Пример #1
  * The Signature Base String is a consistent reproducible concatenation of the
  * request elements into a single string. The string is used as an input in hashing or signing algorithms.
  * The base string => $http_method&urlencode($Url without query params)&urlencode(normalized_request_parameters)
  * (Basically HTTP method(GET/POST etc), the URL(scheme://host/path, doesnt include the query string), and the norlalized request parameters
  * each urlencoded and the concated with &.)
 private function get_signature_base_string($http_method, $Url, $oAuthOptions)
     // Get the Query String parameters. Example if the request is http://photos.example.net/photos.aspx?file=vacation.jpg&size=original
     // then get the query string and create an array from it in form of key value pairs
     // $qsArray     Key     Value
     //              file    vacation.jpg
     //              size    original
     $parts = parse_url($Url);
     $qs = $parts['query'];
     parse_str($qs, $qsArray);
     $signable_options = array_merge($oAuthOptions, $qsArray);
     $signable_parameters = RequestSigner::get_normalized_request_parameters($signable_options);
     $normalized_url = Util::get_normalized_http_url($Url);
     if (AppConfig::$debug) {
         print AppConfig::$lineBreak . '[----------START Parts to build base string from ' . $Url . '-----------]' . AppConfig::$lineBreak;
         print AppConfig::$lineBreak . 'HTTP Method: ' . $http_method . AppConfig::$lineBreak;
         print AppConfig::$lineBreak . 'Normalized Url: ' . $normalized_url . AppConfig::$lineBreak;
         print AppConfig::$lineBreak . 'Signable Parameters: ' . $signable_parameters . AppConfig::$lineBreak;
         print AppConfig::$lineBreak . 'Query String parameters: ' . $qs . AppConfig::$lineBreak;
         print AppConfig::$lineBreak . '[----------END Parts to build base string-----------]' . AppConfig::$lineBreak;
     $parts = array($http_method, $normalized_url, $signable_parameters);
     // Url encode each of http method, Url(without query string), and the normalized parameters (oauth parameters, along with query string parameters)
     $parts = Util::urlencode_rfc3986($parts);
     // After url encoding, concatenate them with an &
     return implode('&', $parts);
Пример #2
  * The Signature Base String is a consistent reproducible concatenation of the
  * request elements into a single string. The string is used as an input in hashing or signing algorithms.
  * The base string => $httpMethod&urlencode($url without query params)&urlencode(normalized_request_parameters)
  * (Basically HTTP method(GET/POST etc), the URL(scheme://host/path, doesnt include the query string), and the norlalized request parameters
  * each urlencoded and then concated with &.)
 private function getSignatureBaseString($httpMethod, $url, $oAuthOptions, &$debugInfo)
     // Get the Query String parameters. Example if the request is http://photos.example.net/photos.aspx?file=vacation.jpg&size=original
     // then get the query string and create an array from it in form of key value pairs
     // $qsArray     Key     Value
     //              file    vacation.jpg
     //              size    original
     $parts = parse_url($url);
     $qs = $parts['query'];
     parse_str($qs, $qsArray);
     $signable_options = array_merge($oAuthOptions, $qsArray);
     $signable_parameters = RequestSigner::getNormalizedRequestParameters($signable_options);
     $normalized_url = Util::getNormalizedHttpUrl($url);
     $debug = array();
     $debug['HTTP Method'] = $httpMethod;
     $debug['Normalized Url'] = $normalized_url;
     $debug['Signable Parameters'] = $signable_parameters;
     $debug['Query parameters'] = $qs;
     $debugInfo['signature_base_string_parts'] = $debug;
     $parts = array($httpMethod, $normalized_url, $signable_parameters);
     // Url encode each of http method, Url(without query string), and the normalized parameters (oauth parameters, along with query string parameters)
     $parts = Util::urlencode_rfc3986($parts);
     // After url encoding, concatenate them with an &
     return implode('&', $parts);
Пример #3
 private function getOAuthHeader($http_method, $requestURL, $tokenType = 1)
     $oAuthHeaderValues = array("oauth_consumer_key" => $this->consumerKey, "oauth_nonce" => $this->getOAuthNonce(), "oauth_signature_method" => "HMAC-SHA1", "oauth_timestamp" => mktime(), "oauth_version" => "1.0");
     if ($tokenType > 0) {
         // Its not a request Request Token
         $oAuthHeaderValues["oauth_token"] = $this->requestToken;
     $oAuthHeaderValues["oauth_signature"] = RequestSigner::build_signature($this->consumerSecret, $this->tokenSecret, $http_method, $requestURL, $oAuthHeaderValues);
     $oauthHeader = $this->buildOAuthHeader($oAuthHeaderValues);
     return sprintf("Authorization: %s", $oauthHeader);