/** * Fetch the total amount of rows found by the last call to find(), regardless of the 'limit' parameter set. * * This is different than the total number of rows limited by the current call, which you can get with total(). * * @see PodsData::total_found * * @return int Number of rows returned by find(), regardless of the 'limit' parameter * @since 2.0 * @link http://pods.io/docs/total-found/ */ public function total_found() { $this->do_hook('total_found'); $this->data->total_found(); $this->total_found =& $this->data->total_found; return $this->total_found; }
/** * Fetch the total amount of rows found by the last call to find(), regardless of the 'limit' parameter set. * * This is different than the total number of rows limited by the current call, which you can get with total(). * * @see PodsData::total_found * * @return int Number of rows returned by find(), regardless of the 'limit' parameter * @since 2.0 * @link http://pods.io/docs/total-found/ */ public function total_found() { /** * Runs directly before the value of total_found() is determined and returned. * * @since unknown * * @param object|Pods $this Current Pods object. * */ do_action('pods_pods_total_found', $this); $this->data->total_found(); $this->total_found =& $this->data->total_found; return $this->total_found; }
/** * @param bool $full Whether to get ALL data or use pagination * * @return bool */ public function get_data($params = null) { $action = $this->action; $defaults = array('full' => false, 'flatten' => true, 'fields' => null, 'type' => ''); if (!empty($params) && is_array($params)) { $params = (object) array_merge($defaults, $params); } else { $params = (object) $defaults; } if (!in_array($action, array('manage', 'reorder'))) { $action = 'manage'; } $find_params = $this->get_params($params); if (false !== $this->pod && is_object($this->pod) && ('Pods' == get_class($this->pod) || 'Pod' == get_class($this->pod))) { $this->pod->find($find_params); if (!$params->full) { $data = $this->pod->data(); $this->data = $data; if (!empty($this->data)) { $this->data_keys = array_keys($this->data); } $this->total = $this->pod->total(); $this->total_found = $this->pod->total_found(); } else { $this->data_full = array(); $export_params = array('fields' => $params->fields, 'flatten' => true); if (in_array($params->type, array('json', 'xml'))) { $export_params['flatten'] = false; } $export_params = $this->do_hook('export_options', $export_params, $params); while ($this->pod->fetch()) { $this->data_full[$this->pod->id()] = $this->pod->export($export_params); } $this->pod->reset(); return $this->data_full; } } else { if (!empty($this->data)) { return $this->data; } if (empty($this->sql['table'])) { return $this->data; } $this->pods_data->select($find_params); if (!$params->full) { $this->data = $this->pods_data->data; if (!empty($this->data)) { $this->data_keys = array_keys($this->data); } $this->total = $this->pods_data->total(); $this->total_found = $this->pods_data->total_found(); } else { $this->data_full = $this->pods_data->data; if (!empty($this->data_full)) { $this->data_keys = array_keys($this->data_full); } return $this->data_full; } } return $this->data; }
/** * @param bool $full Whether to get ALL data or use pagination * * @return bool */ public function get_data($params = null) { $action = $this->action; $defaults = array('full' => false, 'flatten' => true, 'fields' => null, 'type' => ''); if (!empty($params) && is_array($params)) { $params = (object) array_merge($defaults, $params); } else { $params = (object) $defaults; } if (!in_array($action, array('manage', 'reorder'))) { $action = 'manage'; } if (false !== $this->pod && is_object($this->pod) && ('Pods' == get_class($this->pod) || 'Pod' == get_class($this->pod))) { $orderby = array(); $limit = $this->limit; $sql = null; if ('reorder' == $this->action) { if (!empty($this->reorder['orderby'])) { $orderby[$this->reorder['orderby']] = $this->reorder['orderby_dir']; } else { $orderby[$this->reorder['on']] = $this->reorder['orderby_dir']; } if (!empty($this->reorder['limit'])) { $limit = $this->reorder['limit']; } if (!empty($this->reorder['sql'])) { $sql = $this->reorder['sql']; } } if (!empty($this->orderby)) { $this->orderby = (array) $this->orderby; foreach ($this->orderby as $order) { if (false === strpos(' ', $order) && !isset($orderby[$order])) { $orderby[$order] = $this->orderby_dir; } } } $find_params = array('where' => pods_var_raw($action, $this->where, null, null, true), 'orderby' => $orderby, 'page' => (int) $this->page, 'pagination' => true, 'limit' => (int) $limit, 'search' => $this->searchable, 'search_query' => $this->search, 'search_across' => $this->search_across, 'search_across_picks' => $this->search_across_picks, 'filters' => $this->filters, 'sql' => $sql); if (empty($find_params['where']) && $this->restricted($this->action)) { $find_params['where'] = $this->pods_data->query_fields($this->restrict[$this->action], is_object($this->pod) ? $this->pod->pod_data : null); } if ($params->full) { $find_params['limit'] = -1; } $find_params = array_merge($find_params, (array) $this->params); // Debug purposes if (1 == pods_var('pods_debug_params', 'get', 0) && pods_is_admin(array('pods'))) { pods_debug($find_params); } $this->pod->find($find_params); if (!$params->full) { $data = $this->pod->data(); $this->data = $data; if (!empty($this->data)) { $this->data_keys = array_keys($this->data); } $this->total = $this->pod->total(); $this->total_found = $this->pod->total_found(); } else { $this->data_full = array(); $export_params = array('fields' => $params->fields, 'flatten' => true); if (in_array($params->type, array('json', 'xml'))) { $export_params['flatten'] = false; } $export_params = $this->do_hook('export_options', $export_params, $params); while ($this->pod->fetch()) { $this->data_full[$this->pod->id()] = $this->pod->export($export_params); } $this->pod->reset(); return $this->data_full; } } else { if (!empty($this->data)) { return $this->data; } if (empty($this->sql['table'])) { return $this->data; } $orderby = ''; if (!empty($this->orderby)) { $orderby = '`' . $this->orderby . '` ' . (false === strpos($this->orderby, ' ') ? strtoupper($this->orderby_dir) : ''); } $find_params = array('table' => $this->sql['table'], 'where' => pods_var_raw($action, $this->where, null, null, true), 'orderby' => $orderby, 'page' => (int) $this->page, 'pagination' => true, 'limit' => (int) $this->limit, 'search' => $this->searchable, 'search_query' => $this->search, 'fields' => $this->fields['search']); if (empty($find_params['where']) && $this->restricted($this->action)) { $find_params['where'] = $this->pods_data->query_fields($this->restrict[$this->action], is_object($this->pod) ? $this->pod->pod_data : null); } if ($params->full) { $find_params['limit'] = -1; } // Debug purposes if (1 == pods_var('pods_debug_params', 'get', 0) && pods_is_admin(array('pods'))) { pods_debug($find_params); } $this->pods_data->select($find_params); if (!$params->full) { $this->data = $this->pods_data->data; if (!empty($this->data)) { $this->data_keys = array_keys($this->data); } $this->total = $this->pods_data->total(); $this->total_found = $this->pods_data->total_found(); } else { $this->data_full = $this->pods_data->data; return $this->data_full; } } return $this->data; }
/** * @param bool $full Whether to get ALL data or use pagination * * @return bool */ public function get_data($params = null) { $action = $this->action; $defaults = array('full' => false, 'flatten' => true, 'fields' => null, 'type' => ''); if (!empty($params) && is_array($params)) { $params = (object) array_merge($defaults, $params); } else { $params = (object) $defaults; } if (!in_array($action, array('manage', 'reorder'))) { $action = 'manage'; } if (false !== $this->pod && is_object($this->pod) && ('Pods' == get_class($this->pod) || 'Pod' == get_class($this->pod))) { $orderby = array(); $limit = $this->limit; $sql = null; if ('reorder' == $this->action) { if (!empty($this->reorder['orderby'])) { $orderby[$this->reorder['orderby']] = $this->reorder['orderby_dir']; } else { $orderby[$this->reorder['on']] = $this->reorder['orderby_dir']; } if (!empty($this->reorder['limit'])) { $limit = $this->reorder['limit']; } if (!empty($this->reorder['sql'])) { $sql = $this->reorder['sql']; } } if (!empty($this->orderby)) { $this->orderby = (array) $this->orderby; foreach ($this->orderby as $order) { if (false === strpos(' ', $order) && !isset($orderby[$order])) { $orderby[$order] = $this->orderby_dir; } } } $find_params = array('where' => pods_var_raw($action, $this->where, null, null, true), 'orderby' => $orderby, 'page' => (int) $this->page, 'pagination' => true, 'limit' => (int) $limit, 'search' => $this->searchable, 'search_query' => $this->search, 'search_across' => $this->search_across, 'search_across_picks' => $this->search_across_picks, 'filters' => $this->filters, 'sql' => $sql); if (empty($find_params['where']) && $this->restricted($this->action)) { $find_params['where'] = $this->pods_data->query_fields($this->restrict[$this->action], is_object($this->pod) ? $this->pod->pod_data : null); } if ($params->full) { $find_params['limit'] = -1; } $find_params = array_merge($find_params, (array) $this->params); // Debug purposes if (1 == pods_var('pods_debug_params', 'get', 0) && pods_is_admin(array('pods'))) { pods_debug($find_params); } $this->pod->find($find_params); if (!$params->full) { $data = $this->pod->data(); $this->data = $data; if (!empty($this->data)) { $this->data_keys = array_keys($this->data); } $this->total = $this->pod->total(); $this->total_found = $this->pod->total_found(); } else { $this->data_full = array(); $export_params = array('fields' => $params->fields, 'flatten' => true); if (in_array($params->type, array('json', 'xml'))) { $export_params['flatten'] = false; } $export_params = $this->do_hook('export_options', $export_params, $params); while ($this->pod->fetch()) { $this->data_full[$this->pod->id()] = $this->pod->export($export_params); } $this->pod->reset(); return $this->data_full; } } else { if (!empty($this->data)) { return $this->data; } if (empty($this->sql['table'])) { return $this->data; } $orderby = array(); if (!empty($this->orderby)) { $this->orderby = (array) $this->orderby; foreach ($this->orderby as $k => $order) { if (false === strpos($order, ' ')) { if (in_array(strtoupper($order), array('ASC', 'DESC'))) { $orderby[$k] = $order; } elseif (!isset($orderby[$order])) { $orderby[$order] = $this->orderby_dir; } } else { $orderby[] = $order; } } } // Allow orderby array ( 'field' => 'asc|desc' ) if (!empty($orderby) && is_array($orderby)) { foreach ($orderby as $k => &$orderby_value) { if (!is_numeric($k)) { $order = 'ASC'; if ('DESC' == strtoupper($orderby_value)) { $order = 'DESC'; } if (false !== strpos($k, '.')) { $key = $k; if (false === strpos($key, ' ') && false === strpos($key, '`')) { $key = '`' . str_replace('.', '`.`', $key) . '`'; } } else { $key = "`t`.`{$k}`"; } $orderby_value = $key; if (false === strpos($orderby_value, ' ')) { $orderby_value .= ' ' . $order; } } } } // Add prefix to $orderby if needed if (!empty($orderby)) { if (!is_array($orderby)) { $orderby = array($orderby); } foreach ($orderby as &$prefix_orderby) { if (false === strpos($prefix_orderby, ',') && false === strpos($prefix_orderby, '(') && false === stripos($prefix_orderby, ' AS ') && false === strpos($prefix_orderby, '`') && false === strpos($prefix_orderby, '.')) { if (false !== stripos($prefix_orderby, ' DESC')) { $k = trim(str_ireplace(array('`', ' DESC'), '', $prefix_orderby)); $dir = 'DESC'; } else { $k = trim(str_ireplace(array('`', ' ASC'), '', $prefix_orderby)); $dir = 'ASC'; } $key = "`t`.`{$k}`"; $prefix_orderby = "{$key} {$dir}"; } } } $find_params = array('table' => $this->sql['table'], 'id' => $this->sql['field_id'], 'index' => $this->sql['field_index'], 'where' => pods_var_raw($action, $this->where, null, null, true), 'orderby' => $orderby, 'page' => (int) $this->page, 'pagination' => true, 'limit' => (int) $this->limit, 'search' => $this->searchable, 'search_query' => $this->search, 'fields' => $this->fields['search']); if (empty($find_params['where']) && $this->restricted($this->action)) { $find_params['where'] = $this->pods_data->query_fields($this->restrict[$this->action], is_object($this->pod) ? $this->pod->pod_data : null); } if ($params->full) { $find_params['limit'] = -1; } // Debug purposes if (1 == pods_var('pods_debug_params', 'get', 0) && pods_is_admin(array('pods'))) { pods_debug($find_params); } $this->pods_data->select($find_params); if (!$params->full) { $this->data = $this->pods_data->data; if (!empty($this->data)) { $this->data_keys = array_keys($this->data); } $this->total = $this->pods_data->total(); $this->total_found = $this->pods_data->total_found(); } else { $this->data_full = $this->pods_data->data; if (!empty($this->data_full)) { $this->data_keys = array_keys($this->data_full); } return $this->data_full; } } return $this->data; }