set_include_path(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../library' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
require_once 'Polycast/Service/Rackspace/CloudFiles.php';
define('DEMO_LOCAL_FILE', dirname(__FILE__) . '/rick.jpg');
define('DEMO_CONTAINER_NAME', 'MyContainer');
$service = new Polycast_Service_Rackspace_CloudFiles();
// Authenticate with your account name and API key.
try {
    $service->authenticate(CLOUDFILES_ACCOUNT, CLOUDFILES_APIKEY);
} catch (Polycast_Service_Rackspace_CloudFiles_Exception $e) {
    echo 'Authentication failed: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
// Create a new storage container.
// Enable CDN facilities of the storage container we created before.
$containerUrl = $service->createCdnContainer(DEMO_CONTAINER_NAME);
// Set the time the container will remain in CDN cache to 2 hours.
// Note: You could also have passed this as third parameter of
// createCdnContainer().
$service->setCdnContainerAttributes(DEMO_CONTAINER_NAME, array('ttl' => 7200));
// Create a new object in the CDN-enabled container.
try {
    $service->createStorageObjectFromFile(DEMO_CONTAINER_NAME, DEMO_LOCAL_FILE, array('objectName' => 'astley.jpg'));
} catch (Polycast_Service_Rackspace_CloudFiles_Exception $e) {
    echo 'Failed to create object from file: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
// Set some meta data on the object.
$service->setStorageObjectMetaData(DEMO_CONTAINER_NAME, 'astley.jpg', array('OriginalFilename' => basename(DEMO_LOCAL_FILE), 'Client' => 'Polycast_Service_Rackspace_CloudFiles'));
// The object URL is the concatenated string of the container URL and the
// object name.