public function toRegex(Range $range) { $min = $range->getMin(); $max = $range->getMax(); if ($min === $max) { return $min; } if ($min > $max) { return sprintf('%d|%d', $min, $max); } $positives = []; $negatives = []; if ($min < 0) { $newMin = 1; if ($max < 0) { $newMin = abs($max); } $newMax = abs($min); $negatives = $this->splitToPatterns($newMin, $newMax); $min = 0; } if ($max >= 0) { $positives = $this->splitToPatterns($min, $max); } return $this->siftPatterns($negatives, $positives); }
public function valid() { if (!parent::valid()) { return false; } return $this->range->contains($this->current()->getKey()); }
public function intersect(Range $range) { $lowestNumber = max($range->getLowestNumber(), $this->lowestNumber); $highestNumber = min($range->getHighestNumber(), $this->highestNumber); if ($lowestNumber <= $highestNumber) { return $this->createRange($lowestNumber, $highestNumber); } return null; }
public function testValidateType() { $field = new Range("range", "range", 10, 20); $result = $field->validateType("range", "NaN", $element); $this->assertFalse($result); $result = $field->validateType("range", 5, $element); $this->assertFalse($result); $result = $field->validateType("range", 15, $element); $this->assertTrue($result); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function build(SetInterface $identities, ServerRequestInterface $request, HttpResource $definition, SpecificationInterface $specification = null, Range $range = null) : MapInterface { $map = new Map('string', HeaderInterface::class); if (!$definition->isRangeable()) { return $map; } $map = $map->put('Accept-Ranges', new AcceptRanges(new AcceptRangesValue('resources'))); if (!$range instanceof Range) { return $map; } $length = $range->lastPosition() - $range->firstPosition(); return $map->put('Content-Range', new ContentRange(new ContentRangeValue('resources', $range->firstPosition(), $last = $range->firstPosition() + $identities->size(), $identities->size() < $length ? $last : $last + $length))); }
/** * * Enter description here ... * @param Range $r */ public static function save(Range $r) { $dbh = $GLOBALS['dbh']; if ($r->get_id()) { // Update $data = $dbh->prepare("\n\t\t\t\tUPDATE \n\t\t\t\t\t`range`\n\t\t\t\tSET \n\t\t\t\t\tname=:name\n\t\t\t\tWHERE \n\t\t\t\t\tid=:id\n\t\t\t"); $data->execute(array(':name' => $r->get_name(), ':id' => $r->get_id())); } else { // Insert $data = $dbh->prepare("\n\t\t\t\tINSERT \n\t\t\t\t\tINTO `range` (name)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t\t\t(:name)\n\t\t\t"); $data->execute(array(':name' => $r->get_name())); } }
/** * @param IP|Network|Range $find * @return bool * @throws \Exception */ public function contains($find) { if ($find instanceof IP) { $within = strcmp($find->inAddr(), $this->firstIP->inAddr()) >= 0 && strcmp($find->inAddr(), $this->lastIP->inAddr()) <= 0; } elseif ($find instanceof Range || $find instanceof Network) { /** * @var Network|Range $find */ $within = strcmp($find->getFirstIP()->inAddr(), $this->firstIP->inAddr()) >= 0 && strcmp($find->getLastIP()->inAddr(), $this->lastIP->inAddr()) <= 0; } else { throw new \Exception('Invalid type'); } return $within; }
public function __construct($lowestNumber = 0, $highestNumber = 0) { if (!is_int($lowestNumber) || !is_int($highestNumber)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Only integer numbers are supported'); } parent::__construct($lowestNumber, $highestNumber); }
/** * Constructor * * @param \JAAulde\IP\V4\Address|string $a1 The base address with which the network and broadcast addresses of this block will be calculated. This can be an * an instance of \JAAulde\IP\V4\Address, in which case the second parameter will be required, or a string in dot-notated format with optional CIDR * slash prefix. If a string without CIDR slash prefix, second parameter is required. If there is a CIDR slash prefix, second parameter will be ignored. * @param \JAAulde\IP\V4\SubnetMask|int|string|\JAAulde\IP\V4\Address $a2 Optional depending on what was given as the first parameter. This is a subnet mask * to determine the size of this block, or a CIDR prefix for calculating a subnet mask, or a second \JAAulde\IP\V4\Address instance to fit into the derived * block. * * @throws Exception */ public function __construct($a1, $a2 = null) { $subnetMask = null; if (is_string($a1)) { $a1parts = explode('/', $a1, 2); $a1sub1 = $a1parts[0]; $a1sub2 = isset($a1parts[1]) ? $a1parts[1] : null; $a1 = new Address($a1sub1); if ($a1sub2 !== null) { $a2 = (int) $a1sub2; } } if ($a2 instanceof SubnetMask) { $subnetMask = $a2; } else { if ($a2 instanceof Address) { $a2 = SubnetMask::calculateCIDRToFit($a1, $a2); } if (is_string($a2) && count(explode('.', $a2)) === 4) { $subnetMask = new SubnetMask($a2); } elseif (is_int($a2) || is_string($a2)) { $subnetMask = SubnetMask::fromCIDRPrefix((int) preg_replace('/[^\\d]/', '', (string) $a2)); } } if (!$subnetMask instanceof SubnetMask) { throw new \Exception(__METHOD__ . ' could not derive a subnet mask. See documentation for second param, $a2.'); } $this->subnetMask = $subnetMask; parent::__construct(self::calculateNetworkAddress($a1, $subnetMask), self::calculateBroadcastAddress($a1, $subnetMask)); }
/** * @dataProvider rangeDataProvider **/ public function testCreation($min, $max, $throwsException) { if ($throwsException) { $this->setExpectedException('WrongArgumentException'); } $range = Range::create($min, $max); }
/** * Create a new instance from a date object. * * @param DateTime $date A date within the season */ public function __construct(DateTime $date) { $this->unix = $date->timestamp(); $start = Date::mkdate($date->numeric("Y"), $date->numeric("n"), 1); $end = Date::mkdate($date->numeric("Y"), $date->numeric("n"), $date->numeric("t")); parent::__construct($start, $end); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function all(string $name, SpecificationInterface $specification = null, Range $range = null) : SetInterface { $definition = $this->capabilities->get($name); if ($range !== null && !$definition->isRangeable()) { throw new ResourceNotRangeableException(); } if ($specification !== null) { $query = '?' . $this->specificationTranslator->translate($specification); } $url = $this->resolver->resolve((string) $definition->url(), $query ?? (string) $definition->url()); $url = Url::fromString($url); $headers = new Map('string', HeaderInterface::class); if ($range !== null) { $headers = $headers->put('Range', new RangeHeader(new RangeValue('resource', $range->firstPosition(), $range->lastPosition()))); } $response = $this->transport->fulfill(new Request($url, new Method(Method::GET), new ProtocolVersion(1, 1), new Headers($headers), new NullStream())); return $this->serializer->denormalize($response, 'rest_identities', null, ['definition' => $definition]); }
public function testMonthOffsetReturnsExpectedDates() { $this->object->setFirstDate(\DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2014-01-01')); $this->object->setLastDate(\DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2014-03-01')); $this->object->setOpt('interval', 'P1M'); $range = $this->object->getRange(); $this->assertEquals('2014-01-01', $range['2014-01-01']['formatted']); $this->assertEquals('2014-02-01', $range['2014-02-01']['formatted']); $this->assertEquals('2014-03-01', $range['2014-03-01']['formatted']); }
/** * Set the columns to repeat at the left hand side of each printed page. * * @param integer $firstCol First column to repeat * @param integer $lastCol Last column to repeat. Optional. * * @return PrintSetup */ public function printRepeatColumns($firstCol, $lastCol = null) { if (!isset($lastCol)) { $lastCol = $firstCol; } $this->printRepeat->setColFrom($firstCol)->setColTo($lastCol); if (is_null($this->printRepeat->getRowFrom())) { $this->printRepeat->setRowFrom(0)->setRowTo(Biff8::MAX_ROW_IDX); } return $this; }
public static function createFromXml($xml) { $z = new Zestimate(); $z->amount = Xml::xstring($xml, 'amount'); $z->lastUpdated = new Date(Xml::xstring($xml, 'last-updated')); $z->thirtyDayChange = Xml::xstring($xml, 'valueChange[@duration="30"]'); $z->percentile = Xml::xstring($xml, 'percentile'); $ranges = $xml->xpath('valuationRange'); if (count($ranges == 1)) { $z->range = Range::createFromXml($ranges[0]); } return $z; }
public static function isValid(&$properties_dictionary, $limit_to_keys, &$error) { // Check each property is valid // if (!parent::isValid($properties_dictionary, $limit_to_keys, $error)) { return false; } if (ValidationC::should_test_property(EVENT_SPACE_TIME_OCCURRENCE_RELATIONSHIP_NAME_RANGE, $properties_dictionary, false, $limit_to_keys) && !Range::isValid($properties_dictionary[EVENT_SPACE_TIME_OCCURRENCE_RELATIONSHIP_NAME_RANGE], $limit_to_keys, $error)) { // Attendees range was not valid // return false; } return true; }
/** * create a new UnicodeBlock * * If $name is given and $r is Null, the block is looked up in the * database. If $r is set, the relevant items are taken from there. */ public function __construct($name, $db, $r = NULL) { if ($r === NULL) { // performance: allow to specify range $query = $db->prepare("\n SELECT name, first, last, abstract\n FROM blocks\n LEFT JOIN block_abstract\n ON = block_abstract.block\n WHERE replace(replace(lower(name), '_', ''), ' ', '') = ?\n LIMIT 1"); $query->execute([Toolkit::normalizeName($name)]); $r = $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $query->closeCursor(); if ($r === False) { throw new Exception('No block named ' . $name); } } $this->name = $r['name']; // use canonical name $this->limits = [$r['first'], $r['last']]; parent::__construct(range($r['first'], $r['last']), $db); }
/** * Searches a range * * @param Range $range * * @return RangeIterator */ public function searchRange(Range $range) { $iterator = $this->getIterator(); // find start $start = null; $binarySearch = new BinarySearch($this); $startHint = $binarySearch->search($range->getMin()); if ($startHint == null) { return new RangeIterator($iterator, Range::getEmptyRange()); } $iterator->setOffset($startHint->getOffset(), Parser::HINT_RESULT_BOUNDARY); if (!$range->contains($startHint->getKey()) && $startHint->getKey() <= $range->getMin()) { // shift $startHint higher foreach ($iterator as $result) { if ($range->contains($result->getKey())) { $start = $result; break; } } } else { // shift $startHint lower if ($range->contains($startHint->getKey())) { $start = $startHint; } $iterator->setDirection(KeyReader::DIRECTION_BACKWARD); foreach ($iterator as $result) { // Skip everything which is too big if (!$range->contains($result->getKey() && $result->getKey() >= $range->getMax())) { continue; } // shift the start left until no more key is included if ($range->contains($result->getKey())) { $start = $result; } else { break; } } } if (is_null($start)) { return new RangeIterator($iterator, Range::getEmptyRange()); } $iterator = $this->getIterator(); $iterator->setOffset($start->getOffset(), Parser::HINT_RESULT_BOUNDARY); return new RangeIterator($iterator, $range); }
public static function isValid(&$properties_dictionary, $limit_to_keys, &$error) { // Check each property is valid // if (!parent::isValid($properties_dictionary, $limit_to_keys, $error)) { return false; } if (ValidationC::should_test_property(RANGE_POSITION, $properties_dictionary, true, $limit_to_keys) && !Range::propertyIsValid(RANGE_POSITION, $properties_dictionary[RANGE_POSITION], $error)) { // Position was not valid // return false; } if (ValidationC::should_test_property(RANGE_LENGTH, $properties_dictionary, true, $limit_to_keys) && !Range::propertyIsValid(RANGE_LENGTH, $properties_dictionary[RANGE_LENGTH], $error)) { // Range was not valid // return false; } return true; }
/** * @param IP|Network $exclude * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public function exclude($exclude) { $exclude = self::parse($exclude); if ($exclude->getFirstIP()->inAddr() > $this->getLastIP()->inAddr() || $exclude->getLastIP()->inAddr() < $this->getFirstIP()->inAddr()) { throw new \Exception('Exclude subnet not within target network'); } $networks = array(); $newPrefixLength = $this->getPrefixLength() + 1; $lower = clone $this; $lower->setPrefixLength($newPrefixLength); $upper = clone $lower; $upper->setIP($lower->getLastIP()->next()); while ($newPrefixLength <= $exclude->getPrefixLength()) { $range = new Range($lower->getFirstIP(), $lower->getLastIP()); if ($range->contains($exclude)) { $matched = $lower; $unmatched = $upper; } else { $matched = $upper; $unmatched = $lower; } $networks[] = clone $unmatched; if (++$newPrefixLength > $this->getNetwork()->getMaxPrefixLength()) { break; } $matched->setPrefixLength($newPrefixLength); $unmatched->setPrefixLength($newPrefixLength); $unmatched->setIP($matched->getLastIP()->next()); } sort($networks); return $networks; }
echo "selected"; } ?> >воскресенье</option> </select><br> <input type="submit" name="submitted" value="submit"/> </form> <?php if ($_GET["calendar_from"]) { calendar('fields', 'from'); } if ($_GET["calendar_to"]) { calendar('fields', 'to'); } if ($_GET["submitted"]) { $range = new Range($_GET['from'], $_GET['to']); if (!$range->get_validation_logs()) { echo "\n\t\t<table class='table table-hover'><thead><td><div>Список дат:</div></td></thead>"; $list = $range->create_list($_GET['week']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($list); $i++) { $list[$i] = explode("-", $list[$i]); $newlist[$i] = $list[$i][0] . "." . $list[$i][1] . "." . $list[$i][2] . ' ' . $list[$i][3]; echo "<tr><td>{$newlist[$i]}</td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } } ?> </body>
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function assertCorrectLimits(Range $range) { $this->assertCorrectLimitType($range->min()); $this->assertCorrectLimitType($range->max()); $this->assertSameCurrencies(); }
<?php include_once 'include/connect.php'; include_once 'class/range.class.php'; include_once 'class/device.class.php'; $results = Range::getAll(); $width = 0; // Assign value for range if ($results) { $width = (960 - count($results) * 20) / count($results); } $smarty->assign('ranges', $results); $smarty->assign('devices', Device::getAll()); $smarty->assign('width', $width); $smarty->assign('menu', 1); $smarty->display('dashboard.tpl');
/** * Returns all available presentations * * @return array<string> */ public function getPresentationClass($presentation, $fieldName, $configs = null) { $event = new OW_Event('base.questions_field_get_label', array('presentation' => $presentation, 'fieldName' => $fieldName, 'configs' => $configs, 'type' => 'edit')); OW::getEventManager()->trigger($event); $label = $event->getData(); $class = null; $event = new OW_Event('base.questions_field_init', array('type' => 'main', 'presentation' => $presentation, 'fieldName' => $fieldName, 'configs' => $configs)); OW::getEventManager()->trigger($event); $class = $event->getData(); if (empty($class)) { switch ($presentation) { case self::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_TEXT: $class = new TextField($fieldName); break; case self::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_SELECT: $class = new Selectbox($fieldName); break; case self::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_TEXTAREA: $class = new Textarea($fieldName); break; case self::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_CHECKBOX: $class = new CheckboxField($fieldName); break; case self::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_RADIO: $class = new RadioField($fieldName); break; case self::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_MULTICHECKBOX: $class = new CheckboxGroup($fieldName); break; case self::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_BIRTHDATE: case self::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_AGE: case self::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_DATE: $class = new DateField($fieldName); if (!empty($configs) && mb_strlen(trim($configs)) > 0) { $configsList = json_decode($configs, true); foreach ($configsList as $name => $value) { if ($name = 'year_range' && isset($value['from']) && isset($value['to'])) { $class->setMinYear($value['from']); $class->setMaxYear($value['to']); } } } $class->addValidator(new DateValidator($class->getMinYear(), $class->getMaxYear())); break; case self::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_RANGE: $class = new Range($fieldName); if (!empty($configs) && mb_strlen(trim($configs)) > 0) { $configsList = json_decode($configs, true); foreach ($configsList as $name => $value) { $minMax = explode("-", $value); if ($name = 'range' && isset($minMax[0]) && isset($minMax[1])) { $class->setMinValue($minMax[0]); $class->setMaxValue($minMax[1]); } } } $class->addValidator(new RangeValidator()); break; case self::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_URL: $class = new TextField($fieldName); $class->addValidator(new UrlValidator()); break; case self::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_PASSWORD: $class = new PasswordField($fieldName); break; } } if (!empty($label)) { $class->setLabel($label); } return $class; }
/** * @dataProvider getExpectedResultsAndValues * * @param Boolean $contains * @param integer $value */ public function testShouldDetermineIfContainsValue($contains, $value) { $range = new Range($this->start, $this->end); $this->assertEquals($contains, $range->contains($value)); }
public function getContent() { if (!extension_loaded('soap') || !class_exists('SoapClient')) { return $this->displayError($this->l('SOAP extension should be enabled on your server to use this module.')); } $output = ''; $this->configured = Configuration::get('SEUR_Configured'); if (Tools::isSubmit('submitToDefault')) { $this->setDefaultWS(); } elseif (Tools::isSubmit('submitWebservices')) { $this->storeWS(); } elseif (Tools::isSubmit('submitConfiguration')) { $update_seur_carriers = array(); $delivery = Tools::getValue('seur_cod'); if (Module::isInstalled('seurcashondelivery') == false && $delivery) { $output .= $this->displayError($this->l('To enable Cash on delivery you must install the module "SEUR Cash on delivery".')); $delivery = '0'; } $sql_update_configuration_table = ' UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'seur_configuration` SET `pos` =' . (int) Tools::getValue('pos', 1) . ', `international_orders` =' . (int) Tools::getValue('international_orders') . ', `seur_cod` =' . (int) $delivery . ', `notification_advice_radio` =' . (int) Tools::getValue('notification_advice_radio') . ', `notification_distribution_radio` =' . (int) Tools::getValue('notification_distribution_radio') . ', `print_type` =' . (int) Tools::getValue('print_type') . ', `pickup` =' . (int) Tools::getValue('pickup') . ', `advice_checkbox` =' . (int) (Tools::getValue('advice_checkbox') == 'on' ? 1 : 0) . ', `distribution_checkbox` =' . (int) (Tools::getValue('distribution_checkbox') == 'on' ? 1 : 0); if (Context::getContext()->shop->isFeatureActive()) { $sql_update_configuration_table .= ', `id_shop` =' . (int) $this->context->shop->id; } if (Tools::getValue('id_seur_carrier')) { $update_seur_carriers[] = array('id' => (int) Tools::getValue('id_seur_carrier'), 'type' => 'SEN'); } if (Tools::getValue('id_seur_carrier_canarias_m')) { $update_seur_carriers[] = array('id' => (int) Tools::getValue('id_seur_carrier_canarias_m'), 'type' => 'SCN'); } if (Tools::getValue('id_seur_carrier_canarias_48')) { $update_seur_carriers[] = array('id' => (int) Tools::getValue('id_seur_carrier_canarias_48'), 'type' => 'SCE'); } if (Tools::getValue('id_seur_carrier_pos')) { $update_seur_carriers[] = array('id' => (int) Tools::getValue('id_seur_carrier_pos'), 'type' => 'SEP'); } if (!empty($update_seur_carriers)) { SeurLib::updateSeurCarriers($update_seur_carriers); } $sql_update_configuration_table .= ' WHERE `id_seur_configuration` = 1'; $this->configured = 1; Configuration::updateValue('SEUR_Configured', 1); Configuration::updateValue('SEUR_REMCAR_CARGO', (double) Tools::getValue('contra_porcentaje')); Configuration::updateValue('SEUR_REMCAR_CARGO_MIN', (double) Tools::getValue('contra_minimo')); Configuration::updateValue('SEUR_PRINTER_NAME', Tools::getValue('printer_name') ? pSQL(Tools::getValue('printer_name')) : 'Generic / Text Only'); Configuration::updateValue('SEUR_FREE_WEIGTH', (double) Tools::getValue('peso_gratis')); Configuration::updateValue('SEUR_FREE_PRICE', (double) Tools::getValue('precio_gratis')); $seur_carriers = array(); foreach ($update_seur_carriers as $value) { $seur_carriers[$value['type']] = $value['id']; } $carrier_seur = new Carrier((int) $seur_carriers['SEN']); $carrier_pos = new Carrier((int) $seur_carriers['SEP']); if (Tools::getValue('international_orders') && SeurLib::getConfigurationField('international_orders') != Tools::getValue('international_orders') && SeurLib::getConfigurationField('tarifa') && Validate::isLoadedObject($carrier_seur)) { if (Tools::getValue('international_orders') && Tools::getValue('international_orders') == 1) { $carrier_seur->addZone((int) Zone::getIdByName('Europe')); $carrier_seur->save(); } elseif (Tools::getValue('international_orders') == 0) { $carrier_seur->deleteZone((int) Zone::getIdByName('Europe')); $carrier_seur->save(); } } if (in_array(Tools::getValue('pos'), array(0, 1)) == true && Validate::isLoadedObject($carrier_pos)) { $carrier_pos->active = (int) Tools::getValue('pos'); $carrier_pos->save(); } if (!Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql_update_configuration_table)) { $output .= $this->displayError($this->l('Cannot update.')); } else { $output .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Configuration updated.')); } } elseif (Tools::isSubmit('submitLogin')) { $sqlUpdateDataTable = 'UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'seur_merchant` SET `nif_dni` ="' . pSQL(Tools::strtoupper(Tools::getValue('nif_dni'))) . '", `name` ="' . pSQL(Tools::strtoupper(Tools::getValue('name'))) . '", `first_name` ="' . pSQL(Tools::strtoupper(Tools::getValue('first_name'))) . '", `franchise` ="' . (Tools::getValue('franchise') ? pSQL(Tools::getValue('franchise')) : pSQL(Tools::getValue('franchise_cfg'))) . '", `company_name` ="' . pSQL(Tools::strtoupper(Tools::getValue('company_name'))) . '", `street_type` ="' . pSQL(Tools::getValue('street_type')) . '", `street_name` ="' . pSQL(Tools::strtoupper(Tools::getValue('street_name'))) . '", `street_number` ="' . pSQL(Tools::getValue('street_number')) . '", ' . (Tools::getValue('staircase') ? '`staircase` ="' . pSQL(Tools::strtoupper(Tools::getValue('staircase'))) . '",' : ' ') . ' `floor` ="' . pSQL(Tools::getValue('floor')) . '", `door` ="' . pSQL(Tools::getValue('door')) . '", `post_code` ="' . (Tools::getValue('post_code') ? pSQL(Tools::getValue('post_code')) : pSQL(Tools::getValue('post_code_cfg'))) . '", `town` ="' . (Tools::getValue('town') ? pSQL(Tools::strtoupper(Tools::getValue('town'))) : pSQL(Tools::strtoupper(Tools::getValue('town_cfg')))) . '", `state` ="' . (Tools::getValue('state') ? pSQL(Tools::strtoupper(Tools::getValue('state'))) : pSQL(Tools::strtoupper(Tools::getValue('state_cfg')))) . '", `country` ="' . (Tools::getValue('country') ? pSQL(Tools::strtoupper(Tools::getValue('country'))) : pSQL(Tools::strtoupper(Tools::getValue('country_cfg')))) . '", `phone` ="' . (int) Tools::getValue('phone') . '", `ccc` ="' . (int) Tools::getValue('ccc_cfg') . '", `cit` ="' . (int) Tools::getValue('ci') . '", ' . (Tools::getValue('fax') ? '`fax` =' . (int) Tools::getValue('fax') . ',' : ' ') . ' `email` ="' . pSQL(Tools::strtolower(Tools::getValue('email'))) . '"'; if (Tools::getValue('user_cfg') && Tools::getValue('pass_cfg')) { $sqlUpdateDataTable .= ', `USER`="' . pSQL(Tools::strtolower(Tools::getValue('user_cfg'))) . '", `PASS`="' . pSQL(Tools::strtolower(Tools::getValue('pass_cfg'))) . '" '; } $sqlUpdateDataTable .= "WHERE `id_seur_datos` = 1;"; if (Tools::getValue('user_seurcom') && Tools::getValue('pass_seurcom')) { Configuration::updateValue('SEUR_WS_USERNAME', Tools::getValue('user_seurcom')); Configuration::updateValue('SEUR_WS_PASSWORD', Tools::getValue('pass_seurcom')); } if (!Db::getInstance()->Execute($sqlUpdateDataTable)) { $output .= $this->displayError($this->l('Database fail.')); } else { $output .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Configuration updated.')); } $this->stateConfigured = 1; } elseif (Tools::isSubmit('submitWithRanges')) { if (Range::setRanges()) { $output .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Prices configured correctly. ')); SeurLib::setConfigurationField('tarifa', 1); } $this->configured = 1; Configuration::updateValue('SEUR_Configured', 1); die(Tools::redirectAdmin($this->getModuleLink('AdminModules'))); } elseif (Tools::isSubmit('submitWithoutRanges')) { $this->configured = 1; Configuration::updateValue('SEUR_Configured', 1); } return $this->displayForm(); }
public function testGetFactory() { $factory = Range::getFactory(); $this->assertInstanceOf('Bankiru\\IPTools\\Interfaces\\RangeFactoryInterface', $factory); }
<?php include_once 'class/range.class.php'; include_once 'class/device.class.php'; include_once 'class/payment.class.php'; $ranges = Range::getAll(); $smarty->assign('ranges', $ranges); $smarty->assign('menu', 2); // Report if ($_POST['report']) { set_include_path(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/library/PEAR/'); include_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php'; $workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer(); $workbook->setVersion(8); $worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet('report'); $worksheet->setInputEncoding('UTF-8'); $header = $workbook->addFormat(); $header->setFontFamily('Arial'); $header->setSize(14); $header->setFgColor('blue'); $header->setBold(); $header->setHAlign('center'); $header->setVAlign('center'); $header->setColor('white'); $common = $workbook->addFormat(); $common->setFontFamily('Arial'); $common->setSize(12); $caption = $workbook->addFormat(); $caption->setFontFamily('Arial'); $caption->setSize(12); $caption->setBorder(1);
protected function getPresentationClass($presentation, $questionName, $configs = null) { $event = new OW_Event('base.questions_field_get_label', array('presentation' => $presentation, 'fieldName' => $questionName, 'configs' => $configs, 'type' => 'edit')); OW::getEventManager()->trigger($event); $label = $event->getData(); $class = null; $event = new OW_Event('base.questions_field_init', array('type' => 'search', 'presentation' => $presentation, 'fieldName' => $questionName, 'configs' => $configs)); OW::getEventManager()->trigger($event); $class = $event->getData(); if (empty($class)) { switch ($presentation) { case BOL_QuestionService::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_TEXT: case BOL_QuestionService::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_TEXTAREA: $class = new TextField($questionName); break; case BOL_QuestionService::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_CHECKBOX: $class = new CheckboxField($questionName); break; case BOL_QuestionService::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_RADIO: case BOL_QuestionService::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_SELECT: case BOL_QuestionService::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_MULTICHECKBOX: $class = new Selectbox($questionName); break; case BOL_QuestionService::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_BIRTHDATE: case BOL_QuestionService::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_AGE: $class = new USEARCH_CLASS_AgeRangeField($questionName); if (!empty($configs) && mb_strlen(trim($configs)) > 0) { $configsList = json_decode($configs, true); foreach ($configsList as $name => $value) { if ($name = 'year_range' && isset($value['from']) && isset($value['to'])) { $class->setMinYear($value['from']); $class->setMaxYear($value['to']); } } } $class->addValidator(new USEARCH_CLASS_AgeRangeValidator($class->getMinAge(), $class->getMaxAge())); break; case self::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_RANGE: $class = new Range($fieldName); if (empty($this->birthdayConfig)) { $birthday = $this->findQuestionByName("birthdate"); if (!empty($birthday)) { $this->birthdayConfig = $birthday->custom; } } $rangeValidator = new RangeValidator(); if (!empty($this->birthdayConfig) && mb_strlen(trim($this->birthdayConfig)) > 0) { $configsList = json_decode($this->birthdayConfig, true); foreach ($configsList as $name => $value) { if ($name = 'year_range' && isset($value['from']) && isset($value['to'])) { $class->setMinValue(date("Y") - $value['to']); $class->setMaxValue(date("Y") - $value['from']); $rangeValidator->setMinValue(date("Y") - $value['to']); $rangeValidator->setMaxValue(date("Y") - $value['from']); } } } $class->addValidator($rangeValidator); break; case self::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_DATE: $class = new DateRange($fieldName); if (!empty($configs) && mb_strlen(trim($configs)) > 0) { $configsList = json_decode($configs, true); foreach ($configsList as $name => $value) { if ($name = 'year_range' && isset($value['from']) && isset($value['to'])) { $class->setMinYear($value['from']); $class->setMaxYear($value['to']); } } } $class->addValidator(new DateValidator($class->getMinYear(), $class->getMaxYear())); break; case BOL_QuestionService::QUESTION_PRESENTATION_URL: $class = new TextField($questionName); $class->addValidator(new UrlValidator()); break; } if (!empty($label)) { $class->setLabel($label); } if (empty($class)) { $class = BOL_QuestionService::getInstance()->getSearchPresentationClass($presentation, $questionName, $configs); } } return $class; }
/** * get a user's active time entry * * <code> * $api = new HarvestReports(); * * $result = $api->getUsersActiveTimer( 12345 ); * if ( $result->isSuccess() ) { * $activeTimer = $result->data; * } * </code> * * @return Result */ public function getUsersActiveTimer($user_id) { $result = $this->getUserEntries($user_id, Range::today($this->_timeZone)); if ($result->isSuccess()) { $data = null; foreach ($result->data as $entry) { if ($entry->timer_started_at != null || $entry->timer_started_at != "") { $data = $entry; break; } } $result->data = $data; } return $result; }