Пример #1
    $qbInfo['joins'][] = "INNER JOIN acl ON abet_assessment.fk_acl = acl.id";
    $qbInfo['joins'][] = "INNER JOIN acl_entry ON acl_entry.fk_acl = acl.id AND acl_entry.fk_profile = '{$_SESSION['id']}'";
// grab all assessments that the user can access, along with their keys
$query = new Query(new QueryBuilder(SELECT_QUERY, $qbInfo));
// structure the navigation tree around the heirarchy of assessments to which the
// user has access; we present the same navigation structure to all kinds of users
$userTools = new stdClass();
$userTools->label = 'Content';
$userTools->children = array();
create_unique_id($userTools, 'top-level', 1);
// mappings to remember content organizers as we go through results
$mappings = array();
$criteria = array();
// build main navigation subtree ('userTools')
for ($i = 1; $i <= $query->get_number_of_rows(); $i++) {
    /* grab a result row: each row represents a potential content item; some
           fields may be null (from the outer joins); we build the navigation top-down:
            program -> criterion -> characteristic -> assessment -> content
            Since we bracket content under shared organizers we keep a mapping for
            each assessment within characteristic within criterion within program.
    $row = $query->get_row_assoc($i);
    // get ids
    $a = $row['program.id'];
    $b = $row['abet_criterion.id'];
    $c = $row['abet_characteristic.id'];
    $d = $row['abet_assessment.id'];
    $idProgram = is_null($a) ? null : "{$a}";