public function ParsePostData() { $blnChanged = false; $dttNewDateTime = new QDateTime(); // Update Date Component switch ($this->strCalendarType) { case QCalendarType::DateOnly: case QCalendarType::DateTime: case QCalendarType::DateTimeSeconds: $strKey = $this->strControlId . "_intTimestamp"; if (array_key_exists($strKey, $_POST)) { // If no date was set, set to null and return $intTimestamp = $_POST[$strKey]; if (!$intTimestamp) { $this->intTimestamp = null; return; } // Otherwise, set up a new date object, and update dttNewDateTime accordingly $blnChanged = true; $dttSelectedDate = QDateTime::FromTimestamp($_POST[$strKey]); $dttNewDateTime->SetDate($dttSelectedDate->Year, $dttSelectedDate->Month, $dttSelectedDate->Day); } } // Update Time Component switch ($this->strCalendarType) { case QCalendarType::TimeOnly: case QCalendarType::TimeSecondsOnly: case QCalendarType::DateTime: case QCalendarType::DateTimeSeconds: // Hour $strKey = $this->strControlId . "_intHour"; if (array_key_exists($strKey, $_POST)) { $blnChanged = true; $dttNewDateTime->SetTime($_POST[$strKey], $dttNewDateTime->Minute, $dttNewDateTime->Second); } // Minute $strKey = $this->strControlId . "_intMinute"; if (array_key_exists($strKey, $_POST)) { $blnChanged = true; $dttNewDateTime->SetTime($dttNewDateTime->Hour, $_POST[$strKey], $dttNewDateTime->Second); } // Second $strKey = $this->strControlId . "_intSecond"; if (array_key_exists($strKey, $_POST)) { $blnChanged = true; $dttNewDateTime->SetTime($dttNewDateTime->Hour, $dttNewDateTime->Minute, $_POST[$strKey]); } } // Update local intTimestamp $this->intTimestamp = $dttNewDateTime->Timestamp; }
public function dtgItems_Bind() { $intYear = QApplication::PathInfo(0); $dttStart = new QDateTime($intYear . '-01-01'); $dttEnd = new QDateTime($dttStart); $dttEnd->Year += 1; $dttStart->SetTime(null, null, null); $dttEnd->SetTime(null, null, null); $objPersonCursor = Person::QueryCursor(QQ::AndCondition(QQ::GreaterOrEqual(QQN::Person()->StewardshipContribution->DateCredited, $dttStart), QQ::LessThan(QQN::Person()->StewardshipContribution->DateCredited, $dttEnd)), QQ::Clause(QQ::Distinct(), QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Person()->LastName, QQN::Person()->FirstName))); $strNameArray = array(); $strNameValueArray = array(); while ($objPerson = Person::InstantiateCursor($objPersonCursor)) { $strToken = strtolower($objPerson->FirstName . '|' . $objPerson->LastName); $strToken = str_replace(' ', '', $strToken); $strToken = str_replace('.', '', $strToken); $strToken = str_replace(',', '', $strToken); $strToken = str_replace('-', '', $strToken); $strToken = str_replace('_', '', $strToken); $strToken = str_replace('/', '', $strToken); if (array_key_exists($strToken, $strNameArray)) { $strNameValueArray[$strToken] = $objPerson->FirstName . ' ' . $objPerson->LastName; } $strNameArray[$strToken] = true; } $this->dtgItems->DataSource = $strNameValueArray; }
public function __get($strName) { switch ($strName) { case 'DateRange': return sprintf('Takes place from %s to %s', $this->dttDateStart->ToString('MMM D'), $this->dttDateEnd->ToString('MMM D'), $this->MeetsOnInfo); case 'MeetsOnInfo': if (!is_null($this->intMeetingDay) && !is_null($this->intMeetingStartTime) && !is_null($this->intMeetingEndTime)) { $strArray = array(0 => 'Sunday', 1 => 'Monday', 2 => 'Tuesday', 3 => 'Wednesday', 4 => 'Thursday', 5 => 'Friday', 6 => 'Saturday'); $dttStart = new QDateTime(); $dttEnd = new QDateTime(); $dttStart->SetTime(floor($this->intMeetingStartTime / 100), $this->intMeetingStartTime % 100, 0); $dttEnd->SetTime(floor($this->intMeetingEndTime / 100), $this->intMeetingEndTime % 100, 0); return sprintf('%ss, %s to %s', $strArray[$this->intMeetingDay], $dttStart->ToString('h:mmz'), $dttEnd->ToString('h:mmz')); } else { return 'TBA'; } default: try { return parent::__get($strName); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } }
public static function GenerateStewardship() { $dttDate = new QDateTime('2004-01-05'); print 'Generating Stewardship... '; $objFundArray = StewardshipFund::QueryArray(QQ::NotEqual(QQN::StewardshipFund()->Id, 1)); while ($dttDate->IsEarlierThan(QDateTime::Now())) { print $strDate = '[' . $dttDate->ToString('YYYY-MMM-DD') . ']'; $intCheckCount = rand(10, 55); $arrStack = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < floor(($intCheckCount - 1) / 25) + 1; $i++) { $arrStack[] = null; } $objBatch = StewardshipBatch::Create(self::GenerateFromArray(self::$StewardshipUserArray), $arrStack, self::GenerateFromArray(array('Weekend T/O', 'Weekend Giving', 'Tithes and Offerings', 'Tithes & Offerings', null)), $dttDate, $dttDate); $intStackCount = $objBatch->CountStewardshipStacks(); $dttStart = new QDateTime($dttDate); $dttStart->SetTime(8, 0, 0); $dttEnd = new QDateTime($dttDate); $dttEnd->SetTime(16, 0, 0); for ($i = 0; $i < $intStackCount; $i++) { if ($i == $intStackCount - 1) { if ($intCheckCount % 25 == 0) { $intChecksInStackCount = 25; } else { $intChecksInStackCount = $intCheckCount % 25; } } else { $intChecksInStackCount = 25; } $objStack = StewardshipStack::LoadByStewardshipBatchIdStackNumber($objBatch->Id, $i + 1); for ($j = 0; $j < $intChecksInStackCount; $j++) { $objHousehold = self::GenerateFromArray(self::$HouseholdArray); $objHouseholdParticipant = self::GenerateFromArray($objHousehold->GetHouseholdParticipationArray()); $mixAmountArray = array(); if (rand(0, 50)) { $mixAmountArray[] = array(1, rand(1000, 150000) / 100); } else { $mixAmountArray[] = array(self::GenerateFromArray($objFundArray)->Id, rand(1000, 150000) / 100); } if (!rand(0, 20)) { $mixAmountArray[] = array(self::GenerateFromArray($objFundArray)->Id, rand(1000, 150000) / 100); } $objContribution = StewardshipContribution::Create($objBatch->CreatedByLogin, $objHouseholdParticipant->Person, $objStack, StewardshipContributionType::Check, rand(1000, 9999), $mixAmountArray, self::GenerateDateTime($dttStart, $dttEnd), null, null, null, false); if (rand(0, 5)) { $objContribution->SaveImageFile(__DEVTOOLS_CLI__ . '/datagen_file_assets/check.tif'); } } $objStack->RefreshActualTotalAmount(); } if ($intCheckCount != $objBatch->CountStewardshipContributions()) { print "\r\n" . 'MISCOUNT: ' . $objBatch->Id . "\r\n"; } $objBatch->RefreshActualTotalAmount(); $dttDate->Day += 7; print str_repeat(chr(8) . ' ' . chr(8), strlen($strDate)); } print "Done.\r\n"; }
public function dtgItems_Bind() { $intYear = QApplication::PathInfo(0); $dttStart = new QDateTime($intYear . '-01-01'); $dttEnd = new QDateTime($dttStart); $dttEnd->Year += 1; $dttStart->SetTime(null, null, null); $dttEnd->SetTime(null, null, null); $this->dtgItems->DataSource = Person::QueryArray(QQ::AndCondition(QQ::GreaterOrEqual(QQN::Person()->StewardshipContribution->DateCredited, $dttStart), QQ::LessThan(QQN::Person()->StewardshipContribution->DateCredited, $dttEnd), QQ::IsNull(QQN::Person()->PrimaryAddressText), QQ::IsNull(QQN::Person()->StewardshipAddressId)), QQ::Clause(QQ::Distinct(), QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Person()->LastName, QQN::Person()->FirstName))); }
public function __get($strName) { switch ($strName) { case 'GeneratedDescription': if ($this->strLocation || $this->dttDateStart || $this->dttDateEnd) { $strToReturn = ', to be held'; if ($this->strLocation) { $strToReturn .= ' at ' . $this->strLocation; } if ($this->dttDateStart && $this->dttDateEnd) { $dttCompare1 = new QDateTime($this->dttDateStart); $dttCompare2 = new QDateTime($this->dttDateEnd); $dttCompare1->SetTime(null, null, null); $dttCompare2->SetTime(null, null, null); if ($dttCompare1->IsEqualTo($dttCompare2)) { $strToReturn .= ' on ' . $this->dttDateStart->ToString('MMMM D YYYY'); $strToReturn .= ' from ' . $this->dttDateStart->ToString('h:mm z'); $strToReturn .= ' to ' . $this->dttDateEnd->ToString('h:mm z'); } else { $strToReturn .= ' from ' . $this->dttDateStart->ToString('MMMM D'); $strToReturn .= ' to ' . $this->dttDateEnd->ToString('MMMM D YYYY'); } } else { if ($this->dttDateStart) { $strToReturn .= ' on ' . $this->dttDateStart->ToString('MMMM D YYYY'); if ($this->dttDateStart->Hour || $this->dttDateStart->Minute) { $strToReturn .= ' @ ' . $this->dttDateStart->ToString('h:mm z'); } } else { if ($this->dttDateEnd) { $strToReturn .= ' until ' . $this->dttDateEnd->ToString('MMMM D YYYY'); if ($this->dttDateStart->Hour || $this->dttDateEnd->Minute) { $strToReturn .= ' @ ' . $this->dttDateEnd->ToString('h:mm z'); } } } } return $strToReturn; } else { return null; } break; default: try { return parent::__get($strName); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } }
/** * Returns an array of 2-item arrays, where each item has the following index: * 0: stewardship_fund_id * 1; total amount YTD * for a given month * @param QDateTime $dttMonth * @return string[][] */ public static function GetReportYtdByFundForMonth(QDateTime $dttMonth) { $dttMonth->Day = 1; $dttMonth->SetTime(null, null, null); $dttNextMonth = new QDateTime($dttMonth); $dttNextMonth->Month++; $dttNextMonth->SetTime(null, null, null); $dttMonth->Month = 1; $objResult = StewardshipPostAmount::GetDatabase()->Query(sprintf("SELECT stewardship_fund_id, SUM(amount) AS sum_amount FROM stewardship_post_amount, stewardship_post, stewardship_batch WHERE\n\t\t\t\ AND\n\t\t\t\ AND date_credited >= '%s' AND date_credited < '%s' GROUP BY stewardship_fund_id ORDER BY SUM(amount) DESC;", $dttMonth->ToString('YYYY-MM-DD'), $dttNextMonth->ToString('YYYY-MM-DD'))); $strToReturn = array(); while ($objRow = $objResult->GetNextRow()) { $strToReturn[] = array($objRow->GetColumn('stewardship_fund_id'), $objRow->GetColumn('sum_amount')); } return $strToReturn; }
/** * Creates a new StewardshipBatch with a given description and Batch Date. Will use Now() if no date is specified. * @param Login $objLogin the login responsible for creating this * @param float $fltReportedTotalAmountArray[] optional * @param string $strDescription optional * @param QDateTime $dttBatchDate optional, or will use Now() if null * @param QDateTime $dttDateCredited optional, or will use $dttBatchDate if null * @return StewardshipBatch */ public static function Create(Login $objLogin, $fltReportedTotalAmountArray = null, $strDescription = null, QDateTime $dttBatchDate = null, QDateTime $dttDateCredited = null) { if (!$dttBatchDate) { $dttBatchDate = QDateTime::Now(); } else { $dttBatchDate = new QDateTime($dttBatchDate); } $dttBatchDate->SetTime(null, null, null); if (!$dttDateCredited) { $dttDateCredited = new QDateTime($dttBatchDate); } else { $dttDateCredited = new QDateTime($dttDateCredited); } $dttDateCredited->SetTime(null, null, null); $objBatch = new StewardshipBatch(); $objBatch->CreatedByLogin = $objLogin; $objBatch->StewardshipBatchStatusTypeId = StewardshipBatchStatusType::NewBatch; $objBatch->DateEntered = $dttBatchDate; $objBatch->DateCredited = $dttDateCredited; $objCurrentLastLetter = StewardshipBatch::QuerySingle(QQ::Equal(QQN::StewardshipBatch()->DateEntered, $dttBatchDate), QQ::OrderBy(QQN::StewardshipBatch()->BatchLabel, false)); if ($objCurrentLastLetter) { $objBatch->BatchLabel = chr(ord($objCurrentLastLetter->BatchLabel) + 1); } else { $objBatch->BatchLabel = 'A'; } if ($fltReportedTotalAmountArray) { $objBatch->ReportedTotalAmount = null; foreach ($fltReportedTotalAmountArray as $fltReportedTotalAmount) { $objBatch->ReportedTotalAmount += $fltReportedTotalAmount; } } $objBatch->ActualTotalAmount = 0; $objBatch->PostedTotalAmount = 0; $objBatch->Description = $strDescription; $objBatch->Save(); // Create Stacks if ($fltReportedTotalAmountArray) { foreach ($fltReportedTotalAmountArray as $fltReportedTotalAmount) { $objBatch->CreateStack($fltReportedTotalAmount); } } return $objBatch; }
public function __get($strName) { switch ($strName) { // MISC case "DateTime": if ($this->intTimestamp) { $dttToReturn = new QDateTime($this->intTimestamp); $dttToReturn->SetTime(null, null, null); return $dttToReturn; } else { return null; } case "CalendarType": return $this->strCalendarType; // case "MinimumDate": return $this->dttMinimumDate; // case "MaximumDate": return $this->dttMaximumDate; default: try { return parent::__get($strName); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } }
public function testSetProperties() { $obj1 = new QDateTime(); $obj1->setDate(2002, 3, 15); $this->assertTrue($obj1->IsTimeNull(), "Setting only a date after null constructor keeps time null"); $obj2 = new QDateTime("2002-03-15"); $obj3 = new QDateTime("2002-03-15 13:15"); $obj4 = new QDateTime("2002-03-16"); $this->assertTrue($obj1->IsEqualTo($obj2)); $this->assertTrue($obj1->IsEqualTo($obj3)); // dates are the same! $this->assertFalse($obj3->IsEqualTo($obj4)); // dates are different! $obj5 = new QDateTime('13:15:02', null, QDateTime::TimeOnlyType); $this->assertTrue($obj5->IsDateNull(), "Setting only a date after null constructor keeps time null"); $obj6 = new QDateTime('2002-03-15 13:15:02'); $obj1->SetTime($obj5); $this->assertFalse($obj1->IsTimeNull(), "Setting a time with object results in a change in null time status"); $this->assertTrue($obj1->IsEqualTo($obj6), "SetTime correctly combines date only and time only values"); }