Пример #1
 public function setForm(Form &$form, array $request)
     $errors = array();
     $reflex = new ReflectionObject($form);
     $propts = $reflex->getParentClass()->getProperties();
     foreach ($propts as $propt) {
         $name = $propt->getName();
         $exis = method_exists($form, self::VALIDATE . $name);
         $value = isset($request[$name]) ? $request[$name] : null;
         $valid = self::VALIDATE . $name;
         $setvl = self::SET_METHOD . ucfirst($name);
         $respn = $exis ? $form->{$valid}($value) : true;
         if ($respn === true) {
             if (method_exists($form, $setvl)) {
                 if ($value != null) {
             } else {
                 if ($value != null) {
                     $propt->setValue($form, $value);
         } else {
             $errors[$name] = $respn;
     return count($errors) > 0 ? $errors : true;
  * @return string
 public function getViewTemplate()
     // set default view name
     if (is_null($this->viewTemplate)) {
         $reflected = new \ReflectionObject($this);
         $viewTemplate = substr($reflected->getFileName(), 0, -4);
         $templateFound = false;
         foreach (self::$viewExtensions as $extension) {
             if (file_exists($viewTemplate . '.' . ltrim($extension, '.'))) {
                 $templateFound = true;
         if (!$templateFound) {
             // try to get parent template if any
             $parentReflectedClass = $reflected->getParentClass();
             if ($parentReflectedClass->isInstantiable() && $parentReflectedClass->implementsInterface(RenderableActionInterface::class)) {
                 $parentViewTemplate = $parentReflectedClass->newInstance()->getViewTemplate();
                 $viewTemplate = $parentViewTemplate;
         $this->viewTemplate = $viewTemplate;
     return $this->viewTemplate;
Пример #3
  * Executes the application.
  * Available options:
  *  * interactive:               Sets the input interactive flag
  *  * decorated:                 Sets the output decorated flag
  *  * verbosity:                 Sets the output verbosity flag
  *  * capture_stderr_separately: Make output of stdOut and stdErr separately available
  * @param array $input   An array of arguments and options
  * @param array $options An array of options
  * @return int The command exit code
 public function run(array $input, $options = array())
     $this->input = new ArrayInput($input);
     if (isset($options['interactive'])) {
     $this->captureStreamsIndependently = array_key_exists('capture_stderr_separately', $options) && $options['capture_stderr_separately'];
     if (!$this->captureStreamsIndependently) {
         $this->output = new StreamOutput(fopen('php://memory', 'w', false));
         if (isset($options['decorated'])) {
         if (isset($options['verbosity'])) {
     } else {
         $this->output = new ConsoleOutput(isset($options['verbosity']) ? $options['verbosity'] : ConsoleOutput::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, isset($options['decorated']) ? $options['decorated'] : null);
         $errorOutput = new StreamOutput(fopen('php://memory', 'w', false));
         $reflectedOutput = new \ReflectionObject($this->output);
         $strErrProperty = $reflectedOutput->getProperty('stderr');
         $strErrProperty->setValue($this->output, $errorOutput);
         $reflectedParent = $reflectedOutput->getParentClass();
         $streamProperty = $reflectedParent->getProperty('stream');
         $streamProperty->setValue($this->output, fopen('php://memory', 'w', false));
     return $this->statusCode = $this->application->run($this->input, $this->output);
Пример #4
  * Get a list of classes and traits to analyze.
  * @param \ReflectionObject $reflectionObject The object to get the parents from.
  * @return array The list of classes to read.
 public static function getClassesToRead(\ReflectionObject $reflectionObject)
     $cacheId = md5("classesToRead:" . $reflectionObject->getName());
     $objectClasses = self::getFromCache($cacheId);
     if ($objectClasses !== null) {
         return $objectClasses;
     $objectClasses = array($reflectionObject);
     $objectTraits = $reflectionObject->getTraits();
     if (!empty($objectTraits)) {
         foreach ($objectTraits as $trait) {
             $objectClasses[] = $trait;
     $parentClass = $reflectionObject->getParentClass();
     while ($parentClass) {
         $objectClasses[] = $parentClass;
         $parentTraits = $parentClass->getTraits();
         if (!empty($parentTraits)) {
             foreach ($parentTraits as $trait) {
                 $objectClasses[] = $trait;
         $parentClass = $parentClass->getParentClass();
     self::saveToCache($cacheId, $objectClasses);
     return $objectClasses;
Пример #5
 public function getParentClass()
     $parent = parent::getParentClass();
     if ($parent) {
         $parent = new self($parent->getName());
     return $parent;
Пример #6
  * Return class declaration
  * @param unknown_type $class
 public function getClassDeclaration($class)
     //instantiate class
     $obj = new $class();
     $ref = new ReflectionObject($obj);
     $parentClass = $ref->getParentClass()->getname();
     $declaration = 'class ' . $class . ' extends ' . $parentClass;
     return $declaration;
 protected function set_document_owner_type($type = null)
     if (is_null($type)) {
         $class = get_class($this);
         $r = new ReflectionObject($this);
         while (__CLASS__ != ($current_class = $r->getParentClass()->getName())) {
             $class = $current_class;
             $r = $r->getParentClass();
         $type = substr($class, 19);
     $this->documentOwnerType = $type;
  * @param ReferenceRepository $referenceRepository
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @return string
 public function serialize(ReferenceRepository $referenceRepository)
     $references = array();
     $isORM = $referenceRepository->getManager() instanceof EntityManager;
     foreach ($referenceRepository->getReferences() as $name => $reference) {
         $reference = $referenceRepository->getReference($name);
         $references[$name]['identifier'] = $referenceRepository->getManager()->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityIdentifier($reference);
         if ($reference instanceof Proxy) {
             $ro = new \ReflectionObject($reference);
             $references[$name]['class'] = $ro->getParentClass()->getName();
         } else {
             $references[$name]['class'] = get_class($reference);
     return serialize($references);
Пример #9
 public function props($originalObject)
     $convertedObject = new \stdClass();
     $reflectionObject = new \ReflectionObject($originalObject);
     $properties = $reflectionObject->getProperties();
     // Если у класса есть родитльский класс
     // получаем свойства родительского класса
     $parentObject = $reflectionObject->getParentClass();
     if ($parentObject instanceof \ReflectionClass) {
         $properties = array_merge($parentObject->getProperties(), $properties);
     foreach ($properties as $item) {
         $annotation = $this->reader->getPropertyAnnotation($item, $this->annotationClass);
         if (null !== $annotation) {
             $propertyName = $annotation->getPropertyName();
             $convertedObject->{$propertyName} = $annotation;
     return $convertedObject;
Пример #10
     * @return \FOS\HttpCacheBundle\HttpCache|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
    protected function getHttpCachePartialMock(array $mockedMethods = null)
        $mock = $this->getMockBuilder('\FOS\HttpCacheBundle\HttpCache')
                     ->setMethods( $mockedMethods )

        // Force setting options property since we can't use original constructor.
        $options = array(
            'debug' => false,
            'default_ttl' => 0,
            'private_headers' => array( 'Authorization', 'Cookie' ),
            'allow_reload' => false,
            'allow_revalidate' => false,
            'stale_while_revalidate' => 2,
            'stale_if_error' => 60,

        $refMock = new \ReflectionObject($mock);
        $refHttpCache = $refMock
            // \FOS\HttpCacheBundle\HttpCache
            // \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\HttpCache\HttpCache
            // \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpCache\HttpCache
        // Workaround for Symfony 2.3 where $options property is not defined.
        if (!$refHttpCache->hasProperty('options')) {
            $mock->options = $options;
        } else {
            $refOptions = $refHttpCache
            $refOptions->setValue($mock, $options );

        return $mock;
Пример #11
     * cfdump-style debugging output
     * @param $var    The variable to output.
     * @param $limit  Maximum recursion depth for arrays (default 0 = all)
     * @param $label  text to display in complex data type header
     * @param $depth  Current depth (default 0)
    public function dump(&$var, $limit = 0, $label = '', $depth = 0)
        if ($limit > 0 && $depth >= $limit) {
        static $seen = array();
        $he = function ($s) {
            return htmlentities($s);
        $self = $this;
        $echoFunction = function ($var, $tabs, $label = '') use($self) {
            if (!is_subclass_of($var, 'ReflectionFunctionAbstract')) {
                $var = new \ReflectionFunction($var);
            echo "{$tabs}<table class=\"dump function\">{$tabs}<thead><tr><th>" . ($label != '' ? $label . ' - ' : '') . (is_callable(array($var, 'getModifiers')) ? htmlentities(implode(' ', \Reflection::getModifierNames($var->getModifiers()))) : '') . " function " . htmlentities($var->getName()) . "</th></tr></thead>{$tabs}<tbody>";
            echo "{$tabs}<tr><td class=\"value\">{$tabs}<table class=\"dump layout\">{$tabs}<tr><th>Parameters:</th><td>";
            $params = $var->getParameters();
            if (count($params) > 0) {
                echo "</td></tr>{$tabs}<tr><td colspan=\"2\">{$tabs}<table class=\"dump param\">{$tabs}<thead><tr><th>Name</th><th>Array/Ref</th><th>Required</th><th>Default</th></tr></thead>{$tabs}<tbody>";
                foreach ($params as $param) {
                    echo "{$tabs}<tr><td>" . htmlentities($param->getName()) . "</td><td>" . ($param->isArray() ? "Array " : "") . ($param->isPassedByReference() ? "Reference" : "") . "</td><td>" . ($param->isOptional() ? "Optional" : "Required") . "</td><td>";
                    if ($param->isOptional()) {
                    echo "</td></tr>";
                echo "{$tabs}</tbody>{$tabs}</table>";
            } else {
                echo "none</td></tr>";
            $comment = trim($var->getDocComment());
            if ($comment !== NULL && $comment !== '') {
                echo "{$tabs}<tr><th>Doc Comment:</th><td><kbd>" . str_replace("\n", "<br/>", htmlentities($comment)) . "</kbd></td></tr>";
            echo "</table>{$tabs}</td></tr>";
            echo "{$tabs}</tbody>{$tabs}</table>";
        $tabs = "\n" . str_repeat("\t", $depth);
        $printCount = 0;
        if (!array_key_exists('fw1dumpstarted', $_REQUEST)) {
            $_REQUEST['fw1dumpstarted'] = TRUE;
            echo <<<DUMPCSS
<style type="text/css">/* fw/1 dump */
table.dump { color: black; background-color: white; font-size: xx-small; font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; }
table.dump th { text-indent: -2em; padding: 0.25em 0.25em 0.25em 2.25em; color: #fff; }
table.dump td { padding: 0.25em; }
table.dump th, table.dump td { border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; border-spacing: 0; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; }
table.dump.object, table.dump.object td, table.dump.object th { border-color: #f00; }
table.dump.object th { background-color: #f44; }
table.dump.object .key { background-color: #fcc; }
table.dump.array, table.dump.array td, table.dump.array th { border-color: #060; }
table.dump.array th { background-color: #090; }
table.dump.array .key { background-color: #cfc; }
table.dump.struct, table.dump.struct td, table.dump.struct th { border-color: #00c; }
table.dump.struct th { background-color: #44c; }
table.dump.struct .key { background-color: #cdf; }
table.dump.function, table.dump.function td, table.dump.function th { border-color: #a40; }
table.dump.function th { background-color: #c60; }
table.dump.layout, table.dump.layout td, table.dump.layout th { border-color: #fff; }
table.dump.layout th { font-style: italic; background-color: #fff; color: #000; font-weight: normal; }
table.dump.param, table.dump.param td, table.dump.param th { border-color: #ddd; }
table.dump.param th { background-color: #eee; color: black; font-weight: bold; }
        if (is_array($var)) {
            $label = $label === '' ? $var === $_POST ? '$_POST' : ($var === $_GET ? '$_GET' : ($var === $_COOKIE ? '$_COOKIE' : ($var === $_ENV ? '$_ENV' : ($var === $_FILES ? '$_FILES' : ($var === $_REQUEST ? '$_REQUEST' : ($var === $_SERVER ? '$_SERVER' : ($var === $_SESSION ? '$_SESSION' : ''))))))) : $label;
            $c = count($var);
            if (isset($var['fw1recursionsentinel'])) {
                echo "(Recursion)";
            $aclass = $c > 0 && array_key_exists(0, $var) && array_key_exists($c - 1, $var) ? 'array' : 'struct';
            $var['fw1recursionsentinel'] = true;
            echo "{$tabs}<table class=\"dump {$aclass}\">{$tabs}<thead><tr><th colspan=\"2\">" . ($label != '' ? $label . ' - ' : '') . "array" . ($c > 0 ? "" : " [empty]") . "</th></tr></thead>{$tabs}<tbody>";
            foreach ($var as $index => $aval) {
                if ($index === 'fw1recursionsentinel') {
                echo "{$tabs}<tr><td class=\"key\">" . $he($index) . "</td><td class=\"value\">";
                $this->dump($aval, $limit, '', $depth);
                echo "</td></tr>";
                if ($limit > 0 && $printCount >= $limit && $aclass === 'array') {
            echo "{$tabs}</tbody>{$tabs}</table>";
            // unset($var['fw1recursionsentinel']);
        } elseif (is_string($var)) {
            echo $var === '' ? '[EMPTY STRING]' : htmlentities($var);
        } elseif (is_bool($var)) {
            echo $var ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
        } elseif (is_callable($var) || is_object($var) && is_subclass_of($var, 'ReflectionFunctionAbstract')) {
            $echoFunction($var, $tabs, $label);
        } elseif (is_float($var)) {
            echo "(float) " . htmlentities($var);
        } elseif (is_int($var)) {
            echo "(int) " . htmlentities($var);
        } elseif (is_null($var)) {
            echo "NULL";
        } elseif (is_object($var)) {
            $ref = new \ReflectionObject($var);
            $parent = $ref->getParentClass();
            $interfaces = implode("<br/>implements ", $ref->getInterfaceNames());
            try {
                $serial = serialize($var);
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                $serial = 'hasclosure' . $ref->getName();
            $objHash = 'o' . md5($serial);
            $refHash = 'r' . md5($ref);
            echo "{$tabs}<table class=\"dump object\"" . (isset($seen[$refHash]) ? "" : "id=\"{$refHash}\"") . ">{$tabs}<thead>{$tabs}<tr><th colspan=\"2\">" . ($label != '' ? $label . ' - ' : '') . "object " . htmlentities($ref->getName()) . ($parent ? "<br/>extends " . $parent->getName() : "") . ($interfaces !== '' ? "<br/>implements " . $interfaces : "") . "</th></tr>{$tabs}<tbody>";
            if (isset($seen[$objHash])) {
                echo "{$tabs}<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><a href=\"#{$refHash}\">[see above for details]</a></td></tr>";
            } else {
                $seen[$objHash] = TRUE;
                $constants = $ref->getConstants();
                if (count($constants) > 0) {
                    echo "{$tabs}<tr><td class=\"key\">CONSTANTS</td><td class=\"values\">{$tabs}<table class=\"dump object\">";
                    foreach ($constants as $constant => $cval) {
                        echo "{$tabs}<tr><td class=\"key\">" . htmlentities($constant) . "</td><td class=\"value constant\">";
                        $this->dump($cval, $limit, '', $depth);
                        echo "</td></tr>";
                    echo "{$tabs}</table>{$tabs}</td></tr>";
                $properties = $ref->getProperties();
                if (count($properties) > 0) {
                    echo "{$tabs}<tr><td class=\"key\">PROPERTIES</td><td class=\"values\">{$tabs}<table class=\"dump object\">";
                    foreach ($properties as $property) {
                        echo "{$tabs}<tr><td class=\"key\">" . htmlentities(implode(' ', \Reflection::getModifierNames($property->getModifiers()))) . " " . $he($property->getName()) . "</td><td class=\"value property\">";
                        $wasHidden = $property->isPrivate() || $property->isProtected();
                        $this->dump($property->getValue($var), $limit, '', $depth);
                        if ($wasHidden) {
                        echo "</td></tr>";
                    echo "{$tabs}</table>{$tabs}</td></tr>";
                $methods = $ref->getMethods();
                if (count($methods) > 0) {
                    echo "{$tabs}<tr><td class=\"key\">METHODS</td><td class=\"values\">";
                    if (isset($seen[$refHash])) {
                        echo "<a href=\"#{$refHash}\">[see above for details]</a>";
                    } else {
                        $seen[$refHash] = TRUE;
                        echo "{$tabs}<table class=\"dump object\">";
                        foreach ($methods as $method) {
                            echo "{$tabs}<tr><td class=\"key\">" . htmlentities($method->getName()) . "</td><td class=\"value function\">";
                            $echoFunction($method, $tabs, '');
                            echo "</td></tr>";
                        echo "{$tabs}</table>";
                    echo "{$tabs}</td></tr>";
            echo "{$tabs}</tbody>{$tabs}</table>";
        } elseif (is_resource($var)) {
            echo "(Resource)";
        } elseif (is_numeric($var)) {
            echo htmlentities($var);
        } elseif (is_scalar($var)) {
            echo htmlentities($var);
        } else {
            echo gettype($var);
  * This test tests if the clientConfiguration from the Configuration object
  * is actually passed to the client if the constructor creates it's own client.
  * @dataProvider booleanValues
  * @test
 public function clientConfigurationIsPassedToHttpClient($verify)
     $configurationArray = $this->mergeConfigurationWithMinimalConfiguration();
     $clientConfiguration = ['verify' => $verify];
     $configurationArray['clientConfiguration'] = $clientConfiguration;
     $configuration = new Configuration($configurationArray);
     $client = $this->createClient($configuration);
     $reflectionObject = new \ReflectionObject($client);
     $clientProperty = $reflectionObject->getParentClass()->getProperty('client');
     $httpClient = $clientProperty->getValue($client);
     $this->assertEquals($clientConfiguration['verify'], $httpClient->getConfig()['verify']);
Пример #13
  *  prints out information about the $this arg
  *  @since  9-23-09
  *  object info uses the reflection class http://nz.php.net/manual-lookup.php?pattern=oop5.reflection&lang=en  
  *  @todo
  *    - get the parent classes methods and values and stuff, then organize the methods by visible and invisible (private, protected)
  *    - this might be a good way for aIter to display classes also, but just get the properties of the object
  *  @param  string  $calling_class  the class name of the class that made the call
  *  @return string  information about the arg                        
 function outInfo($calling_class = '')
     $config = $this->config();
     $type = $this->type();
     $format_handler = new out_format($config);
     $name = $this->name();
     $val = $this->value();
     $info_list = array();
     $info_type = 'undefined';
     switch ($type) {
         case self::TYPE_NULL:
             $info_type = 'NULL';
         case self::TYPE_STRING_VAL:
         case self::TYPE_STRING_LITERAL:
         case self::TYPE_STRING_GENERATED:
             $info_type = 'string';
             $info_list[] = sprintf('value: %s', $format_handler->enquote($val));
             $info_list[] = sprintf('%d characters', mb_strlen($val));
             ///case self::TYPE_STRING_EMPTY: break;
         ///case self::TYPE_STRING_EMPTY: break;
         case self::TYPE_NUMERIC:
             if (is_int($val)) {
                 $info_type = 'integer';
             } else {
                 if (is_float($val)) {
                     $info_type = 'float';
             //if/else if
             $info_list[] = sprintf('value: %s', $val);
         case self::TYPE_ARRAY:
             $info_type = 'array';
             // find out if it is an indexed array...
             $info_list = array();
             $info_list[] = 'length: ' . count($val);
             if (!empty($val)) {
                 $info_list[] = ctype_digit(join('', array_keys($val))) ? 'keys are numeric' : 'keys are associative';
         case self::TYPE_OBJECT:
             $rclass = new ReflectionObject($val);
             $info_type = $rclass->getName() . ' instance';
             $indent = $this->indent;
             if ($path = $rclass->getFileName()) {
                 $file_map = new out_file($path);
                 $info_list[] = sprintf('%s %s %s', $format_handler->wrap('b', 'Defined:'), $rclass->getName(), $file_map->out(true, false));
             $class_name_list = array($rclass->getName());
             // get all the classes this object extends...
             if ($parent_class = $rclass->getParentClass()) {
                 $info_list[] = $format_handler->wrap('b', 'Extends:');
                 while (!empty($parent_class)) {
                     $class_name_list[] = $parent_class->getName();
                     $file_map = new out_file($parent_class->getFileName());
                     $info_list[] = sprintf('%s%s %s', $indent, $parent_class->getName(), $file_map->out(true, false));
                     $parent_class = $parent_class->getParentClass();
             // handle properties...
             $properties = $rclass->getProperties();
             $info_list[] = $format_handler->wrap('b', sprintf('%s (%d):', 'Properties', count($properties)));
             $prop_val = null;
             $prop_check = true;
             foreach ($properties as $property) {
                 // setAccessible only around >5.3...
                 if (method_exists($property, 'setAccessible')) {
                     $prop_val = $property->getValue($val);
                 } else {
                     if ($property->isPublic()) {
                         $prop_val = $property->getValue($val);
                     } else {
                         $prop_val = $format_handler->wrap('i', 'Not Accessible');
                         $prop_check = false;
                 if (is_array($prop_val)) {
                     $prop_val = $format_handler->escapeArray(trim($this->aIter($prop_val, 2, false)));
                 } else {
                     if ($prop_check) {
                         $arg_map = new out_arg('', $prop_val);
                         $prop_val = $arg_map->defaultValue();
                 $info_list[] = sprintf('%s%s %s = %s', $indent, $format_handler->wrap('span', join(' ', Reflection::getModifierNames($property->getModifiers())), out_config::COLOR_MODIFIER), $format_handler->wrap('span', $property->getName(), out_config::COLOR_PARAM), $prop_val);
             // handle methods...
             $methods = $rclass->getMethods();
             $info_list[] = $format_handler->wrap('b', sprintf('%s (%d):', 'Methods', count($methods)));
             $method_list = array();
             $only_public_methods = empty($calling_class) ? true : !in_array($calling_class, $class_name_list);
             foreach ($methods as $method) {
                 // we only want to show methods the person can use...
                 if ($only_public_methods && !$method->isPublic()) {
                 $method_comment = $method->getDocComment();
                 $params = $method->getParameters();
                 $param_list = array();
                 foreach ($params as $param) {
                     $param_type = '';
                     if (!empty($method_comment)) {
                         $match = array();
                         if (preg_match(sprintf('#\\*\\s*@param\\s+(\\S+)\\s+\\$%s#iu', preg_quote($param->getName())), $method_comment, $match)) {
                             $param_type = $format_handler->wrap('span', $match[1], out_config::COLOR_TYPE) . ' ';
                     $param_str = $format_handler->wrap('span', sprintf('%s$%s', $param_type, $param->getName()), out_config::COLOR_PARAM);
                     if ($param->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
                         $arg_map = new out_arg('', $param->getDefaultValue());
                         $param_str .= ' = ' . $arg_map->defaultValue();
                     $param_list[] = $param_str;
                 // see if we can get a return type for the method...
                 $method_return_type = '';
                 if (!empty($method_comment)) {
                     $match = array();
                     if (preg_match('#\\*\\s*@return\\s+(\\S+)#iu', $method_comment, $match)) {
                         $method_return_type = ' ' . $format_handler->wrap('span', $match[1], out_config::COLOR_TYPE);
                 $method_list[$method->getName()] = sprintf('%s%s%s %s(%s)', $indent, $format_handler->wrap('span', join(' ', Reflection::getModifierNames($method->getModifiers())), out_config::COLOR_MODIFIER), $method_return_type, $method->getName(), join(', ', $param_list));
             $info_list = array_merge($info_list, array_values($method_list));
             // handle constants...
             $constants = $rclass->getConstants();
             $info_list[] = $format_handler->wrap('b', sprintf('%s (%d):', 'Constants', count($constants)));
             foreach ($constants as $const_name => $const_val) {
                 $info_list[] = sprintf('%s%s = %s', $indent, $format_handler->wrap('span', $const_name, out_config::COLOR_PARAM), $const_val);
         case self::TYPE_BOOLEAN:
             $info_type = 'boolean';
             $info_list[] = sprintf('value: %s', $this->defaultValue());
         case self::TYPE_BREAK:
             $info_type = 'break';
             $info_list[] = sprintf('lines: %d', $this->name());
         case self::TYPE_UNDEFINED:
             $type = 'undefined';
     $this->printValue(sprintf("%s (%s)\r\n%s", $format_handler->wrap('b', $name), $info_type, empty($info_list) ? '' : join("\r\n", $info_list) . "\r\n"));
     return $this->outAll();
Пример #14
 private function _reflectionParent(\ReflectionObject $reflection)
     if ($pc = $reflection->getParentClass()) {
         $name = '<span class="d-information" title="Class this object extends"></span>&nbsp;';
         $name .= '<span class="d-obj-info">Extends</span>';
         // $inst = $pc->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
         $this->render($pc->name, $name);
Пример #15
 function fetch()
     $this->_slots = $this->_event->filter('template.slots', $this, $this->_slots);
     $this->assign('_content', trim(ob_get_clean()));
     $extends = $this->_extends;
     if (null === $extends) {
         $r = new \ReflectionObject($this);
         $p = $r->getParentClass();
         if ($p && $p->name != 'greebo\\conveniences\\Template') {
             $extends = $p->name;
     return $extends ? $this->render($extends, $this->_raw) : $this->_content;
Пример #16
  * Prepend some data
  * @param VisitorInterface $visitor
  * @param array            $prependData
 protected function prependData(VisitorInterface $visitor, array $prependData)
     $refl = new \ReflectionObject($visitor);
     $property = $refl->getParentClass()->getParentClass()->getProperty('data');
     $data = $property->getValue($visitor);
     $data = $prependData + $data;
     $property->setValue($visitor, $data);
Пример #17
  * Returns all the parents for this object static with the youngest to the oldest
  * The resolution order to follow when going up a inheritance hierarchy.
  * @return array this an array of ReflectionClass
  * @since 1.1.0
  * @author Eddilbert Macharia (http://eddmash.com) <*****@*****.**>
 public function getParents($stopAt = [])
     $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionObject($this);
     $parents = [];
     while ($reflectionClass->getParentClass()) {
         $reflectionClass = $reflectionClass->getParentClass();
         if (in_array($reflectionClass->getName(), $stopAt)) {
         $parents[$reflectionClass->getName()] = $reflectionClass;
     return $parents;
Пример #18
 static function drawObject(&$source, &$parents)
     $className = get_class($source);
     $object_index = self::getObjectId($source);
     $object_id = 'dhph_' . $className . '_' . self::$calls . '_' . $object_index;
     if (self::isRecursiveObject($source, $parents)) {
         self::drawValue('<a href="#' . $object_id . '" onclick="dumphper_show(this);">' . $className . ' #' . $object_index . '</a>', 'recursion');
     } else {
         $sClass = new ReflectionObject($source);
         $statics = null;
         $class = $sClass->getParentClass();
         $classArray = '';
         while (is_object($class)) {
             $classArray = ' &gt; ' . $class->getName() . $classArray;
             $class = $class->getParentClass();
         echo '<div class="dumphper-container' . (self::$depth <= self::$max_showw_depth ? '' : ' dumphper-closed') . '">';
         self::drawHeader('<a id="' . $object_id . '" name="' . $object_id . '" class="dumphper-toggler" href="javascript:;" onclick="dumphper_toggle(this);">' . $className . ' #' . $object_index . (count($classArray) ? ' <span class="dumphper-class-def"> ' . $classArray . '</span>' : '') . '</a>', 'object');
         echo '<table class="dumphper-table" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">';
         if (!DPHP_USE_ACCESSIBLE) {
             $temp = (array) $source;
         $class = $sClass;
         while (is_object($class)) {
             if (!property_exists($source, '*_methods') && !$source instanceof Closure) {
                 $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($source);
                 $methods = $reflectionClass->getMethods();
                 $methodsList = array();
                 foreach ($methods as $reflectionMethod) {
                     if ($reflectionMethod->isPublic()) {
                         $methodString = $reflectionMethod->name;
                         $Parameters = $reflectionMethod->getParameters();
                         if (count($Parameters) > 0) {
                             $argList = array();
                             foreach ($Parameters as $p) {
                                 $argList[] = '$' . $p;
                             $argList = implode(', ', $argList);
                             $methodString .= "({$argList})";
                         $methodsList[] = $methodString;
                 $source->{"*_methods"} = $methodsList;
             $properties = $class->getProperties();
             if ($class->name != $className && count($properties)) {
                 echo '<tr><td colspan = "2">';
                 self::drawValue('<code>inherited from </code>' . $class->name . ':', 'inherited');
                 echo '</td></tr>';
             foreach ($properties as &$value) {
                 $declaredClass = $value->getDeclaringClass()->name;
                 if ($class->name == $declaredClass) {
                     echo '<tr><td class="dumphper-key-object">';
                     self::drawValue($value->name, join('-', Reflection::getModifierNames($value->getModifiers())));
                     echo '</td><td>';
                     if ($value->isPublic()) {
                         $tmp = $value->getValue($source);
                         self::_dump($tmp, $parents);
                     } elseif (DPHP_USE_ACCESSIBLE) {
                         $tmp = $value->getValue($source);
                         self::_dump($tmp, $parents);
                     } elseif ($value->isStatic()) {
                         if (!$statics) {
                             $statics = $class->getStaticProperties();
                         self::_dump($statics[$value->name], $parents);
                     } else {
                         $scope = $value->isPrivate() ? $value->class : '*';
                         self::_dump($temp["{$scope}{$value->name}"], $parents);
                     echo '</td></tr>';
             $class = $class->getParentClass();
         echo '</table>';
         echo '</div>';
  * Get the HTML part from the email.
  * This is a current restriction since the BaseMessage class doesn't provide
  * method to get the rendered HTML.
  * This only works in \yii\swiftmailer\Message.
  * @param \yii\mail\BaseMessage $message
  * @return string|null the HTML string or null if not found.
 private static function getHtmlBody($message)
     if ($message instanceof \yii\swiftmailer\Message) {
         $swiftMessage = $message->getSwiftMessage();
         $r = new \ReflectionObject($swiftMessage);
         $parentClassThatHasBody = $r->getParentClass()->getParentClass()->getParentClass();
         $body = $parentClassThatHasBody->getProperty('_immediateChildren');
         $children = $body->getValue($swiftMessage);
         foreach ($children as $child) {
             if ($child instanceof \Swift_MimePart && $child->getContentType() == 'text/html') {
                 return $child->getBody();
     return null;
Пример #20
  * Get a modified ErrorException object that is mocked with the required properties.
  * @param string  $message
  * @param string  $file
  * @param integer $line
  * @param array   $trace
  * @return \ErrorException
 private function getErrorExceptionMock($message, $file, $line, array $trace = array())
     $exception = new \ErrorException($message);
     $reflection = new \ReflectionObject($exception);
     $fileProperty = $reflection->getProperty('file');
     $fileProperty->setValue($exception, $file);
     $lineProperty = $reflection->getProperty('line');
     $lineProperty->setValue($exception, $line);
     $traceProperty = $reflection->getParentClass()->getProperty('trace');
     $traceProperty->setValue($exception, $trace);
     return $exception;
Пример #21
	 * cfdump-style debugging output
	 * @param $var    The variable to output.
	 * @param $limit  Maximum recursion depth for arrays (default 0 = all)
	 * @param $label  text to display in complex data type header
	 * @param $depth  Current depth (default 0)
	public static function dump(&$var, $limit = 0, $label = '', $depth = 0) {
		if (!is_int($depth))
			$depth = 0;
		if (!is_int($limit))
			$limit = 0;
		if (($limit > 0) && ($depth >= $limit))
		static $seen = array();
		$he = function ($s) { return htmlentities($s); };
		$tabs = "\n" . str_repeat("\t", $depth);
		$printCount = 0;
		if (is_array($var)) {
			// It turns out that identity (===) in PHP isn't actually identity.  It's more like "do you look similar enough to fool an untrained observer?".  Lame!
			// $label = $label === '' ? (($var === $_POST) ? '$_POST' : (($var === $_GET) ? '$_GET' : (($var === $_COOKIE) ? '$_COOKIE' : (($var === $_ENV) ? '$_ENV' : (($var === $_FILES) ? '$_FILES' : (($var === $_REQUEST) ? '$_REQUEST' : (($var === $_SERVER) ? '$_SERVER' : (isset($_SESSION) && ($var === $_SESSION) ? '$_SESSION' : '')))))))) : $label;      
			$c = count($var);
			if(isset($var['fw1recursionsentinel'])) {
				echo "(Recursion)";
			$aclass = (($c > 0) && array_key_exists(0, $var) && array_key_exists($c - 1, $var)) ? 'array' : 'struct';
			$var['fw1recursionsentinel'] = true;
			echo "$tabs<table class=\"dump ${aclass} depth${depth}\">$tabs<thead><tr><th colspan=\"2\">" . ($label != '' ? $label . ' - ' : '') . "array" . ($c > 0 ? "" : " [empty]") . "</th></tr></thead>$tabs<tbody>";
			foreach ($var as $index => $aval) {
				if ($index === 'fw1recursionsentinel')
				echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">" . $he($index) . "</td><td class=\"value\"><div>";
				self::dump($aval, $limit, '', $depth);
				echo "</div></td></tr>";
				if (($limit > 0) && ($printCount >= $limit) && ($aclass === 'array'))
			echo "$tabs</tbody>$tabs</table>";
			// unset($var['fw1recursionsentinel']);
		} elseif (is_string($var)) {
			echo $var === '' ? '[EMPTY STRING]' : htmlentities($var);
		} elseif (is_bool($var)) {
			echo $var ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
		} elseif (is_callable($var) || (is_object($var) && is_subclass_of($var, 'ReflectionFunctionAbstract'))) {
			self::dumpFunction($var, $tabs, $limit, $label, $depth);
		} elseif (is_resource($var)) {
			echo "(Resource)";
		} elseif (is_float($var)) {
			echo "(float) " . htmlentities($var);
		} elseif (is_int($var)) {
			echo "(int) " . htmlentities($var);
		} elseif (is_null($var)) {
			echo "NULL";
		} elseif (is_object($var)) {
			$ref = new \ReflectionObject($var);
			$parent = $ref->getParentClass();
			$interfaces = implode("<br/>implements ", $ref->getInterfaceNames());
			$objHash = spl_object_hash($var);
			$refHash = 'r' . md5($ref);
			$objClassName = $ref->getName();
			if ($objClassName === 'SimpleXMLElement') {
				echo "$tabs<table class=\"dump xml depth${depth}\">$tabs<thead>$tabs<tr><th colspan=\"2\">" . ($label != '' ? $label . ' - ' : '') . "xml element</th></tr>$tabs<tbody>";
				self::trKeyValue('Name', $var->getName());
				// echo "<tr><td class=\"key\">Name</td><td class=\"value\">" . htmlentities($var->getName()) . "</td></tr>\n";
				$attribs = array();
				foreach ($var->attributes() as $attribName => $attribValue) {
					$attribs[$attribName] = $attribValue;
				if (count($attribs) > 0) {
					echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">Attributes</td><td class=\"values\"><div>$tabs<table class=\"dump xml attributes\"><tbody>";
					foreach ($attribs as $attribName => $attribValue) {
						self::trKeyValue($attribName, $attribValue);
					echo "$tabs</tbody></table>$tabs</div></td></tr>";
				$xmlText = trim((string) $var);
				if ($xmlText !== '') {
					self::trKeyValue('Text', $xmlText);
				if ($var->count() > 0) {
					echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">Children</td><td class=\"values\"><div>$tabs<table class=\"dump xml children\"><tbody>";
					$childNum = 0;
					foreach ($var->children() as $child) {
						echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">" . $childNum . "</td><td class=\"value child\"><div>";
						self::dump($child, $limit, '', $depth + 1);
						echo "</div></td></tr>";
					echo "$tabs</tbody></table>$tabs</div></td></tr>";
			} else {
				echo "$tabs<table class=\"dump object depth${depth}\"" . (isset($seen[$refHash]) ? "" : "id=\"$refHash\"") . ">$tabs<thead>$tabs<tr><th colspan=\"2\">" . ($label != '' ? $label . ' - ' : '') . "object " . htmlentities($objClassName) . ($parent ? "<br/>extends " .$parent->getName() : "") . ($interfaces !== '' ? "<br/>implements " . $interfaces : "") . "</th></tr>$tabs<tbody>";
				if (isset($seen[$objHash])) {
					echo "$tabs<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><a href=\"#$refHash\">[see above for details]</a></td></tr>";
				} else {
					$seen[$objHash] = TRUE;
					$constants = $ref->getConstants();
					if (count($constants) > 0) {
						echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">CONSTANTS</td><td class=\"values\"><div>$tabs<table class=\"dump object\">";
						foreach ($constants as $constant => $cval) {
							echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">" . htmlentities($constant) . "</td><td class=\"value constant\"><div>";
							self::dump($cval, $limit, '', $depth + 1);
							echo "</div></td></tr>";
						echo "$tabs</table>$tabs</div></td></tr>";
					$properties = $ref->getProperties();
					if (count($properties) > 0) {
						echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">PROPERTIES</td><td class=\"values\"><div>$tabs<table class=\"dump object\">";
						foreach ($properties as $property) {
							echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">" . htmlentities(implode(' ', \Reflection::getModifierNames($property->getModifiers()))) . " " . $he($property->getName()) . "</td><td class=\"value property\"><div>";
							$wasHidden = $property->isPrivate() || $property->isProtected();
							$propVal = $property->getValue($var);
							self::dump($propVal, $limit, '', $depth + 1);
							if ($wasHidden) { $property->setAccessible(FALSE); }
							echo "</div></td></tr>";
						echo "$tabs</table>$tabs</div></td></tr>";
					$methods = $ref->getMethods();
					if (count($methods) > 0) {
						echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">METHODS</td><td class=\"values shh\"><div>";
						if (isset($seen[$refHash])) {
							echo "<a href=\"#$refHash\">[see above for details]</a>";
						} else {
							$seen[$refHash] = TRUE;
							echo "$tabs<table class=\"dump object\">";
							foreach ($methods as $method) {
								echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">" . htmlentities($method->getName()) . "</td><td class=\"value function\"><div>";
								self::dumpFunction($method, $tabs, $limit, '', $depth + 1);
								echo "</div></td></tr>";
							echo "$tabs</table>";
						echo "$tabs</div></td></tr>";
			echo "$tabs</tbody>$tabs</table>";
		} elseif (is_numeric($var)) {
			echo  htmlentities($var);
		} elseif (is_scalar($var)) {
			echo htmlentities($var);
		} else {
			echo gettype($var);
	} // dump
  * Helper method that gets all the properties from a reflection obj
  * @param $object
  * @return \ReflectionProperty[]
 protected function getAllClassProperties($object)
     $reflectionObj = new \ReflectionObject($object);
     $properties = $reflectionObj->getProperties();
     while ($parent = $reflectionObj->getParentClass()) {
         $properties = array_merge($parent->getProperties(), $properties);
         $reflectionObj = $parent;
     return $properties;
Пример #23
	 * cfdump-style debugging output
	 * @param $var    The variable to output.
	 * @param $limit  Maximum recursion depth for arrays (default 0 = all)
	 * @param $label  text to display in complex data type header
	 * @param $depth  Current depth (default 0)
	public function dump(&$var, $limit = 0, $label = '', $depth = 0) {
		if (!is_int($depth))
			$depth = 0;
		if (!is_int($limit))
			$limit = 0;
		if (($limit > 0) && ($depth >= $limit))
		static $seen = array();
		$he = function ($s) { return htmlentities($s); };
		$tabs = "\n" . str_repeat("\t", $depth);
		$printCount = 0;
		$self = $this;
		$echoFunction = function($var, $tabs, $limit = 0, $label = '', $depth = 0) use ($self) {
			if (!is_subclass_of($var, 'ReflectionFunctionAbstract')) {
				$var = new \ReflectionFunction($var);
			echo "$tabs<table class=\"dump function depth${depth}\">$tabs<thead><tr><th>" . ($label != '' ? $label . ' - ' : '') . (is_callable(array($var, 'getModifiers')) ? htmlentities(implode(' ', \Reflection::getModifierNames($var->getModifiers()))) : '') . " function " . htmlentities($var->getName()) . "</th></tr></thead>$tabs<tbody>";
			echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"value\">$tabs<table class=\"dump layout\">$tabs<tr><th>Parameters:</th><td>";
			$params = $var->getParameters();
			if (count($params) > 0) {
				echo "</td></tr>$tabs<tr><td colspan=\"2\">$tabs<table class=\"dump param\">$tabs<thead><tr><th>Name</th><th>Array/Ref</th><th>Required</th><th>Default</th></tr></thead>$tabs<tbody>";
				foreach ($params as $param) {
					echo "$tabs<tr><td>" . htmlentities($param->getName()) . "</td><td>" . ($param->isArray() ? "Array " : "") . ($param->isPassedByReference() ? "Reference" : "") . "</td><td>" . ($param->isOptional() ? "Optional" : "Required") . "</td><td>";
					if ($param->isOptional() && $param->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
						$self->dump($param->getDefaultValue(), $limit, $label, $depth);
					echo "</td></tr>";
				echo "$tabs</tbody>$tabs</table>";
			} else {
				echo "none</td></tr>";
			$comment = trim($var->getDocComment());
			if (($comment !== NULL) && ($comment !== '')) {
				echo "$tabs<tr><th>Doc Comment:</th><td><kbd>" . str_replace("\n", "<br/>", htmlentities($comment)) . "</kbd></td></tr>";
			echo "</table>$tabs</td></tr>";
			echo "$tabs</tbody>$tabs</table>";
		if (!array_key_exists('fw1dumpstarted', $_REQUEST)) {
			$_REQUEST['fw1dumpstarted'] = TRUE;
<style type="text/css">/* fw/1 dump */
table.dump { color: black; background-color: white; font-size: xx-small; font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; }
table.dump th { text-indent: -2em; padding: 0.25em 0.25em 0.25em 2.25em; color: #fff; }
table.dump td { padding: 0.25em; }
table.dump .key { cursor: pointer; }
table.dump td.shh { background-color: #ddd; }
table.dump td.shh div { display: none; }
table.dump td.shh:before { content: "..."; }
table.dump th, table.dump td { border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; border-spacing: 0; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; }
table.dump.object, table.dump.object > * > tr > td, table.dump.object > thead > tr > th { border-color: #f00; }
table.dump.object > thead > tr > th { background-color: #f44; }
table.dump.object > tbody > tr > .key { background-color: #fcc; }
table.dump.array, table.dump.array > * > tr > td, table.dump.array > thead > tr > th { border-color: #060; }
table.dump.array > thead > tr > th { background-color: #090; }
table.dump.array > tbody > tr > .key { background-color: #cfc; }
table.dump.struct, table.dump.struct > * > tr > td, table.dump.struct > thead > tr > th { border-color: #00c; }
table.dump.struct > thead > tr > th { background-color: #44c; }
table.dump.struct > tbody > tr > .key { background-color: #cdf; }
table.dump.function, table.dump.function > * > tr > td, table.dump.function > thead > tr > th { border-color: #a40; }
table.dump.function > thead > tr > th { background-color: #c60; }
table.dump.layout, table.dump.layout > * > tr > td, table.dump.layout > thead > tr > th { border-color: #fff; }
table.dump.layout > * > tr > th { font-style: italic; background-color: #fff; color: #000; font-weight: normal; border: none; }
table.dump.param, table.dump.param > * > tr > td, table.dump.param > thead > tr > th { border-color: #ddd; }
table.dump.param > thead > tr > th  { background-color: #eee; color: black; font-weight: bold; }
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
	var addEvent = function(o,t,f) {
		if (o.addEventListener) o.addEventListener(t,f,false);
		else if (o.attachEvent) {
			o['e' + t + f] = f;
			o[t + f] = function() { o['e' + t + f](w.event); }
			o.attachEvent('on' + t, o[t + f]);
	}; // addEvent
	var clickCell = function(e) {
		var target = e.target || this;
		var sib = target.nextSibling;
		if (sib && sib.tagName && (sib.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'td')) {
			if (/(^|\s)shh(\s|$)/.test(sib.className)) sib.className = sib.className.replace(/(^|\s)shh(\s|$)/, ' ');
			else sib.className += ' shh';
		if (e && e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
		else w.event.cancelBubble = true;
		return false;
	}; // clickCell
	var collapsifyDumps = function() {
		setTimeout(function() {
			var tables = document.getElementsByTagName('table');
			for(var t = 0; t < tables.length; t++) {
				var table = tables[t];
				var dumpPattern = /(^|\s)dump(\s|$)/;
				var depthPattern = /(^|\s)depth1(\s|$)/;
				if (! (dumpPattern.test(table.className) && depthPattern.test(table.className) ))
				var cells = table.getElementsByTagName('td');
				var keyPattern = /(^|\s)key(\s|$)/;
				var keyCount = 0;
				for (var c = 0; c < cells.length; c++) {
					var cell = cells[c];
					if (! (keyPattern.test(cell.className)))
					addEvent(cell, 'click', clickCell);
				} // for k
			} // for t
		}, 250);
	}; // collapsify dumps
	if (d.addEventListener) d.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", collapsifyDumps, false);
	else d.onreadystatechange = function() { if (d.readyState === 'interactive') collapsifyDumps(this); };
		if (is_array($var)) {
			// It turns out that identity (===) in PHP isn't actually identity.  It's more like "do you look similar enough to fool an untrained observer?".  Lame!
			// $label = $label === '' ? (($var === $_POST) ? '$_POST' : (($var === $_GET) ? '$_GET' : (($var === $_COOKIE) ? '$_COOKIE' : (($var === $_ENV) ? '$_ENV' : (($var === $_FILES) ? '$_FILES' : (($var === $_REQUEST) ? '$_REQUEST' : (($var === $_SERVER) ? '$_SERVER' : (isset($_SESSION) && ($var === $_SESSION) ? '$_SESSION' : '')))))))) : $label;      
			$c = count($var);
			if(isset($var['fw1recursionsentinel'])) {
				echo "(Recursion)";
			$aclass = (($c > 0) && array_key_exists(0, $var) && array_key_exists($c - 1, $var)) ? 'array' : 'struct';
			$var['fw1recursionsentinel'] = TRUE;
			echo "$tabs<table class=\"dump ${aclass} depth${depth}\">$tabs<thead><tr><th colspan=\"2\">" . ($label != '' ? $label . ' - ' : '') . "array" . ($c > 0 ? "" : " [empty]") . "</th></tr></thead>$tabs<tbody>";
			foreach ($var as $index => $aval) {
				if ($index === 'fw1recursionsentinel')
				echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">" . $he($index) . "</td><td class=\"value\"><div>";
				$this->dump($aval, $limit, '', $depth);
				echo "</div></td></tr>";
				if (($limit > 0) && ($printCount >= $limit) && ($aclass === 'array'))
			echo "$tabs</tbody>$tabs</table>";
			// unset($var['fw1recursionsentinel']);
		} elseif (is_string($var)) {
			echo $var === '' ? '[EMPTY STRING]' : htmlentities($var);
		} elseif (is_bool($var)) {
			echo $var ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
		} elseif (is_callable($var) || (is_object($var) && is_subclass_of($var, 'ReflectionFunctionAbstract'))) {
			$echoFunction($var, $tabs, $limit, $label, $depth);
		} elseif (is_float($var)) {
			echo "(float) " . htmlentities($var);
		} elseif (is_int($var)) {
			echo "(int) " . htmlentities($var);
		} elseif (is_null($var)) {
			echo "NULL";
		} elseif (is_object($var)) {
			$ref = new \ReflectionObject($var);
			$parent = $ref->getParentClass();
			$interfaces = implode("<br/>implements ", $ref->getInterfaceNames());
			try {
				$serial = serialize($var);
			} catch (\Exception $e) {
				$serial = 'hasclosure' . $ref->getName();
			$objHash = 'o' . md5($serial);
			$objHash = spl_object_hash($var);
			$refHash = 'r' . md5($ref);
			echo "$tabs<table class=\"dump object depth${depth}\"" . (isset($seen[$refHash]) ? "" : "id=\"$refHash\"") . ">$tabs<thead>$tabs<tr><th colspan=\"2\">" . ($label != '' ? $label . ' - ' : '') . "object " . htmlentities($ref->getName()) . ($parent ? "<br/>extends " .$parent->getName() : "") . ($interfaces !== '' ? "<br/>implements " . $interfaces : "") . "</th></tr>$tabs<tbody>";
			if (isset($seen[$objHash])) {
				echo "$tabs<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><a href=\"#$refHash\">[see above for details]</a></td></tr>";
			} else {
				$seen[$objHash] = TRUE;
				$constants = $ref->getConstants();
				if (count($constants) > 0) {
					echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">CONSTANTS</td><td class=\"values\"><div>$tabs<table class=\"dump object\">";
					foreach ($constants as $constant => $cval) {
						echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">" . htmlentities($constant) . "</td><td class=\"value constant\"><div>";
						$this->dump($cval, $limit, '', $depth + 1);
						echo "</div></td></tr>";
					echo "$tabs</table>$tabs</div></td></tr>";
				$properties = $ref->getProperties();
				if (count($properties) > 0) {
					echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">PROPERTIES</td><td class=\"values\"><div>$tabs<table class=\"dump object\">";
					foreach ($properties as $property) {
						echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">" . htmlentities(implode(' ', \Reflection::getModifierNames($property->getModifiers()))) . " " . $he($property->getName()) . "</td><td class=\"value property\"><div>";
						$wasHidden = $property->isPrivate() || $property->isProtected();
						$propertyValue = $property->getValue($var);
						$this->dump($propertyValue, $limit, '', $depth + 1);
						if ($wasHidden) { $property->setAccessible(FALSE); }
						echo "</div></td></tr>";
					echo "$tabs</table>$tabs</div></td></tr>";
				$methods = $ref->getMethods();
				if (count($methods) > 0) {
					echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">METHODS</td><td class=\"values shh\"><div>";
					if (isset($seen[$refHash])) {
						echo "<a href=\"#$refHash\">[see above for details]</a>";
					} else {
						$seen[$refHash] = TRUE;
						echo "$tabs<table class=\"dump object\">";
						foreach ($methods as $method) {
							echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">" . htmlentities($method->getName()) . "</td><td class=\"value function\"><div>";
							$echoFunction($method, $tabs, $limit, '', $depth + 1);
							echo "</div></td></tr>";
						echo "$tabs</table>";
					echo "$tabs</div></td></tr>";
			echo "$tabs</tbody>$tabs</table>";
		} elseif (is_resource($var)) {
			echo "(Resource)";
		} elseif (is_numeric($var)) {
			echo  htmlentities($var);
		} elseif (is_scalar($var)) {
			echo htmlentities($var);
		} else {
			echo gettype($var);
	} // dump
Пример #24
 public function dumpServerMemory($outputFolder, $maxNesting, $maxStringSize)
     if (!file_exists($outputFolder)) {
         mkdir($outputFolder, 0777, true);
     $this->server->getLogger()->notice("[Dump] After the memory dump is done, the server might crash");
     $obData = fopen($outputFolder . "/objects.js", "wb+");
     $staticProperties = [];
     $data = [];
     $objects = [];
     $refCounts = [];
     $this->continueDump($this->server, $data, $objects, $refCounts, 0, $maxNesting, $maxStringSize);
     do {
         $continue = false;
         foreach ($objects as $hash => $object) {
             if (!is_object($object)) {
             $continue = true;
             $className = get_class($object);
             $objects[$hash] = true;
             $reflection = new \ReflectionObject($object);
             $info = ["information" => "{$hash}@{$className}", "properties" => []];
             if ($reflection->getParentClass()) {
                 $info["parent"] = $reflection->getParentClass()->getName();
             if (count($reflection->getInterfaceNames()) > 0) {
                 $info["implements"] = implode(", ", $reflection->getInterfaceNames());
             foreach ($reflection->getProperties() as $property) {
                 if ($property->isStatic()) {
                 if (!$property->isPublic()) {
                 $this->continueDump($property->getValue($object), $info["properties"][$property->getName()], $objects, $refCounts, 0, $maxNesting, $maxStringSize);
             fwrite($obData, "{$hash}@{$className}: " . json_encode($info, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES) . "\n");
             if (!isset($objects["staticProperties"][$className])) {
                 $staticProperties[$className] = [];
                 foreach ($reflection->getProperties() as $property) {
                     if (!$property->isStatic() or $property->getDeclaringClass()->getName() !== $className) {
                     if (!$property->isPublic()) {
                     $this->continueDump($property->getValue($object), $staticProperties[$className][$property->getName()], $objects, $refCounts, 0, $maxNesting, $maxStringSize);
         echo "[Dump] Wrote " . count($objects) . " objects\n";
     } while ($continue);
     file_put_contents($outputFolder . "/staticProperties.js", json_encode($staticProperties, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
     file_put_contents($outputFolder . "/serverEntry.js", json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
     file_put_contents($outputFolder . "/referenceCounts.js", json_encode($refCounts, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
     echo "[Dump] Finished!\n";
Пример #25
 * Dumps a varialble from the global scope.
 * @param mixed $var The variable to dump.
 * @param bool $return Return output? (Default: false)
 * @param mixed $title string|bool|array Alternate title for the dump, or to backtrace.
 * @param mixed $background Override the default background.
 * @param string $mode Default "auto", can be: "cli" or "web".
 * @return mixed void|string
function var_dump($var, $return = false, $title = false, $background = false, $mode = 'auto')
    if ($background === false) {
        $background = 'white';
    if ($mode === 'auto') {
        $webmode = ENV_MODE & ENV_WEB ? true : false;
    } elseif ($mode === 'web') {
        $webmode = true;
    } elseif ($mode === 'cli') {
        $webmode = false;
    } elseif ($mode === 'terminal') {
        $webmode = false;
    } else {
        trigger_error('Invalid mode.', E_USER_WARNING);
    $fixDumpString = function ($name, $value, $htmlspecial = true) use(&$background, &$mode) {
        if (in_array($name, array('[\'pass\']', '[\'password\']', '[\'PHP_AUTH_PW\']'))) {
            $value = '********';
        } else {
            $fix = array("\r\n" => colorize('¤¶', 'gray', $background, $mode) . "\n", "\n\r" => colorize('¶¤', 'gray', $background, $mode) . "\n\n", "\n" => colorize('¶', 'gray', $background, $mode) . "\n", "\r" => colorize('¤', 'gray', $background, $mode) . "\n");
            $value = strtr($htmlspecial ? htmlspecialchars($value) : $value, $fix);
        return $value;
    $recursionClasses = array();
    $dodump = function ($var, $var_name = null, $indent = 0, $params = array()) use(&$dodump, &$fixDumpString, &$background, &$webmode, &$mode, &$recursionClasses) {
        if (is_object($var)) {
            if (!empty($recursionClasses)) {
                $add = true;
                foreach ($recursionClasses as $class) {
                    if ($var === $class) {
                        $add = false;
                if ($add === true) {
                    $recursionClasses[] = $var;
            } else {
                $recursionClasses[] = $var;
        $doDump_indent = colorize('|', 'lightgray', $background, $mode) . '   ';
        echo str_repeat($doDump_indent, $indent) . colorize($webmode === true ? htmlentities($var_name) : $var_name, 'varname', $background, $mode);
        if (is_callable($var)) {
            echo ' ' . colorize('=', 'black', $background, $mode) . ' ' . colorize('*CALLABLE*', 'recursion', $background, $mode);
        } elseif (is_array($var)) {
            echo ' ' . colorize('=>', 'black', $background, $mode) . ' ' . colorize('Array (' . count($var) . ')', 'gray', $background, $mode) . "\n" . str_repeat($doDump_indent, $indent) . colorize('(', 'lightgray', $background, $mode) . "\n";
            foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
                if (is_callable($var[$key])) {
                    $doDump_indent = colorize('|', 'lightgray', $background, $mode) . '   ';
                    echo str_repeat($doDump_indent, $indent + 1) . colorize('[\'' . ($webmode === true ? htmlentities($key) : $key) . '\']', 'varname', $background, $mode);
                    echo ' ' . colorize('=', 'black', $background, $mode) . ' ';
                    if (!is_string($var[$key])) {
                        echo colorize('*CALLABLE*', 'recursion', $background, $mode);
                    } else {
                        echo colorize('\'' . (string) $var[$key] . '\'', 'recursion', $background, $mode);
                    echo "\n";
                if (strpos(print_r($var[$key], true), '*RECURSION*') !== false) {
                    $doDump_indent = colorize('|', 'lightgray', $background, $mode) . '   ';
                    echo str_repeat($doDump_indent, $indent + 1) . colorize('[\'' . ($webmode === true ? htmlentities($key) : $key) . '\']', 'varname', $background, $mode);
                    echo ' ' . colorize('=', 'black', $background, $mode) . ' ';
                    if (!is_string($var[$key])) {
                        echo colorize('*RECURSION*', 'recursion', $background, $mode);
                    } else {
                        echo colorize('\'' . (string) $var[$key] . '\'', 'recursion', $background, $mode);
                    echo "\n";
                if (is_object($value)) {
                    $same = false;
                    foreach ($recursionClasses as $class) {
                        if ($class === $value) {
                            $same = true;
                    if ($same === true) {
                        $doDump_indent = colorize('|', 'lightgray', $background, $mode) . '   ';
                        echo str_repeat($doDump_indent, $indent + 1) . colorize('[\'' . ($webmode === true ? htmlentities($key) : $key) . '\']', 'varname', $background, $mode);
                        echo ' ' . colorize('=', 'black', $background, $mode) . ' ';
                        echo colorize(get_class($value) . '()', 'recursion', $background, $mode);
                        echo "\n";
                    } elseif (get_class($value) === 'Closure') {
                        $doDump_indent = colorize('|', 'lightgray', $background, $mode) . '   ';
                        echo str_repeat($doDump_indent, $indent + 1) . colorize('[\'' . ($webmode === true ? htmlentities($key) : $key) . '\']', 'varname', $background, $mode);
                        echo ' ' . colorize('=', 'black', $background, $mode) . ' ';
                        echo colorize(get_class($value) . '()', 'recursion', $background, $mode);
                        echo "\n";
                    } else {
                        $dodump($value, '[\'' . $key . '\']', $indent + 1);
                $dodump($value, '[\'' . $key . '\']', $indent + 1);
            echo str_repeat($doDump_indent, $indent) . colorize(')', 'lightgray', $background, $mode);
        } elseif (is_string($var)) {
            if (isset($params['error']) && $params['error'] === true) {
                echo ' ' . colorize('=', 'black', $background, $mode) . ' ' . colorize('Error: ' . $fixDumpString($var_name, $var, $webmode), 'error', $background, $mode);
            } else {
                echo ' ' . colorize('=', 'black', $background, $mode) . ' ' . colorize('String(' . strlen($var) . ')', 'gray', $background, $mode) . ' ' . colorize('\'' . $fixDumpString($var_name, $var, $webmode) . '\'', 'string', $background, $mode);
        } elseif (is_int($var)) {
            echo ' ' . colorize('=', 'black', $background, $mode) . ' ' . colorize('Integer(' . strlen($var) . ')', 'gray', $background, $mode) . ' ' . colorize($var, 'int', $background, $mode);
        } elseif (is_bool($var)) {
            echo ' ' . colorize('=', 'black', $background, $mode) . ' ' . colorize('Boolean', 'gray', $background, $mode) . ' ' . colorize($var === true ? 'true' : 'false', 'bool', $background, $mode);
        } elseif (is_object($var)) {
            $class = new \ReflectionObject($var);
            $parents = '';
            if ($parent = $class->getParentClass()) {
                $parents .= ' extends ' . $class->getParentClass()->name;
            $interfaces = $class->getInterfaces();
            if (!empty($interfaces)) {
                $parents .= ' implements ' . implode(', ', array_keys($interfaces));
            if ($var instanceof Iterator) {
                echo ' ' . colorize('=>', 'black', $background, $mode) . ' ' . colorize($class->getName() . ' Object (Iterator)' . $parents, 'gray', $background, $mode) . "\n" . str_repeat($doDump_indent, $indent) . colorize('(', 'lightgray', $background, $mode) . "\n";
            } else {
                echo ' ' . colorize('=>', 'black', $background, $mode) . ' ' . colorize($class->getName() . ' Object' . $parents, 'gray', $background, $mode) . "\n" . str_repeat($doDump_indent, $indent) . colorize('(', 'lightgray', $background, $mode) . "\n";
                $dblcheck = array();
                foreach ((array) $var as $key => $value) {
                    if (!property_exists($var, $key)) {
                        $key = ltrim($key, "*");
                        if (substr($key, 0, strlen($class->getName())) === $class->getName()) {
                            $key = substr($key, strlen($class->getName()) + 1);
                        } else {
                            $parents = class_parents($var);
                            if (!empty($parents)) {
                                foreach ($parents as $parent) {
                                    if (substr($key, 0, strlen($parent)) === $parent) {
                                        $key = $parent . '->' . substr($key, strlen($parent) + 1);
                    $dblcheck[$key] = $value;
                $reflect = new \ReflectionClass($var);
                $constants = $reflect->getConstants();
                if (!empty($constants)) {
                    foreach ($constants as $key => $value) {
                        $dodump($value, $key, $indent + 1);
                $props = $reflect->getProperties();
                if (!empty($props)) {
                    foreach ($props as $prop) {
                        $append = '';
                        $error = false;
                        if ($prop->isPrivate()) {
                            $append .= ' private';
                        } elseif ($prop->isProtected()) {
                            $append .= ' protected';
                        if ($prop->isStatic()) {
                            $value = $prop->getValue();
                            $append .= ' static';
                        } else {
                            set_error_handler(function ($errno, $errstr) {
                                throw new \Exception($errstr);
                            try {
                                $value = $prop->getValue($var);
                            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                                $value = $e->getMessage();
                                $append .= ' error';
                                $error = true;
                        if (array_key_exists($prop->name, $dblcheck)) {
                        if (is_object($value)) {
                            $same = false;
                            foreach ($recursionClasses as $class) {
                                if ($class === $value) {
                                    $same = true;
                            if ($same === true) {
                                $doDump_indent = colorize('|', 'lightgray', $background, $mode) . '   ';
                                echo str_repeat($doDump_indent, $indent + 1) . colorize('[\'' . ($webmode === true ? htmlentities($prop->name . '\'' . $append) : $prop->name . '\'' . $append) . ']', 'varname', $background, $mode);
                                echo ' ' . colorize('=', 'black', $background, $mode) . ' ';
                                echo colorize(get_class($value) . '()', 'recursion', $background, $mode);
                                echo "\n";
                            } else {
                                $dodump($value, '[\'' . $prop->name . '\'' . $append . ']', $indent + 1, array('error' => $error));
                        } else {
                            $dodump($value, '[\'' . $prop->name . '\'' . $append . ']', $indent + 1, array('error' => $error));
                if (!empty($dblcheck)) {
                    foreach ($dblcheck as $key => $value) {
                        $dodump($value, '[\'' . $key . '\' magic]', $indent + 1);
                $methods = $reflect->getMethods();
                if (!empty($methods)) {
                    foreach ($methods as $method) {
                        $doDump_indent = colorize('|', 'lightgray', $background, $mode) . '   ';
                        echo str_repeat($doDump_indent, $indent + 1);
                        if ($method->getModifiers() & \ReflectionMethod::IS_ABSTRACT) {
                            echo colorize('abstract ', 'gray', $background, $mode);
                        } elseif ($method->getModifiers() & \ReflectionMethod::IS_FINAL) {
                            echo colorize('final ', 'gray', $background, $mode);
                        if ($method->getModifiers() & \ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) {
                            echo colorize('public ', 'gray', $background, $mode);
                        } elseif ($method->getModifiers() & \ReflectionMethod::IS_PROTECTED) {
                            echo colorize('protected ', 'gray', $background, $mode);
                        } elseif ($method->getModifiers() & \ReflectionMethod::IS_PRIVATE) {
                            echo colorize('private ', 'gray', $background, $mode);
                        echo colorize($method->class, 'gray', $background, $mode);
                        $type = '->';
                        if ($method->getModifiers() & \ReflectionMethod::IS_STATIC) {
                            $type = '::';
                        echo colorize($type . $method->name . '(', 'recursion', $background, $mode);
                        $reflectMethod = new \ReflectionMethod($method->class, $method->name);
                        $methodParams = $reflectMethod->getParameters();
                        if (!empty($methodParams)) {
                            $mParams = [];
                            foreach ($methodParams as $mParam) {
                                if ($mParam->isOptional()) {
                                    try {
                                        $default = $mParam->getDefaultValue();
                                        if (is_string($default)) {
                                            $default = "'" . $default . "'";
                                        } elseif ($default === true) {
                                            $default = 'true';
                                        } elseif ($default === false) {
                                            $default = 'false';
                                        } elseif ($default === null) {
                                            $default = 'null';
                                        } elseif (is_array($default)) {
                                            $default = 'Array';
                                    } catch (\Exception $e) {
                                        $default = 'Unknown';
                                    $mParams[] = colorize(($mParam->isPassedByReference() ? '&amp;' : '') . '$' . $mParam->name . ' = ' . $default, 'gray', $background, $mode);
                                } else {
                                    $mParams[] = colorize(($mParam->isPassedByReference() ? '&amp;' : '') . '$' . $mParam->name, 'black', $background, $mode);
                            echo implode(', ', $mParams);
                        echo colorize(')', 'recursion', $background, $mode);
                        echo "\n";
                unset($props, $reflect);
            echo str_repeat($doDump_indent, $indent) . colorize(')', 'lightgray', $background, $mode);
        } elseif (is_null($var)) {
            echo ' ' . colorize('=', 'black', $background, $mode) . ' ' . colorize('null', 'black', $background, $mode);
        } elseif (is_float($var)) {
            echo ' ' . colorize('=', 'black', $background, $mode) . ' ' . colorize('Float(' . strlen($var) . ')', 'gray', $background) . ' ' . colorize($var, 'float', $background, $mode);
        } elseif (is_resource($var)) {
            echo ' ' . colorize('=', 'black', $background, $mode) . ' ' . colorize('Resource', 'gray', $background, $mode) . ' ' . $var;
        } else {
            echo ' ' . colorize('=', 'black', $background, $mode) . ' ' . colorize('Unknown', 'gray', $background, $mode) . ' ' . $var;
        echo "\n";
    $prefix = 'unique';
    $suffix = 'value';
    if ($return === true) {
    if ($webmode) {
        echo '<pre class="vardump">';
    if ($title === false || is_array($title)) {
        $backtrace = debug_backtrace();
        if (is_array($title) && isset($title['steps']) && isset($backtrace[$title['steps']])) {
            $backtrace = $backtrace[$title['steps']];
        } else {
            $backtrace = $backtrace[0];
        if (substr($backtrace['file'], -13) == 'eval()\'d code') {
            $title = 'eval()';
        } else {
            $con = explode("\n", file_get_contents($backtrace['file']));
            $callee = $con[$backtrace['line'] - 1];
            if (is_array($title) && isset($title['match'])) {
                preg_match($title['match'], $callee, $matches);
            } else {
                preg_match('/([a-zA-Z\\\\]+|)var_dump\\((.*)/', $callee, $matches);
            if (!empty($matches)) {
                $i = 0;
                $title = '';
                foreach (str_split($matches[0], 1) as $value) {
                    if ($value === '(') {
                    if ($i === 0 && $value === ',') {
                    if ($value === ')') {
                    if ($i === 0 && $value === ')') {
                        $title .= $value;
                    $title .= $value;
            } else {
                $title = 'Unknown dump string';
    $dodump($var, $title);
    if ($webmode) {
        echo "</pre>\n";
    if ($return === true) {
        $out = ob_get_contents();
        return $out;
Пример #26
 public function addPlugin(PluginModule $pluginModule, $plugin_service_id)
     $name = $pluginModule->getName();
     $rc1 = new \ReflectionObject($pluginModule);
     $parent = $rc1->getParentClass();
     if (!$parent || self::PM_BASE_CLASS === $parent->getName() || !is_subclass_of($pluginModule, self::PM_BASE_CLASS)) {
         throw new \Exception(sprintf("sf.bbs.plugin.module invalid name(%s) on class(%s) file(%s) must extends %s\\*", $name, $rc1->getName(), $rc1->getFileName(), self::PM_BASE_CLASS));
     if (!preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z0-9\\_]+$/', $name)) {
         throw new \Exception(sprintf("sf.bbs.plugin.module invalid name(%s) on class(%s) file(%s)", $name, $rc1->getName(), $rc1->getFileName()));
     if (isset($this->_modules[$name])) {
         $rc2 = new \ReflectionObject($this->_modules[$name]);
         throw new \Exception(sprintf("sf.bbs.plugin.module(%s) duplicate for class(%s,%s), file(%s,%s)", $name, $rc1->getName(), $rc2->getName(), $rc1->getFileName(), $rc2->getFileName()));
     $type = $pluginModule->getType();
     if ($type && !isset($this->_plugin_modules_types[$type])) {
         throw new \Exception(sprintf("sf.bbs.plugin.module(name: %s,\n class: %s,\n file: %s) \n type(%s) is invalid, available values ( %s ) ", $name, $rc1->getName(), $rc1->getFileName(), json_encode($type), join(', ', array_keys($this->_plugin_modules_types))));
      * @var $m \ReflectionMethod
     foreach ($rc1->getMethods() as $m) {
         $as = $this->_reader->getMethodAnnotations($m);
         $_as = array();
         foreach ($as as $_an) {
             if ($_an instanceof \Symforce\DiscuzBundle\Annotation\AbstractAnnotation) {
                 $_an_class = get_class($_an);
                 if ($_an instanceof \Symforce\DiscuzBundle\Annotation\AbstractMultiple) {
                     $key = $this->getMultipleKeyValue();
                     if (isset($_as[$_an_class][$key])) {
                         throw new \Exception(sprintf("class:%s method:%s, file: %s, line:%s annotations(%s) duplicate(%s)", $rc1->getName(), $m->getName(), $rc1->getFileName(), $m->getStartLine(), $_an_class, $key));
                     $_as[$_an_class][$key] = $_an;
                 } else {
                     if (isset($_as[$_an_class])) {
                         throw new \Exception(sprintf("class:%s method:%s, file: %s, line:%s annotations(%s) duplicate", $rc1->getName(), $m->getName(), $rc1->getFileName(), $m->getStartLine(), $_an_class));
                     $_as[$_an_class] = $_an;
         if (empty($_as)) {
         foreach ($_as as $_an) {
         if (isset($_as[self::PM_ANNOTATION_ACTION])) {
             $pluginModule->addAction($_as[self::PM_ANNOTATION_ACTION], $m);
         if (isset($_as[self::PM_ANNOTATION_EMBED])) {
             $_an = $_as[self::PM_ANNOTATION_EMBED];
             if ($_an instanceof \Symforce\DiscuzBundle\Annotation\Embed) {
                 $_embed_helper = new EmbedHelper($_an, $m, $pluginModule);
                 if (isset($this->_embed_helpers[$_an->type][$_an->method])) {
                     $_other_embed_helper = $this->_embed_helpers[$_an->type][$_an->method][0];
                     if ($_embed_helper->code !== $_other_embed_helper->code) {
                         throw new \Exception(sprintf("@(%s, method=%s) parameters conflict(%s, %s)", $_an_class, $_an->method, \Dev::getMethodDeclaring($m), \Dev::getMethodDeclaring($_other_embed_helper->method)));
                 $this->_embed_helpers[$_an->type][$_an->method][] = $_embed_helper;
     $bundle_name = preg_replace('/^(\\/.+)\\/([A-Z]\\w+)\\/([A-Z]\\w+Bundle)\\/.+$/', '\\2\\3', $rc1->getFileName());
     $this->_modules[$name] = $pluginModule;
Пример #27
  * @param $param
  * @param \ReflectionObject $reflection
 private function buildFromObject($param, $reflection = null)
     foreach ($param as $key => $value) {
         $this->object['Object default'][$key] = $value;
     // Get info on the object
     $this->object['Reflection']['In namespace'] = $reflection->inNamespace() ? 'Yes' : 'No';
     if ($reflection->inNamespace()) {
         $this->object['Class namespace'] = $reflection->getNamespaceName();
     $this->object['Reflection']['Class name'] = $reflection->getName();
     $this->object['Reflection']['Is internal'] = $reflection->isInternal() ? 'Yes' : 'No';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Is iterable'] = $reflection->isIterateable() ? 'Yes' : 'No';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Is abstract'] = $reflection->isAbstract() ? 'Yes' : 'No';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Is final'] = $reflection->isFinal() ? 'Yes' : 'No';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Is user defined'] = $reflection->isUserDefined() ? 'Yes' : 'No';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Is instantiable'] = $reflection->isInstantiable() ? 'Yes' : 'No';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Is clonable'] = $reflection->isCloneable() ? 'Yes' : 'No';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Is interface'] = $reflection->isInterface() ? 'Yes' : 'No';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Class constants'] = !empty($reflection->getConstants()) ? $reflection->getConstants() : 'Class has no constants';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Class static properties'] = !empty($reflection->getStaticProperties()) ? $reflection->getStaticProperties() : 'Class has no static properties';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Class default properties'] = !empty($reflection->getDefaultProperties()) ? $reflection->getDefaultProperties() : 'Class has no default properties';
     if (null === $reflection->getConstructor()) {
         $this->object['Reflection']['Class construct'] = 'Class has no construct.';
     } else {
         $this->object['Reflection']['Class construct'] = $reflection->getConstructor();
     $this->object['Reflection']['Class interfaces'] = !empty($reflection->getInterfaces()) ? $reflection->getInterfaces() : 'Class implements no interfaces';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Class traits'] = !empty($reflection->getTraits()) ? $reflection->getTraits() : 'Class has no traits';
     $this->object['Reflection']['Class parent'] = $reflection->getParentClass() !== false ? $reflection->getParentClass() : 'Class has no parent';
     if (false === $reflection->getFileName()) {
         $this->object['Reflection']['Defined in'] = 'Class is internal, no definition to provide.';
     } else {
         $this->object['Reflection']['Defined in'] = $reflection->getFileName();
     if (false === $reflection->getFileName()) {
         $this->object['Reflection']['Start line'] = 'Class is internal, no start line to provide.';
     } else {
         $this->object['Reflection']['Start line'] = $reflection->getFileName();
     if (false === $reflection->getEndLine()) {
         $this->object['Reflection']['End line'] = 'Class is internal, no end line to provide.';
     } else {
         $this->object['Reflection']['End line'] = $reflection->getEndLine();
     if (false === $reflection->getDocComment()) {
         $this->object['Reflection']['Doc comments'] = 'No documents to provide.';
     } else {
         $this->object['Reflection']['Doc comments'] = $reflection->getDocComment();
     // End get info
     $this->html .= "<span class=\"js-parent-object\">";
     if (!empty($this->object['Object default'])) {
         $this->html .= "<div class=\"js-object-default-tab \"><button class=\"button-reflection button\">Show reflection</button></div>";
         $this->html .= "<div class=\"js-object-default \">";
         $this->buildFromObjectIterationInformationRecursive($this->object['Object default']);
         $this->html .= "</div>";
     if ($param instanceof \Closure) {
         $this->html .= "<div class=\"js-object-default-tab \"><button class=\"button-reflection button\">Show reflection</button></div>";
         $this->html .= "<div class=\"js-object-default \">";
         $this->html .= "<span class=\"css-type-string\">Nothing here...</span>";
         $this->html .= "</div>";
     $this->html .= "<div class=\"js-object-reflection-tab hide\"><button class=\"button-class-default button\">Show default</button></div>";
     $this->html .= "<div class=\"js-object-reflection hide\">";
     $this->html .= "</div>";
     $this->html .= "</span>";
     $this->object = [];