
// Including the class
include 'set_session.php';
$user_id = $_SESSION['UID'];
require_once "class_registration.php";
/// You must establish a connection to the mysql database before using this class
/*$database_connection=mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "paswd");
$database_selection=mysql_select_db("classi", $database_connection);*/
if (isset($_GET['module']) && $_GET['module'] == "registration") {
    // var_dump($_POST['user_name']);
    // Instantiating the class object
    $registration = new Registration();
    # Class configuration methods:
    // Setting the user table of mysql database
    // Setting the crypting method for passwords, can be set as 'sha1' or 'md5'
    // Setting if class messages will be shown
    # Creating user account:

// Including the class
require_once "class_registration.php";
/// You must establish a connection to the mysql database before using this class
/*$database_connection=mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "paswd");
$database_selection=mysql_select_db("classi", $database_connection);*/
if (isset($_GET['module']) && $_GET['module'] == "registration") {
    // var_dump($_POST['user_name']);
    // Instantiating the class object
    $registration = new Registration();
    # Class configuration methods:
    // Setting the user table of mysql database
    // Setting the crypting method for passwords, can be set as 'sha1' or 'md5'
    // Setting if class messages will be shown
    # Creating user account: