function epl_wpimport_register_fields()
    global $epl_ai_meta_fields, $epl_wpimport;
    // Initialize EPL WP All Import Pro add-on.
    $epl_wpimport = new RapidAddon('Easy Property Listings Custom Fields', 'epl_wpimport_addon');
    if (!empty($epl_ai_meta_fields)) {
        foreach ($epl_ai_meta_fields as $epl_meta_box) {
            if (!empty($epl_meta_box['groups'])) {
                foreach ($epl_meta_box['groups'] as $group) {
                    $epl_wpimport->add_title($group['label'], $group['label']);
                    $fields = $group['fields'];
                    $fields = array_filter($fields);
                    if (!empty($fields)) {
                        foreach ($fields as $field) {
                            switch ($field['type']) {
                                case 'textarea':
                                    $epl_wpimport->add_field($field['name'], $field['label'], 'textarea');
                                case 'url':
                                case 'date':
                                case 'sold-date':
                                case 'sold-date':
                                case 'auction-date':
                                case 'decimal':
                                case 'number':
                                case 'checkbox':
                                case 'checkbox_single':
                                    $epl_wpimport->add_field($field['name'], $field['label'], 'text');
                                case 'select':
                                case 'radio':
                                    $opts = isset($field['opts']) ? $field['opts'] : array();
                                    if (!empty($opts)) {
                                        foreach ($opts as $opt_key => &$opt_value) {
                                            if (is_array($opt_value)) {
                                                $opts[$opt_key] = $opt_value['label'];
                                    $epl_wpimport->add_field($field['name'], $field['label'], 'radio', array());
                                    $type = in_array($field['type'], array('text', 'hidden')) ? 'text' : $field['type'];
                                    $epl_wpimport->add_field($field['name'], $field['label'], $type);
        // Register Import Function
        // display a dismiss able notice warning the user to install WP All Import to use the add-on.
        // Customize the notice text by passing a string to admin_notice(), i.e. admin_notice("XYZ Theme recommends you install WP All Import (free | pro)")
        //$epl_wpimport->admin_notice("Easy Property Listings requires <a href=''>WP All Import Pro</a>");
        // the add-on will run for all themes/post types if no arguments are passed to run()
        $epl_wpimport->run(array("post_types" => epl_get_core_post_types()));

Plugin Name: Yoast SEO Add-On
Description: A complete example add-on for importing data to certain Yoast SEO fields.
Version: 1.0
Author: WP All Import
include "rapid-addon.php";
$yoast_seo_addon = new RapidAddon('Yoast SEO Add-On', 'yoast_seo_addon');
$yoast_seo_addon->add_field('yoast_wpseo_title', 'SEO Title', 'text');
$yoast_seo_addon->add_field('yoast_wpseo_metadesc', 'Meta Description', 'text');
$yoast_seo_addon->add_field('yoast_wpseo_meta-robots-noindex', 'Meta Robots Index', 'radio', array('' => 'default', '1' => 'noindex', '2' => 'index'));
$yoast_seo_addon->add_field('yoast_wpseo_opengraph-image', 'Facebook Image', 'image');
// display a dismissable notice warning the user to install WP All Import to use the add-on.
// Customize the notice text by passing a string to admin_notice(), i.e. admin_notice("XYZ Theme recommends you install WP All Import (free | pro)")
// the add-on will run for all themes/post types if no arguments are passed to run()
function yoast_seo_addon_import($post_id, $data, $import_options)
    global $yoast_seo_addon;
    if ($yoast_seo_addon->can_update_meta('_yoast_wpseo_title', $import_options)) {
        update_post_meta($post_id, '_yoast_wpseo_title', $data['yoast_wpseo_title']);
    if ($yoast_seo_addon->can_update_meta('_yoast_wpseo_metadesc', $import_options)) {
        update_post_meta($post_id, '_yoast_wpseo_metadesc', $data['yoast_wpseo_metadesc']);
    if ($yoast_seo_addon->can_update_meta('_yoast_wpseo_meta-robots-noindex', $import_options)) {
        update_post_meta($post_id, '_yoast_wpseo_meta-robots-noindex', $data['yoast_wpseo_meta-robots-noindex']);
    // Update language
    do_action('wpml_set_element_language_details', $set_language_args);
    update_slug($post, $slug, $language);
function update_slug($post_object, $slug, $language)
    // The post slug was changed (because of duplicate)
    if ($post_object->post_name != $slug) {
        wp_update_post(array('ID' => $post_object->ID, 'post_name' => $slug));
$multilingual_import_addon = new RapidAddon('Multilingual Import Add-On', 'multilingual_import_addon');
$multilingual_import_addon->add_field('multilingual_import_language', 'Entry Language', 'text');
$multilingual_import_addon->add_field('multilingual_import_common_id', 'Entry Common ID', 'text');
// display a dismissable notice warning the user to install WP All Import to use the add-on.
// Customize the notice text by passing a string to admin_notice(), i.e. admin_notice("XYZ Theme recommends you install WP All Import (free | pro)")
// the add-on will run for all themes/post types if no arguments are passed to run()
function multilingual_addon_import($post_id, $data, $import_options, $articleData)
    global $multilingual_import_addon;
    $language = $data['multilingual_import_language'];
    $common_id = $data['multilingual_import_common_id'];
    if ($multilingual_import_addon->can_update_meta('_multilingual_entry_language', $import_options)) {
        echo 'Updating META';
        update_post_meta($post_id, '_multilingual_entry_language', $language);
    if ($multilingual_import_addon->can_update_meta('_multilingual_entry_common_id', $import_options)) {
            if ($pods_fields) {
                foreach ($pods_fields as $pods_field) {
                    $fields_array[] = $vipp_addon_free->add_field('vippfree' . $my_pod->post_name . $pods_field->post_name, $pods_field->post_title, 'text', null, $pods_field->post_content);
                    $my_fields[$my_pod->post_name][$pods_field->post_name] = '';
                    //original field name as array key to avoid field name conflicts.
            $vipp_addon_free->add_options(null, $my_pod->post_title . ' Fields', $fields_array);
$vipp_addon_free->add_field('vipp_my_pod_name', 'Drag and drop to fields of your content type to import. <a href=""> Upgrade for relationship fields matching, media upload, WooCommerce customer import and more premium features</a>. ', 'text', null, "Drag and drop data from the right hand side to the data type you are importing. Fields of other content types under this section will be ignored. ");
//start of pro features
//end of pro features
$vipp_addon_free->admin_notice('This add-on plugin requires WP All Import <a href="" target="_blank">Pro</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">Free</a>, and the <a href="">
Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields
</a> plugin. ', array("plugins" => array("pods/init.php")));
$vipp_addon_free->run(array("plugins" => array("pods/init.php"), "post_types" => $my_pod_array));
function pods_addon_import_free($post_id, $data, $import_options)
    global $vipp_addon_free, $wpdb, $my_fields;
    //$my_pod_name = $data['vipp_my_pod_name'];
    $my_pod_name = $import_options->options['custom_type'];
    //echo '<br>' . $my_pod_name;
    $vipp_addon_free->log('- Processing custom fields of pods custom type name: `' . $my_pod_name . '`');
    $save = array();
    //echo '<pre>';
$jobify_addon->add_field('_job_location', 'Location', 'text', null, 'Leave this blank if location is not important');
$jobify_addon->add_field('_company_name', 'Company Name', 'text');
$jobify_addon->add_field('_company_tagline', 'Company Tagline', 'text');
$jobify_addon->add_field('_company_description', 'Company Description', 'text');
$jobify_addon->add_field('_application', 'Application Email or URL', 'text', null, 'This field is required for the "application" area to appear beneath the listing.');
$jobify_addon->add_field('_company_website', 'Company Website', 'text');
$jobify_addon->add_field('_company_logo', 'Company Logo', 'image');
$jobify_addon->add_field('company_featured_image', 'Featured Image', 'image');
// field is _company_video, will 'image' add_field support videos?
$jobify_addon->add_field('video_type', 'Company Video', 'radio', array('external' => array('Externally Hosted', $jobify_addon->add_field('_company_video_url', 'Video URL', 'text')), 'local' => array('Locally Hosted', $jobify_addon->add_field('_company_video_id', 'Upload Video', 'file'))));
$jobify_addon->add_field('_job_expires', 'Listing Expiry Date', 'text', null, 'Import date in any strtotime compatible format.');
$jobify_addon->add_field('_filled', 'Filled', 'radio', array('0' => 'No', '1' => 'Yes'), 'Filled listings will no longer accept applications.');
$jobify_addon->add_field('_featured', 'Featured Listing', 'radio', array('0' => 'No', '1' => 'Yes'), 'Featured listings will be sticky during searches, and can be styled differently.');
$jobify_addon->add_options(null, 'Social Media Options', array($jobify_addon->add_field('_company_facebook', 'Company Facebook', 'text'), $jobify_addon->add_field('_company_twitter', 'Company Twitter', 'text'), $jobify_addon->add_field('_company_linkedin', 'Company LinkedIn', 'text'), $jobify_addon->add_field('_company_google', 'Company Google+', 'text')));
$jobify_addon->admin_notice('The Jobify Add-On requires WP All Import <a href="" target="_blank">Pro</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">Free</a>, and the <a href="">Jobify</a> theme.', array('themes' => array('Jobify')));
$jobify_addon->run(array('themes' => array('Jobify'), 'post_types' => array('job_listing')));
function jobify_addon_import($post_id, $data, $import_options)
    global $jobify_addon;
    // all fields except for slider and image fields
    $fields = array('_job_location', '_company_name', '_company_tagline', '_company_description', '_application', '_company_website', '_filled', '_featured', '_company_facebook', '_company_twitter', '_company_linkedin', '_company_google');
    // update everything in fields arrays
    foreach ($fields as $field) {
        if ($jobify_addon->can_update_meta($field, $import_options)) {
            update_post_meta($post_id, $field, $data[$field]);
    // set featured image
    $field = 'company_featured_image';