static function displayTabContentForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $tabnum = 1, $withtemplate = 0) { if ($item->getID() > -1) { $pmEntity = new PluginMonitoringEntity(); $pmHostconfig = new PluginMonitoringHostconfig(); $pmHostconfig->showForm($item->getID(), "Entity"); $pmEntity->showForm($item->fields['id']); } return true; }
function sendAcknowledge($services_id) { global $DB; $pmService = new PluginMonitoringService(); $pmComponent = new PluginMonitoringComponent(); $pmTag = new PluginMonitoringTag(); $pmService->getFromDB($services_id); $hostname = ''; $queryh = "SELECT * FROM `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts` \n WHERE `id` = '" . $pmService->fields['plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts_id'] . "'\n LIMIT 1"; $resulth = $DB->query($queryh); while ($datah = $DB->fetch_array($resulth)) { $itemtype = $datah['itemtype']; $item = new $itemtype(); if ($item->getFromDB($datah['items_id'])) { $hostname = $itemtype . "-" . $datah['items_id'] . "-" . preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $item->fields['name']); } } $a_component = current($pmComponent->find("`id`='" . $pmService->fields['plugin_monitoring_components_id'] . "'", "", 1)); $service_description = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $a_component['name']) . "-" . $pmService->fields['id']; $tag = PluginMonitoringEntity::getTagByEntities($pmService->fields['entities_id']); $ip = $pmTag->getIP($tag); $auth = $pmTag->getAuth($tag); $url = 'http://' . $ip . ':7760/'; $action = 'acknowledge'; $a_fields = array('host_name' => urlencode($hostname), 'service_description' => urlencode($service_description), 'author' => urlencode($_SESSION['glpiname']), 'comment' => urlencode('')); $this->sendCommand($url, $action, $a_fields, '', $auth); }
function generateContactsCfg($file=0, $tag='') { global $DB; $pmEntity = new PluginMonitoringEntity(); $calendar = new Calendar(); PluginMonitoringToolbox::logIfExtradebug( 'pm-shinken', "Starting generateContactsCfg ($tag) ...\n" ); $a_users_used = array(); $a_contacts = array(); // Add default contact 'monitoring' for fake hosts // $a_calendars = current($calendar->find("", "", 1)); // $cal = '24x7'; // if (isset($a_calendars['name'])) { // $cal = $a_calendars['name']; // } // $a_contacts[-1] = array( // 'contact_name' => 'monitoring', // 'alias' => 'monitoring', // 'host_notifications_enabled' => '0', // 'service_notifications_enabled' => '0', // 'service_notification_period' => $cal, // 'host_notification_period' => $cal, // 'service_notification_options' => '', // 'host_notification_options' => '', // 'service_notification_commands' => '', // 'host_notification_commands' => '', // 'email' => '', // 'pager' => '', // ); $a_entities_allowed = $pmEntity->getEntitiesByTag($tag); $a_entities_list = array(); foreach ($a_entities_allowed as $entity) { $a_entities_list = getSonsOf("glpi_entities", $entity); } // Always add root entity $a_entities_list[] = '0'; $where = ''; if (! isset($a_entities_allowed['-1'])) { $where = getEntitiesRestrictRequest("WHERE", "glpi_plugin_monitoring_contacts_items", '', $a_entities_list); } $i=0; $query = "SELECT * FROM `glpi_plugin_monitoring_contacts_items` $where"; // Toolbox::logInFile("pm-shinken", "- Contacts query: $query\n"); $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data=$DB->fetch_array($result)) { if ($data['users_id'] > 0) { if ((!isset($a_users_used[$data['users_id']]))) { $a_contacts = $this->_addContactUser($a_contacts, $data['users_id'], $i); $i++; $a_users_used[$data['users_id']] = 1; } } else if ($data['groups_id'] > 0) { $queryg = "SELECT * FROM `glpi_groups_users` WHERE `groups_id`='".$data['groups_id']."'"; $resultg = $DB->query($queryg); while ($datag=$DB->fetch_array($resultg)) { if ((!isset($a_users_used[$datag['users_id']]))) { $a_contacts = $this->_addContactUser($a_contacts, $datag['users_id'], $i); $i++; $a_users_used[$datag['users_id']] = 1; } } } } // Add user monitoring $user = new User(); $a_monit_user = current($user->find("`name`='monitoring'", '', 1)); if ((!isset($a_users_used[$a_monit_user['id']]))) { $a_contacts = $this->_addContactUser($a_contacts, $a_monit_user['id'], $i); } PluginMonitoringToolbox::logIfExtradebug( 'pm-shinken', "End generateContactsCfg\n" ); if ($file == "1") { $config = "# Generated by plugin monitoring for GLPI\n# on ".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."\n\n"; foreach ($a_contacts as $data) { $config .= $this->writeFile("contact", $data); } return array('contacts.cfg', $config); } else { return $a_contacts; } }
Plugin Monitoring for GLPI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Monitoring. If not, see <>. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @package Plugin Monitoring for GLPI @author David Durieux @co-author @comment @copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Plugin Monitoring for GLPI team @license AGPL License 3.0 or (at your option) any later version @link @since 2011 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ include "../../../inc/includes.php"; PluginMonitoringProfile::checkRight("config", "w"); Html::header(__('Monitoring', 'monitoring'), $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "plugins", "monitoring", "entity"); if (isset($_POST["update"])) { $pmEntity = new PluginMonitoringEntity(); $pmEntity->update($_POST); Html::back(); } Html::footer();
function plugin_headings_monitoring_entitytag($item) { $pmEntity = new PluginMonitoringEntity(); $pmHostconfig = new PluginMonitoringHostconfig(); $pmHostconfig->showForm($item->getID(), "Entity"); $pmEntity->showForm($item->fields['id']); }
function sendDowntime($host_id = -1, $service_id = -1, $author = '', $comment = '', $flexible = '0', $start_time = '0', $end_time = '0', $duration = '3600', $operation = '') { global $DB; if ($host_id == -1 && $service_id == -1) { return false; } $pmTag = new PluginMonitoringTag(); $pmService = new PluginMonitoringService(); $pmService->getFromDB($service_id); $service_description = $pmService->getName(array('shinken' => '1')); $pmHost = new PluginMonitoringHost(); $pmHost->getFromDB($host_id == -1 ? $pmService->getHostID() : $host_id); $hostname = $pmHost->getName(true); // Downtime an host ... $acknowledgeServiceOnly = true; $a_fields = array(); if ($host_id == -1) { $tag = PluginMonitoringEntity::getTagByEntities($pmService->getEntityID()); } else { // ... one service of the host. $tag = PluginMonitoringEntity::getTagByEntities($pmHost->getEntityID()); } $ip = $pmTag->getIP($tag); $auth = $pmTag->getAuth($tag); $port = $pmTag->getPort($tag); $url = 'http://' . $ip . ':' . $port . '/'; $action = 'downtime'; $a_fields = array('action' => empty($operation) ? 'add' : $operation, 'host_name' => $hostname, 'service_description' => $service_description, 'author' => $author, 'comment' => mb_convert_encoding($comment, "iso-8859-1"), 'flexible' => $flexible, 'start_time' => PluginMonitoringServiceevent::convert_datetime_timestamp($start_time), 'end_time' => PluginMonitoringServiceevent::convert_datetime_timestamp($end_time), 'trigger_id' => '0', 'duration' => $duration); // Send downtime command ... return $this->sendCommand($url, $action, $a_fields, '', $auth); }
function generateServicesCfg($file = 0, $tag = '') { global $DB; $pMonitoringCommand = new PluginMonitoringCommand(); $pMonitoringCheck = new PluginMonitoringCheck(); $pmComponent = new PluginMonitoringComponent(); $pmEntity = new PluginMonitoringEntity(); $pmContact_Item = new PluginMonitoringContact_Item(); $pmService = new PluginMonitoringService(); $pmComponentscatalog = new PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog(); $calendar = new Calendar(); $user = new User(); $pmLog = new PluginMonitoringLog(); $profile_User = new Profile_User(); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) and strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], '')) { if (!isset($_SESSION['glpi_currenttime'])) { $_SESSION['glpi_currenttime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } $input = array(); $input['user_name'] = "Shinken"; $input['action'] = "restart"; $input['date_mod'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $pmLog->add($input); } $hostnamebp = ''; $a_services = array(); $i = 0; // * Prepare contacts $a_contacts_entities = array(); $a_list_contact = $pmContact_Item->find("`itemtype`='PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog'\n AND `users_id`>0"); foreach ($a_list_contact as $data) { $contactentities = getSonsOf('glpi_entities', $data['entities_id']); if (isset($a_contacts_entities[$data['items_id']][$data['users_id']])) { $contactentities = array_merge($contactentities, $a_contacts_entities[$data['items_id']][$data['users_id']]); } $a_contacts_entities[$data['items_id']][$data['users_id']] = $contactentities; } $a_entities_allowed = $pmEntity->getEntitiesByTag($tag); $query = "SELECT * FROM `glpi_plugin_monitoring_services`"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_array($result)) { $notadd = 0; $notadddescription = ''; $a_component = current($pmComponent->find("`id`='" . $data['plugin_monitoring_components_id'] . "'", "", 1)); $a_hostname = array(); $queryh = "SELECT * FROM `glpi_plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts` \n WHERE `id` = '" . $data['plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts_id'] . "'\n LIMIT 1"; $resulth = $DB->query($queryh); $hostname = ''; $plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_id = 0; while ($datah = $DB->fetch_array($resulth)) { $itemtype = $datah['itemtype']; $item = new $itemtype(); if ($item->getFromDB($datah['items_id'])) { if (isset($a_entities_allowed['-1']) or isset($a_entities_allowed[$item->fields['entities_id']])) { $a_hostname[] = $itemtype . "-" . $datah['items_id'] . "-" . preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $item->fields['name']); $hostname = $item->fields['name']; $plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_id = $datah['plugin_monitoring_componentscalalog_id']; } } } if (count($a_hostname) > 0) { if (isset($_SESSION['plugin_monitoring']['servicetemplates'][$a_component['id']])) { $a_services[$i]['use'] = $_SESSION['plugin_monitoring']['servicetemplates'][$a_component['id']]; } $a_services[$i]['host_name'] = implode(",", array_unique($a_hostname)); $hostnamebp = $a_services[$i]['host_name']; // For business rules $a_services[$i]['service_description'] = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $a_component['name']) . "-" . $data['id']; $pMonitoringCommand->getFromDB($a_component['plugin_monitoring_commands_id']); // Manage arguments $array = array(); preg_match_all("/\\\$(ARG\\d+)\\\$/", $pMonitoringCommand->fields['command_line'], $array); sort($array[0]); $a_arguments = importArrayFromDB($a_component['arguments']); $a_argumentscustom = importArrayFromDB($data['arguments']); foreach ($a_argumentscustom as $key => $value) { $a_arguments[$key] = $value; } $args = ''; foreach ($array[0] as $arg) { if ($arg != '$PLUGINSDIR$' and $arg != '$HOSTADDRESS$' and $arg != '$MYSQLUSER$' and $arg != '$MYSQLPASSWORD$') { $arg = str_replace('$', '', $arg); if (!isset($a_arguments[$arg])) { $args .= '!'; } else { if (strstr($a_arguments[$arg], "[[HOSTNAME]]")) { $a_arguments[$arg] = str_replace("[[HOSTNAME]]", $hostname, $a_arguments[$arg]); } elseif (strstr($a_arguments[$arg], "[[NETWORKPORTDESCR]]")) { if (class_exists("PluginFusinvsnmpNetworkPort")) { $pfNetworkPort = new PluginFusinvsnmpNetworkPort(); $pfNetworkPort->loadNetworkport($data['networkports_id']); $descr = ''; $descr = $pfNetworkPort->getValue("ifdescr"); $a_arguments[$arg] = str_replace("[[NETWORKPORTDESCR]]", $descr, $a_arguments[$arg]); } } elseif (strstr($a_arguments[$arg], "[[NETWORKPORTNUM]]")) { $networkPort = new NetworkPort(); $networkPort->getFromDB($data['networkports_id']); $logicalnum = $pfNetworkPort->fields['logical_number']; $a_arguments[$arg] = str_replace("[[NETWORKPORTNUM]]", $logicalnum, $a_arguments[$arg]); } elseif (strstr($a_arguments[$arg], "[[NETWORKPORTNAME]]")) { $networkPort = new NetworkPort(); $networkPort->getFromDB($data['networkports_id']); $portname = $pfNetworkPort->fields['name']; $a_arguments[$arg] = str_replace("[[NETWORKPORTNAME]]", $portname, $a_arguments[$arg]); } else { if (strstr($a_arguments[$arg], "[")) { $a_arguments[$arg] = PluginMonitoringService::convertArgument($data['id'], $a_arguments[$arg]); } } if ($a_arguments == '') { $notadd = 1; if ($notadddescription != '') { $notadddescription .= ", "; } $notadddescription .= "Argument " . $a_arguments[$arg] . " Not have value"; } $args .= '!' . $a_arguments[$arg]; if ($a_arguments[$arg] == '' and $a_component['alias_command'] != '') { $args .= $a_component['alias_command']; } } } } // End manage arguments if ($a_component['remotesystem'] == 'nrpe') { if ($a_component['alias_command'] != '') { $a_services[$i]['check_command'] = "check_nrpe!" . $a_component['alias_command']; } else { $a_services[$i]['check_command'] = "check_nrpe!" . $pMonitoringCommand->fields['command_name']; } } else { $a_services[$i]['check_command'] = $pMonitoringCommand->fields['command_name'] . $args; } // * Contacts $a_contacts = array(); $a_list_contact = $pmContact_Item->find("`itemtype`='PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog'\n AND `items_id`='" . $plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_id . "'"); foreach ($a_list_contact as $data_contact) { if (isset($a_contacts_entities[$plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_id][$data_contact['users_id']])) { if (in_array($data['entities_id'], $a_contacts_entities[$plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_id][$data_contact['users_id']])) { // $pmContact->getFromDB($data_contact['plugin_monitoring_contacts_id']); $user->getFromDB($data_contact['users_id']); $a_contacts[] = $user->fields['name']; } } } $a_contacts_unique = array_unique($a_contacts); $a_services[$i]['contacts'] = implode(',', $a_contacts_unique); // ** If shinken not use templates or template not defined : if (!isset($_SESSION['plugin_monitoring']['servicetemplates'][$a_component['id']])) { $pMonitoringCheck->getFromDB($a_component['plugin_monitoring_checks_id']); $a_services[$i]['check_interval'] = $pMonitoringCheck->fields['check_interval']; $a_services[$i]['retry_interval'] = $pMonitoringCheck->fields['retry_interval']; $a_services[$i]['max_check_attempts'] = $pMonitoringCheck->fields['max_check_attempts']; if ($calendar->getFromDB($a_component['calendars_id'])) { $a_services[$i]['check_period'] = $calendar->fields['name']; } $a_services[$i]['notification_interval'] = '30'; if ($calendar->getFromDB($a_component['calendars_id'])) { $a_services[$i]['notification_period'] = $calendar->fields['name']; } else { $a_services[$i]['notification_period'] = "24x7"; } $a_services[$i]['notification_options'] = 'w,c,r'; $a_services[$i]['active_checks_enabled'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['process_perf_data'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['active_checks_enabled'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['passive_checks_enabled'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['parallelize_check'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['obsess_over_service'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['check_freshness'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['freshness_threshold'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['notifications_enabled'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['event_handler_enabled'] = '0'; //$a_services[$i]['event_handler'] = 'super_event_kill_everyone!DIE'; $a_services[$i]['flap_detection_enabled'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['failure_prediction_enabled'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['retain_status_information'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['retain_nonstatus_information'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['is_volatile'] = '0'; $a_services[$i]['_httpstink'] = 'NO'; } $pmComponentscatalog->getFromDB($plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_id); if ($pmComponentscatalog->fields['notification_interval'] != '30') { $a_services[$i]['notification_interval'] = $pmComponentscatalog->fields['notification_interval']; } if ($notadd == '1') { unset($a_services[$i]); $input = array(); $input['id'] = $data['id']; $input['event'] = $notadddescription; $input['state'] = "CRITICAL"; $input['state_type'] = "HARD"; $pmService->update($input); } else { $i++; } } } // // Business rules.... $pmService = new PluginMonitoringService(); $pmServicescatalog = new PluginMonitoringServicescatalog(); $pMonitoringBusinessrulegroup = new PluginMonitoringBusinessrulegroup(); $pmBusinessrule = new PluginMonitoringBusinessrule(); $pmComponentscatalog_Host = new PluginMonitoringComponentscatalog_Host(); $a_listBA = $pmServicescatalog->find(); foreach ($a_listBA as $dataBA) { if (isset($a_entities_allowed['-1']) or isset($a_entities_allowed[$dataBA['entities_id']])) { $a_grouplist = $pMonitoringBusinessrulegroup->find("`plugin_monitoring_servicescatalogs_id`='" . $dataBA['id'] . "'"); $a_group = array(); foreach ($a_grouplist as $gdata) { $a_listBR = $pmBusinessrule->find("`plugin_monitoring_businessrulegroups_id`='" . $gdata['id'] . "'"); foreach ($a_listBR as $dataBR) { if ($pmService->getFromDB($dataBR['plugin_monitoring_services_id'])) { $pmComponentscatalog_Host->getFromDB($pmService->fields['plugin_monitoring_componentscatalogs_hosts_id']); $itemtype = $pmComponentscatalog_Host->fields['itemtype']; $item = new $itemtype(); if ($item->getFromDB($pmComponentscatalog_Host->fields['items_id'])) { $hostname = $itemtype . "-" . $pmComponentscatalog_Host->fields['items_id'] . "-" . preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $item->fields['name']); if ($gdata['operator'] == 'and' or $gdata['operator'] == 'or' or strstr($gdata['operator'], ' of:')) { $operator = '|'; if ($gdata['operator'] == 'and') { $operator = '&'; } if (!isset($a_group[$gdata['id']])) { $a_group[$gdata['id']] = ''; if (strstr($gdata['operator'], ' of:')) { $a_group[$gdata['id']] = $gdata['operator']; } $a_group[$gdata['id']] .= $hostname . "," . preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $pmService->fields['name']) . "-" . $pmService->fields['id']; } else { $a_group[$gdata['id']] .= $operator . $hostname . "," . preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $pmService->fields['name']) . "-" . $pmService->fields['id']; } } else { $a_group[$gdata['id']] = $gdata['operator'] . " " . $hostname . "," . preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $item->getName()) . "-" . $item->fields['id']; } } } } } if (count($a_group) > 0) { $pMonitoringCheck->getFromDB($dataBA['plugin_monitoring_checks_id']); $a_services[$i]['check_interval'] = $pMonitoringCheck->fields['check_interval']; $a_services[$i]['retry_interval'] = $pMonitoringCheck->fields['retry_interval']; $a_services[$i]['max_check_attempts'] = $pMonitoringCheck->fields['max_check_attempts']; if ($calendar->getFromDB($dataBA['calendars_id'])) { $a_services[$i]['check_period'] = $calendar->fields['name']; } $a_services[$i]['host_name'] = $hostnamebp; $a_services[$i]['service_description'] = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $dataBA['name']) . "-" . $dataBA['id'] . "-businessrules"; $command = "bp_rule!"; foreach ($a_group as $key => $value) { if (!strstr($value, "&") and !strstr($value, "|")) { $a_group[$key] = trim($value); } else { $a_group[$key] = "(" . trim($value) . ")"; } } $a_services[$i]['check_command'] = $command . implode("&", $a_group); $a_services[$i]['notification_interval'] = '30'; if ($calendar->getFromDB($dataBA['calendars_id'])) { $a_services[$i]['notification_period'] = $calendar->fields['name']; } else { $a_services[$i]['notification_period'] = "24x7"; } $a_services[$i]['notification_options'] = 'w,c,r'; $a_services[$i]['active_checks_enabled'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['process_perf_data'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['active_checks_enabled'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['passive_checks_enabled'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['parallelize_check'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['obsess_over_service'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['check_freshness'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['freshness_threshold'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['notifications_enabled'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['event_handler_enabled'] = '0'; //$a_services[$i]['event_handler'] = 'super_event_kill_everyone!DIE'; $a_services[$i]['flap_detection_enabled'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['failure_prediction_enabled'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['retain_status_information'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['retain_nonstatus_information'] = '1'; $a_services[$i]['is_volatile'] = '0'; $a_services[$i]['_httpstink'] = 'NO'; $a_services[$i]['contacts'] = ''; $i++; } } } if ($file == "1") { $config = "# Generated by plugin monitoring for GLPI\n# on " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\n\n"; foreach ($a_services as $data) { $config .= $this->constructFile("service", $data); } return array('services.cfg', $config); } else { return $a_services; } }
function generateTimeperiodsCfg($file = 0, $tag = '') { global $DB; PluginMonitoringToolbox::logIfExtradebug('pm-shinken', "Starting generateTimeperiodsCfg ...\n"); $calendar = new Calendar(); $calendarSegment = new CalendarSegment(); $calendar_Holiday = new Calendar_Holiday(); $holiday = new Holiday(); $hostconfig = new PluginMonitoringHostconfig(); $pmEntity = new PluginMonitoringEntity(); // Get list of entities $a_entities_allowed = $pmEntity->getEntitiesByTag($tag); $a_entities_list = array(); foreach ($a_entities_allowed as $entity) { $a_entities_list = getSonsOf("glpi_entities", $entity); } $where = ''; if (!isset($a_entities_allowed['-1'])) { $where = getEntitiesRestrictRequest("WHERE", "glpi_entities", '', $a_entities_list); } foreach ($a_entities_list as $entities_id) { $jetlag = $hostconfig->getValueAncestor('jetlag', $entities_id); $a_entities_list[$entities_id] = $jetlag; } // Get all calendars of components $cals_entities = array(); $query = "SELECT `entities_id`, `calendars_id`\n FROM `glpi_plugin_monitoring_services`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_plugin_monitoring_components`\n ON `plugin_monitoring_components_id` = `glpi_plugin_monitoring_components`.`id` "; if ($where == '') { $query .= "WHERE `glpi_plugin_monitoring_components`.`id` IS NOT NULL"; } else { $query .= $where . " AND `glpi_plugin_monitoring_components`.`id` IS NOT NULL"; } $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_array($result)) { if (!isset($cals_entities[$data['entities_id']])) { $cals_entities[$data['entities_id']] = array(); } $cals_entities[$data['entities_id']][$data['calendars_id']] = $data['calendars_id']; } // get all calendars of servciescatalog $query = "SELECT `entities_id`, `calendars_id`\n FROM `glpi_plugin_monitoring_servicescatalogs` " . $where; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_array($result)) { if (!isset($cals_entities[$data['entities_id']])) { $cals_entities[$data['entities_id']] = array(); } $cals_entities[$data['entities_id']][$data['calendars_id']] = $data['calendars_id']; } // Get all calendars of contacts TODO $calendars_added = array(); $a_timeperiods = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($cals_entities as $entities_id => $calendars) { foreach ($calendars as $calendars_id) { $jetlag = $a_entities_list[$entities_id]; if (!isset($calendars_added[$calendars_id . "-" . $jetlag])) { $calendars_added[$calendars_id . "-" . $jetlag] = 1; $calendar->getFromDB($calendars_id); $tmp = array(); $tmp['timeperiod_name'] = $calendar->fields['name']; $tmp['alias'] = $calendar->fields['name']; $a_listsegment = $calendarSegment->find("`calendars_id`='" . $calendar->fields['id'] . "'"); $a_cal = array(); foreach ($a_listsegment as $datasegment) { $begin = preg_replace("/:00\$/", "", $datasegment['begin']); $end = preg_replace("/:00\$/", "", $datasegment['end']); $day = ""; switch ($datasegment['day']) { case "0": $day = "sunday"; break; case "1": $day = "monday"; break; case "2": $day = "tuesday"; break; case "3": $day = "wednesday"; break; case "4": $day = "thursday"; break; case "5": $day = "friday"; break; case "6": $day = "saturday"; break; } $a_cal[$day][] = $begin . "-" . $end; } foreach ($a_cal as $day => $a_times) { $tmp[$day] = implode(',', $a_times); } $a_cholidays = $calendar_Holiday->find("`calendars_id`='" . $calendar->fields['id'] . "'"); foreach ($a_cholidays as $a_choliday) { $holiday->getFromDB($a_choliday['holidays_id']); if ($holiday->fields['is_perpetual'] == 1 && $holiday->fields['begin_date'] == $holiday->fields['end_date']) { $datetime = strtotime($holiday->fields['begin_date']); $tmp[strtolower(date('F', $datetime)) . ' ' . date('j', $datetime)] = '00:00-00:00'; } } if ($jetlag == 0) { $tmp['timeperiod_name'] = $tmp['timeperiod_name']; $tmp['alias'] = $tmp['alias']; } else { $tmp['timeperiod_name'] = $tmp['timeperiod_name'] . "-" . $jetlag; $tmp['alias'] = $tmp['alias'] . "-" . $jetlag; } $days = array('sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday'); $saturday = ''; $reportHours = 0; $beforeday = 'saturday'; foreach ($days as $numday => $day) { if (isset($tmp[$day])) { $splitDay = explode(',', $tmp[$day]); $toAdd = ''; if ($reportHours > 0) { $toAdd = '00:00-' . sprintf("%02s", $reportHours) . ':00'; $reportHours = 0; } foreach ($splitDay as $num => $hourMinute) { $previous_begin = 0; $beginEnd = explode('-', $hourMinute); // ** Begin ** $split = explode(':', $beginEnd[0]); $split[0] += $jetlag; if ($split[0] > 24) { //$reportHours = $split[0] - 24; unset($splitDay[$num]); } else { if ($split[0] < 0) { $reportHours = $split[0]; $previous_begin = 24 + $split[0]; $split[0] = '00'; } $beginEnd[0] = sprintf("%02s", $split[0]) . ':' . $split[1]; // ** End ** $split = explode(':', $beginEnd[1]); $split[0] += $jetlag; if ($split[0] < 0) { if ($numday - 1 == -1) { $saturday .= "," . sprintf("%02s", $previous_begin) . ":00-" . sprintf("%02s", 24 + $split[0]) . ":00"; } else { $tmp[$days[$numday - 1]] .= "," . sprintf("%02s", $previous_begin) . ":00-" . sprintf("%02s", 24 + $split[0]) . ":00"; } unset($splitDay[$num]); } else { if ($split[0] > 24) { $reportHours = $split[0] - 24; $split[0] = 24; } $beginEnd[1] = sprintf("%02s", $split[0]) . ':' . $split[1]; $hourMinute = implode('-', $beginEnd); $splitDay[$num] = $hourMinute; } } } if ($reportHours < 0) { // if (!isset($tmp[$beforeday])) { // $tmp[$beforeday] = array(); // } // $splitBeforeDay = explode(',', $tmp[$beforeday]); // $splitBeforeDay[] = sprintf("%02s", (24 + $reportHours)).':00-24:00'; // $tmp[$beforeday] = implode(',', $splitBeforeDay); $reportHours = 0; } if (!empty($toAdd)) { array_unshift($splitDay, $toAdd); } $tmp[$day] = implode(',', $splitDay); } else { if ($reportHours > 0) { //$tmp[$day] = '00:00-'.$reportHours.':00'; $reportHours = 0; } } $beforeday = $day; } // Manage for report hours from saturday to sunday if ($reportHours > 0) { $splitDay = explode(',', $tmp['sunday']); array_unshift($splitDay, '00:00-' . sprintf("%02s", $reportHours) . ':00'); $tmp['sunday'] = implode(',', $splitDay); } if ($saturday != '') { if (isset($tmp['saturday'])) { $tmp['saturday'] .= $saturday; } else { $tmp['saturday'] = $saturday; } } // concatain if need foreach ($days as $day) { if (isset($tmp[$day])) { $splitDay = explode(',', $tmp[$day]); $beforeHour = ''; $beforeNum = 0; foreach ($splitDay as $num => $data) { if (substr($data, 0, 2) == $beforeHour) { $splitDay[$beforeNum] = substr($splitDay[$beforeNum], 0, 6) . substr($data, 6, 5); $beforeHour = substr($data, 6, 2); unset($splitDay[$num]); } else { $beforeHour = substr($data, 6, 2); $beforeNum = $num; } } $tmp[$day] = implode(',', $splitDay); } } $a_timeperiods[$i] = $tmp; $i++; } } } PluginMonitoringToolbox::logIfExtradebug('pm-shinken', "End generateTimeperiodsCfg\n"); if ($file == "1") { $config = "# Generated by plugin monitoring for GLPI\n# on " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\n\n"; foreach ($a_timeperiods as $data) { $config .= $this->writeFile("timeperiod", $data); } return array('timeperiods.cfg', $config); } else { return $a_timeperiods; } }