  * Get the repository XML as a string that can be returned to the browser or cached for future use.
  * @return string
 private function _getRepoXML()
     $repo = new RepoXML();
     $dir = Factory::Directory(\ConfigHandler::Get('/package_repository/base_directory'));
     $coredir = $dir->getPath() . 'core/';
     $componentdir = $dir->getPath() . 'components/';
     $themedir = $dir->getPath() . 'themes/';
     $tmpdir = Factory::Directory('tmp/exports/');
     $gpg = new Core\GPG\GPG();
     $keysfound = [];
     $private = ConfigHandler::Get('/package_repository/is_private') || strpos($dir->getPath(), ROOT_PDIR) !== 0;
     $addedpackages = 0;
     $failedpackages = 0;
     $iterator = new \Core\Filestore\DirectoryIterator($dir);
     // Only find signed packages.
     $iterator->findExtensions = ['asc'];
     // Recurse into sub directories
     $iterator->recursive = true;
     // No directories
     $iterator->findDirectories = false;
     // Just files
     $iterator->findFiles = true;
     // And sort them by their filename to make things easy.
     // Ensure that the necessary temp directory exists.
     foreach ($iterator as $file) {
         /** @var \Core\Filestore\File $file */
         $fullpath = $file->getFilename();
         // Used in the XML file.
         if ($private) {
             $relpath = \Core\resolve_link('/packagerepository/download?file=' . substr($file->getFilename(), strlen($dir->getPath())));
         } else {
             $relpath = $file->getFilename(ROOT_PDIR);
         // Drop the .asc extension.
         $basename = $file->getBasename(true);
         // Tarball of the temporary package
         $tgz = Factory::File($tmpdir->getPath() . $basename);
         $output = [];
         // I need to 1) retrieve and 2) verify the key for this package.
         try {
             $signature = $gpg->verifyFileSignature($fullpath);
             if (!in_array($signature->keyID, $keysfound)) {
                 $repo->addKey($signature->keyID, null, null);
                 $keysfound[] = $signature->keyID;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             trigger_error($fullpath . ' was not able to be verified as authentic, (probably because the GPG public key was not available)');
         // decode and untar it in a temp directory to get the package.xml file.
         exec('gpg --homedir "' . GPG_HOMEDIR . '" -q -d "' . $fullpath . '" > "' . $tgz->getFilename() . '" 2>/dev/null', $output, $ret);
         if ($ret) {
             trigger_error('Decryption of file ' . $fullpath . ' failed!');
         exec('tar -xzf "' . $tgz->getFilename() . '" -C "' . $tmpdir->getPath() . '" ./package.xml', $output, $ret);
         if ($ret) {
             trigger_error('Unable to extract package.xml from' . $tgz->getFilename());
             unlink($tmpdir->getPath() . $basename);
         // Read in that package file and append it to the repo xml.
         $package = new PackageXML($tmpdir->getPath() . 'package.xml');
         $package->getRootDOM()->setAttribute('key', $signature->keyID);
         // But I can still cleanup!
         unlink($tmpdir->getPath() . 'package.xml');
     return $repo->asPrettyXML();
Пример #2
	$currentkey = null;
	foreach($out as $line){
		if(strpos($line, 'sec') === 0){
			// Remember this ID for the next line, it may be the email.
			$currentkey = preg_replace('#^.*/([A-F0-9]*).*$#', '$1', $line);
		elseif($currentkey && strpos($line, 'uid') === 0 && strpos($line, $packageremail) !== false){
			// WOOT, a key was found and the email matches.
			$key = $currentkey;

		// Key was found, save that!
		$repo->addKey($key, $packagername, $packageremail);

$addedpackages = 0;
$failedpackages = 0;

// An array of all the source directories to scan, (and their types).
$directories = array(
		'directory' => $destdir . 'core/',
		'relpath' => 'core/',
		'type' => 'core'