function decrypt($pwd, $data) { return RC4Crypt::encrypt($pwd, $data); }
function eStore_check_stamping_flag_and_generate_download_key($retrieved_product, $product_id, $url = '', $payment_data = '') { if ($retrieved_product->use_pdf_stamper == 1 && !empty($payment_data)) { if (WP_ESTORE_STAMP_PDF_FILE_AT_DOWNLOAD_TIME === '1') { //Check if file sould be stamped at download time option is enabled $download_key = eStore_generate_download_key($product_id, $url); return $download_key; } if (!empty($url)) { $src_file = $url; } else { $src_file = $retrieved_product->product_download_url; } eStore_payment_debug('Stamping request for product ID: ' . $product_id, true); //Check if it is a multiple file URL product $multi_file_product = false; $product_urls = explode(',', $retrieved_product->product_download_url); if (sizeof($product_urls) > 1) { $multi_file_product = true; } $txn_id = $payment_data['txn_id']; $force_restamp = false; if (isset($payment_data['force_restamp']) && $payment_data['force_restamp'] == '1') { //Don't lookup cached copy eStore_payment_debug('Force restamping is enabled in the request.', true); $force_restamp = true; } if (!empty($txn_id) && !$multi_file_product && !$force_restamp) { eStore_payment_debug('Checking for a reference to the stamped copy of the file for this transaction before invoking another stamp request:' . $txn_id, true); $cond = " txn_id = '{$txn_id}'"; $result = WP_eStore_Db_Access::findAll(WP_ESTORE_DOWNLOAD_LINKS_TABLE_NAME, $cond); if ($result) { eStore_payment_debug('Found a reference to the stamped copy of a file. Performing an indepth check...', true); $random_key = get_option('eStore_random_code'); foreach ($result as $download_item) { $download_key = $download_item->download_key; eStore_payment_debug('Decrypting download key: ' . $download_key, true); $decrypted_data = RC4Crypt::decrypt($random_key, base64_decode(rawurldecode($download_key))); list($product_id_of_stamped_file, $timestamp, $stamped_file_url) = explode('|', $decrypted_data); eStore_payment_debug('Decrypted data... Product ID: ' . $product_id_of_stamped_file . ', Stamped File URL:' . $stamped_file_url, true); if ($product_id == $product_id_of_stamped_file) { eStore_payment_debug('Product IDs match. Using the existing stamped copy of the file.', true); $new_download_key = eStore_generate_download_key($product_id_of_stamped_file, $stamped_file_url); eStore_payment_debug('New Download Key: ' . $new_download_key, true); return $new_download_key; } } eStore_payment_debug('Product IDs do not match. Need to proceed with a fresh stamping.', true); } else { eStore_payment_debug('Could not find a reference to the stamped copy of a file', true); } } $stamped_file_url = eStore_stamp_pdf_file($payment_data, $src_file); if ($stamped_file_url === 'Error!') { eStore_payment_debug('PDF Stamping did not finish correctly!', false); $download_key = "Error with PDF stamping (Error code: PDF01). Perform a manual stamping and make sure the PDF stamper is working on your server."; return $download_key; } $download_key = eStore_generate_download_key($product_id, $stamped_file_url); } else { $download_key = eStore_generate_download_key($product_id, $url); } return $download_key; }
if (!is_object($eStore_debug_manager)) { //Initialize debug mgr if it is not loaded yet $eStore_debug_manager = new eStore_dbgmgr(WP_ESTORE_PATH); } $time = time(); // Time download script was invoked. global $wpdb; $products_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "wp_eStore_tbl"; $product_meta_table_name = WP_ESTORE_PRODUCTS_META_TABLE_NAME; $data = $_GET['file']; $file_key = $data; $current_access_count = -1; $random_key = get_option('eStore_random_code'); $download_url_life = get_option('eStore_download_url_life'); $download_url_limit_count = get_option('eStore_download_url_limit_count'); $id_time = RC4Crypt::decrypt($random_key, base64_decode(rawurldecode($data))); $product_id = ""; $timestamp = ""; $url = ""; $encrypted_args_array = explode('|', $id_time); if (count($encrypted_args_array) > 2) { list($product_id, $timestamp, $url) = $encrypted_args_array; } else { list($product_id, $timestamp) = $encrypted_args_array; } $theid = strip_tags($product_id); $retrieved_product = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$products_table_name} WHERE id = '{$theid}'", OBJECT); if ($retrieved_product->id != $product_id) { eStore_dlvs::error(ESTORE_DLVS_PID, FALSE); exit; }
function cookie_test($cookie_timeout = 0, $cookie_name = '') { // Test for valid APR cookie. // Returns TRUE if a valid APR cookie, derived from $cookie_name exists. If $cookie_name is an empty string, then // $cookie_name will be assigned the URL of the current browser page. Returns FALSE if the named APR cookie does not // exist. If $cookie_timeout is greater than zero, then FALSE will be returned if the APR cookie is older than // $cookie_timeout minutes. // -- The Assurer, 2012-04-30. global $eStore_debug_manager; // Need access to debug manager. if ($cookie_name == '') { $cookie_name = eStore_aprtp::curPageURL(); } // Use URL of current browser page. $eStore_debug_manager->downloads("Authenticating APR request for: {$cookie_name}", ESTORE_LEVEL_STATUS); $random_key = get_option('eStore_random_code'); $cookie_flavor = md5(RC4Crypt::encrypt($random_key, $cookie_name)); // Derive the APR cookie name. if (!isset($_COOKIE["{$cookie_flavor}"])) { $eStore_debug_manager->downloads("\$_COOKIE[{$cookie_flavor}] not found.", ESTORE_LEVEL_STATUS); return FALSE; // No cookie for you! } if ($cookie_timeout > 0) { // Test for age of APR cookie, if $cookie_timeout is at least 1 minute... $cookie_time = (int) RC4Crypt::decrypt($random_key, base64_decode(rawurldecode($_COOKIE[$cookie_flavor]))); $cookie_timeout = (int) ($cookie_timeout * 60 + $cookie_time); if ($cookie_timeout <= (int) time()) { $eStore_debug_manager->downloads("\$_COOKIE[{$cookie_flavor}] expired.", ESTORE_LEVEL_STATUS); return FALSE; // APR cookie has expired. } } return TRUE; }
echo '<h4 align="center">' . $lang['download_title'] . '</h4><br>'; echo '<strong>' . $lang['download_trouble_title'] . '</strong><br>'; echo $lang['download_trouble_text']; echo '<p> </p>'; if (file_exists("download_sessions/{$product_id}.dat")) { $download_file = "download_sessions/{$product_id}.dat"; } elseif (file_exists("sessions/{$product_id}.dat")) { $download_file = "sessions/{$product_id}.dat"; } elseif (!empty($module) && file_exists("modules/{$mod}/sessions/{$product_id}.dat")) { $download_file = "modules/{$mod}/sessions/{$product_id}.dat"; } if (file_exists($download_file)) { $lines = array(); $lines = file($download_file); $i = 1; foreach ($lines as $thisline) { $thisline = trim($thisline); if (!empty($thisline)) { list($id, $id_item, $category, $subcategory, $title, $filename, $digital, $folder1, $currency, $weight, $price, $quantity, $option1, $option2, $tax, $ship, $discount1, $discount2, $ip_name) = explode('|', $thisline); } if ($digital == 1) { @($folder = $subcategory == 'ProductModule' ? 'medias/' . $mod . '/' . $folder1 : $upload_folder); $download_product = $folder . '|' . $filename . '|' . $timestamp; $download_cart_link = 'resume_download.php?file=' . rawurlencode(base64_encode(RC4Crypt::encrypt($secret, $download_product))); echo '<li>' . $lang['download_your_file'] . ' ' . $i . ' : <input class="download" type="button" name="download" value="' . $lang['button_download'] . '" onClick="location.href=\'' . $download_cart_link . '\'"> <a href="' . $download_cart_link . '">' . $title . '</a></li><br><br>' . "\n"; $i++; } } } else { echo "<div align=\"left\">" . $lang['download_error'] . "</div><br>\n"; }