Пример #1
// consumer limit.
$maxConsumerCount = 3;
$currentConsumerCount = $queue->consumerCount();
if ($currentConsumerCount >= $maxConsumerCount) {
    exit("There are enough consumers. Exit\n");
// consumer ttl.
$start = time();
$ttl = 1800;
// second
echo "[*] Waiting for tasks..\n";
// consume callback.
$queue->consume(function ($msg) use($start, $ttl) {
    // do task.
    echo $msg->body;
    // OR do it in the background.
    $message = base64_encode(serialize($msg->body));
    // serialize and encode to send as cli argument.
    $workerFile = realpath(__DIR__) . '/worker.php';
    exec("nohup /usr/bin/php {$workerFile} {$message} > /dev/null 2>&1&");
    // stop consuming when ttl is reached.
    if ($start + $ttl < time()) {
        exit("Need restart. Exit\n");
// wait for task
// close connections