Пример #1
  * Method to get the field input markup
  * @return string
  * @throws Exception
 protected function getInput()
     // Setup variables for display
     if ($this->value) {
         $db = JFactory::getDbo();
         $query = $db->getQuery(true);
         $query->select('r.name')->from('#__tracks_projects_rounds AS pr')->join('INNER', '#__tracks_rounds AS r ON r.id = pr.round_id')->where('pr.id = ' . (int) $this->value);
         $title = $db->loadResult();
         if (!($title = $db->loadResult())) {
             throw new Exception($db->getErrorMsg(), 500);
     if (empty($title)) {
         $title = JText::_('COM_TRACKS_Select_a_project_round');
     $title = htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
     // The active id field
     if (0 == (int) $this->value) {
         $value = '';
     } else {
         $value = (int) $this->value;
     $class = '';
     if ($this->required) {
         $class = ' class="required modal-value"';
     return RLayoutHelper::render('form.field.projectround', array('id' => $this->id, 'name' => $this->name, 'title' => $title, 'value' => $this->value, 'required' => $this->required), '', array('component' => 'com_tracks'));
Пример #2
  * Method to get the user field input markup.
  * @return  string  The field input markup.
  * @since   1.0
 protected function getInput()
     $html = array();
     $groups = $this->getGroups();
     $excluded = $this->getExcluded();
     $link = 'index.php?option=com_users&view=users&layout=modal&tmpl=component&field=' . $this->id . (isset($groups) ? '&groups=' . base64_encode(json_encode($groups)) : '') . (isset($excluded) ? '&excluded=' . base64_encode(json_encode($excluded)) : '') . '&redcore=true';
     // Initialize some field attributes.
     if (isset($this->element['required']) && $this->element['required'] == 'true') {
         $this->addAttribute('required', 'required');
     // Automatically insert any other attribute inserted
     if ($elementAttribs = $this->element->attributes()) {
         foreach ($elementAttribs as $name => $value) {
             if (!in_array($name, $this->forbiddenAttributes)) {
                 $this->addAttribute($name, $value);
     $modalTitle = isset($this->element['modal_title']) ? JText::_($this->element['modal_title']) : JText::_('JLIB_FORM_SELECT_USER');
     $modalId = 'modal-' . $this->id;
     // Build the script.
     $script = array();
     $script[] = '	function jSelectUser_' . $this->id . '(id, title) {';
     $script[] = '		var old_id = document.getElementById("' . $this->id . '_id").value;';
     $script[] = '		if (old_id != id) {';
     $script[] = '			document.getElementById("' . $this->id . '_id").value = id;';
     $script[] = '			document.getElementById("' . $this->id . '").value = title;';
     $script[] = '			document.getElementById("' . $this->id . '").className = document.getElementById("' . $this->id . '").className.replace(" invalid" , "");';
     $script[] = '			' . (string) $this->element['onchange'];
     $script[] = '		}';
     $script[] = '		jQuery("#' . $modalId . '").modal("hide")';
     $script[] = '	}';
     // Add the script to the document head.
     JFactory::getDocument()->addScriptDeclaration(implode("\n", $script));
     // Create the modal object
     $modal = RModal::getInstance(array('attribs' => array('id' => $modalId, 'class' => 'modal hide', 'style' => 'width: 800px; height: 500px;'), 'params' => array('showHeader' => true, 'showFooter' => false, 'showHeaderClose' => true, 'title' => $modalTitle, 'link' => $link)), $modalId);
     $html[] = RLayoutHelper::render('modal', $modal);
     // Load the current username if available.
     $table = JTable::getInstance('user');
     if ($this->value) {
     } else {
         $table->username = JText::_('JLIB_FORM_SELECT_USER');
     $attr = $this->parseAttributes();
     // Create a dummy text field with the user name.
     $html[] = '<div class="input-append">';
     $html[] = '	<input type="text" id="' . $this->id . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($table->name, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '"' . ' readonly="readonly"' . $attr . ' />';
     // Create the user select button.
     if ($this->element['readonly'] != 'true') {
         $html[] = '		<a class="btn btn-primary modalAjax" data-toggle="modal" title="' . JText::_('JLIB_FORM_CHANGE_USER') . '" href="#' . $modalId . '"' . ' rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: 800, y: 500}}">';
         $html[] = '<i class="icon-user"></i></a>';
     $html[] = '</div>';
     // Create the real field, hidden, that stored the user id.
     $html[] = '<input type="hidden" id="' . $this->id . '_id" name="' . $this->name . '" value="' . (int) $this->value . '" />';
     return implode("\n", $html);
Пример #3
  * Method to get the field input markup for OAuth2 Scope Lists.
  * @return  string  The field input markup.
 protected function getInput()
     // ShowCheckAll attribute process
     $showCheckAll = false;
     if ($this->getAttribute('showCheckAll', false) == true) {
         $showCheckAll = true;
     return RLayoutHelper::render('webservice.scopes', array('view' => $this, 'options' => array('scopes' => $this->getOptions(), 'id' => $this->id, 'name' => $this->name, 'label' => $this->label, 'value' => $this->value, 'showCheckAll' => $showCheckAll)));
Пример #4
  * Execute and display a template script.
  * @param   string  $tpl  The name of the template file to parse; automatically searches through the template paths.
  * @return  mixed  A string if successful, otherwise a Error object.
 public function display($tpl = null)
     $render = RLayoutHelper::render($this->componentLayout, array('view' => $this, 'tpl' => $tpl, 'component_title' => $this->componentTitle));
     if ($render instanceof Exception) {
         return $render;
     echo $render;
     return true;
Пример #5
  * Execute and display a template script.
  * @param   string  $tpl  The name of the template file to parse; automatically searches through the template paths.
  * @return  mixed  A string if successful, otherwise a Error object.
 public function display($tpl = null)
     $render = RLayoutHelper::render('component', array('view' => $this, 'tpl' => $tpl, 'component_title' => $this->componentTitle, 'sidebar_display' => $this->displaySidebar, 'sidebar_layout' => $this->sidebarLayout, 'sidebar_data' => $this->sidebarData, 'topbar_display' => $this->displayTopBar, 'topbar_layout' => $this->topBarLayout, 'topbar_inner_layout_display' => $this->displayTopBarInnerLayout, 'topbar_inner_layout' => $this->topBarInnerLayout, 'topbar_inner_layout_data' => $this->topBarInnerLayoutData, 'display_joomla_menu' => $this->displayJoomlaMenu));
     if ($render instanceof Exception) {
         return $render;
     echo $render;
     return true;
Пример #6
  * Method to get the field input markup for a generic list.
  * Use the multiple attribute to enable multiselect.
  * @return  string  The field input markup.
  * @since   11.1
 protected function getInput()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $listType = !empty($this->element['listType']) ? $this->element['listType'] : RBootstrap::getConfig('payment_list_payments_type', 'radio');
     $extensionName = !empty($this->element['extensionName']) ? $this->element['extensionName'] : $app->input->get->getString('option', '');
     $ownerName = !empty($this->element['ownerName']) ? $this->element['ownerName'] : '';
     // Get the field options.
     $options = $this->getOptions();
     return RLayoutHelper::render('redpayment.list.' . strtolower($listType), array('options' => array('payments' => $options, 'extensionName' => $extensionName, 'ownerName' => $ownerName, 'name' => $this->name, 'value' => $this->value, 'id' => $this->id, 'attributes' => $this->getAttributes())));
Пример #7
  * Method to get the field input markup.
  * @return  string  The field input markup.
 protected function getInput()
     $id = isset($this->element['id']) ? $this->element['id'] : null;
     $this->cssId = '#' . $this->getId($id, $this->element['name']);
     if (isset($this->element['inline']) && $this->element['inline'] == 'true') {
         $class = $this->element['class'] ? ' class="' . (string) $this->element['class'] . '"' : '';
         $this->fieldHtml = '<div id="' . $this->getId($id, $this->element['name']) . '" ' . $class . '></div>';
     } else {
         $this->fieldHtml = parent::getInput();
     $this->datepickerOptions = $this->getDatepickerOptions();
     return RLayoutHelper::render('fields.rdatepicker', $this);
Пример #8
  * Renders the error stack and returns the results as a string
  * @param   string  $name     Not used.
  * @param   array   $params   Associative array of values
  * @param   string  $content  Not used.
  * @return  string  The output of the script
  * @since   11.1
 public function render($name, $params = array(), $content = null)
     $msgList = $this->getData();
     $displayData = array('msgList' => $msgList, 'name' => $name, 'params' => $params, 'content' => $content);
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $chromePath = JPATH_THEMES . '/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/html/message.php';
     if (file_exists($chromePath)) {
         include_once $chromePath;
     if (function_exists('renderMessage')) {
         JLog::add('renderMessage() is deprecated. Override system message rendering with layouts instead.', JLog::WARNING, 'deprecated');
         return renderMessage($msgList);
     return RLayoutHelper::render('joomla.system.message', $displayData);
Пример #9
  * Method to get the user field input markup.
  * @return  string  The field input markup.
  * @since   1.6
 protected function getInput()
     $html = array();
     $groups = $this->getGroups();
     $excluded = $this->getExcluded();
     $link = 'index.php?option=com_users&amp;view=users&amp;layout=modal&amp;tmpl=component&amp;field=' . $this->id . (isset($groups) ? '&amp;groups=' . base64_encode(json_encode($groups)) : '') . (isset($excluded) ? '&amp;excluded=' . base64_encode(json_encode($excluded)) : '');
     // Initialize some field attributes.
     $attr = !empty($this->class) ? ' class="' . $this->class . '"' : '';
     $attr .= !empty($this->size) ? ' size="' . $this->size . '"' : '';
     $attr .= $this->required ? ' required' : '';
     // Build the script.
     $script = array();
     $script[] = '	function jSelectUser_' . $this->id . '(id, title) {';
     $script[] = '		var old_id = document.getElementById("' . $this->id . '_id").value;';
     $script[] = '		if (old_id != id) {';
     $script[] = '			document.getElementById("' . $this->id . '_id").value = id;';
     $script[] = '			document.getElementById("' . $this->id . '").value = title;';
     $script[] = '			document.getElementById("' . $this->id . '").className = document.getElementById("' . $this->id . '").className.replace(" invalid" , "");';
     $script[] = '			' . $this->onchange;
     $script[] = '		}';
     $script[] = '		jQuery("#modalContainer_modalButton_' . $this->id . '").modal("hide");';
     $script[] = '	}';
     // Add the script to the document head.
     JFactory::getDocument()->addScriptDeclaration(implode("\n", $script));
     // Load the current username if available.
     $table = JTable::getInstance('user');
     if (is_numeric($this->value)) {
     } elseif (strtoupper($this->value) == 'CURRENT') {
         // 'CURRENT' is not a reasonable value to be placed in the html
         $this->value = JFactory::getUser()->id;
     } else {
         $table->name = JText::_('JLIB_FORM_SELECT_USER');
     // Create a dummy text field with the user name.
     $html[] = '<div class="input-append">';
     $html[] = '	<input type="text" id="' . $this->id . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($table->name, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '"' . ' readonly' . $attr . ' />';
     // Create the user select button.
     if ($this->readonly === false) {
         $html[] = RLayoutHelper::render('modal.iframe', array('view' => $this, 'options' => array('id' => $this->id, 'header' => JText::_('JLIB_FORM_CHANGE_USER'), 'linkName' => '<i class="icon-user"></i>', 'link' => $link, 'linkClass' => 'btn btn-primary')));
     $html[] = '</div>';
     // Create the real field, hidden, that stored the user id.
     $html[] = '<input type="hidden" id="' . $this->id . '_id" name="' . $this->name . '" value="' . $this->value . '" />';
     return implode("\n", $html);
Пример #10
  * Ajax call to get logs tab content.
  * @return  void
 public function ajaxlogs()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $input = $app->input;
     $paymentId = $input->getInt('id');
     if ($paymentId) {
         /** @var RedcoreModelPayment_Logs $logsModel */
         $logsModel = RModelAdmin::getAdminInstance('Payment_Logs', array(), 'com_redcore');
         $state = $logsModel->getState();
         $logsModel->setState('filter.payment_id', $paymentId);
         $app->setUserState('log.payment_id', $paymentId);
         $formName = 'logsForm';
         $pagination = $logsModel->getPagination();
         $pagination->set('formName', $formName);
         echo RLayoutHelper::render('payment.logs', array('state' => $state, 'items' => $logsModel->getItems(), 'pagination' => $pagination, 'filterForm' => $logsModel->getForm(), 'activeFilters' => $logsModel->getActiveFilters(), 'formName' => $formName, 'showToolbar' => true, 'action' => RRoute::_('index.php?option=com_redcore&view=payment&model=payment_logs'), 'return' => base64_encode('index.php?option=com_redcore&view=payment&layout=edit&id=' . $paymentId . '&tab=logs&from_payment=1')));
Пример #11

 * @package     Redcore
 * @subpackage  Layouts
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2008 - 2015 redCOMPONENT.com. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later, see LICENSE.
defined('JPATH_REDCORE') or die;
$data = (object) $displayData;
$options = !empty($data->field->ajaxchildOptions) ? $data->field->ajaxchildOptions : array();
// We won't load anything if it's not going to work
if (!empty($options['ajaxUrl'])) {
    $options['childSelector'] = isset($options['childSelector']) ? $options['childSelector'] : '.js-childlist-child';
    JHtml::_('rjquery.childlist', $options['childSelector'], $options);
// Render the standard select
echo RLayoutHelper::render('redcore.field.list', $data);
Пример #12
    foreach ($modules as $module) {
        echo JModuleHelper::renderModule($module, array('style' => 'standard'));
if ($displayTopbarInnerLayout) {
    echo RLayoutHelper::render($topbarInnerLayout, $topbarInnerLayoutData);
			<ul class="nav nav-user navbar-right">
				<li class="dropdown">
					<a href="#" data-toggle="dropdown" class="dropdown-toggle">
						<span class="icon-user"></span>
						<b class="caret"></b>
					<ul class="dropdown-menu">
						<li class="">
							<a href="index.php?option=com_admin&amp;task=profile.edit&amp;id=<?php 
echo $userId;
Пример #13
  * Render the toolbar.
  * @return  string  The rendered toolbar.
 public function render()
     return RLayoutHelper::render('toolbar.toolbar', array('toolbar' => $this));
Пример #14
  * Execute the Api Documentation operation.
  * @return  mixed  RApi object with information on success, boolean false on failure.
  * @since   1.2
 public function apiDocumentation()
     $currentConfiguration = $this->configuration;
     $documentationNone = false;
     if ($this->operationConfiguration['source'] == 'url') {
         if (!empty($this->operationConfiguration['url'])) {
         $documentationNone = true;
     if ($this->operationConfiguration['source'] == 'none' || $documentationNone) {
         $currentConfiguration = null;
     $dataGet = $this->options->get('dataGet', array());
     $this->documentation = RLayoutHelper::render('webservice.documentation', array('view' => $this, 'options' => array('xml' => $currentConfiguration, 'soapEnabled' => RBootstrap::getConfig('enable_soap', 0), 'print' => isset($dataGet->print))));
     return $this;
Пример #15

 * @package     Redcore.Admin
 * @subpackage  Templates
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2008 - 2015 redCOMPONENT.com. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later, see LICENSE.
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
echo RLayoutHelper::render('webservice.operation', array('view' => $this, 'options' => array('operation' => 'update', 'form' => $this->form, 'tabActive' => ' active in ', 'fieldList' => array('defaultValue', 'isRequiredField', 'isPrimaryField'))));
Пример #16
	submitbutton = function (pressbutton)
		var form = document.adminForm;
		if (pressbutton)
			form.task.value = pressbutton;

<form action="index.php?option=com_tracks&view=projectroundelement&tmpl=component" class="admin" id="adminForm" method="post" name="adminForm">
echo RLayoutHelper::render('searchtools.default', array('view' => $this, 'options' => array('searchField' => 'search', 'searchFieldSelector' => '#filter_search', 'limitFieldSelector' => '#list_fields_limit', 'activeOrder' => $listOrder, 'activeDirection' => $listDirn)));
	<hr />
if (empty($this->items)) {
		<div class="alert alert-info">
			<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</button>
			<div class="pagination-centered">
Пример #17
  * Method to get the field input markup for a media selector.
  * Use attributes to identify specific created_by and asset_id fields
  * @return  string  The field input markup.
  * @todo    Create a layout and put all the output HTML there!
 protected function getInput()
     $assetField = $this->element['asset_field'] ? (string) $this->element['asset_field'] : 'asset_id';
     $authorField = $this->element['created_by_field'] ? (string) $this->element['created_by_field'] : 'created_by';
     $asset = $this->form->getValue($assetField) ? $this->form->getValue($assetField) : (string) $this->element['asset_id'];
     if ($asset == '') {
         $asset = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('option');
     $link = (string) $this->element['link'];
     $modalTitle = isset($this->element['modal_title']) ? JText::_($this->element['modal_title']) : JText::_('LIB_REDCORE_MEDIA_MANAGER');
     $modalId = 'modal-' . $this->id;
     if (!self::$initialised) {
         // Build the script.
         $script = array();
         $script[] = '	function jInsertFieldValue(value, id) {';
         $script[] = '		var old_value = document.id(id).value;';
         $script[] = '		if (old_value != value) {';
         $script[] = '			var elem = document.id(id);';
         $script[] = '			elem.value = value;';
         $script[] = '			elem.fireEvent("change");';
         $script[] = '			if (typeof(elem.onchange) === "function") {';
         $script[] = '				elem.onchange();';
         $script[] = '			}';
         $script[] = '			jMediaRefreshPreview(id);';
         $script[] = '		};';
         $script[] = '		jQuery("#' . $modalId . '").modal("hide");';
         $script[] = '	}';
         $script[] = '	function jMediaRefreshPreview(id) {';
         $script[] = '		var value = document.id(id).value;';
         $script[] = '		var img = document.id(id + "_preview");';
         $script[] = '		if (img) {';
         $script[] = '			if (value) {';
         $script[] = '				img.src = "' . JUri::root() . '" + value;';
         $script[] = '				document.id(id + "_preview_empty").setStyle("display", "none");';
         $script[] = '				document.id(id + "_preview_img").setStyle("display", "");';
         $script[] = '			} else { ';
         $script[] = '				img.src = ""';
         $script[] = '				document.id(id + "_preview_empty").setStyle("display", "");';
         $script[] = '				document.id(id + "_preview_img").setStyle("display", "none");';
         $script[] = '			} ';
         $script[] = '		} ';
         $script[] = '	}';
         $script[] = '	function jMediaRefreshPreviewTip(tip)';
         $script[] = '	{';
         $script[] = '		var img = tip.getElement("img.media-preview");';
         $script[] = '		tip.getElement("div.tip").setStyle("max-width", "none");';
         $script[] = '		var id = img.getProperty("id");';
         $script[] = '		id = id.substring(0, id.length - "_preview".length);';
         $script[] = '		jMediaRefreshPreview(id);';
         $script[] = '		tip.setStyle("display", "block");';
         $script[] = '	}';
         $script[] = '	function jSetIframeHeight(iframe)';
         $script[] = '	{';
         $script[] = '		var newheight;';
         $script[] = '		if(iframe) {';
         $script[] = '			newheight = iframe.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight;';
         $script[] = '			iframe.height= (newheight) + "px";';
         $script[] = '			iframe.setStyle("max-height", iframe.height);';
         $script[] = '		}';
         $script[] = '	}';
         $script[] = "\n\t\t\t\tfunction closeModal(fieldId)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('#modal-' + fieldId).modal('hide');\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t";
         // Add the script to the document head.
         JFactory::getDocument()->addScriptDeclaration(implode("\n", $script));
         self::$initialised = true;
     $html = array();
     $attr = '';
     // Initialize some field attributes.
     $attr .= $this->element['class'] ? ' class="' . (string) $this->element['class'] . '"' : '';
     $attr .= $this->element['size'] ? ' size="' . (int) $this->element['size'] . '"' : '';
     // Initialize JavaScript field attributes.
     $attr .= $this->element['onchange'] ? ' onchange="' . (string) $this->element['onchange'] . '"' : '';
     // The text field.
     $html[] = '<div class="input-prepend input-append input-group">';
     // The Preview.
     $preview = (string) $this->element['preview'];
     $showPreview = true;
     $showAsTooltip = false;
     switch ($preview) {
         case 'no':
             // Deprecated parameter value
         // Deprecated parameter value
         case 'false':
         case 'none':
             $showPreview = false;
         case 'yes':
             // Deprecated parameter value
         // Deprecated parameter value
         case 'true':
         case 'show':
         case 'tooltip':
             $showAsTooltip = true;
             $options = array('onShow' => 'jMediaRefreshPreviewTip');
             JHtml::_('rbootstrap.tooltip', '.hasTipPreview', $options);
     if ($showPreview) {
         if ($this->value && file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $this->value)) {
             $src = JUri::root() . $this->value;
         } else {
             $src = '';
         $width = isset($this->element['preview_width']) ? (int) $this->element['preview_width'] : 300;
         $height = isset($this->element['preview_height']) ? (int) $this->element['preview_height'] : 200;
         $style = '';
         $style .= $width > 0 ? 'max-width:' . $width . 'px;' : '';
         $style .= $height > 0 ? 'max-height:' . $height . 'px;' : '';
         $imgattr = array('id' => $this->id . '_preview', 'class' => 'media-preview', 'style' => $style);
         $img = JHtml::image($src, JText::_('JLIB_FORM_MEDIA_PREVIEW_ALT'), $imgattr);
         $previewImg = '<div id="' . $this->id . '_preview_img"' . ($src ? '' : ' style="display:none"') . '>' . $img . '</div>';
         $previewImgEmpty = '<div id="' . $this->id . '_preview_empty"' . ($src ? ' style="display:none"' : '') . '>' . JText::_('JLIB_FORM_MEDIA_PREVIEW_EMPTY') . '</div>';
         if ($showAsTooltip) {
             $html[] = '<div class="media-preview add-on input-group-addon">';
             $tooltip = $previewImgEmpty . $previewImg;
             $options = array('title' => JText::_('JLIB_FORM_MEDIA_PREVIEW_SELECTED_IMAGE'), 'text' => '<i class="icon-eye-open"></i>', 'class' => 'hasTipPreview');
             $html[] = RHtml::tooltip($tooltip, $options);
             $html[] = '</div>';
         } else {
             $html[] = '<div class="media-preview add-on input-group-addon" style="height:auto">';
             $html[] = ' ' . $previewImgEmpty;
             $html[] = ' ' . $previewImg;
             $html[] = '</div>';
     $html[] = '	<input type="text" class="input-small input-sm" name="' . $this->name . '" id="' . $this->id . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($this->value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" readonly="readonly"' . $attr . ' />';
     $directory = (string) $this->element['directory'];
     if ($this->value && file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $this->value)) {
         $folder = explode('/', $this->value);
         $folder = array_diff_assoc($folder, explode('/', JComponentHelper::getParams('com_media')->get('image_path', 'images')));
         $folder = implode('/', $folder);
     } elseif (file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/' . JComponentHelper::getParams('com_media')->get('image_path', 'images') . '/' . $directory)) {
         $folder = $directory;
     } else {
         $folder = '';
     $link = ($link ? $link : 'index.php?option=com_media&amp;view=images&amp;layout=modal&amp;tmpl=component&amp;asset=' . $asset . '&amp;author=' . $this->form->getValue($authorField)) . '&amp;fieldid=' . $this->id . '&amp;folder=' . $folder . '&amp;redcore=true';
     // Create the modal object
     $modal = RModal::getInstance(array('attribs' => array('id' => $modalId, 'class' => 'modal hide', 'style' => 'width: 820px; height: 500px; margin-left: -410px; top: 50%; margin-top: -250px;'), 'params' => array('showHeader' => true, 'showFooter' => false, 'showHeaderClose' => true, 'title' => $modalTitle, 'link' => $link, 'events' => array('onload' => 'jSetIframeHeight'))), $modalId);
     $html[] = RLayoutHelper::render('fields.rmedia', array('modal' => $modal, 'field' => $this));
     $html[] = '</div>';
     return implode("\n", $html);
Пример #18
  * Render the button.
  * @param   boolean  $isOption  Is menu option?
  * @return  string  The rendered button.
 public function render($isOption = false)
     return RLayoutHelper::render('toolbar.button.standard', array('button' => $this, 'isOption' => $isOption));
Пример #19
				<div class="control-label">
echo $this->form->getLabel('params');
				<div class="controls">
echo $this->form->getInput('params');
$element = new RTranslationContentElement('com_plugins', '');
$element->name = 'plugins';
$column = array('name' => 'params', 'formname' => 'plugin');
echo RLayoutHelper::render('translation.params', array('form' => RTranslationHelper::loadParamsForm($column, $element, $this->item, 'plugin'), 'column' => $column, 'translationForm' => true));

	<!-- hidden fields -->
	<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_redcore">
	<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php 
echo $this->item->id;
	<input type="hidden" name="task" value="">
echo JHTML::_('form.token');
Пример #20
        $firstTabActive = false;
<div class="tab-content">
foreach ($this->formData as $operation => $operationData) {
    if (substr($operation, 0, strlen('read-')) === 'read-') {
        $fieldList = array('defaultValue', 'isRequiredField', 'isPrimaryField');
        if ($operation == 'read-list') {
            $fieldList = array_merge($fieldList, array('isFilterField', 'isSearchableField'));
        echo RLayoutHelper::render('webservice.operation', array('view' => $this, 'options' => array('operation' => $operation, 'form' => $this->form, 'tabActive' => $firstContentActive ? ' active in ' : '', 'fieldList' => $fieldList)));
        $firstContentActive = false;
Пример #21
                    echo RLayoutHelper::render('webservice.documentationoperation', array('view' => $view, 'options' => array('xml' => $xml, 'operationXml' => $task, 'operationName' => $operationName . ' ' . $taskName, 'taskName' => $taskName, 'soapEnabled' => $soapEnabled)));
							<br />
            } else {
						<a name="<?php 
                echo $operationName;
                echo RLayoutHelper::render('webservice.documentationoperation', array('view' => $view, 'options' => array('xml' => $xml, 'operationXml' => $operation, 'operationName' => $operationName, 'soapEnabled' => $soapEnabled)));
						<br />
Пример #22
  * Method to get the field input markup.
  * @return  string  The field input markup.
 protected function getInput()
     $class = $this->element['class'] ? $this->element['class'] : '';
     return RLayoutHelper::render('fields.timepicker', array('field' => $this, 'class' => $class, 'id' => $this->id, 'required' => $this->required, 'name' => $this->name, 'value' => $this->value));
Пример #23
	.string { color: green; }
	.number { color: darkorange; }
	.boolean { color: blue; }
	.null { color: magenta; }
	.key { color: red; }
	.modal.large {
		width: 80%;
<form action="<?php 
echo $action;
" id="adminForm" method="post" name="adminForm" autocomplete="off" class="adminForm form-validate form-horizontal" enctype="multipart/form-data">
echo RLayoutHelper::render('searchtools.default', array('view' => $this, 'options' => array('filtersHidden' => false, 'searchField' => 'search_webservices', 'searchFieldSelector' => '#filter_search_webservicess', 'limitFieldSelector' => '#list_webservices_limit', 'activeOrder' => $listOrder, 'activeDirection' => $listDirn)));
	<div class="modal fade"
		<div class="modal-dialog modal-lg modal-dialog-lg">
			<div class="modal-content">
				<div class="modal-header">
					<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>
					<h4 class="modal-title"><?php 
Пример #24
    if ($displayTopbar) {
        echo RLayoutHelper::render($topbarLayout, $topbarData);
		<div class="row-fluid">
    if ($displaySidebar) {
			<div class="span2 sidebar">
        echo RLayoutHelper::render($sidebarLayout, $sidebarData);
			<div class="span10 content">
    } else {
				<div class="span12 content">
					<section id="component">
						<div class="row-fluid">
    echo $view->getTitle();
Пример #25

 * @package     Redcore
 * @subpackage  Layouts
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2012 - 2013 redCOMPONENT.com. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later, see LICENSE.
defined('JPATH_REDCORE') or die;
$data = (object) $displayData;
$options = !empty($data->field->ajaxchildOptions) ? $data->field->ajaxchildOptions : array();
// We won't load anything if it's not going to work
if (!empty($options['ajaxUrl'])) {
    $options['childSelector'] = isset($options['childSelector']) ? $options['childSelector'] : '.js-childlist-child';
    JHtml::_('rjquery.childlist', $options['childSelector'], $options);
// Render the standard select
echo RLayoutHelper::render('fields.rlist', $data);
Пример #26
  * Method to create an inactive pagination string
  * @param   RPaginationObject  $item  The item to be processed
  * @return  string
  * @since   1.0
 protected function _item_inactive(RPaginationObject $item)
     return RLayoutHelper::render('pagination.item.inactive', $item);
Пример #27
  * Method to sort a column in a grid
  * @param   string  $title          The link title
  * @param   string  $order          The order field for the column
  * @param   string  $direction      The current direction
  * @param   mixed   $selected       The selected ordering
  * @param   string  $task           An optional task override
  * @param   string  $new_direction  An optional direction for the new column
  * @param   string  $tip            An optional text shown as tooltip title instead of $title
  * @param   string  $icon           Icon to show
  * @param   string  $formId         The form id
  * @return  string
 public static function sort($title, $order, $direction = 'asc', $selected = 0, $task = null, $new_direction = 'asc', $tip = '', $icon = null, $formId = 'adminForm')
     $direction = strtolower($direction);
     $orderIcons = array('icon-chevron-up', 'icon-chevron-down');
     $index = (int) ($direction == 'desc');
     if ($order != $selected) {
         $direction = $new_direction;
     } else {
         $direction = $direction == 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc';
     // Create an object to pass it to the layouts
     $data = new stdClass();
     $data->order = $order;
     $data->direction = $direction;
     $data->metatitle = RHtml::tooltipText(JText::_($tip ? $tip : $title), JText::_('JGLOBAL_CLICK_TO_SORT_THIS_COLUMN'), 0);
     $data->selected = $selected;
     $data->task = $task;
     $data->tip = $tip;
     $data->title = $title;
     $data->orderIcon = $orderIcons[$index];
     $data->icon = $icon;
     $data->form = $formId;
     return RLayoutHelper::render('grid.sort', $data);
Пример #28
  * Close the current tab content panel
  * @return  string  HTML to close the pane
 public static function endTab()
     $html = RLayoutHelper::render('libraries.cms.html.bootstrap.endtab');
     return $html;
Пример #29
JHtml::_('rjquery.chosen', 'select');
// Required objects
$doc = JFactory::getDocument();
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$action = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_redsource&view=contents');
$listOrder = $this->state->get('list.ordering');
$listDirn = $this->state->get('list.direction');
$saveOrder = $listOrder == 'ordering';
<form action="<?php 
echo $action;
" name="adminForm" class="adminForm" id="adminForm" method="post">
	<div class="row-fluid">
echo RLayoutHelper::render('search', array('view' => $this));
		<table class="table table-striped table-hover" id="companyList">
				<th class="span1" class="hidden-phone"></th>
				<th class="span1" class="nowrap center">
echo $this->filterForm->getInput('filter_state');
				<th class="span1 hidden-phone"></th>
				<th class="span1 hidden-phone"></th>
				<th class="span3"></th>
				<th class="span2 hidden-phone"></th>
Пример #30

        echo $output;
    echo RLayoutHelper::render('pagination.link', $pages['next']);
    echo RLayoutHelper::render('pagination.link', $pages['end']);
if ($showLimitStart) {
		<input type="hidden" name="<?php 
    echo $list['prefix'];
limitstart" value="<?php 
    echo $list['limitstart'];
" />