Пример #1
  * A method to process POST request for adding a new meeting
  * @param null $post the $_POST array
 public function addPost($post = null)
     # Define default header, if it's not repeating meeting, we'll change it afterwards
     # in order to be redirected to a meeting we've created
     $header = 'Location: ' . SITE_URL . 'meetings';
     # If it's a post request, we'll have parameters passed
     if ($post) {
         # Create an empty meeting
         $meeting = $this->model('Meeting');
         # Get details from post request
         $deadline = $post['deadline'];
         $deadline_time_hours = $post['deadline_time_hours'];
         $deadline_time_minutes = $post['deadline_time_minutes'];
         # Default for is repeating is 0
         $isRepeating = 0;
         # Default time for repeat until is nothing
         $repeatUntil = 0;
         $dateTimeRepeatUntil = null;
         # If isRepeating was checked
         if (isset($post['isRepeating'])) {
             $isRepeating = 1;
             # Get date from repeatUntil input field
             $repeatUntil = $post['repeatUntil'];
             # Convert date into DB friendly format and keep $dateTimeRepeatUntil object so we can use it
             # in order to create more meetings until this date (because it's a repeated meeting)
             $dateTimeRepeatUntil = DateTime::createFromFormat('d-m-Y H:i', $repeatUntil . " 23:59");
             # $repeatUntil will contain DB friendly format, whereas $dateTimeRepeatUntil will contain
             # object that we can manipulate with it further
             $repeatUntil = $dateTimeRepeatUntil->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         # Getting more data from post request...
         $isApproved = 0;
         if (isset($post['isApproved'])) {
             $isApproved = 1;
         $arrivedOnTime = 0;
         if (isset($post['arrivedOnTime'])) {
             $arrivedOnTime = 1;
         $takenPlace = 0;
         if (isset($post['takenPlace'])) {
             $takenPlace = 1;
         # If we are logged in as a supervisor, isApproved option is automatically set to true because
         # supervisor adds approved meetings (only student adds meetings that need approval)
         if (HTTPSession::getInstance()->USER_TYPE == User::USER_TYPE_SUPERVISOR) {
             $isApproved = 1;
         # Set correct format of provided date
         $dateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat('d-m-Y H:i', $deadline . " " . $deadline_time_hours . ":" . $deadline_time_minutes);
         $date = $dateTime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         # Set meeting with provided information
         # Set googleEventId to null as default
         $googleEventId = null;
         # Check if meeting is approved by a supervisor and user is logged in as google user
         if ($isApproved && !empty(GoogleAuth::$auth)) {
             # Get google auth format of datetime
             $datetimeGoogleStart = DatetimeConverter::getGoogleAuthDateTimeFormat($date);
             $datetimeGoogleEnd = $dateTime;
             $datetimeGoogleEnd->modify("+1 hour");
             $datetimeGoogleEnd = DatetimeConverter::getGoogleAuthDateTimeFormat($datetimeGoogleEnd->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
             # Get all users associated with the project
             $usersArray = ProjectFactory::getAllUsersForProject(HTTPSession::getInstance()->PROJECT_ID);
             $users = "";
             $attendees = array();
             foreach ($usersArray as $user) {
                 # Concatenate them into string
                 $users .= $user->getFirstName() . " " . $user->getLastName() . ", ";
                 # Add attendees
                 $attendees[] = array('email' => $user->getEmail());
             # Remove , at the end
             $users = substr($users, 0, strlen($users) - 2);
             # Get project name from project ID
             $project = new Project(HTTPSession::getInstance()->PROJECT_ID);
             $project = $project->getName();
             # We can add it to the google calendar and save the id of this event
             $googleEventId = GoogleAuth::getInstance()->addEventToCalendar($project, $users, $datetimeGoogleStart, $datetimeGoogleEnd, $attendees);
         # If it's a google event, set it in the meeting
         if (isset($googleEventId)) {
         # If the meeting is repeating we have to create more than one record in the database
         # in order to display them in the list
         # However other meetings won't be added to google since in this version only a single meeting
         # can be added to the google calendar
         if ($isRepeating) {
             # Array of meetings
             $meetings = [];
             $i = 0;
             # Advance current date of the meeting by a week
             $dateTime->modify('+1 week');
             # while datetime <= datetimeRepeatUntil, create new object
             # each time a new object is created, datetime is advanced by 7 days
             while ($dateTime <= $dateTimeRepeatUntil) {
                 # Create a copy of the existing meeting object, however with a new date
                 $meetings[$i] = clone $meeting;
                 $meetings[$i]->setDatetime($dateTime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                 # Save the copy in the database
                 # Advance current date of the meeting by a week
                 $dateTime->modify('+1 week');
         # Save the meeting
         if (!$isRepeating) {
             # If it's not repeating meeting, we want to display the only meeting we've created
             $header = 'Location: ' . SITE_URL . 'meetings/' . $meeting->getID();
             # Create a new notification only if it's not repeating meeting, creating a notification
             # for repeated meeting would be a future work
             new NotificationMeeting($meeting->getID(), NotificationMeeting::ADDED);
     # Redirect back to action points