Пример #1
if ($TmpWhere != "") {
    $MyQuery .= "AND (" . $TmpWhere . ")";
if ($NoPhoto) {
    $MyQuery .= "AND (length(PhPhoto)='' or PhPhoto is null) ";
$MyQuery .= "ORDER BY CoCode, Name, CoName, FirstName, TargetNo ";
$Rs = safe_r_sql($MyQuery);
if ($Rs) {
    $ShowStatusLegend = false;
    $FirstTime = true;
    $OldTeam = '#@#@#';
    while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
        if ($FirstTime || !$pdf->SamePage(4)) {
            $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'B', 7);
            $pdf->Cell(54, 4, get_text('Country'), 1, 0, 'L', 1);
            $pdf->Cell(7, 4, get_text('SessionShort', 'Tournament'), 1, 0, 'C', 1);
            $pdf->Cell(11, 4, get_text('Target'), 1, 0, 'C', 1);
            $pdf->Cell(10, 4, get_text('Code', 'Tournament'), 1, 0, 'C', 1);
            $pdf->Cell(41, 4, get_text('Athlete'), 1, 0, 'L', 1);
            $pdf->Cell(11, 4, get_text('AgeCl'), 1, 0, 'C', 1);
            $pdf->Cell(8, 4, get_text('SubCl', 'Tournament'), 1, 0, 'C', 1);
            $pdf->Cell(12, 4, get_text('Division'), 1, 0, 'C', 1);
            $pdf->Cell(12, 4, get_text('Cl'), 1, 0, 'C', 1);
            //Disegna i Pallini
            $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'B', 7);
            $pdf->Cell(10, 4, get_text('Status', 'Tournament'), 1, 1, 'C', 1);
            $OldTeam = '';
Пример #2
$MyQuery .= "INNER JOIN Entries AS e ON t.ToId=e.EnTournament ";
$MyQuery .= "INNER JOIN Countries AS c ON e.EnCountry=c.CoId AND e.EnTournament=c.CoTournament ";
$MyQuery .= "INNER JOIN Qualifications AS q ON e.EnId=q.QuId ";
$MyQuery .= "INNER JOIN Classes AS cl ON e.EnClass=cl.ClId AND ClTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " ";
$MyQuery .= "INNER JOIN Divisions AS d ON e.EnDivision=d.DivId AND DivTournament=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " ";
$MyQuery .= "WHERE EnAthlete=1 AND ToId = " . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " ";
$MyQuery .= "AND QuSession = " . StrSafe_DB($_REQUEST["Session"]) . " ";
$MyQuery .= "ORDER BY QuTargetNo, CoCode, Name, CoName, FirstName ";
//*DEBUG*/echo $MyQuery;exit();
$Rs = safe_r_sql($MyQuery);
if ($Rs) {
    $ShowStatusLegend = false;
    $CurSession = -1;
    $OldTarget = '';
    while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
        if ($CurSession != $MyRow->Session || !$pdf->SamePage(4) || $MyRow->TargetLetter == 'A' && !$pdf->SamePage(16)) {
            $TmpSegue = !$pdf->SamePage(4);
            if ($MyRow->TargetLetter == 'A' && !$pdf->SamePage(16)) {
                $TmpSegue = true;
            } elseif ($CurSession != -1) {
                $pdf->SetXY(10, $pdf->GetY() + 5);
            $CurSession = $MyRow->Session;
            $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'B', 10);
            $pdf->Cell(190, 6, get_text('Session') . " " . $CurSession . " - " . get_text('Distance', 'HTT') . " " . $_REQUEST["Distance"], 1, 1, 'C', 1);
            if ($TmpSegue) {
                $pdf->SetXY(170, $pdf->GetY() - 6);
                $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'I', 6);
                $pdf->Cell(30, 6, get_text('Continue'), 0, 1, 'R', 0);
Пример #3
//echo $MyQuery;exit();
$Rs = safe_r_sql($MyQuery);
if ($Rs) {
    $CurGroup = "....";
    $CurTeam = "....";
    // Variabili per la gestione del ranking
    $MyRank = 1;
    $MyPos = 0;
    // Variabili che contengono i punti del precedente atleta per la gestione del rank
    $MyScoreOld = 0;
    $MyGoldOld = 0;
    $MyXNineOld = 0;
    while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
        //se cambia classifica rifaccio l'header
        if ($CurGroup != $MyRow->TeEvent || !$pdf->SamePage(4) || $CurTeam != $MyRow->NationCode && !$pdf->SamePage(4 * $MyRow->Quanti + 16)) {
            $TmpSegue = !$pdf->SamePage(4);
            if ($CurTeam != $MyRow->NationCode && !$pdf->SamePage(4 * 3 * $MyRow->Quanti + 16)) {
                $TmpSegue = true;
            } else {
                if ($CurGroup != "....") {
                    $pdf->SetXY(10, $pdf->GetY() + 5);
            if ($CurGroup != $MyRow->TeEvent) {
                $TmpSegue = false;
            $CurGroup = $MyRow->TeEvent;
            $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'B', 10);
Пример #4
        $SesFields[] = (trim($MyRow->EnDivision) != '' ? $MyRow->EnDivision : '--') . $Value;
$SqlEmpty = $Sql;
$Sql .= "ClId " . "FROM Classes " . "LEFT JOIN Entries ON TRIM(ClId) = TRIM(EnClass) AND ClTournament=EnTournament " . "LEFT JOIN Qualifications ON EnId = QuId " . "WHERE EnTournament = " . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " " . "GROUP BY ClId " . "ORDER BY ClViewOrder";
$SqlEmpty .= "'--' AS ClId " . "FROM Entries " . "LEFT JOIN Qualifications ON EnId = QuId " . "WHERE EnTournament = " . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " AND EnClass='' " . "GROUP BY EnClass ";
$Rs = safe_r_sql($Sql);
$RsEmpty = safe_r_sql($SqlEmpty);
if ($Rs && count($DivArray) > 0) {
    $ShowStatusLegend = false;
    $FirstTime = true;
    $DivSize = ($pdf->getPageWidth() - 35) / count($DivArray);
    $SesSize = $DivSize / (count($SesArray) + 1);
    while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
        if ($FirstTime || !$pdf->SamePage(16)) {
            $TmpSegue = !$pdf->SamePage(16);
            $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'B', 10);
            $pdf->SetXY(25, $pdf->GetY() + 5);
            $pdf->Cell($pdf->getPageWidth() - 35, 6, get_text('StatClasses', 'Tournament'), 1, 1, 'C', 1);
            if ($TmpSegue) {
                $pdf->SetXY($pdf->getPageWidth() - 40, $pdf->GetY() - 6);
                $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'I', 6);
                $pdf->Cell(30, 6, get_text('Continue'), 0, 1, 'R', 0);
            $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'B', 10);
            foreach ($DivArray as $Value) {
                $pdf->Cell($DivSize, 6, $Value, 1, 0, 'C', 1);
            $pdf->Cell(0.1, 6, '', 0, 1, 'C', 0);
Пример #5
$OldDist = '';
$OldTarget = '';
$TmpColor = array(255, 255, 255);
$SecondaryDistance = 0;
$TgText = '';
$TgFirst = 0;
$TgNo = 0;
$TgTop = 0;
$TopPos = 35 - RowH;
// select already assigned number of sessions with min and max target
$SesSql = safe_r_sql("select QuSession, min(cast( substr(QuTargetNo,2) as unsigned)) TargetMin, max(cast( substr(QuTargetNo,2) as unsigned)) TargetMax, ToNumDist from Qualifications inner join Entries on EnId=QuId inner join Tournament on EnTournament=ToId where EnTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']} and cast( substr(QuTargetNo,2) as unsigned)>0 group by QuSession");
while ($SesRow = safe_fetch($SesSql)) {
    // set the target dimention
    $DimTarget = min(10, ($pdf->GetPageWidth() - 20 - ColName) / ($SesRow->TargetMax - $SesRow->TargetMin + 1));
    // checks if there is enough space for at least 1 distance
    if (!$pdf->SamePage(RowH + 25)) {
        //Al cambio di data aggiungo una pagina
        $TopPos = 35;
    } else {
        $TopPos += RowH;
    // prints the session
    $pdf->SetXY(10, $TopPos);
    $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'B', 14);
    $pdf->Cell($pdf->GetPageWidth() - 20, 8, get_text('Session') . ": " . $SesRow->QuSession, 0, 0, "C", 1);
    $TopPos += 8;
Пример #6
$MyQuery .= "LEFT JOIN AccEntries AS ae ON Sq.EnId=ae.AEId AND at.AtTournament=ae.AETournament ";
$MyQuery .= "AND ae.AEOperation=(SELECT AOTId FROM AccOperationType WHERE AOTDescr=" . StrSafe_DB($OpDetails) . ") ";
$MyQuery .= "WHERE AtTournament = " . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " ";
if (isset($_REQUEST["Session"]) && is_numeric($_REQUEST["Session"])) {
    $MyQuery .= "AND SUBSTRING(AtTargetNo,1,1) = " . StrSafe_DB($_REQUEST["Session"]) . " ";
$MyQuery .= "ORDER BY AtTargetNo, CoCode, Name, CoName, FirstName ";
//echo $MyQuery;exit;
$Rs = safe_r_sql($MyQuery);
if ($Rs) {
    $ShowStatusLegend = false;
    $CurSession = -1;
    $OldTarget = '';
    while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
        if ($CurSession != $MyRow->Session || !$pdf->SamePage(4) || strtoupper(substr($MyRow->TargetNo, -1, 1)) == 'A' && !$pdf->SamePage(16)) {
            $TmpSegue = !$pdf->SamePage(4);
            if (strtoupper(substr($MyRow->TargetNo, -1, 1)) == 'A' && !$pdf->SamePage(16)) {
                $TmpSegue = true;
            } elseif ($CurSession != -1) {
                $pdf->SetXY(10, $pdf->GetY() + 5);
            $CurSession = $MyRow->Session;
            $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'B', 10);
            $pdf->Cell(190, 6, get_text('Session') . " " . $CurSession . " (" . get_text($OpDetails, 'Tournament') . ")", 1, 1, 'C', 1);
            if ($TmpSegue) {
                $pdf->SetXY(170, $pdf->GetY() - 6);
                $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'I', 6);
                $pdf->Cell(30, 6, get_text('Continue'), 0, 1, 'R', 0);
Пример #7
$MyQuery .= "LEFT JOIN AccEntries AS ae ON e.EnId=ae.AEId AND e.EnTournament=ae.AETournament ";
$MyQuery .= "AND ae.AEOperation=(SELECT AOTId FROM AccOperationType WHERE AOTDescr=" . StrSafe_DB($OpDetails) . ") ";
$MyQuery .= "WHERE EnAthlete=1 AND EnTournament = " . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " ";
if (isset($_REQUEST["Session"]) && is_numeric($_REQUEST["Session"])) {
    $MyQuery .= "AND QuSession = " . StrSafe_DB($_REQUEST["Session"]) . " ";
if ($TmpWhere != "") {
    $MyQuery .= "AND (" . $TmpWhere . ")";
$MyQuery .= "ORDER BY FirstName, Name, TargetNo ";
$Rs = safe_r_sql($MyQuery);
if ($Rs) {
    $StartLetter = ".";
    $ShowStatusLegend = false;
    while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
        if ($StartLetter != $MyRow->Initial || !$pdf->SamePage(4)) {
            $TmpSegue = !$pdf->SamePage(4);
            if ($StartLetter != $MyRow->Initial && !$pdf->SamePage(20)) {
                $TmpSegue = false;
            } elseif ($StartLetter != ".") {
                $pdf->SetY($pdf->GetY() + 5);
            $StartLetter = $MyRow->Initial;
            $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'B', 10);
            $pdf->Cell(190, 6, $StartLetter, 1, 1, 'C', 1);
            if ($TmpSegue) {
                $pdf->SetXY(170, $pdf->GetY() - 6);
                $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'I', 6);
                $pdf->Cell(30, 6, get_text('Continue'), 0, 1, 'R', 0);
Пример #8
$rankData = $rank->getData();
if (count($rankData['sections'])) {
    $DistSize = 12;
    $AddSize = 0;
    foreach ($rankData['sections'] as $section) {
        //Calcolo Le Misure per i Campi
        if ($rankData['meta']['numDist'] >= 4 && !$rankData['meta']['double']) {
            $DistSize = 48 / $rankData['meta']['numDist'];
        } elseif ($rankData['meta']['numDist'] >= 4 && $rankData['meta']['double']) {
            $DistSize = 48 / ($rankData['meta']['numDist'] / 2 + 1);
        } else {
            $AddSize = (48 - $rankData['meta']['numDist'] * 12) / 2;
        //Verifico se l'header e qualche riga ci stanno nella stessa pagina altrimenti salto alla prosisma
        if (!$pdf->SamePage(28)) {
        writeGroupHeader($pdf, $section['meta'], $DistSize, $AddSize, $rankData['meta']['numDist'], $rankData['meta']['double'], false);
        foreach ($section['items'] as $item) {
            writeDataRow($pdf, $item, $DistSize, $AddSize, $rankData['meta']['numDist'], $rankData['meta']['double']);
            if (!$pdf->SamePage(4 * ($rankData['meta']['double'] ? 2 : 1))) {
                writeGroupHeader($pdf, $section['meta'], $DistSize, $AddSize, $rankData['meta']['numDist'], $rankData['meta']['double'], true);
        $pdf->SetY($pdf->GetY() + 5);
if (!isset($isCompleteResultBook)) {
Пример #9
 $TgTop = 0;
 $TopPos = 35 - RowH;
 $MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs);
 $TimeEvents = array();
 $DistGap = 0;
 while ($MyRow) {
     // check distances!
     $CurDistGap = ($MyRow->EvDistance ? 3 : 0) + ($MaxDist - $MyRow->EvDistance) / 5;
     $DistGap = max($DistGap, $CurDistGap);
     //Cambio di Orario e/o data
     if ($OldSched != $MyRow->SchDate . $MyRow->SchTime) {
         if (!empty($DayLastTargets[$MyRow->FSScheduledDate])) {
             $FirstTarget = $DayFirstTargets[$MyRow->FSScheduledDate];
             $LastTarget = $DayLastTargets[$MyRow->FSScheduledDate];
         if ($OldDate != $MyRow->SchDate && $OldDate != '' || !$pdf->SamePage(RowH + 12 + $DistGap) || (!$pdf->SamePage(2 * RowH + 12 + $DistGap) and $MyRow->Warmup)) {
             // 				debug_svela($LastTarget-$FirstTarget);
             if ($LastTarget - $FirstTarget < 21) {
                 //Al cambio di data aggiungo una pagina
             } else {
                 //Al cambio di data aggiungo una pagina
             $TopPos = 35;
             $DimTarget = min(10, ($pdf->getpagewidth() - 20 - ColName) / ($LastTarget - $FirstTarget + 1));
         } else {
             if ($OldDate) {
                 $pdf->SetLineStyle(array('width' => 0.5, 'color' => array(128)));
                 $pdf->Line(10, $TopPos + RowH + $DistGap - 1, $pdf->getPageWidth() - 10, $TopPos + RowH + $DistGap - 1);
                 $pdf->SetLineStyle(array('width' => 0.1, 'color' => array(0)));
Пример #10
    $MyQuery .= "AND (" . $TmpWhere . ")";
$MyQuery .= "ORDER BY CoCode, DivViewOrder, FirstName, Name";
//*DEBUG*/echo $MyQuery;exit;
$Rs = safe_r_sql($MyQuery);
if (safe_num_rows($Rs) > 0) {
    $FirstTime = true;
    $OldTeam = '#@#@#';
    $OldDiv = '#@#@#';
    $ColNo = 0;
    $RowY = 0;
    $RowX = 0;
    $MaxHeight = 0;
    //	$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false);
    while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
        if ($OldDiv != $MyRow->DivCode && !$pdf->SamePage($MaxHeight + 20)) {
            $OldTeam = '#@#@#';
        //Cambio di Squadra
        if ($OldTeam != $MyRow->NationCode) {
            if (!$FirstTime) {
            $pdf->SetXY(10, $pdf->GetY() + 5);
            $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'B', 20);
            $pdf->Cell(190, 8, $MyRow->Nation . ' (' . $MyRow->NationCode . ')', 0, 0, 'L', 1);
            $FirstTime = false;
            $RowNo = 0;
            $ColNo = 0;
            $MaxHeight = 0;
            $OldTeam = $MyRow->NationCode;
Пример #11
 $SecondaryDistance = 0;
 $TgText = '';
 $TgFirst = 0;
 $TgNo = 0;
 $TgTop = 0;
 $OldTrueSession = '';
 $TopPos = 35 - RowH;
 $MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs);
 while ($MyRow) {
     //Cambio di Sessione e/o Distanza
     if ($MyRow->Dist == '-') {
         $MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs);
     if ($OldSession != $MyRow->Session . $MyRow->Dist) {
         if (!$pdf->SamePage(RowH + 5) or $OldTrueSession != $MyRow->Session and !$pdf->SamePage(2 * RowH + 15)) {
             //Al cambio di data aggiungo una pagina
             $TopPos = 35;
         } else {
             $TopPos += RowH;
         $pdf->SetXY(10, $TopPos + 3);
         $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'B', 14);
         $pdf->Cell(ColName, 8, $MyRow->Dist, 0, 0, "C");
         $pdf->SetXY(10, $TopPos + 9);
         $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontStd, 'I', 8);
         $pdf->Cell(ColName, 5, get_text('Session') . ": " . $MyRow->Session, 0, 0, "C");
         $pdf->SetXY(10 + ColName, $TopPos + 2);
         $pdf->SetFont($pdf->FontFix, 'B', 7);