<?php $data = 'QRコードは、(株)デンソーウェーブの登録商標です。'; $data = mb_convert_encoding($data, 'SJIS-win', 'UTF-8'); // クラス QRCode $qr = new QRCode(array('version' => 1, 'maxnum' => 16, 'mode' => QRCode::EM_KANJI)); // データを入力 $qr->addData($data); // 終了処理、これ以後のデータ入力は不可 // 終了処理をせずに出力しようとするとエラー $qr->finalize(); // 出力設定は初期化時、終了処理前、終了処理後のいつでもできる $qr->setFormat(QRCode::FMT_TIFF); $qr->setMagnify(2); $qr->setOrder(-1); // 出力 var_dump($qr->getMimeType()); $qr->outputSymbol('qr.tiff'); // Iterator としてシンボルを一つずつ取得できる $qr->setFormat(QRCode::FMT_BMP); foreach ($qr as $pos => $symbol) { file_put_contents(sprintf('qr%d.bmp', $pos + 1), $symbol); }
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. /** * Quiz grading report version information. * * @package quiz * @subpackage papercopy * @copyright 2012 Binghamton Universtiy * @author Kyle J. Temkin <*****@*****.**> * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ include 'phpqrcode/qrlib.php'; // Only run if we have the necessary params. if (empty($_GET['quba']) || empty($_GET['q']) || empty($_GET['qa'])) { die('Missing params.'); } // Generate a QR Code with the relevant information. QRCode::png($_GET['quba'] . '|' . $_GET['q'] . '|' . $_GET['qa'], false, 'Q', 5);
function getMinimumQRCode($data, $errorCorrectLevel) { $mode = QRUtil::getMode($data); $qr = new QRCode(); $qr->setErrorCorrectLevel($errorCorrectLevel); $qr->addData($data, $mode); $qrData = $qr->getData(0); $length = $qrData->getLength(); for ($typeNumber = 1; $typeNumber <= 10; $typeNumber++) { if ($length <= QRUtil::getMaxLength($typeNumber, $mode, $errorCorrectLevel)) { $qr->setTypeNumber($typeNumber); break; } } $qr->make(); return $qr; }
public function index() { import('QRCode'); $QRCode = new QRCode('', 150); $img_url = $QRCode->getUrl("http://blog.51edm.org"); echo '<img src="' . $img_url . '" />'; }
protected function getQRCode($url = NULL) { if (IS_POST) { $this->assign("QRcodeUrl", ""); } else { // $url = empty($url) ? C('WEB_ROOT') . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : $url; $url = empty($url) ? C('WEB_ROOT') . U(MODULE_NAME . '/' . ACTION_NAME) : $url; import('QRCode'); $QRCode = new QRCode('', 80); $QRCodeUrl = $QRCode->getUrl($url); $this->assign("QRcodeUrl", $QRCodeUrl); } }
function generarQR($url) { $tempDir = __DIR__ . '/../img/'; $fileName = "qrcode.png"; $pngAbsoluteFilePath = $tempDir . $fileName; QRCode::png($url, $pngAbsoluteFilePath, 'L', '4', '4'); return $pngAbsoluteFilePath; }
/** * Output a QRCode containing the URL of the Jorani instance and the e-mail of the connected user * @author Benjamin BALET <*****@*****.**> */ public function qrCode() { require_once APPPATH . 'third_party/QRCode.php'; $this->load->model('users_model'); $user = $this->users_model->getUsers($this->user_id); $qr = new QRCode(); $qr = QRCode::getMinimumQRCode(base_url() . '#' . $user['login'] . '#' . $user['email'], QR_ERROR_CORRECT_LEVEL_L); echo $qr->printHTML(); }
function createQRCode($str) { require dirname(__FILE__) . '/ext/phpqrcode/qrlib.php'; $rn = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); QRCode::png($str, $rn . '.png', "large", 10, 3); header("Content-type: image/png"); readfile($rn . '.png'); unlink($rn . '.png'); exit(0); }
function Authenticatron_QR($URL, $Size = 4, $Margin = 0, $Level = 'M') { // Require the PHPQRCode Library global $PHPQRCode; // If the required functions are not loaded, fail. // If the file we are about to require doesn't exist or isn't readable, fail. if (!extension_loaded('gd') || !function_exists('gd_info') || !is_readable($PHPQRCode)) { return false; // Otherwise proceed with PHPQRCode } else { // We've checked the file exists, so we can require instead of include. // Something has gone horribly wrong if this doesn't work. require_once $PHPQRCode; // Use the object cache to capture the PNG without outputting it. // Kind of hacky but the best way I can find without writing a new QR Library. ob_start(); QRCode::png($URL, null, constant('QR_ECLEVEL_' . $Level), $Size, $Margin); $QR_Base64 = base64_encode(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); // Return it as a Base64 PNG return 'data:image/png;base64,' . $QR_Base64; } }
<?php require '../lib/QRCode.php'; $chart = new QRCode(150, 150); $chart->setData('Hello world'); //~ $chart->setOutputEncoding('UTF-8'); //~ header('Content-Type: image/png'); echo $chart->toHtml();
<?php defined("_V") || die("Direct access not allowed!"); $new = $b[$_SESSION['wallet']]->getnewaddress($_SESSION['btaccount']); $file = "cache/" . $new . ".png"; if (isset($phpqrcode)) { include $phpqrcode; if (!file_exists($file)) { QRCode::png($new, $file); } } echo $new;
imagerectangle($im, 599, 0, 899, 299, $black); imagettftext($im, 10, 0, 690, 290, $black, $font, 'IMAGE ROTATION'); /**/ // -------------------------------------------------- // // MIDDLE AXE // -------------------------------------------------- // //imageline($im, $x, 0, $x, 250, $red); //imageline($im, 0, $y, 250, $y, $red); // -------------------------------------------------- // // BARCODE BOUNDARIES // -------------------------------------------------- // //for($i=1; $i<5; $i++){ // drawCross($im, $blue, $data['p'.$i]['x'], $data['p'.$i]['y']); //} // -------------------------------------------------- // // GENERATE // -------------------------------------------------- // header('Content-type: image/gif'); imagepng($im); imagedestroy($im); } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['QRCODE'])) { require_once DIR_LIB . "phpqrcode/qrlib.php"; QRCode::png($_REQUEST['QRCODE']); } else { $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA = isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']) ? $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'] : ''; $server->service($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA); exit; } } }
public function getQrCode() { $base = Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot'); $urlPath = '/images/user_boxes/qr/' . $this->user_box_id . '.png'; $filePath = $base . $urlPath; $url = 'http://' . Yii::app()->request->serverName; $url .= Yii::app()->createUrl('customerBox/setDelivered', array('id' => $this->user_box_id)); Yii::import('boxomatic.extensions.qrcode.QRCode'); $code = new QRCode($url); $code->create($filePath); return Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . $urlPath; }
public function actionQrcode() { $orderId = Yii::app()->request->getParam('orderId', 0); $dpid = Yii::app()->request->getParam('dpid', 0); $url = 'http://menu.wymenu.com/wymenuv2/product/weixPayOrder/orderId/' . $orderId . '?dpid=' . $dpid; $imgurl = './qrcode/wxpay/wxpay' . $dpid . '-' . $orderId . '.png'; $code = new QRCode($url); $code->create($imgurl); echo $imgurl; exit; }
private function populateData() { $this->bgColorRGB = QrTagShape::hex2dec($this->bgColor); $data = QRCode::text($this->text, false, $this->error_level); $data = array_map('str_split', $data); array_walk_recursive($data, 'intval'); $this->data = $data; if ($this->dot instanceof QrTagShape && !$this->dot instanceof QrTagEffect) { $this->dot->bgColorRGB = $this->bgColorRGB; $this->dotImg = $this->dot->generate(); if (!is_resource($this->dotImg)) { throw new Exception('Dot must generate a valid image resource.'); } } else { if ($this->dot instanceof QrTagEffect) { $this->dot->bgColorRGB = $this->bgColorRGB; $this->dot->generate(); } } if (!$this->frameDot instanceof QrTagShape) { $this->frameDot->bgColorRGB = $this->bgColorRGB; throw new Exception('Frame Dot must be instance of QrTagShape class.'); } $this->frameDot->size = $this->dot->markerSize ? $this->dot->markerSize : $this->dot->size; $this->frameDotImg = $this->frameDot->generate(); if (!$this->frame instanceof QrTagShape) { throw new Exception('Frame must be instance of QrTagShape class.'); } $this->frame->bgColorRGB = $this->bgColorRGB; $this->frame->size = $this->dot->size; $this->frameImg = $this->frame->generate(); $this->cols = count($this->data[0]); $this->rows = count($this->data); $this->width = $this->cols * $this->dot->size; $this->height = $this->rows * $this->dot->size; $this->image = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height); // transparent imagefilledrectangle($this->image, 0, 0, $this->width, $this->height, imagecolorallocate($this->image, $this->bgColorRGB[0], $this->bgColorRGB[1], $this->bgColorRGB[2])); }
public function actionGenerateTransQr() { self::registerImageQrAutoloader(); Yii::import('ext.qr.phpqrcode.qrlib', true); $model = Qr::model()->findByPk(Yii::app()->session['qr_id']); $size = isset($_GET['size']) ? intval($_GET['size']) : 0; $x = isset($_GET['x']) ? intval($_GET['x']) : 0; $y = isset($_GET['y']) ? intval($_GET['y']) : 0; $imgTmp = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents(Yii::app()->session['trans_qr_code_file'])); $img = imagecreatetruecolor(imagesx($imgTmp), imagesy($imgTmp)); imagefill($img, 0, 0, imagecolorallocatealpha($img, 255, 255, 255, 127)); imagecopymerge($img, $imgTmp, 0, 0, 0, 0, imagesx($imgTmp), imagesy($imgTmp), 100); imagedestroy($imgTmp); imagesavealpha($img, true); $size = $size < 100 ? min(array(imagesx($img), imagesy($img))) : $size; $data = QRCode::text($model->tag_url, false, 'Q'); $data = array_map('str_split', $data); array_walk_recursive($data, 'intval'); $qr = new \Madlogics\VisualQr($img); $qr->setData($data); $qr->setSize($size)->setX($x)->setY($y); header('Content-Type: image/png'); $im2 = $qr->render()->getImageQrIm(); imagepng($im2); imagepng($im2, $model->image_path); exit; }
public function createPatientQrCode($pid, $fullname) { $data = '{"name":"' . $fullname . '","pid":' . $pid . ',"ehr": "GaiaEHR"}'; include ROOT . '/lib/phpqrcode/qrlib.php'; ob_start(); QRCode::png($data, false, 'Q', 2, 2); $imageString = base64_encode(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); return 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' . $imageString; }
<?php require_once '../lib/lib.everything.php'; require_once '../lib/lib.qrcode.php'; enforce_master_on_off_switch($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']); /**** ... ****/ $url = 'http://' . get_domain_name() . get_base_dir() . '/atlas.php?id=' . urlencode($_GET['print']); $qrc = QRCode::getMinimumQRCode($url, QR_ERROR_CORRECT_LEVEL_Q); $img = $qrc->createImage(16, 0); header('Content-type: image/png'); header("X-Content: {$url}"); imagepng($img); imagedestroy($img);
public function actionPrint($id) { if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $id)) { $voucher = Voucher::model()->findByPk($id); if ($voucher) { if (!is_dir(Yii::app()->params['VOUCHERS_QR_PATH'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->distribution->id)) { mkdir(Yii::app()->params['VOUCHERS_QR_PATH'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->distribution->id); } if (!is_dir(Yii::app()->params['VOUCHERS_QR_PATH'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->distribution->id . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->id)) { mkdir(Yii::app()->params['VOUCHERS_QR_PATH'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->distribution->id . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->id); } //if(!is_dir(Yii::app()->params['VOUCHERS_EXPORT_PATH'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->distribution->id)){ // mkdir(Yii::app()->params['VOUCHERS_EXPORT_PATH'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->distribution->id); //} $export_path = Yii::app()->params['VOUCHERS_EXPORT_PATH'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->distribution->id . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; //$qr_path = Yii::app()->params['VOUCHERS_QR_PATH'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->distribution->id.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->id; //Yii::app()->createUrl('//Utility/QrGenerate',array("qrdata"=>$voucher->code, 'qrfilename' => $voucher->ben->registration_code . "_".$voucher->distributionVoucher->value, 'qrfilepath'=> $qr_path)); $qr_path = Yii::app()->params['VOUCHERS_QR_PATH'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->distribution->id . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->id . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; QRCode::png($voucher->code, $qr_path . $voucher->code . ".png", QR_ECLEVEL_M, 4, 1); if (!headers_sent()) { header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); } $html_output = "<style type=\"text/css\">\n table { page-break-inside:avoid }\n .printing tr { text-align: center;}\n tr { page-break-inside:avoid; page-break-after:auto; text-align: center;}\n thead { display:table-header-group }\n tfoot { display:table-footer-group }\n </style>"; $ar_text = $voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->distribution->title_ar ? $voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->distribution->title_ar : $voucher->distributionVoucher->type->arabic_text; $en_text = $voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->distribution->title_en ? $voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->distribution->title_en : $voucher->distributionVoucher->type->english_text; $html_output .= '<table align="center" class="printing" style=" empty-cells: show; border: 1px solid; text-align:center"> <tr> <td rowspan="2" colspan="2"><span style="font-size: 17pt; text-align: center;">' . $en_text . '<br />' . $ar_text . '</span></td> <td rowspan="2" style="border-left: 2px dashed; padding: 5px 10px 0px; vertical-align:top;" align="top"><img style="height: 70px;" src="' . Yii::app()->params['ASSET_PATH'] . 'logo.gif"></img></td> <td rowspan="2" style="width: 200px;"><span style="font-size: 17pt; text-align: center; ">' . $en_text . '<br />' . $ar_text . '</span></td> <td style="height: 70px; padding-top: 5px;">' . CHtml::image(Yii::app()->baseUrl . ".." . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->distribution->donor->logo_path, "", array("style" => "width:100px;")) . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td><span style="font-size: 6pt; text-align: center;"> ' . $voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->distribution->donor->slogan_en . '<br /> ' . $voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->distribution->donor->slogan_ar . ' </span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding-left: 5px;font-size: 14pt; vertical-align: bottom;">ID#: ' . $voucher->ben->registration_code . '</td> <td style="text-align: center; padding: 30px 14px 0px;" rowspan="3">' . CHtml::image(Yii::app()->params['VOUCHERS_QR_PATH'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->distribution->id . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->id . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $voucher->code . ".png") . '<br />' . $voucher->code . '</td> <td style="border-left: 2px dashed;" rowspan="3"> </td> <td style="font-size: 16pt; vertical-align: bottom;">ID#: ' . $voucher->ben->registration_code . '</td> <td style="text-align: center; padding-top: 30px;" rowspan="3">' . CHtml::image(Yii::app()->params['VOUCHERS_QR_PATH'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->distribution->id . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->id . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $voucher->code . ".png") . '<br />' . $voucher->code . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="font-size: 16pt; vertical-align: top;">Value: $' . $voucher->distributionVoucher->value . '</td> <td style="font-size: 16pt; vertical-align: top;">Value: $' . $voucher->distributionVoucher->value . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding-left: 10px; vertical-align: bottom; text-align: right;">Exp: ' . date("d/m/Y", strtotime($voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->end_date)) . '</td> <td style="vertical-align: bottom; text-align: right;">Exp: ' . date("d/m/Y", strtotime($voucher->distributionVoucher->subdistribution->end_date)) . '</td> </tr> </table><br /><br />'; return $html_output; } else { header('Content-type: application/json', true, 200); echo CJSON::encode(['error' => 'No Voucher With the number ' . $id]); } } else { header('Content-type: application/json', true, 200); echo CJSON::encode(['error' => 'Invalid Request']); } }
<?php // デフォルト値を設定 ini_set('qr.default_format', QR_FMT_PNG); ini_set('qr.default_magnify', 3); $qr = new QRCode(); $qr->addData('foo'); // オブジェクトを複製し、途中から異なる内容のQRコードを作成できる $qr2 = clone $qr; $qr->addData('bar'); $qr->finalize(); $qr->outputSymbol('foobar.png'); $qr2->addData('baz'); $qr2->finalize(); $qr2->outputSymbol('foobaz.png');
/** * Output a QR Code image * * @since 3.1 */ public function onAjax_renderQRCode() { $input = $this->app->input; $this->setId($input->getInt('element_id')); $this->loadMeForAjax(); $this->getElement(); $url = 'index.php'; $this->lang->load('com_fabrik.plg.element.field', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR); if (!$this->canView()) { $this->app->enqueueMessage(FText::_('PLG_ELEMENT_FIELD_NO_PERMISSION')); $this->app->redirect($url); exit; } $rowId = $input->get('rowid', '', 'string'); if (empty($rowId)) { $this->app->redirect($url); exit; } $listModel = $this->getListModel(); $row = $listModel->getRow($rowId, false); if (empty($row)) { $this->app->redirect($url); exit; } $elName = $this->getFullName(true, false); $value = $row->{$elName}; /* require JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_fabrik/libs/qrcode/qrcode.php'; // Usage: $a=new QR('234DSKJFH23YDFKJHaS');$a->image(4); $qr = new QR($value); $img = $qr->image(4); */ if (!empty($value)) { require JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_fabrik/libs/phpqrcode/phpqrcode.php'; ob_start(); QRCode::png($value); $img = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } if (empty($img)) { $img = file_get_contents(JPATH_SITE . '/media/system/images/notice-note.png'); } // Some time in the past header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header('Accept-Ranges: bytes'); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($img)); //header('Content-Type: ' . 'image/gif'); // Serve up the file echo $img; // And we're done. exit; }
<?php require_once "qrcode.php"; $qr = QRCode::getMinimumQRCode("QRƒR�[ƒh", QR_ERROR_CORRECT_LEVEL_L); header("Content-type: text/xml"); print "<qrcode>"; for ($r = 0; $r < $qr->getModuleCount(); $r++) { print "<line>"; for ($c = 0; $c < $qr->getModuleCount(); $c++) { print $qr->isDark($r, $c) ? "1" : "0"; } print "</line>"; } print "</qrcode>";
return $StatTracker->json($agent); })->before($validateRequest); $StatTracker->match("/api/{token}/token", function (Request $request, $token) use($StatTracker) { $agent = Agent::lookupAgentByToken($token); if (!$agent->isValid()) { return $StatTracker->abort(403); } switch ($request->getMethod()) { case "GET": $name = strtoupper(substr(str_shuffle(md5(time() . $token . rand())), 0, 6)); $token = $agent->createToken($name); $url = sprintf("%s://%s", $request->getScheme(), $request->getHost()); $url = $url . $request->getBaseUrl() . "/"; $uri = "stattracker://token?token=%s&name=%s&agent=%s&issuer=%s"; $uri = sprintf($uri, $token, $name, $agent->name, urlencode($url)); $qr = new QRCode(); $qr->setText($uri)->setSize(200)->setPadding(10); if ($token === false) { return new Response(null, 202); } else { $data = array("name" => $name, "token" => $token, "qr" => $qr->getDataUri(), "uri" => $uri); return $StatTracker->json($data); } break; case "DELETE": if (!$request->request->has("name")) { return $StatTracker->abort(400); } $name = strtoupper($request->request->get("name")); $r = $agent->revokeToken($name); if ($r === true) {
Route::get('xcat', function () { print_r(Prefs::getCategory()); }); Route::get('barcode/dl/{txt}', function ($txt) { $barcode = new Barcode(); $barcode->make($txt, 'code128', 60, 'horizontal', true); return $barcode->render('jpg', $txt, true); }); Route::get('barcode/{txt}', function ($txt) { $barcode = new Barcode(); $barcode->make($txt, 'code128', 60, 'horizontal', true); return $barcode->render('jpg', $txt); }); Route::get('qr/{txt}', function ($txt) { $txt = base64_decode($txt); return QRCode::format('png')->size(399)->color(40, 40, 40)->generate($txt); }); Route::get('pdf417/{txt}', function ($txt) { $txt = base64_decode($txt); header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml'); print DNS2D::getBarcodeSVG($txt, "PDF417"); }); Route::get('media', function () { $media = Product::all(); print $media->toJson(); }); Route::get('login', function () { return View::make('login')->with('title', 'Sign In'); }); Route::post('login', function () { // validate the info, create rules for the inputs
<?php /** * @title QR Code Example * * @author Pierre-Henry Soria <*****@*****.**> * @copyright (c) 2012-2013, Pierre-Henry Soria. All Rights Reserved. * @license GNU General Public License <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> */ require 'QRCode.class.php'; // Include the QRCode class try { /** * If you have PHP 5.4 or higher, you can instantiate the object like this: * (new QRCode)->fullName('...')->... // Create vCard Object */ $oQRC = new QRCode(); // Create vCard Object $oQRC->fullName('Pierre-Henry Soria')->nickName('PH7')->gender('M')->email('*****@*****.**')->impp('*****@*****.**')->url('http://ph-7.github.com')->note('Hello to all! I am a web developer. As hobbit, I like climbing and swimming ...')->categories('developer,designer,climber,swimmer')->photo('http://files.phpclasses.org/picture/user/1122955.jpg')->lang('en-US')->finish(); // End vCard // echo '<p><img src="' . $oQRC->get(300) . '" alt="QR Code" /></p>'; // Generate and display the QR Code $oQRC->display(); // Display } catch (Exception $oExcept) { echo '<p><b>Exception launched!</b><br /><br />' . 'Message: ' . $oExcept->getMessage() . '<br />' . 'File: ' . $oExcept->getFile() . '<br />' . 'Line: ' . $oExcept->getLine() . '<br />' . 'Trace: <p/><pre>' . $oExcept->getTraceAsString() . '</pre>'; }
$content = $vcard->card; if (isset($_GET['debug'])) { echo "<pre>"; print_r($vcard->data); echo "</pre>"; exit; } //include require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . PROJECT_PATH . "/resources/qr/qrcode.php"; //error correction level //QR_ERROR_CORRECT_LEVEL_L : $e = 0; //QR_ERROR_CORRECT_LEVEL_M : $e = 1; //QR_ERROR_CORRECT_LEVEL_Q : $e = 2; //QR_ERROR_CORRECT_LEVEL_H : $e = 3; //get the qr object $qr = QRCode::getMinimumQRCode($content, QR_ERROR_CORRECT_LEVEL_L); } //show the vcard as an png image if ($_GET['type'] == "image") { header("Content-type: image/png"); $im = $qr->createImage(5, 10); imagepng($im); imagedestroy($im); } //show the vcard in an html qr code if ($_GET['type'] == "html") { $qr->make(); $qr->printHTML(); } } /*
<?php /* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ require_once '../../config.php'; //require_once($CFG->dirroot .'/course/lib.php'); //require_once($CFG->libdir .'/filelib.php'); require_once '../../lib/phpqrcode/qrlib.php'; //require_once($CFG->dirroot .'/lib/datalib.php'); //global $USER; //print_object($USER); //die('abc'); //QRcode::png('Phuong123sdfkjsdkfjdskfjsjfkjdskjskjdfksjdkfjdskjfkdsjkfjskjfkdsj'); //$s = $USER->id;// $USER->firstname.'|'.$USER->lastname.'|'.$USER->id.'|'.$USER->username; //$param = $_GET['link']; //die ($param); $q = $_REQUEST["link"]; //$s = $CFG->wwwroot."/rec_code/".$USER->id."?redirect=".$q; QRCode::png($q); //QRcode::png($USER->id.'|'.$USER->username."|".$q); // how to save PNG codes to server
<?php } ?> </select> <img src="icon/arrow.png" border="0" title="Switch to selected account" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="document.location.href='index.php?f=switchAccount&id=' + document.getElementById('active_account').options[document.getElementById('active_account').options.selectedIndex].value" alt="Switch to selected account"> <img src="icon/book--pencil.png" border="0" title="Edit accounts" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="document.location.href='index.php?f=accounts'" alt="Edit accounts"> </div> <?php for ($x = 0; $x < count($coin_list); $x++) { if ($coin_code[$x] == $activeCoin) { $address = $b[$x]->getaccountaddress($_SESSION['btaccount']); $file = "cache/" . $address . ".png"; if (isset($phpqrcode)) { include $phpqrcode; if (!file_exists($file)) { QRCode::png($address, $file); } echo "<table><tr><td><img id='btimage' src='" . $file . "' alt='QR Code'></td><td>"; } echo "<h3>{$coin_list[$x]}</h3>" . PHP_EOL; echo "<div class='infoLine'>" . PHP_EOL; echo " <label>" . $coin_list[$x] . " Network</label>" . PHP_EOL; $cBlock = $b[$x]->getblockcount(); echo " Blocks: " . $cBlock; echo " Connection:"; $cons = $b[$x]->getconnectioncount(); if ($cons >= 9) { $cons = 9; } switch ($cons) { case 0: