/** * @param Recipe_Database_Select $select * @param array $fields * @return Recipe_Model_Resource_Abstract */ public function addL10nOverlay(Recipe_Database_Select $select, array $fields) { $relTableName = current($this->getMainTable()) . "_l10n"; $primaryKey = $this->getPrimaryKey(); $tableAlias = key($this->getMainTable()); $on = "l10n.{$primaryKey} = {$tableAlias}.{$primaryKey} AND l10n.language_id = ?"; $on = $this->getDb()->quoteInto($on, Core::getLang()->getOpt("languageid")); $select->join(array("l10n" => $relTableName), $on); $attributes = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { $expr = "IFNULL(l10n.{$field}, {$tableAlias}.{$field})"; $attributes[$field] = new Recipe_Database_Expr($expr); } $select->attributes(array("{$tableAlias}.*", "l10n" => $attributes)); return $this; }
/** * Select the ships for jump. * * @param array $ships * * @return Bengine_Game_Controller_Mission */ protected function starGateJump($ships) { $this->noAction = true; $data = array(); Core::getQuery()->delete("temp_fleet", "planetid = ?", null, null, array(Core::getUser()->get("curplanet"))); $select = array("u2s.unitid", "u2s.quantity", "d.capicity", "d.speed", "d.consume", "b.name"); $joins = "LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "construction b ON (b.buildingid = u2s.unitid)"; $joins .= "LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "ship_datasheet d ON (d.unitid = u2s.unitid)"; $result = Core::getQuery()->select("unit2shipyard u2s", $select, $joins, Core::getDB()->quoteInto("b.mode = '3' AND u2s.planetid = ?", Core::getUser()->get("curplanet"))); foreach ($result->fetchAll() as $row) { $id = $row["unitid"]; if (isset($ships[$id])) { $quantity = _pos($ships[$id]); if ($quantity > $row["quantity"]) { $quantity = $row["quantity"]; } if ($quantity > 0) { $data["ships"][$id]["quantity"] = $quantity; $data["ships"][$id]["name"] = $row["name"]; } } } $result->closeCursor(); $result = Core::getQuery()->select("stargate_jump", "time", "", Core::getDB()->quoteInto("planetid = ?", Core::getUser()->get("curplanet")), "time DESC"); $row = $result->fetchRow(); $result->closeCursor(); $requiredReloadTime = (int) Core::getConfig()->get("STAR_GATE_RELOAD_TIME") * 60; $reloadTime = $row["time"] + $requiredReloadTime; if (count($data) > 0 && $reloadTime < TIME) { $moons = array(); $select = new Recipe_Database_Select(); $select->from(array("p" => "planet"))->attributes(array("p" => array("planetid", "planetname"), "g" => array("galaxy", "system", "position"), "sj" => array("time"))); $select->join(array("b2p" => "building2planet"), array("b2p" => "planetid", "p" => "planetid"))->join(array("g" => "galaxy"), array("g" => "moonid", "p" => "planetid"))->join(array("sj" => "stargate_jump"), array("sj" => "planetid", "p" => "planetid"))->where(array("p" => "userid"), Core::getUser()->get("userid"))->where(array("p" => "ismoon"), 1)->where(array("p" => "planetid", "!="), Core::getUser()->get("curplanet"))->where(array("b2p" => "buildingid"), 56)->where("IFNULL(sj.time, 0) + ? < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()", $requiredReloadTime)->group(array("p" => "planetid"))->order(array("g" => "galaxy"))->order(array("g" => "system"))->order(array("g" => "position")); $result = $select->getStatement(); foreach ($result->fetchAll() as $row) { $moons[] = $row; $data["moons"][] = $row["planetid"]; } $result->closeCursor(); Hook::event("ShowStarGates", array(&$moons, &$data)); Core::getTPL()->addLoop("moons", $moons); $data = serialize($data); Core::getQuery()->insert("temp_fleet", array("planetid" => Core::getUser()->get("curplanet"), "data" => $data)); $this->setTemplate("mission/stargatejump"); } else { if ($reloadTime < TIME) { $reloadTime = TIME; } Core::getLanguage()->assign("reloadTime", fNumber(($reloadTime - TIME) / 60), 2); Logger::addMessage("RELOADING_STAR_GATE"); } return $this; }
/** * Loads all total units. * * @param integer $mode * @return Bengine_Game_Controller_Statistics */ protected function loadTotalUnits($mode) { $select = new Recipe_Database_Select(); $select->from(array("c" => "construction")); $select->attributes(array("c" => array("name"), "s" => array("total" => new Recipe_Database_Expr("SUM(s.quantity)")))); $select->join(array("s" => "unit2shipyard"), array("s" => "unitid", "c" => "buildingid"))->group(array("c" => "buildingid"))->where(array("c" => "mode"), $mode)->order(array("c" => "display_order"), "ASC")->order(array("c" => "buildingid"), "ASC"); $result = $select->getStatement(); foreach ($result->fetchAll() as $row) { $this->unitCount[$mode][$row["name"]] = $row["total"]; } $result->closeCursor(); return $this; }