$sContent .= '         <td>' . $oSubmit->render() . '</td>' . chr(10);
 $sContent .= '      </tr>' . chr(10);
 $sContent .= '   </table>' . chr(10);
 $sContent .= '</div>' . chr(10);
 // Members
 $oAddedRecipientList = new UI_List();
 $oAddedRecipientList->setCell(0, 1, "<strong>" . i18n("Name", $plugin_name) . "</strong>");
 $oImgDel = new cHTMLImage("images/but_invert_selection.gif");
 $sLnkDelIcon = '<a title="' . i18n("Check all", $plugin_name) . '" href="javascript://" onclick="fncCheckDel(\'deluser[]\');">' . $oImgDel->render() . '</a>';
 $oAddedRecipientList->setCell(0, 2, $sLnkDelIcon);
 $oAddedRecipientList->setCellAlignment(0, 2, "right");
 $oInsiders = new RecipientCollection();
 $oInsiders->setWhere("recipientcollection.idclient", $client);
 $oInsiders->setWhere("recipientcollection.idlang", $lang);
 $oInsiders->setWhere("RecipientGroupMemberCollection.idnewsgroup", $_REQUEST["idrecipientgroup"]);
 // Get insiders for outsiders list (*sigh!*)
 // TODO: Ask user to have at least mySQL 4.1...
 $aInsiders = array();
 if ($oInsiders->count() > 0) {
     while ($oInsider = $oInsiders->next()) {
         $aInsiders[] = $oInsider->get($oInsider->primaryKey);
 // Filter
 if ($_REQUEST["member_filter"] != "") {
     if ($_REQUEST["member_searchin"] == "--all--" || $_REQUEST["member_searchin"] == "") {
# Get data
$oRecipients = new RecipientCollection();
// Updating keys, if activated; all recipients of all clients!
$sMsg = "";
if (getSystemProperty("newsletter", "updatekeys")) {
    $iUpdatedRecipients = $oRecipients->updateKeys();
    $sMsg = $notification->returnNotification("info", sprintf(i18n("%d recipients, with no or incompatible key has been updated. Deactivate update function.", $plugin_name), $iUpdatedRecipients));
$oRecipients->setWhere("recipientcollection.idclient", $client);
$oRecipients->setWhere("recipientcollection.idlang", $lang);
// sort by and sort order
$oRecipients->setOrder("recipientcollection." . $_REQUEST["sortby"] . " " . $_REQUEST["sortorder"]);
// Show group
if ($_REQUEST["restrictgroup"] != "--all--") {
    $oRecipients->setWhere("RecipientGroupMemberCollection.idnewsgroup", $_REQUEST["restrictgroup"]);
// Search for
if ($_REQUEST["filter"] != "") {
    if ($_REQUEST["searchin"] == "--all--" || $_REQUEST["searchin"] == "") {
        foreach ($aFields as $sKey => $aData) {
            if (strpos($aData["type"], "search") !== false) {
                $oRecipients->setWhereGroup("filter", "recipientcollection." . $aData["field"], $_REQUEST["filter"], "LIKE");
        $oRecipients->setInnerGroupCondition("filter", "OR");
    } else {
        $oRecipients->setWhere("recipientcollection." . $_REQUEST["searchin"], $_REQUEST["filter"], "LIKE");