Пример #1
 $fEditFormat = $gSettings->getEditFormat($f);
 if ($fEditFormat != EDIT_FORMAT_LOOKUP_WIZARD || GoodFieldName($f) != $field) {
 $lookupField = $f;
 $LookupType = $gSettings->getLookupType($f);
 if ($LookupType == LT_LOOKUPTABLE || $LookupType == LT_QUERY) {
     $lookupTable = $gSettings->getLookupTable($f);
     $linkFieldName = $gSettings->getLinkField($f);
     $displayFieldName = $gSettings->getDisplayField($f);
     $linkAndDisplaySame = $displayFieldName == $linkFieldName;
     $lwDisplayField = $gSettings->getLWDisplayField($f);
     if ($LookupType == LT_QUERY) {
         $lookupPSet = new ProjectSettings($lookupTable, $pageType);
         $lookupQueryObj = $lookupPSet->getSQLQuery();
         if ($gSettings->getCustomDisplay($f)) {
             $lookupQueryObj->AddCustomExpression($displayFieldName, $lookupPSet, $strTableName, $f);
         $cipherer->strTableName = $lookupTable;
     } else {
         $LookupSQLTable = "SELECT ";
         $lwLinkField = $gSettings->GetLWLinkField($f, true);
         if ($gSettings->isLookupUnique($f)) {
             $LookupSQLTable .= "DISTINCT ";
         $LookupSQLTable .= $cipherer->GetLookupFieldName($lwLinkField, $strTableName, $f, null, true);
         if (!$linkAndDisplaySame) {
             $LookupSQLTable .= "," . ($lwDisplayField == $lwLinkField ? $cipherer->GetFieldName($lwDisplayField, $f, true) : $lwDisplayField);
         $LookupSQLTable .= " FROM " . AddTableWrappers($lookupTable) . " ";
Пример #2
function buildLookupSQL($pageType, $field, $table, $parentVal, $childVal = "", $doCategoryFilter = true, $doValueFilter = false, $addCategoryField = false, $doWhereFilter = true, $oneRecordMode = false, $doValueFilterByLinkField = false)
    global $strTableName;
    if (!strlen($table)) {
        $table = $strTableName;
    $pSet = new ProjectSettings($table, $pageType);
    //	read settings
    $nLookupType = $pSet->getLookupType($field);
    if ($nLookupType != LT_LOOKUPTABLE && $nLookupType != LT_QUERY) {
        return "";
    $lookupTable = $pSet->getLookupTable($field);
    $displayFieldName = $pSet->getDisplayField($field);
    $linkFieldName = $pSet->getLinkField($field);
    $linkAndDisplaySame = $displayFieldName == $linkFieldName;
    $bUnique = $pSet->isLookupUnique($field);
    $strLookupWhere = GetLWWhere($field, $pageType, $table);
    $strOrderBy = $pSet->getLookupOrderBy($field);
    if (strlen($strOrderBy)) {
        $strOrderBy = GetFullFieldName($strOrderBy, $lookupTable);
        if ($pSet->isLookupDesc($field)) {
            $strOrderBy .= ' DESC';
    $bDesc = $pSet->isLookupDesc($field);
    $strCategoryFilter = $pSet->getCategoryFilter($field);
    if ($nLookupType == LT_QUERY) {
        $lookupPSet = new ProjectSettings($lookupTable, $pageType);
        $cipherer = new RunnerCipherer($lookupTable, $lookupPSet);
    } else {
        $cipherer = new RunnerCipherer($table, $pSet);
    if ($doCategoryFilter) {
        if ($nLookupType == LT_QUERY) {
            $parentVal = $cipherer->MakeDBValue($strCategoryFilter, $parentVal, "", $lookupTable, true);
        } else {
            $parentVal = make_db_value($pSet->getCategoryControl($field), $parentVal, '', '', $table);
    if ($doValueFilter) {
        if ($pageType != PAGE_SEARCH || $doValueFilterByLinkField) {
            if ($nLookupType == LT_QUERY) {
                $childWhereField = $pSet->getLWLinkField($field, false);
            } else {
                $childWhereField = $pSet->getLWLinkField($field, true);
        } else {
            if ($nLookupType == LT_QUERY) {
                $childWhereField = $pSet->getLWDisplayField($field, false);
            } else {
                $childWhereField = $pSet->getLWDisplayField($field, true);
        if ($nLookupType == LT_QUERY) {
            $childVal = $cipherer->MakeDBValue($childWhereField, $childVal, "", $lookupTable, true);
        } else {
            if ($linkAndDisplaySame) {
                $childVal = make_db_value($field, $childVal, '', '', $table);
            } else {
                $childVal = add_db_quotes($field, $childVal, $table, 200);
    //	build Where clause
    $categoryWhere = "";
    $childWhere = "";
    if ($pSet->useCategory($field) && $doCategoryFilter) {
        $condition = "=" . $parentVal;
        if ($parentVal === "null") {
            $condition = " is null";
        if ($nLookupType == LT_QUERY) {
            $categoryWhere = $cipherer->GetFieldName(AddFieldWrappers($strCategoryFilter), $strCategoryFilter) . $condition;
        } else {
            $categoryWhere = AddFieldWrappers($strCategoryFilter) . $condition;
    if ($doValueFilter) {
        $condition = "=" . $childVal;
        if ($childVal === "null") {
            $condition = " is null";
        if ($nLookupType == LT_QUERY) {
            if ($pageType != PAGE_SEARCH || $pSet->lookupControlType($field) == LCT_LIST || $doValueFilterByLinkField) {
                $childWhere = GetFullFieldName($pSet->getLinkField($field), $lookupTable, false) . $condition;
            } else {
                if (!$pSet->getCustomDisplay($field)) {
                    $childWhere = $cipherer->GetFieldName($lookupPSet->getFullNameField($displayFieldName), $field) . $condition;
                } else {
                    $childWhere = $pSet->getDisplayField($field) . $condition;
        } else {
            if ($pageType != PAGE_SEARCH || $doValueFilterByLinkField) {
                $childWhere = $pSet->getLWLinkField($field, true) . $condition;
            } else {
                $childWhere = $pSet->getLWDisplayField($field, true) . $condition;
    $strWhere = "";
    if ($doWhereFilter && strlen($strLookupWhere)) {
        $strWhere = "(" . $strLookupWhere . ")";
    if (strlen($categoryWhere)) {
        if (strlen($strWhere)) {
            $strWhere .= " AND ";
        $strWhere .= $categoryWhere;
    if (strlen($childWhere)) {
        if (strlen($strWhere)) {
            $strWhere .= " AND ";
        $strWhere .= $childWhere;
    //	build SQL string
    if ($nLookupType == LT_QUERY) {
        $lookupQueryObj = $lookupPSet->getSQLQuery();
        if ($pSet->getCustomDisplay($field)) {
            $lookupQueryObj->AddCustomExpression($displayFieldName, $lookupPSet, $table, $field);
        $strWhere = whereAdd($lookupQueryObj->m_where->toSql($lookupQueryObj), $strWhere);
        $LookupSQL = $lookupQueryObj->toSql($strWhere, strlen($strOrderBy) ? ' ORDER BY ' . $strOrderBy : null, null, $oneRecordMode);
    } else {
        $LookupSQL = "SELECT ";
        if ($bUnique && !$oneRecordMode) {
            $LookupSQL .= "DISTINCT ";
        $LookupSQL .= $pSet->getLWLinkField($field);
        if (!$linkAndDisplaySame) {
            $LookupSQL .= "," . $pSet->getLWDisplayField($field);
        if ($addCategoryField && strlen($strCategoryFilter)) {
            $LookupSQL .= "," . AddFieldWrappers($strCategoryFilter);
        $LookupSQL .= " FROM " . AddTableWrappers($lookupTable);
        if (strlen($strWhere)) {
            $LookupSQL .= " WHERE " . $strWhere;
        //	order by clause
        if (strlen($strOrderBy)) {
            $LookupSQL .= " ORDER BY " . AddTableWrappers($lookupTable) . "." . $strOrderBy;
        if ($oneRecordMode) {
            $LookupSQL .= " limit 1";
    return $LookupSQL;
Пример #3
 function initLookupParams()
     $this->parId = postvalue("parId");
     $this->firstTime = postvalue("firsttime");
     $this->mainField = postvalue("field");
     $this->lookupControl = postvalue("control");
     $this->lookupCategory = postvalue("category");
     $this->mainTable = postvalue("table");
     global $tables_data;
     include_once getabspath('include/' . GetTableURL($this->mainTable) . '_settings.php');
     $this->pSet = new ProjectSettings($this->tName, PAGE_SEARCH);
     $this->lookupParams = "mode=lookup&id=" . $this->id . "&parId=" . $this->parId . "&field=" . rawurlencode($this->mainField) . "&control=" . rawurlencode($this->lookupControl) . "&category=" . rawurlencode($this->lookupCategory) . "&table=" . rawurlencode($this->mainTable) . "&editMode=" . postvalue('editMode');
     $this->sessionPrefix = $this->tName . "_lookup_" . $this->mainTable . '_' . $this->mainField;
     $pageType = postvalue("pageType");
     if ($pageType != PAGE_ADD && $pageType != PAGE_EDIT) {
         $pageType = PAGE_SEARCH;
     $lookupPSet = new ProjectSettings($this->mainTable, $pageType);
     $this->linkField = $lookupPSet->getLWLinkField($this->mainField, false);
     $this->dispField = $lookupPSet->getLWDisplayField($this->mainField, false);
     if ($lookupPSet->getCustomDisplay($this->mainField)) {
         $this->dispFieldAlias = GetGlobalData("dispFieldAlias", "rrdf1");
         $this->pSet->getSQLQuery()->AddCustomExpression($lookupPSet->getDisplayField($this->mainField), $this->pSet, $this->mainTable, $this->mainField, $this->dispFieldAlias);
         $this->customField = $this->linkField;
     $this->outputFieldValue($this->linkField, 2);
     $this->outputFieldValue($this->dispField, 2);
     if ($lookupPSet->useCategory($this->mainField)) {
         $this->categoryField = $lookupPSet->getCategoryFilter($this->mainField);
     $this->strLookupWhere = GetLWWhere($this->mainField, $this->pageType, $this->mainTable);
     if ($this->dispFieldAlias && $this->pSet->appearOnListPage($this->dispField)) {
         $this->lookupSelectField = $this->dispField;
     } elseif ($this->pSet->appearOnListPage($this->dispField)) {
         $this->lookupSelectField = $this->dispField;
     } else {
         $this->lookupSelectField = $this->listFields[0]['fName'];
     if ($this->categoryField) {
         if (!strlen(GetFullFieldName($this->categoryField))) {
             $this->categoryField = "";
     if (!$this->categoryField) {
         $this->lookupCategory = "";