Пример #1
  * SendRequestXML method for the QuickBooks Web Connector SOAP server - Generate and send a request to QuickBooks
  * The QuickBooks Web Connector calls this method to ask for things to do. 
  * So, calling this method is the Web Connectors way of saying: "Please 
  * send me a command so that I can pass that command on to QuickBooks." 
  * After it passes the command to QuickBooks, it will pass the response 
  * back via a call to receiveResponseXML(). 
  * The stdClass object passed as a parameter should contain these members: 
  * 	- ticket				The login session ticket
  *  - strHCPResponse		
  * 	- strCompanyFileName	
  * 	- qbXMLCountry			The country code for whatever version of QuickBooks is sitting behind the Web Connector
  * 	- qbXMLMajorVers		The major version code of the QuickBooks web connector
  * 	- qbXMLMinorVers 		The minor version code of the QuickBooks web connector
  * You should return either an empty string "" to signal an error state, or 
  * a valid qbXML or qbposXML request. 
  * The following user-defined hooks are invoked by this method:
  * @param stdClass $obj
  * @return QuickBooks_Result_SendRequestXML
 public function sendRequestXML($obj)
     $this->_driver->log('sendRequestXML()', $obj->ticket, QUICKBOOKS_LOG_VERBOSE);
     if ($this->_driver->authCheck($obj->ticket)) {
         $user = $this->_driver->authResolve($obj->ticket);
         $hookdata = array('username' => $user, 'ticket' => $obj->ticket);
         $hookerr = '';
         $this->_callHook($obj->ticket, QUICKBOOKS_HANDLERS_HOOK_SENDREQUESTXML, null, null, null, null, $hookerr, null, array(), $hookdata);
         // _callHook($ticket, $hook, $requestID, $action, $ident, $extra, &$err, $xml = '', $qb_identifiers = array(), $hook_data = array())
         // Move recurring events which are due to run to the queue table
         // 	We *CAN'T* re-register recurring events here, otherwise, we run
         //	the risk of re-adding an event which has occured, *before* the
         //	entire session has finishing running. Thus, we'd create an
         //	infinite loop of web connector that would never end.
         if ($next = $this->_driver->queueDequeue($user, true)) {
             $this->_driver->log('Dequeued: ( ' . $next['qb_action'] . ', ' . $next['ident'] . ' ) ', $obj->ticket, QUICKBOOKS_LOG_DEBUG);
             $this->_driver->queueStatus($obj->ticket, $next['qb_action'], $next['ident'], QUICKBOOKS_STATUS_PROCESSING);
             // Here's a strange case, interactive mode handler
             if ($next['qb_action'] == QUICKBOOKS_INTERACTIVE_MODE) {
                 // Set the error to "Interactive mode"
                 $this->_driver->errorLog($obj->ticket, QUICKBOOKS_ERROR_OK, QUICKBOOKS_INTERACTIVE_MODE);
                 // This will cause ->getLastError() to be called, and ->getLastError() will then return the string "Interactive mode" which will cause QuickBooks to call ->getInteractiveURL() and start an interactive session... I think...?
                 return new QuickBooks_Result_SendRequestXML('');
             $extra = '';
             if ($next['extra']) {
                 $extra = unserialize($next['extra']);
             $err = '';
             $xml = '';
             $last_action_time = $this->_driver->queueActionLast($user, $next['qb_action']);
             $last_actionident_time = $this->_driver->queueActionIdentLast($user, $next['qb_action'], $next['ident']);
             // Call the mapped function that should generate an appropriate qbXML request
             $xml = $this->_callMappedFunction(0, $user, $next['qb_action'], $next['ident'], $extra, $err, $last_action_time, $last_actionident_time, $obj->qbXMLMajorVers . '.' . $obj->qbXMLMinorVers, $obj->qbXMLCountry, $next['qbxml']);
             // NoOp can be returned to skip this current operation. This will cause getLastError
             //	to be called, at which point NoOp should be returned *again* to tell the Web
             //	Connector to then pause for 5 seconds before asking for another request.
             if ($xml == QUICKBOOKS_NOOP) {
                 $this->_driver->errorLog($obj->ticket, 0, QUICKBOOKS_NOOP);
                 // Mark it as a NoOp to remove it from the queue
                 $this->_driver->queueStatus($obj->ticket, $next['qb_action'], $next['ident'], QUICKBOOKS_STATUS_NOOP, 'Handler function returned: ' . QUICKBOOKS_NOOP);
                 return new QuickBooks_Result_SendRequestXML('');
             // If the requestID="..." attribute was not specified, we can try to automatically add it to the request
             if (!($requestID = $this->_extractRequestID($xml)) and $this->_config['autoadd_missing_requestid']) {
                 // Find the <DoSomethingRq tag
                 foreach (QuickBooks_Utilities::listActions() as $action) {
                     $request = QuickBooks_Utilities::actionToRequest($action);
                     if (false !== strpos($xml, '<' . $request . ' ')) {
                         $xml = str_replace('<' . $request . ' ', '<' . $request . ' requestID="' . $this->_constructRequestID($next['qb_action'], $next['ident']) . '" ', $xml);
                     } else {
                         if (false !== strpos($xml, '<' . $request . '>')) {
                             $xml = str_replace('<' . $request . '>', '<' . $request . ' requestID="' . $this->_constructRequestID($next['qb_action'], $next['ident']) . '">', $xml);
             } else {
                 // They embedded a requestID="..." attribute, let's make sure it's valid
                 $embedded_action = null;
                 $embedded_ident = null;
                 $this->_parseRequestID($requestID, $embedded_action, $embedded_ident);
                 if ($embedded_action != $next['qb_action'] or $embedded_ident != $next['ident']) {
                     // They are sending this request with an INVALID requestID! Error this out and warn them!
                     $err = 'This request contains an invalid embedded requestID="..." attribute; either embed the $requestID parameter, or leave out the requestID="..." attribute entirely!';
             if ($this->_config['convert_unix_newlines'] and false === strpos($xml, "\r") and false !== strpos($xml, "\n")) {
                 // (this is currently broken/unimplemented)
             if ($err) {
                 //$this->_driver->errorLog($obj->ticket, QUICKBOOKS_ERROR_HANDLER, $err);
                 //$this->_driver->log('ERROR: ' . $err, $obj->ticket, QUICKBOOKS_LOG_NORMAL);
                 //$this->_driver->queueStatus($obj->ticket, $next['qb_action'], $next['ident'], QUICKBOOKS_STATUS_ERROR, 'Registered handler returned error: ' . $err);
                 $errerr = '';
                 $this->_handleError($obj->ticket, QUICKBOOKS_ERROR_HANDLER, $err, $this->_constructRequestID($next['qb_action'], $next['ident']), $next['qb_action'], $next['ident'], $extra, $errerr, $xml);
                 return new QuickBooks_Result_SendRequestXML('');
             } else {
                 $this->_driver->log('Outgoing XML request: ' . $xml, $obj->ticket, QUICKBOOKS_LOG_DEBUG);
                 if (strlen($xml) and !$this->_extractRequestID($xml)) {
                     // Mark it as successful right now
                     $this->_driver->queueStatus($obj->ticket, $next['qb_action'], $next['ident'], QUICKBOOKS_STATUS_SUCCESS, 'Unverified... no requestID attribute in XML stream.');
                 // Queue PROCESSING status code has been moved to immediately following the ->dequeue
                 //	// Mark it as in progress
                 //	$this->_driver->queueStatus($obj->ticket, $next['qb_action'], $next['ident'], QUICKBOOKS_STATUS_PROCESSING);
                 return new QuickBooks_Result_SendRequestXML($xml);
     // Reporting an error, this will cause the QBWC to call ->getLastError()
     return new QuickBooks_Result_SendRequestXML('');