Пример #1
  * Post a status to service
  * @param string $svcurl Catenation of user server, API endpoints
  * @param string $notice The new status to post
 public function post_status($svcurl, $notice, $name, $pw)
     $request = new RemoteRequest($svcurl, 'POST');
     $request->add_header(array('Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode("{$name}:{$pw}")));
     $request->set_body('source=habari&status=' . urlencode($notice));
Пример #2
  * Execute the request. Populates result field.
 public function execute()
     $rr = new RemoteRequest($this->url, 'POST');
     $rr->add_header('Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8');
     // should throw an error on failure
     // in that case, we should never get here
     $this->result = xmlrpc_decode($rr->get_response_body());
Пример #3
  * Allow method overloading for this class.
  * This method allows any method name to be called on this object.  The method
  * called is the method called via RPC, within the scope defined in $this->scope.
  * @param string $fname The function name to call
  * @param array $args An array of arguments that were called with the function
  * @return array The result array
 public function __call($fname, $args)
     if ($this->scope != '') {
         $rpc_method = "{$this->scope}.{$fname}";
     } else {
         $rpc_method = $fname;
     $rpx = new SimpleXMLElement('<methodCall/>');
     $rpx->addChild('methodName', $rpc_method);
     if (count($args) > 0) {
         $params = $rpx->addchild('params');
         foreach ($args as $arg) {
             $param = $params->addchild('param');
             XMLRPCUtils::encode_arg($param, $arg);
     $request = new RemoteRequest($this->entrypoint, 'POST');
     $request->add_header('Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8');
     if ($request->executed()) {
         $response = $request->get_response_body();
         // @todo this should use the MultiByte class, not directly call mb_string functions
         $enc = mb_detect_encoding($response);
         $responseutf8 = mb_convert_encoding($response, 'UTF-8', $enc);
         try {
             // @todo this should use libxml_use_internal_errors() instead of trying to hide the PHP warning see the plugin info parsing code for an example
             $bit = ini_get('error_reporting');
             error_reporting($bit && !E_WARNING);
             $responsexml = new SimpleXMLElement($responseutf8);
             $tmp = $responsexml->xpath('//params/param/value');
             if (!($responsestruct = reset($tmp))) {
                 $tmp = $responsexml->xpath('//fault/value');
                 if (!($responsestruct = reset($tmp))) {
                     throw new Exception(_t('Invalid XML response.'));
             return XMLRPCUtils::decode_args($responsestruct);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             //Utils::debug( $response, $e );
             return false;
Пример #4
  * Allow method overloading for this class.
  * This method allows any method name to be called on this object.  The method
  * called is the method called via RPC, within the scope defined in $this->scope.
  * @param string $fname The function name to call
  * @param array $args An array of arguments that were called with the function
  * @return array The result array
 public function __call($fname, $args)
     if ($this->scope != '') {
         $rpc_method = "{$this->scope}.{$fname}";
     } else {
         $rpc_method = $fname;
     $rpx = new SimpleXMLElement('<methodCall/>');
     $rpx->addChild('methodName', $rpc_method);
     if (count($args) > 0) {
         $params = $rpx->addchild('params');
         foreach ($args as $arg) {
             $param = $params->addchild('param');
             XMLRPCUtils::encode_arg($param, $arg);
     $request = new RemoteRequest($this->entrypoint, 'POST');
     $request->add_header('Content-Type: text/xml');
     if ($request->executed()) {
         $response = $request->get_response_body();
         $enc = mb_detect_encoding($response);
         $responseutf8 = mb_convert_encoding($response, 'UTF-8', $enc);
         try {
             $bit = ini_get('error_reporting');
             error_reporting($bit && !E_WARNING);
             $responsexml = new SimpleXMLElement($responseutf8);
             $tmp = $responsexml->xpath('//params/param/value');
             if (!($responsestruct = reset($tmp))) {
                 $tmp = $responsexml->xpath('//fault/value');
                 if (!($responsestruct = reset($tmp))) {
                     throw new Exception(_t('Invalid XML response.'));
             return XMLRPCUtils::decode_args($responsestruct);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             //Utils::debug($response, $e);
             return false;
 public function filter_send_mail($handled, $mail)
     if (!$handled) {
         $headers = array('Accept: application/json', 'Content-Type: application/json', 'X-Postmark-Server-Token: ' . Options::get('postmark__apikey'));
         $data = array('To' => $mail['to'], 'subject' => $mail['subject'], 'TextBody' => $mail['message'], 'From' => $mail['headers']['From']);
         $rr = new RemoteRequest('http://api.postmarkapp.com/email', 'POST');
         try {
             EventLog::log(_t('Send message to %s via Postmark', array($mail['to'])), 'info', 'default', null, array($data, $headers));
             Session::notice(var_export($rr->get_response_headers(), 1));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             EventLog::log(_t('Failed to send message to %s via Postmark', array($mail['to'])), 'err', 'default', null, array($e->getMessage(), $data, $headers));
             Session::error('There was a problem sending your message.  Please contact the site administrators directly.');
     return true;
  * Execute a call to the Picasa Service
  * @param $url string The destination url
  * @param $args array Optional Extra arguments
  * @param $post_data Optional Post data
  * @return mixed false on error or xml string
 public function call($url, $args = array(), $post_data = '')
     $token = Options::get('picasa_token_' . User::identify()->id);
     $default_args = array('method' => 'GET');
     $args = array_merge($default_args, $args);
     $request = new RemoteRequest($url, $args['method']);
     // set authorisation header
     $request->add_header(array("Authorization" => "AuthSub token=" . $token));
     // add extra headers
     if (isset($args['http_headers'])) {
         foreach ($args['http_headers'] as $key => $value) {
             $request->add_header(array($key => $value));
     if ($post_data != '') {
     // execute request
     $result = $request->execute();
     if (Error::is_error($result)) {
         return $result;
     // get the response if executed
     if ($request->executed()) {
         $response = $request->get_response_body();
     if (!$response) {
         return Error::raise('API call failure', E_USER_WARNING);
     // parse the result
     try {
         $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response);
         return $xml;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Session::error('Currently unable to connect to the Picasa API.', 'Picasa API');
         return false;
Пример #7
	$rr->__set_processor( $processor );
	$rr->set_params( array (
		'query' => 'var',
		'another' => 'variable',
	) );
	$res_get= $rr->execute();
	if ( $res_get === TRUE ) {
	 	$results[]= array( get_class( $processor ), $rr->get_response_headers(), substr( $rr->get_response_body(), 0 ) );
	else {
		$results[]= array( get_class( $processor ), $res_get, );

	$rr= new RemoteRequest( 'http://test.habariproject.org/post', 'POST' );
	$rr->__set_processor( $processor );
	$rr->set_body( 'If you can read this, the test was successful.' );
	$res_post= $rr->execute();
	if ( $res_post === TRUE ) {
	 	$results[]= array( get_class( $processor ), $rr->get_response_headers(), substr( $rr->get_response_body(), 0 ) );
	else {
		$results[]= array( get_class( $processor ), $res_post, );

	foreach ( $tests as $name => $group ) {
		print( "<h2>{$name}</h2>\n" );
		foreach ( $group as $test ) {
			$result= eval( 'return (' . $test . ');' );
			printf( "<p><strong>%s</strong> == ( %s )</p>\n", bs( $result ), var_export( $test, TRUE ) );

			Utils::debug( array_shift( $results ) );
Пример #8
  * Post a status to Twitter
  * @param string $tweet The new status to post
 public function post_status($tweet, $name, $pw)
     $request = new RemoteRequest('http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml', 'POST');
     $request->add_header(array('Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode("{$name}:{$pw}")));
     $request->set_body('source=habari&status=' . urlencode($tweet));
 public static function file_issue($user, $repo, $title, $body, $tag = 'bug')
     EventLog::log(_t('Filed issue for %s/%s - %s', array($user, $repo, $title)), 'info');
     $gitpassword = Options::get('habariupdatebot_password');
     $rr = new RemoteRequest("https://*****:*****@api.github.com/repos/{$user}/{$repo}/issues", 'POST');
     $rr->set_body('{"title": "' . addslashes($title) . '","body": "' . addslashes($body) . '","labels":["' . addslashes($tag) . '"]}');
Пример #10
 function do_stupid_things_in_global_scope()
      * Test for the RemoteRequest class.
     include '../htdocs/system/classes/remoterequest.php';
     include '../htdocs/system/classes/curlrequestprocessor.php';
     include '../htdocs/system/classes/socketrequestprocessor.php';
     include '../htdocs/system/classes/utils.php';
     include '../htdocs/system/classes/error.php';
     error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
     function bs($v)
         return $v ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
     $tests_failed = array();
     $tests = array('GET http://test.habariproject.org/' => array("\$res"), 'GET http://test.habariproject.org/get' => array("\$res_get"), 'POST http://test.habariproject.org/post' => array("\$res_post"));
     print "<h1>Running tests</h1>\n";
     $processors = array(new CURLRequestProcessor(), new SocketRequestProcessor());
     foreach ($processors as $processor) {
         $rr = new RemoteRequest('http://test.habariproject.org/');
         $res = $rr->execute();
         if ($res === TRUE) {
             $results[] = array(get_class($processor), $rr->get_response_headers(), substr($rr->get_response_body(), 0));
         } else {
             $results[] = array(get_class($processor), $res);
         $rr = new RemoteRequest('http://test.habariproject.org/get');
         $rr->set_params(array('query' => 'var', 'another' => 'variable'));
         $res_get = $rr->execute();
         if ($res_get === TRUE) {
             $results[] = array(get_class($processor), $rr->get_response_headers(), substr($rr->get_response_body(), 0));
         } else {
             $results[] = array(get_class($processor), $res_get);
         $rr = new RemoteRequest('http://test.habariproject.org/post', 'POST');
         $rr->set_body('If you can read this, the test was successful.');
         $res_post = $rr->execute();
         if ($res_post === TRUE) {
             $results[] = array(get_class($processor), $rr->get_response_headers(), substr($rr->get_response_body(), 0));
         } else {
             $results[] = array(get_class($processor), $res_post);
         foreach ($tests as $name => $group) {
             print "<h2>{$name}</h2>\n";
             foreach ($group as $test) {
                 $result = eval('return (' . $test . ');');
                 printf("<p><strong>%s</strong> == ( %s )</p>\n", bs($result), var_export($test, TRUE));
                 if (!$result) {
                     $tests_failed[$name][] = $test;
     if (count($tests_failed)) {
         print "<h1>Failed tests</h1>\n";
         foreach ($tests_failed as $name => $tests) {
             print "<h2>{$name}</h2>\n";
             foreach ($tests as $test) {
                 print "<p>{$test}</p>\n";
     } else {
         print "<h1>All tests successful</h1>\n";