Пример #1
  * @param $path
  * @return mixed|string
 private function getFile($path)
     $returnView = $this->viewFolder . $path . '.php';
     if (!file_exists($returnView)) {
         $dir = $path;
         $dir = explode('/', $dir);
         unset($dir[count($dir) - 1]);
         $dir = implode('/', $dir);
         $it = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->viewFolder . $dir));
         while ($it->valid()) {
             if (!$it->isDot()) {
                 $cache['SelectView'] = strrev($path);
                 $cache['SelectView'] = explode("/", $cache['SelectView'])[0];
                 $cache['SelectView'] = strrev($cache['SelectView']);
                 $cache['ReturnView'] = explode(".", $it->key());
                 unset($cache['ReturnView'][count($cache['ReturnView']) - 1]);
                 $cache['ReturnView'] = implode('.', $cache['ReturnView']);
                 $cache['ReturnView'] = explode("\\", $cache['ReturnView']);
                 $cache['ReturnView'] = $cache['ReturnView'][count($cache['ReturnView']) - 1];
                 if ($cache['ReturnView'] == $cache['SelectView']) {
                     $returnView = $it->key();
         if (!isset($returnView)) {
             die('Can not find a file matching these arguments: getView("' . $this->getPath($path, TRUE) . '")');
         return $returnView;
Пример #2
  * Function to start a scan in a directory.
  * @return Array
  * @throws DirectoryNotFoundException
 public static function scanDir($parentDirectory)
     $occurences = array(array());
     //if the directory/file does not exists, then throw and error.
     if (!file_exists($parentDirectory)) {
         throw new DirectoryORFileNotFoundException("ERROR: Directory not found!");
     //get the list of all the files inside this directory.
     $allFiles = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($parentDirectory));
     $fileList = array();
     //remove (.), (..) and directories from the list of all files so that only files are left.
     while ($allFiles->valid()) {
         if (!$allFiles->isDot()) {
             if (!is_dir($allFiles->key())) {
                 array_push($fileList, $allFiles->key());
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($fileList as $file) {
         if (pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) != "php") {
         $occurences[$i]['file'] = realpath($file);
         $occurences[$i]['result'] = Scanner::scanFile($file);
     return $occurences;
  * Do the job.
  * Throw exceptions on errors (the job will be retried).
 public function execute()
     global $CFG;
     $tmpdir = $CFG->tempdir;
     // Default to last weeks time.
     $time = strtotime('-1 week');
     $dir = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($tmpdir);
     // Show all child nodes prior to their parent.
     $iter = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
     for ($iter->rewind(); $iter->valid(); $iter->next()) {
         $node = $iter->getRealPath();
         if (!is_readable($node)) {
         // Check if file or directory is older than the given time.
         if ($iter->getMTime() < $time) {
             if ($iter->isDir() && !$iter->isDot()) {
                 // Don't attempt to delete the directory if it isn't empty.
                 if (!glob($node . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*')) {
                     if (@rmdir($node) === false) {
                         mtrace("Failed removing directory '{$node}'.");
             if ($iter->isFile()) {
                 if (@unlink($node) === false) {
                     mtrace("Failed removing file '{$node}'.");
Пример #4
 public function buildArray()
     $directory = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator('assets');
     $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($directory, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
     $tree = [];
     foreach ($iterator as $info) {
         //if (in_array($info->getFilename(), ['.', '..'])) continue;
         if ($iterator->getDepth() >= 2 || !$iterator->isDir() || $iterator->isDot()) {
         if ($iterator->getDepth() == 1) {
             $path = $info->isDir() ? [$iterator->getDepth() - 1 => $info->getFilename()] : [$info->getFilename()];
         } else {
             $path = $info->isDir() ? [$info->getFilename() => []] : [$info->getFilename()];
         for ($depth = $iterator->getDepth() - 1; $depth >= 0; $depth--) {
             $path = [$iterator->getSubIterator($depth)->current()->getFilename() => $path];
         $tree = array_merge_recursive($tree, $path);
     $data = array();
     foreach ($tree as $category => $children) {
         foreach ($children as $index => $value) {
             $data[$category][] = $value;
     foreach ($data as $category => $children) {
         $parentId = $this->addEntry($category, '0');
         foreach ($children as $index => $value) {
             $this->addEntry($value, $parentId);
     return $data;
Пример #5
  * @throws  \Seitenbau\FileSystem\FileSystemException
 public static function copyDir($source, $destination)
     if (!is_dir($source)) {
         throw new FileSystemException('Sourcedir "' . $source . '" does not exists');
     $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($source), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
     if (!self::createDirIfNotExists($destination)) {
         return false;
     // Verzeichnis rekursiv durchlaufen
     while ($iterator->valid()) {
         if (!$iterator->isDot()) {
             if ($iterator->current()->isDir()) {
                 // relativen Teil des Pfad auslesen
                 $relDir = str_replace($source, '', $iterator->key());
                 // Ziel-Verzeichnis erstellen
                 if (!self::createDirIfNotExists($destination . $relDir)) {
                     return false;
             } elseif ($iterator->current()->isFile()) {
                 $destinationFile = $destination . str_replace($source, '', $iterator->key());
                 if (!copy($iterator->key(), $destinationFile)) {
                     return false;
     return true;
 private function recursive_rmdir($dirname, $followLinks = false)
     if (is_dir($dirname) && !is_link($dirname)) {
         if (!is_writable($dirname)) {
             throw new Exception('You do not have renaming permissions!');
         $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dirname), RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
         while ($iterator->valid()) {
             if (!$iterator->isDot()) {
                 if (!$iterator->isWritable()) {
                     throw new Exception(sprintf('Permission Denied: %s.', $iterator->getPathName()));
                 if ($iterator->isLink() && false === (bool) $followLinks) {
                 if ($iterator->isFile()) {
                 } else {
                     if ($iterator->isDir()) {
         // Fix for Windows.
         return rmdir($dirname);
     } else {
         throw new Exception(sprintf('Directory %s does not exist!', $dirname));
Пример #7
 private static function is_extension_changed($name)
     $name = strtolower($name);
     $extension_build_dir = ROOT_PATH . DS . 'build' . DS . $name;
     $extension_path = ROOT_PATH . DS . 'extensions' . DS . $name . '.tar.gz';
     if (file_exists($extension_build_dir) && file_exists($extension_path)) {
         $dir_iterator = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($extension_build_dir);
          * @var $iterator \RecursiveDirectoryIterator
         $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir_iterator);
         while ($iterator->valid()) {
             if (!$iterator->isDot()) {
                 $file = $extension_build_dir . DS . $iterator->getSubPathName();
                 $phar_file = "phar://{$extension_path}/" . $iterator->getSubPathName();
                 if (!file_exists($phar_file)) {
                     return true;
                 } else {
                     $build_file_hash = md5(file_get_contents($file));
                     $phar_file_hash = md5(file_get_contents($phar_file));
                     if ($build_file_hash != $phar_file_hash) {
                         return true;
         return false;
     } else {
         return false;
  * Get Test Files
  * @param null $directory
  * @param null $excludes
  * @return array
 public static function getTestFiles($directory = null, $excludes = null)
     if (is_array($directory)) {
         $files = array();
         foreach ($directory as $d) {
             $files = array_merge($files, self::getTestFiles($d, $excludes));
         return array_unique($files);
     if ($excludes !== null) {
         $excludes = self::getTestFiles((array) $excludes);
     if ($directory === null || $directory !== realpath($directory)) {
         $basePath = App::pluginPath('DebugKit') . 'Test' . DS . 'Case' . DS;
         $directory = str_replace(DS . DS, DS, $basePath . $directory);
     $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory));
     $files = array();
     while ($it->valid()) {
         if (!$it->isDot()) {
             $file = $it->key();
             if (preg_match('|Test\\.php$|', $file) && $file !== __FILE__ && !preg_match('|^All.+?\\.php$|', basename($file)) && ($excludes === null || !in_array($file, $excludes))) {
                 $files[] = $file;
     return $files;
 protected function assertDirContentsEquals($expDir, $actDir)
     if (!file_exists($expDir)) {
         throw new RuntimeException("Expected dir not found: " . $expDir);
     if (!file_exists($actDir)) {
         throw new RuntimeException("Actual dir not found: " . $actDir);
     $dir = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($expDir));
     $expFiles = array();
     while ($dir->valid()) {
         if (!$dir->isDot()) {
             array_push($expFiles, $dir->getSubPathName());
     $dir = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($actDir));
     $actFiles = array();
     while ($dir->valid()) {
         if (!$dir->isDot()) {
             array_push($actFiles, $dir->getSubPathName());
     $this->assertEquals($expFiles, $actFiles);
     foreach ($expFiles as $key => $value) {
         $expFile = file_get_contents($expDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value);
         $actFile = file_get_contents($expDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $actFiles[$key]);
         $this->assertEquals($expFile, $actFile);
Пример #10
  * Remove recursively the directory named by dirname.
  * @param string $dirname       Path to the directory
  * @param boolean $followLinks  Removes symbolic links if set to true
  * @return boolean              True if success otherwise false
  * @throws Exception            When the directory does not exist or permission denied
 public static function rmdir($dirname, $followLinks = false)
     if (!is_dir($dirname) && !is_link($dirname)) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf('Directory %s does not exist', $dirname));
     if (!is_writable($dirname)) {
         throw new Exception('You do not have renaming permissions');
     $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dirname), RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
     while ($iterator->valid()) {
         if (!$iterator->isDot()) {
             if (!$iterator->isWritable()) {
                 throw new Exception(sprintf('Permission denied for %s', $iterator->getPathName()));
             if ($iterator->isLink() && false === (bool) $followLinks) {
             if ($iterator->isFile()) {
             } else {
                 if ($iterator->isDir()) {
     return rmdir($dirname);
Пример #11
 public static function GetDirectoryContent($Directory)
     $Iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($Directory));
     $FilesArray = array();
     while ($Iterator->valid()) {
         if (!$Iterator->isDot()) {
             $FilesArray[] = array('FileLink' => $Iterator->key(), 'FileName' => $Iterator->getSubPathName());
     return $FilesArray;
Пример #12
 private function get_all_files()
     $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->input_dir));
     $result = array();
     while ($iterator->valid()) {
         if (!$iterator->isDot()) {
             $result[$iterator->getSubPath()][] = $iterator->key();
     return $result;
Пример #13
 public static function addTestDirectoryRecursive(PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite $suite, $directory)
     $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory));
     while ($it->valid()) {
         if (!$it->isDot()) {
             $file = $it->key();
             if (preg_match('|Test\\.php$|', $file) && $file !== __FILE__) {
Пример #14
 private function _getPluggableFiles()
     $FilePaths = array();
     $directory = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->directory);
     foreach ($F = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($directory) as $filepath) {
         if (!$F->isDot() && $F->getDepth() === 1) {
             if ($F->getBasename() === $this->filename) {
                 $FilePaths[] = $filepath;
     return $FilePaths;
Пример #15
 protected function countThemePages($path)
     $result = 0;
     $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path));
     while ($it->valid()) {
         if (!$it->isDot() && !$it->isDir() && $it->getExtension() == 'htm') {
     return $result;
Пример #16
 public static function DirectoryContent($Directory, $UserLanguage)
     $ReadDirectory = $Directory . str_replace('.language', '', $UserLanguage);
     $Iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($ReadDirectory));
     $FilesArray = array();
     while ($Iterator->valid()) {
         if (!$Iterator->isDot()) {
             $FilesArray[] = array('FileLink' => $Iterator->key(), 'FileName' => $Iterator->getSubPathName(), 'SmallFileName' => strtolower(str_replace('.language', '', $Iterator->getSubPathName())), 'LinesCount' => File::CountLines($Iterator->key()));
     return $FilesArray;
Пример #17
  * Do the job.
  * Throw exceptions on errors (the job will be retried).
 public function execute()
     global $CFG;
     $tmpdir = $CFG->tempdir;
     // Default to last weeks time.
     $time = time() - $CFG->tempdatafoldercleanup * 3600;
     $dir = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($tmpdir);
     // Show all child nodes prior to their parent.
     $iter = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
     // An array of the full path (key) and date last modified.
     $modifieddateobject = array();
     // Get the time modified for each directory node. Nodes will be updated
     // once a file is deleted, so we need a list of the original values.
     for ($iter->rewind(); $iter->valid(); $iter->next()) {
         $node = $iter->getRealPath();
         if (!is_readable($node)) {
         $modifieddateobject[$node] = $iter->getMTime();
     // Now loop through again and remove old files and directories.
     for ($iter->rewind(); $iter->valid(); $iter->next()) {
         $node = $iter->getRealPath();
         if (!is_readable($node)) {
         // Check if file or directory is older than the given time.
         if ($modifieddateobject[$node] < $time) {
             if ($iter->isDir() && !$iter->isDot()) {
                 // Don't attempt to delete the directory if it isn't empty.
                 if (!glob($node . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*')) {
                     if (@rmdir($node) === false) {
                         mtrace("Failed removing directory '{$node}'.");
             if ($iter->isFile()) {
                 if (@unlink($node) === false) {
                     mtrace("Failed removing file '{$node}'.");
         } else {
             // Return the time modified to the original date only for real files.
             if ($iter->isDir() && !$iter->isDot()) {
                 touch($node, $modifieddateobject[$node]);
Пример #18
  * Looks for files in "core" code pool
 protected function _checkCoreCodePool()
     $files = array();
     /** @var \RecursiveDirectoryIterator $dir */
     $dir = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->_extensionPath));
     while ($dir->valid()) {
         if (!$dir->isDot() && strpos($dir->getSubPath(), 'app/code/core') !== false) {
             $files[] = $dir->getSubPathname();
     if (!empty($files)) {
         $this->_addIssue(array('type' => 'corehack', 'comment' => 'Usage of "core" code pool', 'files' => $files, 'occurrences' => count($files)));
Пример #19
 public static function removeDir($dir)
     $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir, PHP_VERSION_ID < 50300 ? 0 : FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS), RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
     foreach ($iterator as $filename => $fileInfo) {
         if ($iterator->isDot()) {
         if ($fileInfo->isDir()) {
         } else {
Пример #20
 protected function trackPattern($pattern)
     $directory = pathinfo($pattern, PATHINFO_DIRNAME);
     $extension = pathinfo($pattern, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory));
     while ($iterator->valid()) {
         $file = $iterator->key();
         if ($iterator->isDot()) {
         if ($extension == pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) {
Пример #21
 protected function tearDown()
     if (file_exists($this->directory)) {
         $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->directory), RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
         foreach ($iterator as $filename => $fileInfo) {
             if (!$iterator->isDot()) {
                 if ($fileInfo->isDir()) {
                 } else {
Пример #22
 public function addDirectory($path, $localpath = null, $exclude_hidden = true)
     if ($localpath === null) {
         $localpath = $path;
     $localpath = rtrim($localpath, '/\\');
     $path = rtrim($path, '/\\');
     $iter = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
     while ($iter->valid()) {
         if (!$iter->isDot() && !$iter->isDir()) {
             if (!$exclude_hidden || !$this->is_path_hidden($iter->key())) {
                 $this->addFile($iter->key(), $localpath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $iter->getSubPathName());
 private static function searchByContent(\RecursiveIteratorIterator $file, $query)
     if (!$file->isDot() && is_readable($file->key())) {
         try {
             $handle = fopen($file->key(), 'r');
             if ($handle) {
                 while (!feof($handle)) {
                     if (strpos(fgets($handle), $query) !== false) {
                         return true;
         } catch (ContextErrorException $e) {
     return false;
Пример #24
 public function execute()
     if (is_file($this->getPath())) {
         return array(basename($this->getPath()));
     /** @var \RecursiveIteratorIterator $it */
     $it = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->getPath()));
     $result = array();
     // iterate over the directory and its subdirectories
     while ($it->valid()) {
         if (!$it->isDot()) {
             $result[] = $it->getSubPathName();
     return $result;
Пример #25
  * @static
  * @param string $rootDir
  * @param string $matchRegExp
  * @param Closure|string $fn
  * @param bool $isRecursive
  * @return int
 static function applyToEachFile($rootDir, $matchRegExp, $fn, $isRecursive = true)
     $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($rootDir));
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($iterator as $item) {
         if ($iterator->isDot()) {
         $path = $item->getPathName();
         if (preg_match($matchRegExp, $path)) {
             if (false === $fn($path)) {
     return $count;
Пример #26
 public function getHelpers($module)
     try {
         $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($module . '/Helper'));
     } catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) {
         return '';
     $options = array();
     while ($it->valid()) {
         if (!$it->isDot()) {
             $label = strtolower(str_replace('.php', '', str_replace('/', '_', $it->getSubPathName())));
             $options[$it->key() . '=>' . $label] = $label;
     return $this->_toOptionsFromHash($options);
Пример #27
  *## Iterate and Process
  * All the magic happens here, whils it looks complicated this is essentially a directory iterator
  * that creates an array of filenames, with a corresponding Phrocco object that can look after rendering itself.
 public function process()
     $dir_iterator = new PhroccoIterator($this->options["i"]);
     $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir_iterator, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
     foreach ($iterator as $file) {
         if (!$iterator->isDot() && in_array($iterator->getExtension(), $this->extensions[$this->options["l"]])) {
             $base_path = $this->options["i"];
             $rpath = str_replace($base_path, "", $file->getPath());
             $phrocco = new Phrocco($this->options["l"], $file);
             if (!$this->options["o"]) {
                 $output_dir = $file->getPath();
             } else {
                 $output_dir = $this->options["o"];
             if ($rpath != $file->getPath()) {
                 $output_dir .= "/" . $rpath;
              *### Check that we can write
              * This block ensures that the output directory exists. If it doesn't we'll try and create it before giving up.
             if (!is_writable($output_dir)) {
                 try {
                     mkdir($output_dir, 0777, true);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     if (!is_writable($output_dir)) {
                         throw new \Exception("Invalid Output Directory - Couldn't Create Because of Permissions");
              *### Build the documentation tree
              * This block builds the documentation file layout to mirror the code files scanned.
             $file_out = $output_dir . "/" . $file->getBasename($iterator->getExtension()) . "html";
             $phrocco->output_file = $file_out;
             $subpath = $iterator->getSubPath();
             $phrocco->path = (!empty($subpath) ? "./" : '') . $subpath;
             $this->group[$file->getBasename()] = $phrocco;
             $subpath .= !empty($subpath) ? '/' : '';
             $this->sources[] = array("url" => $subpath . $file->getBasename($iterator->getExtension()) . "html", "name" => $file->getBasename(), "level" => $iterator->getDepth(), "folder" => $iterator->getSubPath());
Пример #28
 private function findControllers()
     $path = constant('APPLICATION_PATH') . '/modules';
     $found = [];
     $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path));
     while ($it->valid()) {
         if (!$it->isDot()) {
             if (false !== strpos($it->getSubPathName(), 'Controller') && false == strpos($it->getSubPathName(), 'Abstract')) {
                 //echo 'SubPathName: ' . $it->getSubPathName() . "\n";
                 //echo 'SubPath:     ' . $it->getSubPath() . "\n";
                 //echo 'Key:         ' . $it->key() . "\n\n";
                 $found[] = $it->key();
     return $found;
Пример #29
 public static function GetDirectoryContent($Directory, $SearchForFormat = null)
     $Iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($Directory));
     $FilesArray = array();
     while ($Iterator->valid()) {
         if (!$Iterator->isDot()) {
             if ($SearchForFormat != null) {
                 $Exploded = explode('.', $Iterator->getSubPathName());
                 if ($Exploded[1] == $SearchForFormat) {
                     $FilesArray[] = array('FileLink' => $Iterator->key(), 'FileName' => $Iterator->getSubPathName());
             } else {
                 $FilesArray[] = array('FileLink' => $Iterator->key(), 'FileName' => $Iterator->getSubPathName());
     return $FilesArray;
* Delete compiled template file
* @param string $resource_name template name
* @param string $compile_id compile id
* @param integer $exp_time expiration time
* @return integer number of template files deleted
function Smarty_Method_Clear_Compiled_Tpl($smarty, $resource_name = null, $compile_id = null, $exp_time = null)
    $_compile_id = isset($compile_id) ? preg_replace('![^\\w\\|]+!', '_', $compile_id) : null;
    $_dir_sep = $smarty->use_sub_dirs ? DS : '^';
    if (isset($resource_name)) {
        $_resource_part_1 = $resource_name . '.php';
        $_resource_part_2 = $resource_name . '.cache' . '.php';
    } else {
        $_resource_part = '';
    $_dir = $smarty->compile_dir;
    if ($smarty->use_sub_dirs && isset($_compile_id)) {
        $_dir .= $_compile_id . $_dir_sep;
    if (isset($_compile_id)) {
        $_compile_id_part = $smarty->compile_dir . $_compile_id . $_dir_sep;
    $_count = 0;
    $_compileDirs = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($_dir);
    $_compile = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($_compileDirs, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
    foreach ($_compile as $_file) {
        if (strpos($_file, '.svn') !== false) {
        if ($_file->isDir()) {
            if (!$_compile->isDot()) {
                // delete folder if empty
        } else {
            if ((!isset($_compile_id) || strlen((string) $_file) > strlen($_compile_id_part) && substr_compare((string) $_file, $_compile_id_part, 0, strlen($_compile_id_part)) == 0) && (!isset($resource_name) || strlen((string) $_file) > strlen($_resource_part_1) && substr_compare((string) $_file, $_resource_part_1, -strlen($_resource_part_1), strlen($_resource_part_1)) == 0 || strlen((string) $_file) > strlen($_resource_part_2) && substr_compare((string) $_file, $_resource_part_2, -strlen($_resource_part_2), strlen($_resource_part_2)) == 0)) {
                if (isset($exp_time)) {
                    if (time() - @filemtime($_file) >= $exp_time) {
                        $_count += @unlink((string) $_file) ? 1 : 0;
                } else {
                    $_count += @unlink((string) $_file) ? 1 : 0;
    return $_count;