Пример #1
 function editJsonAction()
     $formID = $this->_getParam('formID');
     $formModel = new RM_Forms();
     $form = $formModel->find($formID)->current();
     // check if there are any units
     $unitDAO = new RM_Units();
     $unitTypeID = $this->_getParam('unitTypeID');
     if ($unitTypeID === null) {
         return array('data' => "{ 'error': true }", 'encoded' => true);
     $unitTypeModel = new RM_UnitTypes();
     $unitType = $unitTypeModel->find($unitTypeID)->current();
     $total = $unitDAO->getAll(new RM_Unit_Search_Criteria(array('type' => $unitType)))->count();
     if ($unitTypeID == RM_UnitTypes::DEFAULT_TYPE && $total == 0) {
         $total = $unitDAO->getAll(new RM_Unit_Search_Criteria())->count();
     if ($total == 0) {
         return array('data' => "{ 'error': true }", 'encoded' => true);
     $panelModel = new RM_FormPanels();
     $panels = $panelModel->fetchByForm($formID);
     $jsonPanels = array();
     foreach ($panels as $panel) {
         $jsonPanels[] = '{id : "' . $panel->id . '", name : "' . $panel->name . '"}';
     $unitTypeFormModel = new RM_UnitTypeForms();
     $unitTypeForm = $unitTypeFormModel->fetchBy($form, $unitType);
     $json = "{\n            formID: '" . $formID . "',\n            formName: '" . $form->name . "',\n            columns: " . $unitTypeForm->columns . ",\n            max_columns: " . $form->max_columns . ",\n            column1width: " . $unitTypeForm->column1width . ",\n            column2width: " . $unitTypeForm->column2width . ",\n            column3width: " . $unitTypeForm->column3width . ",\n            panels: [" . implode(',', $jsonPanels) . "],\n            formState: " . $unitTypeForm->state . ",\n            unitTypeID: {$unitTypeID},\n            unitTypeName: '" . $unitType->getName(RM_Environment::getInstance()->getLocale()) . "'\n        }";
     return array('data' => $json, 'encoded' => true);
Пример #2
 private function _getUnits()
     $unitTypeDAO = new RM_UnitTypes();
     $unitsdao = new RM_Units();
     $units = $unitsdao->getAll(new RM_Unit_Search_Criteria());
     return $units;
Пример #3
  * this creates the JSON for the unit selection on the coupons grid
  * @return array used to construct the json result
 public function unitlistJsonAction()
     $dao = new RM_Units();
     $units = $dao->getAll(new RM_Unit_Search_Criteria())->toArray();
     $units[] = array('id' => '0', 'name' => RM_Environment::getInstance()->getTranslation()->_('Admin.Extras.Edit', 'AllUnits'));
     return array('data' => $units);
Пример #4
 public function allpanelsAction()
     $unitModel = new RM_Units();
     $unitTypeID = $this->_getParam('unitTypeID');
     $unitTypeModel = new RM_UnitTypes();
     $unitType = $unitTypeModel->find($unitTypeID)->current();
     $unit = $unitModel->getAll(new RM_Unit_Search_Criteria(array('type' => $unitType, 'includeOptionUnits' => true, 'includeExcursionUnits' => true)))->current();
     if ($unitTypeID == RM_UnitTypes::DEFAULT_TYPE && $unit == null) {
         $unit = $unitModel->getAll(new RM_Unit_Search_Criteria())->current();
     if ($unit == null) {
         $unit = $unitModel->createRow();
     $this->view->unit = $unit;
     $this->view->admin = true;
     // this is required by captcha
     $panelModel = new RM_FormPanels();
     $panels = $panelModel->fetchAll();
     $this->view->panels = $panels;
Пример #5
 public function advancedvalidateJsonAction()
     $formModel = new RM_Forms();
     $form = $formModel->find('advancedsearch')->current();
     $formvalid = $form->validate($this->getRequest());
     $data = $this->_getParam('search', array());
     // count records to be returned
     $criteria = new RM_Unit_Search_Criteria($data);
     $criteria->publishedOnly = true;
     $unitModel = new RM_Units();
     $totalUnits = $unitModel->getAll($criteria)->count();
     // count records end
     if ($formvalid == false) {
         $errors = $form->getErrors();
         $returnData = array('data' => array('success' => false, 'errors' => $errors, 'count' => $totalUnits));
     } else {
         $errors = $form->getErrors();
         $returnData = array('data' => array('success' => true, 'errors' => null, 'count' => $totalUnits));
     return $returnData;
Пример #6
  * Creates the unit CSS for the calendar rendering
  * This is just generated at boot
 public static function createUnitColorCSS()
     $unitModel = new RM_Units();
     $units = $unitModel->getAll(new RM_Unit_Search_Criteria());
     $html = "";
     foreach ($units as $unit) {
         if (isset($unit->color) && $unit->color !== "") {
             $color = $unit->color;
         } else {
             $color = '0033FF';
         $html .= "\n                .x-cal-{$unit->id},\n                .x-cal-{$unit->id}-x .ext-cal-evb,\n                .ext-ie .x-cal-{$unit->id}-ad,\n                .ext-opera .x-cal-{$unit->id}-ad {\n                    color: #{$color};\n                }\n                .ext-cal-day-col .x-cal-{$unit->id},\n                .ext-dd-drag-proxy .x-cal-{$unit->id},\n                .x-cal-{$unit->id}-ad,\n                .x-cal-{$unit->id}-ad .ext-cal-evm,\n                .x-cal-{$unit->id} .ext-cal-picker-icon,\n                .x-cal-{$unit->id}-x dl,\n                .x-calendar-list-menu li em .x-cal-{$unit->id} {\n                    background: #{$color};\n                }\n            ";
     return $html;
Пример #7
  * Gets the calendar Data
  * @return JSON
 private function _getdata($startRange = false, $endRange = false)
     if (!$startRange || !$endRange) {
         $startRange = date("Y-m-d");
         $endRange = date("Y-m-d");
     $unitModel = new RM_Units();
     $units = $unitModel->getAll(new RM_Unit_Search_Criteria());
     $unitModel = new RM_Units();
     $reservationModel = new RM_Reservations();
     $config = new RM_Config();
     $evtsArray = array();
     // add 6 months to either side of the reservation
     $RMDate = new RM_Date();
     $start = $RMDate->dateSub($startRange, 180);
     $end = $RMDate->dateAdd($endRange, 180);
     $filter = array();
     $filter['data']['type'] = 'date';
     $filter['field'] = 'start_datetime';
     $filter['data']['comparison'] = 'gt';
     $filter['data']['value'] = $start;
     $filterArray[] = $filter;
     $filter = array();
     $filter['data']['type'] = 'date';
     $filter['field'] = 'end_datetime';
     $filter['data']['comparison'] = 'lt';
     $filter['data']['value'] = $end;
     $filterArray[] = $filter;
     $filter = array();
     $filter['data']['type'] = 'numeric';
     $filter['field'] = 'in_progress';
     $filter['data']['comparison'] = 'eq';
     $filter['data']['value'] = 0;
     $filterArray[] = $filter;
     foreach ($units as $unit) {
         $unit = $unitModel->get($unit->id);
         $reservations = $reservationModel->fetchAllByUnit($unit, $filterArray);
         foreach ($reservations as $period) {
             $idArray = explode("-", $period->id);
             $id = (int) $idArray[1];
             // check time
             $ad = true;
             // all day
             $starttime = explode(" ", $period->start_datetime);
             if ($starttime[1] !== "00:00:00") {
                 $ad = false;
             $endtime = explode(" ", $period->end_datetime);
             if ($endtime[1] !== "23:30:00") {
                 $ad = false;
             $evtsArray[] = array("id" => $id, "cid" => $unit->id, "uid" => (int) $period->user_id, "title" => "<span style='text-align:center;width:70%;'>" . $period->id . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $unit->name . "(" . $unit->id . ")</span>", "start" => $period->start_datetime, "end" => $period->end_datetime, "ad" => $ad);
     return array("success" => true, "message" => RM_Environment::getInstance()->getTranslation(RM_Environment::TRANSLATE_MAIN)->_('Admin.Reservation.Edit', "LoadedData"), "data" => $evtsArray);
Пример #8
  * ListAction is the main search routine used to list units. Params are sent from the
  * search forms and either submitted data is used or the saved criteria.
  * @param array search  passed in post/get
  * @return  objects to view
 function listAction()
     // reset the returnAllUnits if it's set
     // get the submitted search data
     $data = $this->_getParam('search', array());
     // get the category if set explicitly
     $category = $this->_getParam('category', "");
     // if category is not passed then set it to ""
     // if the category data sent in the request has data then add the category to the data array for use to create the criteria
     if ($category !== "true") {
         $data['categories'] = $category;
     // if we are not re-ordering and have search data define a new search criteria
     if (!isset($data['reorder']) && !empty($data)) {
         // create a new criteria object
         $criteria = new RM_Unit_Search_Criteria($data);
         // reset the old criteria and save our new criteria
     } else {
         $criteria = RM_Reservation_Manager::getInstance()->getCriteria();
     // perform a check to make sure our criteria object is the correct instance
     // if it's not it will cause errors, so we check it and if it isn't we create
     // it as the correct object
     if (!$criteria instanceof RM_Unit_Search_Criteria) {
         $criteria = new RM_Unit_Search_Criteria($data);
     // if the category passed in the request is empty and the criteria has a category set then blank it.
     if ($category === "" && $criteria->categories) {
         $criteria->categories = null;
     // only show published units
     $criteria->publishedOnly = true;
     $criteria->groupsOnly = false;
     // define the default page ordering if no page ordering is passed
     if (!$criteria->order) {
         $criteria->order = RM_User_UnitController::getDefaultOrder();
     // if page re-ordering is called add this to the criteria and save it
     if (isset($data['reorder'])) {
         // if we are just re-odering the list get the saved criteria and use this.
         if (isset($data['order'])) {
             $criteria->order = $data['order'];
             // save the ordering to the criteria
     // get the default page lengths for the view
     $defaulCountPerPage = RM_Environment::getConnector()->getDefaultUnitListLength();
     $unitModel = new RM_Units();
     $units = $unitModel->getAll($criteria);
     if ($criteria->order == 'price') {
         $units = $this->_sortUnitsByPrice($criteria, $units);
     $formModel = new RM_Forms();
     $form = $formModel->find('unitlist')->current();
     $this->view->form = $form;
     $this->view->criteria = $criteria;
     // get date formatting for the view
     $config = new RM_Config();
     $dateFormat = $config->getJSDateformat();
     if ($dateFormat == "d/m/Y") {
         $lng_dateFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy";
     } else {
         $lng_dateFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy";
     $this->view->dateformat_short = $dateFormat;
     $this->view->dateformat_long = $lng_dateFormat;
     // criteria list header message
     $message = false;
     if ($criteria->start_datetime !== null && $criteria->end_datetime !== null && $criteria->start_datetime !== "" && $criteria->end_datetime !== "") {
         $message .= date($dateFormat, strtotime($criteria->start_datetime)) . " - " . date($dateFormat, strtotime($criteria->end_datetime)) . ", ";
     if ((int) $criteria->image === 1) {
         $message .= $this->_translate->_('User.Unit.List', 'criteriaImage') . ", ";
     if ((int) $criteria->flexible === 1) {
         $message .= $this->_translate->_('User.Unit.List', 'criteriaFlexible') . ", ";
     if ((int) $criteria->map === 1) {
         $message .= $this->_translate->_('User.Unit.List', 'criteriaMap') . ", ";
     if ((int) $criteria->prices_from !== 0) {
         $message .= $this->_translate->_('User.Unit.List', 'criteriaPricesFrom') . ": " . $criteria->prices_from . ", ";
     if ($criteria->prices_to != "99999999" && $criteria->prices_to) {
         $message .= $this->_translate->_('User.Unit.List', 'criteriaPricesTo') . ": " . $criteria->prices_to . ", ";
     if ((int) $criteria->adults > 1) {
         $message .= $this->_translate->_('User.Unit.List', 'criteriaAdults') . ": " . $criteria->adults . ", ";
     if ((int) $criteria->children > 0) {
         $message .= $this->_translate->_('User.Unit.List', 'criteriaChildren') . ": " . $criteria->children . ", ";
     if ((int) $criteria->infants > 0) {
         $message .= $this->_translate->_('User.Unit.List', 'criteriaInfants') . ": " . $criteria->infants . ", ";
     $this->view->criteriaMessage = rtrim($message, ", ");
     $paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($units);
     $paginator->setCurrentPageNumber($this->_getParam('page', 1));
     $this->view->paginator = $paginator;
Пример #9
 public function newJsonAction()
     // create the search criteria object
     $criteria = new RM_Unit_Search_Criteria(array(), true);
     // get the total number of units already added to the system.
     $dao = new RM_Units();
     // TODO: we need to hide these queries if possible.
     //$unitTypesDAO = new RM_UnitTypes();
     //$criteria->type = $unitTypesDAO->find($this->_defaultUnitType)->current();
     $total = (int) $dao->getAll($criteria)->count();
     $iso = $this->_getParam('iso', RM_Environment::getInstance()->getLocale());
     $config = new RM_UnitConfig();
     $fields = $config->getNewForm($this->_defaultUnitType);
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $jsonFields[] = $field->view_preferences;
     $json = "{ fields : [" . implode(',', $jsonFields) . "], language: '" . $iso . "'}";
     return array('data' => $json, 'encoded' => true);
Пример #10
 private function _getUnits()
     $dao = new RM_Units();
     $criteria = new RM_Unit_Search_Criteria(array('language' => RM_Environment::getInstance()->getLocale()), true);
     $units = $dao->getAll($criteria);
     $result = array();
     if (count($units->toArray()) === 0) {
         return null;
     // get all the master group units
     $count = 1;
     // the menu id
     $groupTracker = array();
     foreach ($units as $unitRow) {
         $unit = $unitRow->toArray();
         if (isset($unit['group_id'])) {
             if ($unitRow->isTemplateUnit() === (int) $unit['unit_id']) {
                 // template units (root units)
                 $std = new stdClass();
                 $std->id = 'Units_EditJson_' . $unit['id'];
                 $std->text = $unit['name'];
                 $std->expanded = 'true';
                 $std->iconCls = 'RM_units_' . $unit['type_id'] . '_leaf_icon';
                 $std->children = array();
                 $result[$count] = $std;
                 $groupTracker[$count] = $unit['group_id'];
                 $count += 1;
         } else {
             // this is not a grouped unit - this is the standard unit (not grouped)
             $std = new stdClass();
             $std->id = 'Units_EditJson_' . $unit['id'];
             $std->text = $unit['name'];
             $std->leaf = 'true';
             $std->iconCls = 'RM_units_' . $unit['type_id'] . '_leaf_icon';
             $result[$count] = $std;
             $groupTracker[$count] = 0;
             $count += 1;
     // now loop through all units and assign sub units to the template units
     // but only if they are a sub unit.
     foreach ($units as $unitRow) {
         $unit = $unitRow->toArray();
         // handle groups
         if (isset($unit['group_id'])) {
             if ($unitRow->isTemplateUnit() !== (int) $unit['unit_id']) {
                 // sub unit
                 $childUnit = new stdClass();
                 $childUnit->id = 'Units_EditJson_' . $unit['id'];
                 $childUnit->text = $unit['name'];
                 $childUnit->leaf = 'true';
                 $childUnit->iconCls = 'RM_units_' . $unit['type_id'] . '_leaf_icon';
                 // add it to the parent leaf
                 foreach ($groupTracker as $key => $value) {
                     if ($unit['group_id'] == $value) {
                         $result[$key]->children[] = $childUnit;
     // we have to resort here as the menu needs consecutive numbering
     foreach ($result as $value) {
         $final[] = $value;
     return $final;