public static function html_start($title) { $title = REST::htmlspecialchars($title); $t_index = REST::urlencode(dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); if ($t_index != '/') { $t_index .= '/'; } $t_index = REST::htmlspecialchars($t_index); $portalurl = REST::htmlspecialchars(self::portalURL()); $retval = REST::xml_header() . <<<EOS <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en-us"> <head> <title>{$title}</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{$portalurl}style.css" /> <link rel="index" rev="child" type="application/xhtml+xml" href="{$t_index}" /> </head><body> <div id="header"><p><a rel="index" rev="child" href="{$t_index}"><img border="0" src="{$portalurl}dirup.png"/> UP</a></p> <h1>{$title}</h1></div> EOS; return $retval; }
/** * @param $title string Title in UTF-8 * @return string a piece of UTF-8 encoded XHTML, including XML and DOCTYPE * headers. */ public static function html_start($title) { if (self::$html_start !== null) { return call_user_func(self::$html_start, $title); } $t_title = htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); $t_index = REST::urlencode(dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); if ($t_index != '/') { $t_index .= '/'; } $t_stylesheet = self::$STYLESHEET ? self::$STYLESHEET : "{$t_index}style.css"; return REST::xml_header() . <<<EOS <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en-us"> <head> <title>{$t_title}</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{$t_stylesheet}" /> <link rel="index" rev="child" type="application/xhtml+xml" href="{$t_index}"/> </head><body> <div id="div_header"> <div id="div_index"><a rel="index" rev="child" href="{$t_index}">index</a></div> <h1 id="h1_title">{$t_title}</h1> </div> EOS; }
} } $result = Topos::query(<<<EOS SELECT `tokenId`, `tokenName`, `tokenLockTimeout` - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), `tokenLockDescription` FROM `Tokens` WHERE `tokenLockUUID` = {$escLockUUID} AND `tokenLockTimeout` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(); EOS ); if (!($row = $result->fetch_row())) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } $tokenURL = Topos::urlbase() . 'pools/' . REST::urlencode($TOPOS_POOL) . '/tokens/' . $row[0]; $xhtmltype = REST::best_xhtml_type(); $bct = REST::best_content_type(array($xhtmltype => 1, 'text/plain' => 1), $xhtmltype); if ($bct === 'text/plain') { REST::header(array('Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset=US-ASCII', 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache')); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'HEAD') { exit; } echo <<<EOS TokenId: {$row[0]} TokenName: {$row[1]} TokenURL: {$tokenURL} Timeout: {$row[2]} Description: {$row[3]} EOS; exit;
$result = Topos::query(<<<EOS SELECT `tokenLength`, `tokenType`, `tokenCreated`, `tokenName`, IF(`tokenLockTimeout` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), `tokenLockUUID`, NULL) AS 'tokenLockUUID', `tokenLeases` FROM `Tokens` WHERE `tokenId` = {$TOPOS_TOKEN} AND `poolId` = {$poolId}; EOS ); if (!($row = $result->fetch_array())) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } $result = Topos::query(<<<EOS SELECT `tokenValue` FROM `TokenValues` WHERE `tokenId` = {$TOPOS_TOKEN} EOS ); $tokenValue = $result->fetch_row(); $tokenValue = $tokenValue[0]; $headers = array('Content-Type' => $row['tokenType'], 'Content-Length' => $row['tokenLength'], 'Last-Modified' => REST::http_date($row['tokenCreated']), 'X-Number-Of-Leases' => $row['tokenLeases']); if (!empty($row['tokenName'])) { $headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline; filename="' . $row['tokenName'] . '"'; } if (array_key_exists('tokenLockUUID', $row)) { $headers['X-Topos-OpaqueLockToken'] = "opaquelocktoken:{$row['tokenLockUUID']}"; $headers['X-Topos-LockURL'] = Topos::urlbase() . 'pools/' . REST::urlencode($TOPOS_POOL) . '/locks/' . $row['tokenLockUUID']; } REST::header($headers); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'HEAD') { exit; } echo $tokenValue;
$row = $result->fetch_row(); if ($row[0] === null) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_NOT_FOUND, 'No token available'); } Topos::real_query(<<<EOS UPDATE `Pools` SET `minLeases` = {$row[0]} WHERE `poolId` = {$poolId}; EOS ); } // while while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) { Topos::real_query(<<<EOS UPDATE `Tokens` SET `tokenLeases` = {$row[1]} + 1 {$timeout} WHERE `tokenId` = {$row[0]} AND `tokenLeases` = {$row[1]}; EOS ); if (Topos::mysqli()->affected_rows) { break 2; } } // while } // while $url = Topos::urlbase() . 'pools/' . REST::urlencode($TOPOS_POOL) . '/tokens/' . $row[0]; if ($lockUUID) { header("X-Topos-OpaqueLockToken: opaquelocktoken:{$lockUUID}"); header('X-Topos-LockURL: ' . Topos::urlbase() . 'pools/' . REST::urlencode($TOPOS_POOL) . '/locks/' . $lockUUID); } REST::redirect(REST::HTTP_SEE_OTHER, $url);
/** * @param $title string title in UTF-8 */ public static function html_start($title) { $t_title = htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"); $t_index = REST::urlencode(dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); if ($t_index != '/') { $t_index .= '/'; } $t_stylesheet = self::urlbase() . 'style.css'; $t_icon = self::urlbase() . 'favicon.png'; return REST::xml_header() . <<<EOS <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en-us"> <head> <title>{$t_title}</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{$t_stylesheet}" /> <link rel="index" rev="child" type="application/xhtml+xml" href="{$t_index}"/> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="{$t_icon}" /> </head><body> <div id="div_header"> <div id="div_index"><a rel="index" rev="child" href="{$t_index}">index</a></div> <h1>{$t_title}</h1> </div> EOS; }
$filename = escapeshellarg(Portal::PROXY_DIR . $userdnmd5 . '.pem'); exec("echo {$password} | myproxy-logon -v -l {$username} -s {$server} -S -o {$filename} 2>&1", $output, $returnval); $output = implode("\n", $output); if (preg_match('/^(?:invalid pass phrase|No credentials exist for username .*)$/m', $output)) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, 'Invalid username and/or pass phrase'); } if ($returnval) { REST::fatal(REST::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, '<pre>' . htmlentities($output) . '</pre>'); } $escserver = Portal_MySQL::escape_string($_POST['server']); $escusername = Portal_MySQL::escape_string($_POST['username']); $escpassword = Portal_MySQL::escape_string($_POST['password']); Portal_MySQL::real_query("UPDATE `User` SET `proxy_server` = {$escserver}, `proxy_username` = {$escusername}, `proxy_password` = {$escpassword} WHERE `user_dn_md5` = '{$userdnmd5}'"); $best_xhtml_type = REST::best_xhtml_type(); $type = REST::best_content_type(array($best_xhtml_type => 1.0, 'text/plain' => 1.0), $best_xhtml_type); $relurl = REST::urlencode(dirname($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'])) . '/proxy'; REST::header(array('status' => REST::HTTP_CREATED, 'Location' => REST::urlbase() . $relurl, 'Content-Type' => "{$type}; charset=UTF-8")); if ($type == 'text/plain') { echo REST::urlbase() . $relurl; } else { echo Portal::html_start('Proxy created') . "<p><a href=\"proxy\">proxy</a></p>" . Portal::html_end(); } exit; } REST::header(REST::best_xhtml_type() . "; charset=UTF-8"); $default_server = getenv('MYPROXY_SERVER'); echo Portal::html_start("myProxy") . <<<EOS <form action="./myproxy" method="post"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody> <tr><td>Username</td><td><input type="text" name="username" /></td></tr> <tr><td>Password</td><td><input type="password" name="password" /></td></tr>
/** * Get a list of available databases, given a set of database types. * @param $name... string the name(s) of the database types. * @return string an x fragment, to be put inside a select element. */ public static function availableDatabases() { $dbTypes = func_get_args(); if (empty($dbTypes)) { return array(); } foreach ($dbTypes as $key => $value) { $dbTypes[$key] = self::databaseTypeIDByName($value); } $dbTypes = implode(',', $dbTypes); $user_id = Portal_User::current()->user_id(); $result = Portal_MySQL::query(<<<EOS SELECT `d`.`name`, `d`.`version`, `d`.`type`, `u`.`user_name`, `d`.`database_id` FROM `Database` AS d LEFT JOIN `User` AS u USING(`user_id`) WHERE (`d`.`is_shared` > 0 OR `d`.`user_id` = {$user_id}) AND `d`.`type` IN({$dbTypes}); EOS ); $sorter = array(); while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) { $extension = self::databaseTypeExtension($row[2]); $sorter[$row[3]]["{$row[0]}-{$row[1]}.{$extension}"] = REST::urlencode(Portal::portalURL() . 'databases/' . $row[0] . '/' . $row[1] . '/' . $row[4] . '.' . $extension); } $user_names = array_keys($sorter); natsort($user_names); $retval = ''; foreach ($user_names as $user_name) { $retval .= "\n<optgroup label=\"" . htmlentities($user_name) . "\">"; $dbnames = array_keys($sorter[$user_name]); natsort($dbnames); foreach ($dbnames as $dbname) { $retval .= "\n<option value=\"" . $sorter[$user_name][$dbname] . "\">{$dbname}</option>"; } $retval .= "\n</optgroup>"; } return $retval; }