-good"></span>'; } else { if ($fs < 100000) { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-well"></span>'; } else { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-warning"></span>'; } } $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-size">' . size_format($fs, 0) . '</span>'; $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-file">'; $_li .= __('css/settings.css', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); $_li .= '</span>'; $_li .= '</li>'; if ($fs > 99999) { $issues .= $_li; } echo $_li; $total_size += $fs; $css_size += $fs; } $custom_css = RevSliderOperations::getStaticCss(); $custom_css = RevSliderCssParser::compress_css($custom_css); $_li = '<li class="tp-monitor-listli">'; if (strlen($custom_css) < 50000) { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-good"></span>'; } else { if (strlen($custom_css) < 100000) { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-well"></span>'; } else { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-warning"></span>'; } } $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-size">' . size_format(strlen($custom_css), 0) . '</span>'; $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-file">'; $_li .= __('Static Styles', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); $_li .= '</span>'; $_li .= '</li>'; if (strlen($custom_css) > 49999) { $issues .= $_li; } echo $_li; $total_size += strlen($custom_css); $css_size += strlen($custom_css); if (!empty($used_captions)) { $captions = array(); foreach ($used_captions as $class => $val) { $cap = RevSliderOperations::getCaptionsContentArray($class); if (!empty($cap)) { $captions[] = $cap; } } $styles = RevSliderCssParser::parseArrayToCss($captions, "\n"); $styles = RevSliderCssParser::compress_css($styles); $_li = '<li class="tp-monitor-listli">'; if (strlen($styles) < 50000) { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-good"></span>'; } else { if (strlen($styles) < 100000) { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-well"></span>'; } else { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-warning"></span>'; } } $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-size">' . size_format(strlen($styles), 0) . '</span>'; $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-file">'; $_li .= __('Dynamic Styles', REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); $_li .= '</span>'; $_li .= '</li>'; if (strlen($styles) > 49999) { $issues .= $_li; } echo $_li; $total_size += strlen($styles); $css_size += strlen($styles); } echo '</ul>'; echo ' <span style="display:none" id="css-size-hidden">' . size_format($css_size, 2) . '</span>'; $js_size = 0; ?> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:15px"></span> <hr> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:25px"></span> <!-- THE jQuery PERFORMANCE MESSING --> <span class="tp-monitor-performance-title"><?php echo __("jQuery Performance", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-performace-wrap"> <span id="video-performace-bar" style="width:%js_performance%%" class="tp-monitor-performance-bar mo-%js_color%-col"></span> <span class="tp-monitor-slow"><?php echo __("Slow", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-ok"><?php echo __("Ok", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-fast"><?php echo __("Fast", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> </span> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:35px"></span> <!-- FULL SIZE OF SUBCATEGORY && SHOW/HIDE LIST --> <span style="float:left;width:40%; display:block"> <span class="tp-monitor-smalllabel"><?php echo __("jQuery Loaded:", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-imageicon"></span><span id="jquery_sub_size" class="tp-monitor-total-subsize">%js_size%</span> </span> <span style="float:left;width:60%; text-align:right;"> <span class="tp-monitor-showdetails" data-target="#monitor-jquery-details" data-open="</span><?php echo __("Hide Details", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> " data-close="</span><?php echo __("Show Details", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> "><span class="tp-monitor-openclose"></span><span class="tp-show-inner-btn"><?php echo __("Show Details", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span></span> </span> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:15px"></span> <?php echo '<ul class="tp-monitor-list" id="monitor-jquery-details" style="margin-bottom:15px;display:none">'; $jsfiles = array('jquery.themepunch.tools.min.js' => RS_PLUGIN_PATH . '/public/assets/js/jquery.themepunch.tools.min.js', 'jquery.themepunch.revolution.min.js' => RS_PLUGIN_PATH . '/public/assets/js/jquery.themepunch.revolution.min.js'); //check which js files will be used by the Slider if ($using_kenburns == true) { $jsfiles['revolution.extension.kenburn.min.js'] = RS_PLUGIN_PATH . '/public/assets/js/extensions/revolution.extension.kenburn.min.js'; } if ($using_parallax == true) { $jsfiles['revolution.extension.parallax.js'] = RS_PLUGIN_PATH . '/public/assets/js/extensions/revolution.extension.parallax.js'; } if ($using_navigation == true) { $jsfiles['revolution.extension.navigation.min.js'] = RS_PLUGIN_PATH . '/public/assets/js/extensions/revolution.extension.navigation.min.js'; } if ($using_videos == true) { $jsfiles['revolution.extension.video.min.js'] = RS_PLUGIN_PATH . '/public/assets/js/extensions/revolution.extension.video.min.js'; } if ($using_actions == true) { $jsfiles['revolution.extension.actions.min.js'] = RS_PLUGIN_PATH . '/public/assets/js/extensions/revolution.extension.actions.min.js'; } if ($using_layeranim == true) { $jsfiles['revolution.extension.layeranimation.min.js'] = RS_PLUGIN_PATH . '/public/assets/js/extensions/revolution.extension.layeranimation.min.js'; } if ($using_carousel == true) { $jsfiles['revolution.extension.carousel.min.js'] = RS_PLUGIN_PATH . '/public/assets/js/extensions/revolution.extension.carousel.min.js'; } else { $jsfiles['revolution.extension.slideanims.min.js'] = RS_PLUGIN_PATH . '/public/assets/js/extensions/revolution.extension.slideanims.min.js'; } //get the js files foreach ($jsfiles as $name => $path) { if (file_exists($path)) { $fs = filesize($path); echo '<li class="tp-monitor-listli">'; echo '<span class="tp-monitor-good"></span>'; echo '<span class="tp-monitor-size">' . size_format($fs, 0) . '</span>'; echo '<span class="tp-monitor-file">'; echo $name; echo '</span>'; echo '</li>'; $total_size += $fs; $js_size += $fs; } } echo '</ul>'; echo ' <span style="display:none" id="css-size-hidden">' . size_format($js_size, 2) . '</span>'; $http = is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http'; $operations = new RevSliderOperations(); $arrValues = $operations->getGeneralSettingsValues(); $set_diff_font = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($arrValues, "change_font_loading", ''); if ($set_diff_font !== '') { $font_url = $set_diff_font; } else { $font_url = $http . '://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family='; } $my_fonts = $slider->getParam('google_font', array()); ?> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:15px"></span> <hr> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:25px"></span> <!-- THE Fonts PERFORMANCE MESSING --> <span class="tp-monitor-performance-title"><?php echo __("Google Fonts Performance", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-performace-wrap"> <span id="video-performace-bar" style="width:%font_performance%%" class="tp-monitor-performance-bar mo-%font_color%-col"></span> <span class="tp-monitor-slow"><?php echo __("Slow", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-ok"><?php echo __("Ok", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-fast"><?php echo __("Fast", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> </span> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:35px"></span> <!-- FULL SIZE OF SUBCATEGORY && SHOW/HIDE LIST --> <span style="float:left;width:40%; display:block"> <span class="tp-monitor-smalllabel"><?php echo __("Fonts Loaded:", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span> <span class="tp-monitor-jsicon"></span><span class="tp-monitor-total-subsize">%font_size%</span> </span> <span style="float:left;width:60%; text-align:right;"> <span class="tp-monitor-showdetails" data-target="#monitor-fonts-details" data-open="</span><?php echo __("Hide Details", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> " data-close="</span><?php echo __("Show Details", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> "><span class="tp-monitor-openclose"></span><span class="tp-show-inner-btn"><?php echo __("Show Details", REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> </span></span> </span> <span class="tp-clearfix" style="height:15px"></span> <?php //echo '<span class="tp-monitor-smalllabel">'.$font_url.'</span>'; echo '<ul class="tp-monitor-list" id="monitor-fonts-details" style="margin-bottom:15px;display:none">'; $all_font_count = 0; if (!empty($my_fonts)) { foreach ($my_fonts as $c_font) { $fcount = RevSliderBase::get_font_weight_count($c_font); $_li = '<li class="tp-monitor-listli">'; if ($fcount < 4) { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-good"></span>'; } else { if ($fcount < 7) { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-well"></span>'; } else { $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-warning"></span>'; } } $_li .= '<span class="tp-monitor-file">'; $_li .= strip_tags($c_font); $_li .= '</span>'; $_li .= '</li>'; if ($fcount > 4) { $issues .= $_li; } echo $_li; $all_font_count += $fcount; } } echo '</ul>'; ?> </div><!-- END OF OVERALL Div--> <script> jQuery(document).on("ready",function() { jQuery('body').on('click','.tp-monitor-showdetails',function() { var bt = jQuery(this); if (bt.hasClass("selected")) { bt.find('.tp-show-inner-btn').html(bt.data('close')); bt.removeClass("selected"); jQuery(bt.data('target')).slideUp(200); } else { bt.find('.tp-show-inner-btn').html(bt.data('open')); bt.addClass("selected"); jQuery(bt.data('target')).slideDown(200); } }) }) </script> <?php $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ($img_counter == 0) { $img_counter = 1; } if ($slide_counter == 0) { $slide_counter = 1; } $overall = RevSliderOperations::get_performance($total_size / $slide_counter, 0, 400000); // 400KB / Slide is ok $image = RevSliderOperations::get_performance($img_size / $img_counter, 0, 100000); // 100KB Image OK $css = RevSliderOperations::get_performance($css_size, 0, 150000); // 150KB CSS OK $js = RevSliderOperations::get_performance($js_size, 0, 250000); // 250KB Image OK $font = RevSliderOperations::get_performance($all_font_count, 0, 15); // 250KB Image OK $firstslide_size += $js_size; $firstslide_size += $css_size; $smartslide_size += $js_size; $smartslide_size += $css_size; $content = str_replace("%overall_performance%", $overall["proc"], $content); $content = str_replace("%overall_color%", $overall["col"], $content); $content = str_replace("%overall_size%", size_format($total_size, 2), $content); $content = str_replace("%image_performance%", $image["proc"], $content); $content = str_replace("%image_color%", $image["col"], $content); $content = str_replace("%css_performance%", $css["proc"], $content); $content = str_replace("%css_color%", $css["col"], $content); $content = str_replace("%css_size%", size_format($css_size, 2), $content); $content = str_replace("%js_performance%", $js["proc"], $content); $content = str_replace("%js_color%", $js["col"], $content); $content = str_replace("%js_size%", size_format($js_size, 2), $content); $content = str_replace("%font_performance%", $font["proc"], $content); $content = str_replace("%font_color%", $font["col"], $content); $content = str_replace("%font_size%", $all_font_count, $content); $content = str_replace("%issues%", $issues, $content); $content = str_replace("%firstslide_size%", size_format($firstslide_size, 2), $content); $content = str_replace("%smartslide_size%", size_format($smartslide_size, 2), $content); $content = str_replace("%allslide_size%", size_format($total_size, 2), $content); $total_size = $total_size / 1000; $content = str_replace("%umtsspeed-all%", gmdate('i:s', $total_size / 48), $content); $content = str_replace("%dslspeed-all%", gmdate('i:s', $total_size / 307), $content); $content = str_replace("%t1speed-all%", gmdate('i:s', $total_size / 1180), $content); $firstslide_size = $firstslide_size / 1000; $content = str_replace("%umtsspeed-single%", gmdate('i:s', $firstslide_size / 48), $content); $content = str_replace("%dslspeed-single%", gmdate('i:s', $firstslide_size / 307), $content); $content = str_replace("%t1speed-single%", gmdate('i:s', $firstslide_size / 1180), $content); $smartslide_size = $smartslide_size / 1000; $content = str_replace("%umtsspeed-smart%", gmdate('i:s', $smartslide_size / 48), $content); $content = str_replace("%dslspeed-smart%", gmdate('i:s', $smartslide_size / 307), $content); $content = str_replace("%t1speed-smart%", gmdate('i:s', $smartslide_size / 1180), $content); echo $content; }
/** * * import slider from multipart form */ public function importSliderFromPost($updateAnim = true, $updateStatic = true, $exactfilepath = false, $is_template = false, $single_slide = false, $updateNavigation = true) { try { $sliderID = RevSliderFunctions::getPostVariable("sliderid"); $sliderExists = !empty($sliderID); if ($sliderExists) { $this->initByID($sliderID); } if ($exactfilepath !== false) { $filepath = $exactfilepath; } else { switch ($_FILES['import_file']['error']) { case UPLOAD_ERR_OK: break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: RevSliderFunctions::throwError(__('No file sent.', 'revslider')); case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: RevSliderFunctions::throwError(__('Exceeded filesize limit.', 'revslider')); default: break; } $filepath = $_FILES["import_file"]["tmp_name"]; } if (file_exists($filepath) == false) { RevSliderFunctions::throwError(__('Import file not found!!!', 'revslider')); } $importZip = false; WP_Filesystem(); global $wp_filesystem; $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $d_path = $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/rstemp/'; $unzipfile = unzip_file($filepath, $d_path); if (is_wp_error($unzipfile)) { define('FS_METHOD', 'direct'); //lets try direct. WP_Filesystem(); //WP_Filesystem() needs to be called again since now we use direct ! //@chmod($filepath, 0775); $unzipfile = unzip_file($filepath, $d_path); if (is_wp_error($unzipfile)) { $d_path = RS_PLUGIN_PATH . 'rstemp/'; $unzipfile = unzip_file($filepath, $d_path); if (is_wp_error($unzipfile)) { $f = basename($filepath); $d_path = str_replace($f, '', $filepath); $unzipfile = unzip_file($filepath, $d_path); } } } if (!is_wp_error($unzipfile)) { $importZip = true; //raus damit.. //read all files needed $content = $wp_filesystem->exists($d_path . 'slider_export.txt') ? $wp_filesystem->get_contents($d_path . 'slider_export.txt') : ''; if ($content == '') { RevSliderFunctions::throwError(__('slider_export.txt does not exist!', 'revslider')); } $animations = $wp_filesystem->exists($d_path . 'custom_animations.txt') ? $wp_filesystem->get_contents($d_path . 'custom_animations.txt') : ''; $dynamic = $wp_filesystem->exists($d_path . 'dynamic-captions.css') ? $wp_filesystem->get_contents($d_path . 'dynamic-captions.css') : ''; $static = $wp_filesystem->exists($d_path . 'static-captions.css') ? $wp_filesystem->get_contents($d_path . 'static-captions.css') : ''; $navigations = $wp_filesystem->exists($d_path . 'navigation.txt') ? $wp_filesystem->get_contents($d_path . 'navigation.txt') : ''; $uid_check = $wp_filesystem->exists($d_path . 'info.cfg') ? $wp_filesystem->get_contents($d_path . 'info.cfg') : ''; $version_check = $wp_filesystem->exists($d_path . 'version.cfg') ? $wp_filesystem->get_contents($d_path . 'version.cfg') : ''; if ($is_template !== false) { if ($uid_check != $is_template) { return array("success" => false, "error" => __('Please select the correct zip file, checksum failed!', 'revslider')); } } else { //someone imported a template base Slider, check if it is existing in Base Sliders, if yes, check if it was imported if ($uid_check !== '') { $tmpl = new RevSliderTemplate(); $tmpl_slider = $tmpl->getThemePunchTemplateSliders(); foreach ($tmpl_slider as $tp_slider) { if (!isset($tp_slider['installed'])) { continue; } if ($tp_slider['uid'] == $uid_check) { $is_template = $uid_check; break; } } } } $db = new RevSliderDB(); //update/insert custom animations $animations = @unserialize($animations); if (!empty($animations)) { foreach ($animations as $key => $animation) { //$animation['id'], $animation['handle'], $animation['params'] $exist = $db->fetch(RevSliderGlobals::$table_layer_anims, $db->prepare("handle = %s", array($animation['handle']))); if (!empty($exist)) { //update the animation, get the ID if ($updateAnim == "true") { //overwrite animation if exists $arrUpdate = array(); $arrUpdate['params'] = stripslashes(json_encode(str_replace("'", '"', $animation['params']))); $db->update(RevSliderGlobals::$table_layer_anims, $arrUpdate, array('handle' => $animation['handle'])); $anim_id = $exist['0']['id']; } else { //insert with new handle $arrInsert = array(); $arrInsert["handle"] = 'copy_' . $animation['handle']; $arrInsert["params"] = stripslashes(json_encode(str_replace("'", '"', $animation['params']))); $anim_id = $db->insert(RevSliderGlobals::$table_layer_anims, $arrInsert); } } else { //insert the animation, get the ID $arrInsert = array(); $arrInsert["handle"] = $animation['handle']; $arrInsert["params"] = stripslashes(json_encode(str_replace("'", '"', $animation['params']))); $anim_id = $db->insert(RevSliderGlobals::$table_layer_anims, $arrInsert); } //and set the current customin-oldID and customout-oldID in slider params to new ID from $id $content = str_replace(array('customin-' . $animation['id'] . '"', 'customout-' . $animation['id'] . '"'), array('customin-' . $anim_id . '"', 'customout-' . $anim_id . '"'), $content); } dmp(__("animations imported!", 'revslider')); } //overwrite/append static-captions.css if (!empty($static)) { if ($updateStatic == "true") { //overwrite file RevSliderOperations::updateStaticCss($static); } elseif ($updateStatic == 'none') { //do nothing } else { //append $static_cur = RevSliderOperations::getStaticCss(); $static = $static_cur . "\n" . $static; RevSliderOperations::updateStaticCss($static); } } //overwrite/create dynamic-captions.css //parse css to classes $dynamicCss = RevSliderCssParser::parseCssToArray($dynamic); if (is_array($dynamicCss) && $dynamicCss !== false && count($dynamicCss) > 0) { foreach ($dynamicCss as $class => $styles) { //check if static style or dynamic style $class = trim($class); if (strpos($class, ',') !== false && strpos($class, '.tp-caption') !== false) { //we have something like .tp-caption.redclass, .redclass $class_t = explode(',', $class); foreach ($class_t as $k => $cl) { if (strpos($cl, '.tp-caption') !== false) { $class = $cl; } } } if (strpos($class, ':hover') === false && strpos($class, ':') !== false || strpos($class, " ") !== false || strpos($class, ".tp-caption") === false || (strpos($class, ".") === false || strpos($class, "#") !== false) || strpos($class, ">") !== false) { //.tp-caption>.imageclass or .tp-caption.imageclass>img or .tp-caption.imageclass .img continue; } //is a dynamic style if (strpos($class, ':hover') !== false) { $class = trim(str_replace(':hover', '', $class)); $arrInsert = array(); $arrInsert["hover"] = json_encode($styles); $arrInsert["settings"] = json_encode(array('hover' => 'true')); } else { $arrInsert = array(); $arrInsert["params"] = json_encode($styles); $arrInsert["settings"] = ''; } //check if class exists $result = $db->fetch(RevSliderGlobals::$table_css, $db->prepare("handle = %s", array($class))); if (!empty($result)) { //update $db->update(RevSliderGlobals::$table_css, $arrInsert, array('handle' => $class)); } else { //insert $arrInsert["handle"] = $class; $db->insert(RevSliderGlobals::$table_css, $arrInsert); } } dmp(__("dynamic styles imported!", 'revslider')); } //update/insert custom animations $navigations = @unserialize($navigations); if (!empty($navigations)) { foreach ($navigations as $key => $navigation) { $exist = $db->fetch(RevSliderGlobals::$table_navigation, $db->prepare("handle = %s", array($navigation['handle']))); unset($navigation['id']); $rh = $navigation["handle"]; if (!empty($exist)) { //create new navigation, get the ID if ($updateNavigation == "true") { //overwrite navigation if exists unset($navigation['handle']); $db->update(RevSliderGlobals::$table_navigation, $navigation, array('handle' => $rh)); } else { //insert with new handle $navigation["handle"] = $navigation['handle'] . '-' . date('is'); $navigation["name"] = $navigation['name'] . '-' . date('is'); $content = str_replace($rh . '"', $navigation["handle"] . '"', $content); $navigation["css"] = str_replace('.' . $rh, '.' . $navigation["handle"], $navigation["css"]); //change css class to the correct new class $navi_id = $db->insert(RevSliderGlobals::$table_navigation, $navigation); } } else { $navi_id = $db->insert(RevSliderGlobals::$table_navigation, $navigation); } } dmp(__("navigations imported!", 'revslider')); } } else { $message = $unzipfile->get_error_message(); $wp_filesystem->delete($d_path, true); return array("success" => false, "error" => $message); } //$content = preg_replace('!s:(\d+):"(.*?)";!e', "'s:'.strlen('$2').':\"$2\";'", $content); //clear errors in string //deprecated in newest php version $content = preg_replace_callback('!s:(\\d+):"(.*?)";!', array('RevSliderSlider', 'clear_error_in_string'), $content); //clear errors in string $arrSlider = @unserialize($content); if (empty($arrSlider)) { $wp_filesystem->delete($d_path, true); RevSliderFunctions::throwError(__('Wrong export slider file format! Please make sure that the uploaded file is either a zip file with a correct slider_export.txt in the root of it or an valid slider_export.txt file.', 'revslider')); } //update slider params $sliderParams = $arrSlider["params"]; if ($sliderExists) { $sliderParams["title"] = $this->arrParams["title"]; $sliderParams["alias"] = $this->arrParams["alias"]; $sliderParams["shortcode"] = $this->arrParams["shortcode"]; } if (isset($sliderParams["background_image"])) { $sliderParams["background_image"] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath($sliderParams["background_image"]); } $import_statics = true; if (isset($sliderParams['enable_static_layers'])) { if ($sliderParams['enable_static_layers'] == 'off') { $import_statics = false; } unset($sliderParams['enable_static_layers']); } $sliderParams['version'] = $version_check; $json_params = json_encode($sliderParams); //update slider or create new if ($sliderExists) { $arrUpdate = array("params" => $json_params); $this->db->update(RevSliderGlobals::$table_sliders, $arrUpdate, array("id" => $sliderID)); } else { //new slider $arrInsert = array(); $arrInsert['params'] = $json_params; //check if Slider with title and/or alias exists, if yes change both to stay unique $arrInsert['title'] = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($sliderParams, 'title', 'Slider1'); $arrInsert['alias'] = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($sliderParams, 'alias', 'slider1'); if ($is_template === false) { //we want to stay at the given alias if we are a template $talias = $arrInsert['alias']; $ti = 1; while ($this->isAliasExistsInDB($talias)) { //set a new alias and title if its existing in database $talias = $arrInsert['alias'] . $ti; $ti++; } if ($talias !== $arrInsert['alias']) { $sliderParams['title'] = $talias; $sliderParams['alias'] = $talias; $arrInsert['title'] = $talias; $arrInsert['alias'] = $talias; $json_params = json_encode($sliderParams); $arrInsert['params'] = $json_params; } } if ($is_template !== false) { //add that we are an template $arrInsert['type'] = 'template'; $sliderParams['uid'] = $is_template; $json_params = json_encode($sliderParams); $arrInsert['params'] = $json_params; } $sliderID = $this->db->insert(RevSliderGlobals::$table_sliders, $arrInsert); } //-------- Slides Handle ----------- //delete current slides if ($sliderExists) { $this->deleteAllSlides(); } //create all slides $arrSlides = $arrSlider["slides"]; $alreadyImported = array(); //$content_url = content_url(); $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $content_url = $upload_dir['baseurl'] . '/revslider/assets/svg/'; //wpml compatibility $slider_map = array(); foreach ($arrSlides as $sl_key => $slide) { $params = $slide["params"]; $layers = $slide["layers"]; $settings = isset($slide["settings"]) ? $slide["settings"] : ''; //convert params images: if ($importZip === true) { //we have a zip, check if exists //remove image_id as it is not needed in import if (isset($params['image_id'])) { unset($params['image_id']); } if (isset($params["image"])) { $params["image"] = RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($d_path, $params["image"], $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported); $params["image"] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath($params["image"]); } if (isset($params["background_image"])) { $params["background_image"] = RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($d_path, $params["background_image"], $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported); $params["background_image"] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath($params["background_image"]); } if (isset($params["slide_thumb"])) { $params["slide_thumb"] = RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($d_path, $params["slide_thumb"], $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported); $params["slide_thumb"] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath($params["slide_thumb"]); } if (isset($params["show_alternate_image"])) { $params["show_alternate_image"] = RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($d_path, $params["show_alternate_image"], $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported); $params["show_alternate_image"] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath($params["show_alternate_image"]); } if (isset($params['background_type']) && $params['background_type'] == 'html5') { if (isset($params['slide_bg_html_mpeg']) && $params['slide_bg_html_mpeg'] != '') { $params['slide_bg_html_mpeg'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($d_path, $params["slide_bg_html_mpeg"], $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported, true)); } if (isset($params['slide_bg_html_webm']) && $params['slide_bg_html_webm'] != '') { $params['slide_bg_html_webm'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($d_path, $params["slide_bg_html_webm"], $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported, true)); } if (isset($params['slide_bg_html_ogv']) && $params['slide_bg_html_ogv'] != '') { $params['slide_bg_html_ogv'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($d_path, $params["slide_bg_html_ogv"], $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported, true)); } } } //convert layers images: foreach ($layers as $key => $layer) { //import if exists in zip folder if ($importZip === true) { //we have a zip, check if exists if (isset($layer["image_url"])) { $layer["image_url"] = RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($d_path, $layer["image_url"], $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported); $layer["image_url"] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath($layer["image_url"]); } if (isset($layer['type']) && ($layer['type'] == 'video' || $layer['type'] == 'audio')) { $video_data = isset($layer['video_data']) ? (array) $layer['video_data'] : array(); if (!empty($video_data) && isset($video_data['video_type']) && $video_data['video_type'] == 'html5') { if (isset($video_data['urlPoster']) && $video_data['urlPoster'] != '') { $video_data['urlPoster'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($d_path, $video_data["urlPoster"], $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported)); } if (isset($video_data['urlMp4']) && $video_data['urlMp4'] != '') { $video_data['urlMp4'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($d_path, $video_data["urlMp4"], $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported, true)); } if (isset($video_data['urlWebm']) && $video_data['urlWebm'] != '') { $video_data['urlWebm'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($d_path, $video_data["urlWebm"], $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported, true)); } if (isset($video_data['urlOgv']) && $video_data['urlOgv'] != '') { $video_data['urlOgv'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($d_path, $video_data["urlOgv"], $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported, true)); } } elseif (!empty($video_data) && isset($video_data['video_type']) && $video_data['video_type'] != 'html5') { //video cover image if ($video_data['video_type'] == 'audio') { if (isset($video_data['urlAudio']) && $video_data['urlAudio'] != '') { $video_data['urlAudio'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($d_path, $video_data["urlAudio"], $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported, true)); } } else { if (isset($video_data['previewimage']) && $video_data['previewimage'] != '') { $video_data['previewimage'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($d_path, $video_data["previewimage"], $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported)); } } } $layer['video_data'] = $video_data; } if (isset($layer['type']) && $layer['type'] == 'svg') { if (isset($layer['svg']) && isset($layer['svg']->src)) { if (strpos($layer['svg']->src, 'revslider-whiteboard-addon') !== false) { $layer['svg']->src = content_url() . $layer['svg']->src; } else { $layer['svg']->src = str_replace('/plugins/revslider/public/assets/assets/svg/', '', $content_url . $layer['svg']->src); } } } } $layer['text'] = stripslashes($layer['text']); $layers[$key] = $layer; } $arrSlides[$sl_key]['layers'] = $layers; //create new slide $arrCreate = array(); $arrCreate["slider_id"] = $sliderID; $arrCreate["slide_order"] = $slide["slide_order"]; $my_layers = json_encode($layers); if (empty($my_layers)) { $my_layers = stripslashes(json_encode($layers)); } $my_params = json_encode($params); if (empty($my_params)) { $my_params = stripslashes(json_encode($params)); } $my_settings = json_encode($settings); if (empty($my_settings)) { $my_settings = stripslashes(json_encode($settings)); } $arrCreate["layers"] = $my_layers; $arrCreate["params"] = $my_params; $arrCreate["settings"] = $my_settings; $last_id = $this->db->insert(RevSliderGlobals::$table_slides, $arrCreate); if (isset($slide['id'])) { $slider_map[$slide['id']] = $last_id; } } //change for WPML the parent IDs if necessary if (!empty($slider_map)) { foreach ($arrSlides as $sl_key => $slide) { if (isset($slide['params']['parentid']) && isset($slider_map[$slide['params']['parentid']])) { $update_id = $slider_map[$slide['id']]; $parent_id = $slider_map[$slide['params']['parentid']]; $arrCreate = array(); $arrCreate["params"] = $slide['params']; $arrCreate["params"]['parentid'] = $parent_id; $my_params = json_encode($arrCreate["params"]); if (empty($my_params)) { $my_params = stripslashes(json_encode($arrCreate["params"])); } $arrCreate["params"] = $my_params; $this->db->update(RevSliderGlobals::$table_slides, $arrCreate, array("id" => $update_id)); } $did_change = false; foreach ($slide['layers'] as $key => $value) { if (isset($value['layer_action'])) { if (isset($value['layer_action']->jump_to_slide) && !empty($value['layer_action']->jump_to_slide)) { $value['layer_action']->jump_to_slide = (array) $value['layer_action']->jump_to_slide; foreach ($value['layer_action']->jump_to_slide as $jtsk => $jtsval) { if (isset($slider_map[$jtsval])) { $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->jump_to_slide[$jtsk] = $slider_map[$jtsval]; $did_change = true; } } } } $link_slide = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($value, 'link_slide', false); if ($link_slide != false && $link_slide !== 'nothing') { //link to slide/scrollunder is set, move it to actions if (!isset($slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action'])) { $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action'] = new stdClass(); } switch ($link_slide) { case 'link': $link = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($value, 'link'); $link_open_in = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($value, 'link_open_in'); $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->action = array('a' => 'link'); $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->link_type = array('a' => 'a'); $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->image_link = array('a' => $link); $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->link_open_in = array('a' => $link_open_in); unset($slide['layers'][$key]['link']); unset($slide['layers'][$key]['link_open_in']); case 'next': $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->action = array('a' => 'next'); break; case 'prev': $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->action = array('a' => 'prev'); break; case 'scroll_under': $scrollunder_offset = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($value, 'scrollunder_offset'); $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->action = array('a' => 'scroll_under'); $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->scrollunder_offset = array('a' => $scrollunder_offset); unset($slide['layers'][$key]['scrollunder_offset']); break; default: //its an ID, so its a slide ID $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->action = array('a' => 'jumpto'); $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->jump_to_slide = array('a' => $slider_map[$link_slide]); break; } $slide['layers'][$key]['layer_action']->tooltip_event = array('a' => 'click'); unset($slide['layers'][$key]['link_slide']); $did_change = true; } if ($did_change === true) { $arrCreate = array(); $my_layers = json_encode($slide['layers']); if (empty($my_layers)) { $my_layers = stripslashes(json_encode($layers)); } $arrCreate['layers'] = $my_layers; $this->db->update(RevSliderGlobals::$table_slides, $arrCreate, array("id" => $slider_map[$slide['id']])); } } } } //check if static slide exists and import if (isset($arrSlider['static_slides']) && !empty($arrSlider['static_slides']) && $import_statics) { $static_slide = $arrSlider['static_slides']; foreach ($static_slide as $slide) { $params = $slide["params"]; $layers = $slide["layers"]; $settings = isset($slide["settings"]) ? $slide["settings"] : ''; //remove image_id as it is not needed in import if (isset($params['image_id'])) { unset($params['image_id']); } //convert params images: if (isset($params["image"])) { //import if exists in zip folder if (strpos($params["image"], 'http') !== false) { } else { if (trim($params["image"]) !== '') { if ($importZip === true) { //we have a zip, check if exists $image = $wp_filesystem->exists($d_path . 'images/' . $params["image"]); if (!$image) { echo $params["image"] . __(' not found!<br>', 'revslider'); } else { if (!isset($alreadyImported['images/' . $params["image"]])) { $importImage = RevSliderFunctionsWP::import_media($d_path . 'images/' . $params["image"], $sliderParams["alias"] . '/'); if ($importImage !== false) { $alreadyImported['images/' . $params["image"]] = $importImage['path']; $params["image"] = $importImage['path']; } } else { $params["image"] = $alreadyImported['images/' . $params["image"]]; } } } } $params["image"] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath($params["image"]); } } //convert layers images: foreach ($layers as $key => $layer) { if (isset($layer["image_url"])) { //import if exists in zip folder if (trim($layer["image_url"]) !== '') { if (strpos($layer["image_url"], 'http') !== false) { } else { if ($importZip === true) { //we have a zip, check if exists $image_url = $wp_filesystem->exists($d_path . 'images/' . $layer["image_url"]); if (!$image_url) { echo $layer["image_url"] . __(' not found!<br>'); } else { if (!isset($alreadyImported['images/' . $layer["image_url"]])) { $importImage = RevSliderFunctionsWP::import_media($d_path . 'images/' . $layer["image_url"], $sliderParams["alias"] . '/'); if ($importImage !== false) { $alreadyImported['images/' . $layer["image_url"]] = $importImage['path']; $layer["image_url"] = $importImage['path']; } } else { $layer["image_url"] = $alreadyImported['images/' . $layer["image_url"]]; } } } } } $layer["image_url"] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath($layer["image_url"]); } $layer['text'] = stripslashes($layer['text']); if (isset($layer['type']) && ($layer['type'] == 'video' || $layer['type'] == 'audio')) { $video_data = isset($layer['video_data']) ? (array) $layer['video_data'] : array(); if (!empty($video_data) && isset($video_data['video_type']) && $video_data['video_type'] == 'html5') { if (isset($video_data['urlPoster']) && $video_data['urlPoster'] != '') { $video_data['urlPoster'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($d_path, $video_data["urlPoster"], $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported)); } if (isset($video_data['urlMp4']) && $video_data['urlMp4'] != '') { $video_data['urlMp4'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($d_path, $video_data["urlMp4"], $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported, true)); } if (isset($video_data['urlWebm']) && $video_data['urlWebm'] != '') { $video_data['urlWebm'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($d_path, $video_data["urlWebm"], $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported, true)); } if (isset($video_data['urlOgv']) && $video_data['urlOgv'] != '') { $video_data['urlOgv'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($d_path, $video_data["urlOgv"], $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported, true)); } } elseif (!empty($video_data) && isset($video_data['video_type']) && $video_data['video_type'] != 'html5') { //video cover image if ($video_data['video_type'] == 'audio') { if (isset($video_data['urlAudio']) && $video_data['urlAudio'] != '') { $video_data['urlAudio'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($d_path, $video_data["urlAudio"], $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported, true)); } } else { if (isset($video_data['previewimage']) && $video_data['previewimage'] != '') { $video_data['previewimage'] = RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImageUrlFromPath(RevSliderBase::check_file_in_zip($d_path, $video_data["previewimage"], $sliderParams["alias"], $alreadyImported)); } } } $layer['video_data'] = $video_data; } if (isset($layer['type']) && $layer['type'] == 'svg') { if (isset($layer['svg']) && isset($layer['svg']->src)) { $layer['svg']->src = str_replace('/plugins/revslider/public/assets/assets/svg/', '', $content_url . $layer['svg']->src); } } if (isset($layer['layer_action'])) { if (isset($layer['layer_action']->jump_to_slide) && !empty($layer['layer_action']->jump_to_slide)) { foreach ($layer['layer_action']->jump_to_slide as $jtsk => $jtsval) { if (isset($slider_map[$jtsval])) { $layer['layer_action']->jump_to_slide[$jtsk] = $slider_map[$jtsval]; } } } } $link_slide = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($layer, 'link_slide', false); if ($link_slide != false && $link_slide !== 'nothing') { //link to slide/scrollunder is set, move it to actions if (!isset($layer['layer_action'])) { $layer['layer_action'] = new stdClass(); } switch ($link_slide) { case 'link': $link = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($layer, 'link'); $link_open_in = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($layer, 'link_open_in'); $layer['layer_action']->action = array('a' => 'link'); $layer['layer_action']->link_type = array('a' => 'a'); $layer['layer_action']->image_link = array('a' => $link); $layer['layer_action']->link_open_in = array('a' => $link_open_in); unset($layer['link']); unset($layer['link_open_in']); case 'next': $layer['layer_action']->action = array('a' => 'next'); break; case 'prev': $layer['layer_action']->action = array('a' => 'prev'); break; case 'scroll_under': $scrollunder_offset = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($value, 'scrollunder_offset'); $layer['layer_action']->action = array('a' => 'scroll_under'); $layer['layer_action']->scrollunder_offset = array('a' => $scrollunder_offset); unset($layer['scrollunder_offset']); break; default: //its an ID, so its a slide ID $layer['layer_action']->action = array('a' => 'jumpto'); $layer['layer_action']->jump_to_slide = array('a' => $slider_map[$link_slide]); break; } $layer['layer_action']->tooltip_event = array('a' => 'click'); unset($layer['link_slide']); $did_change = true; } $layers[$key] = $layer; } //create new slide $arrCreate = array(); $arrCreate["slider_id"] = $sliderID; $my_layers = json_encode($layers); if (empty($my_layers)) { $my_layers = stripslashes(json_encode($layers)); } $my_params = json_encode($params); if (empty($my_params)) { $my_params = stripslashes(json_encode($params)); } $my_settings = json_encode($settings); if (empty($my_settings)) { $my_settings = stripslashes(json_encode($settings)); } $arrCreate["layers"] = $my_layers; $arrCreate["params"] = $my_params; $arrCreate["settings"] = $my_settings; if ($sliderExists) { unset($arrCreate["slider_id"]); $this->db->update(RevSliderGlobals::$table_static_slides, $arrCreate, array("slider_id" => $sliderID)); } else { $this->db->insert(RevSliderGlobals::$table_static_slides, $arrCreate); } } } $c_slider = new RevSliderSlider(); $c_slider->initByID($sliderID); //check to convert styles to latest versions RevSliderPluginUpdate::update_css_styles(); //set to version 5 RevSliderPluginUpdate::add_animation_settings_to_layer($c_slider); //set to version 5 RevSliderPluginUpdate::add_style_settings_to_layer($c_slider); //set to version 5 RevSliderPluginUpdate::change_settings_on_layers($c_slider); //set to version 5 RevSliderPluginUpdate::add_general_settings($c_slider); //set to version 5 RevSliderPluginUpdate::change_general_settings_5_0_7($c_slider); //set to version 5.0.7 RevSliderPluginUpdate::change_layers_svg_5_2_5_4($c_slider); //set to version $cus_js = $c_slider->getParam('custom_javascript', ''); if (strpos($cus_js, 'revapi') !== false) { if (preg_match_all('/revapi[0-9]*/', $cus_js, $results)) { if (isset($results[0]) && !empty($results[0])) { foreach ($results[0] as $replace) { $cus_js = str_replace($replace, 'revapi' . $sliderID, $cus_js); } } $c_slider->updateParam(array('custom_javascript' => $cus_js)); } } if ($is_template !== false) { //duplicate the slider now, as we just imported the "template" if ($single_slide !== false) { //add now one Slide to the current Slider $mslider = new RevSlider(); //change slide_id to correct, as it currently is just a number beginning from 0 as we did not have a correct slide ID yet. $i = 0; $changed = false; foreach ($slider_map as $value) { if ($i == $single_slide['slide_id']) { $single_slide['slide_id'] = $value; $changed = true; break; } $i++; } if ($changed) { $return = $mslider->copySlideToSlider($single_slide); } else { return array("success" => false, "error" => __('could not find correct Slide to copy, please try again.', 'revslider'), "sliderID" => $sliderID); } } else { $mslider = new RevSlider(); $title = RevSliderFunctions::getVal($sliderParams, 'title', 'slider1'); $talias = $title; $ti = 1; while ($this->isAliasExistsInDB($talias)) { //set a new alias and title if its existing in database $talias = $title . $ti; $ti++; } $mslider->duplicateSliderFromData(array('sliderid' => $sliderID, 'title' => $talias)); } } $wp_filesystem->delete($d_path, true); } catch (Exception $e) { $errorMessage = $e->getMessage(); if (isset($d_path)) { $wp_filesystem->delete($d_path, true); } return array("success" => false, "error" => $errorMessage, "sliderID" => $sliderID); } return array("success" => true, "sliderID" => $sliderID); }