Пример #1
 public function importcsv()
     if (!Permission::model()->hasGlobalPermission('superadmin', 'read') && !Permission::model()->hasGlobalPermission('projects', 'read')) {
         Yii::app()->setFlashMessage($clang->gT("You do not have sufficient rights to access page."), 'error');
     $clang = Yii::app()->lang;
     $aData['row'] = 0;
     $aData['imageurl'] = Yii::app()->getConfig("adminimageurl");
     $rectify_type = (int) Yii::app()->request->getPost("trueup_option");
     $project_id = (int) $_GET['project_id'];
     $aData['project_id'] = $project_id;
     $aData['file'] = $_FILES['import_file'];
     $currentdatetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $file = $_FILES['import_file'];
     if ($file['size'] > 0) {
         $sql = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {{tmp_import}} 
             (INDEX tmp_import_index (panellist_redirect_id, redirect_status_id,created_datetime))
             ( SELECT panellist_redirect_id,redirect_status_id,created_datetime FROM {{panellist_redirects}})';
         $sql = 'truncate {{tmp_import}} ';
         $csvfile = fopen($file['tmp_name'], 'r');
         $theData = fgets($csvfile);
         $i = 0;
         while (!feof($csvfile)) {
             $csv_data[] = fgets($csvfile, 1024);
             $csv_array = explode(",", $csv_data[$i]);
             if (count($csv_array) > 1) {
                 $sql = "INSERT INTO {{tmp_import}} (panellist_redirect_id,redirect_status_id,created_datetime)\n                            VALUES('{$csv_array['0']}','{$csv_array['1']}','{$currentdatetime}')";
         // validation start
         $i = 0;
         $chkfinaltrupexist = Rectify::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'project_id = ' . $project_id . ' AND rectify_type = 1'));
         if (count($chkfinaltrupexist) > 0) {
             $i = 1;
             Yii::app()->setFlashMessage($clang->gT("The Final RECTIFY is done on this project So you can not RECTIFY this project."));
         //24/06/2014 Add By Hari
         //$ValSql = "SELECT pr.panellist_redirect_id FROM {{panellist_redirects}} pr
         //        left outer join {{project_master}} pm on pr.project_id=pm.project_id
         //        WHERE (pm.project_id='$project_id' OR pm.parent_project_id = '$project_id') AND pr.rectify_id IS NULL AND pr.redirect_status_id='" . getGlobalSetting('redirect_status_completed') . "'";
         $ValSqlResult = Project::model()->GetProjectCompletedNotRectify($project_id);
         $Data = '';
         $Exit = 0;
         foreach ($ValSqlResult as $ky => $val) {
             $tmpSql = "select * from {{tmp_import}} WHERE panellist_redirect_id ='" . $val['panellist_redirect_id'] . "'";
             $tempResult = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($tmpSql)->query()->readAll();
             if (count($tempResult) <= 0) {
                 $Exit = 1;
                 $Data .= $val['panellist_redirect_id'] . ",";
         $_SESSION['Data'] = $Data;
         if ($Exit == 1) {
             $sql = 'truncate {{tmp_import}} ';
             Yii::app()->setFlashMessage($clang->gT("There are certain redirects which are completed but yet not rectified. So can not import."), 'error');
             $this->getController()->redirect(array("admin/project/sa/rectify/project_id/" . $project_id . "/NotRectify/true"));
         //24/06/2014 End
         $trerror = '';
         if ($i == 0) {
             $pl = "select * from {{tmp_import}}";
             $result_temp = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($pl)->query()->readAll();
             $odd = false;
             foreach ($result_temp as $ky => $val) {
                 $Error = '';
                 //check duplicate panellist redirect id exist in table
                 $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM {{tmp_import}} WHERE panellist_redirect_id ='" . $val['panellist_redirect_id'] . "'";
                 $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryRow();
                 if ($result['cnt'] >= 2) {
                     $i = 1;
                     $Error .= 'Duplicate RedirectID found in CSV' . ' && ';
                 //chk panellist exist or not
                 $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM {{panellist_redirects}} WHERE panellist_redirect_id ='" . $val['panellist_redirect_id'] . "'";
                 $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryRow();
                 if ($result['cnt'] == 0) {
                     $i = 1;
                     $Error .= 'RedirectID not found in database' . ' && ';
                 //chk trueupexist or not;
                 $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM {{panellist_redirects}} WHERE panellist_redirect_id ='" . $val['panellist_redirect_id'] . "' AND rectify_id != ''";
                 $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryRow();
                 if ($result['cnt'] > 0) {
                     $i = 1;
                     $Error .= 'RedirectID Already trueup' . ' && ';
                 //chk status is correct or not
                 $sql_status = "select status_id,status_name from {{project_status_master}} where status_for = 'r'";
                 $result_project = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql_status)->query()->readAll();
                 $status = array();
                 foreach ($result_project as $vale => $st) {
                     $status[] = $st['status_id'];
                 if (!in_array($val['redirect_status_id'], $status)) {
                     $i = 1;
                     $Error .= 'Incorrect Status Found in CSV' . ' && ';
                 $sql_project = "SELECT status_id,status_name FROM {{project_status_master}} WHERE status_id = '" . $val['redirect_status_id'] . "'";
                 $result_project = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql_project)->queryRow();
                 if ($odd) {
                     $cls = 'class = "odd"';
                 } else {
                     $cls = 'class = "even"';
                 $trerror .= '<tr ' . $cls . '>
                             <td>' . $val['panellist_redirect_id'] . '</td>
                             <td nowrap="nowrap">' . $val['redirect_status_id'] . ' - ' . $result_project['status_name'] . '</td>
                             <td>' . rtrim($Error, " && ") . '</td>
                 $odd = !$odd;
         $aData['trerror'] = $trerror;
         $st_completed = getGlobalSetting('redirect_status_completed');
         $st_d = getGlobalSetting('redirect_status_disqual');
         $st_qf = getGlobalSetting('redirect_status_qf');
         $st_r = getGlobalSetting('redirect_status_redirected');
         $st_f = getGlobalSetting('redirect_status_rej_fail');
         $st_inc = getGlobalSetting('redirect_status_rej_incosist');
         $st_q = getGlobalSetting('redirect_status_rej_quality');
         $st_s = getGlobalSetting('redirect_status_rej_speed');
         $st_p = getGlobalSetting('redirect_status_rej_poor');
         if ($i == 0) {
             // import data
             $result = array();
             $sql1 = "SELECT rectify_no FROM {{rectify_redirects}} WHERE project_id = '{$project_id}'";
             $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql1)->queryRow();
             $rectify_no = $result['rectify_no'] + 1;
             $currentdate = date('Y-m-d');
             $rectify_id = Rectify::model()->insertrectify($project_id, $rectify_type, $rectify_no, $currentdate);
             // Here is the problem
             foreach ($result_temp as $key => $value) {
                 $query = Rectify::model()->updatePanellistRedirect($value['panellist_redirect_id'], $value['redirect_status_id'], $rectify_id);
                 $sql = "select * from {{panellist_redirects}} where panellist_redirect_id = '" . $value['panellist_redirect_id'] . "'";
                 $resultpr = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryRow();
                 switch ($value['redirect_status_id']) {
                     case $st_completed:
                         $status_pp = 'C';
                     case $st_d:
                         $status_pp = 'D';
                     case $st_qf:
                         $status_pp = 'Q';
                     case $st_r:
                         $status_pp = 'R';
                     case $st_f:
                         $status_pp = 'E1';
                     case $st_inc:
                         $status_pp = 'E2';
                     case $st_q:
                         $status_pp = 'E3';
                     case $st_s:
                         $status_pp = 'E4';
                     case $st_p:
                         $status_pp = 'E5';
                 // or here
                 if ($resultpr['vendor_id'] == getGlobalSetting('Own_Panel')) {
                     $update_pp = "update {{panellist_project}} set \n                            status = '{$status_pp}' \n                            where panellist_id = '" . $resultpr['panellist_id'] . "' and project_id ='" . $resultpr['project_id'] . "' ";
                     $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($update_pp)->query();
                     $select_pp = "select IFNULL(points,0) as points from {{panellist_project}} where panellist_id = '" . $resultpr['panellist_id'] . "' and  project_id = '" . $resultpr['project_id'] . "'";
                     $qry_pp = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($select_pp)->queryRow();
                     //echo 'status'.$status_pp;
                     if ($status_pp == 'C') {
                         $update_pm = "update  {{panel_list_master}} set \n                                earn_points = earn_points + " . $qry_pp['points'] . ",\n                                balance_points = balance_points + " . $qry_pp['points'] . "\n                                where panel_list_id = '" . $resultpr['panellist_id'] . "' ";
                         $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($update_pm)->query();
             //end for loop
             $sqlProject = "SELECT project_id FROM {{project_master}} WHERE project_id = '{$project_id}' OR parent_project_id = '{$project_id}'";
             $qurProject = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sqlProject)->query()->readAll();
             $st_error = $st_f . ',' . $st_inc . ',' . $st_q . ',' . $st_s . ',' . $st_p;
             if (count($qurProject) > 0) {
                 foreach ($qurProject as $key => $value) {
                     $temp_prjid = $value['project_id'];
                     // Updating status of the project based on trueup
                     $numQFull = getProjectStatusCount_Trueup($temp_prjid, $st_qf);
                     $numDisqualified = getProjectStatusCount_Trueup($temp_prjid, $st_d);
                     $numCompleted = getProjectStatusCount_Trueup($temp_prjid, $st_completed);
                     $numErrored = getProjectStatusCount_Trueup($temp_prjid, $st_error);
                     $numQFull = (int) $numQFull;
                     $numDisqualified = (int) $numDisqualified;
                     $numCompleted = (int) $numCompleted;
                     $numErrored = (int) $numErrored;
                     $sql = "update {{project_master}}\n                        set\n                        trueup = '" . $currentdatetime . "',\n                        total_quota_full = '" . $numQFull . "',\n                        total_disqualify = '" . $numDisqualified . "',\n                        total_completed = '" . $numCompleted . "',\n                        total_errors = '" . $numErrored . "'\n                        where project_id = '" . $temp_prjid . "'";
                     $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->query();
                     $numQFull = 0;
                     $numDisqualified = 0;
                     $numCompleted = 0;
                     $numErrored = 0;
             $sqlVendor = "SELECT vr.vendor_project_id,vr.project_id FROM {{project_master_vendors}} vr,{{project_master}} pm\n                        WHERE pm.project_id = vr.project_id AND vr.project_id IN ({$project_id})\n                        UNION ALL\n                        SELECT vr.vendor_project_id,vr.project_id FROM {{project_master_vendors}} vr,{{project_master}} pm\n                        WHERE pm.project_id = vr.project_id AND pm.parent_project_id IN ({$project_id}) ";
             $getVstatus = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sqlVendor)->query()->readAll();
             if (count($getVstatus) > 0) {
                 foreach ($getVstatus as $key => $value) {
                     $vendorid = $value['vendor_project_id'];
                     $temp_prjid = $value['project_id'];
                     $numQFull = getVStatusCount_Trueup($temp_prjid, $vendorid, $st_qf);
                     $numDisqualified = getVStatusCount_Trueup($temp_prjid, $vendorid, $st_d);
                     $numCompleted = getVStatusCount_Trueup($temp_prjid, $vendorid, $st_completed);
                     $numErrored = getVStatusCount_Trueup($temp_prjid, $vendorid, $st_error);
                     $updvendor = "update {{project_master_vendors}} set\n                                      total_quota_full = '" . $numQFull . "',\n                                      total_disqualified = '" . $numDisqualified . "',\n                                      total_completed = '" . $numCompleted . "',\n                                      total_errors = '" . $numErrored . "'\n                                      where project_id = '" . $temp_prjid . "' and vendor_project_id = '" . $vendorid . "'";
                     $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($updvendor)->query();
                     $numQFull = 0;
                     $numDisqualified = 0;
                     $numCompleted = 0;
                     $numErrored = 0;
             //add project_master update and project_vendor_master update for total_completed, total_*
             Yii::app()->setFlashMessage($clang->gT("File data successfully imported to database."));
             $sql = 'truncate {{tmp_import}} ';
     } else {
         Yii::app()->setFlashMessage($clang->gT("No data found the selected file !!!"));
     $this->_renderWrappedTemplate('projects', 'view_rectify_imports', $aData);
$this->widget("application.extensions.Brain.BrainPopupContentWidget", array("popup_box_id" => "box_view", "popup_link_id" => "link_view", "container_id" => "", "popup_on_load" => "false", "popup_title" => "Sample Of File Format", "uid" => $row['project_id'], "height" => "300px;", "width" => "300px;"));
                <a id="link_view" title="Rectify Project Redirects Sample File format" class="limebutton"><?php 
$clang->eT("Download Sample File Format");
            <td align="left" valign="top" width="50%">
                <hr style="color:white;border:1px solid white"/>
                    <legend>List of Trueup</legend>
$trueup = Rectify::model()->findAll(array('condition' => "project_id ='" . $row['project_id'] . "'"));
if (count($trueup) > 0) {
    foreach ($trueup as $key => $value) {
        $trueuplist[$value['rectify_id']] = $value['rectify_no'] . ' - ' . $value['rectify_date'];
        //24/06/2014 Remove By Hari
        //24/06/2014 Add By Hari
        if ($value['rectify_type'] == '1') {
            $trueuplist[$value['rectify_id']] = $value['rectify_no'] . ' - ' . $value['rectify_date'] . ' - ' . 'Final Rectify';
        } else {
            $trueuplist[$value['rectify_id']] = $value['rectify_no'] . ' - ' . $value['rectify_date'] . ' - ' . 'Temp Rectify';
        //24/06/2014 End
    echo CHtml::listBox('c_id', "" . 0 . "", $trueuplist, array("style" => "height:200px;width:100%;"));
} else {
    echo 'No TrueUp Exist';