public function photo_urls(Req $req, Res $res, $args) { $params = $req->getQueryParams(); $jd_id = $args['jd_id'] ?? '0'; $params['jd_id'] = $jd_id; $m_p = new \App\Model\Photo(); $result = $m_p->get_urls($params); return $res->output($result); }
public function authorize(Req $req, Res $res, $args) { $grant_type = $req->getInput('grant_type'); $client_id = $req->getServerParam('PHP_AUTH_USER'); $client_secret = $req->getServerParam('PHP_AUTH_PW'); $oauth = new Oauth(); $result = $oauth->get_token($client_id, $client_secret, $grant_type); return $res->authorize_output($result); }
public function main() { $this->meta[] = array('name' => 'google-signin-client_id', 'content' => Config::$googleClientId . ''); $cookie = Lib::cookie(); $identifier = $cookie->get(Lib::hash(Config::$userkey)); $user = Lib::table('user'); $isLoggedIn = !empty($identifier) && $user->load(array('identifier' => $identifier)); $this->set('user', $user); $this->set('isLoggedIn', $isLoggedIn); $this->js[] = $isLoggedIn ? 'inbox' : 'login'; if ($isLoggedIn) { array_shift($this->js); $id = Req::get('id'); if (empty($id)) { Lib::redirect('index'); } $report = Lib::table('report'); if (!$report->load($id)) { $this->template = 'no-report'; return; } $report->init(); $assignees = Lib::model('user')->getProjectAssignees($report->project_id); $projectTable = Lib::table('project'); $projectTable->load($report->project_id); $this->set('report', $report); $this->set('assignees', $assignees); $this->set('project', $projectTable); } }
function show() { global $page, $db, $user, $fs, $proj; $page->setTitle($fs->prefs['page_title'] . L('reports')); $events = array(1 => L('taskopened'), 13 => L('taskreopened'), 2 => L('taskclosed'), 3 => L('taskedited'), 14 => L('assignmentchanged'), 29 => L('events.useraddedtoassignees'), 4 => L('commentadded'), 5 => L('commentedited'), 6 => L('commentdeleted'), 7 => L('attachmentadded'), 8 => L('attachmentdeleted'), 11 => L('relatedadded'), 12 => L('relateddeleted'), 9 => L('notificationadded'), 10 => L('notificationdeleted'), 17 => L('reminderadded'), 18 => L('reminderdeleted')); $user_events = array(30 => L('created'), 31 => L('deleted')); $page->assign('events', $events); $page->assign('user_events', $user_events); $sort = strtoupper(Get::enum('sort', array('desc', 'asc'))); $where = array(); $params = array(); $orderby = ''; switch (Get::val('order')) { case 'type': $orderby = "h.event_type {$sort}, h.event_date {$sort}"; break; case 'user': $orderby = "user_id {$sort}, h.event_date {$sort}"; break; case 'date': default: $orderby = "h.event_date {$sort}, h.event_type {$sort}"; } foreach (Get::val('events', array()) as $eventtype) { $where[] = 'h.event_type = ?'; $params[] = $eventtype; } $where = '(' . implode(' OR ', $where) . ')'; if ($proj->id) { $where = $where . 'AND (t.project_id = ? OR h.event_type > 29) '; $params[] = $proj->id; } if (($fromdate = Req::val('fromdate')) || Req::val('todate')) { $where .= ' AND '; $todate = Req::val('todate'); if ($fromdate) { $where .= ' h.event_date > ?'; $params[] = Flyspray::strtotime($fromdate) + 0; } if ($todate && $fromdate) { $where .= ' AND h.event_date < ?'; $params[] = Flyspray::strtotime($todate) + 86400; } else { if ($todate) { $where .= ' h.event_date < ?'; $params[] = Flyspray::strtotime($todate) + 86400; } } } $histories = array(); if (count(Get::val('events'))) { if (Get::num('event_number') > 0) { $db->setLimit(Get::num('event_number')); } $histories = $db->x->getAll("SELECT h.*, t.*, p.project_prefix\n FROM {history} h\n LEFT JOIN {tasks} t ON h.task_id = t.task_id\n LEFT JOIN {projects} p ON t.project_id = p.project_id\n WHERE {$where}\n ORDER BY {$orderby}", null, $params); } $page->assign('histories', $histories); $page->assign('sort', $sort); $page->pushTpl('reports.tpl'); }
public function saveAssignees() { $keys = array('project', 'setting'); if (!Req::haspost($keys)) { return $this->fail('Insufficient data.'); } $identifier = Lib::cookie(Lib::hash(Config::$userkey)); $user = Lib::table('user'); $isLoggedIn = !empty($identifier) && $user->load(array('identifier' => $identifier)); if (!$isLoggedIn || $user->role != USER_ROLE_ADMIN) { return $this->fail('You are not authorized.'); } $project = Req::post('project'); $setting = json_decode(Req::post('setting')); $projectTable = Lib::table('project'); if ($project !== 'all' && $project !== '-1' && !$projectTable->load(array('name' => $project))) { return $this->fail('No such project.'); } if ($project !== 'all') { $projectAssignee = Lib::table('project_assignee'); $projectAssignee->load(array('user_id' => $setting->id, 'project_id' => $projectTable->id)); if ($setting->value) { $projectAssignee->store(); } else { $projectAssignee->delete(); } } return $this->success(); }
/** * 根据 IP、当前小时、对应的路由、arg 参数、key 限制调用频率 * * @param Req $req HTTP 请求对象 */ protected function set_id(Req $req) { $ip = $req->getServerParam('REMOTE_ADDR'); $id = $ip . ':' . date('H'); $route = $req->getAttribute('route'); if ($route) { $id .= ':' . $route->getIdentifier(); if (!empty($this->opts['arg'])) { $id .= ':' . $route->getArgument($this->opts['arg']); } } if (!empty($this->opts['key'])) { $id .= ':' . $this->opts['key']; } $this->id = $id; }
public function execute() { $api = Lib::api('admin', array('response' => 'return', 'format' => 'php')); $type = Req::get('type'); if (!is_callable(array($api, $type))) { return Lib::redirect('error'); } $result = $api->{$type}(); $options = array('view' => 'admin'); $ref = Req::post('ref'); if (!$result['state']) { if (!empty($ref)) { $options['ref'] = $ref; } } else { $segments = explode('/', base64_decode(urldecode($ref))); $base = array_shift($segments); $type = array_shift($segments); $subtype = array_shift($segments); if (!empty($type)) { $options['type'] = $type; } if (!empty($subtype)) { $options['subtype'] = $subtype; } } Lib::redirect('admin', $options); }
public function before($obj = null) { // 推荐商户设置 add by t-btei 2015/05/04 $companyId = Req::args('companyId'); if (isset($companyId)) { // 保存推荐ID setcookie('company_affiliate_uid', $companyId); } //测试平板或者手机端主题 $clientType = Chips::clientType(); if ($clientType == 'tablet' || $clientType == 'mobile') { $config_path = APP_CODE_ROOT . 'config/config.php'; $config = (require $config_path); if (isset($config['themes_mobile'])) { $themes_mobile = Tiny::app()->setTheme($config['themes_mobile']); } else { Tiny::app()->setTheme("default"); } } $config = Config::getInstance(); $site = $config->get('globals'); $other = $config->get('other'); $currency_symbol = isset($other['other_currency_symbol']) ? $other['other_currency_symbol'] : '¥'; $site_logo = isset($site['site_logo']) && $site['site_logo'] != '' ? $site['site_logo'] : 'static/images/logo.png'; $site_qr = isset($site['site_qr']) && $site['site_qr'] != '' ? $site['site_qr'] : 'static/images/qr-app.png'; $site_name = isset($site['site_name']) ? $site['site_name'] : 'TinyShop商城'; $site_icp = isset($site['site_icp']) ? $site['site_icp'] : '鲁ICP备00000100号'; $obj->assign('currency_symbol', $currency_symbol); $obj->assign('site_logo', $site_logo); $obj->assign('site_qr', $site_qr); $obj->assign('site_name', $site_name); $obj->assign('site_icp', $site_icp); }
public static function env($checkget = true) { if ($checkget && Req::hasget('environment')) { return Req::get('environment'); } $serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; return isset(Config::$baseurl[$serverName]) ? Config::$baseurl[$serverName] : 'production'; }
public static function start() { if (!is_null(self::$instance)) { throw new MyException('The RPost already was initialized'); } self::$instance = new self(); return self::$instance; }
public function main() { $filterProject = Req::get('project'); if (empty($filterProject)) { $this->template = 'empty-project'; return; } $projectTable = Lib::table('project'); if (!$projectTable->load(array('name' => $filterProject))) { $this->set('name', $filterProject); $this->template = 'new-project'; return; } $this->meta[] = array('name' => 'google-signin-client_id', 'content' => Config::$googleClientId . ''); $cookie = Lib::cookie(); $identifier = $cookie->get(Lib::hash(Config::$userkey)); $user = Lib::table('user'); $isLoggedIn = !empty($identifier) && $user->load(array('identifier' => $identifier)); $this->set('user', $user); $this->set('filterProject', $filterProject); $this->set('filterSettingsProject', $filterProject); $this->set('isLoggedIn', $isLoggedIn); if (!$isLoggedIn) { $this->js[] = 'login'; } if ($isLoggedIn) { $this->js[] = 'inbox'; $this->js[] = 'settings'; array_shift($this->js); $userModel = Lib::model('user'); $assignees = $userModel->getProjectAssignees($projectTable->id); $users = $userModel->getUsers(); $filterState = $cookie->get('filter-state', 'pending'); $filterAssignee = $cookie->get('filter-assignee', empty($assignees[$user->id]) ? 'all' : $user->id); $filterSort = $cookie->get('filter-sort', 'asc'); $reportModel = Lib::model('report'); $reports = $reportModel->getItems(array('state' => constant('STATE_' . strtoupper($filterState)), 'assignee_id' => $filterAssignee, 'order' => 'date', 'direction' => $filterSort, 'project_id' => $projectTable->id)); $userSettingsTable = Lib::table('user_settings'); if (!$userSettingsTable->load(array('user_id' => $user->id, 'project_id' => $projectTable->id))) { $userSettingsTable->load(array('user_id' => $user->id, 'project_id' => 0)); } $userSettings = $userSettingsTable->getData(); if ($userSettings['color'] !== 'cyan' && $userSettings['color'] !== 'custom') { $this->css[] = 'theme-' . str_replace(' ', '', $userSettings['color']); } $categories = Lib::model('category')->getCategories(['projectid' => $projectTable->id]); $this->set('filterState', $filterState); $this->set('filterAssignee', $filterAssignee); $this->set('filterSort', $filterSort); $this->set('reports', $reports); $this->set('assignees', $assignees); $this->set('userSettings', $userSettings); $this->set('users', $users); $this->set('projectTable', $projectTable); $this->set('categories', $categories); } }
public function decode($segments) { foreach ($segments as $index => $value) { if (empty($value) || !isset($this->segments[$index])) { continue; } Req::set('GET', $this->segments[$index], $value); } }
public function decode($segments = array()) { $total = count($segments); foreach ($segments as $index => $value) { if (!isset($this->segments[$index])) { continue; } Req::set('GET', $this->segments[$index], $value); } }
public function decode($segments) { if (count($segments) >= 3) { $view = array_shift($segments); $api = array_shift($segments); $action = array_shift($segments); Req::set('GET', 'api', $api); Req::set('GET', 'action', $action); } }
public function nextReq() { $req = \Req::orderBy('req', 'DESC')->first(array('req')); if (isset($req)) { $req->req++; return $req->req; } else { return 1; } }
public static function env() { if (Req::hasget('development')) { Lib::cookie()->set('development', Req::get('development')); } if (Lib::cookie()->get('development')) { return 'development'; } return self::$env; }
public function create($req_id) { $req = Req::find($req_id); $unidades = Unidad::all(); $data['req'] = $req; foreach ($unidades as $unidad) { $arr_unidades[$unidad->tipo][$unidad->unidad] = $unidad->unidad; } $data['unidades'] = $arr_unidades; return View::make('reqs.formArticulo')->with($data); }
public function __invoke(Req $req, Res $res, callable $next) { $request_uri = $req->getServerParam('REQUEST_URI'); if (strpos($request_uri, '/token') !== 0) { // 获取 token 链接无需验证权限 $route = $req->getAttribute('route'); if (!$route) { return $next($req, $res); } $action = ltrim($route->getCallable(), 'App\\Action\\'); $this->container->get('db'); $m_o = new \App\Model\Oauth(); $token = $req->getAccessToken(); $result = $m_o->valid_token($token, $action, $req); if ($result[0] !== 0) { return $res->output($result); } } return $next($req, $res); }
public function form() { $ref = Req::get('ref'); $this->set('ref', $ref); $model = Lib::model('admin'); if (!$model->hasAdmins()) { $this->template = 'formcreate'; return; } $this->template = 'form'; }
/** * 取得视图路径 * * @access public * @return String */ public function getViewPath() { if ($this->viewPath === null) { if (!is_null(Req::args($this->viewParam))) { $this->resolveView(Req::args($this->viewParam)); } else { $this->viewPath = strtolower($this->getController()->id) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtr($this->id, '.', '/'); } } return $this->viewPath; }
public function show($id) { $req = Req::find($id); $articulos = Articulo::whereReqId($id)->get(); $data['req'] = $req; if (isset($articulos)) { $data['articulos'] = $articulos; } else { $data['articulos'] = array(); } return View::make('reqs.infoRequisicion')->with($data); }
function _onsubmit() { global $proj; // only meant for global fields... if (!count(Get::val('ids', array()))) { return array(ERROR_RECOVER, L('notasksselected'), CreateUrl('index')); } $proj = new Project(0); $return = $this->handle('action', Req::val('action')); $proj = new Project(0); return $return; }
/** * action 运行入口 * * @access public * @return mixed */ public function run() { $controller = $this->getController(); $methodName = preg_split("/_(?=(save|del|edit)\$)/i", $this->getId()); if (count($methodName) == 2) { $op = $methodName[1]; $modelName = $methodName[0]; } else { $op = $methodName[0]; $modelName = $controller->getId(); } $operator = array('save' => 'save', 'del' => 'delete', 'edit' => 'find'); //如果配制文件存在curd函数自动进行处理 if ($controller->getAutoActionRight() && array_key_exists($op, $operator)) { if ($op == 'save') { $pre_validator = $modelName . '_validator'; if (method_exists($controller, $pre_validator)) { $validator = $controller->{$pre_validator}(); if (is_array($validator)) { $data = Req::args() + array('validator' => $validator); $controller->redirect($modelName . '_edit', false, $data); exit; } } } $model = new Model($modelName); $data = $model->data(Req::args())->{$operator}[$op](); switch ($op) { case 'save': if ($data !== false) { $controller->redirect($modelName . '_list'); } else { $controller->redirect($modelName . '_edit', null, false, array('form' => $model->find())); } break; case 'del': $controller->redirect($modelName . '_list'); break; case 'edit': $data = isset($data) ? $data : array(); $controller->redirect($modelName . '_edit', false, $data); break; } } else { $action = new ViewAction($controller, $this->getId()); $action->run(); //exit; } }
function show($area = null) { global $page, $fs, $db, $proj, $user, $conf; $perpage = '20'; if (isset($user->infos['tasks_perpage'])) { $perpage = $user->infos['tasks_perpage']; } $pagenum = max(1, Get::num('pagenum', 1)); $offset = $perpage * ($pagenum - 1); // Get the visibility state of all columns $visible = explode(' ', trim($proj->id ? $proj->prefs['visible_columns'] : $fs->prefs['visible_columns'])); if (!is_array($visible) || !count($visible) || !$visible[0]) { $visible = array('id'); } list($tasks, $id_list) = Backend::get_task_list($_GET, $visible, $offset, $perpage); $page->assign('tasks', $tasks); $page->assign('offset', $offset); $page->assign('perpage', $perpage); $page->assign('pagenum', $pagenum); $page->assign('visible', $visible); // List of task IDs for next/previous links $_SESSION['tasklist'] = $id_list; $page->assign('total', count($id_list)); // Javascript replacement if (Get::val('toggleadvanced')) { $advanced_search = intval(!Req::val('advancedsearch')); Flyspray::setCookie('advancedsearch', $advanced_search, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30); $_COOKIE['advancedsearch'] = $advanced_search; } // Update check {{{ if (Get::has('hideupdatemsg')) { unset($_SESSION['latest_version']); } else { if ($conf['general']['update_check'] && $user->perms('is_admin') && $fs->prefs['last_update_check'] < time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 3) { if (!isset($_SESSION['latest_version'])) { $latest = Flyspray::remote_request('', GET_CONTENTS); //if for some silly reason we get and empty response, we use the actual version $_SESSION['latest_version'] = empty($latest) ? $fs->version : $latest; $db->x->execParam('UPDATE {prefs} SET pref_value = ? WHERE pref_name = ?', array(time(), 'last_update_check')); } } } if (isset($_SESSION['latest_version']) && version_compare($fs->version, $_SESSION['latest_version'], '<')) { $page->assign('updatemsg', true); } // }}} $page->setTitle($fs->prefs['page_title'] . $proj->prefs['project_title'] . ': ' . L('tasklist')); $page->pushTpl('index.tpl'); }
public function saveProjectTitle() { $keys = array('project-title', 'project-name'); $post = Req::post($keys); if (empty($post['project-name'])) { Lib::redirect('page', array('view' => 'embed')); } if (empty($post['project-title'])) { Lib::redirect('page', array('view' => 'embed', 'project' => $post['project-name'])); } $projectTable = Lib::table('project'); $projectTable->load(array('name' => $post['project-name'])); $projectTable->title = $post['project-title']; $projectTable->store(); Lib::redirect('page', array('view' => 'embed', 'project' => $post['project-name'])); }
public function decode($segments) { if (count($segments) === 1) { Req::set('GET', 'view', 'admin'); return; } $systemKey = array('login', 'logout', 'create'); if (in_array($segments[1], $systemKey)) { Req::set('GET', 'controller', 'admin'); } else { Req::set('GET', 'view', 'admin'); } Req::set('GET', 'type', $segments[1]); if (!empty($segments[2])) { Req::set('GET', 'subtype', $segments[2]); } }
public function main() { $slug = Req::get('slug'); $this->set('slug', $slug); if (file_exists(Config::getBasePath() . '/assets/css/' . $slug . '.' . (Config::env() === 'development' ? 'less' : 'css'))) { $this->css[] = $slug; } if (file_exists(Config::getBasePath() . '/assets/js/' . $slug . '.' . (Config::env() === 'development' ? 'coffee' : 'js'))) { $this->js[] = $slug; } $page = $this->getPages()->{$slug}; $this->set('slug', $slug); $this->set('page', $page); $this->set('pagetitle', $page->title); $this->set('pagedate', $page->date); $content = $this->loadTemplate($slug . '/content'); $this->set('content', $content); }
public function pac_message_receiver() { $content = Req::post("content"); if (!isset($content)) { $this->returnXML("false", "S09", "返回报文为空"); } $signature = Req::post("data_digest"); if (!isset($signature)) { $this->returnXML("false", "S09", "返回报文为空"); } Tiny::log("异步审批结果回执信息【content:" . $content . "】data_digest【" . $signature . "】"); // 测试密钥 $aeskey = base64_decode($this->jkf['aes_key']); //AES解密,采用ECB模式 $aes = new Crypt_AES(CRYPT_MODE_ECB); //设置AES密钥 $aes->setKey($aeskey); //解密AES密文 $plaintext = $aes->decrypt(base64_decode($content)); //测试rsa公钥 $publickey = $this->jkf['public_key']; $rsa = new Crypt_RSA(); //设置RSA签名模式 CRYPT_RSA_SIGNATURE_PSS or CRYPT_RSA_SIGNATURE_PKCS1 $rsa->setSignatureMode(CRYPT_RSA_SIGNATURE_PKCS1); //使用RSA公钥验证签名 $rsa->loadKey(base64_decode($publickey)); //签名通过 if ($rsa->verify($plaintext, base64_decode($signature))) { $contentXML = simplexml_load_string($plaintext); $businessType = (string) $contentXML->head->businessType; $model = new GatewayModel(); if ($businessType == "RESULT") { $model->insertResult($contentXML, "1"); } else { if ($businessType == "PRODUCT_RECORD") { $model->insertExamineResult($contentXML); } } $this->returnXML(); } else { $this->returnXML("false", "S02", "非法的数字签名"); } }
public function update() { if (!Req::haspost(['id', 'name'])) { return $this->fail('Insufficient data.'); } $identifier = Lib::cookie(Lib::hash(Config::$userkey)); $user = Lib::table('user'); $isLoggedIn = !empty($identifier) && $user->load(['identifier' => $identifier]); if (!$isLoggedIn || $user->role != USER_ROLE_ADMIN) { return $this->fail('You are not authorized.'); } $id = Req::post('id'); $name = Req::post('name'); $table = Lib::table('category'); if (!$table->load($id)) { return $this->false('Invalid data.'); } $table->name = $name; $table->store(); return $this->success(); }
public function create() { $keys = array('username', 'password'); if (!Req::haspost($keys)) { return $this->fail(); } $referral = Req::post('referral'); if (empty($referral) && Lib::model('admin')->hasAdmins()) { return $this->fail(); } $post = Req::post($keys); extract($post); $admin = Lib::table('admin'); $admin->username = $username; $admin->setPassword($password); if (!$admin->store()) { return $this->fail(); } $admin->login(); return $this->success(); }