Пример #1
 function worldMap()
     if (!Piwik_PluginsManager::getInstance()->isPluginActivated('UserCountry')) {
         return '';
     $idSite = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('idSite', 1, 'int');
     $period = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('period');
     $date = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('date');
     $token_auth = Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
     $view = Piwik_View::factory('worldmap');
     $view->dataUrl = "?module=API" . "&method=API.getProcessedReport&format=XML" . "&apiModule=UserCountry&apiAction=getCountry" . "&idSite=" . $idSite . "&period=" . $period . "&date=" . $date . "&token_auth=" . $token_auth . "&segment=" . Piwik_Common::unsanitizeInputValue(Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('segment', '')) . "&filter_limit=-1";
     // definition of the color scale
     $view->hueMin = 218;
     $view->hueMax = 216;
     $view->satMin = "0.285";
     $view->satMax = "0.9";
     $view->lgtMin = ".97";
     $view->lgtMax = ".44";
     $request = new Piwik_API_Request('method=API.getMetadata&format=PHP' . '&apiModule=UserCountry&apiAction=getCountry' . '&idSite=' . $idSite . '&period=' . $period . '&date=' . $date . '&token_auth=' . $token_auth . '&filter_limit=-1');
     $metaData = $request->process();
     $metrics = array();
     foreach ($metaData[0]['metrics'] as $id => $val) {
         if (Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('period') == 'day' || $id != 'nb_uniq_visitors') {
             $metrics[] = array($id, $val);
     foreach ($metaData[0]['processedMetrics'] as $id => $val) {
         $metrics[] = array($id, $val);
     $view->metrics = $metrics;
     $view->defaultMetric = 'nb_visits';
     echo $view->render();
Пример #2
 public function render()
     try {
         $this->currentModule = Piwik::getModule();
         $this->currentPluginName = Piwik::getCurrentPlugin()->getName();
         $this->userLogin = Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin();
         $showWebsiteSelectorInUserInterface = Zend_Registry::get('config')->General->show_website_selector_in_user_interface;
         if ($showWebsiteSelectorInUserInterface) {
             $sites = Piwik_SitesManager_API::getSitesWithAtLeastViewAccess();
             usort($sites, create_function('$site1, $site2', 'return strcasecmp($site1["name"], $site2["name"]);'));
             $this->sites = $sites;
         $this->showWebsiteSelectorInUserInterface = $showWebsiteSelectorInUserInterface;
         $this->url = Piwik_Url::getCurrentUrl();
         $this->token_auth = Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
         $this->userHasSomeAdminAccess = Piwik::isUserHasSomeAdminAccess();
         $this->userIsSuperUser = Piwik::isUserIsSuperUser();
         $this->piwik_version = Piwik_Version::VERSION;
         $this->latest_version_available = Piwik_UpdateCheck::isNewestVersionAvailable();
         $this->loginModule = Zend_Registry::get('auth')->getName();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // can fail, for example at installation (no plugin loaded yet)
     $this->totalTimeGeneration = Zend_Registry::get('timer')->getTime();
     try {
         $this->totalNumberOfQueries = Piwik::getQueryCount();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->totalNumberOfQueries = 0;
     header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
     header("Pragma: ");
     header("Cache-Control: no-store, must-revalidate");
     return $this->smarty->fetch($this->template);
Пример #3
 function testClearspring()
     $view = Piwik_View::factory('test_widget');
     $view->url1 = Piwik_Url::getCurrentUrlWithoutQueryString() . '?module=Widgetize&action=iframe&moduleToWidgetize=Referers&actionToWidgetize=getKeywords&idSite=1&period=day&date=yesterday&filter_limit=5&token_auth=' . Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
     $view->url2 = Piwik_Url::getCurrentUrlWithoutQueryString() . '?module=Widgetize&action=iframe&moduleToWidgetize=VisitTime&actionToWidgetize=getVisitInformationPerServerTime&idSite=1&period=day&date=yesterday&viewDataTable=graphVerticalBar&show_footer=0&token_auth=' . Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
     $view->url3 = Piwik_Url::getCurrentUrlWithoutQueryString() . '?module=Widgetize&action=iframe&moduleToWidgetize=Referers&actionToWidgetize=getKeywords&idSite=1&period=day&date=yesterday&viewDataTable=cloud&show_footer=1&filter_limit=15&show_search=false&token_auth=' . Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
     echo $view->render();
Пример #4
 public function widget($fetch = false)
     $view = Piwik_View::factory('index');
     $view->idSite = $this->idSite;
     $view = $this->setCounters($view);
     $view->liveRefreshAfterMs = (int) Piwik_Config::getInstance()->General['live_widget_refresh_after_seconds'] * 1000;
     $view->visitors = $this->getLastVisitsStart($fetchPlease = true);
     $view->liveTokenAuth = Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
     return $this->render($view, $fetch);
Пример #5
	public function widget($fetch = false)
		$view = Piwik_View::factory('index');
		$view->idSite = $this->idSite;
		$view = $this->setCounters($view);
		$view->liveRefreshAfterMs = (int)Zend_Registry::get('config')->General->live_widget_refresh_after_seconds * 1000;
		$view->visitors = $this->getLastVisitsStart($fetchPlease = true);
		$view->liveTokenAuth = Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
		return $this->render($view, $fetch);
Пример #6
 public function testAllSizes()
     $view = Piwik_View::factory('debug_graphs_all_sizes');
     $period = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('period', 'day', 'string');
     $date = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('date', 'today', 'string');
     $_GET['token_auth'] = Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
     $availableReports = Piwik_API_API::getInstance()->getReportMetadata($this->idSite, $period, $date);
     $view->availableReports = $availableReports;
     $view->graphTypes = array('');
     $view->graphSizes = array(array(null, null), array(Piwik_ReportRenderer::IMAGE_GRAPH_WIDTH, Piwik_ReportRenderer::IMAGE_GRAPH_HEIGHT), array(460, 150), array(300, 150), array(240, 150), array(800, 150), array(600, 300, $fontSize = 18, 300, 150));
     echo $view->render();
Пример #7
  * Returns a HTML page containing help for all the successfully loaded APIs.
  *  For each module it will return a mini help with the method names, parameters to give,
  * links to get the result in Xml/Csv/etc
  * @param bool    $outputExampleUrls
  * @param string  $prefixUrls
  * @return string
 public function getAllInterfaceString($outputExampleUrls = true, $prefixUrls = '')
     if (!empty($prefixUrls)) {
         $prefixUrls = 'http://demo.piwik.org/';
     $str = $toc = '';
     $token_auth = "&token_auth=" . Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
     $parametersToSet = array('idSite' => Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('idSite', 1, 'int'), 'period' => Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('period', 'day', 'string'), 'date' => Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('date', 'today', 'string'));
     foreach (Piwik_API_Proxy::getInstance()->getMetadata() as $class => $info) {
         $moduleName = Piwik_API_Proxy::getInstance()->getModuleNameFromClassName($class);
         if (in_array($moduleName, $this->modulesToHide)) {
         $toc .= "<a href='#{$moduleName}'>{$moduleName}</a><br/>";
         $str .= "\n<h2 name='{$moduleName}' id='{$moduleName}'>Module " . $moduleName . "</h2>";
         $str .= "<div class='apiDescription'> " . $info['__documentation'] . " </div>";
         foreach ($info as $methodName => $infoMethod) {
             if ($methodName == '__documentation') {
             $params = $this->getParametersString($class, $methodName);
             $str .= "\n <div class='apiMethod'>- <b>{$moduleName}.{$methodName} </b>" . $params . "";
             $str .= '<small>';
             if ($outputExampleUrls) {
                 // we prefix all URLs with $prefixUrls
                 // used when we include this output in the Piwik official documentation for example
                 $str .= "<span class=\"example\">";
                 $exampleUrl = $this->getExampleUrl($class, $methodName, $parametersToSet);
                 if ($exampleUrl !== false) {
                     $lastNUrls = '';
                     if (preg_match('/(&period)|(&date)/', $exampleUrl)) {
                         $exampleUrlRss1 = $prefixUrls . $this->getExampleUrl($class, $methodName, array('date' => 'last10', 'period' => 'day') + $parametersToSet);
                         $exampleUrlRss2 = $prefixUrls . $this->getExampleUrl($class, $methodName, array('date' => 'last5', 'period' => 'week') + $parametersToSet);
                         $lastNUrls = ",\tRSS of the last <a target=_blank href='{$exampleUrlRss1}&format=rss{$token_auth}&translateColumnNames=1'>10 days</a>";
                     $exampleUrl = $prefixUrls . $exampleUrl;
                     $str .= " [ Example in  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a target=_blank href='{$exampleUrl}&format=xml{$token_auth}'>XML</a>, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a target=_blank href='{$exampleUrl}&format=JSON{$token_auth}'>Json</a>, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a target=_blank href='{$exampleUrl}&format=Tsv{$token_auth}&translateColumnNames=1'>Tsv (Excel)</a> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$lastNUrls}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t]";
                 } else {
                     $str .= " [ No example available ]";
                 $str .= "</span>";
             $str .= '</small>';
             $str .= "</div>\n";
         $str .= '<div style="margin:15px;"><a href="#topApiRef" style="color:#95AECB">↑ Back to top</a></div>';
     $str = "<h2 id='topApiRef' name='topApiRef'>Quick access to APIs</h2> \n\t\t\t\t{$toc} \n\t\t\t\t{$str}";
     return $str;
Пример #8
  * Saves the layout for the current user
  * anonymous = in the session
  * authenticated user = in the DB
 public function saveLayout()
     $layout = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('layout');
     $idDashboard = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('idDashboard', 1, 'int');
     $currentUser = Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin();
     if (Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('token_auth', false) != Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth()) {
     if ($currentUser == 'anonymous') {
         $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace("Piwik_Dashboard");
         $session->dashboardLayout = $layout;
     } else {
         $this->saveLayoutForUser($currentUser, $idDashboard, $layout);
Пример #9
  * Renders the current view.
  * @return string Generated template
 public function render()
     try {
         $this->currentModule = Piwik::getModule();
         $this->currentAction = Piwik::getAction();
         $userLogin = Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin();
         $this->userLogin = $userLogin;
         // workaround for #1331
         $count = method_exists('Piwik', 'getWebsitesCountToDisplay') ? Piwik::getWebsitesCountToDisplay() : 1;
         $sites = Piwik_SitesManager_API::getInstance()->getSitesWithAtLeastViewAccess($count);
         usort($sites, create_function('$site1, $site2', 'return strcasecmp($site1["name"], $site2["name"]);'));
         $this->sites = $sites;
         $this->url = Piwik_Common::sanitizeInputValue(Piwik_Url::getCurrentUrl());
         $this->token_auth = Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
         $this->userHasSomeAdminAccess = Piwik::isUserHasSomeAdminAccess();
         $this->userIsSuperUser = Piwik::isUserIsSuperUser();
         $this->latest_version_available = Piwik_UpdateCheck::isNewestVersionAvailable();
         $this->disableLink = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('disableLink', 0, 'int');
         $this->isWidget = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('widget', 0, 'int');
         if (Zend_Registry::get('config')->General->autocomplete_min_sites <= count($sites)) {
             $this->show_autocompleter = true;
         } else {
             $this->show_autocompleter = false;
         // workaround for #1331
         $this->loginModule = method_exists('Piwik', 'getLoginPluginName') ? Piwik::getLoginPluginName() : 'Login';
         $user = Piwik_UsersManager_API::getInstance()->getUser($userLogin);
         $this->userAlias = $user['alias'];
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // can fail, for example at installation (no plugin loaded yet)
     $this->totalTimeGeneration = Zend_Registry::get('timer')->getTime();
     try {
         $this->totalNumberOfQueries = Piwik::getQueryCount();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->totalNumberOfQueries = 0;
     // workaround for #1331
     if (method_exists('Piwik', 'overrideCacheControlHeaders')) {
     @header('Content-Type: ' . $this->contentType);
     if ($this->xFrameOptions) {
         @header('X-Frame-Options: ' . $this->xFrameOptions);
     return $this->smarty->fetch($this->template);
Пример #10
  * Returns a HTML page containing help for all the successfully loaded APIs.
  *  For each module it will return a mini help with the method names, parameters to give, 
  * links to get the result in Xml/Csv/etc
  * @return string
 public function getAllInterfaceString($outputExampleUrls = true, $prefixUrls = '')
     $str = '';
     $token_auth = "&token_auth=" . Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
     $parametersToSet = array('idSite' => Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('idSite', 1, 'int'), 'period' => Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('period', 'day', 'string'), 'date' => Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('date', 'today', 'string'));
     foreach (Piwik_API_Proxy::getInstance()->getMetadata() as $class => $info) {
         $moduleName = Piwik_API_Proxy::getInstance()->getModuleNameFromClassName($class);
         $str .= "\n<h2 id='{$moduleName}'>Module " . $moduleName . "</h2>";
         foreach ($info as $methodName => $infoMethod) {
             $params = $this->getStrListParameters($class, $methodName);
             $str .= "\n" . "- <b>{$moduleName}.{$methodName} " . $params . "</b>";
             $str .= '<small>';
             if ($outputExampleUrls) {
                 // we prefix all URLs with $prefixUrls
                 // used when we include this output in the Piwik official documentation for example
                 $str .= "<span class=\"example\">";
                 $exampleUrl = $this->getExampleUrl($class, $methodName, $parametersToSet);
                 if ($exampleUrl !== false) {
                     $lastNUrls = '';
                     if (preg_match('/(&period)|(&date)/', $exampleUrl)) {
                         $exampleUrlRss1 = $prefixUrls . $this->getExampleUrl($class, $methodName, array('date' => 'last10') + $parametersToSet);
                         $exampleUrlRss2 = $prefixUrls . $this->getExampleUrl($class, $methodName, array('date' => 'last5', 'period' => 'week') + $parametersToSet);
                         $lastNUrls = ",\tRSS of the last <a target=_blank href='{$exampleUrlRss1}&format=rss{$token_auth}'>10 days</a>, <a target=_blank href='{$exampleUrlRss2}&format=Rss'>5 weeks</a>,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tXML of the <a target=_blank href='{$exampleUrlRss1}&format=xml{$token_auth}'>last 10 days</a>";
                     $exampleUrl = $prefixUrls . $exampleUrl;
                     $str .= " [ Example in  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a target=_blank href='{$exampleUrl}&format=xml{$token_auth}'>XML</a>, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a target=_blank href='{$exampleUrl}&format=PHP&prettyDisplay=true{$token_auth}'>PHP</a>, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a target=_blank href='{$exampleUrl}&format=JSON{$token_auth}'>Json</a>, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a target=_blank href='{$exampleUrl}&format=Csv{$token_auth}'>Csv</a>, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a target=_blank href='{$exampleUrl}&format=Html{$token_auth}'>Basic html</a> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$lastNUrls}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t]";
                 } else {
                     $str .= " [ No example available ]";
                 $str .= "</span>";
             $str .= '</small>';
             $str .= "\n<br>";
     return $str;
Пример #11
    function getKeywordsForPage()
        $requestUrl = '&date=previous1' . '&period=week' . '&idSite=' . $this->idSite;
        $topPageUrlRequest = $requestUrl . '&method=Actions.getPageUrls' . '&filter_limit=50' . '&format=original';
        $request = new Piwik_API_Request($topPageUrlRequest);
        $request = $request->process();
        $tables = $request->getArray();
        $topPageUrls = $tables[key($tables)];
        $topPageUrls = $topPageUrls->getRowsMetadata('url');
        $topPageUrl = current(array_values($topPageUrls));
        if (empty($topPageUrl)) {
            $topPageUrl = $this->site->getMainUrl();
        $url = $topPageUrl;
        // HTML
        $api = Piwik_Url::getCurrentUrlWithoutFileName() . '?module=API&method=Referers.getKeywordsForPageUrl' . '&format=php' . '&filter_limit=10' . '&token_auth=' . Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
        $api .= $requestUrl;
        $code = '
// This function will call the API to get best keyword for current URL.
// Then it writes the list of best keywords in a HTML list
function DisplayTopKeywords($url = "")
	// Do not spend more than 1 second fetching the data
	@ini_set("default_socket_timeout", $timeout = 1);
	// Get the Keywords data
	$url = empty($url) ? "http://". $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] : $url;
	$api = "' . $api . '&url=" . urlencode($url);
	$keywords = @unserialize(file_get_contents($api));
	if($keywords === false || isset($keywords["result"])) {
		// DEBUG ONLY: uncomment for troubleshooting an empty output (the URL output reveals the token_auth)
		// echo "Error while fetching the <a href=\'$api\'>Top Keywords from Piwik</a>";

	// Display the list in HTML
	$output = "<h2>Top Keywords for <a href=\'$url\'>$url</a></h2><ul>";
	foreach($keywords as $keyword) {
		$output .= "<li>". $keyword[0]. "</li>";
	if(empty($keywords)) { $output .= "Nothing yet..."; }
	$output .= "</ul>";
	echo $output;
        $jsonRequest = str_replace('format=php', 'format=json', $api);
        echo "<p>This widget is designed to work in your website directly.\n\t\tThis widget makes it easy to use Piwik to <i>automatically display the list of Top Keywords</i>, for each of your website Page URLs.</p>\n\t\t<p>\n\t\t<b>Example API URL</b> - For example if you would like to get the top 10 keywords, used last week, to land on the page <a target='_blank' href='{$topPageUrl}'>{$topPageUrl}</a>,\n\t\tin format JSON: you would dynamically fetch the data using <a target='_blank' href='{$jsonRequest}&url=" . urlencode($topPageUrl) . "'>this API request URL</a>. Make sure you encode the 'url' parameter in the URL.</p>\n\t\t\n\t\t<p><b>PHP Function ready to use!</b> - If you use PHP on your website, we have prepared a small code snippet that you can copy paste in your Website PHP files. You can then simply call the function <code>DisplayTopKeywords();</code> anywhere in your template, at the bottom of the content or in your blog sidebar.\n\t\tIf you run this code in your page {$topPageUrl}, it would output the following:";
        echo "<div style='width:400px;margin-left:20px;padding:10px;border:1px solid black;'>";
        function DisplayTopKeywords($url = "", $api)
            // Do not spend more than 1 second fetching the data
            @ini_set("default_socket_timeout", $timeout = 1);
            // Get the Keywords data
            $url = empty($url) ? "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] : $url;
            $api = $api . "&url=" . urlencode($url);
            $keywords = @unserialize(file_get_contents($api));
            if ($keywords === false || isset($keywords["result"])) {
                // DEBUG ONLY: uncomment for troubleshooting an empty output (the URL output reveals the token_auth)
                //echo "Error while fetching the <a href=\'".$api."\'>Top Keywords from Piwik</a>";
            // Display the list in HTML
            $output = "<h2>Top Keywords for <a href=\\'{$url}\\'>{$url}</a></h2><ul>";
            foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
                $output .= "<li>" . $keyword[0] . "</li>";
            if (empty($keywords)) {
                $output .= "Nothing yet...";
            $output .= "</ul>";
            echo $output;
        DisplayTopKeywords($topPageUrl, $api);
        echo "</div><br/>\n\t\t<p>Here is the PHP function that you can paste in your pages:</P>\n\t\t<textarea cols=60 rows=8>&lt;?php\n" . htmlspecialchars($code) . "\n DisplayTopKeywords();</textarea>\n\t\t";
        echo "\n\t\t<p><b>Notes</b>: You can for example edit the code to to make the Top search keywords link to your Website search result pages.\n\t\t<br/>On medium to large traffic websites, we recommend to cache this data, as to minimize the performance impact of calling the Piwik API on each page view.\n\t\t</p>\n\t\t";
Пример #12
  * Checks that the specified token matches the current logged in user token.
  * Note: this protection against CSRF should be limited to controller
  * actions that are either invoked via AJAX or redirect to a page
  * within the site.  The token should never appear in the browser's
  * address bar.
  * @throws Piwik_Access_NoAccessException  if token doesn't match
  * @return void
 protected function checkTokenInUrl()
     if (Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('token_auth', false) != Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth()) {
         throw new Piwik_Access_NoAccessException(Piwik_TranslateException('General_ExceptionInvalidToken'));
	 * Returns a HTML page containing help for all the successfully loaded APIs.
	 *  For each module it will return a mini help with the method names, parameters to give, 
	 * links to get the result in Xml/Csv/etc
	 * @return string
	public function getAllInterfaceString( $outputExampleUrls = true, $prefixUrls = '' )
		$str = $toc = '';
		$token_auth = "&token_auth=" . Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
		$parametersToSet = array(
								'idSite' 	=> Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('idSite', 1, 'int'),
								'period' 	=> Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('period', 'day', 'string'),
								'date'		=> Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('date', 'today', 'string')
		foreach(Piwik_API_Proxy::getInstance()->getMetadata() as $class => $info)
			$moduleName = Piwik_API_Proxy::getInstance()->getModuleNameFromClassName($class);
			if(in_array($moduleName, $this->modulesToHide))
			$toc .= "<a href='#$moduleName'>$moduleName</a><br/>";
			$str .= "\n<h2 name='$moduleName' id='$moduleName'>Module ".$moduleName."</h2>";
			$str .= "<div class='apiDescription'> ".$info['__documentation'] . " </div>";
			foreach($info as $methodName => $infoMethod)
				$params = $this->getParametersString($class, $methodName);
				$str .= "\n <div class='apiMethod'>- <b>$moduleName.$methodName </b>" . $params . "";
				$str .= '<small>';
					// we prefix all URLs with $prefixUrls
					// used when we include this output in the Piwik official documentation for example
					$str .= "<span class=\"example\">";
					$exampleUrl = $this->getExampleUrl($class, $methodName, $parametersToSet);
					if($exampleUrl !== false)
						$lastNUrls = '';
						if( preg_match('/(&period)|(&date)/',$exampleUrl))
							$exampleUrlRss1 = $prefixUrls . $this->getExampleUrl($class, $methodName, array('date' => 'last10', 'period' => 'day') + $parametersToSet) ;
							$exampleUrlRss2 = $prefixUrls . $this->getExampleUrl($class, $methodName, array('date' => 'last5','period' => 'week',) + $parametersToSet );
							$lastNUrls = ",	RSS of the last <a target=_blank href='$exampleUrlRss1&format=rss$token_auth'>10 days</a>";
						$exampleUrl = $prefixUrls . $exampleUrl ;
						$str .= " [ Example in  
									<a target=_blank href='$exampleUrl&format=xml$token_auth'>XML</a>, 
									<a target=_blank href='$exampleUrl&format=JSON$token_auth'>Json</a>, 
									<a target=_blank href='$exampleUrl&format=Tsv$token_auth'>Tsv (Excel)</a> 
						$str .= " [ No example available ]";
					$str .= "</span>";
				$str .= '</small>';
				$str .= "</div>\n";
		$str = "<h2>Quick access to APIs</h2> 
		return $str;
Пример #14
  * View factory method
  * @param string $templateName Template name (e.g., 'index')
  * @param int $viewType     View type (e.g., Piwik_View::CLI)
 public static function factory($templateName = null, $viewType = null)
     if ($templateName == self::COREUPDATER_ONE_CLICK_DONE) {
         return new Piwik_View_OneClickDone(Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth());
     Piwik_PostEvent('View.getViewType', $viewType);
     // get caller
     $bt = @debug_backtrace();
     if ($bt === null || !isset($bt[0])) {
         throw new Exception("View factory cannot be invoked");
     $path = dirname($bt[0]['file']);
     // determine best view type
     if ($viewType === null) {
         if (Piwik_Common::isPhpCliMode()) {
             $viewType = self::CLI;
         } else {
             $viewType = self::STANDARD;
     // get template filename
     if ($viewType == self::CLI) {
         $templateFile = $path . '/templates/cli_' . $templateName . '.tpl';
         if (file_exists($templateFile)) {
             return new Piwik_View($templateFile, array(), false);
         $viewType = self::STANDARD;
     if ($viewType == self::MOBILE) {
         $templateFile = $path . '/templates/mobile_' . $templateName . '.tpl';
         if (!file_exists($templateFile)) {
             $viewType = self::STANDARD;
     if ($viewType != self::MOBILE) {
         $templateFile = $path . '/templates/' . $templateName . '.tpl';
     // Specified template not found
     // We allow for no specified template
     if (!empty($templateName) && !file_exists($templateFile)) {
         throw new Exception('Template not found: ' . $templateFile);
     return new Piwik_View($templateFile);
Пример #15
 private function checkTokenInUrl()
     if (Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('token_auth', false) != Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth()) {
         throw new Piwik_Access_NoAccessException('Token is not valid.');
Пример #16

$token = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('token_auth', false);
if(	empty($_GET['choice']) 
	|| $_GET['choice'] != 'yes'
	|| $token != Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth()) 
    echo "<div style='color:red;font-size:large'>WARNING!</div> <br>You are about to generate fake visits which will be recorded in your Piwik database.
    <br>It will <b>not</b> be possible to easily delete these visits from the piwik logs.
    <br><br>Are you sure you want to generate fake visits?
    <a href='../index.php'><b>NO</b>, I do not want to generate fake visits</a>
    <a href='?choice=yes&token_auth=".Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth()."'><b>YES</b>, I want to generate fake visits</a>
    Note: you can edit the source code of this file to specify how many visits to generate, how many days, etc.

$idSite = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('idSite', $idSite, 'int');
require_once "PluginsManager.php";
require_once "Tracker.php";


// we have to unload the Provider plugin otherwise it tries to lookup the IP for ahostname, and there is no dns server here
Пример #17
 private function generateVisits($time = false, $idSite = 1)
     $logs = $this->getAccessLog();
     if (empty($time)) {
         $time = time();
     $date = date("Y-m-d", $time);
     $acceptLanguages = array("el,fi;q=0.5", "de-de,de;q=0.8,en-us", "pl,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=", "zh-cn", "fr-ca", "en-us", "en-gb", "fr-be", "fr,de-ch;q=0.5", "fr", "fr-ch", "fr");
     $prefix = Piwik_Url::getCurrentUrlWithoutFileName() . "piwik.php";
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($logs as $log) {
         if (!preg_match('/^(\\S+) \\S+ \\S+ \\[(.*?)\\] "GET (\\S+.*?)" \\d+ \\d+ "(.*?)" "(.*?)"/', $log, $m)) {
         $ip = $m[1];
         $time = $m[2];
         $url = $m[3];
         $referrer = $m[4];
         $ua = $m[5];
         $start = strpos($url, 'piwik.php?') + strlen('piwik.php?');
         $url = substr($url, $start, strrpos($url, " ") - $start);
         $datetime = $date . " " . Piwik_Date::factory($time)->toString("H:i:s");
         $ip = strlen($ip) < 10 ? "" : $ip;
         // Force date/ip & authenticate
         $url .= "&cdt=" . urlencode($datetime);
         if (strpos($url, 'cip') === false) {
             $url .= "&cip=" . $ip;
         $url .= "&token_auth=" . Piwik::getCurrentUserTokenAuth();
         $url = $prefix . "?" . $url;
         // Make order IDs unique per day
         $url = str_replace("ec_id=", "ec_id={$date}-", $url);
         // Disable provider plugin
         $url .= "&dp=1";
         // Replace idsite
         $url = preg_replace("/idsite=[0-9]+/", "idsite={$idSite}", $url);
         $acceptLanguage = $acceptLanguages[$count % count($acceptLanguages)];
         if ($output = Piwik_Http::sendHttpRequest($url, $timeout = 5, $ua, $path = null, $follow = 0, $acceptLanguage)) {
             //				var_dump($output);
         //			echo "IP=". $ip; echo "<br>";
         //			echo "Date=". $datetime; echo "<br>";
         //			echo "URL=". $url; echo "<br>";
         //			echo "Referrer=". $referrer; echo "<br>";
         //			echo "UserAgent=". $ua; echo "<br>";
         //			echo "<hr>";
         //			var_dump($url);
         if ($count == 2) {
             //				return $count;
     return $count;