function showItemFromPlugin($instID, $withtemplate = '') { global $DB, $CFG_GLPI; if (empty($withtemplate)) { $withtemplate = 0; } $PluginResourcesTask = new PluginResourcesTask(); if ($PluginResourcesTask->getFromDB($instID)) { $plugin_resources_resources_id = $PluginResourcesTask->fields["plugin_resources_resources_id"]; $PluginResourcesResource = new PluginResourcesResource(); $PluginResourcesResource->getFromDB($plugin_resources_resources_id); $canedit = $PluginResourcesResource->can($plugin_resources_resources_id, 'w'); $query = "SELECT `items_id`, `itemtype` \n FROM `" . $this->getTable() . "` \n WHERE `plugin_resources_tasks_id` = '{$instID}' \n ORDER BY `itemtype` "; $result = $DB->query($query); $number = $DB->numrows($result); echo "<form method='post' name='addtaskitem' action=\"./task.form.php\">"; echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th colspan='" . ($canedit ? 3 : 2) . "'>" . _n('Associated item', 'Associated items', 2); echo "</th></tr>"; echo "<tr><th>" . _n('Type', 'Types', 2) . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . __('Name') . "</th>"; if ($canedit && $this->canCreate() && $withtemplate < 2) { echo "<th> </th>"; } echo "</tr>"; $used = array(); if ($number != "0") { for ($i = 0; $i < $number; $i++) { $type = $DB->result($result, $i, "itemtype"); $items_id = $DB->result($result, $i, "items_id"); if (!class_exists($type)) { continue; } $item = new $type(); if ($item->canView()) { $table = getTableForItemType($type); $query = "SELECT `" . $table . "`.*, `" . $this->getTable() . "`.`id` as items_id \n FROM `" . $this->getTable() . "` \n INNER JOIN `" . $table . "` ON (`" . $table . "`.`id` = `" . $this->getTable() . "`.`items_id`) \n WHERE `" . $this->getTable() . "`.`itemtype` = '" . $type . "' \n AND `" . $this->getTable() . "`.`items_id` = '" . $items_id . "' \n AND `" . $this->getTable() . "`.`plugin_resources_tasks_id` = '{$instID}' "; $query .= "ORDER BY `" . $table . "`.`name` "; $result_linked = $DB->query($query); if ($DB->numrows($result_linked)) { while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result_linked)) { $ID = ""; $itemID = $data["id"]; $used[] = $itemID; if ($_SESSION["glpiis_ids_visible"] || empty($data["name"])) { $ID = " (" . $data["id"] . ")"; } $itemname = $data["name"]; if ($type == 'User') { $itemname = getUserName($itemID); } $link = Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL($type); $name = "<a href=\"" . $link . "\">" . $itemname . "{$ID}</a>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; echo "<td class='center'>" . $item->getTypeName() . "</td>"; echo "<td class='center' " . (isset($data['is_deleted']) && $data['is_deleted'] == '1' ? "class='tab_bg_2_2'" : "") . ">" . $name . "</td>"; if ($canedit && $this->canCreate() && $withtemplate < 2) { echo "<td class='center' class='tab_bg_2'>"; Html::showSimpleForm($CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . '/plugins/resources/front/task.form.php', 'deletetaskitem', _x('button', 'Delete permanently'), array('id' => $data["items_id"])); echo "</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } } } } } if ($canedit && $this->canCreate() && $withtemplate < 2) { echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td colspan='2' class='right'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='plugin_resources_tasks_id' value='{$instID}'>"; $PluginResourcesResource_Item = new PluginResourcesResource_Item(); $PluginResourcesResource_Item->dropdownItems($plugin_resources_resources_id, $used); echo "</td>"; echo "<td class='center' colspan='2' class='tab_bg_2'>"; echo "<input type='submit' name='addtaskitem' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Add') . "\" class='submit'>"; echo "</td></tr>"; echo "</table></div>"; } else { echo "</table></div>"; } Html::closeForm(); echo "<br>"; } }
function post_updateItem($history = 1) { global $CFG_GLPI; $fup = new PluginResourcesTask(); $fup->getFromDB($this->input["plugin_resources_tasks_id"]); $timestart = strtotime($this->input["begin"]); $timeend = strtotime($this->input["end"]); $updates2[] = "actiontime"; $fup->fields["actiontime"] = $timeend - $timestart; $fup->updateInDB($updates2); }
function doSpecificMassiveActions($input = array()) { $res = array('ok' => 0, 'ko' => 0, 'noright' => 0); $resource_item = new PluginResourcesResource_Item(); switch ($input['action']) { case "Transfert": if ($input['itemtype'] == 'PluginResourcesResource') { foreach ($input["item"] as $key => $val) { if ($val == 1) { $this->getFromDB($key); $contracttype = PluginResourcesContractType::transfer($PluginResourcesResource->fields["plugin_resources_contracttypes_id"], $input['entities_id']); if ($contracttype > 0) { $values["id"] = $key; $values["plugin_resources_contracttypes_id"] = $contracttype; $this->update($values); } unset($values); $resourcestate = PluginResourcesResourceState::transfer($PluginResourcesResource->fields["plugin_resources_resourcestates_id"], $input['entities_id']); if ($resourcestate > 0) { $values["id"] = $key; $values["plugin_resources_resourcestates_id"] = $resourcestate; $this->update($values); } unset($values); $department = PluginResourcesDepartment::transfer($PluginResourcesResource->fields["plugin_resources_departments_id"], $input['entities_id']); if ($department > 0) { $values["id"] = $key; $values["plugin_resources_departments_id"] = $department; $this->update($values); } unset($values); $situation = PluginResourcesResourceSituation::transfer($PluginResourcesResource->fields["plugin_resources_resourcesituations_id"], $input['entities_id']); if ($situation > 0) { $values["id"] = $key; $values["plugin_resources_resourcesituations_id"] = $situation; $this->update($values); } unset($values); $contractnature = PluginResourcesContractNature::transfer($PluginResourcesResource->fields["plugin_resources_contractnatures_id"], $input['entities_id']); if ($contractnature > 0) { $values["id"] = $key; $values["plugin_resources_contractnatures_id"] = $contractnature; $this->update($values); } unset($values); $rank = PluginResourcesRank::transfer($PluginResourcesResource->fields["plugin_resources_ranks_id"], $input['entities_id']); if ($rank > 0) { $values["id"] = $key; $values["plugin_resources_ranks_id"] = $rank; $this->update($values); } unset($values); $speciality = PluginResourcesResourceSpeciality::transfer($PluginResourcesResource->fields["plugin_resources_resourcespecialities_id"], $input['entities_id']); if ($speciality > 0) { $values["id"] = $key; $values["plugin_resources_resourcespecialities_id"] = $speciality; $this->update($values); } unset($values); $PluginResourcesTask = new PluginResourcesTask(); $restrict = "`plugin_resources_resources_id` = '" . $key . "'"; $tasks = getAllDatasFromTable("glpi_plugin_resources_tasks", $restrict); if (!empty($tasks)) { foreach ($tasks as $task) { $PluginResourcesTask->getFromDB($task["id"]); $tasktype = PluginResourcesTaskType::transfer($PluginResourcesTask->fields["plugin_resources_tasktypes_id"], $input['entities_id']); if ($tasktype > 0) { $values["id"] = $task["id"]; $values["plugin_resources_tasktypes_id"] = $tasktype; $PluginResourcesTask->update($values); } $values["id"] = $task["id"]; $values["entities_id"] = $input['entities_id']; $PluginResourcesTask->update($values); } } unset($values); $PluginResourcesEmployment = new PluginResourcesEmployment(); $restrict = "`plugin_resources_resources_id` = '" . $key . "'"; $employments = getAllDatasFromTable("glpi_plugin_resources_employments", $restrict); if (!empty($employments)) { foreach ($employments as $employment) { $PluginResourcesEmployment->getFromDB($employment["id"]); $rank = PluginResourcesRank::transfer($PluginResourcesEmployment->fields["plugin_resources_ranks_id"], $input['entities_id']); if ($rank > 0) { $values["id"] = $employment["id"]; $values["plugin_resources_ranks_id"] = $rank; $PluginResourcesEmployment->update($values); } $PluginResourcesEmployment->getFromDB($employment["id"]); $profession = PluginResourcesProfession::transfer($PluginResourcesEmployment->fields["plugin_resources_professions_id"], $input['entities_id']); if ($profession > 0) { $values["id"] = $employment["id"]; $values["plugin_resources_professions_id"] = $profession; $PluginResourcesEmployment->update($values); } $values["id"] = $employment["id"]; $values["entities_id"] = $input['entities_id']; $PluginResourcesEmployment->update($values); } } unset($values); $PluginResourcesEmployee = new PluginResourcesEmployee(); $restrict = "`plugin_resources_resources_id` = '" . $key . "'"; $employees = getAllDatasFromTable("glpi_plugin_resources_employees", $restrict); if (!empty($employees)) { foreach ($employees as $employee) { $employer = PluginResourcesEmployer::transfer($employee["plugin_resources_employers_id"], $input['entities_id']); if ($employer > 0) { $values["id"] = $employee["id"]; $values["plugin_resources_employers_id"] = $employer; $PluginResourcesEmployee->update($values); } $client = PluginResourcesClient::transfer($employee["plugin_resources_clients_id"], $input['entities_id']); if ($client > 0) { $values["id"] = $employee["id"]; $values["plugin_resources_clients_id"] = $client; $PluginResourcesEmployee->update($values); } } } unset($values); $query = "UPDATE `glpi_plugin_resources_checklists`\n SET `entities_id` = '" . $input['entities_id'] . "'\n WHERE `plugin_resources_resources_id` ='{$key}'"; $DB->query($query); $values["id"] = $key; $values["entities_id"] = $input['entities_id']; if ($this->update($values)) { $res['ok']++; } else { $res['ko']++; } } } } break; case "Install": foreach ($input["item"] as $key => $val) { if ($val == 1) { $values = array('plugin_resources_resources_id' => $key, 'items_id' => $input["item_item"], 'itemtype' => $input['typeitem']); if ($resource_item->add($values)) { $res['ok']++; } else { $res['ko']++; } } } break; case "Desinstall": foreach ($input["item"] as $key => $val) { if ($val == 1) { if ($resource_item->deleteItemByResourcesAndItem($key, $input['item_item'], $input['typeitem'])) { $res['ok']++; } else { $res['ko']++; } } } break; case "Send": if ($this->sendEmail($input)) { $res['ok']++; } else { $res['ko']++; } break; default: return parent::doSpecificMassiveActions($input); break; } return $res; }