Пример #1

 *      [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 *      The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
 *      @version $Revision: 2075 $
require "../libraries/common.inc.php";
uses("quotetype", "typeoption");
require LIB_PATH . 'page.class.php';
require LIB_PATH . 'cache.class.php';
require "session_cp.inc.php";
$quotetypes = new Quotetypes();
$typeoption = new Typeoption();
$type_models = new Typeoptions();
$cache = new Caches();
$page = new Pages();
$conditions = array();
$tpl_file = "quotetype";
setvar("AskAction", $typeoption->get_cache_type("common_option"));
if (isset($_POST['save']) && !empty($_POST['data'])) {
    if ($_POST['data']['method'] == 2) {
        $result = $type_models->copy("quotetypes", $_POST['data']['truncate'], $_POST['data']['coverage']);
    } else {
        $vals = array();
        $vals = $_POST['data']['quotetype'];
        $vals['level'] = intval($pdb->GetOne("SELECT level AS new_level FROM {$tb_prefix}quotetypes WHERE id='" . $vals['parent_id'] . "'") + 1);
        if (!empty($_POST['id'])) {
            $result = $quotetypes->save($vals, "update", $_POST['id']);
        } elseif (!empty($vals['name'])) {
Пример #2

 *      [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 *      The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
 *      @version $Revision: 2075 $
require "../libraries/common.inc.php";
uses("quote", "quotetype");
require LIB_PATH . 'page.class.php';
require LIB_PATH . 'cache.class.php';
require "session_cp.inc.php";
include CACHE_PATH . "cache_typeoption.php";
$marketquotes = new Quotes();
$quotetype = new Quotetypes();
$cache = new Caches();
$page = new Pages();
$conditions = array();
setvar("Measuries", $_PB_CACHE['measuring']);
setvar("Monetaries", $_PB_CACHE['monetary']);
$tpl_file = "quote";
if (isset($_GET['do'])) {
    $do = trim($_GET['do']);
    if (!empty($_GET['id'])) {
        $id = intval($_GET['id']);
    if ($do == "search") {
        if (isset($_GET['q'])) {
            $conditions[] = "title like '%" . trim($_GET['q']) . "%'";