/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); if ($id === null) { $id = $this->id; } $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); if ($this->act == 'add') { $vlu = array(); $vlu['bu_id'] = $this->bu_id; $vlu['us_id'] = null; $vlu['es_id'] = null; $vlu['is_producer'] = 'F'; $vlu['em_is_production'] = 'F'; $vlu['devices'] = 0; $vlu['consumptions'] = 0; } else { $q = $db->createSelectQuery(); $q->select('*')->from('energy_meter_data')->where('em_id=' . (int) $id); $vlu = $db->query($q)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->bu_id = $vlu['bu_id'] = $vlu['em_object_id']; $vlu['devices'] = $db->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM device WHERE em_id=' . (int) $id)->fetchColumn(); $vlu['consumptions'] = $db->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM consumption WHERE em_id=' . (int) $id)->fetchColumn(); if ($vlu['us_id'] > 0) { $vlu['es_id'] = null; } $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('energy_meter', $vlu['em_id'])); } $data = R3EcoGisHelper::getBuildingData($vlu['bu_id']); $this->mu_id = $data['mu_id']; $this->data = $vlu; // Save the data (prevent multiple sql) return $vlu; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); if ($id === null) { $id = $this->id; } $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); if ($this->act == 'add') { $vlu = array(); if ($this->kind == 'street_lighting') { $data = $this->getElectricityUDMData($_SESSION['do_id']); $vlu['em_data']['udm_name'] = $data["udm_name_{$lang}"]; } else { $vlu['em_data'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getMeterData($_SESSION['do_id'], $this->em_id); } } else { $q = $db->createSelectQuery(); $q->select('*')->from('consumption_data')->where('co_id=' . (int) $id); $vlu = $db->query($q)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->em_id = $vlu['em_id']; $vlu['em_data'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getMeterData($_SESSION['do_id'], $vlu['em_id']); $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('consumption', $vlu['co_id'])); //em_is_production } $this->data = $vlu; // Save the data (prevent multiple sql) return $vlu; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM stat_general WHERE do_id=" . $this->do_id; $vlu = $db->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($vlu === false) { $vlu = array('sg_id' => null); } $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('stat_general', $vlu['sg_id'])); $this->data = $vlu; // Save the data (prevent multiple sql) return $vlu; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); if ($id === null) { $id = $this->id; } $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); if ($this->act == 'add') { $vlu = array(); $vlu['em_data'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getMeterData($_SESSION['do_id'], $this->em_id); } else { $q = $db->createSelectQuery(); $q->select('*')->from('device_data')->where('dev_id=' . (int) $id); $vlu = $db->query($q)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->em_id = $vlu['em_id']; $vlu['em_data'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getMeterData($_SESSION['do_id'], $vlu['em_id']); $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('device', $vlu['dev_id'])); } $this->data = $vlu; // Save the data (prevent multiple sql) return $vlu; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $id = (int) $id; $productMinEntry = 3; if ($this->act != 'add') { $q = $db->createSelectQuery(); $q->select('*')->from('utility_supplier')->where("us_id={$this->id}"); $vlu = $db->query($q)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $vlu['municipality'] = R3EcoGisUtilityHelper::getSelectedMunicipalityList($this->id); $vlu['products'] = R3EcoGisUtilityHelper::getProductsList($this->id); foreach ($vlu['products'] as $key => $val) { $vlu['products'][$key]['esu_co2_factor'] = R3NumberFormat($val['esu_co2_factor'], null, true); } $tot = max($productMinEntry - 1, count($vlu['products'])) + 1; $key = 0; for ($i = count($vlu['products']); $i < $tot; $i++) { $vlu['products']["new_{$key}"] = array(); $key++; } $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('utility_supplier', $vlu['us_id'])); } else { $vlu = array(); $vlu['us_order'] = 0; $vlu['municipality'] = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $productMinEntry; $i++) { $vlu['products']["new_{$i}"] = array(); } } $this->data = $vlu; return $vlu; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); if ($id === null) { $id = $this->id; } $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); if ($this->act != 'add') { $q = $db->createSelectQuery(); $q->select('*')->from('global_entry_data')->where('ge_id=' . (int) $id); $vlu = $db->query($q)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $vlu['cus_name'] = $vlu['cus_name_' . $lang]; $vlu['mu_name'] = $vlu['mu_name_' . $lang]; // Autocomplete $vlu['ge_year_as_string'] = $vlu['ge_year']; // Prevent number format $vlu['ge_green_electricity_purchase'] = $vlu['ge_green_electricity_purchase'] / 1000; // Revert to MWh $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('global_entry', $vlu['ge_id'])); } else { $vlu = array(); $vlu['do_id'] = $_SESSION['do_id']; $vlu['cus_name'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getDomainName($_SESSION['do_id']); $mu_values = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityList($this->do_id); if (count($mu_values) == 1) { $vlu['mu_id'] = key($mu_values); } else { if ($this->auth->getParam('mu_id') > 0) { $vlu['mu_id'] = $this->auth->getParam('mu_id'); } } if ($this->auth->getParam('mu_id') > 0) { $vlu['mu_id'] = $this->auth->getParam('mu_id'); $vlu['mu_name'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityName($this->auth->getParam('mu_id')); } } $this->data = $vlu; // Save the data (prevent multiple sql) return $vlu; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); if ($id === null) { $id = $this->id; } if ($this->auth->hasPerm('SHOW', 'ALL_DOMAINS')) { $do_id = $_SESSION['do_id']; } else { $do_id = $this->auth->getDomainID(); } $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $vlu = array(); if ($this->act != 'add') { if ($id === null) { throw new Exception("Missing ID for customer"); } $q = $db->createSelectQuery(); $where = array(); $where[] = 'sl_id=' . (int) $id; if (!$this->auth->hasPerm('SHOW', 'ALL_DOMAINS')) { $where[] = $q->expr->eq('do_id', (int) $this->auth->getDomainID()); } $q->select('*')->from('street_lighting_data')->where($where); $vlu = $db->query($q)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $vlu['cus_name'] = $vlu['cus_name_' . $lang]; $vlu['mu_name'] = $vlu['mu_name_' . $lang]; if ($vlu['has_geometry']) { $vlu['map_preview_url'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getMapPreviewURL($this->do_id, 'street_lighting', $this->id, $lang); } $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('street_lighting', $vlu['sl_id'])); } else { $vlu = array(); $vlu['do_id'] = $_SESSION['do_id']; $vlu['cus_name'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getDomainName($_SESSION['do_id']); $mu_values = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityList($this->do_id); if (count($mu_values) == 1) { $vlu['mu_id'] = key($mu_values); } else { if ($this->auth->getParam('mu_id') > 0) { $vlu['mu_id'] = $this->auth->getParam('mu_id'); } } if (isset($vlu['mu_id']) && $vlu['mu_id'] != '') { $vlu['mu_name'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityName($vlu['mu_id']); } } $this->data = $vlu; // Save the data (prevent multiple sql) return $vlu; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); if ($this->act != 'add') { $q = $db->createSelectQuery(); $q->select('*')->from('action_catalog_data ac')->where("ac_id={$this->id}"); $vlu = $db->query($q)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $vlu['mu_name'] = $vlu["mu_name_{$lang}"]; // Autocomplete $vlu['ac_expected_co2_reduction'] = $vlu['ac_expected_co2_reduction_calc'] / 1000; // Get the calculated value - the db value is not used $vlu['ac_expected_energy_saving_mwh'] = $vlu['ac_expected_energy_saving_kwh'] / 1000; $vlu['ac_green_electricity_purchase_mwh'] = R3NumberFormat($vlu['ac_green_electricity_purchase_kwh'] / 1000, 2, true); $vlu['ac_co2_reduction_tco2'] = R3NumberFormat($vlu['ac_co2_reduction'] / 1000, 2, true); $vlu['ac_expected_renewable_energy_production_mwh'] = $vlu['ac_expected_renewable_energy_production_kwh'] / 1000; // Get the calculated value - the db value is not used // get expected energy savings $vlu['ac_expected_energy_savings'] = array(); $sql = "SELECT action_catalog_energy.*, energy_source_udm.*, " . " esu_kwh_factor * ace_expected_energy_saving AS ace_expected_energy_saving_kwh, " . " esu_co2_factor * ace_expected_energy_saving AS ace_expected_co2_reduction_calc " . " FROM action_catalog_energy " . " INNER JOIN energy_source_udm USING(esu_id) " . " WHERE ac_id={$this->id} " . "ORDER BY ace_id"; $r = $db->query($sql); while ($row = $r->fetch()) { $lkp = $this->getLookupDataForEnergySavings($row['ges_id']); $tmp = array('ges_id' => $row['ges_id'], 'es_id' => $row['es_id'], 'udm_id' => $row['udm_id'], 'ac_expected_energy_saving' => R3NumberFormat($row['ace_expected_energy_saving'], 2, true), 'ac_expected_energy_saving_mwh' => R3NumberFormat($row['ace_expected_energy_saving_kwh'] / 1000, 2, true), 'ac_expected_co2_reduction' => R3NumberFormat($row['ace_expected_co2_reduction_calc'] / 1000, 2, true), 'es_id_consumption_values' => $lkp['es_id_consumption_values'], 'udm_id_consumption_values' => $lkp['udm_id_consumption_values']); $vlu['ac_expected_energy_savings'][] = $tmp; } // get related actions $vlu['ac_related_actions'] = array(); $vlu['ac_related_required_actions'] = array(); $vlu['ac_related_excluded_actions'] = array(); $sql = "SELECT action_catalog.ac_id, ac_name_{$lang}, acd_type " . " FROM action_catalog " . " INNER JOIN action_catalog_dependencies on action_catalog.ac_id = action_catalog_dependencies.ac_related_id " . " WHERE action_catalog_dependencies.ac_id={$this->id}"; $r = $db->query($sql); while ($row = $r->fetch()) { if ($row['acd_type'] == 'R') { $index = 'ac_related_required_actions'; } else { if ($row['acd_type'] == 'D') { $index = 'ac_related_actions'; } else { if ($row['acd_type'] == 'E') { $index = 'ac_related_excluded_actions'; } else { throw new exceltion('Invalid value for acd_type'); } } } $tmp = array('ac_id' => $row['ac_id'], 'ac_name' => $row['ac_name_' . $lang]); array_push($vlu[$index], $tmp); } // get benefit year $vlu['ac_benefit_year'] = array(); $sql = "SELECT acby_year, acby_benefit \r\n FROM action_catalog_benefit_year\r\n WHERE ac_id={$this->id}\r\n ORDER BY acby_year"; $vlu['enable_benefit_year'] = 'F'; foreach ($db->query($sql, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) { $vlu['ac_benefit_year'][] = $row; $vlu['enable_benefit_year'] = 'T'; } if ($this->bu_id != '') { $vlu['bu_id'] = $this->bu_id; } $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('action_catalog', $vlu['ac_id'])); } else { $vlu = array(); $vlu['ac_id'] = null; $vlu['bu_id'] = $this->bu_id; $mu_values = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityList($this->do_id); if (count($mu_values) == 1) { $vlu['mu_id'] = key($mu_values); } else { if ($this->auth->getParam('mu_id') > 0) { $vlu['mu_id'] = $this->auth->getParam('mu_id'); } } if (isset($vlu['mu_id']) && $vlu['mu_id'] != '') { $vlu['mu_name'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityName($vlu['mu_id']); } if ($this->bu_id != '') { $vlu['mu_id'] = $db->query('SELECT mu_id FROM building WHERE bu_id=' . (int) $this->bu_id)->fetchColumn(); $emo_id = R3EcoGisHelper::getEnergyMeterObjectIdByCode('BUILDING'); $codePart1 = $db->query('SELECT bu_code FROM building WHERE bu_id=' . (int) $this->bu_id)->fetchColumn(); $codePart2 = $db->query("SELECT LPAD((COUNT(ac_code) + 1)::TEXT, 2, '0') FROM action_catalog WHERE emo_id={$emo_id} AND ac_object_id=" . (int) $this->bu_id)->fetchColumn(); if ($codePart1 == '') { $vlu['ac_code'] = $codePart2; } else { $vlu['ac_code'] = "{$codePart1}-{$codePart2}"; } // Ricavo Macro-settore, Settore, Sub-settore list($gc_id, $gc_id_parent) = R3EcoGisHelper::getGlobalCategoryForActionCatalogBuilding($this->bu_id); if ($gc_id_parent === null || $gc_id === null) { throw new Exception(_("Destinazione d'uso dell'edificio mancante, o categoria PAES non valida")); } $vlu['gc_parent_id'] = $gc_id_parent; $vlu['gc_id'] = $gc_id; } else { if (isset($vlu['mu_id'])) { $vlu['ac_code'] = (int) $db->query('SELECT MAX(ac_code) FROM action_catalog WHERE mu_id=' . (int) $vlu['mu_id'])->fetchColumn() + 1; } } $vlu['ac_benefit_end_date'] = $this->auth->getConfigValue('APPLICATION', 'DEFAULT_ACTION_BENEFIT_END_DATE', '2020-12-31'); } $this->data = $vlu; // Save the data (prevent multiple sql) return $vlu; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { if ($this->act == 'open') { // open/download the document $this->deliver('import_seap'); die; } if ($this->act || $this->auth->getParam('mu_id') != '') { if ($this->act != 'add') { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $q = $db->createSelectQuery(); $q->select('*')->from('document_data'); if ($this->auth->getParam('mu_id') != '') { $q->where("doct_code='SEAP' AND doc_object_id=" . $this->auth->getParam('mu_id')); } else { $q->where("doct_code='SEAP' AND doc_id=" . (int) $this->id); } $q->orderBy("doc_id DESC"); $vlu = $db->query($q)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $vlu['doc_data'] = json_decode($vlu['doc_descr_1'], true); $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('document', $vlu['doc_id'])); } else { $vlu = array(); } $this->data = $vlu; // Save the data (prevent multiple sql) return $vlu; } return array(); }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); if ($this->act != 'add') { $q = $db->createSelectQuery(); $q->select('*')->from('energy_source_udm_data')->where("esu_id={$this->id}"); $vlu = $db->query($q)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $vlu['ges_full_name'] = $vlu["ges_full_name_{$lang}"]; $vlu['gc_full_name'] = $vlu["gc_full_name_{$lang}"]; $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('energy_source_udm', $vlu['esu_id'])); } else { $vlu = array(); $vlu['es_id'] = null; } $this->data = $vlu; return $vlu; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); if ($id === null) { $id = $this->id; } if ($this->auth->hasPerm('SHOW', 'ALL_DOMAINS')) { $do_id = $_SESSION['do_id']; } else { $do_id = $this->auth->getDomainID(); } $opt = array(); $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); R3EcoGisSimulationHelper::clearLog(); if ($this->act != 'add') { if ($id === null) { throw new Exception("Missing ID for customer"); } $q = $db->createSelectQuery(); $where = array(); $where[] = 'sw_id=' . (int) $id; $where[] = '(us_id IS NULL OR us_id=' . $this->auth->getUID() . ')'; if (!$this->auth->hasPerm('SHOW', 'ALL_DOMAINS')) { $where[] = $q->expr->eq('do_id', (int) $this->auth->getDomainID()); } $q->select("*, ge_name_{$lang} AS ge_name, ge_2_name_{$lang} AS ge_2_name")->from('simulation_work_data')->where($where); $vlu = $db->query($q)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $vlu['mu_name'] = $vlu['mu_name_' . $lang]; R3EcoGisSimulationHelper::addLog(0, _('Riepilogo calcolo')); $sql = "SELECT ac_id, swd_energy_efficacy FROM simulation_work_detail WHERE sw_id=" . (int) $id; $ac_id_list = array(); $ac_perc_list = array(); foreach ($db->query($sql) as $row) { $ac_id_list[] = $row['ac_id']; $ac_perc_list[] = $row['swd_energy_efficacy']; } $vlu['actions'] = $this->getSimulationWork($id, $this->select_done == 'T'); $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('simulation_work', $vlu['sw_id'])); } else { $vlu = array(); $vlu['mu_id'] = ''; $mu_values = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityList($this->do_id); if (count($mu_values) == 1) { $vlu['mu_id'] = key($mu_values); } else { if ($this->auth->getParam('mu_id') > 0) { $vlu['mu_id'] = $this->auth->getParam('mu_id'); } } if ($vlu['mu_id'] != '') { $q = $db->createSelectQuery(); $q->select("gst_id ")->from('global_strategy')->where('mu_id=' . (int) $vlu['mu_id']); $vlu['gst_id'] = $db->query($q)->fetch(); } if ($this->alternativeSimulation) { $vlu['sw_title_1'] = sprintf(_('Simulazione comunale del %s'), date('d/m/Y')); $vlu['sw_title_2'] = sprintf(_('Simulazione comunale del %s'), date('d/m/Y')); } else { $vlu['sw_title_1'] = sprintf(_('Simulazione del %s'), date('d/m/Y')); $vlu['sw_title_2'] = sprintf(_('Simulazione del %s'), date('d/m/Y')); } $vlu['sw_efe_is_calculated'] = 'T'; } $this->data = $vlu; // Save the data (prevent multiple sql) return $vlu; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); // Ricavo nome macro categoria $categoryName = ''; if ($this->gc_id != '') { $sql = "SELECT gc_parent.gc_name_{$lang} AS gc_name\r\n FROM global_category gc\r\n INNER JOIN global_category gc_parent ON gc.gc_parent_id=gc_parent.gc_id\r\n WHERE gc.gc_id={$this->gc_id}"; $categoryName = $db->query($sql)->fetchColumn(); } if ($this->act == 'add') { $vlu['gc_id'] = $this->gc_id; $vlu['gp_id'] = $this->gp_id; } else { $sql = "SELECT grp.*, mu_id\r\n FROM global_plain_row_data grp\r\n INNER JOIN global_plain_data gp ON grp.gp_id=gp.gp_id\r\n WHERE gpr_id=" . (int) $this->gpr_id; $vlu = $db->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->gc_id = $vlu['gc_id']; $vlu['data'] = R3EcoGisGlobalPlainHelper::getGaugeData($this->gpr_id); $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('global_plain_row', $vlu['gpr_id'])); } $vlu['gc_name'] = $categoryName; $this->data = $vlu; // Save the data (prevent multiple sql) return $vlu; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $sql = "SELECT gc1.gc_id, gc2.gc_name_{$lang} AS gc_name_main, gc1.gc_name_{$lang} AS gc_name\r\n FROM global_category gc1\r\n INNER JOIN global_category gc2 ON gc1.gc_parent_id=gc2.gc_id\r\n WHERE gc1.gc_id=" . (int) $this->id; $vlu = $db->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $gpac_id = $db->query("SELECT gpac_id FROM ecogis.global_plain_action_category WHERE gc_id={$this->id} ORDER BY gpac_id LIMIT 1")->fetchColumn(); // Ricavo il primo record per determinare la data di modifica $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('global_plain_action_category', $gpac_id)); return $vlu; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); if ($this->act != 'add') { $q = $db->createSelectQuery(); $q->select('*')->from('global_plain_data')->where("gp_id={$this->id}"); $vlu = $db->query($q)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $vlu['mu_name'] = $vlu["mu_name_{$lang}"]; // Autocomplete $vlu['gp_url_1'] = $this->adjURL($vlu["gp_url_1"], true); if (isset($vlu["gp_url_2"])) { $vlu['gp_url_2'] = $this->adjURL($vlu["gp_url_2"], true); } $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('global_plain', $vlu['gp_id'])); } else { $vlu = array(); $vlu['do_id'] = $this->do_id; $mu_values = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityList($this->do_id); if (count($mu_values) == 1) { $vlu['mu_id'] = key($mu_values); } else { if ($this->auth->getParam('mu_id') > 0) { $vlu['mu_id'] = $this->auth->getParam('mu_id'); } } if (isset($vlu['mu_id']) && $vlu['mu_id'] != '') { $vlu['mu_name'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityName($vlu['mu_id']); } $vlu['gp_url_1'] = $this->adjURL('', true); $vlu['gp_url_2'] = $this->adjURL('', true); } $this->data = $vlu; // Save the data (prevent multiple sql) return $vlu; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); if ($this->auth->getParam('mu_id') != '') { // override the default action if it is a municipality user $sql = "SELECT gst_id FROM global_strategy WHERE mu_id=" . $db->quote($this->auth->getParam('mu_id')); $this->id = $db->query($sql)->fetchColumn(); $this->act = $this->id > 0 ? 'mod' : 'add'; } $vlu = array(); if ($this->act != 'add') { R3Security::checkGlobalStrategy($this->id); $q = $db->createSelectQuery(); $q->select('*')->from('global_strategy_data')->where("gst_id={$this->id}"); $vlu = $db->query($q)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $vlu['mu_name'] = $vlu["mu_name_{$lang}"]; // Autocomplete $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('global_strategy', $this->id)); } else { $vlu['do_id'] = $this->do_id; $mu_values = R3EcoGisGlobalStrategyHelper::getAvailableMunicipalityList($this->do_id); if (count($mu_values) == 1) { $vlu['mu_id'] = key($mu_values); } else { if ($this->auth->getParam('mu_id') > 0) { $vlu['mu_id'] = $this->auth->getParam('mu_id'); } } if (isset($vlu['mu_id']) && $vlu['mu_id'] != '') { $vlu['gst_name_1'] = 'Adesione al Patto dei Sindaci - Comune di ' . R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityName($vlu['mu_id'], 1); $vlu['gst_name_2'] = 'Bürgermeisterkonvents - Gemeinde ' . R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityName($vlu['mu_id'], 2); } else { $vlu['gst_name_1'] = 'Adesione al Patto dei Sindaci'; $vlu['gst_name_2'] = 'Bürgermeisterkonvents'; } $vlu['gst_reduction_target'] = 20; $vlu['gst_reduction_target_year'] = 2020; $vlu['gst_reduction_target_absolute'] = $vlu['gst_reduction_target_absolute_long_term'] = 'T'; $vlu['gst_emission_factor_type_ipcc'] = $vlu['gst_emission_unit_co2'] = 'T'; } $this->data = $vlu; // Save the data (prevent multiple sql) return $vlu; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); if ($this->act == 'add') { $vlu = array(); $vlu['gt_id'] = null; } else { $sql = "SELECT *\r\n FROM global_type\r\n WHERE gt_id=" . $this->id; $vlu = $db->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('global_type', $vlu['gt_id'])); } $this->data = $vlu; // Save the data (prevent multiple sql) return $vlu; }
public function getData() { $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $id = $this->id; $vlu = array(); if ($this->act != 'add') { $id = (int) $this->id; try { $this->checkLookupDomainSecurity($id, $this->act); } catch (Exception $e) { die('Security error'); } $pkName = $this->getPrimaryKeyName(); $q = "SELECT * FROM {$this->table} WHERE {$pkName}={$id}"; $vlu = $db->query($q)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData($this->table, $id)); } else { $vlu = array(); foreach ($this->fields as $key => $field) { if (isset($field['name'])) { $key = $field['name']; } if (isset($field['default'])) { $vlu[$key] = $field['default']; } } } $this->data = $vlu; // Save the data (prevent multiple sql) return $vlu; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); if ($this->act == 'open') { // open/download the document $this->deliver($this->documentType); die; } $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); if ($this->act == 'add') { $sep = R3Locale::getDateSeparator(); $vlu = array(); $vlu['doc_date'] = date('Y-m-d'); } else { $q = $db->createSelectQuery(); $q->select('*')->from('document_data')->where('doc_id=' . (int) $this->id); $vlu = $db->query($q)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('document', $vlu['doc_id'])); } $this->data = $vlu; // Save the data (prevent multiple sql) return $vlu; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); if ($this->act != 'add') { $q = $db->createSelectQuery(); $q->select('*')->from('building_data')->where("bu_id={$this->id}"); $vlu = $db->query($q)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $vlu['mu_name'] = $vlu["mu_name_{$lang}"]; // Autocomplete $vlu['fr_name'] = $vlu["fr_name_{$lang}"]; // Autocomplete $vlu['st_name'] = $vlu["st_name_{$lang}"]; // Autocomplete $vlu['bu_usage_h_from'] = substr($vlu['bu_usage_h_from'], 0, 5); $vlu['bu_usage_h_to'] = substr($vlu['bu_usage_h_to'], 0, 5); $vlu['bu_build_year_as_string'] = $vlu['bu_build_year']; // Prevent number format $vlu['bu_restructure_year_as_string'] = $vlu['bu_restructure_year']; // Prevent number format // Immgini $sql = "SELECT doc_file_id, doct_code\n FROM document doc\n INNER JOIN document_type doct ON doc.doct_id=doct.doct_id\n WHERE doc_object_id={$this->id} AND doct_code IN ('BUILDING_PHOTO', 'BUILDING_THERMOGRAPHY', 'BUILDING_LABEL')"; // echo $sql; $images = array(); foreach ($db->query($sql) as $row) { $images[strtolower($row['doct_code'])][] = $row['doc_file_id']; } $vlu['images'] = $images; if ($vlu['has_geometry']) { $vlu['map_preview_url'] = htmlspecialchars(R3EcoGisHelper::getMapPreviewURL($this->do_id, 'building', $this->id, $lang)); } $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('building', $vlu['bu_id'])); } else { $vlu = array(); $vlu['do_id'] = $this->do_id; $vlu['cus_name'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getDomainName($this->do_id); $mu_values = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityList($this->do_id); if (count($mu_values) == 1) { $vlu['mu_id'] = key($mu_values); } else { if ($this->auth->getParam('mu_id') > 0) { $vlu['mu_id'] = $this->auth->getParam('mu_id'); } } if (isset($vlu['mu_id']) && $vlu['mu_id'] != '') { $vlu['mu_name'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityName($vlu['mu_id']); if ($this->auth->getConfigValue('APPLICATION', 'BUILDING_CODE_TYPE') == 'AUTO' || $this->auth->getConfigValue('APPLICATION', 'BUILDING_CODE_TYPE') == 'PROPOSED') { $fmt = $this->auth->getConfigValue('APPLICATION', 'BUILDING_CODE_FORMAT'); try { $vlu['bu_code'] = sprintf($fmt == '' ? '%s' : $fmt, $db->query("SELECT MAX(bu_code::integer) FROM building WHERE mu_id={$vlu['mu_id']}")->fetchColumn() + 1); } catch (Exception $e) { } } } $vlu['ez_id'] = null; $vlu['ec_id'] = null; } $this->data = $vlu; // Save the data (prevent multiple sql) return $vlu; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); //R3Security::checkBuilding($this->id); $q = $db->createSelectQuery(); $q->select('*')->from('stat_type_data')->where("st_id={$this->id}"); $vlu = $db->query($q)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $capabilities = $this->getStatisticCapabilitiesByCode($vlu['st_code']); $context = R3EcoGisStatHelper::getBetterContext($vlu['st_code']); $childContext = R3EcoGisStatHelper::getBetterChildContext($vlu['st_code']); $classes['absolute'] = R3EcoGisStatHelper::getStatsLegend($vlu['do_id'], $vlu['st_code'], $context, $childContext, true); if ($vlu['st_has_relative_data']) { $classes['relative'] = R3EcoGisStatHelper::getStatsLegend($vlu['do_id'], $vlu['st_code'], $context, $childContext, false); } $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('building', $vlu['st_id']), array('capabilities' => $capabilities, 'classes' => $classes)); $this->data = $vlu; // Save the data (prevent multiple sql) return $vlu; }