Пример #1
  * Hook which gets called when the Web Connector authenticates to the server
  * @param string $requestID			Not applicable to this hook
  * @param string $user				The username of the user who connected
  * @param string $hook				The name of the hook which connected
  * @param string $err				If an error occurs, you should return an error message here
  * @param array $hook_data			An array of hook data
  * @param array $callback_config	An array of callback configuration params
  * @return boolean
 public static function onAuthenticate($requestID, $user, $hook, &$err, $hook_data, $callback_config)
     // $requestID, $user, $hook, &$err, $hook_data, $callback_config
     // Driver instance
     $Driver = QuickBooks_Driver_Singleton::getInstance();
     // Map instance
     $Map = new QuickBooks_Map_Qbxml($Driver);
     // Mode (read-onlyl, write-only, read/write)
     $mode = $callback_config['mode'];
     // How often recurring events happen
     $run_every = $callback_config['recur'];
     // $map parameter
     $sql_map = $callback_config['map'];
     // Which things do you want to query? (QuickBooks => SQL database)
     $sql_query = array();
     foreach (QuickBooks_Utilities::listActions('*QUERY*') as $action)
     	$sql_query[$action] = QuickBooks_Utilities::priorityForAction($action);
     $sql_query = QuickBooks_Callbacks_SQL_Callbacks::_filterActions($sql_query, $callback_config['_only_query'], $callback_config['_dont_query'], QUICKBOOKS_QUERY);
     //$start = microtime(true);
     //$_start = microtime(true);
     $sql_import = array();
     $tmp = QuickBooks_Utilities::listActions('*IMPORT*');
     //print('0.01 [' . (microtime(true) - $start) . ']' . "\n\n");
     foreach ($tmp as $action) {
         $sql_import[$action] = QuickBooks_Utilities::priorityForAction($action);
     //print('0.02 [' . (microtime(true) - $start) . ']' . "\n\n");
     $sql_import = QuickBooks_Callbacks_SQL_Callbacks::_filterActions($sql_import, $callback_config['_only_import'], $callback_config['_dont_import'], QUICKBOOKS_IMPORT);
     //print('0.03 [' . (microtime(true) - $start) . ']' . "\n\n");
     //print('0.1 [' . (microtime(true) - $start) . ']' . "\n\n");
     // Which things you want to *add* to QuickBooks (SQL => QuickBooks (adds only!))
     //	@todo These should be changed to use QuickBooks_Utilities::listActions('*ADD*')
     $sql_add = array();
     foreach (QuickBooks_Utilities::listActions('*ADD*') as $action) {
         $sql_add[$action] = QuickBooks_Utilities::priorityForAction($action);
     $sql_add = QuickBooks_Callbacks_SQL_Callbacks::_filterActions($sql_add, $callback_config['_only_add'], $callback_config['_dont_add'], QUICKBOOKS_ADD);
     //print('0.2 [' . (microtime(true) - $start) . ']' . "\n\n");
     // Which things you want to *modify* in QuickBooks (SQL => QuickBooks (modifys only!))
     //	@todo These should be changed to use QuickBooks_Utilities::listActions('*MOD*')
     $sql_mod = array();
     foreach (QuickBooks_Utilities::listActions('*MOD*') as $action) {
         $sql_mod[$action] = QuickBooks_Utilities::priorityForAction($action);
     $sql_mod = QuickBooks_Callbacks_SQL_Callbacks::_filterActions($sql_mod, $callback_config['_only_modify'], $callback_config['_dont_modify'], QUICKBOOKS_MOD);
     //print('0.3 [' . (microtime(true) - $start) . ']' . "\n\n");
     // Which things you want to *audit* in QuickBooks (QuickBooks => SQL)
     $sql_audit = array();
     foreach (QuickBooks_Utilities::listActions('*AUDIT*') as $action) {
         $sql_audit[$action] = QuickBooks_Utilities::priorityForAction($action);
     //print('1 [' . (microtime(true) - $start) . ']' . "\n\n"); $start = microtime(true);
     // Queueing class
     //$Queue = new QuickBooks_Queue($dsn_or_conn);
     // List of all actions we're performing
     $actions = array();
     if ($mode == QuickBooks_WebConnector_Server_SQL::MODE_READONLY or $mode == QuickBooks_WebConnector_Server_SQL::MODE_READWRITE) {
         // Register recurring events for things you want to query
         //foreach ($sql_query as $action => $priority)
         foreach ($sql_import as $action => $priority) {
             //$Driver->log('Registering recurring event for: ' . $action, null, QUICKBOOKS_LOG_DEBUG);
             // Make sure that there are handlers registered for this recurring action
             if (!isset($sql_map[$action])) {
                 //trigger_error('No registered handler for: ' . $action);
             //$Queue->recurring($run_every, $action, md5(__FILE__), $priority, null, $user);
             $Driver->recurEnqueue($user, $run_every, $action, md5(__FILE__), true, $priority);
             $actions[] = $action;
         if (in_array(QUICKBOOKS_QUERY_DELETEDLISTS, $callback_config['_only_misc'])) {
             // Also grab any deleted records
             $Driver->queueEnqueue($user, QUICKBOOKS_QUERY_DELETEDLISTS, 1, true, 0);
         if (in_array(QUICKBOOKS_QUERY_DELETEDTXNS, $callback_config['_only_misc'])) {
             $Driver->queueEnqueue($user, QUICKBOOKS_QUERY_DELETEDTXNS, 1, true, 0);
         if (in_array(QUICKBOOKS_DERIVE_INVENTORYLEVELS, $callback_config['_only_misc'])) {
             // Update inventory levels
             $Driver->queueEnqueue($user, QUICKBOOKS_DERIVE_INVENTORYLEVELS, 1, true, 0);
         if (in_array(QUICKBOOKS_DERIVE_INVENTORYASSEMBLYLEVELS, $callback_config['_only_misc'])) {
             // Update inventory assembly levels
             $Driver->queueEnqueue($user, QUICKBOOKS_DERIVE_INVENTORYASSEMBLYLEVELS, 1, true, 0);
     //print('2 [' . (microtime(true) - $start) . ']' . "\n\n"); $start = microtime(true);
     // Queue up the audit requests
     //	Audit requests pull in just the calculated TotalAmount and the 
     //	TimeModified timestamp from transactions, and store these in 
     //	the qbsql_audit_* fields so we can tell if there are transactions 
     //	in QuickBooks that don't match up correctly to what's in the SQL 
     //	database.
     foreach ($sql_audit as $action => $priority)
     	if (!isset($sql_map[$action]))
     	$Driver->queueEnqueue($user, $action, 1, true, $priority);
     // Searching the tables can take a long time, you could potentially
     //	have 10 or 15 seconds between when we search for new customers, and
     //	when we search for new invoices. What we don't want to have happen
     //	is that we search for new customers to be queued up, then a new
     //	customer and invoice gets added, then we search for invoices to be
     //	queued up, queue up the invoice, but the customer it depends on
     //	didn't get queued up yet... results in an error!
     // We avoid this by keeping track of when NOW is, and only queueing up
     //	things that are older than NOW()
     $NOW = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     // Limit to max adds by time per auth
     $time_limit = 15;
     // 60 *second* limit
     $time_start = time();
     // When we started
     // Objects that need to be *ADDED* to QuickBooks
     if ($mode == QuickBooks_WebConnector_Server_SQL::MODE_WRITEONLY or $mode == QuickBooks_WebConnector_Server_SQL::MODE_READWRITE) {
         $mark_as_queued = false;
         $map = $Map->adds($sql_add, $mark_as_queued);
         //$Driver->log('ADDS: ' . print_r($map, true));
         // Go through each action in the returned map
         foreach ($map as $action => $list) {
             //$Driver->log('Now doing: ' . $action . ', ' . print_r($list, true));
             //$__start = microtime(true);
             // Go through each ID for each action
             $counter = 0;
             foreach ($list as $ID => $priority) {
                 if (time() - $time_start > $time_limit) {
                     //print('HIT LIMIT SO WE\'RE BREAKING OUT OF HERE [' . $action . '] [ ' . $counter . ' of ' . count($list) . ']!' . "\n");
                     break 2;
                 // Queue it up to be added to QuickBooks
                 $Driver->queueEnqueue($user, $action, $ID, true, $priority);
             //print('now ' . $action . ' [' . (microtime(true) - $__start) . ']' . "\n");
     //print('3 [' . (microtime(true) - $start) . ']' . "\n\n"); $start = microtime(true);
     // Objects that need to be *MODIFIED* within QuickBooks
     if ($mode == QuickBooks_WebConnector_Server_SQL::MODE_WRITEONLY or $mode == QuickBooks_WebConnector_Server_SQL::MODE_READWRITE) {
         // Check if any objects need to be pushed back to QuickBooks
         foreach ($sql_mod as $action => $priority) {
             $object = QuickBooks_Utilities::actionToObject($action);
             $table_and_field = array();
             // Convert to table and primary key, select qbsql id
             QuickBooks_SQL_Schema::mapPrimaryKey($object, QUICKBOOKS_SQL_SCHEMA_MAP_TO_SQL, $table_and_field);
             //$Driver->log('Searching table: ' . print_r($table_and_field, true) . ' for MODIFIED records.', null, QUICKBOOKS_LOG_DEBUG);
             // If we managed to map a table, we need to search that table for changed records
             if (!empty($table_and_field[0]) and !empty($table_and_field[1])) {
                 // For MODs:
                 //	- Do not sync if to_delete = 1
                 //	- Do not sync if to_skip = 1
                 //	- Do not sync if an error occurred on this record
                 $sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID . ", \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ERROR_NUMBER . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_PREFIX_SQL . $table_and_field[0] . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_DISCOVER . " IS NOT NULL AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_RESYNC . " IS NOT NULL AND\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_MODIFY . " > " . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_RESYNC . " AND\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_TO_DELETE . " != 1 AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_FLAG_DELETED . " != 1 AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_TO_VOID . " != 1 AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_TO_SKIP . " != 1 AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_MODIFY . " <= '" . $NOW . "' ";
                 $errnum = 0;
                 $errmsg = '';
                 $res = $Driver->query($sql, $errnum, $errmsg);
                 while ($arr = $Driver->fetch($res)) {
                     if (strlen($arr[QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ERROR_NUMBER])) {
                         // Do not sync this record until the error is resolved
                     // Queue up this MOD request
                     $Driver->queueEnqueue($user, $action, $arr[QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID], true, $priority);
                     $actions[] = $action;
                     // Mark the record as enqueued   - let's wait until the hashing is in for this
                     //$Driver->query(..., $errnum, $errmsg);
     //print('4 [' . (microtime(true) - $start) . ']' . "\n\n"); $start = microtime(true);
     if ($mode == QuickBooks_WebConnector_Server_SQL::MODE_WRITEONLY or $mode == QuickBooks_WebConnector_Server_SQL::MODE_READWRITE) {
         // Check if any *voided* objects need to be voided in QuickBooks
         foreach ($sql_add as $action => $priority) {
             $object = QuickBooks_Utilities::actionToObject($action);
             $dependency = null;
             if ($object == QUICKBOOKS_OBJECT_BILL) {
                 // Bill VOID dependency is PurchaseOrderMod because we want to be able to manually close POs (but need to VOID the bills first)
                 $dependency = QUICKBOOKS_MOD_PURCHASEORDER;
             $priority = QuickBooks_Utilities::priorityForAction(QUICKBOOKS_VOID_TRANSACTION, $dependency);
             $table_and_field = array();
             // Convert to table and primary key, select qbsql id
             QuickBooks_SQL_Schema::mapPrimaryKey($object, QUICKBOOKS_SQL_SCHEMA_MAP_TO_SQL, $table_and_field);
             //$Driver->log('Searching table: ' . print_r($table_and_field, true) . ' for VOIDED records.', null, QUICKBOOKS_LOG_DEBUG);
             if (!empty($table_and_field[0])) {
                 $sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_PREFIX_SQL . $table_and_field[0] . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_DISCOVER . " IS NOT NULL AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_TO_DELETE . " != 1 AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_FLAG_DELETED . " != 1 AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_TO_VOID . " = 1 AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_FLAG_VOIDED . " != 1 AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_MODIFY . " <= '" . $NOW . "' ";
                 $errnum = 0;
                 $errmsg = '';
                 $res = $Driver->query($sql, $errnum, $errmsg);
                 $extra = array('object' => $object);
                 while ($arr = $Driver->fetch($res)) {
                     $Driver->queueEnqueue($user, QUICKBOOKS_VOID_TRANSACTION, $arr[QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID], true, $priority, $extra);
     //print('5 [' . (microtime(true) - $start) . ']' . "\n\n"); $start = microtime(true);
     if ($mode == QuickBooks_WebConnector_Server_SQL::MODE_WRITEONLY or $mode == QuickBooks_WebConnector_Server_SQL::MODE_READWRITE) {
         // Check if any *deleted* objects need to be deleted from QuickBooks
         foreach ($sql_add as $action => $priority) {
             $priority = 1000 - $priority;
             $object = QuickBooks_Utilities::actionToObject($action);
             $table_and_field = array();
             // Convert to table and primary key, select qbsql id
             QuickBooks_SQL_Schema::mapPrimaryKey($object, QUICKBOOKS_SQL_SCHEMA_MAP_TO_SQL, $table_and_field);
             // Delete if it's marked for deletion and it hasn't been deleted already
             if (!empty($table_and_field[0])) {
                 $sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_PREFIX_SQL . $table_and_field[0] . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t " . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_TO_DELETE . " = 1 AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t " . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_FLAG_DELETED . " != 1 AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t " . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_MODIFY . " <= '" . $NOW . "' ";
                 $errnum = 0;
                 $errmsg = '';
                 $res = $Driver->query($sql, $errnum, $errmsg);
                 $key = QuickBooks_Utilities::keyForAction($action);
                 if ($key == 'ListID') {
                     $useAction = 'ListDel';
                 } else {
                     $useAction = 'TxnDel';
                 $extra['objectType'] = $object;
                 while ($arr = $Driver->fetch($res)) {
                     $Driver->queueEnqueue($user, $useAction, $extra['objectType'] . $arr[QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID], true, $priority, $extra);
     //print('6 [' . (microtime(true) - $start) . ']' . "\n\n"); $start = microtime(true);
     // This makes sure that timestamps are set up for every action we're doing (fixes a bug where timestamps never get recorded on initial sync without iterator)
     foreach ($actions as $action)
     	$module = __CLASS__;
     	$key_curr = QuickBooks_Callbacks_SQL_Callbacks::_keySyncCurr($action);
     	$key_prev = QuickBooks_Callbacks_SQL_Callbacks::_keySyncPrev($action);
     	$type = null;
     	$opts = null;
     	$curr_sync_datetime = $Driver->configRead($user, $module, $key_curr, $type, $opts);	// last sync started... 
     	$prev_sync_datetime = $Driver->configRead($user, $module, $key_prev, $type, $opts);	// last sync started... 
     	$datetime = QuickBooks_Utilities::datetime('1983-01-02');
     	if (!$curr_sync_datetime)
     		$Driver->configWrite($user, $module, $key_curr, $datetime, null);
     	if (!$prev_sync_datetime)
     		$Driver->configWrite($user, $module, $key_prev, $datetime, null);
     //print("\n\n" . 'here [ ' . (microtime(true) - $_start) . ']' . "\n\n\n");
     return true;
Пример #2
  * ReceiveResponseXML() method for the QuickBooks Web Connector - Receive and handle a resonse form QuickBooks 
  * The stdClass object passed as a parameter will have the following members: 
  * 	- ->ticket 		The QuickBooks Web Connector ticket
  * 	- ->response	An XML response message
  * 	- ->hresult		Error code
  * 	- ->message		Error message
  * The sole data member of the returned object should be an integer. 
  * 	- The data member should be -1 if an error occured and QBWC should call ->getLastError()
  * 	- Should be an integer 0 <= x < 100 to indicate success *and* that the application should continue to call ->sendRequestXML() at least one more time (more queued items still in the queue, the integer represents the percentage complete the total batch job is)
  * 	- Should be 100 to indicate success *and* that the queue has been exhausted
  * The following user-defined hooks are invoked:
  * @param stdClass $obj
  * @return QuickBooks_Result_ReceiveResponseXML
 public function receiveResponseXML($obj)
     $this->_driver->log('receiveResponseXML()', $obj->ticket, QUICKBOOKS_LOG_VERBOSE);
     if ($this->_driver->authCheck($obj->ticket)) {
         $user = $this->_driver->authResolve($obj->ticket);
         $hookdata = array('username' => $user, 'ticket' => $obj->ticket);
         $hookerr = '';
         $this->_callHook($obj->ticket, QUICKBOOKS_HANDLERS_HOOK_RECEIVERESPONSEXML, null, null, null, null, $hookerr, null, array(), $hookdata);
         $this->_driver->log('Incoming XML response: ' . $obj->response, $obj->ticket, QUICKBOOKS_LOG_DEBUG);
         // Check if we got a error message...
         if (strlen($obj->message) or $this->_extractStatusCode($obj->response)) {
             if ($requestID = $this->_extractRequestID($obj->response)) {
                 $errnum = $this->_extractStatusCode($obj->response);
                 //$action = current(explode('|', $requestID));
                 //$ident = next(explode('|', $requestID));
                 $action = '';
                 $ident = '';
                 $this->_parseRequestID($requestID, $action, $ident);
                 // Fetch the request that was processed and EXPERIENCED AN ERROR!
                 $extra = '';
                 if ($current = $this->_driver->queueFetch($user, $action, $ident, QUICKBOOKS_STATUS_PROCESSING)) {
                     if ($current['extra']) {
                         $extra = unserialize($current['extra']);
                 if ($obj->message) {
                     $errmsg = $obj->message;
                 } else {
                     if ($status = $this->_extractStatusMessage($obj->response)) {
                         $errmsg = $status;
                 $errerr = '';
                 $continue = $this->_handleError($obj->ticket, $errnum, $errmsg, $requestID, $action, $ident, $extra, $errerr, $obj->response, array());
                 //					$errnum, $errmsg, $requestID, $action, $ident, $extra, &$err, $xml, $qb_identifiers = array()
                 if ($errerr) {
                     // The error handler returned an error too...
                     $this->_driver->log('An error occured while handling quickbooks error ' . $errnum . ': ' . $errmsg . ': ' . $errerr, $obj->ticket, QUICKBOOKS_LOG_NORMAL);
             } else {
                 $errerr = '';
                 $continue = $this->_handleError($obj->ticket, $obj->hresult, $obj->message, null, null, null, null, $errerr, $obj->response, array());
                 if ($errerr) {
                     // The error handler returned an error too...
                     $this->_driver->log('An error occured while handling generic error ' . $obj->hresult . ': ' . $obj->message . ': ' . $errerr, $obj->ticket, QUICKBOOKS_LOG_NORMAL);
             // Calculate the percentage done
             $progress = $this->_calculateProgress($obj->ticket);
             if (!$continue) {
                 $progress = -1;
             $this->_driver->log('Transaction error at ' . $progress . '% complete... ', $obj->ticket, QUICKBOOKS_LOG_VERBOSE);
             return new QuickBooks_Result_ReceiveResponseXML($progress);
         $action = null;
         $ident = null;
         $requestID = null;
         if ($requestID = $this->_extractRequestID($obj->response)) {
             //$action = current(explode('|', $requestID));
             //$ident = end(explode('|', $requestID));
             $action = '';
             $ident = '';
             $this->_parseRequestID($requestID, $action, $ident);
             // Fetch the request that's being processed
             $extra = '';
             if ($current = $this->_driver->queueFetch($user, $action, $ident, QUICKBOOKS_STATUS_PROCESSING)) {
                 if ($current['extra']) {
                     $extra = unserialize($current['extra']);
             // Update the status to success (no error occured)
             $this->_driver->queueStatus($obj->ticket, $action, $ident, QUICKBOOKS_STATUS_SUCCESS);
         // Extract ListID, TxnID, etc. from the response
         $identifiers = $this->_extractIdentifiers($obj->response);
         //$this->_driver->log(var_export($identifiers, true), $obj->ticket, QUICKBOOKS_LOG_VERBOSE);
         // Auto-map $ident unique identifier from web application to the QuickBooks ListID or TxnID
         if ($this->_config['map_application_identifiers']) {
             $adds = QuickBooks_Utilities::listActions('*Add*');
             $mods = QuickBooks_Utilities::listActions('*Mod*');
             $qbkey = QuickBooks_Utilities::keyForAction($action);
             $type = QuickBooks_Utilities::actionToObject($action);
             $EditSequence = '';
             if (isset($identifiers['EditSequence'])) {
                 $EditSequence = $identifiers['EditSequence'];
             if (in_array($action, $adds) and isset($identifiers[$qbkey]) and $type) {
                 // Try to map the $ident to the QuickBooks identifier
                 $this->_driver->identMap($user, $type, $ident, $identifiers[$qbkey], $EditSequence);
             } else {
                 if (in_array($action, $mods) and isset($identifiers[$qbkey]) and $type) {
                     // Try to map the $ident to the QuickBooks identifier
                     $this->_driver->identMap($user, $type, $ident, $identifiers[$qbkey], $EditSequence);
         $err = null;
         $last_action_time = $this->_driver->queueActionLast($user, $action);
         $last_actionident_time = $this->_driver->queueActionIdentLast($user, $action, $ident);
         $this->_callMappedFunction(1, $user, $action, $ident, $extra, $err, $last_action_time, $last_actionident_time, $obj->response, $identifiers);
         // Calculate the percentage done
         $progress = $this->_calculateProgress($obj->ticket);
         if ($err) {
             $errerr = '';
             $continue = $this->_handleError($obj->ticket, QUICKBOOKS_ERROR_HANDLER, $err, $requestID, $action, $ident, $extra, $errerr, $obj->response, $identifiers);
             if (!$continue) {
                 $progress = -1;
         $this->_driver->log($progress . '% complete... ', $obj->ticket, QUICKBOOKS_LOG_VERBOSE);
         return new QuickBooks_Result_ReceiveResponseXML($progress);
     return new QuickBooks_Result_ReceiveResponseXML(-1);
Пример #3
  * Hook which gets called when the Web Connector authenticates to the server
  * @param string $requestID			Not applicable to this hook
  * @param string $user				The username of the user who connected
  * @param string $hook				The name of the hook which connected
  * @param string $err				If an error occurs, you should return an error message here
  * @param array $hook_data			An array of hook data
  * @param array $callback_config	An array of callback configuration params
  * @return boolean
 public static function onAuthenticate($requestID, $user, $hook, &$err, $hook_data, $callback_config)
     // $requestID, $user, $hook, &$err, $hook_data, $callback_config
     // Driver instance
     $Driver = QuickBooks_Driver_Singleton::getInstance();
     // Mode (read-onlyl, write-only, read/write)
     $mode = $callback_config['mode'];
     // How often recurring events happen
     $run_every = $callback_config['recur'];
     // $map parameter
     $sql_map = $callback_config['map'];
     // Which things do you want to query? (QuickBooks => SQL database)
     $sql_query = array();
     foreach (QuickBooks_Utilities::listActions('*QUERY*') as $action) {
         $sql_query[$action] = QuickBooks_Utilities::priorityForAction($action);
     $sql_query = QuickBooks_Server_SQL_Callbacks::_filterActions($sql_query, $callback_config['_only_query'], $callback_config['_dont_query'], QUICKBOOKS_QUERY);
     // Which things you want to *add* to QuickBooks (SQL => QuickBooks (adds only!))
     //	@todo These should be changed to use QuickBooks_Utilities::listActions('*ADD*')
     foreach (QuickBooks_Utilities::listActions('*ADD*') as $action) {
         $sql_add[$action] = QuickBooks_Utilities::priorityForAction($action);
     $sql_add = QuickBooks_Server_SQL_Callbacks::_filterActions($sql_add, $callback_config['_only_add'], $callback_config['_dont_add'], QUICKBOOKS_ADD);
     // Which things you want to *modify* in QuickBooks (SQL => QuickBooks (modifys only!))
     //	@todo These should be changed to use QuickBooks_Utilities::listActions('*MOD*')
     foreach (QuickBooks_Utilities::listActions('*MOD*') as $action) {
         $sql_mod[$action] = QuickBooks_Utilities::priorityForAction($action);
     $sql_mod = QuickBooks_Server_SQL_Callbacks::_filterActions($sql_mod, $callback_config['_only_modify'], $callback_config['_dont_modify'], QUICKBOOKS_MOD);
     // Queueing class
     //$Queue = new QuickBooks_Queue($dsn_or_conn);
         // Register recurring events for things you want to query
         foreach ($sql_query as $action => $priority) {
             // Make sure that there are handlers registered for this recurring action
             if (!isset($sql_map[$action])) {
                 //trigger_error('No registered handler for: ' . $action);
             //$Queue->recurring($run_every, $action, md5(__FILE__), $priority, null, $user);
             $Driver->recurEnqueue($user, $run_every, $action, md5(__FILE__), true, $priority);
     // Objects that need to be *ADDED* to QuickBooks
         // Check if any objects need to be pushed back to QuickBooks
         foreach ($sql_add as $action => $priority) {
             $object = QuickBooks_Utilities::actionToObject($action);
             $table_and_field = array();
             // Convert to table and primary key, select qbsql id
             QuickBooks_SQL_Schema::mapPrimaryKey($object, QUICKBOOKS_SQL_SCHEMA_MAP_TO_SQL, $table_and_field);
             if (!empty($table_and_field[0]) and !empty($table_and_field[1])) {
                 $sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_PREFIX_SQL . $table_and_field[0] . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t " . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_MODIFY . " IS NOT NULL AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t " . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_RESYNC . " IS NULL AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t " . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_TO_SKIP . " != 1 ";
                 $errnum = 0;
                 $errmsg = '';
                 $res = $Driver->query($sql, $errnum, $errmsg);
                 while ($arr = $Driver->fetch($res)) {
                     $Driver->queueEnqueue($user, $action, $arr[QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID], true, $priority);
     // Objects that need to be *MODIFIED* within QuickBooks
         // Check if any objects need to be pushed back to QuickBooks
         foreach ($sql_mod as $action => $priority) {
             $object = QuickBooks_Utilities::actionToObject($action);
             $table_and_field = array();
             // Convert to table and primary key, select qbsql id
             QuickBooks_SQL_Schema::mapPrimaryKey($object, QUICKBOOKS_SQL_SCHEMA_MAP_TO_SQL, $table_and_field);
             $Driver->log('Searching table: ' . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_PREFIX_SQL . $table_and_field[0] . ' for MODIFIED records.', null, QUICKBOOKS_LOG_DEBUG);
             // If we managed to map a table, we need to search that table for changed records
             if (!empty($table_and_field[0]) and !empty($table_and_field[1])) {
                 $sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_PREFIX_SQL . $table_and_field[0] . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_DISCOVER . " IS NOT NULL AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_RESYNC . " IS NOT NULL AND\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_MODIFY . " > " . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_RESYNC . " AND\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_TO_DELETE . " != 1 AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_TO_SKIP . " != 1 ";
                 $errnum = 0;
                 $errmsg = '';
                 $res = $Driver->query($sql, $errnum, $errmsg);
                 while ($arr = $Driver->fetch($res)) {
                     $Driver->queueEnqueue($user, $action, $arr[QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID], true, $priority);
         // Check if any *deleted* objects need to be deleted from QuickBooks
         foreach ($sql_add as $action => $priority) {
             $priority = 1000 - $priority;
             $object = QuickBooks_Utilities::actionToObject($action);
             $table_and_field = array();
             // Convert to table and primary key, select qbsql id
             QuickBooks_SQL_Schema::mapPrimaryKey($object, QUICKBOOKS_SQL_SCHEMA_MAP_TO_SQL, $table_and_field);
             if (!empty($table_and_field[0])) {
                 $sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_PREFIX_SQL . $table_and_field[0] . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t " . QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_TO_DELETE . " = 1 ";
                 $errnum = 0;
                 $errmsg = '';
                 $res = $Driver->query($sql, $errnum, $errmsg);
                 $key = QuickBooks_Utilities::keyForAction($action);
                 if ($key == 'ListID') {
                     $useAction = 'ListDel';
                 } else {
                     $useAction = 'TxnDel';
                 $extra['objectType'] = $object;
                 while ($arr = $Driver->fetch($res)) {
                     $Driver->queueEnqueue($user, $useAction, $extra['objectType'] . $arr[QUICKBOOKS_DRIVER_SQL_FIELD_ID], true, $priority, $extra);
     return true;