private function createProxies() { $json = $this->loadProxyJson(); foreach ($json as $entry) { $country = Country::findFirst(array("code = '{$entry->country}'")); if (!$country) { $country = new Country(); $country->code = strtoupper($entry->country); $country->name = $entry->country; $country->save(); } $proxy = Proxy::findFirst(array("address = '{$entry->url}'")); if (!$proxy) { $proxy = new Proxy(); $proxy->countryId = $country->id; $proxy->address = $entry->url; $proxy->save(); echo '<br />Proxy created: ' . $entry->url; } else { echo '<br />Proxy exists...'; } } }
/** * Creates a product based on the data entered in the "new" action */ public function createAction() { if (!parent::isValidRequest(new ProxyValidation())) { return parent::redirect('proxy/new'); } try { $address = trim($this->request->get('address')); $existingProxy = Proxy::findFirst(array('conditions' => 'address = ?0', 'bind' => array($address))); if ($existingProxy) { $this->flash->notice('Proxy address allready exists.'); return parent::redirect('proxy/new'); } else { $proxy = new Proxy(); $proxy->countryId = $this->request->get('countryId'); $proxy->address = $address; $proxy->save(); $this->flash->success('Proxy created succesfully.'); } } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->flash->error('An error occured when trying to create the new proxy.'); } return $this->redirect('proxy'); #$this->view->disable(); }