protected function loadModel($id) { /** * TODO или сделать в один запрос? */ $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->compare('', Quiz::STATUS_ACTIVE); /** @var $quiz Quiz */ $quiz = Quiz::model()->findByPk($id, $criteria); if ($quiz === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } $criteria = new CDbCriteria(array('with' => 'answers', 'order' => 't.sequence ASC, answers.sequence ASC')); $criteria->compare('t.id_quiz', $id); $questions = QuizQuestion::model()->findAll($criteria); if (empty($questions)) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } $quiz->addRelatedRecord('questions', $questions, false); return $quiz; }
/** * Build the orphan questions */ public function build_quiz_orphan_questions() { $table_qui = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST); $table_rel = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST_QUESTION); $table_que = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_QUESTION); $table_ans = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_ANSWER); $courseId = api_get_course_int_id(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $table_que . ' as questions LEFT JOIN ' . $table_rel . ' as quizz_questions ON LEFT JOIN ' . $table_qui . ' as exercises ON quizz_questions.exercice_id = WHERE questions.c_id = quizz_questions.c_id AND questions.c_id = exercises.c_id AND exercises.c_id = ' . $courseId . ' AND (quizz_questions.exercice_id IS NULL OR = -1)'; $db_result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($db_result) > 0) { // This is the fictional test for collecting orphan questions. $orphan_questions = new Quiz(-1, get_lang('OrphanQuestions', ''), '', 0, 0, 1, '', 0); $this->course->add_resource($orphan_questions); while ($obj = Database::fetch_object($db_result)) { $question = new QuizQuestion($obj->id, $obj->question, $obj->description, $obj->ponderation, $obj->type, $obj->position, $obj->picture, $obj->level, $obj->extra); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $table_ans . ' WHERE question_id = ' . $obj->id; $db_result2 = Database::query($sql); while ($obj2 = Database::fetch_object($db_result2)) { $question->add_answer($obj2->id, $obj2->answer, $obj2->correct, $obj2->comment, $obj2->ponderation, $obj2->position, $obj2->hotspot_coordinates, $obj2->hotspot_type); } $this->course->add_resource($question); } } }
/** * Adds an object to the instance pool. * * Propel keeps cached copies of objects in an instance pool when they are retrieved * from the database. In some cases -- especially when you override doSelect*() * methods in your stub classes -- you may need to explicitly add objects * to the cache in order to ensure that the same objects are always returned by doSelect*() * and retrieveByPK*() calls. * * @param QuizQuestion $value A QuizQuestion object. * @param string $key (optional) key to use for instance map (for performance boost if key was already calculated externally). */ public static function addInstanceToPool(QuizQuestion $obj, $key = null) { if (Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled()) { if ($key === null) { $key = (string) $obj->getId(); } // if key === null self::$instances[$key] = $obj; } }
/** * Exclude object from result * * @param QuizQuestion $quizQuestion Object to remove from the list of results * * @return QuizQuestionQuery The current query, for fluid interface */ public function prune($quizQuestion = null) { if ($quizQuestion) { $this->addUsingAlias(QuizQuestionPeer::ID, $quizQuestion->getId(), Criteria::NOT_EQUAL); } return $this; }
/** * Implementation of getAnweringForm * * @see QuizQuestion#getAnsweringForm($form_state, $rid) */ public function getAnsweringForm(array $form_state = NULL, $rid) { $form = parent::getAnsweringForm($form_state, $rid); $form['#theme'] = 'long_answer_answering_form'; $form['tries'] = array('#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => t('Answer'), '#description' => t('Enter your answer here. If you need more space, click on the grey bar at the bottom of this area and drag it down.'), '#rows' => 15, '#cols' => 60, '#required' => FALSE); if (isset($rid)) { $response = new LongAnswerResponse($rid, $this->node); $form['tries']['#default_value'] = $response->getResponse(); } return $form; }
function hapus_ul($args) { list($id) = $args; if (!isset($id) || $id < 1) { die('no proper id'); } $ul = new QuizUlangan(); $ul->getByID($id); if ($ul->ulangan_creator_id == Account::getMyID() && !$ul->ulangan_aktif) { $ul->delete($id); //$ul->ulangan_aktif = 0; //$ul->save(); $q = new QuizQuestion(); $arr = $q->getWhere("q_ulangan_id = '{$id}'"); foreach ($arr as $qq) { $q->delete($qq->qid); $a = new QuizAnswer(); $arr2 = $a->getWhere("answer_qid = '{$qq->qid}'"); foreach ($arr2 as $aa) { $a->delete($aa->answer_id); } } } }
function saveQ() { //pr($_POST); $myid = 0; $qid = addslashes($_POST['qid']); $q = new QuizQuestion(); if ($qid != "" && $qid != 0) { $q->getByID($qid); $myid = $q->qid; } $q->q_title = addslashes($_POST['q_title']); $q->q_image = addslashes($_POST['q_img']); $q->q_ulangan_id = addslashes($_POST['ul_id']); $q->q_aktif = addslashes($_POST['q_aktif']); $scc = $q->save(); //echo "Sukses save question : ".$scc." \n<br>"; if ($scc) { if ($myid == 0) { $myid = $scc; } //echo "Sukses question ID : ".$myid." \n<br>"; echo "Penyimpanan Sukses"; $a = new QuizAnswer(); $arrAns = $a->getWhere("answer_qid = '{$myid}'"); foreach ($arrAns as $n) { $a->delete($n->answer_id); } //sekarang save baru for ($x = 0; $x < 4; $x++) { $checked = 0; if ($x == $_POST['radio']) { $checked = 1; } $ans = addslashes($_POST['answer_' . $x]); $ans_img = addslashes($_POST['answer_' . $x . '_img']); $an = new QuizAnswer(); $an->answer_qid = $myid; $an->answer_image = $ans_img; $an->answer_text = $ans; $an_id = $an->save(); //echo "Sukses save answer $x : ".$an_id." \n<br>"; if ($checked) { $q1 = new QuizQuestion(); $q1->getByID($myid); $q1->q_correct_answer_id = $an_id; $q1->load = 1; $q1->save(); } } } //echo "end"; exit; }
public function hitung($args) { //pr($_POST); $jwb = $_POST['jwb']; $qid = $_POST['qid']; if (!isset($qid)) { die("No ID"); } $ul = new QuizUlangan(); $ul->getByID($qid); //update number $ul->ulangan_finished = $ul->ulangan_finished + 1; $ul->ulangan_update_date = leap_mysqldate(); $ul->save(); // user gen $acc = new Account(); $ucreate = 0; if ($ul->ulangan_creator_id != 0) { $ucreate = 1; $acc->getByID($ul->ulangan_creator_id); } $ucreate_text = "Seberapa Indonesiakah Anda"; //campur badge if ($ucreate) { $ul->ulangan_badge_1 = $ul->ulangan_image; $ul->ulangan_badge_2 = $ul->ulangan_image; $ul->ulangan_badge_3 = $ul->ulangan_image; $ul->ulangan_badge_4 = $ul->ulangan_image; $ul->ulangan_badge_5 = $ul->ulangan_image; $ucreate_text_title = $ul->ulangan_name; $ucreate_text = $acc->admin_name . " membuat ujian '" . $ul->ulangan_name . "' untuk INDONESIA. Berani terima tantangan dia?!?"; $ul->ulangan_desc_1 = $ucreate_text; $ul->ulangan_desc_2 = $ucreate_text; $ul->ulangan_desc_3 = $ucreate_text; $ul->ulangan_desc_4 = $ucreate_text; $ul->ulangan_desc_5 = $ucreate_text; $ul->ulangan_descr = $ucreate_text; } $q = new QuizQuestion(); $arrQ = $q->getWhere("q_ulangan_id = '{$ul->ulangan_id}' AND q_aktif = 1"); //pr($arrQ); $jumlah_question = $ul->ulangan_jumlah_soal; foreach ($arrQ as $q) { $qs[$q->qid] = $q; } $point = 0; foreach ($jwb as $o) { $active = $qs[$o['qid']]; if ($active->q_correct_answer_id == $o['aid']) { $point++; } //echo $o['qid']." jwb ".$o['aid']."<br>"; } //pilah poin ke badge if ($point == 0) { $json['badge'] = _BPATH . _PHOTOURL . "thumbnail/" . $ul->ulangan_badge_1; } if ($point > 0 && $point < 6) { $json['badge'] = _BPATH . _PHOTOURL . "thumbnail/" . $ul->ulangan_badge_2; } if ($point > 5 && $point < 8) { $json['badge'] = _BPATH . _PHOTOURL . "thumbnail/" . $ul->ulangan_badge_3; } if ($point > 7 && $point < 10) { $json['badge'] = _BPATH . _PHOTOURL . "thumbnail/" . $ul->ulangan_badge_4; } if ($point == 10) { $json['badge'] = _BPATH . _PHOTOURL . "thumbnail/" . $ul->ulangan_badge_5; } $json['points'] = $point; $json['saved'] = 0; $json['naik_level'] = 0; $json['total_point'] = -1; $qp = new QuizPoints(); if (Auth::isLogged()) { $pid = $qid . "_" . Account::getMyID(); $qp->getByID($pid); if ($qp->points_id == "") { $qp->load = 0; } $qp->points_id = $pid; $qp->points_acc_id = Account::getMyID(); $qp->points_ul_id = $qid; $qp->points_update = leap_mysqldate(); if ($qp->points_nilai < $point) { $qp->points_nilai = $point; } $json['saved'] = $qp->save(); $pointLama = QuizPoints::myPoints(); $lvl_lama = floor($pointLama / 36); //update sessions points $qp->getPoints(); $pointBaru = QuizPoints::myPoints(); $lvl_baru = floor($pointBaru / 36); if ($lvl_baru > $lvl_lama && $pointLama > 0) { $json['naik_level'] = 1; } $json['total_point'] = $pointBaru; } else { if (!isset($_SESSION['game']['unsaved'])) { $_SESSION['game']['unsaved'] = array(); } $_SESSION['game']['unsaved'][] = array($qid, $point); } echo json_encode($json); exit; }