Пример #1
 public function index()
     /* Load the language file */
     /* Load the required modules */
      * Get the base URL for our shop
     if (isset($this->request->server['HTTPS']) && ($this->request->server['HTTPS'] == 'on' || $this->request->server['HTTPS'] == '1')) {
         $this->data['shop_url'] = $this->config->get('config_ssl');
     } else {
         $this->data['shop_url'] = $this->config->get('config_url');
     /* Get the saved value from the admin area */
     $this->data['api_key_field'] = $this->config->get('api_key_field');
     $this->data['api_secret_field'] = $this->config->get('api_secret_field');
     $this->data['retargeting_setEmail'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->config->get('retargeting_setEmail'));
     $this->data['retargeting_addToCart'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->config->get('retargeting_addToCart'));
     $this->data['retargeting_clickImage'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->config->get('retargeting_clickImage'));
     $this->data['retargeting_commentOnProduct'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->config->get('retargeting_commentOnProduct'));
     $this->data['retargeting_mouseOverPrice'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->config->get('retargeting_mouseOverPrice'));
     $this->data['retargeting_setVariation'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->config->get('retargeting_setVariation'));
      * --------------------------------------
      *             Products feed
      * --------------------------------------
     /* XML Request intercepted, kill everything else and output */
     if (isset($_GET['xml']) && $_GET['xml'] === 'retargeting') {
         /* Modify the header */
         header('Content-Type: application/xml');
         /* Pull ALL products from the database */
         $products = $this->model_catalog_product->getProducts();
         $output = '<products>';
         foreach ($products as $product) {
             $product['quantity'] = isset($product['quantity']) && !empty($product['quantity']) ? 1 : 0;
             $product_url = htmlspecialchars($this->url->link('product/product', 'product_id=' . $product['product_id']), ENT_XML1);
             $product_image_url = $this->data['shop_url'] . 'image/' . $product['image'];
             $product_image_url = htmlspecialchars($product_image_url, ENT_XML1);
             $product_current_currency_price = $this->currency->format($this->tax->calculate($product['price'], $product['tax_class_id'], $this->config->get('config_tax')), '', '', false);
             $product_current_currency_special = isset($product['special']) ? $this->currency->format($this->tax->calculate($product['special'], $product['tax_class_id'], $this->config->get('config_tax')), '', '', false) : 0;
             $output .= "\n                                <product>\n                                    <id>{$product['product_id']}</id>\n                                    <price>{$product_current_currency_price}</price>\n                                    <promo>{$product_current_currency_special}</promo>\n                                    <inventory>\n                                        <variations>0</variations>\n                                        <stock>{$product['quantity']}</stock>\n                                    </inventory>\n                                </product>\n                            ";
         $output .= '</products>';
         echo $output;
     /* --- END PRODUCTS FEED  --- */
      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * API poach && Discount codes generator
      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * ********
      * REQUEST:
      * ********
      * POST : key​=your_retargeting_key
      * GET : type​=0​&value​=30​&count​=3
      * * type => (Integer) 0​: Fixed; 1​: Percentage; 2​: Free Delivery;
      * * value => (Float) actual value of discount
      * * count => (Integer) number of discounts codes to be generated
      * *********
      * RESPONDS:
      * *********
      * json with the discount codes
      * * ['code1', 'code2', ... 'codeN']
      * STEP 1: check $_GET
      * STEP 2: add the discount codes to the local database
      * STEP 3: expose the codes to Retargeting
      * STEP 4: kill the script
     if (isset($_GET['key']) && $_GET['key'] === $this->data['api_key_field']) {
         /* -------------------------------------------------------------
          * STEP 1: check $_GET and validate the API Key
          * -------------------------------------------------------------
         /* Check and adjust the incoming values */
         $discount_type = isset($_GET['type']) ? filter_var($_GET['type'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT) : 'Received other than int';
         $discount_value = isset($_GET['value']) ? filter_var($_GET['value'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT) : 'Received other than float';
         $discount_codes = isset($_GET['count']) ? filter_var($_GET['count'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT) : 'Received other than int';
         /* -------------------------------------------------------------
          * STEP 2: Generate and add to local database the discount codes
          * -------------------------------------------------------------
         $generate_code = function () {
             return substr(str_shuffle('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'), 0, 1) . substr(str_shuffle('AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz'), 0, 9);
         $datetime = new DateTime();
         $start_date = $datetime->format('Y-m-d');
         $datetime->modify('+6 months');
         $expiration_date = $datetime->format('Y-m-d');
         for ($i = $discount_codes; $i > 0; $i--) {
             $code = $generate_code();
             $discount_codes_collection[] = $code;
             /* Discount type: Fixed value */
             if ($discount_type == 0) {
                 $this->db->query("\n                                INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "coupon` \n                                SET name = 'Discount Code: RTG_FX', \n                                    code = '{$code}', \n                                    discount = '{$discount_value}', \n                                    type = 'F', \n                                    total = '0', \n                                    logged = '0', \n                                    shipping = '0', \n                                    date_start = '{$start_date}', \n                                    date_end = '{$expiration_date}', \n                                    uses_total = '1', \n                                    uses_customer = '1', \n                                    status = '1', \n                                    date_added = NOW()\n                                ");
                 /* Discount type: Percentage */
             } elseif ($discount_type == 1) {
                 $this->db->query("\n                                INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "coupon` \n                                SET name = 'Discount Code: RTG_PRCNT', \n                                    code = '{$code}', \n                                    discount = '{$discount_value}', \n                                    type = 'P', \n                                    total = '0', \n                                    logged = '0', \n                                    shipping = '0', \n                                    date_start = '{$start_date}', \n                                    date_end = '{$expiration_date}', \n                                    uses_total = '1', \n                                    uses_customer = '1', \n                                    status = '1', \n                                    date_added = NOW()\n                                ");
                 /* Discount type: Free delivery */
             } elseif ($discount_type == 2) {
                 $this->db->query("\n                                INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "coupon` \n                                SET name = 'Discount Code: RTG_SHIP', \n                                    code = '{$code}', \n                                    discount = '0', \n                                    type = 'F', \n                                    total = '0', \n                                    logged = '0', \n                                    shipping = '1', \n                                    date_start = '{$start_date}', \n                                    date_end = '{$expiration_date}', \n                                    uses_total = '1', \n                                    uses_customer = '1', \n                                    status = '1', \n                                    date_added = NOW()\n                                ");
         // End generating discount codes
         /* -------------------------------------------------------------
          * STEP 3: Return the newly generated codes
          * -------------------------------------------------------------
         if (isset($discount_codes_collection) && !empty($discount_codes_collection)) {
             /* Modify the header */
             header('Content-Type: application/json');
             /* Output the json */
             echo json_encode($discount_codes_collection);
         /* -------------------------------------------------------------
          * STEP 4: Kill the script
          * -------------------------------------------------------------
     // End $_GET processing
     /* Set the template path for our module */
     if (file_exists(DIR_TEMPLATE . $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/module/retargeting.tpl')) {
         $this->template = $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/module/retargeting.tpl';
     } else {
         $this->template = 'default/template/module/retargeting.tpl';
      * --------------------------------------
      * Start gathering required data for View
      * --------------------------------------
      * Store the contents of the shopping cart
      * returns Array ( [43::] => 1 [40::] => 3 )
      * [ProductID::SerializedOptions] => Quantity
     $this->data['cart_products'] = isset($this->session->data['cart']) ? $this->session->data['cart'] : false;
     // We could use this too: $this->model_catalog_product->getProduct($product_id);
      * Get the current products from WishList
      * return a numerical array containing the ID(s)
      * Array ( [0] => 40 [1] => 42 )
     $this->data['wishlist'] = !empty($this->session->data['wishlist']) ? $this->session->data['wishlist'] : false;
      * Get the current Page
      * returns 'layout/page' or ''
      * eg 'common/home', 'product/product', 'product/category'
     $this->data['current_page'] = isset($this->request->get['route']) ? $this->request->get['route'] : false;
      * Get the current Category
      * returns a numerical array containing the ID(s)
      * Array ( [0] => 20 ) for single category
      * Array ( [0] => 20 [1] => 27 ) for nested categories
     $this->data['current_category'] = isset($this->request->get['path']) ? explode('_', $this->request->get['path']) : '';
      * Count the categories
      * returns int, 1 for single category, > 1 for nested
     $this->data['count_categories'] = count($this->data['current_category']) > 1 ? count($this->data['current_category']) : 0;
      * Check if the user is logged in
     if ($this->customer->isLogged()) {
         /* User is logged in */
         $this->data['user_logged_in'] = true;
         $this->data['customer_id'] = $this->customer->getId();
         $this->data['first_name'] = $this->customer->getFirstName();
         $this->data['last_name'] = $this->customer->getLastName();
         $this->data['email'] = $this->customer->getEmail();
     } else {
         /* User is a visitor */
         $this->data['user_logged_in'] = false;
      * ------------------------------
      * Start Retargeting JS functions
      * ------------------------------
     // Gather all the js code and output a single variable
     $this->data['js_output'] = "/* --- START Retargeting --- */\n\n";
     /* DONE
      * 1. setEmail
     /* User is logged in, pull data from DB */
     if (isset($this->session->data['customer_id']) && !empty($this->session->data['customer_id'])) {
         $full_name = $this->customer->getFirstName() . ' ' . $this->customer->getLastName();
         $email_address = $this->customer->getEmail();
         $phone_number = $this->customer->getTelephone();
         $this->data['js_output'] .= "\n                                        var _ra = _ra || {};\n                                        _ra.setEmailInfo = {\n                                            'email': '{$email_address}',\n                                            'name': '{$full_name}',\n                                            'phone': '{$phone_number}'\n                                        };\n                                        \n                                        if (_ra.ready !== undefined) {\n                                            _ra.setEmail(_ra.setEmailInfo)\n                                        }\n                                    ";
     } else {
         /* Listen on entire site for input data & validate it */
         $this->data['js_output'] .= "\n                                        /* -- setEmail -- */\n                                        function checkEmail(email) {\n                                            var regex = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_.+-])+\\@(([a-zA-Z0-9-])+\\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,9})+\$/;\n                                            return regex.test(email);\n                                        };\n\n                                        jQuery(document).ready(function(\$){\n                                            \$(\"{$this->data['retargeting_setEmail']}\").blur(function(){\n                                                if ( checkEmail(\$(this).val()) ) {\n                                                    _ra.setEmail({ 'email': \$(this).val()});\n                                                    console.log('setEmail fired!');\n                                                }\n                                            });\n                                        });\n                                        ";
     /* DONE
      * 2. sendCategory
      * if in category, send category + nested
      * categ id + categ name + parent categ + breadcrumb
     if ($this->data['current_page'] === 'product/category') {
         $category_id_parent = $this->data['current_category'][0];
         $category_info_parent = $this->model_catalog_category->getCategory($category_id_parent);
         $this->data['sendCategory'] = '
                                         /* -- sendCategory -- */
         $this->data['sendCategory'] = 'var _ra = _ra || {}; ';
         $this->data['sendCategory'] .= '_ra.sendCategoryInfo = {';
         /* We have a nested category */
         if (count($this->data['current_category']) > 1) {
             for ($i = count($this->data['current_category']) - 1; $i > 0; $i--) {
                 $category_id = $this->data['current_category'][$i];
                 $category_info = $this->model_catalog_category->getCategory($category_id);
                 $this->data['sendCategory'] .= "\n                                                    'id': {$category_id},\n                                                    'name': '{$category_info['name']}',\n                                                    'parent': {$category_id_parent},\n                                                    'breadcrumb': [\n                                                    ";
             for ($i = count($this->data['current_category']) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
                 $category_id = $this->data['current_category'][$i];
                 $category_info = $this->model_catalog_category->getCategory($category_id);
                 if ($i === 0) {
                     $this->data['sendCategory'] .= "{\n                                                        'id': {$category_id_parent},\n                                                        'name': '{$category_info_parent['name']}',\n                                                        'parent': false\n                                                        }\n                                                        ";
                 $this->data['sendCategory'] .= "{\n                                                    'id': {$category_id},\n                                                    'name': '{$category_info['name']}',\n                                                    'parent': {$category_id_parent}\n                                                    },\n                                                    ";
             $this->data['sendCategory'] .= "]";
             /* We have a single category */
         } else {
             $this->data['category_id'] = $this->data['current_category'][0];
             $this->data['category_info'] = $this->model_catalog_category->getCategory($this->data['category_id']);
             $this->data['sendCategory'] .= "\n                                                'id': {$this->data['category_id']},\n                                                'name': '{$this->data['category_info']['name']}',\n                                                'parent': false,\n                                                'breadcrumb': []\n                                                ";
         $this->data['sendCategory'] .= '};';
         $this->data['sendCategory'] .= "\n                                            if (_ra.ready !== undefined) {\n                                                _ra.sendCategory(_ra.sendCategoryInfo);\n                                            };\n                                            ";
         /* Send to output */
         $this->data['js_output'] .= $this->data['sendCategory'];
     /* DONE
      * 3. sendBrand
      * brand id + brand name
     if ($this->data['current_page'] === 'product/manufacturer/info') {
         /* Check if the current product is part of a brand */
         if (isset($this->request->get['manufacturer_id']) && !empty($this->request->get['manufacturer_id'])) {
             $this->data['brand_id'] = $this->request->get['manufacturer_id'];
             $this->data['brand_name'] = $this->model_catalog_manufacturer->getManufacturer($this->request->get['manufacturer_id']);
             $this->data['sendBrand'] = "var _ra = _ra || {};\n                                            _ra.sendBrandInfo = {\n                                                                'id': {$this->data['brand_id']},\n                                                                'name': '{$this->data['brand_name']['name']}'\n                                                                };\n                                                                \n                                                                if (_ra.ready !== undefined) {\n                                                                    _ra.sendBrand(_ra.sendBrandInfo);\n                                                                };\n                                            ";
             /* Send to output */
             $this->data['js_output'] .= $this->data['sendBrand'];
      * 4. sendProduct
      * + likeFacebook
      * + setVariation
     if ($this->data['current_page'] === 'product/product') {
         $product_id = $this->request->get['product_id'];
         $product_url = $this->url->link('product/product', 'product_id=' . $product_id);
         $product_details = $this->model_catalog_product->getProduct($product_id);
         $product_categories = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "product_to_category` WHERE `product_id` = '{$product_id}'");
         $product_categories = $product_categories->rows;
         // Get all the subcategories for this product. Reorder its numerical indexes to ease the breadcrumb logic
         $product_current_currency_price = $this->currency->format($this->tax->calculate($product_details['price'], $product_details['tax_class_id'], $this->config->get('config_tax')), '', '', false);
         $product_current_currency_special = isset($product_details['special']) ? $this->currency->format($this->tax->calculate($product_details['special'], $product_details['tax_class_id'], $this->config->get('config_tax')), '', '', false) : 0;
         /* Send the base info */
         $this->data['sendProduct'] = "\n                                    var _ra = _ra || {}; _ra.sendProductInfo = {\n                                    ";
         $this->data['sendProduct'] .= "\n                                    'id': {$product_id},\n                                    'name': '{$product_details['name']}',\n                                    'url': '" . htmlspecialchars_decode($product_url) . "',\n                                    'img': '{$this->data['shop_url']}image/{$product_details['image']}',\n                                    'price': {$product_current_currency_price},\n                                    'promo': {$product_current_currency_special},\n                                    'inventory': {\n                                        'variations': false,\n                                        'stock': " . ($product_details['quantity'] > 0 ? 1 : 0) . "\n                                    },\n                                    ";
         /* Check if the product has a brand assigned */
         if (isset($product_details['manufacturer_id'])) {
             $this->data['sendProduct'] .= "\n                    'brand': {\n                        'id': {$product_details['manufacturer_id']},\n                        'name': '{$product_details['manufacturer']}'\n                    },";
         } else {
             $this->data['sendProduct'] .= "\n                    'brand': false,";
         /* Check if the product has a category assigned */
         $raDefaultCategory = "'category': [{'id': 9999999999, 'name': 'Root', 'parent': false, 'breadcrumb': []}],";
         if (isset($product_categories) && !empty($product_categories)) {
             $all_categories = $this->model_catalog_category->getCategories();
             $categoryIds = array();
             foreach ($all_categories as $cat) {
                 $categoryIds[]['category_id'] = $cat['category_id'];
             function in_array_r($needle, $haystack, $strict = false)
                 foreach ($haystack as $item) {
                     if (($strict ? $item === $needle : $item == $needle) || is_array($item) && in_array_r($needle, $item, $strict)) {
                         return true;
                 return false;
             foreach ($product_categories as $category) {
                 if (in_array_r($category['category_id'], $categoryIds)) {
                     $product_cat_details = $this->model_catalog_category->getCategory($category['category_id']);
             // Resides in a parent category
             if (isset($product_cat_details['parent_id']) && $product_cat_details['parent_id'] == 0) {
                 $this->data['sendProduct'] .= "\n                        'category': [{\n                            'id': {$product_cat_details['category_id']},\n                            'name': '{$product_cat_details['name']}',\n                            'parent': false,\n                            'breadcrumb': []\n                    }],";
                 // Resides in a nested category (child -> go up until parent)
             } else {
                 $this->data['sendProduct'] .= $raDefaultCategory;
         } else {
             $this->data['sendProduct'] .= $raDefaultCategory;
         $this->data['sendProduct'] .= "};";
         // Close _ra.sendProductInfo
         $this->data['sendProduct'] .= "\n                if (_ra.ready !== undefined) {\n                    _ra.sendProduct(_ra.sendProductInfo);\n                };\n                ";
         $this->data['js_output'] .= $this->data['sendProduct'];
         /* --- END sendProduct  --- */
          * likeFacebook
         $this->data['likeFacebook'] = "\n                                            if (typeof FB != 'undefined') {\n                                                FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function () {\n                                                    _ra.likeFacebook({$product_id});\n                                                });\n                                            };\n                                            ";
         $this->data['js_output'] .= $this->data['likeFacebook'];
         /* --- END likeFacebook  --- */
          * setVariation
         $this->data['setVariation'] = "\n                                            var _ra = _ra || {};\n                                            jQuery(document).ready(function(\$){\n                                                \$(\"{$this->data['retargeting_setVariation']}\").click(function(){\n                                                    if ( \$(this).val() != undefined ) {\n                                                        _ra.setVariation({$product_id}, {\n                                                            'code': '\$(this).val()',\n                                                            'stock': " . ($product_details['quantity'] > 0 ? 1 : 0) . ",\n                                                            'details': {}\n                                                        }, function() {\n                                                            console.log('setVariation fired.');\n                                                        });\n                                                    }\n                                                });\n                                            });\n            ";
         $this->data['js_output'] .= $this->data['setVariation'];
         /* --- END setVariation  --- */
     /* --- END --- */
     /* DONE -> implemented along with 11. mouseOverAddToCart
      * 5. addToCart
      * product id, variation
     $this->data['addToCart'] = '';
      * 6. setVariation
      * product id, variation
     $this->data['setVariation'] = '';
     /* DONE
      * 7. addToWishlist
      * product id
     if ($this->data['wishlist']) {
         /* Prevent notices */
         $this->session->data['retargeting_wishlist_product_id'] = isset($this->session->data['retargeting_wishlist_product_id']) && !empty($this->session->data['retargeting_wishlist_product_id']) ? $this->session->data['retargeting_wishlist_product_id'] : '';
         /* While pushing out an item from the WishList with a lower array index, OpenCart won't reset the numerical indexes, thus generating a notice. This fixes it */
         $this->data['wishlist'] = array_values($this->data['wishlist']);
         if ($this->session->data['retargeting_wishlist_product_id'] != $this->data['wishlist'][count($this->data['wishlist']) - 1]) {
             /* Get the total number of products in WishList; push the last added product into Retargeting */
             for ($i = count($this->data['wishlist']) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
                 $product_id_in_wishlist = $this->data['wishlist'][$i];
             $this->data['addToWishlist'] = "\n                                            var _ra = _ra || {};\n                                            _ra.addToWishlistInfo = {\n                                                                    'product_id': {$product_id_in_wishlist}\n                                                                    };\n\n                                            if (_ra.ready !== undefined) {\n                                                _ra.addToWishlist(_ra.addToWishlistInfo.product_id);\n                                            };\n                                            ";
             /* We need to send the addToWishList event one time only. */
             $this->session->data['retargeting_wishlist_product_id'] = $product_id_in_wishlist;
             $this->data['js_output'] .= $this->data['addToWishlist'];
     /* DONE
      * 8. clickImage
      * product id
      * div.image & img#image
     if ($this->data['current_page'] === 'product/product') {
         $clickImage_product_info = $this->request->get['product_id'];
         $this->data['clickImage'] = "\n                                            /* -- clickImage -- */\n                                            jQuery(document).ready(function(\$) {\n                                                if (\$(\"{$this->data['retargeting_clickImage']}\").length > 0) {\n                                                    \$(\"{$this->data['retargeting_clickImage']}\").mouseover(function(){\n\n                                                        _ra.clickImage({$clickImage_product_info}, function() {console.log('clickImage FIRED')});\n                                                    });\n                                                }\n                                            });\n                                        ";
         $this->data['js_output'] .= $this->data['clickImage'];
     /* DONE
      * 9. commentOnProduct
      * product id
      * a#button-review
     if ($this->data['current_page'] === 'product/product') {
         $commentOnProduct_product_info = $this->request->get['product_id'];
         $this->data['commentOnProduct'] = "\n                                                /* -- commentOnProduct -- */\n                                                jQuery(document).ready(function(\$) {\n                                                    if (\$(\"{$this->data['retargeting_commentOnProduct']}\").length > 0) {\n                                                        \$(\"{$this->data['retargeting_commentOnProduct']}\").click(function() {\n                                                            _ra.commentOnProduct({$commentOnProduct_product_info}, function() {console.log('commentOnProduct FIRED')});\n                                                        });\n                                                    }\n                                                });\n                                                ";
         $this->data['js_output'] .= $this->data['commentOnProduct'];
     /* DONE
      * 10. mouseOverPrice
      * product id, product price
      * div.price
     if ($this->data['current_page'] === 'product/product') {
         $mouseOverPrice_product_id = $this->request->get['product_id'];
         $mouseOverPrice_product_info = $this->model_catalog_product->getProduct($mouseOverPrice_product_id);
         $mouseOverPrice_product_promo = isset($mouseOverPrice_product_info['special']) ? $mouseOverPrice_product_info['special'] : '0';
         $product_current_currency_price = $this->currency->format($this->tax->calculate($mouseOverPrice_product_info['price'], $mouseOverPrice_product_info['tax_class_id'], $this->config->get('config_tax')), '', '', false);
         $product_current_currency_special = isset($mouseOverPrice_product_info['special']) ? $this->currency->format($this->tax->calculate($mouseOverPrice_product_info['special'], $mouseOverPrice_product_info['tax_class_id'], $this->config->get('config_tax')), '', '', false) : 0;
         // $this->data['mouseOverPrice'] = "
         //                                 /* -- mouseOverPrice -- */
         //                                 jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
         //                                     if ($(\"{$this->data['retargeting_mouseOverPrice']}\").length > 0) {
         //                                         $(\"{$this->data['retargeting_mouseOverPrice']}\").mouseover(function(){
         //                                             if (typeof _ra.mouseOverAddToCart !== \"undefined\")
         //                                                 _ra.mouseOverPrice({$mouseOverPrice_product_id}, {
         //                                                                                             'price': {$product_current_currency_price},
         //                                                                                             'promo': {$product_current_currency_special}
         //                                                                                             }, function() {console.log('mouseOverPrice FIRED')}
         //                                                 );
         //                                         });
         //                                     }
         //                                 });
         //                                 ";
         $this->data['mouseOverPrice'] = "";
         $this->data['js_output'] .= $this->data['mouseOverPrice'];
     /* DONE
      * 11. mouseOverAddToCart
      * 12. addToCart[v1]
      * product id
      * input[type=text].button, #button-cart
     if ($this->data['current_page'] === 'product/product') {
         $mouseOverAddToCart_product_id = $this->request->get['product_id'];
         $mouseOverAddToCart_product_info = $this->model_catalog_product->getProduct($mouseOverAddToCart_product_id);
         // $this->data['mouseOverAddToCart'] = "
         //                                     /* -- mouseOverAddToCart & addToCart -- */
         //                                     jQuery(document).ready(function($){
         //                                         if ($(\"{$this->data['retargeting_addToCart']}\").length > 0) {
         //                                             /* -- mouseOverAddToCart -- */
         //                                             $(\"{$this->data['retargeting_addToCart']}\").mouseover(function(){
         //                                                 if (typeof _ra.mouseOverAddToCart !== \"undefined\")
         //                                                     _ra.mouseOverAddToCart({$mouseOverAddToCart_product_id}, function(){console.log('mouseOverAddToCart FIRED')});
         //                                             });
         //                                             /* -- addToCart -- */
         //                                             $(\"{$this->data['retargeting_addToCart']}\").click(function(){
         //                                                 _ra.addToCart({$mouseOverAddToCart_product_id}, 1, false, function(){console.log('addToCart FIRED!')});
         //                                             });
         //                                         }
         //                                     });
         //                                     ";
         $this->data['mouseOverAddToCart'] = "\n                                                /* --  addToCart -- */\n                                                jQuery(document).ready(function(\$){\n                                                    if (\$(\"{$this->data['retargeting_addToCart']}\").length > 0) {\n                                                        /* -- addToCart -- */\n                                                        \$(\"{$this->data['retargeting_addToCart']}\").click(function(){\n                                                            _ra.addToCart({$mouseOverAddToCart_product_id}, 1, false, function(){console.log('addToCart FIRED!')});\n                                                        });\n                                                    }\n                                                });\n                                                ";
         $this->data['js_output'] .= $this->data['mouseOverAddToCart'];
      * saveOrder improvement
     $this->session->data['RTG_ID'] = isset($this->session->data['RTG_ID']) ? $this->session->data['RTG_ID'] : 1;
     /* DONE
      * 13. saveOrder
      * order no, order total, products ID, products qty, products price, variation code
      * checkout/success
      * input#button-confirm
     if ($this->data['current_page'] === 'checkout/success') {
         $last_order_id = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "order` ORDER BY `order_id` DESC LIMIT 1");
         $this->data['order_id'] = $last_order_id->row['order_id'];
         $this->data['order_data'] = $this->model_checkout_order->getOrder($this->data['order_id']);
         $order_no = $this->data['order_data']['order_id'];
         $lastname = $this->data['order_data']['lastname'];
         $firstname = $this->data['order_data']['firstname'];
         $email = $this->data['order_data']['email'];
         $phone = $this->data['order_data']['telephone'];
         $state = $this->data['order_data']['shipping_country'];
         $city = $this->data['order_data']['shipping_city'];
         $address = $this->data['order_data']['shipping_address_1'];
         $discount_code = isset($this->session->data['retargeting_discount_code']) ? $this->session->data['retargeting_discount_code'] : 0;
         $total_discount_value = 0;
         $shipping_value = 0;
         $total_order_value = $this->currency->format($this->tax->calculate($this->data['order_data']['total'], $this->data['order_data']['payment_tax_id'], $this->config->get('config_tax')), '', '', false);
         // to add currency exchange ...
         // Based on order id, grab the ordered products
         $order_product_query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "order_product` WHERE `order_id` = '{$this->data['order_id']}'");
         $this->data['order_product_query'] = $order_product_query;
         $this->data['saveOrder'] = "\n                                        var _ra = _ra || {};\n                                        _ra.saveOrderInfo = {\n                                            'order_no': {$order_no},\n                                            'lastname': '{$lastname}',\n                                            'firstname': '{$firstname}',\n                                            'email': '{$email}',\n                                            'phone': '{$phone}',\n                                            'state': '{$state}',\n                                            'city': '{$city}',\n                                            'address': '{$address}',\n                                            'discount_code': '{$discount_code}',\n                                            'discount': {$total_discount_value},\n                                            'shipping': {$shipping_value},\n                                            'rebates': 0,\n                                            'fees': 0,\n                                            'total': {$total_order_value}\n                                        };\n                                        ";
         /* -------------------------------------- */
         $this->data['saveOrder'] .= "_ra.saveOrderProducts = [";
         for ($i = count($order_product_query->rows) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
             $product_details = $this->model_catalog_product->getProduct($order_product_query->rows[$i]['product_id']);
             $product_current_currency_price = $this->currency->format($this->tax->calculate($product_details['price'], $product_details['tax_class_id'], $this->config->get('config_tax')), '', '', false);
             if (isset($product_details['special'])) {
                 $product_current_currency_price = $this->currency->format($this->tax->calculate($product_details['special'], $product_details['tax_class_id'], $this->config->get('config_tax')), '', '', false);
             if ($i == 0) {
                 $this->data['saveOrder'] .= "{\n                                                'id': {$order_product_query->rows[$i]['product_id']},\n                                                'quantity': {$order_product_query->rows[$i]['quantity']},\n                                                'price': {$product_current_currency_price},\n                                                'variation_code': ''\n                                                }";
             $this->data['saveOrder'] .= "{\n                                            'id': {$order_product_query->rows[$i]['product_id']},\n                                            'quantity': {$order_product_query->rows[$i]['quantity']},\n                                            'price': {$product_current_currency_price},\n                                            'variation_code': ''\n                                            },";
         $this->data['saveOrder'] .= "];";
         /* -------------------------------------- */
         $this->data['saveOrder'] .= "\n                                        if( _ra.ready !== undefined ) {\n                                            _ra.saveOrder(_ra.saveOrderInfo, _ra.saveOrderProducts);\n                                        }";
          * REST API Save Order
         if ($this->data['api_key_field'] && $this->data['api_key_field'] != '' && $this->data['api_secret_field'] && $this->data['api_secret_field'] != '') {
             $orderInfo = array('order_no' => $order_no, 'lastname' => $lastname, 'firstname' => $firstname, 'email' => $email, 'phone' => $phone, 'state' => $state, 'city' => $city, 'address' => $address, 'discount_code' => $discount_code, 'discount' => $total_discount_value, 'shipping' => $shipping_value, 'total' => $total_order_value);
             $orderProducts = array();
             foreach ($order_product_query->rows as $orderedProduct) {
                 $product_details = $this->model_catalog_product->getProduct($orderedProduct['product_id']);
                 $product_current_currency_price = $this->currency->format($this->tax->calculate($product_details['price'], $product_details['tax_class_id'], $this->config->get('config_tax')), '', '', false);
                 if (isset($product_details['special'])) {
                     $product_current_currency_price = $this->currency->format($this->tax->calculate($product_details['special'], $product_details['tax_class_id'], $this->config->get('config_tax')), '', '', false);
                 $orderProducts[] = array('id' => $orderedProduct['product_id'], 'quantity' => $orderedProduct['quantity'], 'price' => $product_current_currency_price, 'variation_code' => '');
             $orderClient = new Retargeting_REST_API_Client($this->data['api_key_field'], $this->data['api_secret_field']);
             $response = $orderClient->order->save($orderInfo, $orderProducts);
          * Prevent
          * * sending saveOrder multiple times
          * * viewing saveOrder data in source
         if (isset($this->session->data['RTG_ID']) && $this->session->data['RTG_ID'] > 1) {
             $this->session->data['RTG_ID'] = 0;
             $this->data['js_output'] .= $this->data['saveOrder'];
     /* DONE
      * 14. visitHelpPage
      * true/false
     if ($this->data['current_page'] === 'information/information') {
         $this->data['visitHelpPage'] = "\n                                            /* -- visitHelpPage -- */\n                                            var _ra = _ra || {};\n                                            _ra.visitHelpPageInfo = {'visit' : true};\n                                            if (_ra.ready !== undefined) {\n                                                _ra.visitHelpPage();\n                                            };\n                                            ";
         $this->data['js_output'] .= $this->data['visitHelpPage'];
     /* DONE
      * 15. checkoutIds
      * 16. setCartUrl
      * product id
     $checkout_modules = array('checkout/checkout', 'checkout/simplecheckout', 'checkout/ajaxquickcheckout', 'checkout/ajaxcheckout', 'checkout/quickcheckout', 'checkout/onepagecheckout', 'supercheckout/supercheckout');
     if (in_array($this->data['current_page'], $checkout_modules) && $this->data['cart_products'] || $this->data['current_page'] === 'checkout/cart' && $this->data['cart_products']) {
         $cart_products = $this->cart->getProducts();
         // Use this instead of session
         $this->data['checkoutIds'] = "\n                                        /* -- checkoutIds -- */\n                                        var _ra = _ra || {};\n                                        _ra.checkoutIdsInfo = [\n                                        ";
         $i_products = count($cart_products);
         foreach ($cart_products as $item => $detail) {
             $this->data['checkoutIds'] .= $i_products > 0 ? $detail['product_id'] . "," : $detail['product_id'];
         $this->data['checkoutIds'] .= "\n                                            ];\n                                            ";
         $this->data['checkoutIds'] .= "\n                                            if (_ra.ready !== undefined) {\n                                                _ra.checkoutIds(_ra.checkoutIdsInfo);\n                                            };\n                                            ";
         $this->data['setCartUrl'] = "\n                                        /* -- setCartUrl -- */\n                                        var _ra = _ra || {};\n                                        _ra.setCartUrlInfo = {\n                                            'url': window.location.toString()\n                                        };\n\n                                        if (_ra.ready !== undefined) {\n                                            _ra.setCartUrl(_ra.setCartUrlInfo.url);\n                                        }";
         $this->data['js_output'] .= $this->data['checkoutIds'];
         $this->data['js_output'] .= $this->data['setCartUrl'];
         /* saveOrder improvement: allow data exposure */
     /* With the gathered data, output in .tpl */
     $this->data['js_output'] .= "\n/* --- END Retargeting Functions --- */\n";
      * Render the output
 public function save_order($order_id)
     if (is_numeric($order_id) && $order_id > 0) {
         $order = new WC_Order($order_id);
         $coupons_list = '';
         if ($order->get_used_coupons()) {
             $coupons_count = count($order->get_used_coupons());
             $i = 1;
             foreach ($order->get_used_coupons() as $coupon) {
                 $coupons_list .= $coupon;
                 if ($i < $coupons_count) {
                     $coupons_list .= ', ';
         $data = array('line_items' => array());
         foreach ((array) $order->get_items() as $item_id => $item) {
             $_product = apply_filters('woocommerce_order_item_product', $order->get_product_from_item($item), $item);
             $item_meta = new WC_Order_Item_Meta($item['item_meta'], $_product);
             if (apply_filters('woocommerce_order_item_visible', true, $item)) {
                 $line_item = array('id' => $item['product_id'], 'name' => $item['name'], 'price' => $item['line_subtotal'], 'quantity' => $item['qty'], 'variation_code' => $item['variation_id'] == 0 ? "" : $item['variation_id']);
             $data['line_items'][] = $line_item;
         echo '<script>
             var _ra = _ra || {};
             _ra.saveOrderInfo = {
                 "order_no": ' . $order->id . ',
                 "lastname": "' . $order->billing_last_name . '",
                 "firstname": "' . $order->billing_first_name . '",
                 "email": "' . $order->billing_email . '",
                 "phone": "' . $order->billing_phone . '",
                 "state": "' . $order->billing_state . '",
                 "city": "' . $order->billing_city . '",
                 "address": "' . $order->billing_address_1 . " " . $order->billing_address_2 . '",
                 "discount_code": "' . $coupons_list . '",
                 "discount": ' . (empty($order->get_discount) ? 0 : $order->get_discount) . ',
                 "shipping": ' . (empty($order->get_total_shipping) ? 0 : $order->get_total_shipping) . ',
                 "rebates": 0,
                 "fees": 0,
                 "total": ' . $order->order_total . '
             _ra.saveOrderProducts =
                 ' . json_encode($data['line_items']) . '
             if( _ra.ready !== undefined ){
                 _ra.saveOrder(_ra.saveOrderInfo, _ra.saveOrderProducts);
     //REST API
     $orderInfo = array("order_no" => $order->id, "lastname" => $order->billing_last_name, "firstname" => $order->billing_first_name, "email" => $order->billing_email, "phone" => $order->billing_phone, "state" => $order->billing_state, "city" => $order->billing_city, "address" => $order->billing_address_1 . " " . $order->billing_address_2, "discount_code" => $coupons_list, "discount" => empty($order->get_discount) ? 0 : $order->get_discount, "shipping" => empty($order->get_total_shipping) ? 0 : $order->get_total_shipping, "total" => $order->order_total);
     if ($this->domain_api_key && $this->domain_api_key != "" && $this->token && $this->token != '') {
         $orderClient = new Retargeting_REST_API_Client($this->domain_api_key, $this->token);
         $response = $orderClient->order->save($orderInfo, $data['line_items']);
Пример #3
        public function save_order($purchase_log)
            $apiKey = get_option('retargeting_domain_api');
            $token = get_option('retargeting_token');
            if ($purchase_log instanceof WPSC_Purchase_Log) {
                $order = array('line_items' => array());
                $checkout_form = new WPSC_Checkout_Form_Data($purchase_log->get('id'));
                $products = $purchase_log->get_cart_contents();
                if (is_array($products)) {
                    foreach ($products as $product) {
                        $parent = $this->get_parent_post($product->prodid);
                        if ($parent) {
                            $product_id = $parent->ID;
                            $product_name = $parent->post_title;
                        } else {
                            $product_id = $product->prodid;
                            $product_name = $product->name;
                        $line_item = array('id' => (int) $product_id, 'quantity' => (int) $product->quantity, 'price' => $this->format_price($product->price), 'variation_code' => '');
                        $order['line_items'][] = $line_item;
                if ($apiKey && $apiKey != "" && $token && $token != "") {
                    require_once "/lib/Retargeting_REST_API_Client.php";
                    $orderInfo = array("order_no" => $purchase_log->get('id'), "lastname" => $checkout_form->get('billinglastname'), "firstname" => $checkout_form->get('billingfirstname'), "email" => $checkout_form->get('billingemail'), "phone" => $checkout_form->get('billingphone'), "state" => $checkout_form->get('shippingstate'), "city" => $checkout_form->get('shippingcity'), "address" => $checkout_form->get('billingaddress'), "discount_code" => $purchase_log->get('discount_data'), "discount" => $purchase_log->get('discount_value'), "shipping" => $purchase_log->get('total_shipping'), "total" => $purchase_log->get('totalprice'));
                    $orderClient = new Retargeting_REST_API_Client($apiKey, $token);
                    $response = $orderClient->order->save($orderInfo, $order['line_items']);
                echo '<script type="text/javascript">
						var _ra = _ra || {};
							_ra.saveOrderInfo = {
								"order_no": ' . $purchase_log->get('id') . ',
								"lastname": "' . $checkout_form->get('billinglastname') . '",
								"firstname": "' . $checkout_form->get('billingfirstname') . '",
								"email": "' . $checkout_form->get('billingemail') . '",
								"phone": "' . $checkout_form->get('billingphone') . '",
								"state": "' . $checkout_form->get('shippingstate') . '",
								"city": "' . $checkout_form->get('shippingcity') . '",
								"address": "' . $checkout_form->get('billingaddress') . '",
								"discount_code": "' . $purchase_log->get('discount_data') . '",
								"discount": "' . $purchase_log->get('discount_value') . '",
								"shipping": "' . $purchase_log->get('total_shipping') . '",
								"total": "' . $purchase_log->get('totalprice') . '"
							_ra.saveOrderProducts = ' . json_encode($order['line_items'], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . '
							if( _ra.ready !== undefined ){
								_ra.saveOrder(_ra.saveOrderInfo, _ra.saveOrderProducts);
Пример #4
 public function index()
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Setup the protocol
      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     if (isset($this->request->server['HTTPS']) && ($this->request->server['HTTPS'] == 'on' || $this->request->server['HTTPS'] == '1')) {
         $data['shop_url'] = $this->config->get('config_ssl');
     } else {
         $data['shop_url'] = $this->config->get('config_url');
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Load the module's language file
      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Load models that we might need access to
      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     //        $this->load->model('marketing/coupon'); /* Available only in the admin/ area */
     // $this->load->model('checkout/coupon');
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Get the saved values from the admin area
      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $data['api_key_field'] = $this->config->get('retargeting_apikey');
     $data['api_secret_field'] = $this->config->get('retargeting_token');
     $data['retargeting_setEmail'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->config->get('retargeting_setEmail'));
     $data['retargeting_addToCart'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->config->get('retargeting_addToCart'));
     $data['retargeting_clickImage'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->config->get('retargeting_clickImage'));
     $data['retargeting_commentOnProduct'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->config->get('retargeting_commentOnProduct'));
     $data['retargeting_mouseOverPrice'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->config->get('retargeting_mouseOverPrice'));
     $data['retargeting_setVariation'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->config->get('retargeting_setVariation'));
      * --------------------------------------
      *             Products feed
      * --------------------------------------
     /* XML Request intercepted, kill everything else and output */
     if (isset($_GET['xml']) && $_GET['xml'] === 'retargeting') {
         /* Modify the header */
         header('Content-Type: application/xml');
         /* Pull ALL products from the database */
         $products = $this->model_catalog_product->getProducts();
         $output = '<products>';
         foreach ($products as $product) {
             $product['quantity'] = isset($product['quantity']) && !empty($product['quantity']) ? 1 : 0;
             $product_promotional_price = isset($product['special']) ? $product['special'] : 0;
             $product_url = htmlspecialchars($this->url->link('product/product', 'product_id=' . $product['product_id']), ENT_XML1);
             $product_image_url = $data['shop_url'] . 'image/' . $product['image'];
             $product_image_url = htmlspecialchars($product_image_url, ENT_XML1);
             $output .= "\n                                <product>\n                                    <id>{$product['product_id']}</id>\n                                    <stock>{$product['quantity']}</stock>\n                                    <price>{$product['price']}</price>\n                                    <promo>{$product_promotional_price}</promo>\n                                    <url>{$product_url}</url>\n                                    <image>{$product_image_url}</image>\n                                </product>\n                            ";
         $output .= '</products>';
         echo $output;
     /* --- END PRODUCTS FEED  --- */
      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * API poach && Discount codes generator
      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * ********
      * REQUEST:
      * ********
      * POST : key​=your_retargeting_key
      * GET : type​=0​&value​=30​&count​=3
      * * type => (Integer) 0​: Fixed; 1​: Percentage; 2​: Free Delivery;
      * * value => (Float) actual value of discount
      * * count => (Integer) number of discounts codes to be generated
      * *********
      * RESPONDS:
      * *********
      * json with the discount codes
      * * ['code1', 'code2', ... 'codeN']
      * STEP 1: check $_POST
      * STEP 2: add the discount codes to the local database
      * STEP 3: expose the codes to Retargeting
      * STEP 4: kill the script
     if (isset($_POST) && isset($_POST['key']) && $_POST['key'] === $data['api_key_field']) {
         /* -------------------------------------------------------------
          * STEP 1: check $_POST and validate the API Key
          * -------------------------------------------------------------
         include_once 'Retargeting_REST_API_Client.php';
         $client = new Retargeting_REST_API_Client($data['api_key_field'], $data['api_secret_field']);
         /* Check and adjust the incoming values */
         $discount_type = isset($_GET['type']) ? filter_var($_GET['type'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT) : 'Received other than int';
         $discount_value = isset($_GET['value']) ? filter_var($_GET['value'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT) : 'Received other than float';
         $discount_codes = isset($_GET['count']) ? filter_var($_GET['count'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT) : 'Received other than int';
         /* -------------------------------------------------------------
          * STEP 2: Generate and add to local database the discount codes
          * -------------------------------------------------------------
         $generate_code = function () {
             return substr(str_shuffle('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'), 0, 1) . substr(str_shuffle('AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz'), 0, 9);
         $datetime = new DateTime();
         $start_date = $datetime->format('Y-m-d');
         $datetime->modify('+6 months');
         $expiration_date = $datetime->format('Y-m-d');
         for ($i = $discount_codes; $i > 0; $i--) {
             $code = $generate_code();
             $discount_codes_collection[] = $code;
             /* Discount type: Fixed value */
             if ($discount_type == 0) {
                 $this->db->query("\n                                INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "coupon\n                                SET name = 'Discount Code: RTG_FX',\n                                    code = '{$code}',\n                                    discount = '{$discount_value}',\n                                    type = 'F',\n                                    total = '0',\n                                    logged = '0',\n                                    shipping = '0',\n                                    date_start = '{$start_date}',\n                                    date_end = '{$expiration_date}',\n                                    uses_total = '1',\n                                    uses_customer = '1',\n                                    status = '1',\n                                    date_added = NOW()\n                                ");
                 /* Discount type: Percentage */
             } elseif ($discount_type == 1) {
                 $this->db->query("\n                                INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "coupon\n                                SET name = 'Discount Code: RTG_PRCNT',\n                                    code = '{$code}',\n                                    discount = '{$discount_value}',\n                                    type = 'P',\n                                    total = '0',\n                                    logged = '0',\n                                    shipping = '0',\n                                    date_start = '{$start_date}',\n                                    date_end = '{$expiration_date}',\n                                    uses_total = '1',\n                                    uses_customer = '1',\n                                    status = '1',\n                                    date_added = NOW()\n                                ");
                 /* Discount type: Free delivery */
             } elseif ($discount_type == 2) {
                 $this->db->query("\n                                INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "coupon\n                                SET name = 'Discount Code: RTG_SHIP',\n                                    code = '{$code}',\n                                    discount = '0',\n                                    type = 'F',\n                                    total = '0',\n                                    logged = '0',\n                                    shipping = '1',\n                                    date_start = '{$start_date}',\n                                    date_end = '{$expiration_date}',\n                                    uses_total = '1',\n                                    uses_customer = '1',\n                                    status = '1',\n                                    date_added = NOW()\n                                ");
         // End generating discount codes
         /* -------------------------------------------------------------
          * STEP 3: Return the newly generated codes
          * -------------------------------------------------------------
         if (isset($discount_codes_collection) && !empty($discount_codes_collection)) {
             /* Modify the header */
             header('Content-Type: application/json');
             /* Output the json */
             echo json_encode($discount_codes_collection);
         /* -------------------------------------------------------------
          * STEP 4: Kill the script
          * -------------------------------------------------------------
     // End $_GET processing
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Start implementing Retargeting JS functions
      * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
     /* Small helpers [pre-data processing] */
     $data['cart_products'] = isset($this->session->data['cart']) ? $this->session->data['cart'] : false;
     $data['wishlist'] = !empty($this->session->data['wishlist']) ? $this->session->data['wishlist'] : false;
     $data['current_page'] = isset($this->request->get['route']) ? $this->request->get['route'] : false;
     $data['current_category'] = isset($this->request->get['path']) ? explode('_', $this->request->get['path']) : '';
     $data['count_categories'] = count($data['current_category']) > 0 ? count($data['current_category']) : 0;
     $data['js_output'] = "/* --- START Retargeting --- */\n\n";
     /* --- END pre-data processing  --- */
      * setEmail
     /* User is logged in, pull data from DB */
     if (isset($this->session->data['customer_id']) && !empty($this->session->data['customer_id'])) {
         $full_name = $this->customer->getFirstName() . $this->customer->getLastName();
         $email_address = $this->customer->getEmail();
         $phone_number = $this->customer->getTelephone();
         $data['js_output'] .= "\n                                        var _ra = _ra || {};\n                                        _ra.setEmailInfo = {\n                                            'email': '{$email_address}',\n                                            'name': '{$full_name}',\n                                            'phone': '{$phone_number}'\n                                        };\n                                        \n                                        if (_ra.ready !== undefined) {\n                                            _ra.setEmail(_ra.setEmailInfo)\n                                        }\n                                    ";
     } else {
         /* Listen on entire site for input data & validate it */
         $data['setEmail'] = "\n                                        /* -- setEmail -- */\n                                        function checkEmail(email) {\n                                            var regex = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_.+-])+\\@(([a-zA-Z0-9-])+\\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,9})+\$/;\n                                            return regex.test(email);\n                                        };\n\n                                        jQuery(document).ready(function(\$){\n                                            \$(\"{$data['retargeting_setEmail']}\").blur(function(){\n                                                if ( checkEmail(\$(this).val()) ) {\n                                                    _ra.setEmail({ 'email': \$(this).val()});\n                                                    console.log('setEmail fired!');\n                                                }\n                                            });\n                                        });\n                                        ";
         $data['js_output'] .= $data['setEmail'];
     /* --- END setEmail  --- */
      * sendCategory ✓
     if ($data['current_page'] === 'product/category') {
         $category_id_parent = $data['current_category'][0];
         $category_info_parent = $this->model_catalog_category->getCategory($category_id_parent);
         $data['sendCategory'] = '
                                         /* -- sendCategory -- */
         $data['sendCategory'] = 'var _ra = _ra || {}; ';
         $data['sendCategory'] .= '_ra.sendCategoryInfo = {';
         /* We have a nested category */
         if (count($data['current_category']) > 1) {
             for ($i = count($data['current_category']) - 1; $i > 0; $i--) {
                 $category_id = $data['current_category'][$i];
                 $category_info = $this->model_catalog_category->getCategory($category_id);
                 $data['sendCategory'] .= "\n                                                    'id': {$category_id},\n                                                    'name': '{$category_info['name']}',\n                                                    'parent': {$category_id_parent},\n                                                    'category_breadcrumb': [\n                                                    ";
             for ($i = count($data['current_category']) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
                 $category_id = $data['current_category'][$i];
                 $category_info = $this->model_catalog_category->getCategory($category_id);
                 if ($i === 0) {
                     $data['sendCategory'] .= "{\n                                                        'id': {$category_id_parent},\n                                                        'name': '{$category_info_parent['name']}',\n                                                        'parent': false\n                                                        }\n                                                        ";
                 $data['sendCategory'] .= "{\n                                                    'id': {$category_id},\n                                                    'name': '{$category_info['name']}',\n                                                    'parent': {$category_id_parent}\n                                                    },\n                                                    ";
             $data['sendCategory'] .= "]";
             /* We have a single category */
         } else {
             $data['category_id'] = $data['current_category'][0];
             $data['category_info'] = $this->model_catalog_category->getCategory($data['category_id']);
             $data['sendCategory'] .= "\n                                                'id': {$data['category_id']},\n                                                'name': '{$data['category_info']['name']}',\n                                                'parent': false,\n                                                'category_breadcrumb': []\n                                                ";
         $data['sendCategory'] .= '};';
         $data['sendCategory'] .= "\n                                            if (_ra.ready !== undefined) {\n                                                _ra.sendCategory(_ra.sendCategoryInfo);\n                                            };\n                                            ";
         /* Send to output */
         $data['js_output'] .= $data['sendCategory'];
     /* --- END sendCategory  --- */
      * sendBrand ✓
     if ($data['current_page'] === 'product/manufacturer/info') {
         /* Check if the current product is part of a brand */
         if (isset($this->request->get['manufacturer_id']) && !empty($this->request->get['manufacturer_id'])) {
             $data['brand_id'] = $this->request->get['manufacturer_id'];
             $data['brand_name'] = $this->model_catalog_manufacturer->getManufacturer($this->request->get['manufacturer_id']);
             $data['sendBrand'] = "var _ra = _ra || {};\n                                            _ra.sendBrandInfo = {\n                                                                'id': {$data['brand_id']},\n                                                                'name': '{$data['brand_name']['name']}'\n                                                                };\n\n                                                                if (_ra.ready !== undefined) {\n                                                                    _ra.sendBrand(_ra.sendBrandInfo);\n                                                                };\n                                            ";
             /* Send to output */
             $data['js_output'] .= $data['sendBrand'];
     /* --- END sendBrand  --- */
      * sendProduct
      * likeFacebook
     if ($data['current_page'] === 'product/product') {
         $product_id = $this->request->get['product_id'];
         $product_url = $this->url->link('product/product', 'product_id=' . $product_id);
         $product_details = $this->model_catalog_product->getProduct($product_id);
         $product_categories = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "product_to_category WHERE product_id = '" . (int) $product_id . "'");
         $product_categories = $product_categories->rows;
         // Get all the subcategories for this product. Reorder its numerical indexes to ease the breadcrumb logic
         /* Send the base info */
         $data['sendProduct'] = "\n                                    var _ra = _ra || {}; _ra.sendProductInfo = {\n                                    ";
         $data['sendProduct'] .= "\n                                    'id': {$product_id},\n                                    'name': '{$product_details['name']}',\n                                    'url': '{$product_url}',\n                                    'img': '{$data['shop_url']}image/{$product_details['image']}',\n                                    'price': '" . round($this->tax->calculate($product_details['price'], $product_details['tax_class_id'], $this->config->get('config_tax')), 2) . "',\n                                    'promo': '" . (isset($product_details['special']) ? round($this->tax->calculate($product_details['special'], $product_details['tax_class_id'], $this->config->get('config_tax')), 2) : 0) . "',\n                                    'stock': " . ($product_details['quantity'] > 0 ? 1 : 0) . ",\n                                    ";
         /* Check if the product has a brand assigned */
         if (isset($product_details['manufacturer_id'])) {
             $data['sendProduct'] .= "\n                                        'brand': {'id': {$product_details['manufacturer_id']}, 'name': '{$product_details['manufacturer']}'},\n                                        ";
         } else {
             $data['sendProduct'] .= "\n                                        'brand': false,\n                                        ";
         /* Check if the product has a category assigned */
         if (isset($product_categories) && !empty($product_categories)) {
             $product_cat = $this->model_catalog_product->getCategories($product_id);
             $product_cat_details = $this->model_catalog_category->getCategory($product_cat[0]['category_id']);
             // Resides in a parent category
             if (isset($product_cat_details['parent_id']) && $product_cat_details['parent_id'] == 0) {
                 $data['sendProduct'] .= "\n                                            'category': {'id': {$product_cat_details['category_id']}, 'name': '{$product_cat_details['name']}', 'parent': false},\n                                            'category_breadcrumb': []\n                                            ";
                 // Resides in a nested category (child -> go up until parent)
             } else {
                 $product_cat_details_parent = $this->model_catalog_category->getCategory($product_cat_details['parent_id']);
                 // Get the top level category
                 $data['sendProduct'] .= "\n                                            'category': {'id': {$product_cat_details['category_id']}, 'name': '{$product_cat_details['name']}', 'parent': {$product_cat_details['parent_id']}},\n                                            'category_breadcrumb': [{'id': {$product_cat_details_parent['category_id']}, 'name': '{$product_cat_details_parent['name']}', 'parent': false}]\n                                            ";
             // Close elseif
         // Close check if product has categories assigned
         $data['sendProduct'] .= "};";
         // Close _ra.sendProductInfo
         $data['sendProduct'] .= "\n                                            if (_ra.ready !== undefined) {\n                                                _ra.sendProduct(_ra.sendProductInfo);\n                                            };\n                                            ";
         $data['js_output'] .= $data['sendProduct'];
         $data['likeFacebook'] = "\n                                        if (typeof FB != 'undefined') {\n                                            FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function () {\n                                                _ra.likeFacebook({$product_id});\n                                            });\n                                        };\n                                    ";
         $data['js_output'] .= $data['likeFacebook'];
     /* --- END sendProduct  --- */
      * addToWishList ✓
     if ($data['wishlist']) {
         /* Prevent notices */
         $this->session->data['retargeting_wishlist_product_id'] = isset($this->session->data['retargeting_wishlist_product_id']) && !empty($this->session->data['retargeting_wishlist_product_id']) ? $this->session->data['retargeting_wishlist_product_id'] : '';
         /* While pushing out an item from the WishList with a lower array index, OpenCart won't reset the numerical indexes, thus generating a notice. This fixes it */
         $data['wishlist'] = array_values($data['wishlist']);
         if ($this->session->data['retargeting_wishlist_product_id'] != $data['wishlist'][count($data['wishlist']) - 1]) {
             /* Get the total number of products in WishList; push the last added product into Retargeting */
             for ($i = count($data['wishlist']) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
                 $product_id_in_wishlist = $data['wishlist'][$i];
             $data['addToWishlist'] = "\n                                            var _ra = _ra || {};\n                                            _ra.addToWishlistInfo = {\n                                                                    'product_id': {$product_id_in_wishlist}\n                                                                    };\n\n                                            if (_ra.ready !== undefined) {\n                                                _ra.addToWishlist(_ra.addToWishlistInfo.product_id);\n                                            };\n                                            ";
             /* We need to send the addToWishList event one time only. */
             $this->session->data['retargeting_wishlist_product_id'] = $product_id_in_wishlist;
             $data['js_output'] .= $data['addToWishlist'];
     /* --- END addToWishList  --- */
      * commentOnProduct ✓
     if ($data['current_page'] === 'product/product') {
         $commentOnProduct_product_info = $this->request->get['product_id'];
         $data['commentOnProduct'] = "\n                                        /* -- commentOnProduct -- */\n                                        jQuery(document).ready(function(\$){\n                                            if (\$(\"{$data['retargeting_commentOnProduct']}\").length > 0) {\n                                                \$(\"{$data['retargeting_commentOnProduct']}\").click(function(){\n                                                    _ra.commentOnProduct({$commentOnProduct_product_info}, function() {console.log('commentOnProduct FIRED')});\n                                                });\n                                            }\n                                        });\n                                        ";
         $data['js_output'] .= $data['commentOnProduct'];
     /* --- END commentOnProduct  --- */
      * mouseOverPrice ✓
      * clickImage ✓
      * likeFacebook ✓
      * setVariation ✓
     if ($data['current_page'] === 'product/product') {
         $mouseOverPrice_product_id = $this->request->get['product_id'];
         $mouseOverPrice_product_info = $this->model_catalog_product->getProduct($mouseOverPrice_product_id);
         $mouseOverPrice_product_promo = isset($mouseOverPrice_product_info['special']) ? $mouseOverPrice_product_info['special'] : '0';
         $data['mouseOverPrice'] = "\n                                            /* -- mouseOverPrice -- */\n                                            jQuery(document).ready(function(\$) {\n                                                if (\$(\"{$data['retargeting_mouseOverPrice']}\").length > 0) {\n                                                    \$(\"{$data['retargeting_mouseOverPrice']}\").mouseover(function(){\n                                                        _ra.mouseOverPrice({$mouseOverPrice_product_id}, {\n                                                                                                        'price': {$mouseOverPrice_product_info['price']},\n                                                                                                        'promo': {$mouseOverPrice_product_promo}\n                                                                                                        }, function() {console.log('mouseOverPrice FIRED')}\n                                                        );\n                                                    });\n                                                }\n                                            });\n\n                                            /* -- clickImage -- */\n                                            jQuery(document).ready(function(\$) {\n                                                if (\$(\"{$data['retargeting_clickImage']}\").length > 0) {\n                                                    \$(\"{$data['retargeting_clickImage']}\").mouseover(function(){\n\n                                                        _ra.clickImage({$mouseOverPrice_product_id}, function() {console.log('clickImage FIRED')});\n                                                    });\n                                                }\n                                            });\n\n                                            /* -- likeFacebook -- */\n                                            jQuery(document).ready(function(\$) {\n                                                if (typeof FB != 'undefined') {\n                                                    FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function () {\n                                                        _ra.likeFacebook({$this->request->get['product_id']});\n                                                    });\n                                                }\n                                            });\n\n                                            /* -- setVariation -- */\n                                            jQuery(document).ready(function(\$){\n                                                \$(\"{$this->data['retargeting_setVariation']}\").click(function(){\n                                                    if ( \$(this).val() != undefined ) {\n                                                        _ra.setVariation({$this->request->get['product_id']}, {\n                                                            'code': '\$(this).val()',\n                                                            'details': {}\n                                                        }, function() {\n                                                            console.log('setVariation fired.');\n                                                        });\n                                                    }\n                                                });\n                                            });\n                                            ";
         $data['js_output'] .= $data['mouseOverPrice'];
     /* --- END mouseOverPrice, clickImage, likeFacebook, setVariation  --- */
      * mouseOverAddToCart ✓
      * addToCart [v1 - class/id listener] ✓
     if ($data['current_page'] === 'product/product') {
         $mouseOverAddToCart_product_id = $this->request->get['product_id'];
         $mouseOverAddToCart_product_info = $this->model_catalog_product->getProduct($mouseOverAddToCart_product_id);
         $mouseOverAddToCart_product_promo = isset($mouseOverAddToCart_product_info['promo']) ?: 0;
         $data['mouseOverAddToCart'] = "\n                                                /* -- mouseOverAddToCart & addToCart -- */\n                                                jQuery(document).ready(function(\$){\n                                                    if (\$(\"{$data['retargeting_addToCart']}\").length > 0) {\n                                                        /* -- mouseOverAddToCart -- */\n                                                        \$(\"{$data['retargeting_addToCart']}\").mouseover(function(){\n                                                             _ra.mouseOverAddToCart({$mouseOverAddToCart_product_id}, function(){console.log('mouseOverAddToCart FIRED')});\n                                                        });\n\n                                                        /* -- addToCart -- */\n                                                        \$(\"{$data['retargeting_addToCart']}\").click(function(){\n                                                            _ra.addToCart({$mouseOverAddToCart_product_id}, false, function(){console.log('addToCart FIRED!')});\n                                                        });\n                                                    }\n                                                });\n                                                ";
         $data['js_output'] .= $data['mouseOverAddToCart'];
     /* --- END mouseOverAddToCart & addToCart[v1]  --- */
      * visitHelpPage ✓
     if ($data['current_page'] === 'information/information') {
         $data['visitHelpPage'] = "\n                                        /* -- visitHelpPage -- */\n                                        var _ra = _ra || {};\n                                        _ra.visitHelpPageInfo = {'visit' : true};\n                                        if (_ra.ready !== undefined) {\n                                            _ra.visitHelpPage();\n                                        };\n                                    ";
         $data['js_output'] .= $data['visitHelpPage'];
     /* --- END visitHelpPage  --- */
      * checkoutIds ✓
     $checkout_modules = array('checkout/checkout', 'checkout/simplecheckout', 'checkout/ajaxquickcheckout', 'checkout/ajaxcheckout', 'checkout/quickcheckout', 'checkout/onepagecheckout');
     if (in_array($data['current_page'], $checkout_modules) && $data['cart_products'] || $data['current_page'] === 'checkout/cart' && $data['cart_products']) {
         $cart_products = $this->cart->getProducts();
         // Use this instead of session
         $data['checkoutIds'] = "\n                                        /* -- checkoutIds -- */\n                                        var _ra = _ra || {};\n                                        _ra.checkoutIdsInfo = [\n                                    ";
         $i_products = count($cart_products);
         foreach ($cart_products as $item => $detail) {
             $data['checkoutIds'] .= $i_products > 0 ? $detail['product_id'] . "," : $detail['product_id'];
         $data['checkoutIds'] .= "\n                                            ];\n                                            ";
         $data['checkoutIds'] .= "\n                                            if (_ra.ready !== undefined) {\n                                                _ra.checkoutIds(_ra.checkoutIdsInfo);\n                                            };\n                                            ";
         $data['js_output'] .= $data['checkoutIds'];
     /* --- END checkoutIds  --- */
      * saveOrder ✓
      * via pre.order.add event
     if (isset($this->session->data['retargeting_pre_order_add']) && !empty($this->session->data['retargeting_pre_order_add']) || isset($this->session->data['retargeting_post_order_add']) && !empty($this->session->data['retargeting_post_order_add'])) {
         $data['order_id'] = $this->session->data['retargeting_post_order_add'];
         $data['order_data'] = $this->model_checkout_order->getOrder($data['order_id']);
         $order_no = $data['order_data']['order_id'];
         $lastname = $data['order_data']['lastname'];
         $firstname = $data['order_data']['firstname'];
         $email = $data['order_data']['email'];
         $phone = $data['order_data']['telephone'];
         $state = $data['order_data']['shipping_country'];
         $city = $data['order_data']['shipping_city'];
         $address = $data['order_data']['shipping_address_1'];
         $discount_code = isset($this->session->data['retargeting_discount_code']) ? $this->session->data['retargeting_discount_code'] : 0;
         $total_discount_value = 0;
         $shipping_value = 0;
         $total_order_value = $data['order_data']['total'];
         // Based on order id, grab the ordered products
         $order_product_query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "order_product WHERE order_id = '" . (int) $data['order_id'] . "'");
         $data['order_product_query'] = $order_product_query;
         $data['saveOrder'] = "\n                                        var _ra = _ra || {};\n                                        _ra.saveOrderInfo = {\n                                            'order_no': {$order_no},\n                                            'lastname': '{$lastname}',\n                                            'firstname': '{$firstname}',\n                                            'email': '{$email}',\n                                            'phone': '{$phone}',\n                                            'state': '{$state}',\n                                            'city': '{$city}',\n                                            'address': '{$address}',\n                                            'discount_code': '{$discount_code}',\n                                            'discount': {$total_discount_value},\n                                            'shipping': {$shipping_value},\n                                            'total': {$total_order_value}\n                                        };\n                                        ";
         /* -------------------------------------- */
         $data['saveOrder'] .= "_ra.saveOrderProducts = [";
         for ($i = count($order_product_query->rows) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
             if ($i == 0) {
                 $data['saveOrder'] .= "{\n                                                'id': {$order_product_query->rows[$i]['product_id']},\n                                                'quantity': {$order_product_query->rows[$i]['quantity']},\n                                                'price': {$order_product_query->rows[$i]['price']},\n                                                'variation_code': ''\n                                                }";
             $data['saveOrder'] .= "{\n                                            'id': {$order_product_query->rows[$i]['product_id']},\n                                            'quantity': {$order_product_query->rows[$i]['quantity']},\n                                            'price': {$order_product_query->rows[$i]['price']},\n                                            'variation_code': ''\n                                            },";
         $data['saveOrder'] .= "];";
         /* -------------------------------------- */
         $data['saveOrder'] .= "\n                                        if( _ra.ready !== undefined ) {\n                                            _ra.saveOrder(_ra.saveOrderInfo, _ra.saveOrderProducts);\n                                        }";
         $data['js_output'] .= $data['saveOrder'];
          * REST API Save Order
         $apiKey = $this->config->get('retargeting_apikey');
         $token = $this->config->get('retargeting_token');
         if ($apiKey && $token && $apiKey != '' && $token != '') {
             $orderInfo = array('order_no' => $order_no, 'lastname' => $lastname, 'firstname' => $firstname, 'email' => $email, 'phone' => $phone, 'state' => $state, 'city' => $city, 'address' => $address, 'discount_code' => $discount_code, 'discount' => $total_discount_value, 'shipping' => $shipping_value, 'total' => $total_order_value);
             $orderProducts = array();
             foreach ($order_product_query->rows as $orderedProduct) {
                 $orderProducts[] = array('id' => $orderedProduct['product_id'], 'quantity' => $orderedProduct['quantity'], 'price' => $orderedProduct['price'], 'variation_code' => '');
             $orderClient = new Retargeting_REST_API_Client($apiKey, $token);
             $response = $orderClient->order->save($orderInfo, $orderProducts);
     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Set the template path for our module & load the View
      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     if (file_exists(DIR_TEMPLATE . $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/module/retargeting.tpl')) {
         return $this->load->view($this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/module/retargeting.tpl', $data);
     } else {
         return $this->load->view('/module/retargeting.tpl', $data);
Пример #5
require __DIR__ . '/../../lib/retargeting-rest-api/Client.php';
function verify_webhook($data, $hmac_header)
    $calculated_hmac = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $data, SHOPIFY_APP_SHARED_SECRET, true));
    return $hmac_header == $calculated_hmac;
$hmac_header = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_SHOPIFY_HMAC_SHA256'];
$data = file_get_contents('php://input');
$verified = verify_webhook($data, $hmac_header);
if ($verified && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_SHOPIFY_SHOP_DOMAIN']) && ($shop = verifyShopStatus($conn, $_SERVER['HTTP_X_SHOPIFY_SHOP_DOMAIN']))) {
    $shopify = shopify\client($shop['shop'], SHOPIFY_APP_API_KEY, $shop['token']);
    if (empty($shop['domain_api_key']) || empty($shop['api_token'])) {
        return false;
    // get Order through Shopify API - unsolved issue
    // $order = $shopify('GET /admin/orders.json?ids='.$data['id']);
    $client = new Retargeting_REST_API_Client($shop['domain_api_key'], $shop['api_token']);
    $orderObj = json_decode($data);
    $discountCodes = array();
    foreach ($orderObj->discount_codes as $dc) {
        $discountCodes[] = $dc->code;
    $discountCodes = implode(', ', $discountCodes);
    $lineItems = array();
    foreach ($orderObj->line_items as $li) {
        $lineItems[] = array('id' => $li->id, 'quantity' => $li->quantity, 'price' => $li->price, 'variation_code' => $li->variant_id);
    $response = $client->order->save(array('order_no' => 'sohpify-' . $orderObj->order_number, 'lastname' => '', 'firstname' => '', 'email' => $orderObj->email, 'phone' => '', 'state' => '', 'city' => '', 'address' => '', 'discount' => $orderObj->total_discounts, 'discount_code' => $discountCodes, 'shipping' => 0, 'total' => $orderObj->total_price), $lineItems);