Пример #1
 public static function get_form($form_id, $display_title = true, $display_description = true, $force_display = false, $field_values = null, $ajax = false, $tabindex = 1)
     //looking up form id by form name
     if (!is_numeric($form_id)) {
         $form_id = RGFormsModel::get_form_id($form_id);
     //reading form metadata
     $form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($form_id, true);
     $form = RGFormsModel::add_default_properties($form);
     //disable ajax if form has a reCAPTCHA field (not supported).
     if ($ajax && self::has_recaptcha_field($form)) {
         $ajax = false;
     $is_postback = false;
     $is_valid = true;
     $confirmation_message = "";
     $page_number = 1;
     //If form was submitted, read variables set during form submission procedure
     $submission_info = isset(self::$submission[$form_id]) ? self::$submission[$form_id] : false;
     if ($submission_info) {
         $is_postback = true;
         $is_valid = rgar($submission_info, "is_valid") || rgar($submission_info, "is_confirmation");
         $form = $submission_info["form"];
         $lead = $submission_info["lead"];
         $confirmation_message = rgget("confirmation_message", $submission_info);
         if ($is_valid && !RGForms::get("is_confirmation", $submission_info)) {
             if ($submission_info["page_number"] == 0) {
                 //post submission hook
                 do_action("gform_post_submission", $lead, $form);
                 do_action("gform_post_submission_{$form["id"]}", $lead, $form);
             } else {
                 //change page hook
                 do_action("gform_post_paging", $form, $submission_info["source_page_number"], $submission_info["page_number"]);
                 do_action("gform_post_paging_{$form["id"]}", $form, $submission_info["source_page_number"], $submission_info["page_number"]);
     } else {
         if (!current_user_can("administrator")) {
             RGFormsModel::insert_form_view($form_id, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     if (rgar($form, "enableHoneypot")) {
         $form["fields"][] = self::get_honeypot_field($form);
     //Fired right before the form rendering process. Allow users to manipulate the form object before it gets displayed in the front end
     $form = apply_filters("gform_pre_render_{$form_id}", apply_filters("gform_pre_render", $form, $ajax), $ajax);
     if ($form == null) {
         return "<p>" . __("Oops! We could not locate your form.", "gravityforms") . "</p>";
     $has_pages = self::has_pages($form);
     //calling tab index filter
     GFCommon::$tab_index = apply_filters("gform_tabindex_{$form_id}", apply_filters("gform_tabindex", $tabindex, $form), $form);
     //Don't display inactive forms
     if (!$force_display && !$is_postback) {
         $form_info = RGFormsModel::get_form($form_id);
         if (!$form_info->is_active) {
             return "";
         // If form requires login, check if user is logged in
         if (rgar($form, "requireLogin")) {
             if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
                 return empty($form["requireLoginMessage"]) ? "<p>" . __("Sorry. You must be logged in to view this form.", "gravityforms") . "</p>" : "<p>" . GFCommon::gform_do_shortcode($form["requireLoginMessage"]) . "</p>";
     // show the form regardless of the following validations when force display is set to true
     if (!$force_display) {
         $form_schedule_validation = self::validate_form_schedule($form);
         // if form schedule validation fails AND this is not a postback, display the validation error
         // if form schedule validation fails AND this is a postback, make sure is not a valid submission (enables display of confirmation message)
         if ($form_schedule_validation && !$is_postback || $form_schedule_validation && $is_postback && !$is_valid) {
             return $form_schedule_validation;
         $entry_limit_validation = self::validate_entry_limit($form);
         // refer to form schedule condition notes above
         if ($entry_limit_validation && !$is_postback || $entry_limit_validation && $is_postback && !$is_valid) {
             return $entry_limit_validation;
     $form_string = "";
     //When called via a template, this will enqueue the proper scripts
     //When called via a shortcode, this will be ignored (too late to enqueue), but the scripts will be enqueued via the enqueue_scripts event
     self::enqueue_form_scripts($form, $ajax);
     if (empty($confirmation_message)) {
         $wrapper_css_class = GFCommon::get_browser_class() . " gform_wrapper";
         if (!$is_valid) {
             $wrapper_css_class .= " gform_validation_error";
         //Hidding entire form if conditional logic is on to prevent "hidden" fields from blinking. Form will be set to visible in the conditional_logic.php after the rules have been applied.
         $style = self::has_conditional_logic($form) ? "style='display:none'" : "";
         $custom_wrapper_css_class = !empty($form["cssClass"]) ? " {$form["cssClass"]}_wrapper" : "";
         $form_string .= "\n                <div class='{$wrapper_css_class}{$custom_wrapper_css_class}' id='gform_wrapper_{$form_id}' " . $style . ">";
         $action = add_query_arg(array());
         $default_anchor = $has_pages || $ajax ? true : false;
         $use_anchor = apply_filters("gform_confirmation_anchor_{$form["id"]}", apply_filters("gform_confirmation_anchor", $default_anchor));
         if ($use_anchor !== false) {
             $form_string .= "<a id='gf_{$form_id}' name='gf_{$form_id}' class='gform_anchor' ></a>";
             $action .= "#gf_{$form_id}";
         $target = $ajax ? "target='gform_ajax_frame_{$form_id}'" : "";
         $form_css_class = !empty($form["cssClass"]) ? "class='{$form["cssClass"]}'" : "";
         $action = esc_attr($action);
         $form_string .= apply_filters("gform_form_tag_{$form_id}", apply_filters("gform_form_tag", "<form method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data' {$target} id='gform_{$form_id}' {$form_css_class} action='{$action}'>", $form), $form);
         if ($display_title || $display_description) {
             $form_string .= "\n                        <div class='gform_heading'>";
             if ($display_title) {
                 $form_string .= "\n                            <h3 class='gform_title'>" . $form['title'] . "</h3>";
             if ($display_description) {
                 $form_string .= "\n                            <span class='gform_description'>" . rgar($form, 'description') . "</span>";
             $form_string .= "\n                        </div>";
         $current_page = self::get_current_page($form_id);
         if ($has_pages && !IS_ADMIN) {
             $page_count = self::get_max_page_number($form);
             if ($form["pagination"]["type"] == "percentage") {
                 $form_string .= self::get_progress_bar($form, $form_id, $confirmation_message);
             } else {
                 if ($form["pagination"]["type"] == "steps") {
                     $form_string .= "\n                    <div id='gf_page_steps_{$form_id}' class='gf_page_steps'>";
                     for ($i = 0, $count = sizeof($form["pagination"]["pages"]); $i < $count; $i++) {
                         $step_number = $i + 1;
                         $active_class = $step_number == $current_page ? " gf_step_active" : "";
                         $first_class = $i == 0 ? " gf_step_first" : "";
                         $last_class = $i + 1 == $count ? " gf_step_last" : "";
                         $complete_class = $step_number < $current_page ? " gf_step_completed" : "";
                         $previous_class = $step_number + 1 == $current_page ? " gf_step_previous" : "";
                         $next_class = $step_number - 1 == $current_page ? " gf_step_next" : "";
                         $pending_class = $step_number > $current_page ? " gf_step_pending" : "";
                         $classes = "gf_step" . $active_class . $first_class . $last_class . $complete_class . $previous_class . $next_class . $pending_class;
                         $classes = GFCommon::trim_all($classes);
                         $form_string .= "\n                        <div id='gf_step_{$form_id}_{$step_number}' class='{$classes}'><span class='gf_step_number'>{$step_number}</span>&nbsp;{$form["pagination"]["pages"][$i]}</div>";
                     $form_string .= "\n                        <div class='gf_step_clear'></div>\n                    </div>";
         if ($is_postback && !$is_valid) {
             $validation_message = "<div class='validation_error'>" . __("There was a problem with your submission.", "gravityforms") . " " . __("Errors have been highlighted below.", "gravityforms") . "</div>";
             $form_string .= apply_filters("gform_validation_message_{$form["id"]}", apply_filters("gform_validation_message", $validation_message, $form), $form);
         $form_string .= "\n                        <div class='gform_body'>";
         //add first page if this form has any page fields
         if ($has_pages) {
             $style = self::is_page_active($form_id, 1) ? "" : "style='display:none;'";
             $class = !empty($form["firstPageCssClass"]) ? " {$form["firstPageCssClass"]}" : "";
             $form_string .= "<div id='gform_page_{$form_id}_1' class='gform_page{$class}' {$style}>\n                                    <div class='gform_page_fields'>";
         $description_class = rgar($form, "descriptionPlacement") == "above" ? "description_above" : "description_below";
         $form_string .= "\n                            <ul id='gform_fields_{$form_id}' class='gform_fields {$form['labelPlacement']} {$description_class}'>";
         if (is_array($form['fields'])) {
             foreach ($form['fields'] as $field) {
                 $field["conditionalLogicFields"] = self::get_conditional_logic_fields($form, $field["id"]);
                 $form_string .= self::get_field($field, RGFormsModel::get_field_value($field, $field_values), false, $form, $field_values);
         $form_string .= "\n                            </ul>";
         if ($has_pages) {
             $previous_button = self::get_form_button($form["id"], "gform_previous_button_{$form["id"]}", $form["lastPageButton"], __("Previous", "gravityforms"), "button gform_previous_button", __("Previous Page", "gravityforms"), self::get_current_page($form_id) - 1);
             $form_string .= "</div>" . self::gform_footer($form, "gform_page_footer " . $form['labelPlacement'], $ajax, $field_values, $previous_button, $display_title, $display_description, $is_postback) . "\n                            </div>";
             //closes gform_page
         $form_string .= "</div>";
         //closes gform_body
         //suppress form footer for multi-page forms (footer will be included on the last page
         if (!$has_pages) {
             $form_string .= self::gform_footer($form, "gform_footer " . $form['labelPlacement'], $ajax, $field_values, "", $display_title, $display_description, $is_postback);
         $form_string .= "\n                </form>\n                </div>";
         if ($ajax && $is_postback) {
             global $wp_scripts;
             $form_string = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>" . "<meta charset='UTF-8' /></head><body class='GF_AJAX_POSTBACK'>" . $form_string . "</body></html>";
         if ($ajax && !$is_postback) {
             $spinner_url = apply_filters("gform_ajax_spinner_url_{$form_id}", apply_filters("gform_ajax_spinner_url", GFCommon::get_base_url() . "/images/spinner.gif", $form), $form);
             $scroll_position = array('default' => '', 'confirmation' => '');
             if ($use_anchor !== false) {
                 $scroll_position['default'] = is_numeric($use_anchor) ? "jQuery(document).scrollTop(" . intval($use_anchor) . ");" : "jQuery(document).scrollTop(jQuery('#gform_wrapper_{$form_id}').offset().top);";
                 $scroll_position['confirmation'] = is_numeric($use_anchor) ? "jQuery(document).scrollTop(" . intval($use_anchor) . ");" : "jQuery(document).scrollTop(jQuery('#gforms_confirmation_message').offset().top);";
             $form_string .= "\n                <iframe style='display:none;width:0px; height:0px;' src='about:blank' name='gform_ajax_frame_{$form_id}' id='gform_ajax_frame_{$form_id}'></iframe>\n                <script type='text/javascript'>" . apply_filters("gform_cdata_open", "") . "" . "function gformInitSpinner_{$form_id}(){" . "jQuery('#gform_{$form_id}').submit(function(){" . "if(jQuery('#gform_ajax_spinner_{$form_id}').length == 0){" . "jQuery('#gform_submit_button_{$form_id}, #gform_wrapper_{$form_id} .gform_previous_button, #gform_wrapper_{$form_id} .gform_next_button, #gform_wrapper_{$form_id} .gform_image_button').attr('disabled', true); " . "jQuery('#gform_submit_button_{$form_id}, #gform_wrapper_{$form_id} .gform_next_button, #gform_wrapper_{$form_id} .gform_image_button').after('<' + 'img id=\"gform_ajax_spinner_{$form_id}\"  class=\"gform_ajax_spinner\" src=\"{$spinner_url}\" alt=\"\" />'); " . "}" . "} );" . "}" . "jQuery(document).ready(function(\$){" . "gformInitSpinner_{$form_id}();" . "jQuery('#gform_ajax_frame_{$form_id}').load( function(){" . "var contents = jQuery(this).contents().find('*').html();" . "var is_postback = contents.indexOf('GF_AJAX_POSTBACK') >= 0;" . "if(!is_postback){return;}" . "var form_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('#gform_wrapper_{$form_id}');" . "var is_redirect = contents.indexOf('gformRedirect(){') >= 0;" . "jQuery('#gform_submit_button_{$form_id}').removeAttr('disabled');" . "var is_form = !(form_content.length <= 0 || is_redirect);" . "if(is_form){" . "jQuery('#gform_wrapper_{$form_id}').html(form_content.html());" . "{$scroll_position['default']}" . "if(window['gformInitDatepicker']) {gformInitDatepicker();}" . "if(window['gformInitPriceFields']) {gformInitPriceFields();}" . "var current_page = jQuery('#gform_source_page_number_{$form_id}').val();" . "gformInitSpinner_{$form_id}();" . "jQuery(document).trigger('gform_page_loaded', [{$form_id}, current_page]);" . "}" . "else if(!is_redirect){" . "var confirmation_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('#gforms_confirmation_message').html();" . "if(!confirmation_content){" . "confirmation_content = contents;" . "}" . "setTimeout(function(){" . "jQuery('#gform_wrapper_{$form_id}').replaceWith('<' + 'div id=\\'gforms_confirmation_message\\' class=\\'gform_confirmation_message_{$form_id}\\'' + '>' + confirmation_content + '<' + '/div' + '>');" . "{$scroll_position['confirmation']}" . "jQuery(document).trigger('gform_confirmation_loaded', [{$form_id}]);" . "}, 50);" . "}" . "else{" . "jQuery('#gform_{$form_id}').append(contents);" . "if(window['gformRedirect']) {gformRedirect();}" . "}" . "jQuery(document).trigger('gform_post_render', [{$form_id}, current_page]);" . "} );" . "} );" . apply_filters("gform_cdata_close", "") . "</script>";
         $is_first_load = !$is_postback;
         if (!$ajax || $is_first_load) {
             self::register_form_init_scripts($form, $field_values);
             if (apply_filters("gform_init_scripts_footer", false)) {
                 add_action("wp_footer", create_function('', 'GFFormDisplay::footer_init_scripts(' . $form['id'] . ');'), 20);
                 add_action("gform_preview_footer", create_function('', 'GFFormDisplay::footer_init_scripts(' . $form['id'] . ');'));
             } else {
                 $form_string .= self::get_form_init_scripts($form);
                 $form_string .= "<script type='text/javascript'>" . apply_filters("gform_cdata_open", "") . " jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery(document).trigger('gform_post_render', [{$form_id}, {$current_page}]) } ); " . apply_filters("gform_cdata_close", "") . "</script>";
         return apply_filters('gform_get_form_filter', $form_string);
     } else {
         $progress_confirmation = "";
         //check admin setting for whether the progress bar should start at zero
         $start_at_zero = rgars($form, "pagination/display_progressbar_on_confirmation");
         //check for filter
         $start_at_zero = apply_filters("gform_progressbar_start_at_zero", $start_at_zero, $form);
         //show progress bar on confirmation
         if ($start_at_zero && $has_pages && !IS_ADMIN && ($form["confirmation"]["type"] == "message" && $form["pagination"]["type"] == "percentage") && $form["pagination"]["display_progressbar_on_confirmation"]) {
             $progress_confirmation = self::get_progress_bar($form, $form_id, $confirmation_message);
             if ($ajax) {
                 $progress_confirmation = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset='UTF-8' /></head><body class='GF_AJAX_POSTBACK'>" . $progress_confirmation . $confirmation_message . "</body></html>";
             } else {
                 $progress_confirmation = $progress_confirmation . $confirmation_message;
         } else {
             //return regular confirmation message
             if ($ajax) {
                 $progress_confirmation = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset='UTF-8' /></head><body class='GF_AJAX_POSTBACK'>" . $confirmation_message . "</body></html>";
             } else {
                 $progress_confirmation = $confirmation_message;
         return $progress_confirmation;
Пример #2
 public static function get_form($form_id, $display_title = true, $display_description = true, $force_display = false, $field_values = null, $ajax = false, $tabindex = 1)
      * Provides the ability to modify the options used to display the form
      * @param array An array of Form Arguments when adding it to a page/post (Like the ID, Title, AJAX or not, etc)
     $form_args = apply_filters('gform_form_args', compact('form_id', 'display_title', 'display_description', 'force_display', 'field_values', 'ajax', 'tabindex'));
     //looking up form id by form name
     if (!is_numeric($form_id)) {
         $form_id = RGFormsModel::get_form_id($form_id);
     //reading form metadata
     $form = GFAPI::get_form($form_id);
     $form = self::maybe_add_review_page($form);
     $action = remove_query_arg('gf_token');
     //disable ajax if form has a reCAPTCHA field (not supported).
     if ($ajax && self::has_recaptcha_field($form)) {
         $ajax = false;
     if (isset($_POST['gform_send_resume_link'])) {
         $save_email_confirmation = self::handle_save_email_confirmation($form, $ajax);
         if (is_wp_error($save_email_confirmation)) {
             // Failed email validation
             $resume_token = rgpost('gform_resume_token');
             $resume_token = sanitize_key($resume_token);
             $incomplete_submission_info = GFFormsModel::get_incomplete_submission_values($resume_token);
             if ($incomplete_submission_info['form_id'] == $form_id) {
                 $submission_details_json = $incomplete_submission_info['submission'];
                 $submission_details = json_decode($submission_details_json, true);
                 $partial_entry = $submission_details['partial_entry'];
                 $form = self::update_confirmation($form, $partial_entry, 'form_saved');
                 $confirmation_message = rgar($form['confirmation'], 'message');
                 $nl2br = rgar($form['confirmation'], 'disableAutoformat') ? false : true;
                 $confirmation_message = GFCommon::replace_variables($confirmation_message, $form, $partial_entry, false, true, $nl2br);
                 return self::handle_save_confirmation($form, $resume_token, $confirmation_message, $ajax);
         } else {
             return $save_email_confirmation;
     $is_postback = false;
     $is_valid = true;
     $confirmation_message = '';
     //If form was submitted, read variables set during form submission procedure
     $submission_info = isset(self::$submission[$form_id]) ? self::$submission[$form_id] : false;
     if (rgar($submission_info, 'saved_for_later') == true) {
         $resume_token = $submission_info['resume_token'];
         $confirmation_message = rgar($submission_info, 'confirmation_message');
         return self::handle_save_confirmation($form, $resume_token, $confirmation_message, $ajax);
     $partial_entry = $submitted_values = false;
     if (isset($_GET['gf_token'])) {
         $incomplete_submission_info = GFFormsModel::get_incomplete_submission_values($_GET['gf_token']);
         if ($incomplete_submission_info['form_id'] == $form_id) {
             $submission_details_json = $incomplete_submission_info['submission'];
             $submission_details = json_decode($submission_details_json, true);
             $partial_entry = $submission_details['partial_entry'];
             $submitted_values = $submission_details['submitted_values'];
             $field_values = $submission_details['field_values'];
             GFFormsModel::$unique_ids[$form_id] = $submission_details['gform_unique_id'];
             GFFormsModel::$uploaded_files[$form_id] = $submission_details['files'];
             self::set_submission_if_null($form_id, 'resuming_incomplete_submission', true);
             self::set_submission_if_null($form_id, 'form_id', $form_id);
             $max_page_number = self::get_max_page_number($form);
             $page_number = $submission_details['page_number'] > $max_page_number ? $max_page_number : $submission_details['page_number'];
             self::set_submission_if_null($form_id, 'page_number', $page_number);
     if (!is_array($partial_entry)) {
          * A filter that allows disabling of the form view counter
          * @param int $form_id The Form ID to filter when disabling the form view counter
          * @param bool Default set to false (view counter enabled), can be set to true to disable the counter
         $view_counter_disabled = gf_apply_filters(array('gform_disable_view_counter', $form_id), false);
         if ($submission_info) {
             $is_postback = true;
             $is_valid = rgar($submission_info, 'is_valid') || rgar($submission_info, 'is_confirmation');
             $form = $submission_info['form'];
             $lead = $submission_info['lead'];
             $confirmation_message = rgget('confirmation_message', $submission_info);
             if ($is_valid && !RGForms::get('is_confirmation', $submission_info)) {
                 if ($submission_info['page_number'] == 0) {
                      * Fired after form submission
                      * @param array $lead The Entry object
                      * @param array $form The Form object
                     gf_do_action(array('gform_post_submission', $form['id']), $lead, $form);
                 } else {
                      * Fired after the page changes on a multi-page form
                      * @param array $form                                  The Form object
                      * @param int   $submission_info['source_page_number'] The page that was submitted
                      * @param int   $submission_info['page_number']        The page that the user is being sent to
                     gf_do_action(array('gform_post_paging', $form['id']), $form, $submission_info['source_page_number'], $submission_info['page_number']);
         } elseif (!current_user_can('administrator') && !$view_counter_disabled) {
             RGFormsModel::insert_form_view($form_id, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     if (rgar($form, 'enableHoneypot')) {
         $form['fields'][] = self::get_honeypot_field($form);
     //Fired right before the form rendering process. Allow users to manipulate the form object before it gets displayed in the front end
     $form = gf_apply_filters(array('gform_pre_render', $form_id), $form, $ajax, $field_values);
     if ($form == null) {
         return '<p>' . esc_html__('Oops! We could not locate your form.', 'gravityforms') . '</p>';
     $has_pages = self::has_pages($form);
     //calling tab index filter
     GFCommon::$tab_index = gf_apply_filters(array('gform_tabindex', $form_id), $tabindex, $form);
     //Don't display inactive forms
     if (!$force_display && !$is_postback) {
         $form_info = RGFormsModel::get_form($form_id);
         if (empty($form_info) || !$form_info->is_active) {
             return '';
         // If form requires login, check if user is logged in
         if (rgar($form, 'requireLogin')) {
             if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
                 return empty($form['requireLoginMessage']) ? '<p>' . esc_html__('Sorry. You must be logged in to view this form.', 'gravityforms') . '</p>' : '<p>' . GFCommon::gform_do_shortcode($form['requireLoginMessage']) . '</p>';
     // show the form regardless of the following validations when force display is set to true
     if (!$force_display || $is_postback) {
         $form_schedule_validation = self::validate_form_schedule($form);
         // if form schedule validation fails AND this is not a postback, display the validation error
         // if form schedule validation fails AND this is a postback, make sure is not a valid submission (enables display of confirmation message)
         if ($form_schedule_validation && !$is_postback || $form_schedule_validation && $is_postback && !$is_valid) {
             return $form_schedule_validation;
         $entry_limit_validation = self::validate_entry_limit($form);
         // refer to form schedule condition notes above
         if ($entry_limit_validation && !$is_postback || $entry_limit_validation && $is_postback && !$is_valid) {
             return $entry_limit_validation;
     $form_string = '';
     //When called via a template, this will enqueue the proper scripts
     //When called via a shortcode, this will be ignored (too late to enqueue), but the scripts will be enqueued via the enqueue_scripts event
     self::enqueue_form_scripts($form, $ajax);
     $is_form_editor = GFCommon::is_form_editor();
     $is_entry_detail = GFCommon::is_entry_detail();
     $is_admin = $is_form_editor || $is_entry_detail;
     if (empty($confirmation_message)) {
         $wrapper_css_class = GFCommon::get_browser_class() . ' gform_wrapper';
         if (!$is_valid) {
             $wrapper_css_class .= ' gform_validation_error';
         $form_css_class = esc_attr(rgar($form, 'cssClass'));
         //Hiding entire form if conditional logic is on to prevent 'hidden' fields from blinking. Form will be set to visible in the conditional_logic.php after the rules have been applied.
         $style = self::has_conditional_logic($form) ? "style='display:none'" : '';
         $custom_wrapper_css_class = !empty($form_css_class) ? " {$form_css_class}_wrapper" : '';
         $form_string .= "\n                <div class='{$wrapper_css_class}{$custom_wrapper_css_class}' id='gform_wrapper_{$form_id}' " . $style . '>';
         $default_anchor = $has_pages || $ajax ? true : false;
         $use_anchor = gf_apply_filters(array('gform_confirmation_anchor', $form_id), $default_anchor);
         if ($use_anchor !== false) {
             $form_string .= "<a id='gf_{$form_id}' class='gform_anchor' ></a>";
             $action .= "#gf_{$form_id}";
         $target = $ajax ? "target='gform_ajax_frame_{$form_id}'" : '';
         $form_css_class = !empty($form['cssClass']) ? "class='{$form_css_class}'" : '';
         $action = esc_url($action);
         $form_string .= gf_apply_filters(array('gform_form_tag', $form_id), "<form method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data' {$target} id='gform_{$form_id}' {$form_css_class} action='{$action}'>", $form);
         if ($display_title || $display_description) {
             $form_string .= "\n                        <div class='gform_heading'>";
             if ($display_title) {
                 $form_string .= "\n                            <h3 class='gform_title'>" . $form['title'] . '</h3>';
             if ($display_description) {
                 $form_string .= "\n                            <span class='gform_description'>" . rgar($form, 'description') . '</span>';
             $form_string .= '
         $current_page = self::get_current_page($form_id);
         if ($has_pages && !$is_admin) {
             if ($form['pagination']['type'] == 'percentage') {
                 $form_string .= self::get_progress_bar($form, $form_id, $confirmation_message);
             } else {
                 if ($form['pagination']['type'] == 'steps') {
                     $form_string .= "\n                    <div id='gf_page_steps_{$form_id}' class='gf_page_steps'>";
                     $pages = isset($form['pagination']['pages']) ? $form['pagination']['pages'] : array();
                     for ($i = 0, $count = sizeof($pages); $i < $count; $i++) {
                         $step_number = $i + 1;
                         $active_class = $step_number == $current_page ? ' gf_step_active' : '';
                         $first_class = $i == 0 ? ' gf_step_first' : '';
                         $last_class = $i + 1 == $count ? ' gf_step_last' : '';
                         $complete_class = $step_number < $current_page ? ' gf_step_completed' : '';
                         $previous_class = $step_number + 1 == $current_page ? ' gf_step_previous' : '';
                         $next_class = $step_number - 1 == $current_page ? ' gf_step_next' : '';
                         $pending_class = $step_number > $current_page ? ' gf_step_pending' : '';
                         $classes = 'gf_step' . $active_class . $first_class . $last_class . $complete_class . $previous_class . $next_class . $pending_class;
                         $classes = GFCommon::trim_all($classes);
                         $form_string .= "\n                        <div id='gf_step_{$form_id}_{$step_number}' class='{$classes}'><span class='gf_step_number'>{$step_number}</span>&nbsp;<span class='gf_step_label'>{$pages[$i]}</span></div>";
                     $form_string .= "\n                        <div class='gf_step_clear'></div>\n                    </div>";
         if ($is_postback && !$is_valid) {
             $validation_message = "<div class='validation_error'>" . esc_html__('There was a problem with your submission.', 'gravityforms') . ' ' . esc_html__('Errors have been highlighted below.', 'gravityforms') . '</div>';
             $form_string .= gf_apply_filters(array('gform_validation_message', $form_id), $validation_message, $form);
         $form_string .= "\n                        <div class='gform_body'>";
         //add first page if this form has any page fields
         if ($has_pages) {
             $style = self::is_page_active($form_id, 1) ? '' : "style='display:none;'";
             $class = !empty($form['firstPageCssClass']) ? " {$form['firstPageCssClass']}" : '';
             $class = esc_attr($class);
             $form_string .= "<div id='gform_page_{$form_id}_1' class='gform_page{$class}' {$style}>\n                                    <div class='gform_page_fields'>";
         $description_class = rgar($form, 'descriptionPlacement') == 'above' ? 'description_above' : 'description_below';
         $sublabel_class = rgar($form, 'subLabelPlacement') == 'above' ? 'form_sublabel_above' : 'form_sublabel_below';
         $form_string .= "<ul id='gform_fields_{$form_id}' class='" . GFCommon::get_ul_classes($form) . "'>";
         if (is_array($form['fields'])) {
             foreach ($form['fields'] as $field) {
                 /* @var GF_Field $field */
                 $field->conditionalLogicFields = self::get_conditional_logic_fields($form, $field->id);
                 if (is_array($submitted_values)) {
                     $field_value = rgar($submitted_values, $field->id);
                 } else {
                     $field_value = GFFormsModel::get_field_value($field, $field_values);
                 $form_string .= self::get_field($field, $field_value, false, $form, $field_values);
         $form_string .= '
         if ($has_pages) {
             $previous_button_alt = rgempty('imageAlt', $form['lastPageButton']) ? __('Previous Page', 'gravityforms') : $form['lastPageButton']['imageAlt'];
             $previous_button = self::get_form_button($form['id'], "gform_previous_button_{$form['id']}", $form['lastPageButton'], __('Previous', 'gravityforms'), 'gform_previous_button', $previous_button_alt, self::get_current_page($form_id) - 1);
              * Filter through the form previous button when paged
              * @param int $form_id The Form ID to filter through
              * @param string $previous_button The HTML rendered button (rendered with the form ID and the function get_form_button)
              * @param array $form The Form object to filter through
             $previous_button = gf_apply_filters(array('gform_previous_button', $form_id), $previous_button, $form);
             $form_string .= '</div>' . self::gform_footer($form, 'gform_page_footer ' . $form['labelPlacement'], $ajax, $field_values, $previous_button, $display_title, $display_description, $is_postback) . '
             //closes gform_page
         $form_string .= '</div>';
         //closes gform_body
         //suppress form footer for multi-page forms (footer will be included on the last page
         if (!$has_pages) {
             $form_string .= self::gform_footer($form, 'gform_footer ' . $form['labelPlacement'], $ajax, $field_values, '', $display_title, $display_description, $tabindex);
         $form_string .= '
         if ($ajax && $is_postback) {
             global $wp_scripts;
             $form_string = apply_filters('gform_ajax_iframe_content', '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>' . "<meta charset='UTF-8' /></head><body class='GF_AJAX_POSTBACK'>" . $form_string . '</body></html>');
         if ($ajax && !$is_postback) {
             $spinner_url = gf_apply_filters(array('gform_ajax_spinner_url', $form_id), GFCommon::get_base_url() . '/images/spinner.gif', $form);
             $scroll_position = array('default' => '', 'confirmation' => '');
             if ($use_anchor !== false) {
                 $scroll_position['default'] = is_numeric($use_anchor) ? 'jQuery(document).scrollTop(' . intval($use_anchor) . ');' : "jQuery(document).scrollTop(jQuery('#gform_wrapper_{$form_id}').offset().top);";
                 $scroll_position['confirmation'] = is_numeric($use_anchor) ? 'jQuery(document).scrollTop(' . intval($use_anchor) . ');' : "jQuery(document).scrollTop(jQuery('#gforms_confirmation_message_{$form_id}').offset().top);";
             $iframe_style = defined('GF_DEBUG') && GF_DEBUG ? 'display:block;width:600px;height:300px;border:1px solid #eee;' : 'display:none;width:0px;height:0px;';
             $is_html5 = RGFormsModel::is_html5_enabled();
             $iframe_title = $is_html5 ? " title='Ajax Frame'" : '';
             $form_string .= "\n                <iframe style='{$iframe_style}' src='about:blank' name='gform_ajax_frame_{$form_id}' id='gform_ajax_frame_{$form_id}'" . $iframe_title . "></iframe>\n                <script type='text/javascript'>" . apply_filters('gform_cdata_open', '') . '' . 'jQuery(document).ready(function($){' . "gformInitSpinner( {$form_id}, '{$spinner_url}' );" . "jQuery('#gform_ajax_frame_{$form_id}').load( function(){" . "var contents = jQuery(this).contents().find('*').html();" . "var is_postback = contents.indexOf('GF_AJAX_POSTBACK') >= 0;" . 'if(!is_postback){return;}' . "var form_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('#gform_wrapper_{$form_id}');" . "var is_confirmation = jQuery(this).contents().find('#gform_confirmation_wrapper_{$form_id}').length > 0;" . "var is_redirect = contents.indexOf('gformRedirect(){') >= 0;" . 'var is_form = form_content.length > 0 && ! is_redirect && ! is_confirmation;' . 'if(is_form){' . "jQuery('#gform_wrapper_{$form_id}').html(form_content.html());" . "setTimeout( function() { /* delay the scroll by 50 milliseconds to fix a bug in chrome */ {$scroll_position['default']} }, 50 );" . "if(window['gformInitDatepicker']) {gformInitDatepicker();}" . "if(window['gformInitPriceFields']) {gformInitPriceFields();}" . "var current_page = jQuery('#gform_source_page_number_{$form_id}').val();" . "gformInitSpinner( {$form_id}, '{$spinner_url}' );" . "jQuery(document).trigger('gform_page_loaded', [{$form_id}, current_page]);" . "window['gf_submitting_{$form_id}'] = false;" . '}' . 'else if(!is_redirect){' . "var confirmation_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('#gforms_confirmation_message_{$form_id}').html();" . 'if(!confirmation_content){' . 'confirmation_content = contents;' . '}' . 'setTimeout(function(){' . "jQuery('#gform_wrapper_{$form_id}').replaceWith('<' + 'div id=\\'gforms_confirmation_message_{$form_id}\\' class=\\'gform_confirmation_message_{$form_id} gforms_confirmation_message\\'' + '>' + confirmation_content + '<' + '/div' + '>');" . "{$scroll_position['confirmation']}" . "jQuery(document).trigger('gform_confirmation_loaded', [{$form_id}]);" . "window['gf_submitting_{$form_id}'] = false;" . '}, 50);' . '}' . 'else{' . "jQuery('#gform_{$form_id}').append(contents);" . "if(window['gformRedirect']) {gformRedirect();}" . '}' . "jQuery(document).trigger('gform_post_render', [{$form_id}, current_page]);" . '} );' . '} );' . apply_filters('gform_cdata_close', '') . '</script>';
         $is_first_load = !$is_postback;
         if (!$ajax || $is_first_load) {
             self::register_form_init_scripts($form, $field_values, $ajax);
             if (apply_filters('gform_init_scripts_footer', false)) {
                 add_action('wp_footer', create_function('', 'GFFormDisplay::footer_init_scripts(' . $form['id'] . ');'), 20);
                 add_action('gform_preview_footer', create_function('', 'GFFormDisplay::footer_init_scripts(' . $form['id'] . ');'));
             } else {
                 $form_string .= self::get_form_init_scripts($form);
                 $form_string .= "<script type='text/javascript'>" . apply_filters('gform_cdata_open', '') . " jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery(document).trigger('gform_post_render', [{$form_id}, {$current_page}]) } ); " . apply_filters('gform_cdata_close', '') . '</script>';
         return gf_apply_filters(array('gform_get_form_filter', $form_id), $form_string, $form);
     } else {
         $progress_confirmation = '';
         //check admin setting for whether the progress bar should start at zero
         $start_at_zero = rgars($form, 'pagination/display_progressbar_on_confirmation');
         $start_at_zero = apply_filters('gform_progressbar_start_at_zero', $start_at_zero, $form);
         //show progress bar on confirmation
         if ($start_at_zero && $has_pages && !$is_admin && ($form['confirmation']['type'] == 'message' && $form['pagination']['type'] == 'percentage')) {
             $progress_confirmation = self::get_progress_bar($form, $form_id, $confirmation_message);
             if ($ajax) {
                 $progress_confirmation = apply_filters('gform_ajax_iframe_content', "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset='UTF-8' /></head><body class='GF_AJAX_POSTBACK'>" . $progress_confirmation . '</body></html>');
         } else {
             //return regular confirmation message
             if ($ajax) {
                 $progress_confirmation = apply_filters('gform_ajax_iframe_content', "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset='UTF-8' /></head><body class='GF_AJAX_POSTBACK'>" . $confirmation_message . '</body></html>');
             } else {
                 $progress_confirmation = $confirmation_message;
         return $progress_confirmation;
 public static function get_form($form_id, $display_title = true, $display_description = true, $force_display = false, $field_values = null, $ajax = false, $tabindex = 1)
     //		echo  "$form_id, $display_title = true, $display_description = true, $force_display = false, $field_values = null, $ajax = false, $tabindex = 1 ";
      * @To do tomorrow
      * datact if its approved or not => done
      * Lacking will find the correct container and hide it.
      * /app/wwwroot/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/includes/fields/class-gf-field-creditcard.php
      * /app/wwwroot/wp-content/themes/TPO10/functions.php
      * /app/wwwroot/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/form_display
      * STEPS
      * Find way how to filter if approved or not => done
      * Find the actual html of the credit cards fields
     // gform_lead_id = 1137
     // [gform_edit_id] => 1137
     // [input_id] => 1137
     // [input_payment_status] => approved
     // gform_edit_id = 1137
     // input_id = 1137
     // [input_form_id] => 75
     // [input_payment_status] => approved
     // [gform_submit] => 75
      * [gform_lead_id] => 1137
     //IF EDIT
      * [input_payment_status] => approved
      * [input_id] => 1137
      * [gform_edit_id] => 1137
      * [input_form_id] => 75
     //		print_r($_POST);
     //		echo "total post " . count($_POST) . '<br>';
     //		if (count($_POST) > 1) {
     //			$form_id_lead = $_POST['gform_edit_id'];
     //			$form_id = $_POST['input_form_id'];
     //			if (empty($form_id_lead)) {
     //				$form_id_lead = $_POST['gform_lead_id'];
     //			}
     //			if (empty($form_id)) {
     //				$form_id = $_POST['gform_submit'];
     //			}
     //			$paymentStatus = '';
     //			$isApproved = false;
     //			if (!empty($form_id) and !empty($form_id_lead)) {
     //				//				echo "form id is not empty <br>";
     //				global $wpdb;
     //				$results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM wp_rg_lead WHERE form_id = $form_id AND id = $form_id_lead", 'ARRAY_A');
     //				//				echo "<pre>";
     //				//				echo "result from db";
     //				//				print_r($results);
     //				//
     //				//				echo "result from post";
     //				//				print_r($_POST);
     //				//
     //				//				echo "</pre>";
     //				// echo "This is the form printed <br> form id " . $form_id;
     //				// provides the ability to modify the options used to display the form
     //				if ($_POST['input_payment_status'] == 'approved' || $_POST['input_payment_status'] == 'approve' || $_POST['input_payment_status'] == 'Approved') {
     //					//echo "approved<br>";
     //					//add code to hide credit card
     //					$isApproved = true;
     //					$paymentStatus = $_POST['input_payment_status'];
     //				}
     //				if ($results[0]['payment_status'] == 'approved' || $results[0]['payment_status'] == 'approve' || $results[0]['payment_status'] == 'Approved') {
     //					//echo "approved<br>";
     //					//add code to hide credit card
     //					$isApproved = true;
     //					$paymentStatus = $results[0]['payment_status'];
     //				} else {
     //					//do nothing
     //					// echo "not approved<br>";
     //				}
     //				// echo "form id " . $form_id . '<br>';
     //				// echo "lead id " . $form_id_lead . '<br>';
     //				// echo "status " . $results[0]['payment_status'] . '<br>';
     //				// echo "db status = " . $results[0][0]['payment_status'] . '<br>';
     //				// echo "form id " . $form_id . '<br>';
     //				// cho "lead id " . $form_id_lead . '<br>';
     //			} else {
     //				// echo "form id is  empty <br>";
     //			}  // end if
     //		} //end if form
      * Get the value for the wp_users.user_status
      * and set the if user type is member or none member
      * if member then hide credit card if not then show credit card
     //        global $current_user;
     //        if($current_user->user_status == 0) {
     //            $userType = 'none member';
     //        } else {
     //            $userType = 'member';
     //        }
      * Another option above but prefer for above code because it's short
      * Set it to true when when you want to use it.
      * same function to above code.
     if (false) {
         global $wpdb;
         $user_ID = get_current_user_id();
         $userInfo = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM wp_users WHERE ID = " . $user_ID, 'ARRAY_A');
         if ($userInfo[0]['user_status'] == 0) {
             $userType = 'none member';
         } else {
             $userType = 'member';
     // $currentUserInfo = get_currentuserinfo();
     //echo "<pre>";
     // print_r($userInfo);
     //echo "id " . $current_user->user_status;
     //echo "</pre>";
     //echo "user status " . $current_user->user_status;
     // exit;
      * Original code from this plugin
     $form_args = apply_filters('gform_form_args', compact('form_id', 'display_title', 'display_description', 'force_display', 'field_values', 'ajax', 'tabindex'));
     //looking up form id by form name
     if (!is_numeric($form_id)) {
         $form_id = RGFormsModel::get_form_id($form_id);
     //reading form metadata
     //check code line
     $form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($form_id, true);
     // echo "<pre>";
     // print_r($form);
     //echo "<pre>";
     // echo 'title ' . $form['title'] . '<br>';
     // echo 'desc ' . $form['description'] . '<br>';
     // echo 'fields <br>';
     // print( $form['fields'] );
     // $fields_array  =  (array) $form['fields'];
     // echo "<pre>";
     // print_r($fields_array);
     // echo "</pre>";
     // echo "feld " . $fields_array[0]->type . '<br>';
     // exit;
     $action = remove_query_arg('gf_token');
     //disable ajax if form has a reCAPTCHA field (not supported).
     if ($ajax && self::has_recaptcha_field($form)) {
         $ajax = false;
     if (isset($_POST['gform_send_resume_link'])) {
         $save_email_confirmation = self::handle_save_email_confirmation($form, $ajax);
         if (is_wp_error($save_email_confirmation)) {
             // Failed email validation
             $resume_token = rgpost('gform_resume_token');
             $incomplete_submission_info = GFFormsModel::get_incomplete_submission_values(rgpost('gform_resume_token'));
             if ($incomplete_submission_info['form_id'] == $form_id) {
                 $submission_details_json = $incomplete_submission_info['submission'];
                 $submission_details = json_decode($submission_details_json, true);
                 $partial_entry = $submission_details['partial_entry'];
                 $form = self::update_confirmation($form, $partial_entry, 'form_saved');
                 $confirmation_message = rgar($form['confirmation'], 'message');
                 $nl2br = rgar($form['confirmation'], 'disableAutoformat') ? false : true;
                 $confirmation_message = GFCommon::replace_variables($confirmation_message, $form, $partial_entry, false, true, $nl2br);
                 return self::handle_save_confirmation($form, $resume_token, $confirmation_message, $ajax);
         } else {
             return $save_email_confirmation;
     $is_postback = false;
     $is_valid = true;
     $confirmation_message = '';
     //If form was submitted, read variables set during form submission procedure
     $submission_info = isset(self::$submission[$form_id]) ? self::$submission[$form_id] : false;
     if (rgar($submission_info, 'saved_for_later') == true) {
         $resume_token = $submission_info['resume_token'];
         $confirmation_message = rgar($submission_info, 'confirmation_message');
         return self::handle_save_confirmation($form, $resume_token, $confirmation_message, $ajax);
     $partial_entry = $submitted_values = false;
     if (isset($_GET['gf_token'])) {
         $incomplete_submission_info = GFFormsModel::get_incomplete_submission_values($_GET['gf_token']);
         if ($incomplete_submission_info['form_id'] == $form_id) {
             $submission_details_json = $incomplete_submission_info['submission'];
             $submission_details = json_decode($submission_details_json, true);
             $partial_entry = $submission_details['partial_entry'];
             $submitted_values = $submission_details['submitted_values'];
             $field_values = $submission_details['field_values'];
             GFFormsModel::$unique_ids[$form_id] = $submission_details['gform_unique_id'];
             GFFormsModel::$uploaded_files[$form_id] = $submission_details['files'];
             self::set_submission_if_null($form_id, 'resuming_incomplete_submission', true);
             self::set_submission_if_null($form_id, 'form_id', $form_id);
             self::set_submission_if_null($form_id, 'page_number', $submission_details['page_number']);
     if (!is_array($partial_entry)) {
         $view_counter_disabled = gf_apply_filters('gform_disable_view_counter', $form_id, false);
         if ($submission_info) {
             $is_postback = true;
             $is_valid = rgar($submission_info, 'is_valid') || rgar($submission_info, 'is_confirmation');
             $form = $submission_info['form'];
             $lead = $submission_info['lead'];
             $confirmation_message = rgget('confirmation_message', $submission_info);
             if ($is_valid && !RGForms::get('is_confirmation', $submission_info)) {
                 if ($submission_info['page_number'] == 0) {
                     //post submission hook
                     gf_do_action('gform_post_submission', $form['id'], $lead, $form);
                 } else {
                     //change page hook
                     gf_do_action('gform_post_paging', $form['id'], $form, $submission_info['source_page_number'], $submission_info['page_number']);
         } elseif (!current_user_can('administrator') && !$view_counter_disabled) {
             RGFormsModel::insert_form_view($form_id, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     if (rgar($form, 'enableHoneypot')) {
         $form['fields'][] = self::get_honeypot_field($form);
     // print test
     // echo " submition id " . $form['id'] . '<br>';
     //Fired right before the form rendering process. Allow users to manipulate the form object before it gets displayed in the front end
     //check this part
     $form = gf_apply_filters('gform_pre_render', $form_id, $form, $ajax, $field_values);
     // echo "<pre>";
     // print_r($form);
     // echo "<pre>";
     if ($form == null) {
         return '<p>' . esc_html__('Oops! We could not locate your form.', 'gravityforms') . '</p>';
     $has_pages = self::has_pages($form);
     //calling tab index filter
     GFCommon::$tab_index = gf_apply_filters('gform_tabindex', $form_id, $tabindex, $form);
     //Don't display inactive forms
     if (!$force_display && !$is_postback) {
         //check here..
         $form_info = RGFormsModel::get_form($form_id);
         if (empty($form_info) || !$form_info->is_active) {
             return '';
         // If form requires login, check if user is logged in
         if (rgar($form, 'requireLogin')) {
             if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
                 return empty($form['requireLoginMessage']) ? '<p>' . esc_html__('Sorry. You must be logged in to view this form.', 'gravityforms') . '</p>' : '<p>' . GFCommon::gform_do_shortcode($form['requireLoginMessage']) . '</p>';
     // show the form regardless of the following validations when force display is set to true
     if (!$force_display || $is_postback) {
         $form_schedule_validation = self::validate_form_schedule($form);
         // if form schedule validation fails AND this is not a postback, display the validation error
         // if form schedule validation fails AND this is a postback, make sure is not a valid submission (enables display of confirmation message)
         if ($form_schedule_validation && !$is_postback || $form_schedule_validation && $is_postback && !$is_valid) {
             return $form_schedule_validation;
         $entry_limit_validation = self::validate_entry_limit($form);
         // refer to form schedule condition notes above
         if ($entry_limit_validation && !$is_postback || $entry_limit_validation && $is_postback && !$is_valid) {
             return $entry_limit_validation;
     $form_string = '';
     //When called via a template, this will enqueue the proper scripts
     //When called via a shortcode, this will be ignored (too late to enqueue), but the scripts will be enqueued via the enqueue_scripts event
     self::enqueue_form_scripts($form, $ajax);
     $is_form_editor = GFCommon::is_form_editor();
     $is_entry_detail = GFCommon::is_entry_detail();
     $is_admin = $is_form_editor || $is_entry_detail;
     if (empty($confirmation_message)) {
         $wrapper_css_class = GFCommon::get_browser_class() . ' gform_wrapper';
         if (!$is_valid) {
             $wrapper_css_class .= ' gform_validation_error';
         //Hiding entire form if conditional logic is on to prevent 'hidden' fields from blinking. Form will be set to visible in the conditional_logic.php after the rules have been applied.
         $style = self::has_conditional_logic($form) ? "style='display:none'" : '';
         $custom_wrapper_css_class = !empty($form['cssClass']) ? " {$form['cssClass']}_wrapper" : '';
         $form_string .= "\n                <div class='{$wrapper_css_class}{$custom_wrapper_css_class}' id='gform_wrapper_{$form_id}' " . $style . '>';
         $default_anchor = $has_pages || $ajax ? true : false;
         $use_anchor = gf_apply_filters('gform_confirmation_anchor', $form_id, $default_anchor);
         if ($use_anchor !== false) {
             $form_string .= "<a id='gf_{$form_id}' name='gf_{$form_id}' class='gform_anchor' ></a>";
             $action .= "#gf_{$form_id}";
         $target = $ajax ? "target='gform_ajax_frame_{$form_id}'" : '';
         $form_css_class = !empty($form['cssClass']) ? "class='{$form['cssClass']}'" : '';
         $action = esc_url($action);
         $form_string .= gf_apply_filters('gform_form_tag', $form_id, "<form method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data' {$target} id='gform_{$form_id}' {$form_css_class} action='{$action}'>", $form);
         if ($display_title || $display_description) {
             $form_string .= "\n                        <div class='gform_heading'>";
             if ($display_title) {
                 $form_string .= "\n                            <h3 class='gform_title'>" . $form['title'] . '</h3>';
             if ($display_description) {
                 $form_string .= "\n                            <span class='gform_description'>" . rgar($form, 'description') . '</span>';
             $form_string .= '
         $current_page = self::get_current_page($form_id);
         if ($has_pages && !$is_admin) {
             if ($form['pagination']['type'] == 'percentage') {
                 $form_string .= self::get_progress_bar($form, $form_id, $confirmation_message);
             } else {
                 if ($form['pagination']['type'] == 'steps') {
                     $form_string .= "\n                    <div id='gf_page_steps_{$form_id}' class='gf_page_steps'>";
                     $pages = isset($form['pagination']['pages']) ? $form['pagination']['pages'] : array();
                     for ($i = 0, $count = sizeof($pages); $i < $count; $i++) {
                         $step_number = $i + 1;
                         $active_class = $step_number == $current_page ? ' gf_step_active' : '';
                         $first_class = $i == 0 ? ' gf_step_first' : '';
                         $last_class = $i + 1 == $count ? ' gf_step_last' : '';
                         $complete_class = $step_number < $current_page ? ' gf_step_completed' : '';
                         $previous_class = $step_number + 1 == $current_page ? ' gf_step_previous' : '';
                         $next_class = $step_number - 1 == $current_page ? ' gf_step_next' : '';
                         $pending_class = $step_number > $current_page ? ' gf_step_pending' : '';
                         $classes = 'gf_step' . $active_class . $first_class . $last_class . $complete_class . $previous_class . $next_class . $pending_class;
                         $classes = GFCommon::trim_all($classes);
                         $form_string .= "\n                        <div id='gf_step_{$form_id}_{$step_number}' class='{$classes}'><span class='gf_step_number'>{$step_number}</span>&nbsp;<span class='gf_step_label'>{$pages[$i]}</span></div>";
                     $form_string .= "\n                        <div class='gf_step_clear'></div>\n                    </div>";
         if ($is_postback && !$is_valid) {
             $validation_message = "<div class='validation_error'>" . esc_html__('There was a problem with your submission.', 'gravityforms') . ' ' . esc_html__('Errors have been highlighted below.', 'gravityforms') . '</div>';
             $form_string .= gf_apply_filters('gform_validation_message', $form_id, $validation_message, $form);
         $form_string .= "\n                        <div class='gform_body'>";
         //add first page if this form has any page fields
         if ($has_pages) {
             $style = self::is_page_active($form_id, 1) ? '' : "style='display:none;'";
             $class = !empty($form['firstPageCssClass']) ? " {$form['firstPageCssClass']}" : '';
             $form_string .= "<div id='gform_page_{$form_id}_1' class='gform_page{$class}' {$style}>\n                                    <div class='gform_page_fields'>";
         $description_class = rgar($form, 'descriptionPlacement') == 'above' ? 'description_above' : 'description_below';
         $sublabel_class = rgar($form, 'subLabelPlacement') == 'above' ? 'form_sublabel_above' : 'form_sublabel_below';
         $form_string .= "<ul id='gform_fields_{$form_id}' class='" . GFCommon::get_ul_classes($form) . "'>";
          * Here the field is being filtered
          * So if detect credit card then no credit card will show.
          * Documentation:
          * 1.) DB:
          * - tpocom_dash.wp_rg_lead.payment_status = "approved" or NULL
          * 2.) Form.Hidden Field:
          * - Field Label: "payment status"
          * - Parameter Name: "payment_status_value"
          * 3.) Form.Credit Card:
          * - Advance
          * - Enable condition logic "Hide" this field "all" of the following match "payment status" is "approved"
          * @var $paymentStatus - will hold the variable if approved or not approved.
          * It is declared first line of this function, you can see the condition there.
          * @var $field->inputName - set to "payment_status_value" <- this is the parameter name.
          * that's the string we set the setting up the form in the GUI at admin area.
          * @var userType = member or none member
         // $userType = 'member';
         // $paymentStatus = 'approved';
         // $userType = 'member';
         // get membership type
         // get payment status
         $paymentStatus = self::getPaymentStatus($form);
         $memberShipStatus = self::getMembershipStatus();
         $fieldValue = self::filterPaymentAndMemberShip($paymentStatus, $memberShipStatus);
         //			 echo "payment status $paymentStatus membership status $memberShipStatus field value = $fieldValue <br>";
         if (is_array($form['fields'])) {
             $counter = 0;
             foreach ($form['fields'] as $field) {
                  * Hide through form condition
                 if ($field->inputName == 'member_type_value') {
                     $form_string .= self::get_field($field, $fieldValue, false, $form, $field_values);
                 } else {
                     $field->conditionalLogicFields = self::get_conditional_logic_fields($form, $field->id);
                     if (is_array($submitted_values)) {
                         $field_value = $submitted_values[$field->id];
                     } else {
                         $field_value = GFFormsModel::get_field_value($field, $field_values);
                     $form_string .= self::get_field($field, $field_value, false, $form, $field_values);
         $form_string .= '
         if ($has_pages) {
             $previous_button = self::get_form_button($form['id'], "gform_previous_button_{$form['id']}", $form['lastPageButton'], __('Previous', 'gravityforms'), 'gform_previous_button', __('Previous Page', 'gravityforms'), self::get_current_page($form_id) - 1);
             $previous_button = gf_apply_filters('gform_previous_button', $form_id, $previous_button, $form);
             $form_string .= '</div>' . self::gform_footer($form, 'gform_page_footer ' . $form['labelPlacement'], $ajax, $field_values, $previous_button, $display_title, $display_description, $is_postback) . '
             //closes gform_page
         $form_string .= '</div>';
         //closes gform_body
         //suppress form footer for multi-page forms (footer will be included on the last page
         if (!$has_pages) {
             $form_string .= self::gform_footer($form, 'gform_footer ' . $form['labelPlacement'], $ajax, $field_values, '', $display_title, $display_description, $tabindex);
         // echo "submition id 1 " . $form['id'] . '<br>';
         $form_string .= '
         if ($ajax && $is_postback) {
             global $wp_scripts;
             $form_string = apply_filters('gform_ajax_iframe_content', '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>' . "<meta charset='UTF-8' /></head><body class='GF_AJAX_POSTBACK'>" . $form_string . '</body></html>');
         if ($ajax && !$is_postback) {
             $spinner_url = gf_apply_filters('gform_ajax_spinner_url', $form_id, GFCommon::get_base_url() . '/images/spinner.gif', $form);
             $scroll_position = array('default' => '', 'confirmation' => '');
             if ($use_anchor !== false) {
                 $scroll_position['default'] = is_numeric($use_anchor) ? 'jQuery(document).scrollTop(' . intval($use_anchor) . ');' : "jQuery(document).scrollTop(jQuery('#gform_wrapper_{$form_id}').offset().top);";
                 $scroll_position['confirmation'] = is_numeric($use_anchor) ? 'jQuery(document).scrollTop(' . intval($use_anchor) . ');' : "jQuery(document).scrollTop(jQuery('#gforms_confirmation_message_{$form_id}').offset().top);";
             $iframe_style = defined('GF_DEBUG') && GF_DEBUG ? 'display:block;width:600px;height:300px;border:1px solid #eee;' : 'display:none;width:0px;height:0px;';
             $is_html5 = RGFormsModel::is_html5_enabled();
             $iframe_title = $is_html5 ? " title='Ajax Frame'" : '';
             $form_string .= "\n                <iframe style='{$iframe_style}' src='about:blank' name='gform_ajax_frame_{$form_id}' id='gform_ajax_frame_{$form_id}'" . $iframe_title . "></iframe>\n                <script type='text/javascript'>" . apply_filters('gform_cdata_open', '') . '' . 'jQuery(document).ready(function($){' . "gformInitSpinner( {$form_id}, '{$spinner_url}' );" . "jQuery('#gform_ajax_frame_{$form_id}').load( function(){" . "var contents = jQuery(this).contents().find('*').html();" . "var is_postback = contents.indexOf('GF_AJAX_POSTBACK') >= 0;" . 'if(!is_postback){return;}' . "var form_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('#gform_wrapper_{$form_id}');" . "var is_confirmation = jQuery(this).contents().find('#gform_confirmation_wrapper_{$form_id}').length > 0;" . "var is_redirect = contents.indexOf('gformRedirect(){') >= 0;" . 'var is_form = form_content.length > 0 && ! is_redirect && ! is_confirmation;' . 'if(is_form){' . "jQuery('#gform_wrapper_{$form_id}').html(form_content.html());" . "setTimeout( function() { /* delay the scroll by 50 milliseconds to fix a bug in chrome */ {$scroll_position['default']} }, 50 );" . "if(window['gformInitDatepicker']) {gformInitDatepicker();}" . "if(window['gformInitPriceFields']) {gformInitPriceFields();}" . "var current_page = jQuery('#gform_source_page_number_{$form_id}').val();" . "gformInitSpinner( {$form_id}, '{$spinner_url}' );" . "jQuery(document).trigger('gform_page_loaded', [{$form_id}, current_page]);" . "window['gf_submitting_{$form_id}'] = false;" . '}' . 'else if(!is_redirect){' . "var confirmation_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('#gforms_confirmation_message_{$form_id}').html();" . 'if(!confirmation_content){' . 'confirmation_content = contents;' . '}' . 'setTimeout(function(){' . "jQuery('#gform_wrapper_{$form_id}').replaceWith('<' + 'div id=\\'gforms_confirmation_message_{$form_id}\\' class=\\'gform_confirmation_message_{$form_id} gforms_confirmation_message\\'' + '>' + confirmation_content + '<' + '/div' + '>');" . "{$scroll_position['confirmation']}" . "jQuery(document).trigger('gform_confirmation_loaded', [{$form_id}]);" . "window['gf_submitting_{$form_id}'] = false;" . '}, 50);' . '}' . 'else{' . "jQuery('#gform_{$form_id}').append(contents);" . "if(window['gformRedirect']) {gformRedirect();}" . '}' . "jQuery(document).trigger('gform_post_render', [{$form_id}, current_page]);" . '} );' . '} );' . apply_filters('gform_cdata_close', '') . '</script>';
         $is_first_load = !$is_postback;
         if (!$ajax || $is_first_load) {
             self::register_form_init_scripts($form, $field_values, $ajax);
             if (apply_filters('gform_init_scripts_footer', false)) {
                 add_action('wp_footer', create_function('', 'GFFormDisplay::footer_init_scripts(' . $form['id'] . ');'), 20);
                 add_action('gform_preview_footer', create_function('', 'GFFormDisplay::footer_init_scripts(' . $form['id'] . ');'));
             } else {
                 $form_string .= self::get_form_init_scripts($form);
                 $form_string .= "<script type='text/javascript'>" . apply_filters('gform_cdata_open', '') . " jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery(document).trigger('gform_post_render', [{$form_id}, {$current_page}]) } ); " . apply_filters('gform_cdata_close', '') . '</script>';
         return gf_apply_filters('gform_get_form_filter', $form_id, $form_string, $form);
     } else {
         $progress_confirmation = '';
         //check admin setting for whether the progress bar should start at zero
         $start_at_zero = rgars($form, 'pagination/display_progressbar_on_confirmation');
         $start_at_zero = apply_filters('gform_progressbar_start_at_zero', $start_at_zero, $form);
         //show progress bar on confirmation
         if ($start_at_zero && $has_pages && !$is_admin && ($form['confirmation']['type'] == 'message' && $form['pagination']['type'] == 'percentage')) {
             $progress_confirmation = self::get_progress_bar($form, $form_id, $confirmation_message);
             if ($ajax) {
                 $progress_confirmation = apply_filters('gform_ajax_iframe_content', "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset='UTF-8' /></head><body class='GF_AJAX_POSTBACK'>" . $progress_confirmation . '</body></html>');
         } else {
             //return regular confirmation message
             if ($ajax) {
                 $progress_confirmation = apply_filters('gform_ajax_iframe_content', "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset='UTF-8' /></head><body class='GF_AJAX_POSTBACK'>" . $confirmation_message . '</body></html>');
             } else {
                 $progress_confirmation = $confirmation_message;
         return $progress_confirmation;
 public static function get_form($form_id, $display_title = true, $display_description = true, $force_display = false, $field_values = null, $ajax = false, $tabindex = 1)
     //looking up form id by form name
     if (!is_numeric($form_id)) {
         $form_id = RGFormsModel::get_form_id($form_id);
     //reading form metadata
     $form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($form_id, true);
     $form = RGFormsModel::add_default_properties($form);
     //disable ajax if form has a reCAPTCHA field (not supported).
     if ($ajax && self::has_recaptcha_field($form)) {
         $ajax = false;
     $is_postback = false;
     $is_valid = true;
     $confirmation_message = "";
     $page_number = 1;
     //If form was submitted, read variables set during form submission procedure
     $submission_info = isset(self::$submission[$form_id]) ? self::$submission[$form_id] : false;
     if ($submission_info) {
         $is_postback = true;
         $is_valid = $submission_info["is_valid"] || rgget("is_confirmation", $submission_info);
         $form = $submission_info["form"];
         $lead = $submission_info["lead"];
         $confirmation_message = rgget("confirmation_message", $submission_info);
         if ($is_valid && !RGForms::get("is_confirmation", $submission_info)) {
             if ($submission_info["page_number"] == 0) {
                 //post submission hook
                 do_action("gform_post_submission", $lead, $form);
                 do_action("gform_post_submission_{$form["id"]}", $lead, $form);
             } else {
                 //change page hook
                 do_action("gform_post_paging", $form, $submission_info["source_page_number"], $submission_info["page_number"]);
                 do_action("gform_post_paging_{$form["id"]}", $form, $submission_info["source_page_number"], $submission_info["page_number"]);
     } else {
         if (!current_user_can("administrator")) {
             RGFormsModel::insert_form_view($form_id, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     if (rgar($form, "enableHoneypot")) {
         $form["fields"][] = self::get_honeypot_field($form);
     //Fired right before the form rendering process. Allow users to manipulate the form object before it gets displayed in the front end
     $form = apply_filters("gform_pre_render_{$form_id}", apply_filters("gform_pre_render", $form));
     if ($form == null) {
         return "<p>" . __("Oops! We could not locate your form.", "gravityforms") . "</p>";
     $has_pages = self::has_pages($form);
     //calling tab index filter
     GFCommon::$tab_index = apply_filters("gform_tabindex_{$form_id}", apply_filters("gform_tabindex", $tabindex, $form), $form);
     //Don't display inactive forms
     if (!$force_display && !$is_postback) {
         $form_info = RGFormsModel::get_form($form_id);
         if (!$form_info->is_active) {
             return "";
         //If form has a schedule, make sure it is within the configured start and end dates
         if (rgar($form, "scheduleForm")) {
             $local_time_start = sprintf("%s %02d:%02d %s", $form["scheduleStart"], $form["scheduleStartHour"], $form["scheduleStartMinute"], $form["scheduleStartAmpm"]);
             $local_time_end = sprintf("%s %02d:%02d %s", $form["scheduleEnd"], $form["scheduleEndHour"], $form["scheduleEndMinute"], $form["scheduleEndAmpm"]);
             $timestamp_start = strtotime($local_time_start . ' +0000');
             $timestamp_end = strtotime($local_time_end . ' +0000');
             $now = current_time("timestamp");
             if (!empty($form["scheduleStart"]) && $now < $timestamp_start || !empty($form["scheduleEnd"]) && $now > $timestamp_end) {
                 return empty($form["scheduleMessage"]) ? "<p>" . __("Sorry. This form is no longer available.", "gravityforms") . "</p>" : "<p>" . GFCommon::gform_do_shortcode($form["scheduleMessage"]) . "</p>";
         //If form has a limit of entries, check current entry count
         if (rgar($form, "limitEntries")) {
             $period = rgar($form, "limitEntriesPeriod");
             $range = self::get_limit_period_dates($period);
             $entry_count = RGFormsModel::get_lead_count($form_id, "", null, null, $range["start_date"], $range["end_date"]);
             if ($entry_count >= $form["limitEntriesCount"]) {
                 return empty($form["limitEntriesMessage"]) ? "<p>" . __("Sorry. This form is no longer accepting new submissions.", "gravityforms") . "</p>" : "<p>" . GFCommon::gform_do_shortcode($form["limitEntriesMessage"]) . "</p>";
         // If form requires login, check if user is logged in
         if (rgar($form, "requireLogin")) {
             if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
                 return empty($form["requireLoginMessage"]) ? "<p>" . __("Sorry. You must be logged in to view this form.", "gravityforms") . "</p>" : "<p>" . GFCommon::gform_do_shortcode($form["requireLoginMessage"]) . "</p>";
     $form_string = "";
     //When called via a template, this will enqueue the proper scripts
     //When called via a shortcode, this will be ignored (too late to enqueue), but the scripts will be enqueued via the enqueue_scripts event
     self::enqueue_form_scripts($form, $ajax);
     if (empty($confirmation_message)) {
         $wrapper_css_class = GFCommon::get_browser_class() . " gform_wrapper";
         if (!$is_valid) {
             $wrapper_css_class .= " gform_validation_error";
         //Hidding entire form if conditional logic is on to prevent "hidden" fields from blinking. Form will be set to visible in the conditional_logic.php after the rules have been applied.
         $style = self::has_conditional_logic($form) ? "style='display:none'" : "";
         $form_string .= "\n                <div class='{$wrapper_css_class}' id='gform_wrapper_{$form_id}' " . $style . ">";
         $action = add_query_arg(array());
         $default_anchor = $has_pages || $ajax ? true : false;
         $use_anchor = apply_filters("gform_confirmation_anchor_{$form["id"]}", apply_filters("gform_confirmation_anchor", $default_anchor));
         if ($use_anchor !== false) {
             $form_string .= "<a name='gf_{$form_id}' class='gform_anchor' ></a>";
             $action .= "#gf_{$form_id}";
         $target = $ajax ? "target='gform_ajax_frame_{$form_id}'" : "";
         $form_css_class = !empty($form["cssClass"]) ? "class='{$form["cssClass"]}'" : "";
         $action = esc_attr($action);
         $form_string .= apply_filters("gform_form_tag_{$form_id}", apply_filters("gform_form_tag", "<form method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data' {$target} id='gform_{$form_id}' {$form_css_class} action='{$action}'>", $form), $form);
         if ($display_title || $display_description) {
             $form_string .= "\n                        <div class='gform_heading'>";
             if ($display_title) {
                 $form_string .= "\n                            <h3 class='gform_title'>" . $form['title'] . "</h3>";
             if ($display_description) {
                 $form_string .= "\n                            <span class='gform_description'>" . rgar($form, 'description') . "</span>";
             $form_string .= "\n                        </div>";
         if ($has_pages && !IS_ADMIN) {
             $page_count = self::get_max_page_number($form);
             $current_page = self::get_current_page($form_id);
             if ($form["pagination"]["type"] == "percentage") {
                 $percent = floor($current_page / $page_count * 100) . "%";
                 $page_name = rgar(rgar($form["pagination"], "pages"), $current_page - 1);
                 $page_name = !empty($page_name) ? " - " . $page_name : "";
                 $style = $form["pagination"]["style"];
                 $color = $style == "custom" ? " color:{$form["pagination"]["color"]};" : "";
                 $bgcolor = $style == "custom" ? " background-color:{$form["pagination"]["backgroundColor"]};" : "";
                 $form_string .= "\n                        <div id='gf_progressbar_wrapper_{$form_id}' class='gf_progressbar_wrapper'>\n                            <h3 class='gf_progressbar_title'>" . __("Step", "gravityforms") . " {$current_page} " . __("of", "gravityforms") . " {$page_count}{$page_name}</h3>\n                            <div class='gf_progressbar'>\n                                <div class='gf_progressbar_percentage percentbar_{$style}' style='width:{$percent};{$color}{$bgcolor}'><span>{$percent}</span></div>\n                            </div>\n                        </div>";
             } else {
                 if ($form["pagination"]["type"] == "steps") {
                     $form_string .= "\n                    <div id='gf_page_steps_{$form_id}' class='gf_page_steps'>";
                     for ($i = 0, $count = sizeof($form["pagination"]["pages"]); $i < $count; $i++) {
                         $step_number = $i + 1;
                         $active_class = $step_number == $current_page ? " gf_step_active" : "";
                         $first_class = $i == 0 ? " gf_step_first" : "";
                         $last_class = $i + 1 == $count ? " gf_step_last" : "";
                         $complete_class = $step_number < $current_page ? " gf_step_completed" : "";
                         $previous_class = $step_number + 1 == $current_page ? " gf_step_previous" : "";
                         $next_class = $step_number - 1 == $current_page ? " gf_step_next" : "";
                         $pending_class = $step_number > $current_page ? " gf_step_pending" : "";
                         $classes = "gf_step" . $active_class . $first_class . $last_class . $complete_class . $previous_class . $next_class . $pending_class;
                         $classes = GFCommon::trim_all($classes);
                         $form_string .= "\n                        <div id='gf_step_{$form_id}_{$step_number}' class='{$classes}'><span class='gf_step_number'>{$step_number}</span>&nbsp;{$form["pagination"]["pages"][$i]}</div>";
                     $form_string .= "\n                        <div class='gf_step_clear'></div>\n                    </div>";
         if ($is_postback && !$is_valid) {
             $validation_message = "<div class='validation_error'>" . __("There was a problem with your submission.", "gravityforms") . " " . __("Errors have been highlighted below.", "gravityforms") . "</div>";
             $form_string .= apply_filters("gform_validation_message_{$form["id"]}", apply_filters("gform_validation_message", $validation_message, $form), $form);
         $form_string .= "\n                        <div class='gform_body'>";
         //add first page if this form has any page fields
         if ($has_pages) {
             $style = self::is_page_active($form_id, 1) ? "" : "style='display:none;'";
             $class = !empty($form["firstPageCssClass"]) ? " {$form["firstPageCssClass"]}" : "";
             $form_string .= "<div id='gform_page_{$form_id}_1' class='gform_page{$class}' {$style}>\n                                    <div class='gform_page_fields'>";
         $description_class = rgar($form, "descriptionPlacement") == "above" ? "description_above" : "description_below";
         $form_string .= "\n                            <ul id='gform_fields_{$form_id}' class='gform_fields {$form['labelPlacement']} {$description_class}'>";
         if (is_array($form['fields'])) {
             foreach ($form['fields'] as $field) {
                 $field["conditionalLogicFields"] = self::get_conditional_logic_fields($form, $field["id"]);
                 $form_string .= self::get_field($field, RGFormsModel::get_field_value($field, $field_values), false, $form, $field_values);
         $form_string .= "\n                            </ul>";
         if ($has_pages) {
             $previous_button = self::get_form_button($form["id"], "gform_previous_button_{$form["id"]}", $form["lastPageButton"], __("Previous", "gravityforms"), "button gform_previous_button", __("Previous Page", "gravityforms"), self::get_current_page($form_id) - 1);
             $form_string .= "</div>" . self::gform_footer($form, "gform_page_footer " . $form['labelPlacement'], $ajax, $field_values, $previous_button, $display_title, $display_description, $is_postback) . "\n                            </div>";
             //closes gform_page
         $form_string .= "</div>";
         //closes gform_body
         //suppress form footer for multi-page forms (footer will be included on the last page
         if (!$has_pages) {
             $form_string .= self::gform_footer($form, "gform_footer " . $form['labelPlacement'], $ajax, $field_values, "", $display_title, $display_description, $is_postback);
         $form_string .= "\n                </form>\n                </div>";
         //adding conditional logic script if conditional logic is configured for this form.
         //get_conditional_logic also adds the chosen script for the enhanced dropdown option.
         //if this form does not have conditional logic, add chosen script separately
         if (self::has_conditional_logic($form)) {
             $form_string .= self::get_conditional_logic($form);
         } else {
             if (self::has_enhanced_dropdown($form)) {
                 $form_string .= "<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[\n" . self::get_chosen_init_script($form) . "\n//]]></script>";
         //adding currency config if there are any product fields in the form
         if (self::has_price_field($form)) {
             if (!class_exists("RGCurrency")) {
                 require_once "currency.php";
             $form_string .= "<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[\n if(window[\"gformInitPriceFields\"]) jQuery(document).ready(function(){gformInitPriceFields();}); window['gf_currency_config'] = " . GFCommon::json_encode(RGCurrency::get_currency(GFCommon::get_currency())) . "; \n//]]></script>";
         if (self::has_password_strength($form)) {
             $form_string .= "<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[\nif(!window['gf_text']){window['gf_text'] = new Array();} window['gf_text']['password_blank'] = '" . __("Strength indicator", "gravityforms") . "'; window['gf_text']['password_mismatch'] = '" . __("Mismatch", "gravityforms") . "';window['gf_text']['password_bad'] = '" . __("Bad", "gravityforms") . "'; window['gf_text']['password_short'] = '" . __("Short", "gravityforms") . "'; window['gf_text']['password_good'] = '" . __("Good", "gravityforms") . "'; window['gf_text']['password_strong'] = '" . __("Strong", "gravityforms") . "';\n//]]></script>";
         if (GFCommon::has_credit_card_field($form)) {
             $card_rules = self::get_credit_card_rules();
             $form_string .= "<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[\n if(!window['gf_cc_rules']){window['gf_cc_rules'] = new Array(); } window['gf_cc_rules'] = " . GFCommon::json_encode($card_rules) . "; \n//]]></script>";
         if ($ajax && $is_postback) {
             global $wp_scripts;
             $form_string = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>" . "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . $wp_scripts->base_url . $wp_scripts->registered["jquery"]->src . "'></script>" . "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . GFCommon::get_base_url() . "/js/conditional_logic.js'></script>" . "<meta charset='UTF-8' /></head><body>" . $form_string . "</body></html>";
         if ($ajax && !$is_postback) {
             $spinner_url = apply_filters("gform_ajax_spinner_url_{$form_id}", apply_filters("gform_ajax_spinner_url", GFCommon::get_base_url() . "/images/spinner.gif", $form), $form);
             $scroll_position = array('default' => '', 'confirmation' => '');
             if ($use_anchor !== false) {
                 $scroll_position['default'] = is_numeric($use_anchor) ? "jQuery(document).scrollTop(" . intval($use_anchor) . ");" : "jQuery(document).scrollTop(jQuery('#gform_wrapper_{$form_id}').offset().top);";
                 $scroll_position['confirmation'] = is_numeric($use_anchor) ? "jQuery(document).scrollTop(" . intval($use_anchor) . ");" : "jQuery(document).scrollTop(jQuery('#gforms_confirmation_message').offset().top);";
             $form_string .= "\n                <iframe style='display:none;width:0px; height:0px;' src='about:blank' name='gform_ajax_frame_{$form_id}' id='gform_ajax_frame_{$form_id}'></iframe>\n                <script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[\n" . "function gformInitSpinner(){" . "jQuery('#gform_{$form_id}').submit(function(){" . "jQuery('#gform_submit_button_{$form_id}').attr('disabled', true).after('<' + 'img id=\"gform_ajax_spinner_{$form_id}\"  class=\"gform_ajax_spinner\" src=\"{$spinner_url}\" alt=\"\" />');" . "jQuery('#gform_wrapper_{$form_id} .gform_previous_button').attr('disabled', true); " . "jQuery('#gform_wrapper_{$form_id} .gform_next_button').attr('disabled', true).after('<' + 'img id=\"gform_ajax_spinner_{$form_id}\"  class=\"gform_ajax_spinner\" src=\"{$spinner_url}\" alt=\"\" />');" . "});" . "}" . "jQuery(document).ready(function(\$){" . "gformInitSpinner();" . "jQuery('#gform_ajax_frame_{$form_id}').load( function(){" . "var form_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('#gform_wrapper_{$form_id}');" . "var confirmation_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('#gforms_confirmation_message');" . "jQuery('#gform_submit_button_{$form_id}').removeAttr('disabled');" . "if(form_content.length > 0){" . "jQuery('#gform_wrapper_{$form_id}').html(form_content.html());" . "{$scroll_position['default']}" . "if(window['gformInitDatepicker']) {gformInitDatepicker();}" . "if(window['gformInitPriceFields']) {gformInitPriceFields();}" . "var current_page = jQuery('#gform_source_page_number_{$form_id}').val();" . "gformInitSpinner();" . "jQuery(document).trigger('gform_page_loaded', [{$form_id}, current_page]);" . "}" . "else if(confirmation_content.length > 0){" . "setTimeout(function(){" . "jQuery('#gform_wrapper_{$form_id}').replaceWith('<' + 'div id=\\'gforms_confirmation_message\\' class=\\'gform_confirmation_message_{$form_id}\\'' + '>' + confirmation_content.html() + '<' + '/div' + '>');" . "{$scroll_position['confirmation']}" . "jQuery(document).trigger('gform_confirmation_loaded', [{$form_id}]);" . "}, 50);" . "}" . "else{" . "jQuery('#gform_{$form_id}').append(jQuery(this).contents().find('*').html());" . "if(window['gformRedirect']) gformRedirect();" . "}" . "jQuery(document).trigger('gform_post_render', [{$form_id}, current_page]);" . "});" . "});" . "\n//]]></script>";
         return apply_filters('gform_get_form_filter', $form_string);
     } else {
         if ($ajax) {
             $confirmation_message = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset='UTF-8' /></head><body>" . $confirmation_message . "</body></html>";
         return $confirmation_message;
Пример #5
 public static function get_form($form_id, $display_title = true, $display_description = true, $force_display = false, $field_values = null)
     //reading form metadata
     $form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($form_id);
     //Fired right before the form rendering process. Allow users to manipulate the form object before it gets displayed in the front end
     $form = apply_filters("gform_pre_render_{$form_id}", apply_filters("gform_pre_render", $form));
     if ($form == null) {
         return "<p>" . __("Oops! We could not locate your form.", "gravityforms") . "</p>";
     //Don't display inactive forms
     if (!$force_display) {
         $form_info = RGFormsModel::get_form($form_id);
         if (!$form_info->is_active) {
             return "";
         //If form has a schedule, make sure it is within the configured start and end dates
         if ($form["scheduleForm"]) {
             $local_time_start = sprintf("%s %02d:%02d %s", $form["scheduleStart"], $form["scheduleStartHour"], $form["scheduleStartMinute"], $form["scheduleStartAmpm"]);
             $local_time_end = sprintf("%s %02d:%02d %s", $form["scheduleEnd"], $form["scheduleEndHour"], $form["scheduleEndMinute"], $form["scheduleEndAmpm"]);
             $timestamp_start = strtotime($local_time_start . ' +0000');
             $timestamp_end = strtotime($local_time_end . ' +0000');
             $now = current_time("timestamp");
             if (!empty($form["scheduleStart"]) && $now < $timestamp_start || !empty($form["scheduleEnd"]) && $now > $timestamp_end) {
                 return empty($form["scheduleMessage"]) ? "<p>" . __("Sorry. This form is no longer available.", "gravityforms") . "</p>" : "<p>" . $form["scheduleMessage"] . "</p>";
         //If form has a limit of entries, check current entry count
         if ($form["limitEntries"]) {
             $entry_count = RGFormsModel::get_lead_count($form_id, "");
             if ($entry_count >= $form["limitEntriesCount"]) {
                 return empty($form["limitEntriesMessage"]) ? "<p>" . __("Sorry. This form is no longer accepting new submissions.", "gravityforms") . "</p>" : "<p>" . $form["limitEntriesMessage"] . "</p>";
     $form_string = "";
     //When called via a template, this will enqueue the proper scripts
     //When called via a shortcode, this will be ignored (too late to enqueue), but the scripts will be enqueued via the enqueue_scripts event
     //handling postback if form was submitted
     $is_postback = $_POST["is_submit_" . $form_id];
     $is_valid = true;
     if ($is_postback) {
         $is_valid = self::validate($form, $field_values);
         if ($is_valid) {
             //pre submission action
             do_action("gform_pre_submission", $form);
             //pre submission filter
             $form = apply_filters("gform_pre_submission_filter", $form);
             //handle submission
             $lead = array();
             $confirmation_message = self::handle_submission($form, $lead);
             //post submission hook
             do_action("gform_post_submission", $lead, $form);
     } else {
         //recording form view. Ignores views from administrators
         if (!current_user_can("administrator")) {
             RGFormsModel::insert_form_view($form_id, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     if (empty($confirmation_message)) {
         //Hidding entire form if conditional logic is on to prevent "hidden" fields from blinking. Form will be set to visible in the conditional_logic.php after the rules have been applied.
         $style = self::has_conditional_logic($form) ? "style='display:none'" : "";
         $form_string .= "\n                <div class='gform_wrapper' id='gform_wrapper_{$form_id}' " . $style . ">\n                <form method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data' id='gform_{$form_id}' class='" . $form["cssClass"] . "' action=''>";
         if ($display_title || $display_description) {
             $form_string .= "\n                        <div class='gform_heading'>";
             if ($display_title) {
                 $form_string .= "\n                            <h3 class='gform_title'>" . $form['title'] . "</h3>";
             if ($display_description) {
                 $form_string .= "\n                            <span class='gform_description'>" . $form['description'] . "</span>";
             $form_string .= "\n                        </div>";
         if ($is_postback && !$is_valid) {
             $validation_message = "<div class='validation_error'>" . __("There was a problem with your submission.", "gravityforms") . "<br /> " . __("Errors have been highlighted below ", "gravityforms") . "</div>";
             $form_string .= apply_filters("gform_validation_message", $validation_message, $form);
         $form_string .= "\n                        <div class='gform_body'>\n                            <input type='hidden' class='gform_hidden' name='is_submit_{$form_id}' value='1'/>\n                            <ul id='gform_fields_{$form_id}' class='gform_fields " . $form['labelPlacement'] . "'>";
         if (is_array($form['fields'])) {
             foreach ($form['fields'] as $field) {
                 $field["conditionalLogicFields"] = self::get_conditional_logic_fields($form, $field["id"]);
                 $form_string .= self::get_field($field, RGFormsModel::get_field_value($field, $field_values), false, $form, $field_values);
         $form_string .= "\n                            </ul>\n                        </div>\n                        <div class='gform_footer " . $form['labelPlacement'] . "'>";
         $tabindex = GFCommon::$tab_index++;
         if ($form["button"]["type"] == "text" || empty($form["button"]["imageUrl"])) {
             $button_text = empty($form["button"]["text"]) ? __("Submit", "gravityforms") : $form["button"]["text"];
             $button_input = "<input type='submit' class='button' value='" . esc_attr($button_text) . "' tabindex='{$tabindex}'/>";
         } else {
             $imageUrl = $form["button"]["imageUrl"];
             $button_input = "<input type='image' src='{$imageUrl}' tabindex='{$tabindex}'/>";
         $button_input = apply_filters("gform_submit_button", $button_input, $form);
         $button_input = apply_filters("gform_submit_button_{$form_id}", $button_input, $form);
         $form_string .= $button_input;
         if (current_user_can("gform_full_access")) {
             $form_string .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='" . get_bloginfo("wpurl") . "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gf_edit_forms&amp;id=" . $form_id . "'>" . __("Edit this form", "gravityforms") . "</a>";
         $form_string .= "\n                        </div>\n                </form>\n                </div>";
         if (self::has_conditional_logic($form)) {
             $form_string .= self::get_conditional_logic($form);
         return $form_string;
     } else {
         return $confirmation_message;