function mark($as = 'spam', $type = 'comments')
     global $IN, $LANG, $DSP, $FNS, $DB;
     // if no comments are posted, go home
     if ($as == 'spam' && !$IN->GBL('comment_ids', 'POST') or $as == 'ham' && !$IN->GBL('toggle', 'POST')) {
         return $this->home();
     $comments = array();
     $type = $IN->GBL('T');
     // turn comments into array
     if ($as == 'spam') {
         $comments = explode('|', $IN->GBL('comment_ids', 'POST'));
     } else {
         foreach ($IN->GBL('toggle', 'POST') as $key => $comment_id) {
             $comments[] = $comment_id;
             // needed to play nice with the Publish class
             $_POST['toggle_' . $key] = 'c' . $comment_id;
     // Get the Low_nospam class
     if (!class_exists('Low_nospam')) {
         require PATH_MOD . 'low_nospam/mod.low_nospam' . EXT;
     // init nospam class
     $NSPM = new Low_nospam();
     if ($NSPM->is_available and $NSPM->is_valid) {
         $method = 'mark_as_' . $as;
         foreach ($this->get_comments($comments, $type) as $row) {
             // marks the comments as spam/ham
         if ($type == 'gallery') {
             // Handle gallery comments
             if ($as == 'spam') {
                 // Just delete 'em; they're closed, so no stats are affected
                 $DB->query("DELETE FROM exp_gallery_comments WHERE comment_id IN ('" . implode("','", $comments) . "')");
             } else {
                 // Gallery module doesn't support batch opening of closed comments,
                 // and I'll be damned if I'm gonna write all that stuff myself.
                 // I'll just show a message saying 'open them using the Gallery module'...
                 $FNS->redirect(BASE . AMP . 'C=modules' . AMP . 'M=' . $this->name . AMP . 'msg=open_gallery_comments_not_supported');
         } else {
             // Get the Publish class, to delete the comments
             if (!class_exists('Publish')) {
                 require PATH_CP . 'cp.publish' . EXT;
             $PUB = new Publish();
             // init publish class
             // Delete or Open
             $as == 'spam' ? $PUB->delete_comment() : $PUB->change_comment_status('open');
         // go back home, using redirect
         $FNS->redirect(BASE . AMP . 'C=modules' . AMP . 'M=' . $this->name . AMP . 'msg=comments_' . ($as == 'spam' ? 'deleted' : 'opened'));
     } else {
         // Service not available or invalid key...