Пример #1
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean $parent
  * @return array $childObjects
 public function children(RedBean_OODBBean $parent)
     try {
         $ids = $this->adapter->getCol("SELECT id FROM\n\t\t\t`" . $parent->getMeta("type") . "`\n\t\t\tWHERE `" . $this->property . "` = " . intval($parent->id) . "\n\t\t");
     } catch (RedBean_Exception_SQL $e) {
         return array();
     return $this->oodb->batch($parent->getMeta("type"), $ids);
Пример #2
  * Returns all the nodes that have been attached to the specified
  * parent node.
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean $parent
  * @return array $childObjects
 public function children(RedBean_OODBBean $parent)
     $idfield = $this->writer->getIDField($parent->getMeta("type"));
     try {
         $ids = $this->writer->selectByCrit($idfield, $parent->getMeta("type"), $this->property, intval($parent->{$idfield}));
     } catch (RedBean_Exception_SQL $e) {
         return array();
     return $this->oodb->batch($parent->getMeta("type"), $ids);
Пример #3
  * Constructor, requires a writer
  * @param RedBean_QueryWriter $writer
 public function __construct(RedBean_ToolBox $toolbox)
     $this->writer = $toolbox->getWriter();
     $this->adapter = $toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter();
     $this->redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean();
     if ($this->redbean->isFrozen()) {
         $this->adapter->exec("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `__log` (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY ,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`tbl` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`action` TINYINT( 2 ) NOT NULL ,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`itemid` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) ENGINE = MYISAM ;\n\t\t\t\t");
         //Must be MyISAM! else you run in trouble if you use transactions!
     $maxid = $this->adapter->getCell("SELECT MAX(id) FROM __log");
     $this->adapter->exec("DELETE FROM __log WHERE id < {$maxid} - 200 ");
Пример #4
  * @param  string $dsn
  * @param  string $username
  * @param  string $password
  * @return RedBean_ToolBox $toolbox
 public static function kickstart($dsn, $username, $password)
     $pdo = new Redbean_Driver_PDO($dsn, $username, $password);
     $adapter = new RedBean_DBAdapter($pdo);
     $writer = new RedBean_QueryWriter_MySQL($adapter);
     $redbean = new RedBean_OODB($writer);
     //add concurrency shield
     $logger = new RedBean_ChangeLogger($writer);
     self::$observers["logger"] = $logger;
     $redbean->addEventListener("open", $logger);
     $redbean->addEventListener("update", $logger);
     $redbean->addEventListener("delete", $logger);
     //deliver everything back in a neat toolbox
     self::$toolbox = new RedBean_ToolBox($redbean, $adapter, $writer);
     return self::$toolbox;
Пример #5
  * Creates a view with name $viewID based on $refType bean type
  * and then left-joining the specified types in $types in the given
  * order.
  * @param  string $viewID  desired name of the view
  * @param  string $refType first bean type to be used as base
  * @param  array  $types   array with types to be left-joined in view
  * @return boolean $success whether we created a new view (false if already exists)
 public function createView($viewID, $refType, $types)
     if ($this->oodb->isFrozen()) {
         return false;
     $history = array();
     $tables = array_flip($this->writer->getTables());
     $refTable = $refType;
     //$this->writer->safeTable($refType, true);
     $currentTable = $refTable;
     $history[$refType] = $refType;
     foreach ($types as $t) {
         if (!isset($history[$t])) {
             $history[$t] = $t;
             $connection = array($t, $currentTable);
             $connection = implode("_", $connection);
             $connectionTable = $this->writer->safeTable($connection, true);
             if (isset($tables[$connectionTable])) {
                 //this connection exists
                 $srcPoint = $this->writer->safeTable($connection) . "." . $this->writer->safeColumn($currentTable . "_id");
                 //i.e. partic_project.project_id
                 $dstPoint = $this->writer->safeTable($currentTable) . "." . $this->writer->safeColumn($this->writer->getIDField($currentTable));
                 //i.e. project.id
                 $joins[$connection] = array($srcPoint, $dstPoint);
                 //now join the type
                 $srcPoint = $this->writer->safeTable($connection) . "." . $this->writer->safeColumn($t . "_id");
                 $dstPoint = $this->writer->safeTable($t) . "." . $this->writer->safeColumn($this->writer->getIDField($t));
                 $joins[$t] = array($srcPoint, $dstPoint);
             } else {
                 //this connection does not exist
                 $srcPoint = $this->writer->safeTable($t) . "." . $this->writer->safeColumn($currentTable . "_id");
                 $dstPoint = $this->writer->safeTable($currentTable) . "." . $this->writer->safeColumn($this->writer->getIDField($currentTable));
                 $joins[$t] = array($srcPoint, $dstPoint);
         //now set the new refTable
         $currentTable = $t;
     try {
         $rs = (bool) $this->writer->createView($refType, $joins, $viewID);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new RedBean_Exception_SQL('Could not create view, types does not seem related (yet)..');
     return $rs;
Пример #6
  * @see RedBean_Finder::find
  *      Convience method. Tries to find beans of a certain type,
  *      if no beans are found, it dispenses a bean of that type.
  * @param  string $type     the type of bean you are looking for
  * @param  string $sql      SQL query to find the desired bean, starting right after WHERE clause
  * @param  array  $bindings values array of values to be bound to parameters in query
  * @return array
 public function findOrDispense($type, $sql = NULL, $bindings = array())
     $foundBeans = $this->find($type, $sql, $bindings);
     if (empty($foundBeans)) {
         return array($this->redbean->dispense($type));
     } else {
         return $foundBeans;
Пример #7
 public function __set($canwe, $v)
     if ($canwe == "testPack") {
         $this->testPack = $v;
         echo "<br>processing testpack: " . RedBean_OODB::getEngine() . "-" . $v . " ...now testing: ";
Пример #8
  * Initializes the database and prepares a toolbox.
  * The kickstart method assembles a toolbox based on your DSN and
  * credentials and returns it.
  * The toolbox contains all the necessary core components for
  * RedBeanPHP to start working with your database. Most RedBeanPHP
  * components are stand-alone and require a toolbox to work.
  * @param  string|PDO $dsn      Database Connection String (or PDO instance)
  * @param  string     $username Username for database
  * @param  string     $password Password for database
  * @param  boolean    $frozen   Start in frozen mode?
  * @return RedBean_ToolBox
 public static function kickstart($dsn, $username = NULL, $password = NULL, $frozen = FALSE, $autoSetEncoding = TRUE)
     if ($dsn instanceof PDO) {
         $db = new RedBean_Driver_PDO($dsn);
         $dsn = $db->getDatabaseType();
     } else {
         if (strpos($dsn, 'oracle') === 0) {
             $db = new RedBean_Driver_OCI($dsn, $username, $password);
         } else {
             $db = new RedBean_Driver_PDO($dsn, $username, $password, $autoSetEncoding);
     $adapter = new RedBean_Adapter_DBAdapter($db);
     if (strpos($dsn, 'pgsql') === 0) {
         $writer = new RedBean_QueryWriter_PostgreSQL($adapter);
     } else {
         if (strpos($dsn, 'sqlite') === 0) {
             $writer = new RedBean_QueryWriter_SQLiteT($adapter);
         } else {
             if (strpos($dsn, 'cubrid') === 0) {
                 $writer = new RedBean_QueryWriter_CUBRID($adapter);
             } else {
                 if (strpos($dsn, 'oracle') === 0) {
                     $writer = new RedBean_QueryWriter_Oracle($adapter);
                 } else {
                     $writer = new RedBean_QueryWriter_MySQL($adapter);
     $redbean = new RedBean_OODB($writer);
     if ($frozen) {
     $toolbox = new RedBean_ToolBox($redbean, $adapter, $writer);
     return $toolbox;
Пример #9
  * Loads bean, recurses if one of the property appears to be a list.
  * @param array   $array       data array to import as a bean
  * @param boolean $filterEmpty if TRUE empty STRING values are converted to NULL (default FALSE)
  * @return RedBean_OODBBean
  * @throws RedBean_Exception_Security
 private function loadBean(&$array, $filterEmpty)
     $type = $array['type'];
     if (isset($array['id'])) {
         // Do we need to load the bean?
         if (self::$loadBeans) {
             $bean = $this->redbean->load($type, (int) $array['id']);
         } else {
             throw new RedBean_Exception_Security('Attempt to load a bean in Cooker. Use enableBeanLoading to override but please read security notices first.');
     } else {
         $bean = $this->redbean->dispense($type);
     foreach ($array as $property => $value) {
         if (is_array($value)) {
             $bean->{$property} = $this->graph($value, $filterEmpty);
         } else {
             $bean->{$property} = $value == '' && self::$useNULLForEmptyString ? NULL : $value;
     return $bean;
  * Returns all the beans associated with $bean.
  * This method will return an array containing all the beans that have
  * been associated once with the associate() function and are still
  * associated with the bean specified. The type parameter indicates the
  * type of beans you are looking for. You can also pass some extra SQL and
  * values for that SQL to filter your results after fetching the
  * related beans.
  * Don't try to make use of subqueries, a subquery using IN() seems to
  * be slower than two queries!
  * Since 3.2, you can now also pass an array of beans instead just one
  * bean as the first parameter.
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean|array $bean      the bean you have
  * @param string                 $type      the type of beans you want
  * @param string                 $sql       SQL snippet for extra filtering
  * @param array                  $bindings  values to be inserted in SQL slots
  * @param boolean                $glue      whether the SQL should be prefixed with WHERE
  * @return array
 public function relatedSimple($bean, $type, $sql = '', $bindings = array())
     $sql = $this->writer->glueSQLCondition($sql);
     $rows = $this->relatedRows($bean, $type, FALSE, $sql, $bindings);
     $links = array();
     foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
         if (!isset($links[$row['id']])) {
             $links[$row['id']] = array();
         $links[$row['id']][] = $row['linked_by'];
     $beans = $this->oodb->convertToBeans($type, $rows);
     foreach ($beans as $bean) {
         $bean->setMeta('sys.belongs-to', $links[$bean->id]);
     return $beans;
Пример #11
  * Removes all relations for a bean. This method breaks every connection between
  * a certain bean $bean and every other bean of type $type. Warning: this method
  * is really fast because it uses a direct SQL query however it does not inform the
  * models about this. If you want to notify FUSE models about deletion use a foreach-loop
  * with unassociate() instead. (that might be slower though)
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean $bean reference bean
  * @param string           $type type of beans that need to be unassociated
  * @return void
 public function clearRelations(RedBean_OODBBean $bean, $type)
     $table = $this->getTable(array($bean->getMeta("type"), $type));
     $idfield = $this->writer->getIDField($bean->getMeta("type"));
     if ($type == $bean->getMeta("type")) {
         $property2 = $type . "2_id";
         $cross = 1;
     } else {
         $cross = 0;
     $property = $bean->getMeta("type") . "_id";
     try {
         $this->writer->selectRecord($table, array($property => array($bean->{$idfield})), null, true);
         if ($cross) {
             $this->writer->selectRecord($table, array($property2 => array($bean->{$idfield})), null, true);
     } catch (RedBean_Exception_SQL $e) {
         if (!$this->writer->sqlStateIn($e->getSQLState(), array(RedBean_QueryWriter::C_SQLSTATE_NO_SUCH_COLUMN, RedBean_QueryWriter::C_SQLSTATE_NO_SUCH_TABLE))) {
             throw $e;
Пример #12
  * Removes all relations for a bean
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean $bean
  * @param string $type
 public function clearRelations(RedBean_OODBBean $bean, $type)
     $table = $this->getTable(array($bean->getMeta("type"), $type));
     $idfield = $this->writer->getIDField($bean->getMeta("type"));
     if ($type == $bean->getMeta("type")) {
         $property2 = $type . "2_id";
         $cross = 1;
     } else {
         $cross = 0;
     $property = $bean->getMeta("type") . "_id";
     try {
         $this->writer->deleteByCrit($table, array($property => $bean->{$idfield}));
         if ($cross) {
             $this->writer->deleteByCrit($table, array($property2 => $bean->{$idfield}));
     } catch (RedBean_Exception_SQL $e) {
         if ($e->getSQLState() != "42S02" && $e->getSQLState() != "42S22") {
             throw $e;
Пример #13
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean $parent
  * @return array $childObjects
 public function children(RedBean_OODBBean $parent)
     $idfield = $this->writer->getIDField($parent->getMeta("type"));
     try {
         $ids = $this->adapter->getCol("SELECT `".$idfield."` FROM
         	WHERE `".$this->property."` = ".intval( $parent->$idfield )."
         		$ids = $this->adapter->getCol($this->writer->buildSimpleQuery(
         $ids = $this->writer->selectByCrit($idfield, $parent->getMeta("type"), $this->property, intval($parent->{$idfield}));
     } catch (RedBean_Exception_SQL $e) {
         return array();
     return $this->oodb->batch($parent->getMeta("type"), $ids);
Пример #14
  * Removes all relations for a bean
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean $bean
  * @param <type> $type
 public function clearRelations(RedBean_OODBBean $bean, $type)
     $table = $this->getTable(array($bean->getMeta("type"), $type));
     $idfield = $this->writer->getIDField($bean->getMeta("type"));
     if ($type == $bean->getMeta("type")) {
         $property2 = $type . "2_id";
         $cross = 1;
     } else {
         $cross = 0;
     $property = $bean->getMeta("type") . "_id";
     $sql = "DELETE FROM `{$table}`\n\t\tWHERE " . $this->adapter->escape($property) . " = " . $this->adapter->escape($bean->{$idfield});
     if ($cross) {
         $sql .= " OR  " . $this->adapter->escape($property2) . " = " . $this->adapter->escape($bean->{$idfield});
     try {
     } catch (RedBean_Exception_SQL $e) {
         if ($e->getSQLState() != "42S02" && $e->getSQLState() != "42S22") {
             throw $e;
Пример #15
  * Converts a series of rows to beans.
  * @param string $type
  * @param array $rows  must contain an array of arrays.
  * @return array $beans
 public static function convertToBeans($type, $rows)
     return self::$redbean->convertToBeans($type, $rows);
Пример #16
  * Constructor,
  * creates a new instance of DupManager.
  * @param RedBean_Toolbox $toolbox
 public function __construct(RedBean_Toolbox $toolbox)
     $this->toolbox = $toolbox;
     $this->redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean();
     $this->associationManager = $this->redbean->getAssociationManager();
Пример #17
  * Sets a list of dependencies.
  * A dependency list contains an entry for each dependent bean.
  * A dependent bean will be removed if the relation with one of the
  * dependencies gets broken.
  * Example:
  * array(
  *	'page' => array('book','magazine')
  * )
  * A page will be removed if:
  * unset($book->ownPage[$pageID]);
  * or:
  * unset($magazine->ownPage[$pageID]);
  * but not if:
  * unset($paper->ownPage[$pageID]);
  * @param array $dep list of dependencies
 public static function dependencies($dep)
Пример #18
  * Deletes the inner bean from the database.
 public function delete()
Пример #19
  * Nukes the entire database.
 public static function nuke()
     if (!self::$redbean->isFrozen()) {
Пример #20
  * Test the database driver and low level functions.
  * @return void
 public function testDriver()
     $currentDriver = $this->currentlyActiveDriverID;
     $adapter = new TroubleDapter(R::$toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase());
     $writer = new RedBean_QueryWriter_SQLiteT($adapter);
     $redbean = new RedBean_OODB($writer);
     $toolbox = new RedBean_ToolBox($redbean, $adapter, $writer);
     // We can only test this for a known driver...
     if ($currentDriver === 'sqlite') {
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $beanA = R::dispense('bean');
     $beanB = R::dispense('bean');
     R::storeAll(array($beanA, $beanB));
     $associationManager = new RedBean_AssociationManager($toolbox);
     // We can only test this for a known driver...
     if ($currentDriver === 'sqlite') {
         try {
             $associationManager->areRelated($beanA, $beanB);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     try {
         $associationManager->areRelated($beanA, $beanA);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $toolbox = R::$toolbox;
     $adapter = $toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter();
     $writer = $toolbox->getWriter();
     $redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean();
     $pdo = $adapter->getDatabase();
     $page = $redbean->dispense("page");
     try {
         $adapter->exec("an invalid query");
     } catch (RedBean_Exception_SQL $e) {
     // Special data type description should result in magic number 99 (specified)
     if ($currentDriver == 'mysql') {
         asrt($writer->code(RedBean_QueryWriter_MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_DATE), 99);
     if ($currentDriver == 'pgsql') {
         asrt($writer->code(RedBean_QueryWriter_PostgreSQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_DATE), 99);
     if ($currentDriver == 'CUBRID') {
         asrt($writer->code(RedBean_QueryWriter_CUBRID::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_DATE), 99);
     asrt((int) $adapter->getCell("SELECT 123"), 123);
     $page->aname = "my page";
     $id = (int) $redbean->store($page);
     asrt((int) $page->id, 1);
     asrt((int) $pdo->GetCell("SELECT count(*) FROM page"), 1);
     asrt($pdo->GetCell("SELECT aname FROM page LIMIT 1"), "my page");
     asrt((int) $id, 1);
     $page = $redbean->load("page", 1);
     asrt($page->aname, "my page");
     asrt((bool) $page->getMeta("type"), TRUE);
     asrt(isset($page->id), TRUE);
     asrt($page->getMeta("type"), "page");
     asrt((int) $page->id, $id);
Пример #21
 public function getParent(RedBean_OODBBean $bean)
     return $this->oodb->load($bean->getMeta("type"), (int) $bean->parent_id);
Пример #22
 $g->type = "merlot";
 $b->texture = "wood";
 $a->associate($g, $b);
 $a = new RedBean_AssociationManager($toolbox);
 $writer = $oldwriter;
 $redbean = $oldredbean;
 testpack("Test Custom ID Field");
 class MyWriter extends RedBean_QueryWriter_PostgreSQL
     public function getIDField($type)
         return $type . "_id";
 $writer2 = new MyWriter($adapter);
 $redbean2 = new RedBean_OODB($writer2);
 $movie = $redbean2->dispense("movie");
 asrt(isset($movie->movie_id), true);
 $movie->name = "movie 1";
 $movieid = $redbean2->store($movie);
 asrt($movieid > 0, true);
 $columns = array_keys($writer->getColumns("movie"));
 asrt(in_array("movie_id", $columns), true);
 asrt(in_array("id", $columns), false);
 $movie2 = $redbean2->dispense("movie");
 asrt(isset($movie2->movie_id), true);
 $movie2->name = "movie 2";
 $movieid2 = $redbean2->store($movie2);
 $movie1 = $redbean2->load("movie", $movieid);
 asrt($movie->name, "movie 1");
 $movie2 = $redbean2->load("movie", $movieid2);
Пример #23
 public static function kickstart($dsn, $username = NULL, $password = NULL, $frozen = false)
     if ($dsn instanceof PDO) {
         $pdo = new RedBean_Driver_PDO($dsn);
         $dsn = $pdo->getDatabaseType();
     } else {
         $pdo = new RedBean_Driver_PDO($dsn, $username, $password);
     $adapter = new RedBean_Adapter_DBAdapter($pdo);
     if (strpos($dsn, "pgsql") === 0) {
         $writer = new RedBean_QueryWriter_PostgreSQL($adapter);
     } else {
         if (strpos($dsn, "sqlite") === 0) {
             $writer = new RedBean_QueryWriter_SQLiteT($adapter);
         } else {
             $writer = new RedBean_QueryWriter_MySQL($adapter);
     $redbean = new RedBean_OODB($writer);
     if ($frozen) {
     $toolbox = new RedBean_ToolBox($redbean, $adapter, $writer);
     self::$toolbox = $toolbox;
     return self::$toolbox;
  * Preloads certain properties for beans.
  * Understands aliases.
  * Usage:
  * $db->preload($books, 'author');
  * - preloads all the authors of all books,
  * saves you a query per for-each iteration
  * $db->preload($books, array('coauthor'=>'author'));
  * - same but with alias
  * $db->preload($texts,'page,page.book,page.book.author');
  * - preloads all pages for the texts, the books and the authors
  * $db->preload($texts,'page,*.book,*.author');
  * - same as above bit with short syntax (* means prefix with previous types)
  * $db->preload($p,'book,*.author,&.shelf');
  * - if author and shelf are on the same level use & instead of *.
  * The other way around is possible as well, to load child beans in own-lists or
  * shared-lists use:
  * $db->preload($books,'ownPage|page,sharedGenre|genre');
  * @param array        $beans beans beans to use as a reference for preloading
  * @param array|string $types types to load, either string or array
  * @return array
 public function preload($beans, $types, $closure = NULL)
     return $this->redbean->preload($beans, $types, $closure);
  * Trashes a RedBean OODBBean and removes it from cache.
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean $bean bean
  * @return mixed 
 public function trash($bean)
     $type = $bean->getMeta('type');
     $id = $bean->id;
     if (isset($this->cache[$type][$id])) {
     return parent::trash($bean);
Пример #26
  * @see RedBean_DuplicationManager::dup
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean $bean  bean to be copied
  * @param array            $trail trail to prevent infinite loops
  * @param boolean          $pid   preserve IDs
  * @return array $copiedBean the duplicated bean
 protected function duplicate($bean, $trail = array(), $pid = false)
     $type = $bean->getMeta('type');
     $key = $type . $bean->getID();
     if (isset($trail[$key])) {
         return $bean;
     $trail[$key] = $bean;
     $copy = $this->redbean->dispense($type);
     $copy->id = 0;
     $tables = $this->tables;
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         if (is_array($this->filters) && count($this->filters) && !in_array($table, $this->filters)) {
         if ($table == $type) {
         $owned = 'own' . ucfirst($table);
         $shared = 'shared' . ucfirst($table);
         if ($this->hasSharedList($type, $table)) {
             if ($beans = $bean->{$shared}) {
                 $copy->{$shared} = array();
                 foreach ($beans as $subBean) {
                     array_push($copy->{$shared}, $subBean);
         } elseif ($this->hasOwnList($type, $table)) {
             if ($beans = $bean->{$owned}) {
                 $copy->{$owned} = array();
                 foreach ($beans as $subBean) {
                     array_push($copy->{$owned}, $this->duplicate($subBean, $trail, $pid));
             $copy->setMeta('sys.shadow.' . $owned, null);
         $copy->setMeta('sys.shadow.' . $shared, null);
     if ($pid) {
         $copy->id = $bean->id;
     return $copy;
Пример #27
  * Preloads certain properties for beans.
  * Understands aliases.
  * Usage:
  * R::preload($books, 'author');
  * - preloads all the authors of all books,
  * saves you a query per for-each iteration
  * R::preload($books, array('coauthor'=>'author'));
  * - same but with alias
  * R::preload($texts,'page,page.book,page.book.author');
  * - preloads all pages for the texts, the books and the authors
  * R::preload($texts,'page,*.book,*.author');
  * - same as above bit with short syntax (* means prefix with previous types)
  * R::preload($p,'book,*.author,&.shelf');
  * - if author and shelf are on the same level use & instead of *.
  * The other way around is possible as well, to load child beans in own-lists or
  * shared-lists use:
  * R::preload($books,'ownPage|page,sharedGenre|genre');
  * @param array        $beans beans beans to use as a reference for preloading
  * @param array|string $types types to load, either string or array
  * @return array
 public static function preload($beans, $types, $closure = NULL)
     return self::$redbean->preload($beans, $types, $closure);
Пример #28
  * Closes and unlocks the bean
  * @param $deco
  * @return unknown_type
 public static function close($deco)
Пример #29
  * Loads the Bean internally
  * @param integer $id 
 public function find($id)
     $this->bean = $this->redbean->load($this->bean->getMeta("type"), (int) $id);
Пример #30
	 * Configures the facade, want to have a new Writer? A new Object Database or a new
	 * Adapter and you want it on-the-fly? Use this method to hot-swap your facade with a new
	 * toolbox.
	 * @static
	 * @param RedBean_ToolBox $tb toolbox
	 * @return RedBean_ToolBox $tb old, rusty, previously used toolbox
	public static function configureFacadeWithToolbox( RedBean_ToolBox $tb ) {
		$oldTools = self::$toolbox;
		self::$toolbox = $tb;
		self::$writer = self::$toolbox->getWriter();
		self::$adapter = self::$toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter();
		self::$redbean = self::$toolbox->getRedBean();
		self::$associationManager = new RedBean_AssociationManager( self::$toolbox );
		self::$treeManager = new RedBean_TreeManager( self::$toolbox );
		self::$linkManager = new RedBean_LinkManager( self::$toolbox );
		self::$extAssocManager = new RedBean_ExtAssociationManager( self::$toolbox );
		$helper = new RedBean_ModelHelper();
		self::$redbean->addEventListener("update", $helper );
		self::$redbean->addEventListener("open", $helper );
		self::$redbean->addEventListener("delete", $helper );
		self::$redbean->addEventListener("after_delete", $helper );
		self::$redbean->addEventListener("after_update", $helper );
		self::$redbean->addEventListener("dispense", $helper );
		return $oldTools;