function Display($strContentOverride = "") { $dteStartTime = $this->MicrotimeFloat(); global $CMS; $RC = new ReplaceConstants(); if ($strContentOverride) { $strBody = $strContentOverride; } else { $strBody = $this->strContent; } $strHTMLToPrint = $this->GetHeader() . $strBody . $this->GetFooter(); $strHTMLToPrint = $RC->DoAll($strHTMLToPrint); $dteEndTime = $this->MicrotimeFloat(); $this->SetExecutionTime($dteStartTime, $dteEndTime, __CLASS__ . "::" . __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); global $strExecutionTime; // Set in header.php if ($strExecutionTime) { $strQueryTimeData = <<<ExecTime <div id="majQueryTimeData"> <p>Query Execution Time</p> <ol> {$strExecutionTime} </ol> </div> ExecTime; } else { $strQueryTimeData = ""; } global $blnOverrideQT; // Allows the variable to be put in sys templates without being evaluated if ($blnOverrideQT) { $strHTMLToPrint = str_replace('$cmsQueryTime', "", $strHTMLToPrint); } else { if (C_TEST_MODE != "") { $strHTMLToPrint = str_replace('$cmsQueryTime', $strQueryTimeData, $strHTMLToPrint); } else { $strHTMLToPrint = str_replace('$cmsQueryTime', "", $strHTMLToPrint); } } print $strHTMLToPrint; $CMS->IQ->Disconnect(); exit; }
function ErrPage($strErrMsg, $strErrData) { global $CMS; if ($strErrData == "") { $strErrData = "<i>{M_ERR_PAGE_INFO_NONE}</i>."; } $strLoginLink = ""; if ($strErrMsg == M_ERR_UNAUTHORISED) { $CMS->RES->ValidateLoggedIn(); if ($CMS->RES->IsError()) { $strLoginLink = "<li>You are not logged in. <a href=\"{FN_LOGIN}\">Try logging in</a>.</li>"; } else { $strLoginLink = "<li>You are already logged in. To clear your cookies, <a href=\"{FN_LOGOUT}\">try logging out</a>.</li>"; } } $strReferrerLink = ""; if ($strErrMsg != M_ERR_SYSTEM_LOCKED) { $strReferrer = empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? "" : $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; if ($strReferrer) { $strReferrerLink = "<li><a href=\"{$strReferrer}\">{M_INFO_GO_BACK}</a>.</li>"; $strHomePageLink = "<li>Or, you can <a href=\"{FN_INDEX}\">go to the home page</a>.</li>"; } else { $strHomePageLink = "<li><a href=\"{FN_INDEX}\">Go to the home page</a>.</li>"; } $strHelpLinks = <<<BackLink <ul> {$strLoginLink} {$strReferrerLink} {$strHomePageLink} </ul> BackLink; } else { $strHelpLinks = ""; } $strErrorText = <<<END <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>{M_ERR_PAGE_TITLE}</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{URL_SYS_ROOT}loginpage.css" /> </head> <body> <div id="mPage"> <h1>{M_ERR_PAGE_TITLE}</h1> <p>{$strErrMsg}</p> {$strHelpLinks} <p id="SupInfo">{M_ERR_PAGE_INFO_DESC}: {$strErrData}</p> </div> </body> </html> END; $RC = new ReplaceConstants(); return $RC->DoAll($strErrorText); }