{ return parent::sendPost($path, AuthType::$NoAuth, $params, $body); } public function __destruct() { parent::__destruct(); } } try { // Create new instance of custom object. $records = new Records($app_id, $app_secret, $access_token, $environment, $agency); // Set path to look up records. $path = '/v4/search/records/'; // Params $params = array("limit" => 3, "expand" => "addresses"); // Search criteria. $body = array("contacts" => array("lastName" => "Smith")); // Get the response from the Construct API. Print out ID for each record & status. $response = $records->searchRecords($path, $params, $body); foreach ($response->result as $record) { echo $record->id . "\n"; } } catch (ConstructException $ex) { $details = json_decode($ex->getMessage()); echo "Code: " . $ex->getCode() . "\n"; echo "Message: " . $details->message . "\n"; echo "TraceID: " . $details->traceId . "\n\n"; } catch (Exception $ex) { echo "Code: " . $ex->getCode() . "\n"; echo $ex->getMessage() . "\n\n"; }