Пример #1
    } else {
        if (isset($password) && empty($password)) {
            $registration_failed = TRUE;
            $registration_message = "Registration Failed, Password should be provided!";
        } else {
            if ($password != $confirm_password) {
                $registration_failed = TRUE;
                $registration_message = "Registration Failed, Passoword doesn't match!";
            } else {
                if (isset($username) && $real_image_code != md5($image_code)) {
                    $registration_failed = TRUE;
                    $registration_message = "You Image code is incorrect, Please correct it!";
                } else {
                    if ($username !== NULL && !empty($username)) {
                        $rr = new RemoteRegistry(REGISTRY_ATOM_INTERFACE, ADMIN_USER, ADMIN_PASSWORD);
                        $response = $rr->addUser($username, $password, $confirm_password, USER_ROLE, $friendly_name);
                        if ($response == "200") {
                            header("Location: http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "/thanks.php");
                        } else {
                            $registration_failed = TRUE;
                            $registration_message = "Registration Failed, Username already exist or entered fields are incorrect!";
/* to generate the image */
define("IMAGE_WIDTH", 200);
define("IMAGE_HEIGHT", 40);
Пример #2
//	echo "comment\n";
//	echo "user: "******"\n";
//	echo "text: ".$comment->text."\n";
//$response = $rr->getAverageRating("/test/test/mytest_file");
//echo $response;
//$response = $rr->getUserRating("/test/test/mytest_file", "dimuthu");
//echo $response;
//$response = $rr->applyTag("/test/test/mytest_file", "php1, php2, php3");
//$tags = $rr->getTags("/test/test/mytest_file");
//foreach($tags as $tag)
//	echo $tag."\n";
//$res = $rr->rateResource("/test", 5);
//$res = $rr->getResourcePathsWithTag("amazon");
$r1 = new Resource();
$r1->author_username = "******";
$r1->description = "This is a test";
$r1->content = "Again some test";
$r1->media_type = "text";

$res = $rr->put("/wso2registry/atom/test/test2", $r1); */
$res = $rr->addUser("dc", "dc", "user", "dc_");