static function getAllUsers() { $userManager = new User(); $users = $userManager->populate(); Plugin::callHook("user_get_all", array(&$users)); usort($users, "User::userorder"); return $users; }
function handleData($client, $data) { $_ = json_decode($data, true); if (!isset($_['action'])) { $_['action'] = ''; } switch ($_['action']) { case 'CLIENT_INFOS': $client->type = $_['type']; $client->location = $_['location']; $this->log('setting infos ' . $client->location . ' for ' . $client->name); break; case 'GET_SPEECH_COMMANDS': $response = array(); Plugin::callHook("vocal_command", array(&$response, YANA_URL)); $this->send($this->connected[$client->id]->socket, '{"action":"ADD_COMMANDS","commands":' . json_encode($response['commands']) . '}'); break; case 'CATCH_COMMAND': $response = array(); Plugin::callHook("vocal_command", array(&$response, '')); foreach ($response['commands'] as $command) { if ($command['command'] != $_['command']) { continue; } if (isset($command['url'])) { $this->url(YANA_URL . '/action.php' . $command['url']); } } Plugin::callHook('listen', array($_['command'], $_['text'], $_['confidence'])); break; case '': default: //$this->talk("Coucou"); //$this->sound("C:/poule.wav"); //$this->execute("C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\putty.exe"); $this->log($client->name . '(' . $client->type . ') send ' . $data); break; } $this->updateClient($client); //system('php '.realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'\action.php '.$json['action'],$out); //$this->send($socket,$out); }
function room_plugin_page($_) { if (isset($_['module']) && $_['module'] == 'room') { $roomManager = new Room(); $rooms = $roomManager->populate(); //if (!isset($_['id']) && count($rooms)>0) $_['id'] = $rooms[0]->getId(); $currentRoom = new Room(); ?> <div class="row"> <div class="span12"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li <?php if (!isset($_['id'])) { ?> class="active" <?php } ?> ><a href="index.php?module=room"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i> Toutes les pièces</a></li> <?php foreach ($rooms as $room) { if (isset($_['id']) && $room->getId() == $_['id']) { $currentRoom = $room; } ?> <li <?php echo isset($_['id']) && $room->getId() == $_['id'] ? 'class="active"' : ''; ?> ><a href="index.php?module=room&id=<?php echo $room->getId(); ?> "><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i> <?php echo $room->getName(); ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="span12"> <?php if ($currentRoom->getId() != 0) { Plugin::callHook("node_display", array($currentRoom)); } else { foreach ($rooms as $room) { Plugin::callHook("node_display", array($room)); } } ?> </div> </div> <?php } }
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/common.php'; $menuItems = array(); Plugin::callHook("menubar_pre_home", array(&$menuItems)); uasort($menuItems, function ($a, $b) { return $a['sort'] > $b['sort'] ? 1 : -1; }); $tpl->assign('menuItems', $menuItems); ?>
function handleData($client, $data) { $this->log("Try to parse received data : " . $data); try { $datas = explode('<EOF>', $data); foreach ($datas as $data) { $_ = json_decode($data, true); if (!$_) { throw new Exception("Unable to parse data : " . $data); } if (!isset($_['action'])) { $_['action'] = ''; } $this->log("Parsed action : " . $_['action']); switch ($_['action']) { case 'TALK': $this->talkAnimate(); $this->talk($_['parameter']); break; case 'TALK_FINISHED': $this->muteAnimate(); break; case 'EMOTION': $this->emotion($_['parameter']); break; case 'IMAGE': $this->image($_['parameter']); break; case 'SOUND': $this->sound($_['parameter']); break; case 'EXECUTE': $this->execute($_['parameter']); break; case 'CLIENT_INFOS': $client->type = $_['type']; $client->location = $_['location']; $userManager = new User(); $myUser = $userManager->load(array('token' => $_['token'])); if (isset($myUser) && $myUser != false) { $myUser->loadRight(); } $client->user = !$myUser ? new User() : $myUser; $this->log('setting infos ' . $client->type . ' - ' . $client->location . ' for ' . $client->name . ' with user:'******'GET_SPEECH_COMMANDS': $response = array(); Plugin::callHook("vocal_command", array(&$response, YANA_URL)); $commands = array(); foreach ($response['commands'] as $command) { unset($command['url']); $this->send($this->connected[$client->id]->socket, '{"action":"ADD_COMMAND","command":' . json_encode($command) . '}'); } $this->send($this->connected[$client->id]->socket, '{"action":"UPDATE_COMMANDS"}'); break; case 'CATCH_COMMAND': $response = ""; $this->log("Call listen hook (v2.0 plugins) with params " . $_['command'] . " > " . $_['text'] . " > " . $_['confidence']); Plugin::callHook('listen', array($_['command'], trim(str_replace($_['command'], '', $_['text'])), $_['confidence'])); break; case '': default: //$this->talk("Coucou"); //$this->sound("C:/poule.wav"); //$this->execute("C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\putty.exe"); $this->log($client->name . '(' . $client->type . ') send ' . $data); break; } $this->updateClient($client); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->log("ERROR : " . $e->getMessage()); } //system('php '.realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'\action.php '.$json['action'],$out); //$this->send($socket,$out); }
$page = isset($_['page']) ? $_['page'] : 1; $pages = $articlePerPages > 0 ? ceil($numberOfItem / $articlePerPages) : 1; $startArticle = ($page - 1) * $articlePerPages; if ($articleDisplayHomeSort) { $order = 'pubdate desc'; } else { $order = 'pubdate asc'; } if ($optionFeedIsVerbose) { $events = $eventManager->loadAllOnlyColumn($target, $filter, $order, $startArticle . ',' . $articlePerPages); } else { $events = $eventManager->getEventsNotVerboseFeed($startArticle, $articlePerPages, $order, $target); } $tpl->assign('numberOfItem', $numberOfItem); break; } $tpl->assign('pages', $pages); $tpl->assign('page', $page); for ($i = $page - PAGINATION_SCALE <= 0 ? 1 : $page - PAGINATION_SCALE; $i < ($page + PAGINATION_SCALE > $pages + 1 ? $pages + 1 : $page + PAGINATION_SCALE); $i++) { $pagesArray[] = $i; } $tpl->assign('pagesArray', $pagesArray); $tpl->assign('previousPages', $page - PAGINATION_SCALE < 0 ? -1 : $page - PAGINATION_SCALE - 1); $tpl->assign('nextPages', $page + PAGINATION_SCALE > $pages + 1 ? -1 : $page + PAGINATION_SCALE); Plugin::callHook("index_post_treatment", array(&$events)); $tpl->assign('events', $events); $tpl->assign('time', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']); $tpl->assign('hightlighted', 0); $tpl->assign('scroll', false); $view = 'index'; require_once 'footer.php';
function dash_monitoring_plugin_actions() { global $myUser, $_, $conf; switch ($_['action']) { case 'dash_monitoring_plugin_load': if ($myUser == false) { exit('Vous devez vous connecter pour cette action.'); } header('Content-type: application/json'); $response = array(); switch ($_['bloc']) { case 'ram': $response['title'] = 'RAM'; $hdds = Monitoring::ram(); $response['content'] = ' <div style="width: 100%"> <canvas id="RAM_PIE"></canvas> <br/><br/> <ul class="graphic_pane"> <li class="pane_orange"> <h1>RAM UTILISEE</h1> <h2>' . $hdds['percentage'] . '%</h2> </li><li class="pane_cyan"> <h1>RAM LIBRE</h1> <h2>' . $hdds['free'] . ' Mo</h2> </li><li class="pane_red"> <h1>RAM TOTALE</h1> <h2>' . $hdds['total'] . ' Mo</h2> </li> </ul> </div> <script> $("#RAM_PIE:visible").chart({ type : "doughnut", label : ["RAM UTILISEE","RAM LIBRE"], backgroundColor : ["' . ($hdds['percentage'] > 80 ? '#E64C65' : '#FCB150') . '","#4FC4F6"], segmentShowStroke:false, data : [' . $hdds['percentage'] . ',' . (100 - $hdds['percentage']) . '] }); </script>'; break; case 'system': $response['title'] = 'Système'; if (PHP_OS != 'WINNT') { $heat = Monitoring::heat(); $cpu = Monitoring::cpu(); } $response['content'] = '<ul class="yana-list"> <li><strong>Distribution :</strong> ' . Monitoring::distribution() . '</li> <li><strong>Kernel :</strong> ' . Monitoring::kernel() . '</li> <li><strong>HostName :</strong> ' . Monitoring::hostname() . '</li> <li><strong>Température :</strong> <span class="label ' . $heat["label"] . '">' . $heat["degrees"] . '°C</span></li> <li><strong>Temps de marche :</strong> ' . Monitoring::uptime() . '</li> <li><strong>CPU :</strong> <span class="label label-info">' . $cpu['current_frequency'] . ' Mhz</span> (Max ' . $cpu['maximum_frequency'] . ' Mhz/ Min ' . $cpu['minimum_frequency'] . ' Mhz)</li> <li><strong>Charge :</strong> <span class="label label-info">' . $cpu['loads'] . ' </span> | ' . $cpu['loads5'] . ' 5min | ' . $cpu['loads15'] . ' 15min</li> </ul>'; break; case 'vocal': if ($myUser->getId() == '') { exit('{"error":"invalid or missing token"}'); } if (!$myUser->can('vocal', 'r')) { exit('{"error":"insufficient permissions for this account"}'); } list($host, $port) = explode(':', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $actionUrl = 'http://' . $host . ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $actionUrl = substr($actionUrl, 0, strpos($actionUrl, '?')); Plugin::callHook("vocal_command", array(&$response, $actionUrl)); $response['title'] = count($response['commands']) . ' Commandes vocales'; $response['content'] = '<ul class="yana-list">'; foreach ($response['commands'] as $command) { $response['content'] .= '<li title="Sensibilité : ' . $command['confidence'] . '">' . $command['command'] . '</li>'; } $response['content'] .= '</ul>'; break; case 'logs': if ($myUser->getId() == '') { exit('{"error":"invalid or missing token"}'); } $response['title'] = 'Logs'; $logs = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../' . LOG_FILE; $response['content'] = '<div style="overflow:auto;max-height:200px;"><ul class="yana-list" style="margin:0px;">'; if (file_exists($logs)) { $lines = file($logs); foreach ($lines as $i => $line) { $response['content'] .= '<li style="font-size:8px;' . ($i % 2 == 0 ? 'background-color:#F4F4F4;' : '') . '">' . $line . '</li>'; } } else { $response['content'] .= '<li>Aucun logs</li>'; } $response['content'] .= '</ul></div>'; break; case 'network': $response['title'] = 'Réseau'; $ethernet = array(); $lan = ''; $wan = ''; $http = ''; $connections = ''; if (PHP_OS != 'WINNT') { $ethernet = Monitoring::ethernet(); $lan = Monitoring::internalIp(); $wan = Monitoring::externalIp(); $http = Monitoring::webServer(); $connections = Monitoring::connections(); } $response['content'] = '<ul class="yana-list"> <li><strong>IP LAN :</strong> <code>' . $lan . '</code></li> <li><strong>IP WAN :</strong> <code>' . $wan . '</code></li> <li><strong>Serveur HTTP :</strong> ' . $http . '</li> <li><strong>Ethernet :</strong> ' . $ethernet['up'] . ' Montant / ' . $ethernet['down'] . ' Descendant</li> <li><strong>Connexions :</strong> <span class="label label-info">' . $connections . '</span></li> </ul>'; break; case 'gpio': $response['title'] = 'GPIO'; $gpios = array(); $gpios = Monitoring::gpio(); $model = System::getModel(); $pinLabelsRange = System::getPinForModel($model['type'], $model['version']); $response['title'] = 'RPI Type ' . $model['type'] . ' V' . $model['version'] . ' (' . count($gpios) . ' pins)'; $response['content'] .= '<table class="gpio_container">'; $response['content'] .= '<tr>'; foreach ($pinLabelsRange as $range => $pinLabels) { $response['content'] .= '<td valign="top"><table>'; foreach ($pinLabels as $pin) { $roleColor = 'transparent'; $class = 'gpio_state_' . ($gpios[$pin->wiringPiNumber] ? 'on' : 'off'); if ($pin->name == '5V' || $pin->name == '3.3V') { $class = 'gpio_power'; } if ($pin->name == '0V' || $pin->name == 'DNC') { $class = 'gpio_ground'; } $response['content'] .= '<div class="' . $class . '" title="Role : ' . ($pin->role == '' ? 'GPIO' : $pin->role) . ', Position physique : ' . $pin->physicalNumber . ', Numero BMC : ' . $pin->bcmNumber . '" onclick="change_gpio_state(' . $pin->wiringPiNumber . ',this);">'; $response['content'] .= '<span style="' . ($range == 0 ? 'float:right;' : '') . '"></span> ' . $pin->name . ' <small>(' . ($pin->role == '' ? 'GPIO' : $pin->role) . ')</small>'; $response['content'] .= '</div>'; } $response['content'] .= '</table></td>'; } $response['content'] .= '</tr>'; $response['content'] .= '</table>'; break; case 'users': $users = array(); if (PHP_OS != 'WINNT') { $users = Monitoring::users(); } $response['title'] = count($users) . ' utilisateurs connectés'; $response['content'] = '<ul class="yana-list">'; foreach ($users as $value) { $response['content'] .= '<li>Utilisateur <strong class="badge">' . $value['user'] . '</strong> IP : <code>' . $value['ip'] . '</code>, Connexion : ' . $value['hour'] . ' </li>'; } $response['content'] .= '</ul>'; break; case 'services': $response['title'] = 'Services'; $services = array(); if (PHP_OS != 'WINNT') { $services = Monitoring::services(); $response['content'] = '<ul class="yana-list">'; foreach ($services as $value) { $response['content'] .= '<li ' . ($value['status'] ? 'class="service-active"' : '') . '>- ' . $value['name'] . '</li>'; } $response['content'] .= '</ul>'; } else { $response['content'] .= 'Information indisponible sur cet OS :' . PHP_OS; } break; case 'hdd': $response['title'] = 'HDD'; $hdds = array(); if (PHP_OS != 'WINNT') { $hdds = Monitoring::hdd(); $response['content'] = '<ul class="yana-list">'; foreach ($hdds as $value) { $response['content'] .= '<li><strong class="badge">' . $value['name'] . '</strong><br><strong> Espace :</strong> ' . $value['used'] . '/' . $value['total'] . '<strong> Format :</strong> ' . $value['format'] . ' </li>'; } $response['content'] .= '</ul>'; } else { $response['content'] .= 'Information indisponible sur cet OS :' . PHP_OS; } break; case 'disk': $response['title'] = 'Disques'; $disks = array(); if (PHP_OS != 'WINNT') { $disks = Monitoring::disks(); $response['content'] = '<ul class="yana-list">'; foreach ($disks as $value) { $response['content'] .= '<li><strong class="badge">' . $value['name'] . '</strong> Statut : ' . $value['size'] . ' Type : ' . $value['type'] . ' Chemin : ' . $value['mountpoint'] . ' </li>'; } $response['content'] .= '</ul>'; } else { $response['content'] .= 'Information indisponible sur cet OS :' . PHP_OS; } break; } echo json_encode($response); exit(0); break; case 'dash_monitoring_plugin_edit': echo '<label>Time Zone</label><input id="zone" type="text">'; break; case 'dash_monitoring_plugin_save': break; case 'dash_monitoring_plugin_delete': break; case 'dash_monitoring_plugin_move': break; } }
} else { Gpio::write($_["pin"], $_["state"], true); } break; // Gestion des interfaces de seconde génération // Gestion des interfaces de seconde génération case 'SUBSCRIBE_TO_CLIENT': Action::write(function ($_, &$response) { global $myUser, $conf; if (!isset($_['ip'])) { throw new Exception("IP invalide"); } if (!isset($_['port']) || !is_numeric($_['port'])) { throw new Exception("Port invalide"); } $url = Functions::getBaseUrl('action.php') . '/action.php'; $client = new CLient($_['ip'], $_['port']); Plugin::callHook("vocal_command", array(&$vocal, $url)); $conf = array('VOCAL_ENTITY_NAME' => $conf->put('VOCAL_ENTITY_NAME', 'YANA'), 'SPEECH_COMMAND' => $vocal); if (!$client->suscribe($url, $myUser->getToken())) { throw new Exception("Appairage impossible"); } if (!$client->configure($conf)) { throw new Exception("Configuration impossible"); } }, array('user' => 'u')); break; default: Plugin::callHook("action_post_case", array()); break; }
function common_listen($command, $text, $confidence) { echo "\n" . 'diction de la commande : ' . $command; $response = array(); Plugin::callHook("vocal_command", array(&$response, YANA_URL)); $commands = array(); echo "\n" . 'Test de comparaison avec ' . count($response['commands']) . ' commandes'; foreach ($response['commands'] as $cmd) { if ($command != $cmd['command']) { continue; } if (!isset($cmd['parameters'])) { $cmd['parameters'] = array(); } if (isset($cmd['callback'])) { echo "\n" . 'Commande trouvée, execution de la fonction plugin ' . $cmd['callback']; call_user_func($cmd['callback'], $text, $confidence, $cmd['parameters']); } } }
function dash_monitoring_plugin_actions() { global $myUser, $_, $conf; switch ($_['action']) { case 'dash_monitoring_plugin_load': if ($myUser == false) { exit('Vous devez vous connecter pour cette action.'); } header('Content-type: application/json'); $response = array(); switch ($_['bloc']) { case 'ram': $response['title'] = 'RAM'; $hdds = Monitoring::ram(); $response['content'] = ' <div style="width: 100%"> <canvas id="RAM_PIE"></canvas> <br/><br/> <ul class="graphic_pane"> <li class="pane_orange"> <h1>RAM UTILISEE</h1> <h2>' . $hdds['percentage'] . '%</h2> </li><li class="pane_cyan"> <h1>RAM LIBRE</h1> <h2>' . $hdds['free'] . ' Mo</h2> </li><li class="pane_red"> <h1>RAM TOTALE</h1> <h2>' . $hdds['total'] . ' Mo</h2> </li> </ul> </div> <script> $("#RAM_PIE:visible").chart({ type : "doughnut", label : ["RAM UTILISEE","RAM LIBRE"], backgroundColor : ["' . ($hdds['percentage'] > 80 ? '#E64C65' : '#FCB150') . '","#4FC4F6"], segmentShowStroke:false, data : [' . $hdds['percentage'] . ',' . (100 - $hdds['percentage']) . '] }); </script>'; break; case 'system': $response['title'] = 'Système'; if (PHP_OS != 'WINNT') { $heat = Monitoring::heat(); $cpu = Monitoring::cpu(); } $response['content'] = '<ul> <li><strong>Distribution :</strong> ' . Monitoring::distribution() . '</li> <li><strong>Kernel :</strong> ' . Monitoring::kernel() . '</li> <li><strong>HostName :</strong> ' . Monitoring::hostname() . '</li> <li><strong>Température :</strong> <span class="label ' . $heat["label"] . '">' . $heat["degrees"] . '°C</span></li> <li><strong>Temps de marche :</strong> ' . Monitoring::uptime() . '</li> <li><strong>CPU :</strong> <span class="label label-info">' . $cpu['current_frequency'] . ' Mhz</span> (Max ' . $cpu['maximum_frequency'] . ' Mhz/ Min ' . $cpu['minimum_frequency'] . ' Mhz)</li> <li><strong>Charge :</strong> <span class="label label-info">' . $cpu['loads'] . ' </span> | ' . $cpu['loads5'] . ' 5min | ' . $cpu['loads15'] . ' 15min</li> <li><strong>Version WiringPi : </strong> ' . exec("gpio -v | grep 'gpio version' | cut -c15-") . '</li> <li><strong>Raspberry Pi Details : </strong> ' . exec("gpio -v") . '</li> </ul>'; break; case 'vocal': if ($myUser->getId() == '') { exit('{"error":"invalid or missing token"}'); } if (!$myUser->can('vocal', 'r')) { exit('{"error":"insufficient permissions for this account"}'); } list($host, $port) = explode(':', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $actionUrl = 'http://' . $host . ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $actionUrl = substr($actionUrl, 0, strpos($actionUrl, '?')); Plugin::callHook("vocal_command", array(&$response, $actionUrl)); $response['title'] = count($response['commands']) . ' Commandes vocales'; $response['content'] = '<ul>'; foreach ($response['commands'] as $command) { $response['content'] .= '<li title="Sensibilité : ' . $command['confidence'] . '">' . $command['command'] . '</li>'; } $response['content'] .= '</ul>'; break; case 'network': $response['title'] = 'Réseau'; $ethernet = array(); $lan = ''; $wan = ''; $http = ''; $connections = ''; if (PHP_OS != 'WINNT') { $ethernet = Monitoring::ethernet(); $lan = Monitoring::internalIp(); $wan = Monitoring::externalIp(); $http = Monitoring::webServer(); $connections = Monitoring::connections(); } $response['content'] = '<ul> <li><strong>IP LAN :</strong> <code>' . $lan . '</code></li> <li><strong>IP WAN :</strong> <code>' . $wan . '</code></li> <li><strong>Serveur HTTP :</strong> ' . $http . '</li> <li><strong>Ethernet :</strong> ' . $ethernet['up'] . ' Montant / ' . $ethernet['down'] . ' Descendant</li> <li><strong>Connexions :</strong> <span class="label label-info">' . $connections . '</span></li> </ul>'; break; case 'gpio': $response['title'] = 'GPIO'; if (PHP_OS != 'WINNT') { $version = Functions::getRaspVersion(); $response['content'] .= '<pre><table style="width:100%;text-align:center;"><tbody>'; // getListOptionalWiringPin // // Liste des GPIO $i = 0; // var_dump(Gpio::getListWiringPin($version)); foreach (Gpio::getListWiringPin($version) as $key => $GPIO) { $class = 'info'; $value = 'off'; if (Gpio::read_($key, false)) { $class = 'warning'; $value = 'on'; } if ($i % 2 == 0) { $response['content'] .= '<tr><td><strong>' . $GPIO . '</strong></td><td>-></td><td> <span onclick="change_gpio_state(' . $key . ',this);" style="width:20px;text-align:center;" class="label label-' . $class . ' pointer">' . $value . '</span> </td>'; } else { $response['content'] .= '<td> <span onclick="change_gpio_state(' . $key . ',this);" style="width:20px;text-align:center;" class="pointer label label-' . $class . '">' . $value . '</span> </td><td><-</td><td><strong>' . $GPIO . '</strong></td></tr>'; } $i++; } $listeOfOptionnalGpios = Gpio::getListOptionalWiringPin($version); if (!empty($listeOfOptionnalGpios)) { $response['content'] .= '<tr><td colspan="6">Liste des Gpio optionnels</td></tr>'; //liste des GPIO optionnels $i = 0; foreach (Gpio::getListOptionalWiringPin($version) as $GPIO) { $class = 'info'; $value = 'off'; if (Gpio::read_($key, false)) { $class = 'warning'; $value = 'on'; } if ($i % 2 == 0) { $response['content'] .= '<tr><td><strong>' . Gpio::getNameOfWiringPins($i) . '</strong></td><td>-></td><td> <span onclick="change_gpio_state(' . $i . ',this);" style="width:20px;text-align:center;" class="label label-' . $class . ' pointer">' . $value . '</span> </td>'; } else { $response['content'] .= '<td> <span onclick="change_gpio_state(' . $i . ',this);" style="width:20px;text-align:center;" class="pointer label label-' . $class . '">' . $value . '</span> </td><td><-</td><td><strong>' . Gpio::getNameOfWiringPins($i + 1) . '</strong></td></tr>'; } $i++; } } $response['content'] .= '</tbody></table></pre>'; } else { $response['content'] .= 'Information indisponible sur cet OS :' . PHP_OS; } break; case 'pins': $response['title'] = 'PINS'; if (PHP_OS != 'WINNT') { $version = Functions::getRaspVersion(); //un peu de style $response["content"] .= '<style>.label_pin{padding:5px;border: 1px solid #FFF;}.pin_gpio{background: #FCBF21}.pin_power{background: #FB0C1A}.pin_ground{background: #000}.pin_UART{background: #00AF08}.pin_SPI{background: #9B04EF}.pin_I2C{background: #0044AB}.legende_pins a{color:#FFF}.legende_pins{margin:5px; border: 1px solid #FFF;display:inline;padding: 5px}</style>'; $response["content"] .= '<pre><table style="width:100%;text-align:center;margin:5px;"><tbody>'; //on met les titres $response["content"] .= '<tr><th>WiringPi</th><th>Nom</th><th></th><th></th><th>Nom</th><th>WiringPi</th></tr>'; $i = 0; foreach (Gpio::getListPins($version) as $numero => $infos) { $wiringPi = is_null($infos[0]) ? "N/A" : $infos[0]; $nom = $infos[1]; $class = ""; //on détermine les class switch ($nom) { case preg_match("~GPIO~Uis", $nom) ? true : false: $class = "gpio"; break; case "0V": $class = "ground"; break; case "3,3V": case "5V": $class = "power"; break; case "MOSI": case "MISO": case "SCLK": case "CE0": case "CE1": $class = "SPI"; break; case "RxD": case "TxD": $class = "UART"; break; case preg_match("~SDA~Uis", $nom) ? true : false: case preg_match("~SCL~Uis", $nom) ? true : false: $class = "I2C"; break; default: $class = ""; break; } $class = !empty($class) ? 'pin_' . $class : ""; if ($i % 2 == 0) { $response['content'] .= '<tr><td>' . $wiringPi . '</td><td>' . $nom . '</td><td class="label_pin ' . $class . '" ><i class="fa fa-dot-circle-o"></i></td>'; } else { $response['content'] .= '<td class="label_pin ' . $class . '" ><i class="fa fa-dot-circle-o"></i></td><td>' . $nom . '</td><td>' . $wiringPi . '</td></tr>'; } $i++; } $temp_list = Gpio::getListOptionalPins($version); if (!empty($temp_list)) { $response['content'] .= '<tr><td colspan="6">Pins optionnels</td></tr>'; $i = 0; foreach (Gpio::getListOptionalPins($version) as $numero => $infos) { $wiringPi = is_null($infos[0]) ? "N/A" : $infos[0]; $nom = $infos[1]; $class = ""; //on détermine les class switch ($nom) { case preg_match("~GPIO~Uis", $nom) ? true : false: $class = "gpio"; break; case "0V": $class = "ground"; break; case "3,3V": case "5V": $class = "power"; break; case "MOSI": case "MISO": case "SCLK": case "CE0": case "CE1": $class = "SPI"; break; case "RxD": case "TxD": $class = "UART"; break; case preg_match("~SDA~Uis", $nom) ? true : false: case preg_match("~SCL~Uis", $nom) ? true : false: $class = "I2C"; break; default: $class = ""; break; } $class = !empty($class) ? 'pin_' . $class : ""; if ($i % 2 == 0) { $response['content'] .= '<tr><td>' . $wiringPi . '</td><td>' . $nom . '</td><td class="label_pin ' . $class . '" ><i class="fa fa-dot-circle-o"></i></td>'; } else { $response['content'] .= '<td class="label_pin ' . $class . '" ><i class="fa fa-dot-circle-o"></i></td><td>' . $nom . '</td><td>' . $wiringPi . '</td></tr>'; } $i++; } } $response['content'] .= '</tbody></table>'; $response['content'] .= '<div class="legende_pins pin_ground"><a href="">ground</a></div><div class="legende_pins pin_power"><a href="">power</a></div><div class="legende_pins pin_gpio"><a href="">gpio</a></div><div class="legende_pins pin_SPI"><a href="">SPI</a></div><div class="legende_pins pin_UART"><a href="">UART</a></div><div class="legende_pins pin_I2C"><a href="">I2C</a></div></tr>'; $response['content'] .= '</pre>'; } else { $response['content'] .= 'Information indisponible sur cet OS :' . PHP_OS; } break; case 'users': $users = array(); if (PHP_OS != 'WINNT') { $users = Monitoring::users(); } $response['title'] = count($users) . ' utilisateurs connectés'; $response['content'] = '<ul>'; foreach ($users as $value) { $response['content'] .= '<li>Utilisateur <strong class="badge">' . $value['user'] . '</strong> IP : <code>' . $value['ip'] . '</code>, Connexion : ' . $value['hour'] . ' </li>'; } $response['content'] .= '</ul>'; break; case 'services': $response['title'] = 'Services'; $services = array(); if (PHP_OS != 'WINNT') { $services = Monitoring::services(); $response['content'] = '<ul>'; foreach ($services as $value) { $response['content'] .= '<li ' . ($value['status'] ? 'class="service-active"' : '') . '>- ' . $value['name'] . '</li>'; } $response['content'] .= '</ul>'; } else { $response['content'] .= 'Information indisponible sur cet OS :' . PHP_OS; } break; case 'hdd': $response['title'] = 'HDD'; $hdds = array(); if (PHP_OS != 'WINNT') { $hdds = Monitoring::hdd(); $response['content'] = '<ul>'; foreach ($hdds as $value) { $response['content'] .= '<li><strong class="badge">' . $value['name'] . '</strong><br><strong> Espace :</strong> ' . $value['used'] . '/' . $value['total'] . '<strong> Format :</strong> ' . $value['format'] . ' </li>'; } $response['content'] .= '</ul>'; } else { $response['content'] .= 'Information indisponible sur cet OS :' . PHP_OS; } break; case 'disk': $response['title'] = 'Disques'; $disks = array(); if (PHP_OS != 'WINNT') { $disks = Monitoring::disks(); $response['content'] = '<ul>'; foreach ($disks as $value) { $response['content'] .= '<li><strong class="badge">' . $value['name'] . '</strong> Statut : ' . $value['size'] . ' Type : ' . $value['type'] . ' Chemin : ' . $value['mountpoint'] . ' </li>'; } $response['content'] .= '</ul>'; } else { $response['content'] .= 'Information indisponible sur cet OS :' . PHP_OS; } break; } echo json_encode($response); exit(0); break; case 'dash_monitoring_plugin_edit': echo '<label>Time Zone</label><input id="zone" type="text">'; break; case 'dash_monitoring_plugin_save': break; case 'dash_monitoring_plugin_delete': break; case 'dash_monitoring_plugin_move': break; } }
exit; } // chargement du content de l'article souhaité $newEvent = new Event(); $event = $newEvent->getById($_['event_id']); if ($_['articleDisplayMode'] == 'content') { //error_log(print_r($_SESSION['events'],true)); $content = $event->getContent(); } else { $content = $event->getDescription(); } echo $content; break; default: require_once "SimplePie.class.php"; Plugin::callHook("action_post_case", array(&$_, $myUser)); //exit('0'); break; //Installation d'un nouveau plugin //Installation d'un nouveau plugin case 'installPlugin': $tempZipName = 'plugins/' . md5(microtime()); echo '<br/>Téléchargement du plugin...'; file_put_contents($tempZipName, file_get_contents(urldecode($_['zip']))); if (file_exists($tempZipName)) { echo '<br/>Plugin téléchargé <span class="label label-success">OK</span>'; echo '<br/>Extraction du plugin...'; $zip = new ZipArchive(); $res = $zip->open($tempZipName); if ($res === TRUE) { $tempZipFolder = $tempZipName . '_';
</button></li> <li><button <?php if ($event->getFavorite()) { ?> class="eventFavorite"<?php } ?> onclick="favorize(this,<?php echo $_GET['event'] . ',\'' . $rootPath . '\''; ?> );"><?php echo !$event->getFavorite() ? 'Favoriser' : 'Défavoriser'; ?> </button></li> <?php Plugin::callHook("leed_browser_toolbar", array(&$events)); ?> <li><button onclick="window.location='<?php echo $_GET['link']; ?> ';">Sortir</button></li> </ul> </div> <iframe id="browser-content" src="<?php echo $_GET['link']; ?> "></iframe> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script src="js/main.js"></script> </body> </html>
function preference_plugin_page() { global $myUser, $_; if (isset($_['section']) && $_['section'] == 'preference' || !isset($_['section'])) { if ($myUser != false) { ?> <div class="span9 userBloc"> <h1>Préférence</h1> <p>Gestion des préférences du programme</p> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li <?php echo isset($_['block']) && $_['block'] == 'global' ? 'class="active"' : ''; ?> ><a href="setting.php?section=preference&block=global"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i> Général</a></li> <?php Plugin::callHook("preference_menu", array()); ?> </ul> <?php if (isset($_['section']) && $_['section'] == 'preference' && @$_['block'] == 'global' || !isset($_['section'])) { if ($myUser != false) { ?> <div class="span9 userBloc"> <table class="table table-striped table-bordered" id="setting_table"> <tr><th>Clé</th><th>Valeur</th><tr> <?php $conf = new Configuration(); $confs = $conf->populate(); foreach ($confs as $value) { $ns = 'conf'; $key = $value->getKey(); $infos = explode(':', $key); if (count($infos) == 2) { list($ns, $key) = $infos; } if ($ns != 'conf') { continue; } echo '<tr><td>' . $key . '</td><td><input class="input-xxlarge" type="text" value="' . $value->getValue() . '" id="' . $value->getId() . '"></td></tr>'; } ?> <tr><td colspan="2"><button type="submit" onclick="save_settings();" class="btn">Modifier</button></td></tr> </table> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div id="main" class="wrapper clearfix"> <article> <h3>Vous devez être connecté</h3> </article> </div> <?php } } Plugin::callHook("preference_content", array()); ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div id="main" class="wrapper clearfix"> <article> <h3>Vous devez être connecté</h3> </article> </div> <?php } } }
<?php require_once 'header.php'; Plugin::callHook("index_pre_treatment", array(&$_)); if (!$myUser) { $view = 'login'; } else { $view = 'index'; //if($conf->get('HOME_PAGE') != '' && $conf->get('HOME_PAGE')!='index.php') //header('location: '.$conf->get('HOME_PAGE')); } require_once 'footer.php';
function dashboard_plugin_actions() { global $myUser, $_, $conf; switch ($_['action']) { case 'GET_WIDGETS': header('Content-type: application/json'); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Dashboard.class.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Widget.class.php'; $dashManager = new Dashboard(); $dashManager->change(array('default' => '0')); $dashManager->change(array('default' => '1'), array('id' => $_['dashboard'])); $widgetManager = new Widget(); $model = array(); Plugin::callHook("widgets", array(&$model)); $widgets = $widgetManager->loadAll(array('dashboard' => $_['dashboard']), 'cell'); $data = array(); foreach ($widgets as $widget) { $data[] = array('data' => $widget->data, 'column' => $widget->column, 'id' => $widget->id, 'cell' => $widget->cell, 'minified' => $widget->minified, 'model' => $widget->model); } echo json_encode(array('model' => $model, 'data' => $data)); break; case 'ADD_WIDGET': header('Content-type: application/json'); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Widget.class.php'; $response = array(); $widget = new Widget(); $widget->data = json_encode($_POST['data']); $widget->column = $_['column']; $widget->cell = $_['cell']; $widget->model = $_['model']; $widget->dashboard = $_['view']; $widget->save(); $response['id'] = $widget->id; echo json_encode($response); break; case 'MINIMIZE_WIDGET': header('Content-type: application/json'); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Widget.class.php'; $response = array(); $widgetManager = new Widget(); $widgetManager = $widgetManager->getById($_['id']); $widgetManager->minified = 1; $widgetManager->save(); echo json_encode($response); break; case 'MAXIMIZE_WIDGET': header('Content-type: application/json'); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Widget.class.php'; $response = array(); $widgetManager = new Widget(); $widgetManager = $widgetManager->getById($_['id']); $widgetManager->minified = 0; $widgetManager->save(); echo json_encode($response); break; case 'MOVE_WIDGET': header('Content-type: application/json'); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Widget.class.php'; $response = array(); $widgetManager = new Widget(); foreach ($_['sort']['cells'] as $id => $sort) { $widgetManager->change(array('cell' => $sort['cell'], 'column' => $sort['column']), array('id' => $id)); } echo json_encode($response); break; case 'DELETE_WIDGET': header('Content-type: application/json'); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Widget.class.php'; $response = array(); $widgetManager = new Widget(); $widgetManager->delete(array('id' => $_['id'])); echo json_encode($response); break; case 'DASH_ADD_VIEW': global $_, $myUser; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Dashboard.class.php'; $entity = new Dashboard(); $entity->user = $myUser->getId(); $entity->label = $_['viewName']; $entity->default = 0; $entity->save(); header('location: setting.php?section=preference&block=dashboard'); break; case 'DASH_DELETE_VIEW': global $_, $myUser; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Dashboard.class.php'; $entity = new Dashboard(); $entity->delete(array('id' => $_['id'])); header('location: setting.php?section=preference&block=dashboard'); break; } }
function vocalinfo_action() { global $_, $conf; switch ($_['action']) { case 'plugin_vocalinfo_save': $commands = json_decode(file_get_contents(Plugin::path() . '/' . VOCALINFO_COMMAND_FILE), true); foreach ($_['config'] as $key => $config) { $commands[$key]['confidence'] = $config['confidence']; $commands[$key]['disabled'] = $config['disabled']; } file_put_contents(Plugin::path() . '/' . VOCALINFO_COMMAND_FILE, json_encode($commands)); echo 'Enregistré'; break; case 'vocalinfo_plugin_setting': $conf->put('plugin_vocalinfo_place', $_['weather_place']); $conf->put('plugin_vocalinfo_woeid', $_['woeid']); header('location:setting.php?section=preference&block=vocalinfo'); break; case 'vocalinfo_sound': global $_; $response = array('responses' => array(array('type' => 'sound', 'file' => $_['sound']))); $json = json_encode($response); echo $json == '[]' ? '{}' : $json; break; case 'vocalinfo_devmod': $response = array('responses' => array(array('type' => 'command', 'program' => 'C:\\Program Files\\Sublime Text 2\\sublime_text.exe'), array('type' => 'talk', 'sentence' => 'Sublim text lancé.'))); $json = json_encode($response); echo $json == '[]' ? '{}' : $json; break; case 'vocalinfo_gpio_diag': $sentence = ''; $gpio = array('actif' => array(), 'inactif' => array()); for ($i = 0; $i < 26; $i++) { $commands = array(); exec("/usr/local/bin/gpio read " . $i, $commands, $return); if (trim($commands[0]) == "1") { $gpio['actif'][] = $i; } else { $gpio['inactif'][] = $i; } } if (count($gpio['actif']) == 0) { $sentence .= 'Tous les GPIO sont inactifs.'; } else { if (count($gpio['inactif']) == 0) { $sentence .= 'Tous les GPIO sont actifs.'; } else { $sentence .= 'GPIO actifs: ' . implode(', ', $gpio['actif']) . '. GPIO inactifs: ' . implode(', ', $gpio['inactif']) . '.'; } } $response = array('responses' => array(array('type' => 'talk', 'sentence' => $sentence))); $json = json_encode($response); echo $json == '[]' ? '{}' : $json; break; case 'vocalinfo_commands': $actionUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $actionUrl = substr($actionUrl, 0, strpos($actionUrl, '?')); $commands = array(); Plugin::callHook("vocal_command", array(&$commands, $actionUrl)); $sentence = 'Je répond aux commandes suivantes: '; foreach ($commands['commands'] as $command) { $sentence .= $command['command'] . '. '; } $response = array('responses' => array(array('type' => 'talk', 'sentence' => $sentence))); $json = json_encode($response); echo $json == '[]' ? '{}' : $json; break; case 'vocalinfo_meteo': global $_; if ($conf->get('plugin_vocalinfo_woeid') != '') { $contents = file_get_contents('' . $conf->get('plugin_vocalinfo_woeid') . '&u=c'); $xml = simplexml_load_string($contents); if (isset($_['today'])) { $weekdays = $xml->xpath('/rss/channel/item/yweather:condition'); } else { $weekdays = $xml->xpath('/rss/channel/item/yweather:forecast'); } //Codes disponibles ici: $textTranslate = array('Showers' => 'des averses', 'Tornado' => 'Attention: Tornade!', 'Hurricane' => 'Attention: Ouragan!', 'Severe thunderstorms' => 'Orages violents', 'Mixed rain and snow' => 'Pluie et neiges', 'Mixed rain and sleet' => 'Pluie et neige fondue', 'Mixed snow and sleet' => 'Neige et neige fondue', 'Freezing drizzle' => 'Bruine verglassant', 'Drizzle' => 'Bruine', 'Freezing rain' => 'Pluie verglassant', 'Showers' => 'Averse', 'Snow flurries' => 'Bourrasque de neige', 'Light snow showers' => 'Averse de neige lègére', 'Blowing snow' => 'Chasse neige', 'Snow' => 'Neige', 'Hail' => 'Grêle', 'Sleet' => 'Neige fondue', 'Dust' => 'Poussière', 'Foggy' => 'Brouillard', 'Smoky' => 'Fumée', 'Blustery' => 'Froid et venteux', 'Windy' => 'Venteux', 'Cold' => 'Froid', 'Cloudy' => 'Nuageux', 'Fair' => 'Ciel dégagé', 'Mixed rain and hail' => 'Pluie et grêle', 'Hot' => 'Chaud', 'Isolated thunderstorms' => 'Orages isolées', 'Scattered showers' => 'Averse éparse', 'Heavy snow' => 'Fortes chutes de neige', 'Scattered snow showers' => 'Averse de neige éparse', 'Thunderstorms' => 'Orages', 'Thundershowers' => 'Grain sous orage violents', 'Isolated thundershowers' => 'Grain sous orage isolées', 'Not available' => 'Non disponible', 'Scattered Thunderstorms' => 'Orages éparses', 'Partly Cloudy' => 'Partiellement nuageux', 'Mostly Sunny' => 'plutot ensoleillé', 'Mostly Cloudy' => 'plutot Nuageux', 'Light Rain' => 'Pluie fine', 'Clear' => 'Temps clair', 'Sunny' => 'ensoleillé', 'Rain/Wind' => 'Pluie et vent', 'Rain' => 'Pluie', 'Wind' => 'Vent', 'Partly Cloudy/Wind' => 'Partiellement nuageux avec du vent'); $dayTranslate = array('Wed' => 'mercredi', 'Sat' => 'samedi', 'Mon' => 'lundi', 'Tue' => 'mardi', 'Thu' => 'jeudi', 'Fri' => 'vendredi', 'Sun' => 'dimanche'); $affirmation = ''; foreach ($weekdays as $day) { if (substr($day['text'], 0, 2) == "AM") { $sub_condition = substr($day['text'], 3); $condition = (isset($textTranslate['' . $sub_condition]) ? $textTranslate['' . $sub_condition] : $sub_condition) . " dans la matinée"; } elseif (substr($day['text'], 0, 2) == "PM") { $sub_condition = substr($day['text'], 3); $condition = (isset($textTranslate['' . $sub_condition]) ? $textTranslate['' . $sub_condition] : $sub_condition) . " dans l'après midi"; } elseif (substr($day['text'], -4) == "Late") { $sub_condition = substr($day['text'], 0, -5); $condition = (isset($textTranslate['' . $sub_condition]) ? $textTranslate['' . $sub_condition] : $sub_condition) . " en fin de journée"; } else { $condition = isset($textTranslate['' . $day['text']]) ? $textTranslate['' . $day['text']] : $day['text']; } if (isset($_['today'])) { $affirmation .= 'Aujourd\'hui ' . $day['temp'] . ' degrés, ' . $condition . ', '; } else { $affirmation .= $dayTranslate['' . $day['day']] . ' de ' . $day['low'] . ' à ' . $day['high'] . ' degrés, ' . $condition . ', '; } } } else { $affirmation = 'Vous devez renseigner votre ville dans les préférences de l\'interface oueb, je ne peux rien vous dire pour le moment.'; } $response = array('responses' => array(array('type' => 'talk', 'sentence' => $affirmation))); $json = json_encode($response); echo $json == '[]' ? '{}' : $json; break; case 'vocalinfo_tv': global $_; libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $contents = file_get_contents('' . date('Y-m-d') . '.xml'); $xml = simplexml_load_string($contents); $emissions = $xml->xpath('/rss/channel/item'); $focus = array(); $time = time(); $date = date('m/d/Y ', $time); $focusedCanals = array('TF1', 'France 2', 'France 3', 'France 4', 'Canal+', 'Arte', 'France 5', 'M6'); foreach ($emissions as $emission) { $item = array(); list($item['canal'], $item['hour'], $item['title']) = explode(' | ', $emission->title); $itemTime = strtotime($date . $item['hour']); if ($itemTime >= $time - 3600 && $itemTime <= $time + 3600 && in_array($item['canal'], $focusedCanals)) { if (isset($_['category']) && $_['category'] == '' . $emission->category || !isset($_['category'])) { $item['category'] = '' . $emission->category; $item['description'] = strip_tags('' . $emission->description); $focus[$item['title'] . $item['canal']][] = $item; } } } $affirmation = ''; $response = array(); foreach ($focus as $emission) { $nb = count($emission); $emission = $emission[0]; $affirmation = array(); $affirmation['type'] = 'talk'; //$affirmation['style'] = 'slow'; $affirmation['sentence'] = ($nb > 1 ? $nb . ' ' : '') . ucfirst($emission['category']) . ', ' . $emission['title'] . ' à ' . $emission['hour'] . ' sur ' . $emission['canal']; $response['responses'][] = $affirmation; } $json = json_encode($response); echo $json == '[]' ? '{}' : $json; break; case 'vocalinfo_hour': global $_; $affirmation = 'Il est ' . date('H:i'); $response = array('responses' => array(array('type' => 'talk', 'sentence' => $affirmation))); $json = json_encode($response); echo $json == '[]' ? '{}' : $json; break; case 'vocalinfo_day': global $_; $affirmation = 'Nous sommes le ' . date('d/m/Y'); $response = array('responses' => array(array('type' => 'talk', 'sentence' => $affirmation))); $json = json_encode($response); echo $json == '[]' ? '{}' : $json; break; case 'vocalinfo_wikipedia': global $_; $url = '' . $_['word'] . '&format=json&prop=text§ion=0'; $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr-FR; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/"); // required by server; use YOUR user agent with YOUR contact information. (otherwise your IP might get blocked) $c = curl_exec($ch); $json = json_decode($c); $content = $json->{'parse'}->{'text'}->{'*'}; // get the main text content of the query (it's parsed HTML) $affirmation = strip_tags(str_replace(' ', ' ', $content)); // ' ' is a space, but is not recognized by yana trying to read "160" $response = array('responses' => array(array('type' => 'talk', 'sentence' => $affirmation))); $json = json_encode($response); echo $json == '[]' ? '{}' : $json; break; case 'vocalinfo_mood': global $_; $possible_answers = array('parfaitement', 'ça pourrait aller mieux', 'ça roule mon pote !', 'nickel', 'pourquoi cette question ?'); $affirmation = $possible_answers[rand(0, count($possible_answers) - 1)]; $response = array('responses' => array(array('type' => 'talk', 'sentence' => $affirmation))); $json = json_encode($response); echo $json == '[]' ? '{}' : $json; break; } }
function common_listen($command, $text, $confidence, $user) { echo "\n" . 'diction de la commande : ' . $command; $response = array(); Plugin::callHook("vocal_command", array(&$response, YANA_URL . '/action.php')); $commands = array(); echo "\n" . 'Test de comparaison avec ' . count($response['commands']) . ' commandes'; foreach ($response['commands'] as $cmd) { if ($command != $cmd['command']) { continue; } if (!isset($cmd['parameters'])) { $cmd['parameters'] = array(); } if (isset($cmd['callback'])) { //Catch des commandes pour les plugins en format client v2 echo "\n" . 'Commande trouvée, execution de la fonction plugin ' . $cmd['callback']; call_user_func($cmd['callback'], $text, $confidence, $cmd['parameters'], $user); } else { //Catch des commandes pour les plugins en format client v1 echo "\n" . 'Commande ancien format trouvée, execution de l\'url ' . $cmd['url'] . '&token=' . $user->getToken(); $result = file_get_contents($cmd['url'] . '&token=' . $user->getToken()); $result = json_decode($result, true); if (is_array($result)) { $client = new Client(); $client->connect(); foreach ($result['responses'] as $resp) { switch ($resp['type']) { case 'talk': $client->talk($resp['sentence']); break; case 'sound': $client->sound($resp['file']); break; case 'command': $client->execute($resp['program']); break; } } $client->disconnect(); } } } }